LunarOScopes, 08 Nov Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon: Another TOTAL Game Changer

“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham


TOTAL Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in TAURUS, 16 degs

6:02amEST, 3:02amPST; 08 November, Let’s REALLY Release & Reflect

With any Full Moon, our Sun & Moon have reached opposition within the Zodiac sky above. Naturally, the emotions and feelings of humanity energetically rise up just like the oceans’ tides equally reflect down here below. Taurus now calls to heal and feel with a persistent imagination and deep-rooted instinct.

Our Moon wanes past 16 degrees Taurus through Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio until 2022’s 12th New Moon at 01 degrees Sagittarius, arrives 23 November. This natural passage at this monthly exact opposition moment favors to let go, review, honor and heal on a personal level within our individual experiences throughout one half of our natal charts alongside the collective’s.

TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE channels Healing & Release until Autumn 2023

We continue to be advised to work with concern surrounding what’s arriving at conclusions within our lives as Honoring Healing For Our Feelings requires our distinct soul attention to allow our personal experiences to be in certainty versus frustrations.

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Where is Your Sun Sign specifically meant to embrace riveting reflection via PRACTICAL LISTENING, Dear Star?

THE STORM BREWS UP FOR THE COLLECTIVE. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN FOR HUMANITY & AMERICA? Find out how this 2nd of 7 INTENSE Full Moons coupled with a “Full of Surprises” TOTAL Lunar Eclipse, deeply affects the nation ONLY on Soul Certainty Community.

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Follow Sharita for making your valuable timing decisions all week long. Each week she provides the specific details, energetic pulse and what you always need to know! Always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs are in play when scheduling all and any matters of importance.

“There is a moon inside every human being. Learn to become companions with it.” ~Rumi

LunarOScopes, 01 Oct Aries Full Moon, Let’s Really Release

Crying Out to Heal Our Wounds
Full Moon in Aries

5:05pmEDT, 01 October, Let’s Really Release & Reflect

Waning Phases always favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie. This month our request peaks from 09 degrees Aries, to wane through Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo until the first New Moon of Autumn and tenth for 2020 arrives at 23 degrees Libra 16 October. This tenth Full Moon of the new decade, 2020 and first for our Autumn season casts us into intensified reflection that is already in progress from where The Ram seeks for independent means of honoring a keen and active imagination within our lives.

Reflection, interruptions and the rerouting of all routines continues to reign loudly within the world as we are now getting into the thick of Mars Retrograde in Aries, 09 September to 13 November. We have been strongly reconsidering our emerging selves, approaches to life, self-confidence and overall appearances to the world. As the entire globe has been summoned to deeply re-examine the motivations, desires, abilities to take action within our lives as well as take a good look at ourselves during this more than serious and absolutely aggressive cycle of reflection, our preview of upcoming Mercury Retrograde attractions (13 October to 03 November) has also already started its’ Approach upon 25 September. We all will need to embrace intense review and commitment to reflection versus embark upon any important initiation or major launch of any matters of importance for long term success, as Mars Retrograde does not support them for ensured sustainability. As the Approach to Mercury Retrograde is engaged, this waning phase is riddled with more intensities that will attempt to completely overwhelm and emotionally consume us. Personal resilience is absolutely key to navigate it with soul success.

This month’s reflective energy seeks for us to once again fully understand via our continuing unfolding story of intense global realizations, where we need to be personally cultivating our own need to reset the understanding of who “I AM.” As we continue to embrace 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected experience, the “never going back again” message now demonstratively speaks the most abruptly it has all year long of how we are surrendering the past so humanity can become reborn.  

Honoring the power of allowing our oldest wounds to surface so they can be properly healed, addressed and faced head on: we will need our greatest internal source of courage in order to do so. Our lunar energy completely beckons that in order to thrive versus merely survive: our focus has to be upon the spiritual and healing aspects of our lives or we are absolutely promised to suffer otherwise. We must continue to learn from our experiences to further embrace Autumn’s Sounding of the Moderation Alarm especially relating to our individual, independent and enthusiastic natures we have within Aries. While all Full Moons of 2020 have layered in intense callings of release: this one is gripped in the most conflicting, combative, and aggressive collective energies that must be extremely and carefully filtered in order to not become swept away in complete emotional overwhelm.

This Full Moon peaking at 09 degrees Aries, reigns in a more than revealing and uprooting of what we thought the past was in truth. The veil is extremely lifted to bring forward immense conclusions and finalizations that seek our spiritual discernment to completely digest these oldest wounds in our lives, grieve them, and allow ourselves to intensely heal. As this Full Moon peak conjuncts Chiron Retrograde in Aries, it will trigger a more than walloping release upon the planet that is only properly addressed by going within, amplifying our soul’s critical need for stillness, versus become full absorbed by what is happening outside of us. 

The undeniable heeding of Staying in Your Own Lane is extremely serious to understand in order to avoid unfortunate outcomes otherwise surrounding this alarming Full Moon time. Equally as this waning phase begins, by Friday, 02 October, the waning Aries Moon conjuncts Mars Retrograde in Aries that will make those emotionally unaware appear to be completely off with their heads. As the Aries Moon Void of Course on 03 October makes a square to Saturn in Capricorn, it cries out even more to penetrating energies that will have authoritarian energies further outraged as we witness completely out of control behaviors. The outside world will unbelievably display situations of rage and despair in more shocking ways, which the suffering thereof has naturally attracted to, yet only yearns to be healed. Those who honor stillness and continue to detach from egotistical energies and reclaim their personal power by no longer giving it away will prevail in success, and remain safe in dedication and commitment to spiritual proactiveness.

Crying Out to Heal Our Wounds

Soul Homework for 01 October’s Aries Full Moon

This waning phase through 16 October, asks us to become completely open minded to how we can progress through committing to our own spirituality and working with dedicated courage to combat fear and conflicts that will be seeming on fire within our outside world. 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected points us now to pay extreme attention to where The Ram asks for easily arouse feelings to become more mindful within our lives. Taking time to write down our willingness to release especially in the tense of “I AM” allows us to recognize what we are meant to let go of on a personal level. Many full moon rituals favor writing down anything we need to clear away and let go of and then safely burn them in ceremony upon the day of the Full Moon. Place all gemstones in the Full Moon’s light to energetically cleanse them. Working with red, true blue and white are wonderful choices that resonate with Aries. Ruby is a powerful gemstone to allow self-love to channel through us, engaging our ego to heal itself. It is important to understand how the natural energy of Mars Retrograde in Aries can lead to exhaustion, for which ruby is a wonderful restorative stone to equally unblock anything standing in the way of our positivity, self-awareness and abilities to remain encouraged versus overwhelmed. Remember Full Moons are perfect timing to clear away and ideally heal energy within our lives, as we draw upon conclusions concerning what already exists.

Please Join Between the Worlds’ Medium Adam Bernstein & Healer Heather Estara for a YOUTUBE Live Full Moon Complimentary Meditation, Wednesday 30 September, 7pmEDT/4pmPDT

Autumn’s first Full Moon & 10th for 2020. Where will you be prepared to honor Crying Out to Heal Our Wounds, Dear Star?

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon really releasing who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Honor your self-care to change your face to the world as you dive all the deeper into how your former ways of taking on the world are no longer able to sustain you if you truly wish to thrive. Release, grieve and heal your ego’s conflicting pains and deeper wounds so you can step into the courageous version of you that only responds in a Warrior presence.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. This deep and unprecedented self-work grants you necessary insight in order to further the healing work in progress to truly cut your attachment to the karmic ties that have bound you. Honor this needed time alone to hear the answers as you become grounded in your inner world, so you can work in security from the roots of your healed soul.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Energy is intensely in reflection to bring you to profound conclusions concerning what it is you no longer need to tolerate nor accept. As your future reorients, realignment is favored when you intently recognize it is time for you to courageously tell it like it is to those who need to hear it, as you rise up in taking your spiritual side to the next level.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. Much is asking for you to take the necessary time you absolutely need in a more than profound SILENT LISTEN from within to heal the pains of your work past, and honor the truth about the critical need to reflect versus unsuccessfully attempt to put your foot on the gas otherwise. Shift your worries to the space of only being concerned.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon really releasing what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, foreign affairs, standing in your truth and expression of your philosophies. Remain reachable so you can receive the teachable ways you are required to adapt to that allow you to surrender old belief systems of the past. While there are some extremely difficult truths that may hurt for you to let go of, the time is now to face them and heal these wounds you no longer need to carry.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. This surge of rebirth equally requests you honor cleansing on the deepest level from your very core and source energy of your being. As you work with other details that surround the full scope of your entire life, be ready for the epiphany there is never any kind of going back again as you let go of the deepest pains of your former life, engaging rebirth. 

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. Deeply appreciate the work you are doing for your innate abilities to seek to understand, then be understood are serving you well. Courageously walk away from any conflicts, as engaging in any angered disputes will be only regretted. Now is the time end any relationship that does not serve your highest spiritual worth and integrity to be respected. 

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Your lifestyle now holds you accountable to truly toss out the trash concerning any kind of activity that has only kept you tethered to continually experience the deeper pains of the past. Recognizing you are here to serve the world via a warrior path is how you now rise up to release, and surrender that once again, life has led your routines to become reborn.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Allow reflection to surround your creative nature with ultimate awareness that emerges when you intently connect to being grounded within your heart space. At this compelling time, remain open to what it is that you have held on to that has only caused a repeated cycle of pain to pursue, and now finalizes through healing from your heart.   

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. As your immediate task lies in trusting that your abilities to nourish are resetting their bar on the highest healing level, all is part of what continues to clear what you no longer need for success to work for you right at home. As intense inner psyche processing is at your finger tips, be sure to pay close attention to any deja vu moments that arise. 

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon really releasing how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Releasing negative thinking engages your imagination to thrive, allowing you to find flow with the most critical discerning mindset you have ever utilized up til now. As you remove and heal the deepest wounds of any former mentalities that were only holding you back, your abilities to speak will find they will only come from a sounder peace of mind.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon really releasing what I Have, relating to your sources of income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. When you surrender to knowing not only simplification but moderation is able to work in your absolute favor, you will no longer tolerate the former ways that only held you in a false and unreliable sense of security. As the possession of spirit within you is fully honored as genuine value to rely upon, you can no longer be fooled by the 3 Dimensional world. 

Attain Your Soul Certainty in these Uncertain Times. What does your Personal Forecast say for this Aries Full Moon from your natal chart?

Explore continuing Special Priced Forecasting Packages, Simply Spirit & Star Sessions, & Affordable Elearning.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly empowerment and timing tips. Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.

Wishing You and Yours Continued Safety, Awareness & Protection Always, Dear Star.

LunarOScopes, 18 Aug Leo New Moon, Let’s Carefully Begin

Awakening to Respecting Responsible Change

New Moon in Leo

10:42pmEDT, 18 August, Let’s Carefully Begin & Initiate

Waxing Phases favor actions involving planting anew and moving forward, as energy increases throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie from 26 degrees Leo, and waxes through Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius until the next Full Moon at 10 degrees Pisces arrives 02 September 2020. This third New Moon of Summer, 8th for 2020 and our new decade falls within the sign that consciously aims for creative self-expression, with this years’ lunation calling for it with dignity as well as with accountability as more of the year’s awakening doors to the unexpected truth are revealed. As The Approach to Mars Retrograde in Aries has been on since 25 July, examination of the self is beginning to show us what we will need to honor review and reflection for 09 September to 13 November. While we will notice information channeling in concerning what’s new, our ability to immediately take action upon it asks us to carefully watch our moves and important decisions. As 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected in charge planet of this universal year of Uranus has just turned Retrograde until 14 January 2021, we are finding plenty more obstacles are emerging that do nothing more than delay and reroute our intended plans. 

Our New Moon at 26 degrees Leo is another intense emotional activation of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected, as it is once again wrapped up our humanitarian response to rise up to responsibility, utilizing patience, and being accountable to structuring our lives differently as we are called to change all the more. While there is an ever increasing violent tone to what we are watching across the globe indicating the energy of Mars Retrograde will be a more than reckoning time, it is equally our personal free will to discern worldly events and remember the one thing we do have control over is the responsibility to ourselves and preparing for this critical cycle of self reflection accordingly. Check out invaluable Elearning to embrace for calming our upcoming Mars Retrograde & Mercury Retrograde Season’s intense energies spanning September, October & November!

We find via astrology’s wisdom, that learning from our experiences is absolutely necessary, and especially as we now enter the finale passage of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected ride, we will have to rely upon our wisdom to sort out all the myriad of confusing, conflicting, and aggressive energies amplifying all the more in these unprecedented and uncertain times that continue to harrow the entire world across the board. The more we remain observant and not engaging in the dramas that are erupting, the more we can hone in on cultivating humility to honor altruism and find our personal means to remain in inspiration and faith.

Our Leo slice of life seeks for us to grab on to a fertile instance and imagination to check in with what makes us feel vital and confident from this slice of our lives. Being Leo is a heart-centered sign, what we equally are loyal to and passionate about can see some new light surrounding it that can radiate warmth to receive it. 

This New Moon is, yet again, deeply involved with our planet of responsibility and accountability, Saturn, whom is also Retrograde at 26 degrees Capricorn. This 150 degree apart alignment is certainly an extremely tricky one in astrology known as the inconjunct or quincunx. It is due to the fact that Leo and Capricorn have absolutely nothing in common to find amicable agreement upon. Leo organizes while Capricorn leads, and the fire and earth elemental guidance respectively are also on two separate plains of life, equally not able to fully understand where the other is coming from. The emotions within Leo triggering from this New Moon capture more of the self-centered ways authoritarian global changes continue to set to stir up drama, restrictions, and those in power positions will take this energy to trigger fear that self-control is being taken away, permanently changing lives forever.

Awakening to Respecting Responsible Change

Soul Homework for 18 August Leo New Moon 

This waxing phase through 02 September 2020 asks us to tune in to a genuine silent listen to be accountable to remain humble wherever The Lion consciously aims for creative self-expression within our lives. Taking time to write down our intentions especially in the tense of “I CREATE” allows us to properly ground our energy and proclaim it accordingly. Many new moon rituals favor taking a red pen to write things down, roll up the paper, tie it up with a red string, and place it in a metal box. You can place appropriate gemstones that will assist your intentions in the box. Working with topaz, amber and tiger eye are wonderful that resonate and open the doors for our creative and loyalty to our hearty space to be embraced, for this waxing phase continuing on in 2020’s calling to not just simplify, but now become friends with moderation across the board. While New Moons typically are a time to call in energy into our lives, as other planetary cycles indicate otherwise, we should expect setbacks and delays and patiently work with them.

Please Join Between the Worlds’ Medium Adam Bernstein & Healer Heather Estara for a ZOOM New Moon Complimentary Meditation, Tuesday, 18 August, 7pmEDT/4pmPDT

Summer’s third & 2020’s eighth New Moon, within The Lion. Leo now intensely seeks for us to work with no longer denying what we need to do now with ultimate accountability, Dear Star. How will you honor Awakening to Respecting Responsible Change in your experience?

ARIES: It is time to carefully focus upon the new equally where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. As you are in the midst of adapting to changes here, these distinctly now ask for you to connect with what it is your career and professional life seeks for you to be rewarded for. You are meant to be recognized for what it is now that you can create and step into the receiving spotlight for it.

TAURUS: It is time to carefully focus upon the new with how I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. There is much accountability you do need upon your home front these days to amicably work with patience through the shifts you are experiencing, and now it is time to truly apply that same accountability to accepting the harder truths you must honor in order to step away from any beliefs that no longer serve you.

GEMINI: It is time to carefully focus upon the new with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, short trips, siblings and neighbors. Alterations are very much at work within your mind and the more patient you are with your thought processes, the better results you will have. This is a huge part of the powerful transformation in play for you that now speaks like a father figure about how much you have to surrender to rebirth.

CANCER: It is time to carefully focus upon the new with what I Have, relating to your income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. As you have already recognized the ways you are finding less is more as 2020’s simplification process works through you, now you closely examine your partnerships with the same scrutiny. If you need to walk away, you are well advised to do so, especially if they hold power over you that you are no longer meant to tolerate.

LEO: It is time to carefully focus upon the new with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Your self-confidence is adapting to change, working with the responsibility that has been calling to you for far too long to truly redefine your lifestyle, habits and routines. First serve yourself with accountability, and watch the outward effect of what you can really do to help and assist others as you serve them better than ever.

VIRGO: It is time to carefully focus upon the new where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work, your subconscious and dream state. Addressing inner self-work unlocks what has been waiting in the wings to stabilize your creative abilities and connections to children. It is the work you now do alone that opens the doors of change to manifest what you truly want, yet this only attracts itself if you remove all doubt and stop questioning and resisting what is.

LIBRA: It is time to carefully focus upon the new where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. As you already have noticed plenty of recent changes are changing the directions of your future, now you see the most distinct connection to how your home life cannot be left out of this conversation. This may not be exactly what you envisioned, yet you must be accountable to these responsibilities. 

SCORPIO: It is time to carefully focus upon the new where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. Trust you are in the midst of finding more accountability and especially wisdom in how you allow your communications and mindset to function, and there is no hurry to be in whatsoever concerning this. As changes are in circulation for your vocation, be sure you keep stable thoughts and trust your intuition.

SAGITTARIUS: It is time to carefully focus upon the new with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. As your beliefs are in the swirls of change, there is more accountability you absolutely need to have for your income streams and even though there may be restrictions here at this time, patience is going to see you through. Stand in the truth of what you are worth, and you will succeed.

CAPRICORN: It is time to carefully focus upon the new where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. Be certain that you will not return to former ways of outdated living as rebirth is equally working to reframe the very face of you to the world in this entire process. Continue to trust there is absolutely no going back to what once was, as you now carry the full force of accepting how much self change you have responsibility honored.

AQUARIUS: It is time to carefully focus upon the new where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. While you may be feeling this new paradigm of human experience is obviously not fully resolved yet, your prophecies arrive when you choose to retreat away from the world and listen carefully from within. Deny this accountability, and you may align in agreements you will regret later on down the road. 

PISCES: It is time to carefully focus upon the new where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Remember you are experiencing profound lifestyle shifts which will never return you again to the same routines you once had before. As you stop resisting that your future goals also must adapt accordingly, recognize how much being patient is part of this process, especially concerning your friendships.

Attain Your Soul Certainty in these Uncertain Times. What does your Personal Forecast say for this Leo New Moon from your natal chart?

BOOK NOW. Schedule your private session with Sharita! Equally explore the ongoing Special Priced Simply Spirit & Star Sessions.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly empowerment and timing tips. Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.

Wishing You and Yours Continued Safety, Awareness & Protection Always, Dear Star.

BE IN THE KNOW for Your Ultimate Awareness of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected Finale

LunarOScopes, 20 July Cancer New Moon, Let’s Cautiously Begin

Awakening to Trusting Responsibility

New Moon in Cancer (Rare 2nd in 2020)

1:33pmEDT, 20 July, Let’s Cautiously Begin & Initiate

Waxing Phases favor actions involving planting anew and moving forward, as energy increases throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie from 28 degrees Cancer, and waxes through Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn until the next Full Moon at 11 degrees Aquarius arrives 03 August 2020. This second New Moon of Summer has the rare “blue moon” occurrence of being in another Cancer alignment since 21 June’s 0 degree Cancer Solar Eclipse, seventh for 2020 and our new decade. Once again our new energy falls within the sign that consciously aims for emotional unfoldment, with plenty more accountability for humanity to accept as the year’s awakening doors to the unexpected truth are all the further revealed. 

As both Shadow passages of Venus Retrograde in Gemini and Mercury Retrograde in Cancer are finishing up by 28 July and 26 July, the Approach to the 2020’s highly anticipated Mars Retrograde (09 September to 13 November) begins 25 July under this waxing phase. While we will notice information channeling in concerning what’s new, our ability to immediately take action upon it asks us to carefully watch our moves and important decisions. As these remaining 6 to 7 Approach weeks unfold until Mars Retrograde officially engages, we have a delicate window of opportunity to move forward, yet ever so carefully with accountability and responsibility marking our every single move.

Our New Moon at 28 degrees Cancer is another emotional activation of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected, now seeking our ultimate discernment concerning what we allow ourselves to trust. The collective calling continues to be undeniably informed that the catalyst of the not going away anytime soon coronavirus remains in our experiences to our absolute teacher. 

We find via astrology’s wisdom, that stagnation will continue to thwart our ever wanting to return to what once was, and especially as we continue 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected ride, we are absolutely sorting out our unprecedented and uncertain times that harrow the entire world across the board. We are absolutely beckoned to remain open to transforming our emotional bank accounts to connect fully with our feelings and above all else: intuition within the Cancer area of our life as we engage it with a well-developed and active imagination. We must learn to trust that our personal responsibility is the only means to attain soul certainty despite the “2020 storm” that is circulating around us.

Our Cancer slice of life once again, as it did 21 June, seeks for us to grab on to sympathetic, shrewd, sensitive and cherishing energy to work through what needs trusting attention to now engage in discernment to continue to adapt to Becoming Friends With Simplification.

This Cancer New Moon is once again deeply involved with our planet of responsibility and accountability, Saturn, whom has now, Retrograded back to 28 degrees Capricorn. We saw our Lunar Lady and Saturn uncannily connect for o21 June’s Cancer Solar Eclipse & New Moon when it was still at 0 degree Aquarius. Now, instead of the inconjunct or quincunx awkward aspect, we have a direct opposition. Both Cancer and Capricorn lead in their specific ways, and the water and earth elemental guidance respectively are profoundly at work to help balance become attained. Yet much like the natural energies of magnetic forces: one can be in complete “click” with the calling, or absolutely choose to resist it in every way.

A secondary influence that also makes this Cancer New Moon equally intense is the wider opposition it makes to both Jupiter Retrograde and Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn, whom are at 21 and 23 degrees, respectively. Once again while most New Moons promise good tidings and initiating change- resistance is in our midst that must align these opposing forces which will place further restrictions, delays and setbacks to our intended plans. As the higher warning of not misplacing our trust is loud and clear for this lunation, we must navigate this waxing phase with just as much concern and poise as we would under any Retrograde cycle. The striving for alignment energy between Cancer and Capricorn presents all the more accountability and undeniable practice of patience to be able to sort out the pressing situations of economic securities as well as all power struggles and systems across the globe, which are undeniably forever changing into a new norm, which is not fully understood as to what this exactly looks like, quite yet. 

Awakening to Trusting Responsibility

Soul Homework for 20 July’s Cancer New Moon 

This waxing phase through 03 August 2020 asks us to tune in for a second round to welcome a genuine silent listen to properly perceive and become trusting to responsibility wherever The Crab consciously aims for emotional unfoldment within our lives. Taking time to write down our intentions especially in the tense of “I NURTURE” allows us to properly ground our energy and proclaim it accordingly. Many new moon rituals favor taking a red pen to write things down, roll up the paper, tie it up with a red string, and place it in a metal box. You can place appropriate gemstones that will assist your intentions in the box. Working with moonstones, emeralds and pearls are wonderful that resonate and open the doors for our emotional and nurturing space to be embraced, for this waxing phase concerning 2020’s calling to simplify across the board. Remember New Moons are a time to call in energy into our lives. Remaining open to what is new, albeit, this one is undeniably colored with the equal callings for careful considerations until both Shadows of Venus Retrograde in Gemini and Mercury Retrograde have both completed, while being well aware of the Approach to Mars Retrograde as it simultaneously commences.

Please Join Between the Worlds’ Medium Adam Bernstein & Healer Heather Estara for a ZOOM New Moon Complimentary Meditation, Monday 20 JULY, 7pmEDT/4pmPDT

Cancer now intensely seeks for us to work with balance and discerning trust with ultimate accountability, Dear Star. How will you be honoring Awakening to Trusting Responsibility in your experience?

ARIES: It is time once again to carefully focus upon the new with how I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. Another channel that deeply involves you in intense responsibilities calls to powerfully awaken you to nourish your life more intuitively, starting right at home concerning those you love and care for the most, as you find more ways to bring balance to resolve your career matters simultaneously.

TAURUS: It is time once again to carefully focus upon the new with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, short trips, siblings and neighbors. More resetting of the bar as well compels you to discern all the more about what standing in your truth undeniably means to you must be honored as you remain reachable and teachable to continue to work with adapting to stabler belief systems as you welcome releasing those that have been fear based. 

GEMINI: It is time once again to carefully focus upon the new with what I Have, relating to your income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. Listen with all the more intuition and consideration to make sure thorough research precedes any important decisions concerning your overall state of wealth, as you experiencing another round of rebirth regenerating you from the very core of who you are, that is absolutely resetting your source energy.

CANCER: It is time once again to carefully focus upon the new with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Your self-confidence seeks to work now with welcoming more new approaches to your life that allow you to tap into the partnerships you now have to discern whom is no longer trustworthy, as you establish which legal agreements to move forward with that only support you in absolute faith to form them.

LEO: It is time once again to carefully focus upon the new where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work, your subconscious and dream state. Addressing inner self-work in retreat unlocks incredible healing that connects in further dots to how very much your lifestyle must make it’s most accountable changes now or never in order to not only serve your habits and routines better, but serve yourself and others like never before. 

VIRGO: It is time once again to carefully focus upon the new where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. As a distinct calling of shifting future directions involves your children and creative manifestations- these must be a part of making accountable and important decisions distinctly asking you to be reachable and teachable to be able to fully work in complete dedication with your heart space about them.

LIBRA: It is time once again to carefully focus upon the new where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. Trust you are in the midst of finding more accountability and especially wisdom in how your home and family life also calls to your current responsibilities which command and now demand you continue to patiently learn from the experiences they are teaching you, so remain reachable.

SCORPIO: It is time once again to carefully focus upon the new with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. As your beliefs step with caution into new arenas, this takes more than a resilient mindset to work through the changes in play, yet as you think more responsibly with complete discernment than you ever have before, you find resolve and learn to trust your intuitive thoughts first.

SAGITTARIUS: It is time once again to carefully focus upon the new where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. Be certain that you will not return to former ways of outdated living as rebirth compels you to understand more about the value of your earning power which is in equal strong grips of change, as it is only your accountability that will plant the most secure new seeds with complete consideration.

CAPRICORN: It is time once again to carefully focus upon the new where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. While you may be feeling this new paradigm is undeniably showing you that your approaches to life will absolutely never be the very same again, there is no question the world continues to look to you to lead as you do so by example, emerging a new fresh face of you to follow. 

AQUARIUS: It is time once again to carefully focus upon the new where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Remember you are experiencing profound lifestyle shifts which will never return you again to the same routines you once had before. It is quintessential to once again trust the value that a SILENT LISTEN holds so that you can productively process your past, and move forward with accountability to serve.

PISCES: It is time once again to carefully focus upon the new where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Your innate ability of intuition asks you to work more wisely and with absolute discernment with your future goals, choices of friends and social scenes the very same, as you recognize your hopes and wishes are still in the means of becoming simplified, where you must trust this process is for the very best.

Attain Your Soul Certainty in these Uncertain Times. What does your Personal Forecast say for this Cancer New Moon from your natal chart?

BOOK NOW. Schedule your private session with Sharita! Equally explore the ongoing Special Priced Simply Spirit & Star Sessions.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly empowerment and timing tips. Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance, especially when you choose to shop under Shelter in Place.

Wishing You and Yours Continued Safety, Awareness & Protection Always, Dear Star.

LunarOScopes, 09 September Virgo New Moon, Let’s Intently Begin

SharitaStar.Lunaroscopes“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham

Recognize Your Feelings Are Powerful Allies
We intentionally create our lives through emotion, which in turn, directly allows us to manifest accordingly via our thoughts as The Law of Attraction promises. Lunar energy from above is astrologically in charge of how the messages of our human emotions play out in precise timing. We are always offered the chance to evolve and align down here below, yet equally we must remember we energetically cannot solve everything we may need to in our lives all at once.

As we become deeply aware of what we are feeling in our lives -when we move away from fear and tune in to our source that knows it is a vibrational and expanding being- we have leverage, control and clarity to move through what the contrast of our lives may be bringing towards us. If we choose resistance to what is, our thoughts only block what is meant to be inspiring us. Thus, we miss our opportunities, neglect to heal and recharge, surely keeping us in a downward spiral we feel no control within.

Ask yourself this question. Why do I ever feel stuck or dissatisfied? 

Answer. If you are not tuned into your feelings, your thoughts naturally are not focused and intentionally aligned with your desires. Negative emotions will only continue to point out what it is that you do not want if you are not coming from the feeling energy of expansion and choosing to be a deliberate creator.

Law of Attraction Fact: “You get what you think about whether you want it or not. There is no vibrational word for NO. Attention to whatever it is, always means YES.” ~Abraham

To naturally allow us the time and space to work with how we can align in our rightful feeling vibration to attract what we want, each month, a New Moon opens a waxing phase of initiating energy favoring creation until we reach the Full Moon, opening up a waning phase allowing for natural correction, reflection and release.

LunarOScopes capture the forecast of these cycles indicating what is meant to begin or conclude, timing when and what specific area of life our Sun Sign benefits by turning our feelings into intentional thought. Of course this generalized view provides one part of our soul story focus, while examining our natal chart -cast from our full date and time of birth- provides us with our personal and deeper dish details.

Respecting Transformation for Eternal Change
New Moon in Virgo 2:01pmEDT, 09 September, Let’s Intently Begin & Initiate
Waxing Phases favor actions involving planting anew and moving forward, as energy increases throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie from 17 degrees Virgo through Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces until the next Full Moon at 01 degrees Aries 24 September. As our last & 3rd New Moon of Summer 2018 falls within the sign of purity and innocence, equally favoring for use to honor the practices of love, peace and spiritual awareness to powerfully tap into a momentum that promises rebirth to be accompanied by an extremely grounded energy.

This New Moon at the 17 degree point asks for our ultimate responsibility to work strongly with intuition, especially concerning our means to understand another regenerative process is involved in the process of change we are experiencing. By embracing the full understanding what we set into motion now will be remembered for eternity, we hold our keys to success.

*This waxing phases aligns with the Shadow of Mars Retrograde (in recent transit 26 June to 27 August) that is in affect until 08 October; and the Approach of Venus Retrograde, which begins 05 October*

Summer’s Last & 3rd New Moon is here Dear Star! Where are you favored to Respect Transformation for Eternal Change?09Sept18VirgoNewMoon.SharitaStar

ARIES: It’s time to intently focus upon the new where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Time alone helps you receive clarity for your regenerating career.

TAURUS: It’s time to intently focus upon the new where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Listen carefully to your future goals to realign your beliefs.

GEMINI: It’s time to intently focus upon the new with how I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. Cast off uncertainty in your career and step into a powerful rebirth for your wealth.

CANCER: It’s time to intently focus upon the new with what I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Honor your truth with your partnerships and watch them strengthen.

LEO: It’s time to intently focus upon the new with what I Have, relating to your income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. Make instinctive moves concerning your wealth as you sharpen your habits and routines.

VIRGO: It’s time to intently focus upon the new with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Deeply understand your partnerships provide power for your creativity and children.

LIBRA: It’s time to intently focus upon the new where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. As you ultimately heal with lifestyle changes, your home and family receive the benefits.

SCORPIO: It’s time to intently focus upon the new where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Allow your intuition to channel into your creative nature to capture powerful ideas.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to intently focus upon the new where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. Nourish your home and family life to align you in greater stability and value.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to intently focus upon the new with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. Listen intently for harmonious thoughts and reign in your personal power.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to intently focus upon the new where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. Give gratitude to what you have as you take time to release any worries from within.

PISCES: It’s time to intently focus upon the new where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. Listen to your instinct and recognize you absolutely have the power to change your future.

What’s your Personal Forecast say for this Virgo Moon from your natal chart? BOOK NOW and schedule a private session with Sharita! 

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.


The Timing Was Everything for The Last Waltz New Orleans


When Warren Hayes announced he was pioneering a 40th Anniversary concert celebration of The Last Waltz New Orleans, many people asked, why is he choosing to do this at the close of April and not in November of 2016?

Aside from this epic event that put the icing on the cake for 2016’s Jazzfest in New Orleans, let’s find out why by utilizing astrology and how very much “timing is everything.”

As we look back to the evening of 25 November 1976 of The Last Waltz at The Winterland Ballroom in San Francisco, astrology is able to cast a chart –just like a human being- for the event.
Area #5 (5th House) piece of the pie in the natal chart is the events’ creativity and abilities to be seen on the stage of life. We see quite a line up of planets here that are all positioned here. Uranus (originality/individuality), Mars (fame/celebrity/motivation), The Sun (creativity/identity/character) Neptune (intuition/music/performance/arts) & Mercury (communication/mindset/movement).

With all this natural 5th house energy placed in Scorpio and Sagittarius for the original The Last Waltz, it is no wonder the phenomenon of this final concert of The Band became the fascination that it did. Scorpio energy favors power, rebirth, and wealth while Sagittarius energizes multi-faceted talents, optimism, celebration and generosity to shine when place in a natal 5th House. The Last Waltz in 1976 was over 4 hours long and its’ cast of talent beyond The Band itself was immense. Indeed, this was simply not your average concert.

For those who are fans of The Band, this last performance had some true staying power beyond the actual night of the event 25 November 1976. Within 2 years, upon 26 April 1978, 17 November Scorpio Sun Martin Scorsese himself released his anticipated and yet still criticized documentary film, The Last Waltz, coined as “the finest of all rock movies.” With a natal Neptune as we see it placed from the night’s natal chart, it was bound to happen that a creative adventure involving film would be made. Neptune guides over the entire film industry as well as artistic pursuits of all kinds.

Astrology is a rich source that always can indicate when timing is everything. As we take the “star map” of The Last Waltz in 1976 and place the current transits in time around it, this is how we determine the forecast for any living soul. This ability is the precise reason why Haynes’s timing for April 2016 was simply the perfect one to celebrate the passing of 40 years.
See how in the outer circle there are two planets in transit in this same 5th House area? These are Saturn (responsibility/wisdom/stability) and Mars (fame/celebrity/motivation), both in current Retrograde motion. Retrogrades in astrology indicate there is a request to honor a cycle of reflection, and go back to what already exists.

Fast forwarding to 2016, true to his own current forecast and timing, we find this musical star in great awareness as the world is completely witnessing The New Beginnings of Warren Haynes. Both cycles of the Mars and Saturn Retrograde are reconnecting with all of the original energy created upon 25 November 1976 at present, and so too, did Haynes innately listen to this calling.

Forever fans of The Band were left in suspense leading up to the evenings of 29 & 30th of April in New Orleans this year. What anyone knew under not only under Mars and Saturn Retrograde, is this would be a 40th Anniversary celebration with “Superstar Surprise Guests” at the historical Saenger Theatre.

To further affirm how late April 2016 was the perfect timing for revisiting this historic concert, a third significant planet happens to be in reflection mode, that of Mercury Retrograde. This transit also favors going back to revisit the past and recreate it. Artistic adventures of all kinds are one of the few things that energetically go extremely well whenever Mercury Retrograde is in effect.

Once again looking to The Last Waltz’s natal chart, we see this energy unfolding from the 11th House, that of its’ groups, friends, hopes, dreams and wishes. Mercury had just started retrograding 28 April, and was conjunct the events’ natal Jupiter here. Back in 1976, this is another reason why The Band was so well supported by fellow musicians in complete abundance for their final epic hurrah upon Thanksgiving Day that year.

So just who would these “Superstar Surprise Guests” be in April of 2016 as we knew reflection was so strong? One might have thought, the epic cast of original The Last Waltz musical greats that are still blessed to be alive such as Eric Clapton, Van Morrison, Neil Diamond, Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, Ronnie Hawkins, Dr. John, EmmyLou Harris and Bob Dylan could have possibly shown up. Even The Band’s surviving members Garth Hudson & Robbie Robertson may also have been part of Haynes celebration.

But you cannot expect an innovative Aries like Warren Haynes to repeat what previously happened exactly the way it already did. Those who where at the Saenger Theatre for The Last Waltz New Orleans, got more than their fair share of superstars to celebrate 40 years since The Band played their last song.

It was known pre-show that “Guitarist Warren Haynes will serve as musical director for The Last Waltz New Orleans as he’ll lead a band consisting of Don Was, keyboard master John Medeski, country superstar Jamey Johnson, The Meters’ pioneering bass player George Porter, Jr., The Radiators’ Dave Malone, legendary funk drummer Terrence Higgins (Dirty Dozen Brass Band, John Scofield’s Piety Street Band), The Bonerama Horns’ Mark Mullins (Galactic, Harry Connick, Jr.), and more still to be announced as well as superstar surprise guests.”  -25 March 2016, Jam Base

As your author was “born and raised” on Scorsese’s documentary, (due to her parents musical taste in the mid 1970’s), equally, The Doobie Brothers concerts in video were in their same repertoire collection. My favorite superstar surprise guest that brought back more of my own past was a musician who ignited pure and genuine stellar soul while recreating The Band’s music all night long: the marvelous Michael McDonald.

McDonald’s impeccable soulful voice coupled with his ingenious keyboard playing made delightful rekindling magic with The Band’s music all evening long. Definite highlights where as he switched to banjo during “Rag Momma Rag” and poured out a most touching rendition of Neil Young’s “Helpless.”

McDonald continued to rivet the Saenger stage along with the rest of the brilliant 40th Anniversary cast as they brought down the Saenger Theatre house during the encore of “Don’t Do It.”

Encore, 30 April The Last Waltz New Orleans:

Warren Haynes certainly delivered a more than gifted tribute to one of rock history’s most celebrated bands through The Last Waltz New Orleans. This was absolutely stunning and perfect timing is everything as the dates of 29-30 April were so undeniably appropriate to return to this past event and bring its’ memories back in to the present.

To many more of your new beginnings to come, Aries Star Warren Haynes. Much Gratitude to you and the all-star cast that gave us all a spectacular night to always remember under these cycles of reflection that ask us to revisit the past and cherish it’s many gifts.

The last song The Band ever played, 25 November 1976:

LunarOScopes, Full Moon 21 May 2016, Let’s Really Release

SharitaStar.LunaroscopesBWFinding Focus for Your Feelings
We intentionally create our lives through the emotions making up our thoughts, as The Law of Attraction promises. Lunar energy from above is astrologically in charge of how human emotions play out and evolve down here below.

Each month, a New Moon opens a waxing cycle favoring energy to initiate until we reach the Full Moon that opens up a waning cycle allowing for correction, reflection and release. LunarOScopes capture the forecast of this natural rhythm, timing when and what specific area of life your Sun Sign benefits by feeling good about what’s beginning or concluding.

Full Moon in Sagittarius, 21 May, Let’s Release & Reflect
Waning Phases favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie until the 3rd New Moon of Spring 2016 arrives 04 June in Gemini. This Full Moon conjuncts the Mars Retrograde in play, while we find Mercury Retrograde is stationed in Taurus, turning direct 22 May- making for a volatile and extremely potent force in potential play for release. Emotional outbreaks are wise to be aware of, and courage is extremely required.

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Believe.
Philosophies, beliefs, spiritual values, or learning you hold dear- ask you to seize this intense opportunity to reboot their synthesis. As long journeys or travel call, using your common sense over any kind of anger reactions is best concerning them. Using your wisdom is the only way to peace.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Transform.
Rebirth generates strong feelings to allow you to recognize genuine wealth is not only the luxury of your overall financial picture. As conclusions now arrive from the depths of your core to let go and never look back, find the reasoning and leave emotional outbursts out of your patient equation.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon release where I Relate.
Let go and reconsider who is the real deal concerning your partnerships -business or personal- as plenty of decisions surrounding them will now be revealed. You’ll want to utilize calm and clarity and not become jealous, emotionally frustrated or angry concerning what is in the process of release.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon release where I Serve.
Reflective and renewing light shines upon your routines and service to self as well as others in this world. With so much in already in healing mode for you, this will not be a time to take a gamble- but truly find your warrior presence that calls you to feel accomplished about letting go of old habits.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Create.
Look to completing current projects as creative changes are now upon you, whether these be with children, brain-children or old love affairs. There is a great intensity that you will act upon concerning them, so unite with wisdom to make your stage bright and take a bow with courage as you persevere.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Nurture.
Allow your imagination to flow within your home and family life, involving some literal cleaning up around the house, as you significant things may need repairing. Watch out for any environments that may have a hot head around them, so keep your distance. Overall, politely nurture your emotions.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon release with how I Communicate.
Refreshed thinking asks to look at the bright side your thinking and expressions of it. Honor complete reflection for your mindset -great benefits are received by writing things down- as you are determined to finish. If challenges arise provoking anger, work with them courageously for peace of mind.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Have.
Surrender and fully let go of possessions and material things you no longer need to value, which may also be a source of how you bring in your daily dollars. This will not be a time to give in to feeling frustrated about what is under review. Know wisdom is what you need to accomplish these goals.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release with who I Am.
Intense energy is now ready to release the old mask you have been wearing to the world, your first impressions of it and your appearance. As tired approaches to life exit -taking your time and being extra mindful is what allows for success- holding on to anger will explode in outcomes you can avoid.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon release where I Process.
Honor your solitude and deeply working within will allow your intuition to benefit now, so take this private time. Important messages may also arrive from a very activated dream state. Anxiety may surface so be sure to have plenty of your patience on hand to not any outbreaks to consume you.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Socialize.
Opportunities to refresh and release find you placing attention upon friends, groups as well as your future hopes and wishes. Say yes to unexpected invitations to get out in the world, but exercise caution and common sense in all of your activities. Avoid the company of jealous or angry friends.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon release where I Structure.
Your career and public life resets its’ recognition and rewards, as your responsibilities here now find powerful and absolute conclusions to arrive at across the board. Utilize vigilance as you go about examining the structure of your life, and it will be time for your wisdom to serve you to the highest.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.
Please like & share LunarOScopes on your favorite social media! Sharing is Caring!

Maya Azucena Goes To the Nines

MAYAHappy Happy New Year & Birthday Maya!

If you have been a loyal follower and music fan of Maya Azucena, you already know she has reaped stunning rewards from her innate musical talents. What we have all witnessed during her 8 Personal Year than spanned 2015-16 has been true to it’s “timing is everything” forecast that indicates a soul is able to reap a significant harvest, stability, and ultimate recognition in the life, and especially where they create structure through their career and public life pursuits and ambitions.

What promises to unfold for her now during her new 9 Personal Year ahead?

This incredibly gifted singer songwriter, activist and philanthropist will be taking all she has planted over the past 8 years since 2008 and take her recent harvest energy to the next level. Get ready to watch her soar with the courage we know she profoundly has to the Universal Nines during this 9 Personal Year cycle 04 May 2017- 04 May 2017.

While a 9 Personal Year marks a time of shift in the life where conclusions, wrapping it up and endings are seen, the energy of “to the 9’s” is equally ever present. 9 energy is a powerful force that elevates one to further fame and celebrity when it is being channeled in positive ways. The practice a person needs to possess in their 9 Personal Year to reap them successfully is that of courage.

Looking to how a current numerology forecast connects the dots back to one’s natal astrology chart, this now current cycle for Maya engages first and foremost in her area of creativity and abilities to express herself on the stage of her life. Mars is the planet in charge of the 9 vibration.

Mars at present is in current transit in Maya’s 5th astrological house, the one that is the area of creativity, children, and brain children of all kinds. This also the area of life that guides over love affairs, of which we will see plenty of her returning back to projects that are collaborations with other artists she truly appreciates working with.

This new 9 Personal Year starts off on a reflective note until 29 June for Azucena. Where she’ll soar with all that amazing courage she possesses, will be more than amazing to witness as the later part of this year unfolds.

As the current Mars Retrograde asks for reflection, it transits back over her natal Neptune in Sagittarius. This natal planet placement of Neptune is the very reason she is innately blessed with being a very special musical muse. Mars Retrograde now requests she revisit old creative and artistic projects that have been left unfinished. What can be reworked and recreated from these efforts, will end result in some absolutely outstanding results.

Be ready for more magical music from Maya that will continue to bless us all with her natural gift of healing and light to this world.

September 2016 brings the full on force of taking this current 9 year to the universal masses, and by October 2016, there will be brilliant new beginnings that we will naturally see emerge from her continuing innovative and original works.

While a plenty of letting go is favored until she enters her 1 Personal Year in 2017 upon 04 May, she’ll be in equal preparation during the next 12 months of making the space for the new ground and breakthrough ways her career will intensely shift at that time into even more powerful new directions.

9 Personal Year Cycles ask for anyone to be the Warrior in their life as they navigate through it. And we all know, Maya genuinely understands those Warriors, one of her riveting tracks from Cry Love, very very well when they need to come out to play.

As it is always said, Stay Tuned! The Best of MAYA AZUCENA is yet to come!
Let’s #SpellOuttheTruth from how It’s All in the Name












Listen Back to the Archives! Interview, 11 August 2012, No. 8 What’s Your Sign? I Have Your Number!




LunarOScopes, 06 May 2016, Let’s Carefully Begin

SharitaStar.LunaroscopesFinding Focus for Your Feelings
We intentionally create our lives through the emotions making up our thoughts, as The Law of Attraction promises. Lunar energy from above is astrologically in charge of how human emotions play out and evolve down here below.

Each month, a New Moon opens a waxing cycle favoring energy to initiate until we reach the Full Moon that opens up a waning cycle allowing for correction, reflection and release. LunarOScopes capture the forecast of this natural rhythm, timing when and what specific area of life your Sun Sign benefits by feeling good about what’s beginning or concluding.

New Moon in Taurus, 06 May, Let’s Begin & Initiate
Waxing Phases favor actions that involve getting excited about planting anew and moving forward, as energy increases throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie until the next Full Moon in Sagittarius 21 May. *With the current cycle of Sagittarius/Scorpio Mars Retrograde in motion 17 April to 29 June, there is a cautionary air over all actions we intentionally make for ultimate future success. *With the current cycle of Taurus Mercury Retrograde in motion 28 April to 22 May, there is a cautionary air over all actions we intentionally make for ultimate future success. These recurring passages always prefer our free will to embrace change and be adaptable to find joy in reflection as we focus upon review, renew and redo.*

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon the new with what I Have.
Remembering to give gratitude for what you value opens new doors to rely upon as increases to your earning power are now up for review. Negotiate the best you can until 22 May as ways to work with  different routines are also on the table within your career. Time in solitude will be necessary.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon the new with who I Am.
Your approaches to life seek to begin again, as the world is ready for your appearance to transform- but reassessments equally are in play as rejuvenation time is now. Your children or creativity are involved, offering ways to shift your beliefs. Changes also surround your wishes and future goals.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Process.
Rewards unfold as new answers speak from your solitude and inner process. Dreams contain valuable information for your waking life, as review time here is of ultimate benefit during this month. Connect the dots to what is happening at home regarding transformation. Reflection is favored in your career.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Socialize.
Future goals ignite along with your hopes, wishes, new friends, organizations and groups- while you equally reconsider what is already established here. Accept unexpected invitations to mix and mingle, for there are ways you change your mind about your partnerships, allowing you to learn and grow.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Structure.
As your career moves to find recognition and reward, reconsiderations equally are in play concerning your public life. The value of your earning power along with your habits and routines are equally involved. Overall, you have new ways wealth seeks to bring forward transformations for you.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon the new with what I Believe.
Powerful changes surround your philosophies, as education & spiritual pursuits find you journeying afar, as well as revisiting where you have already traveled. See how your approaches to life will call upon your creativity to be involved in new appearances. Your partnerships will also ask for attention.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Transform.
The most regenerative new moon of the year is here, asking to embrace abundant rebirth concerning your overall state of wealth and sexuality as you review. Time will be required in solitude to process what you need about what is equally renewing at home. You are about to serve the world differently.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Relate.
New life emerges within your business or personal partnerships, yet cross your t’s and dot your i’s when it comes to signing legalities into being, as you find old relationships returning. It’s time for your future goals to shift, requiring a different state of mind. Overall, your beliefs are reshaping as well.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Serve.
New beginnings speak to your ability to serve others, your health, habits and routines- activating change as you equally review them. See what works closely with career changes, seeing to add value to your earning power. It’s a potent time to know this will call for you to nurture more at home too.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Create.
Your children or brain-children capture your attention, while revisiting unfinished creative adventures really have you feeling even better about working on them. What you are learning the most brings significant changes to your appearance and approach to life. Your mindset equally is receiving a reset.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon the new with how I Nurture.
New life flows within your home and family life, and if déjà vu finds you, listen carefully to it. As the calling to review is equally underway for these closest environments, connect the dots to the power of your transformation, asking for some time in solitude. There is a value you’ll be happy you listen to.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon the new with what I Communicate.
Your state of mind is ready for brainstorms and your abilities to communicate them. Reassessing established ideas is equally favored, seeking your reflection concerning your partnerships and what your future goals hold. More pieces to the new you in progress of unveiling itself are further revealed.

Are You Properly Prepared for May 2016?
What You Need To Know About Mars & Mercury Retrograde

Book A Personal SessionOrder the Take At Home Workshop

2016: Choosing Our Courage

COURAGE.SharitaStar“The Warrior of the Light is a believer. Because he believes in miracles, miracles begin to happen. Because he is sure that his thoughts can change his life, his life begins to change. Because he is certain that he will find love, love appears.” ~Paulo Coelho, Warrior of the Light

Welcome in the Universal Year 2016!

A New Year. A New Cycle.
2015 leaves it’s persevering mark on many across the globe as our responsibilities to learn from our human experiences surfaced in more than karmic ways during the past 12 months.

Our human experiences now shift during 2016, into new cycle that co-exists with our spiritual beings.

No matter what the energy of the world at large is, remember your life is always your individual human experience, via your own personal forecast.

2016’s Global Forecast
It’s time to activate courage and compassion into our practices. In the 12 months of 2016, these are our preferred choices to make sure our motivations, desires, and abilities are responsive verses reactive- even when conflicts beyond our personal control arise. Our unique goals and aspirations still belong to us amongst all that will be trying to distract us that will need to be carefully filtered.

What was initiated and began with full intention since 2008, now witnesses the greatest cycle of clearing out what is no longer necessary to properly evolve as 2016 unfolds. Overall, this years’ cycle now calls for our bravery, a warrior presence, and inevitable conclusions.

Equally requested is the deeper understanding of how to not allow the worlds’ problems and fears to conquer us when we choose to focus upon conquering our personal fears. This is quintessential to comprehend during 2016, as the year will leave an aggressive mark upon humanity in seemingly conflicting ways.

Individually Aligning with 2016
You do not need to be in an actual 9 Personal Year within your own forecast to see 2016’s collective energy unfold within your human experience. By following the spiritual guidance that your personal forecast precisely provides, 2016’s Universal energy seeks to compliment your own changing cycles.

The year ahead is ever powerful to align you in a true sense of shifting from feeding fear to rising up in courageous responses wherever you are within your own personal forecast. It’s warrior time to make the most of the collective energy that we co-exist within and are individually a part of as we evolve.

Let’s Look Back to Look Ahead
Over the past 8 years, on a collective level, we are all -while still honoring our own light- part of the larger whole that witnessed the bigger picture plant seeds in 2008 (1), the source of new beginnings and initiations amongst humanity.

Since then….

2009 (2) nurtured those seeds within it’s emotional and sensitive energy. The home, family & sense of co-operation called across the board.

2010 (3) burst open those seeds, aligning in new knowledge and education. Beliefs, philosophies & growth were stimulated on a global level.

2011 (4) formulated roots that secured the initiations of 2008 within a foundation. The unexpected, breakthroughs & over coming obstacles called to all.

2012 (5) brought forth blossoming, fast movement and permanent changes. Communications, mass changes & no going back unfolded for humanity.

2013 (6) called for understanding, compassion, adjustment, and balance. Justice, judgment & harmony asked to be aligned and embraced.

2014 (7) asked for the “soul homework” the inner work, the reflection in order to heal. Solitude, listening & remaining in the eye of the storms called to be heard.

2015 (8) asked us to reap the harvest, find the recognition & accept the reward. Only practicing responsibility, patience & honor allowed this stabilizing energy to flourish.

2016 (9) is now here to motivate us to drawn upon conclusions, dramatic endings and release. Penetration, aggressive action will persist, but a warriors’ courage will be the cure.

The Planetary Channel for 2016’s Cycle: Mars
Numerology, like astrology, is directly guided by the archetypes of our planets from above. As we translate what planetary movement means for us down here below, energetic patterns are always seen to unfold. It is now time to shift into the understanding of Mars from the more steadfast, overworked, school of hard knocks and rather serious space that Saturn’s archetype indicated would be symbolized within 2015 during our 8 Universal Year.

Mars as it influences the 9 energy unfolds into situations that ask us to take action, deepened into our guts, find our bravery, and decide what drives us to arrive at conclusions  resulting in powerful changes as we move forward thereafter. It is because of the affects of Mars during 2016, that the practice of courage will become anyone’s friend.

More keys for our success are opened as we understand the astrological signs Mars will journey through during 2016 for their overall energetic affects. Equally, where Mars reflects these same transits within one’s natal birth chart grants another valuable forecast of how the energy creates individual changes.

Being Perceptive: Mars in Scorpio 03 Jan to 05 Mar; 27 May to 02 Aug
The power to relax is not easy to come by when Mars journeys in Scorpio. While desires are more than powerful and passionate, the energy from this transit is unflagging and rigidly disciplined.

Motivations become probing, dissecting, persistent and shrewd. Authoritative issues will be at an all time high, and as Retrograde in this sign (27 May to 29 June) occurs, they will not be shy in displaying superior, domineering, callous and unsociable attitudes to be witnessed within our human experiences.

Finding Enthusiasm: Mars in Sagittarius 05 Mar to 27 May; 02 Aug to 27 Sept
Endurance and stability are not easy to come by when Mars journeys in Sagittarius. While desires are more than impulsive, the energy from this transit is spontaneously mobilized and fitful.

Motivations become speculative, exploratory, swift, discontinuous, and superficial. Independent leaning to defiant issues will be at an all time high, and as Retrograde in this sign (17 April to 27 May) occurs, they will not be shy in displaying frank, sporting, self-righteous and supercilious attitudes to be witnessed within our human experiences.

The Request for Reflection: Mars Retrograde 17 April to 29 June
One of the more “turbulent” times during 2016 will be when the pioneering planet in charge of our Universal Year will take time to do some sharpening of its’ own saw. Being Mars is still an inner planet -like Mercury and Venus Retrograde passages- when in retrograde, its’ request for reflection is more than intensely felt throughout our human experiences.

Humanity across the board can be sure to expect the unexpected as April arrives, and as Mars Retrograde moves through May, the calling for permanent, irreversible changes will be amazingly profound to watch unfold. What will magnify this affect is the added influence of 2016’s second Mercury Retrograde period that will pursue 28 April to 22 May within Taurus.

Most will find whatever intentions they may have to launch, initiate or begin anything brand new with long-term success in mind surrounding May 2016, will be like trying to build a house upon a sand foundation. Once again -like our Mercury Retrograde periods- knowing how to properly embrace reflection, review, reassessment and rework what already exists is where the benefits can be found to utilize the Mars Retrograde cycle to its full advantage.

Enjoying Ambition: Mars in Capricorn 27 Sept to 09 Nov
Humility, humor, warmth and consideration are not easy to come by when Mars journeys in Capricorn. While desires are more than persistent, the energy from this transit is efficiently controlled and sustained.

Motivations become practical, well-rehearsed, orthodox, vigorous, and prudent. Conscientious and organizational issues will be at an all time high as responsible, self-reliant, and traditional attitudes are witnessed within our human experiences.

Allowing Originality: Mars in Aquarius 09 Nov to 19 Dec
Personal touch and feeling are not easy to come by when Mars journeys in Aquarius. While desires are more than unusual, the energy from this transit is undeniably dynamic. Motivations become scientific, experimental, impersonal, abrupt and revolutionary.

Independence and theoretical understanding for humanitarian issues will be at an all time high as detached, friendly, blunt, nervy and unruly attitudes are witnessed within our human experiences.

Igniting Imagination: Mars in Pisces 19 Dec to 28 Jan 2017
Focus, direction and self-reliance are not easy to come by when Mars journeys in Pisces. While desires are more than sensual, the energy from this transit is unstable, diffused and easily exhausted.

Motivations become intuitive, involved, infiltrating, reconciliatory, devious and obscure. Receptive and charitable issues will be at an all time high as unassuming, diplomatic, self-sacrificing, dishonest and discontented attitudes are witnessed within our human experiences.

Forget the Anger, Lose the Fears & Choose Courage
Those choosing conflict in belief they are saving the day will not be well supported in 2016. Those exercising moves made in anger, fear and penetrating action will be entering into a storm they could otherwise avoid.

Looking back to action in play since 2008, this is the “cleaning house” year where aggressive action simply will no longer be tolerated. Aggressive action will attract intensities resulting in extremely painful outcomes.

Cleansing, clearing, releasing and letting go will be felt across the board in 2016. The positive or negative of whatever humanity has sown in deepest connections to 2008, it now shall conclude.

Becoming the Warrior
Choosing to stand in our warrior presence will be a wise choice to make in 2016 to be able to move throughout the year with ultimate success. However, it will be sensible to also monitor the “save the day” mentality.

No matter what the world will choose to do to resolve it’s conflicts, remembering who we personally are and standing up for what is right without the fight allows the win-win.

Focusing upon work backed by philanthropic intentions will be all the more rewarded and supported by the 9 energy by honoring the helpfulness that the 9 also symbolizes when it is treated with respect.  Adapting the age old mantra “kill ‘em with kindness” can reflect amazing personal rewards to anyone throughout 2016 when we activate our mindful choice of the response verses reaction should conflict come our way.

Shine Bright Warrior Star & Believe in the Miracle of You!

Wishing You an Amazing & Stellar 2016 Cycle of Choosing the Courageous in your individual human experience, Dear Star.

Happy New Year.  Namaste.

Listen back to the archive. Code Connection: A Look At 2016