As we experience late Summer moving into mid Autumn 2020, it will be the year’s most critical time that completely casts us in the ultimate request to honor reflection like humanity has never quite experienced up til now.
Unlike his close neighbor Mercury, it’s been awhile since The Pioneer planet took some necessary “time off.” The last Mars Retrograde cycled 26 June to 27 August 2018 in the signs of Aquarius & Capricorn when we were then asked to honor the soul homework of Redefining the Ambition of Humanity.
Upon 09 September in Aries, the next cycle of review and redo commences for Mars that will conclude upon 13 November. Staring 09 September at 28 degrees Aries, it will take until 13 November to move back to 15 degrees within the cardinal leadership and striking up of fire energies favored by The Ram. If you are familiar with Mercury Retrograde, you already understand all too well the kinds of “out of sorts things” that naturally tend to happen under an inner planet retrograde cycle.
What makes a Mars Retrograde different from a Mercury Retrograde?
All of our planets from above guide over different energetic themes and concepts as their movement affects our lives down here below. No matter what planet is in retrograde action, it is always considered an important cycle of reflection to understand must be honored with in the life, especially when it is an inner planet like Mars or Mercury.
Mercury energetically engages movement, travel, communication, permanent changes, blossoming, thinking and circulation of our mentality and mindsets.
Mars energetically allows us to take action, be courageous, manage our anger, become motivated, arrive at conclusions, make life happen, find our willful force, defend our freedom, and work with our natural strengths and desires.
Both Mars and Mercury are inner planets, so when their Retrograde passages occur (Mercury every 3 months; Mars every 24 months; approximately) we are highly advised to take note about our future plans -personal or business wise- concerning what they are ultimately in charge of. Being reflection, research and review are in order, initiating plans during retrograde for future success and fulfillment are best to be avoided.
Overall, the energy of a Mars Retrograde takes what we typically experience under Mercury and amplifies it tenfold. Whatever plans one may have to embark upon new adventures, they will find these are interlaced with extreme delays and completely riddled in errors.
Mars Retrograde in Aries 09 September to 13 November 2020
It is more than fair to say as the finale of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected arrives, it will abruptly bring us to a demonstrative calling to take heed of the later Aries area of life, starting at 28 degrees and then span back to 15 degrees. Mars on a normal journey through Aries enjoys strong, ardent, enterprising, abundant, positive and independent energy, yet we’ll find, these qualities are not so readily available as he will be under review and incredible pause. What anyone unaware of knowing how to honor the need for reflection will undeniably experience, sadly so, will be the very opposite outcomes.
This specific Mars Retrograde in Aries energetic pace will be uncontrolled, inflammable, combative, impetuous, forceful, aggressive, reckless and absolutely explosive. Being able to utilize patience, sympathetic understanding and retaining self-control will not be easily reached by those completely unaware it is in affect.
Energies will naturally sway to becoming turbulent, obstinate, destructive, fearful, repulsive, and take fire in its’ highest form to extremely dangerous situations. What appears to be forces of evil will attempt to utilize power with lack of purpose -which will be blindly followed by the naive. And those unwilling to awaken- will sadly surrender to situations that should not have to be cooperated with and could have been completely preventable.
Especially for America -which has a natal astrological chart just like any human or any entity with a date of initiation- this Mars Retrograde is a extremely critical passage of time to be ultimately aware of how it distinctly affects the nation overall. As written in Realigning & Reuniting America, Understanding a 6 Personal Year Cycle, its’ citizens must be well-prepared for what this cycle of reflection calls for the nation to do concerning how it nurtures at home, nourishes the inner psyche, and takes care of its’ immediate environments. By the time Mars began Retrograde 09 September, what events unfolded under it’s Approach since 25 July resulted in the harrowing west coast fires, an early hurricane season, tornadoes, and continuing unrest across the country. As this preview of Retrograde coming attractions rolled out, what happens under the actual Retrograde itself will be undeniably more of completely expect the unexpected to awaken upon American soil in further conflicts, turmoils and dismay.
Beyond America’s reflective calling, for those reachable and teachable anywhere in the world as Mars Retrograde is equally an entire global affect, the willing examination of what makes us truly tick within the focal point of Aries is extremely favored during Mars’s reflective time within The Ram.
Our personal responsibility is to stay in our own lane, slow our personal energies down, and take a deep, deep courageous look at this area of our lives so we can be rightfully focused in reflection where we belong, versus become distracted by the collective’s next shiny object. These objects will be nothing else but ones that wish to overwhelm us in fear, take control over our own abilities to be independent and remove rightful freedoms from our natural lives.
Responding versus reacting to any situation is a sound warning to heed for this entire passage. It is beyond critical we absolutely step back, become an observer as we carefully go about our lives, and not allow the influence of another to control nor dominate our behaviors.
How to Successfully Work with Mars Retrograde

Linda Goodman’s Star Cards
This alarming cycle of review and redo from Mars backtracking in Aries is quintessential in such a universal year as 2020 represents. As we are all asked to heed Becoming Friends with Simplification at this pivotal time in history, Mars offers his reflection from being well aware of not becoming ‘The Trusting Lamb’ 28 degree point starting in Aries, reversing to turnaround at the do not be persuaded by the charm of 15 degree point of ‘The Magician’, as it concludes 13 November.
These two starting and ending points undeniably indicate a profound and very powerful time of recognizing what we perhaps have been far too trusting about, and have been ultimately charmed by. We are called to take note of what has hindered our very abilities to work with absolute accountability concerning our own egos and owning of our personal power, versus falsely follow and trust those who have been giving us nothing else but ill advice, and wrongfully giving away our valuable personal power to them otherwise.
This specific retrograde passage opens us to embrace a true redefinition of what allows us all to take action within our personal lives. We are now asked to find our very courage, fierceness, warrior spirit, boldness and to step away from any argument to work with our own abilities to find harmony and peaceful resolve from within.
Coupled with the sensitive path we are personally and collectively on during 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected wild ride, defiantly places an energetic reset upon humanity’s individual will and abilities to heal what has been gurgling up and raging from within. This unprecedented cycle of reflection aligns us in our gravest responsibility to become a completely well-oiled machine that ultimately seeks for us to be able to move forward: fully awakened with a restored self-reliance and acute awareness within our lives.
The “RE Rules” Under Mars Retrograde
One of the Zodiac’s most dynamic, energetic and at worst- abrupt inner planets, Mars’s influence under normal forward motion grants action, motivation and desire wherever his feverish and accelerating energy is currently visiting within any of the 12 individual signs. Mars guides the collective’s drives to take definite action and do something- as well as our aggression, impulsiveness, exertion, and any time we need to utilize courage to adapt to change within our lives. As he decides to not “look where he is going,” the collective can expect the natural benefits of his energy to not work so seamlessly and amicably, and instead be up to rightfully experience a passage of hardcore review.
What to Be Extremely Mindful of During Mars Retrograde…
1. Monitoring Our Speed. Take a much slower pace with everything you do. Being in a hurry under Mars Rx undoubtedly attracts the potential for accidents, penetrating situations and conflicting outcomes to occur. The use of sharp objects, explosive devices and fire of all kinds are forewarned to be carefully monitored, for extra care is seriously needed concerning them for this passage.
2. Managing Our Anger. It will be very “easy” to fall to this choice of the free will. But feed and fuel the fires of rage, conflict and impatience under Mars Rx, and you’ll be ever sorry that you did.
3. Practicing Our Patience. Choosing this practice will greatly improve your results. This virtue is the most valuable one we can utilize at all times in life, but for this particular Mars Retrograde round, it will be unprecedented to habitually practice to navigate what is currently moving in the harrowing call to honor reflective energy within Aries.
4. Owning Our Ability to Let Go. Mars is equally -aside from activating our motivation and drive- the planet that promotes conclusions, finalizations and endings. Know that these will be showing up in powerful ways and trigger you from the latter Aries area of your life. Choose to resist them, and you can expect a struggle that you will look back upon and wish you had made a different decision.
5. Watching Our Initiations. Just like Mercury Retrograde cycles (which our Messenger will overlap 13 October to 03 November), we are absolutely wise to carefully monitor anything we are starting for long term success under this much more intense cycle of reflection and review. Especially when Mercury Retrograde engages 13 October to 03 November, ALL BETS ARE COMPLETELY OFF.
6. Knowing Our Personal Forecast. Wherever 28 to 15 degrees Aries rests in your natal birth chart is the precise area of life that you’ll see an ultimate reset button being pressed from 09 September to 13 November. Equally, potential natal planets that will aspect Mars’s Retrograde journey are important to understand to know how to make proper choices avoiding critical mistakes during this extremely sensitive cycle. An ounce of prevention, is a sure pound of cure. And as Ben Franklin used to wisely say, “Those that fail to prepare, prepare to fail.”
7. Mars Relating to Other Intense Planetary Alignments It has been in intense astrological conversation all throughout 2020 concerning the planetary concentration in play within Capricorn from Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto that deeply explains the global restrictions the world has been otherwise undeniably witnessing across the board. As Mars will directly Square (favoring energetic blockages, tensions, stagnation and resistance) these planets during his Retrograde journey, we have alarmingly distinct trigger points which will absolutely point to precise times that absolute tension and worldly powers vying to control people and situations will be unfolding in more than disturbing ways.
As we equally take into serious consideration both Capricorn and Aries are leadership signs, we can further understand why the worlds’ powers that be are not working in alignment, and continue to fight, blame and thwart intensely against one another. Once again, on the personal level, knowing where both Aries and Capricorn will be working with these alignments in your natal astrological chart, hold the very keys for you to work amicably with them, versus fight against their intense energies that will strive to interfere with conflicts and frustrations otherwise.
Mars Retrograde Square to Saturn 29 September How self-expression and self-confidence can be achieved will be extremely challenging to concentrate upon over the days leading into and immediately following this square forming. Collectively, the acts of manipulation will be alarming to behold, where current events playing out will unfold more fear, restrictions, control, and complete prevention of action being able to be taken. The key here is to not allow our emotions to be dominated by excessive male reckless behavior. The more silent we can personally become, the more we can listen to our divine feminine wisdom from within as the worlds’ storms amplify in their strength around us.
Mars Retrograde Square to Pluto 09 October The attempt to further separate society will be moving through the collective and provoke the utter collapses that life will indeed never be going back again to what it once used to look like. As personal powers and freedoms will be further repressed, the anger emerging will be more than explosive in ways humanity in our day and age have not ever witnessed before. On our own level of observation, what we are meant to be personally healing is given tremendous drive and transformative power if we allow it to do so. Moving away from feelings of insecurity -no matter what the world is dolling out- allows us to see and further understand we must forgive ourselves and others for the deeper pains of the past as we adapt to higher ideals replacing ones we once previously held in order to eventually move forward.
Mars Retrograde Square to Jupiter 19 October Once again, self-esteem is brought to the surface to be examined on a deeper level, as we remain reachable and teachable in order to recognize a powerful new truth. Egos out of control will be absolutely witnessed, which are to be once again responsively observed, and not directly reacted to should they cross our paths. We are best to avoid any kind of rash decisions at this time, and work intently with steering completely clear of impulsive, reckless, and any taking of a risk, chance or gamble. This more than abundant energy is best channeled to work with finding gratitude, utilizing a true being willing to be educated approach, and seek out any intellectual or artistic means to burn off the excessive and expansive energy it will provoke.
8. October’s Potent Full Moon Awakening Activations This promises to be an extremely intense emotionally filled month beckoning with even more irreversible changes- opens and concludes with two Full Moons, 01 and 31 October. With 01 October’s aligning within Aries itself, the days surrounding it will be overwhelmingly emotionally charged and cast off more intense callings to surrender to healing and reflection. By 31 October, especially as Mercury Retrograde will then be equal full affect, this Taurus Full Moon conjuncts the very planet in charge of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected Universal energy of Uranus, who is also Retrograde in Taurus. Be ultimately ready to be surprised with shock factors affecting the very root system of our sense of security like we have never see before cascade everywhere across the globe.

The Approach and Shadow of Mars Retrograde
Every Retrograde passage has a “preview of coming attractions” as the planet crosses over moving forward, the exact degree point it will backtrack to, which is astrologically termed the Approach. We distinctly started to notice what was going to be in intense reflection by 09 September as Mars crossed over 15 degrees Aries on 25 July.
Every Retrograde passage has a “ironing out the retrograde wrinkles” time until the planet crosses over, moving Direct, the exact degree point it started retrograding upon, known as the Shadow. Whatever critical decisions may have had to been made by no other choice under Mars Retrograde, will have the opportunity to smooth out the fabric of reflection wrinkles throughout 02 January 2021, when the Shadow completes crossing back over 28 degrees Aries.
What’s Really in a Word? MARS RETROGRADE
Whenever a planet is actively in RETROGRADE within our Zodiac skies, it’s that necessary time when we are best to surrender, and know we’ve GOT TO REDO, and GO TO A GREAT REORDER. As our take action and motivating planet attaches himself to the retrograde title, how apropos the anagrams we can derive are able to spell out the truth of how we can reap personal rewards.
Honoring A Cycle of Reflection
This time for reassessment, review and redo within The Ram allows us to all remember that staying in own own lane and owning our own fire versus starting one, are two mantras that will absolutely serve our highest good as this intensely plays out on the collective level. Once 13 November comes to pass, the activity within these degrees points (28 to 15 degrees Aries) of the life will start to energetically move forward once again- offering restoration and undeniably the reset button will have been hit in full to allow us to see how our ambitions and desires must move forward for the better, no matter what has fallen out otherwise as deep and incredible worldly changes.
Remember, what is deserving of being reexamined in Aries comes from the acts of review under the retrograde. So rest, retreat and reset to the very best of your ability 09 September to 13 November, then move forward with your soul certainty amidst whatever uncertain times still prevail to gather up your rewards later! Know, the grandeur may not be what you had originally anticipated. However, what is ultimately meant to be simplified by deeply honoring reflection, is where your courage will be required to receive what you will have been patiently waiting for.
As 2020 has always deeply promised, Mars Retrograde will be a more than unprecedented time of amplifying the entire year’s Awakening the Unexpected experience for the entire world to absolutely behold.
Watch the REplay from Facebook Live on more tips and tools for Mars Retrograde and 2020’s Finale.

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