Our experience of Autumn 2024 moving into the heart of Winter 2025, completely casts us into the ultimate request to honor reflection like humanity has never quite experienced up til now.
Unlike his close neighbor Mercury, it’s been awhile since The Pioneer planet took some necessary “time off.” The last Mars Retrograde cycle of reflection was within the sign of Gemini 30 October 2022 to 12 January 2023 when we were absolutely asked to honor the soul homework of closing the gap of the UNTIE to the UNITE.
Prior to that, we were in the fired up in reflection requests within the sign of Aries 06 September to 13 November 2020 seeking for us to be Staying In Our Own Lane.
The 3rd passage for our 2020’s Decade from Mars under a Retrograde passage will be ultimately once again upgrading our need for retreat as well as our conscious abilities to be paying extremely close attention to all of our timing matters.
Upon 06 December 2024 stationed at 06 degrees Leo: the next cycle of reflection, review and redo commences for Mars as it turns Retrograde until 23 February 2023, stationed before turning Direct, at 17 degrees Cancer.
Since its’ preparation for reflection Approach began 05 October at 17 degrees Cancer it will take until 23 February 2025 to move back to this very same 17 degrees point in Cancer once Mars starts to Retrograde at 06 degrees Leo 06 December.
These intense reflective forces from Mars will be engaging within two different signs.
In Leo from 06 December 2024 until 05 January 2025
Reflection will distinctly call moving from 06 to 0 degrees within the fixed fire organization sign of creative self-expression, loyalty, the heart of the matter, protection, children, manifestation, dignity and all exchanges of inspiration and faith energies that are favored by The Lion.
In Cancer from 05 January to 23 February 2025
Reflection will distinctly call moving from 29 to 17 degrees within the cardinal water leadership sign of emotional unfoldment, nurturing, feelings, imagination, food, nourishment, caring for others, the home, family and all exchanges of receiving impressions and gut sensation energies that are favored by The Crab.
If you are familiar with Mercury Retrograde, you already understand all too well the kinds of “out of sorts things” that naturally tend to happen under an inner planet retrograde cycle.
What makes a Mars Retrograde different from a Mercury Retrograde?
Let’s just clue you in a little bit: it naturally takes what Mercury Retrograde does highly advising to forget about the future and amplifies it tenfold so we can get on with the past concerning already in existence matters requiring our reflective practices concerning them.
All of our planets from above guide over different energetic themes and concepts as their movement affects our lives down here below. No matter what planet is in retrograde activity, it is always considered an important cycle of reflection to understand must be honored with in the life, especially when it is an inner planet of Mars, Mercury or Venus.
Mercury energetically allows us to engage with movement, travel, communication, information and all exchanges of it, permanent changes, blossoming, thinking and circulation of our mentality and mindsets.
Mars energetically allows us to engage with taking action, being courageous, managing our anger, finding motivation, arriving at conclusions, making life happen, honoring our willful force, defending our freedom/truth, and working with our natural strengths and desires.
Once again being both Mars and Mercury are inner planets, their Retrograde passages occur (Mercury every 3 months; Mars every 23 months; approximately) we are highly advised to take note about our future plans -whether personal or business wise- concerning what they are ultimately in charge of. Being reflection, research and review are ultimately in order, initiating plans during retrograde passages with any intention for future success and fulfillment are best to be avoided.
Overall, the energy of a Mars Retrograde makes our reflecting experiences under Mercury Retrograde “look easy” because the intensity of Mars casts off a much more conflicting and aggressive energy when not navigated consciously.
Whatever plans one may have to embark upon any brand new project, agreement, or anything that is not already in previous existence: they will find the outcome for longer term success concerning it will become interlaced with extreme delays and be completely riddled in errors.
Once Mars is Direct, the corrective Shadow passage tends to unwind the back to reality check after the Retrograde circulated confusion and illusion. Soon enough, the original ill-timed sparks under Retrograde initiation cease to continue to gain proper momentum nor genuine security as they are seen to fizzle out their flames that were merely planted upon a flimsy foundation of Mars Retrograde sand.
Mastering Mars Retrograde in Leo/Cancer 2024/25 Empowered Elearning
Conscious Forecasting for the entire Mars Approach, Retrograde & Shadow periods
What to Expect in America’s Timing & How To Be Ahead in The Preparedness Curve as Mars Rx will affect WE TRANSFORM for the nation
What distinct Areas of Your Life via Your Sun Sign perspective are meant to be specifically honoring reflection versus making any future moves within them
How to be proficient & effective during this important Cycle of Reflection
Gain Meditative Tips & Tools to Stay Grounded in Your Soul’s Certainty
Meanwhile…… So much else requires the SILENT LISTEN not only for our collective consciousness, but especially in America NOW to OWN or there will be no WON.
Extremely intense and incredulous cycles any American needs complete conscious awareness of, are all happening simultaneously as Mars Retrograde will be engaged for the nation.
Chiron Return Exacts, WE NURTURE: Under Retrograde 19 October to 12 November; Under Direct Motion 15 February to 08 March 2025. This clearing up the wounds of the deep past concerning our homeland, food supply, family connectivity, and abilities to take care or ourselves are all under the throws of intense healing.
Annual Lunar Holding Pattern 2024 to 2025: New & Full Moons for 6 months November 2024 thru April 2025 require further collective consciousness via Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Preparedness, spanning for America from WE SOCIALIZE to WE NURTURE and WE SERVE to WE STRUCTURE
Mercury Retrograde, 25 Nov to 15 Dec 2024 Reflecting where WE ARE & how WE PROCESS will affect America’s appearance to the world, immediate approaches to life and how we can heal, clear up the past, let go of pain, and work more consciously for genuine resolve.
Preparation Approach to Venus Retrograde Beginning 28 January 2025
Mars Retrograde Corrective Shadow Engaged from 23 February to 02 May 2025
Venus Retrograde 01 March to 12 April 2025 No sooner do we end Mars Retrograde upon 23 February, one week later, Venus enters reflection where WE NURTURE moving into WE COMMUNICATE until 12 April 2025. As her preparation Approach begins 28 January, it will completely overlap the finale of Mars Retrograde.
Eclipse Season 14 & 29 March 2025 in WE BELIEVE & WE NURTURE.
Mercury Retrograde 15 March to 07 April 2025 mirrors Venus Retrograde’s same backtracking steps through WE NURTURE moving into WE COMMUNICATE. You read that right. A DOUBLE RETROGRADE! Ohhh Snap! Will You Be Ready?
These more than INTENSE CYCLES all unfolding in time back to back and within their overlaps are no conspiracy theory or fake news. Nor are they ones that anyone will get out of gracefully if they are not properly prepared for with absolute awareness.
Your Free Will always has the choice to Never Compromise Living Consciously.
Whether we are forecasting a person, project launch, business or country: any soul being or entity with a specific point of initiation experiences a changing Personal Year Cycle year to year as another Solar Return annually aligns, marking what we more commonly know as one’s birthday or anniversary.
In a 1 Personal Year, The Sun is the primary planetary guidance in charge of the energetic flow and pulse of the current numerological forecast. The need for remaining in the heart space to best place all new intentions and initiations in place is always required when the 1 is present. Most important to deeply understand is what is set into motion now, distinctly affects the next 8 years outcome to follow.
For America,04 July 2024 to 04 July 2025 finds The Sun and all transits it makes within its’ natal birth chart for the 12 months will be especially critical to follow along for a crystal ball view into the specific areas of life which point to where focusing upon the heart of the matter will be absolutely required. Equally the consciousness necessary to remain well aware of the grave importance of starting over and beginning again in the theme of “if it is new it is for America” are foreseen to be the direct experiences within the life’s present journey.
As we fuse this current personal year numerology perspective back to the current transits in affect for the natal astrological chart of the person/entity, there is a laser focus forecasting view to gain in further connect these divine planetary dots understanding.
The first place America will need to exercise listening to the heart as 04 July 2024 precisely aligns: is where “WE RELATE” within its’ one on one partnerships, legalities and all personal relationships. (and considering the riveting pulse already in play within our current times, won’t THAT just be a boatload alone to UNITE the UNTIE to unpack and resolve?)
By 04 July 2025, The Sun will have worked its’ way through the entire natal birth chart of the nation, touching upon all 12 areas of America’s life. As Mars hands over the planetary baton from being in charge since 04 July 2023, it is dong so as it sits at 18 degrees Taurus within “WE CREATE” concerning the country’s abilities to create, manifest, its’ children, creative pursuits, entertainment, luxuries/pleasures and all that connects to pure heart-centered/heart space matters.
Energetically overall, the 9 Personal Year Cycle that spanned from 04 July 2023 to 04 July 2024 has ideally (or at least in the highest of conscious intentions was favored to do so) cleared away what is no longer necessary to now begin again with the cleanest slate as possible. With adhering to keen law of attraction attention, ideally as any 1 Personal Year Cycle begins: there should be the purest and fertile ground that has been naturally made to once more be ready to plant new seeds.
9 going back to a 1 Personal Year is always extremely pivotal for these 2 years within any life experience. Not resisting what needs to naturally be let go of, allows the fluidity of the 1 Personal Year Cycle to always kick off a brand new 9 year span of time via the mantra “If it is NEW it is for YOU!” which undeniably will guide the next 12 month forecast of America’s soul journey throughout 04 July 2025.
27 “Spin in Time in 9” passages since 1781….
28th: 04 July 2024 to 2032, 29th begins 04 July 2033 This will be the 28th time in the country’s history it starts another 9 year chapter of “spin in time in 9.” Taking a look back, our prior 9 to 1 Personal Years pivotal shifts occurred:
27/9, 1780 to 1781, 28/1. 36/9, 1789 to 1790 28/1. 36/9, 1798 to 1799 to 37/1.
27/9, 1807 to 1808, 28/1. 27/9, 1816 to 1817, 28/1. 27/9, 1825 to 1826, 28/1.
27/9, 1834 to 1835, 28/1. 27/9, 1843 to 1844, 28/1. 27/9, 1852 to 1853, 28/1.
27/9, 1861 to 1862, 28/1. 27/9, 1870 to 1871, 28/1. 27/9, 1879 to 1880, 28/1.
36/9, 1888 to 1889, 37/1. 36/9, 1897 to 1898, 37/1. 27/9, 1906 to 1907, 28/1.
27/9, 1915 to 1916,28/1. 27/9, 1924 to 1925,28/1. 27/9, 1933 to 1934, 28/1.
27/9, 1942 to 1943, 28/1. 27/9, 1951 to 1952, 28/1. 27/9, 1960 to 1961, 28/1.
36/9, 1969 to 1970,28/1. 36/9, 1978 to 1979,37/1. 36/9, 1987 to 1988,37/1.
36/9, 1996 to 1997, 37/1. 18/9, 2005 to 2006,19/1. 18/9, 2014 to 2015,19/1.
2024-25’s Seed Planting affects next 9 years Ahead Chapter:
For America, this current 1 Personal Year 2024 to 2025 starting the country back at 1 timing coincides as well with the 1st Pluto Return, 2021-2024 it has ever experienced as a nation. This transformational death to rebirth wake up call is presently revamping its’ entire understanding of what “WE HAVE” connecting to our value systems, money, security, establishments and material possessions. It will be extremely critical to be prepared for the timeframe of 02 September to 19 November as Pluto will be in the finale months of the Return affects, not to cycle back in this way to the nation’s natal Pluto point for another 240 years.
The Full Forecasting Details of America’s 19/1 Personal Year 2024-25 are available 21 June onSoul Certainty Community. Learn All about how all Eclipses and Inner Planet Retrograde Cycles will affect the nation as well as the Personal Month to Month flow of the entire year.
Why is it a ‘Healing The Heart’ Year for America?
As the above calculation computes America’s 11 constant of 04 July when added to our Current Universal Year of 2024: we arrive at the value of 19. As historically discussed on 21 June’s The Sharita Star Empower Hour, there are different higher vibrational energies to take into keen forecasting insight consideration of any 1 to 9 root number concerning whatever Chaldean Karmic Mystery they specifically relate.
19, The Prince of Heaven and1, The Sun ~Linda Goodman’s Star Cards
The 19 represents ‘The Prince of Heaven.’ Whenever the 19 is present, this is part of what its’ Chaldean Karmic Mystery wishes for the person or entity to consciously unlock:
“19 is one of the most fortunate and favorable of all compound numbers. It is symbolized as the Sun, and it is called the Prince of Heaven because it indicates victory over all temporal failure and disappointment. It blesses the person or entity represented by it with all the power of the Compound number 10, without the danger and abuse inherent in the 10. This number promises happiness and fulfillment- success in all ventures as well as in the personal life. The 19 will smooth the path and greatly dilute any negative vibrations one must deal with in the full numerological analysis.”~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs
The root of 19 reduces to 1, energetically guided by The Sun. The Sun rules the heart space. As equally discussed concerning 08 April’s Total Solar Eclipse, this energy as well connects to the profound ways the nation is being asked to heal.
As any 1 Personal Year focuses not only on the Solar Forecast, it equally is very significant to note all New Moons as they unfold through the year. Especially with Solar Eclipse activity, which marks an all the more intense longer term passages of initiation from specific areas of the life to remain well aware of.
This is only the 3rd time in America’s entire history it will cycle through a 19 vibration Personal Year within the 1. The only other years this has ever happened was during 2006-07 and 2015-16. All 1 Personal Years the nation has ever experiences prior to 2000 otherwise always computed to a 37 or 28 on their higher 1 compound number vibrations, and allowed for a different Chaldean Karmic Mystery to be consciously understood for that specific conscious timing.
USA’s LAST 1 Personal Year in the 19, saw the same “WE RELATE” beginnings concerning all legalities and partnerships, with intense focus via Solar Eclipse energies triggering from “WE COMMUNICATE” and “WE BELIEVE” which marked significant mindset/thinking/spreading of information changes as well as ones that worked within the truth of the nation, its’ foreign affairs/policy, and all belief systems and philosophies.
An Astrology & Chaldean Numerology Comprehensive Analysis for Consciousness Insight
In the genuine aim to raise consciousness for a nation that undeniably needs it, welcome to the fusion of how Chaldean Numerology is able to dive super, super deep into the realms of the natal birth chart. This detailed and in-depth analysis focuses upon the key numerological guidance concerning the very numbers of the natal planetary degree points within the natal astrological birthchart. As a meditative approach is taken to understand the numerological soul energy makeup of America, may it begin to embrace its’ inner knowing and keenly remember who it is on a spiritual level to heal and move forward in resolve.
07 July’s EpisodeWalks You Through This Star Meditation Reading of America
Below you will find for each Star Meditative Point of Numerological Reference relating to America’s 4 Karmic Path, 32 Life Path and all specific planetary degree points within America’s natal astrological birthchart:
Chaldean Numerology Imagery from Linda Goodman’s Star Cards coupled with the Natal Planet and its’ specific guidance.
The Area of the Astrological Chart each planet placement uniquely affects, and the Zodiac Sign its’ specific degree point was at at America’s birth 04 July 1776.
Chaldean Karmic Mysteries as they apply to the compound numbers from Linda Goodman’s Star Signs. They were honored by the ancients as key concepts to energetically unlock for conscious soul growth, awareness and to be taken as keen advice to be heeded throughout the lifetime.
Judgments as related from Nostradamus in red text connecting further insight to each number.
This reading format is meant to bring in-depth understanding for America to accept who it is, work with its’ natural energies so that it can rightfully stand in its’ soul power. Meditating on the imagery as it connects to the specific area of life it affects deepens the healing process. As we further embrace the ancient wisdom the Chaldean Karmic Mysteries relate as well as Nostradamus’s Judgments: they all still undeniably hold the self-knowledge keys to allow freedom of America to shine in our modern day world.
The only way now, in 2023, is to raise consciousness if America is truly going to heal its’ soul.
Let’s Take the SILENT LISTEN of Your Star Meditation Journey, America…
4 Karmic Path, The Innovator
Naturally fuses and works with the Natal Sun Sign (See 13 degrees Cancer Sun below) throughout the life to uniquely express key talents, character, purpose and health.
No Chaldean Karmic Mystery as a single digit number. Pure “old soul” channeling.
4 Judgment, POWER: “Middle Age is the age of reason when everything is possible.”
32 Life Path, Communication
The ground beneath our feet, the energetic path of life that is witnessed. In essence, the whole of the individual/entity walks down this “yellow brick road” all throughout the lifetime, with changing experiences as the current forecast and natal numerological chart will always dictate. This is the specific channel (for America, circulating in the root of 5, 3 + 2 = 5) that must be honored in order to work successfully along the continuing evolution of the soul within the entire life’s journey.
32 Communication
This Compound Number has the same magical power to sway masses of people as the 14, the same help from those in high positions as the 23. Add all this to the natural ability to charm others with magnetic speech, and it’s clear why 32 is sometimes known, by modernizing the symbolism of the ancients as “the politicians vibration.” The complexities of advertising, writing, publishing, radio, television are not always, but usually are an open book to the 32 person, who tends to work well under pressure. But there’s a warning note sounded within this seemingly happy melody. 32 is a very fortunate number if the person it represents holds inflexibility to his or her own opinions and judgment in both artistic or intangible and material matters. If not, the plans are liable to be wrecked by the stubbornness and stupidity of others.
32 Judgment, CONVERSATION: “As among the interwoven myrtle branches, may there be union between our fellow creatures.”
America’s Natal Astrological Chart
The left image represents the 12 houses key (or “rooms of life” as it can be more easily related) to understand what each of the 12 areas of any astrological natal chart mean for the subject at hand. America’s natal chart is on the right, with the tenses of “I” indicated as “WE” being it is a collective country. Any natal chart whether a person, event, and in this case, the country: starts at the left center Rising Sign/Ascendant mark via “I AM/WE ARE” Area 1 and then works counter clockwise to read around it to reach “I PROCESS/WE PROCESS” of Area 12.
While the left is the key, the uniqueness of how America is energetically composed at birth is seen on the right. Any natal chart grants a very specialized map to begin to understand the self. Equally via Forecasting, as the present moments of collective cycles are experienced, the different ways they personally affect us is highly individualized, thus becoming the personal story of the soul’s journey.
12 degrees Rising/Ascendant in Sagittarius, WE ARE
12 The Sacrifice ~ The Victim, Chaldean Karmic Mystery
One will periodically be sacrificed for the plans or intrigues of others. The number 12 warns of the necessity to be alert to every situation, to beware of false flattery from those who use it to gain their own ends. Be suspicious of those who offer a high position, and carefully analyze the motive. Although duplicity is not always present, forewarned is forearmed. There is a degree of mental anxiety, caused by the need to sacrifice personal goals to the ambition of others. A secondary meaning of this number should be considered. The figure 1 is the teacher (whether it be a person or Life itself.) The figure 2 is the kneeling, submissive student. Sometimes, the result of severe emotional stress and mental anguish creates amnesia, forgetfulness of lessons previously learned. 12 represents the educational process on all levels, the submission of the will required and the sacrifices necessary to achieve knowledge and wisdom, on both the spiritual and the intellectual levels. When the intellect is sacrificed to the feelings, the mind will be illuminated with the answers it seeks. Look within for the solution.Attention paid to the requirements of education will end suffering and bring success.
Power Center/Scope of Life/Regenerative Force for Income Potential, Material Worlds & Value Systems
27 The Sceptre, Chaldean Karmic Mystery
This is an excellent, harmonious and fortunate number of courage and power, with a touch of enchantment. It blesses the person or entity it represents with a promise of authority and command. It guarantees that great rewards will come from the productive labors, the intellect, and the imagination. All of these creative faculties have sown good seeds which are to reap a rich harvest. People or entities represented by the 27 should always carry out their own original plans and ideas, and not be intimidated or influenced by the diverse opinions or opposition of others. 27 is a number of karmic reward, earned in more than one previous incarnation.
27 Judgment, FRIENDSHIP: “May solidarity last through prosperity and need.”
Feelings/Emotions within Mentality, Thinking, Mindset, Communications
27 (see Pluto references above)
08 degrees URANUS in Gemini, WE SERVE
Originality/Invention/Individuality within Service To Nation & Others/LifeStyle/Workforce/Physical Health
No Chaldean Karmic Mystery as a single digit number. Pure “old soul” channeling.
8 Judgment, EQUILIBRIUM: “A discrete man never strays from the law.”
21 degrees MARS in Gemini, WE RELATE
Drives/Motivation/Courage/Taking Action within Legalities/Partnerships
21 The Crown of The Magi, Chaldean Karmic Mystery
21 is pictured as The Universe, and also is called The Crown of the Magi. It promises general success, and guarantees advancement, honors, awards, and general elevation in the life and career. It indicates victory after a long struggle, for the Crown of the Magi is gained only after long initiation, much soul testing and various other tests of determination. However, the person or entity blessed with the number 21 may be certain of final victory over all odds and all opposition. Its a most fortunate vibration- a number of karmic reward.
21 Judgment, NOTORIETY: “The wreath and crown ensure deserved fame.”
03 degrees VENUS in Cancer, WE RELATE
Values/Affections/Abilities to Relate within Legalities/Partnerships
No Chaldean Karmic Mystery as a single digit number. Pure “old soul” channeling.
3 Judgment, WILL: “Pursue at all costs, the goal that has been set.”
05 degrees JUPITER in Cancer, WE RELATE
Truth/Wisdom/Beliefs that Educate within Legalities/Partnerships
No Chaldean Karmic Mystery as a single digit number. Pure “old soul” channeling.
5 Judgment, TRADITION: “Every action should be compared with the action of others.”
13 degrees SUN in Cancer, WE RELATE
Identity/Character Expressing Innate Talents within Legalities/Partnerships
13 Regeneration ~ Change Chaldean Karmic Mystery
13 is not an unlucky number, as many people believe. The ancients claimed that he who understands how to use the number 13 will be given power and dominion. The symbol of the 13 is a skeleton, or death, with a scythe, reaping down men in a field of new-grown grass, where young faces and heads appear to be thrusting through the ground and emerging on all sides. 13 is a number of upheaval, so that new ground may be broken. It’s associated with power, which, if used for selfish purposes, will bring destruction upon itself. There is a warning of the unknown and the unexpected. Adapting to change gracefully will bring out the strength of the 13 vibration, and decrease any potential for he negative. 13 is associated with genius- also with explorers, breaking the orthodox and new discoveries of all kinds. 4/8 advice as well.
13 Judgment, METAMORPHOSIS: “The inevitable passing of time transforms all things.”
Communication/Mentality/Abilities to Change within Wealth, Core Source Energy/Death & Rebirth Matters
24 Love Money Creativity Chaldean Karmic Mystery
One of the fortunate and karmic reward compound numbers; justly earned in past incarnations, particularly when itʼs the birth number. It promises the assistance of those with power and indicates a close association with the people of high rank and position. It greatly indicates financial success, and the ability to achieve happiness in love. It denotes gain through romance, the law, or the arts, and a magnetism which is extremely attractive to the opposite sex. The only warning related to the 24 is self-indulgence and a certain arrogance in love, financial, and career matters because everything comes so effortlessly. Itʼs wise to remember that if the 24 is abused in the present life, it could revert back to an 18 or some other extremely difficult birth number in the next. So one is warned not to fail to appreciate the benefits of this compound number, and not allow such good fortune to cause selfishness or a careless attitude toward spiritual values. The temptation to indulge in promiscuity must be avoided; likewise a tendency to overindulgence of all kinds.
24 Judgment, TIES: “The viper will trample every worthless thing that damages unions.”
22 degrees NEPTUNE in Virgo, WE BELIEVE
Intuition/Illusion/Instinctive Perceptions within Foreign Affairs & Matters/The Truth/Belief Systems
22 Submission ~ Caution, Chaldean Karmic Mystery
22 is symbolized by the ancients as “a Good Man, blinded by the folly of others, with a knapsack on his back, full of errors.” In the image he seems to offer no defense against a ferocious tiger which is about to attack him. It’s a warning number of illusion and delusion. It indicates a good person (or entity) who lives in a fool’s paradise; a dreamer of dreams who awakens only when surrounded by danger, when it’s often too late. It warns of mistakes in judgment, of placing faith in those who are not trustworthy. If 22 is the birth number, the person it represents should exercise caution and watchfulness (since the birth number cannot be altered) in both career and personal matters. The karmic obligation here is to be more alert, to curb “spiritual laziness,” and develop more spiritual aggressiveness- to realize your own power to change things, to prevent failure by simply ordaining success. When this personal responsibility is recognized, practiced, and finally mastered, the 22 person can be in control of events, no longer blinded by the folly of others, and will see ideas achieved and dreams realized.
22 Judgment, TRUTH: “May the spur prick away bad habits and the bellows blow forth virtue.”
14 degrees SATURN in Libra, WE STRUCTURE
Self-Reliance/Accountability within Public Life/Recognition/Leadership/Power/Authority
14 Movement ~ Challenge, Chaldean Karmic Mystery
Magnetic communication with the public through writing, publishing and all media-related matters is associated with the 14. Periodic changes in business and partnerships of all kinds are usually beneficial. Dealing with speculative matters brings luck, likewise movement and travel associated with combinations of people and nations can be fortunate. However, both gains and losses are sometimes temporary, due to the strong currents of change, which are ever present. 14 warns of danger from accidents related to natural elements, i.e.: fire, flood, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tempests, and so forth. (This is not an absolute, merely a warning to be cautious.) There is a risk involved in depending on the word of those who misrepresent a situation. It’s a mistake to rely on others. Rely on the intuition, the self, the voice within. The luck of the 14 includes money dealings and speculative projects, or betting, but there’s always danger of loss due to wrong advice from others, or over confidence.
14 Judgment, REBIRTH: “Like a snake loses it’s old skin, heal yourself.”
Why DO WE NEED A Spiritual Conscious Approach TO NOW HEAL America?
Whether we are forecasting a person, project launch, business or country: any being or entity with a specific point of initiation experiences a changing Personal Year Cycle year to year as another Solar Return annually aligns, marking what we more commonly know as one’s birthday or anniversary .
In a 9 Personal Year, Mars is the primary planetary guidance in charge of the energetic flow and pulse of the current numerological forecast. The need for Courage and a Warrior presence are always required.
For America,04 July 2023 to 04 July 2024 finds Mars and all transits it makes for the 12 months will be especially critical to follow along for a crystal ball view into the specific areas of life pointing to where courage will be absolutely required. Equally the conscious need to remain well aware of how conflict, penetration, aggressive action and undeniable conclusions/finalizations are foreseen to take up dynamic action within the life’s journey.
As we fuse this current personal year numerology perspective back to the current transits in affect for the natal astrological chart of the person/entity, there is a laser focus forecasting view to gain in further connect these divine planetary dots understanding.
The first place America will need to exercise extreme caution with a Warrior presence as 04 July 2023 aligns: is within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true. (and considering the riveting pulse already in play within our current times, won’t THAT just be a boatload alone to UNITE the UNTIE to unpack and resolve ? )
By 04 July 2024, Mars will have worked its’ way through 7 other natural areas of America’s life to reach the country’s abilities to create, manifest, its’ children, creative pursuits, entertainment, luxuries/pleasures and all that relates to pure heart-centered/heart space matters.
Energetically overall, a 9 Personal Year Cycle and its’ starting focus clears away what is no longer necessary during the 12 months to follow. With adhering to keen law of attraction attention, once the next 1 Personal Year Cycle begins: there is fresh, clean and fertile ground that has been naturally made to once again be ready to plant new seeds.
9 going back to a 1 Personal Year are always extremely pivotal for the 2 years within any life experience. Not resisting what needs to naturally be let go of, allows the fluidity of the 1 Personal Year Cycle to always kick off a brand new 9 year span of time via the mantra “If it is NEW it is for YOU !” which guides the next 12 month forecast of the life’s journey.
For America, this current 9 Personal Year starting back at 1 by 2024 timing coincides as well with the 1st Pluto Return, 2021-2024 it has ever experienced as a nation. This transformational death to rebirth wake up call is presently revamping its’ entire value system, money, establishments and material possessions. It will be extremely critical to be prepared for the timeframe of 25 January to 15 March as Mars will have entered via transit by then within this same area communicating with Pluto: promising riveting moments to endure, with the most intense clearance time in dynamic motion as it does so over 06 to 13 February.
The Full Forecasting Details of America’s 18/9 Personal Year 2023-24 are available now onSoul Certainty Community.
Why is it a ‘Spiritual Material Conflict’ Year for America?
As the above calculation computes America’s 11 constant of 04 July when added to our Current Universal Year of 2023: we arrive at the value of 18. As historically discussed on 23 June’s The Sharita Star Empower Hour, there are different higher vibrational energies to take into keen forecasting insight consideration of any 1 to 9 root number concerning whatever Chaldean Karmic Mystery they specifically relate.
The 18 represents ‘Spiritual Material Conflict.’ Whenever the 18 is present, this is part of what its’ Chaldean Karmic Mystery wishes for the person/entity to unlock:
18 Spiritual Material Conflict ~Linda Goodman’s Star Cards
“Of all Compound numbers, 18 has the most difficult symbolism to translate. (the Jesus complex) The ancients describe the 18 with the following image: A rayed moon, from which drops of blood are falling. A wolf and a hungry dog are seen below, catching the falling drops of blood in their opened mouths, while still lower, a crab is seen hastening to join them.
18 symbolizes materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of the nature. It often associates the person or entity represented by it with bitter quarrels within the family circle- with wars, social upheaval, and revolution.”~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs
As noted in the timeline below, this is only the 3rd time in America’s entire history it will cycle through an 18 vibration Personal Year within the 9. The only other years this has ever happened was during 2005-06 and 2014-15.
All prior 9 Personal Year Cycles since 1776 for America
36 or 27 The Sceptre ~Linda Goodman’s Star Cards
Of great importance to understand, is how America reigned supreme prior to the turn of the century, no matter what incredible changes it has endured and overcome with resilience. As the patterns show below of all the recurring 9 Personal Years, they always equated to a 27 or 36 higher vibration of the 9. The 27 or 36’s Chaldean Karmic Mystery is QUITE different from the 18.
27/36 represents The Sceptre: “This is an excellent, harmonious and fortunate number of courage and power, with a touch of enchantment. It blesses the person or entity it represents with a promise of authority and command. It guarantees that great rewards will come from the productive labors, the intellect, and the imagination. All of these creative faculties have sown good seeds which are to reap a rich harvest. People or entities represented by the 27 should always carry out their own original plans and ideas, and not be intimidated or influenced by the diverse opinions or opposition of others. 27 is a number of karmic reward, earned in more than one previous incarnation.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs
SOUND LIKE THE AMERICA OF OLD? Or the one that used to honestly stand in the precise meaning of the 27/36? Be sure to connect with more concerning America & the 27 energy that deeply explains its’ current 1st Pluto Return, 2021-2024.
2005-06, under the 18 starting within its’ homeland, nurturing abilities, food, family and environments. This is the FIRST 18 Personal Year Cycle the nation ever experienced within its’ lifetime.
1996-97, under the 36 starting within its’ legalities, partnerships, alliances and all personal/business relationships/contracts.
1987-88, under the 36 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.
1978-79, under the 36 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.
1969-70, under the 36with Mars Retrograde starting within its’ inner world, secrets, healing, karmic clearing, hidden matters, abilities to process the past, and work with solitude.
1960-61, under the 27 starting within its’ abilities to create, manifest, its’ children, creative pursuits, entertainment, luxuries/pleasures and all that relates to pure heart-centered/heart space matters.
1951-52, under the 27 starting within its’ legalities, partnerships, alliances and all personal/business relationships/contracts.
1942-43, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.
1933-34, under the 27 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.
1924-25, under the 27 starting within its’ communications, ideas, mindset, thinking, mentality, information/media, short trips transportation.
1915-16, under the 27 starting within its’ abilities to serve itself and others, workforce, lifestyle, habits, routines, and physical healthcare.
1906-07, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.
1897-98, under the 36 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.
1888-89, under the 36 starting within its’ leadership, power, recognition, respect, authority and public life.
1879-80, under the 36 starting within its’ homeland, nurturing abilities, food, family and environments.
1870-71, under the 27 starting within its’ legalities, partnerships, alliances and all personal/business relationships/contracts.
1861-62, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.
1852-53, under the 27 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.
1843-44, under the 27 starting within its’ inner world, secrets, healing, karmic clearing, hidden matters, abilities to process the past, and work with solitude.
1834-35, under the 27 starting within its’ abilities to create, manifest, its’ children, creative pursuits, entertainment, luxuries/pleasures and all that relates to pure heart-centered/heart space matters.
1825-26, under the 27 starting within its’ legalities, partnerships, alliances and all personal/business relationships/contracts.
1816-17, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.
1807-08, under the 27 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.
1798-99, under the 36 starting within its’ communications, ideas, mindset, thinking, mentality, information/media, short trips transportation.
1789-90, under the 36 starting within its’ abilities to serve itself and others, workforce, lifestyle, habits, routines, and physical healthcare.
1780-81, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.
04 July 1776 = 32 | America is born to The 32 Lifepath of ‘Communication’ Mercury, The Messenger Guided by 5
32 Communication ~Linda Goodman’s Star Cards
Chaldean Karmic Mystery to Unlock: “This Compound Number has the same magical power to sway masses of people as the 14, the same help from those in high positions as the 23. Add all this to the natural ability to charm others with magnetic speech, and it’s clear why 32 is some-times known, by modernizing the symbolism of the ancients as the politicians vibration. The complexities of advertising, writing, publishing, radio, television are not always, but usually are an open book to the 32 person, who tends to work well under pressure. But there’s a warning note sounded within this seemingly happy melody. 32 is a very fortunate number if the person it represents holds inflexibly to his or her own opinions and judgment in both artistic or intangible and material matters. If not, the plans are liable to be wrecked by the stubbornness and stupidity of others.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs
Via The 5’sMovement, Change, Versatility, Circulation This Lifepath influence is the “ground beneath America’s feet” its’ “yellow brick road of life” in essence. The pulse of change and remaining adaptable has always been the guiding light of the nation, yet as the 32 wisely councils, it is the political realms that must never be abused. Resolve your politics America if your free will actually can Never Compromise Living Consciously.
Welcome to the nations’ 17/8 Personal Year, that now spans 04 July 2022 to 04 July 2023.
The forecasting that this entailed to deeply explain in explicit details for the country holds plenty of value, which is why it is available only through Soul Certainty Community. It includes a timing is everything forecasting pdf from month to month in all there is to know, that is guided by an mp3 recording to walk you through it every single timing step of the way.
This is the culmination point of many things unfolding for the nation in simultaneous cycles that are all intensely overlapping. As we not only experience this year of Accepting Accountability as a nation moving forward from our Healing from Within recent 16/7 Personal Year, the very firstPluto Return 2021-2024, is another heavy portion of the complete timing is everything story.
This is the complete heads up to become fully and absolutely prepared for what is promised to be a severe Autumn as well as what the Winter months moving into Spring 2023 will undeniably entail as so many intense cycles interweave and play out together.
This 17/8 Personal Year Cycle for America begins with its’ ruling planet and guide for the entire year, Saturn being Retrograde at 24 degrees Aquarius, just on the edge the same area of life the Pluto Return at 27 degrees Capricorn is already engaged in. Everything concerning Capricorn and Aquarius always feels all the more deeply karmic in experience. America will certainly be feeling this level of heaviness all the more in dual influences when it comes to the value of everything across the board concerning what “I Have” from its’ money, material possessions, established systems, securities and worth overall.
As the close of 2022 comes into play that crosses us over into January 2023, there is one more layer of intensity adding in for the nation in this very same area of the country’s life. All while the ongoing gripping reflection from Mars Retrograde will be disrupting the nations’ lifestyle, healthcare system, abilities to serve and all matters of habits and routines.
Are you honestly, honestly and truly ready for this intense ride Dear Star?
“Those that fail to prepare, prepare to fail.” ~Benjamin Franklin
America starts to experience its’ first ever Pluto Return as a nation in 2021. The first of a few passes that will “Direct Hit” via exacting this Return energy more than once start occurring in early 2022 moving into early 2023. This entire deep transformational process for the nation will not officially conclude until Autumn 2024.
Why is a Pluto Return so important?
While a human can never actually experience a Pluto Return -unlike a Saturn Return or Uranus Return that do happen in a person’s natural lifespan- an entity such as a country, absolutely can. Now being America is an extremely young country compared to the rest of the world only becoming born in 1776; this is the very first time America is in the turbulence of this important cycle.
Its’ mark of time is critical to fully understand in these uncertain times, for it completely indicates there is near death, regeneration, transformation, and ultimate rebirth for America to experience.
America’s Natal Pluto at 27 degrees, The Sceptre
The natal degree planetary points within any natal chart layer in highly important insight from the numerology perspective, how the person or entity of a nation in this case will execute the energy of the planet itself beyond astrology’s view alone. The position of Pluto under Retrograde 04 July 1776 was at 27 degrees Capricorn, representing via its’ Chaldean Karmic Mystery to unlock in the nation’s lifetime below.
27 The Sceptre ~Linda Goodman’s Star Cards
“This is an excellent, harmonious and fortunate number of courage and power, with a touch of enchantment. It blesses the person or entity it represents with a promise of authority and command. It guarantees that great rewards will come from the productive labors, the intellect, and the imagination. All of these creative faculties have sown good seeds which are to reap a rich harvest. People or entities represented by the 27 should always carry out their own original plans and ideas, and not be intimidated or influenced by the diverse opinions or opposition of others. 27 is a number of karmic reward, earned in more than one previous incarnation.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs
Who is Pluto anyway?
Pluto is our most outer planet that transits from above, that we distinctly watch down here below. Due to its’ elliptical orbit, it can spend anywhere from 14 to 25 years in one zodiac sign alone. Hence why it takes, as America is now beginning to understand, 245 years for it to get back to the very same natal point it was exactly at when the country was birthed 04 July 1776.
Pluto is known as The Transformer. It’s channel of energy does the following: distinguishes generations; controls all power plays concerning world events upon the planet; governs over sexuality, literal death and rebirth; determines the ability to acquire wealth through the utilization of other people’s money; works with large scale resources; guides cultural changes, and is the force that sees the entire scope upon life itself.
In Astrology, Pluto has ownership over the Zodiac Sign of Scorpio, The Eagle- who is ever so keen at observing the entire scope of life. In Numerology, Pluto rules the singular digit of Zero/0 the very number connecting us to infinity. Both channel the distinct energy of The Transformer, as this intense water sign and powerful number are always seen to be at work with the Pluto qualities wherever one may look.
Via Current Transit, Pluto is presently in Capricorn, where he has been visiting in the zodiac skies above since 2008. Even with some previews of the upcoming years in Aquarius saying hello during Spring 2023 and the earlier portion of 2024: Pluto is not officially done transforming within the zodiac energies of The Goat until 19 November 2024.
What does Pluto in Capricorn mean?
Pluto’s time in Capricorn always denotes times in history where the responsibility, accountability, and integrity to learn from our experiences must be carefully met: especially concerning governments, power positions, economic matters, any issues of control or misuse of authority and power. With Capricorn being the very sign of ambition, hard work, seriousness, and being extremely disciplined- if these qualities are being abused in anyway in greed or deceit, it often appears rather karmic concerning the lessons of consequence that will need to then be experienced.
America’s Natal Chart was instilled 04 July 1776 when Pluto was Retrograde at 27 degrees Capricorn. We see this down in Area 2 bottom left side of the wheel- where the 27 deg Capricorn glyph at 33 minutes, is next to the glyph of Pluto.
This “Area 2” piece of the natal chart is the “I Have” of America: concerning its’ natural abilities and talents to earn money, establish values, feel security and comfort, gain luxuries, maintain stability, and pull in all matters of material means into the life via owning or possessing them.
It is well known, where one’s Pluto is natally placed, is where their true power and core energy channels from within the life. Equally, it can also become the area of life where a source of jealousy from others can be seen. It is also where deep and dark secrets can lie, as well as where the individual may or may witness the very process of death and rebirth in other ways, depending as well upon other planetary placements and how current transits in the natal chart will be at work throughout the lifetime.
While it is only countries or very well established business ever experience a Pluto Return, as the current energy has completed an entire cycle around the natal zodiac wheel since it was initiated: it is a guarantee, there will be a definite sense of a near death experience to unfold.
Transformation is undeniably compelled to occur, allowing rebirth to justly and naturally begin within the area of life it is natally placed within, as well as connect to other possible areas of the life scope that the natal Pluto may have in conversation to other natal planets via understanding aspects.
America is presently working with near death to become reborn in due time from 2021 to 2024.
DIRECT HIT 1: 03 Feb – 09 March 2022 Pluto 27 degrees Capricorn, Exact: 20 – 22nd Feb
Over the time of February through March of 2022 we find Pluto is, via current transit, precisely back at this 27 degrees starting point mark from 04 July 1776. The Exact point of contact is the days listed. Nevertheless, Pluto sits on 1 degree point, for over a month’s time.
As Pluto continues return more than once to the natal point with the nation’s birth chart, these are the extremely intense times we will notice the heavy and absolutely transformative energies they promise and will pull into the country’s experiences. Just as soon as Venus and Mercury Retrograde conclude in early 2022, the current Pluto in Capricorn begins to engage directly at 27 degrees Capricorn: the precise natal point of it for America. This lasts until 09 March, then returns again by Summer Solstice time as Pluto will be Retrograde since 29 April, and crosses back over this same exact point.
Intensifying things all the more are this Pluto “hits” during the country’s 16/7 Personal Year Cycle: Healing America from Within, which has a whole other numerology forecast angle about many things coming to dramatic changes, involving anther outer planet: Neptune, which is anther slow, and ever patience process as well. In knowing Pluto is the most outer planet there is with its’ elliptical orbit, it’s time in moving through any sign takes years to complete, as very close by Neptune is the very same. Therefore the movement through any sign either is presently in, all is at the slower pace from any inner planet we observe from above.
Intense doesn’t quite cover the forecast for what Americans and anyone watching from afar will deeply need to understand -which will have already been falling out from Venus and Mercury Retrogrades that open up 2022 in complete inner planet reflection mode- of the surrender that will be necessary to navigate what will be unfolding. Being prepared to simplify, allowing the past value of all to diminish, is the only way a powerful rebirth can begin to start the work it will wish to do. Always remember the fact as well: this will take the next immediate years through 2024 as well, to fully complete the process.
These current changes no matter how we slice it: for America are extremely slow, requiring ultimate preparation, observation, discernment and patience. For those unwilling to heed the warning, all that is truly about to unfold will seemingly appear rather painful.
DIRECT HIT 2: 22 June – 04 Aug 2022 Pluto 27 degrees Capricorn Retrograde, Exact: 09 – 11 Jul
Pluto comes back to the exact natal point of Pluto in America’s chart under Retrograde just as Summer 2022 begins. This will be an extremely intense time that befalls the nation. While February 2022 moving into March 2022 began the dominos that had been set up to fall, this “Hit 2” of the ongoing Pluto Return will be felt much, much differently.
Upon 04 July, Accepting Accountability in America: Understanding an 8 Personal Year Cycle, will transfer focus from Neptune as the 7 Personal Year concludes, to spotlight Saturn’s current transit for what the nation needs to be extremely well aware of during the 12 months that follow through 04 July 2023.
This 17/8 Personal Year Cycle for America begins with Saturn being Retrograde at 24 degrees Aquarius, just on the edge the same area of life the Pluto Return at 27 degrees Capricorn is already engaged in. Everything concerning Capricorn and Aquarius always feels all the more deeply karmic in experience. America will certainly be feeling this level of heaviness all the more in dual influences when it comes to the value of everything across the board concerning what “I Have” from its’ money, material possessions, established systems, securities and worth overall.
America’s 16/7 Personal Year Cycle absolutely begged for the inner work to be done from a mentality, communications and healing mindset standpoint from 04 July 2021 to 2022. What will shift as it enters the 17/8 Personal Year Cycle, is bearing the responsibility of what needs to be learned from these experiences through July 2023: also within the country’s area of the life that guides what “I Have,” as stated above.
Saturn Retrogrades until 23 October 2022, back to 18 degrees Aquarius, the very energy of ‘Spiritual Material Conflict.’ By this point, it will be evident the collapses of value, costs that are out of control, lack and complete restrictions and limitations that are befalling the supply chains, and the extreme lessons America is learning from these experiences.
Such energies as a Pluto Return and an influential Saturn guided 8 Personal Year- with both planets Retrograde within the same area of America’s life, promise to turn out moments of surrender, accepting what must be witnessed in near death so the rising in responsibility to accountably change will be the only way through to valuable rebirth.
Saturn moving forward from 23 October 2022, will shift by 28 January 2023, into the nation’s mentality, communications and mindset. The country by this point in time, will know what being a part of a Great Depression truly is. The severity of mental health awareness alone will cascade especially as Saturn exactly conjuncts the nation’s natal 27 degrees Aquarius Moon from 10 to 19 February 2023; expect emotional breakdowns, anxieties and utter chaos in communications like we have equally never experienced. The grave reality of what must be now mentally healed, will be no longer able to be denied.
DIRECT HIT 3: 10 Dec 2022 – 11 Jan 2023, Pluto 27 degrees Capricorn, Exact: 27 – 29 Dec
Pluto actually moves out of Capricorn by 23 March 2023, yet it will only remain at 0 degrees Aquarius until it turns Retrograde once again upon 01 May 2023. By 11 June, Pluto Retrograde is back at 29 degrees Capricorn where it will journey in reflective motion throughout the late Spring through early Autumn as we reach Direct Hit 4 when it stations at 27 degrees Capricorn once again to turn Direct upon 10 October 2023.
From the numerology forecast, America shifts into the 18/9 Spiritual Material Conflict Personal Year Cycle, 2023-24 that officially begins upon 04 July. During this courageous 12 month cycle, Mars (the planet in charge of the 9 Personal Year), will also be in transit within America’s “I HAVE” from 25 January 2024 until 15 March. It makes a precise conjunction to the country’s natal Pluto 08 – 10 February and more widely over 06 – 13 February. Mars, once entering Aquarius will be doing the same to the current Pluto over 13 to 15 February.
This is another important timeframe that makes all the more impact upon economical matters surrounding the nations’ values, money, financial concerns and all established system in extremely driven, conflicting and riveting conclusions alongside the already ongoing deep transformations for rebirth. Yet before then…..
DIRECT HIT 4: 19 Sept – 01 Nov 2023 (Pluto Retrograde to 10 Oct)
*01 September 2024 Pluto under Retrograde REenters Capricorn,stations in a close conjunction 29 degrees to the nation’s natal for the very last “soft” via 02 degs conjunction Hit of this Pluto Return through 19 November 2024 when it moves back into Aquarius.
*11 October 2024 Pluto turns Direct 29 degrees Capricorn.
19 Nov 2024 Pluto enters Aquarius until 08 March 2043
While this riveting cycle of the nation’s 1st ever Pluto Return will have officially completed its’ mission, The Transformer planet still remains within America’s “I HAVE” while transiting in Aquarius until 24 March 2039. At this point, then it moves briefly into “I COMMUNICATE” until 31 July 2039, when under Retrograde it returns once again to “I HAVE.”
By 02 February 2040, Pluto in Aquarius moves back under Direct motion to “I COMMUNICATE.” Under Retrograde and briefly for the final time, it moves back into “I HAVE” 18 October 2040, turning Direct 05 November and will then transit back into “I COMMUNICATE” under Direct motion by 25 November 2040.
Wherever America has ultimately transformed overall concerning its’ values. money, finances and established systems, may they be ones where a moral compass conerning them all, is once again leading the way.
Moving forward for the years ahead still in Aquarius, America will bear witness to Pluto’s journey of intense and amazing healing for how the ultimate free will of the nation has chosen to Never Compromise Living Consciously during these Return years to allow death, surrender and welcome what needs to become reborn.
For America and all the world who is closely watching it from a distance, it is time to be well prepared to OWN our NOW for the remainder of the Twenty Twenty WON Changing Global Truth ride ahead. The first half that absolutely has called in neutrality, sovereignty and personal resilience- is not going to slow down for its’ remainder whatsoever, as it now will only accelerate the collective changes to shake up energies at an even more than alarming rate.
The mental strength and ultimate awareness it is going to genuinely take to get through the next years’ energy, as well as those that will immediately follow it concluding this current 9 year span of time for the nation -as the intense grieving, healing and inner work has not even begun to truly arrive yet- is not to be underestimated as the nation’s 16/7 Personal Year engages upon 04 July 2021.
With the layering in of America’s first ever Pluto Return starting to begin now that will last through 2024 -which has also not reached its’ fullest “near death experiences” quite yet- the true collapse of established values and security including any and all systems across the board that have only abused the power and influence they were given to do good with otherwise: will indeed die and allow rebirth to unfold. Everything previously built upon an illusionary house cards in lies and deceit: it is an energetic promise they will cease to exist as we have been accustomed to, in due time.
We have only just begun, the healing journey for America which will ripple out to all of humanity across the globe. If one wants to be ultimately prepared and understand how to still thrive during this immediate time over the next year versus become a victim in survival, getting familiar with what the energy means of the 16’s ‘The Shattered Citadel’ under an inner work flavored 7 Personal Year, is a great place to start.
As depicted in the images below, there is a tower being struck by lightening, causing for what was at the top of the tower, to fall. All is swirling in the sea that Neptune guides as he is the planet “in charge” of all 7 vibrations, where the depths of mysteries and hidden things lie. In order to not become part of the impending storm, one must choose to remain distinctly in the eye of it.
16 The Shattered Citadel & 7 Neptune The Seeker | Linda Goodman’s Star Cards
As we examine the 16’s Chaldean Karmic Mystery, we are granted sound advice about why America needs to remain in the “eye of the storm” for this critical 16/7 Personal Year Cycle as a nation.
“16 is pictured by the ancient Chaldeans as a Tower struck by Lightning, from which a man is falling, with a crown on his head. It warns of a strange fatality, also of danger of accidents and the defeat of one’s plans. If the name equals the Compound number 16, it would obviously be wise to change the spelling of the name to avoid this vibration. If the birth date is the 16th day of any month, the challenge of the 16 must be carefully met, so that its effect maybe diluted to a milder vibration. To avoid the fatalistic tendency of the 16 as a birth number, one must endeavor to make all plans in advance, making certain that any possible of failure is anticipated and circumvented by careful attention to detail. The 16 brings with it the Single 7’s obligation and responsibility to listen to the voice within, which will always warn of danger through dreams or the intuition in time to avoid it. The inner voice must not be ignored. Abraham Lincoln name was a 16 and was warned repeatedly of his potential assassination by his dreams-and also by several psychics and mediums who were brought to the White House by Mary Todd Lincoln. He did not heed these many clear warnings, and refused to take the necessary precautions, therefore, was unable to avoid his fate. But it could have been avoided, and this is important for the person whose birth number is 16 to remember. To find happiness in ways other than leadership at the top (the Tower and the Crown) to renounce fame and celebrity- is another way of decreasing the negative aspect of the 16. Lincoln did not choose to do so, feeling it was more important to attempt to keep the nation united than enjoy the fulfillment of a private life, although he accepted the Presidency with much reluctance and a profound sadness.” ~Linda Goodmans Star Signs
The USA has a huge collective potential to unleash depression over it during this current 16/7 Personal Year, if its’ citizens choose to approach it remaining unaware, and decide taking a SILENT LISTEN is simply not for them.
Neptune once again, is the planet in charge of any vibration of 7 Personal Year. As we connect this current transit of Neptune to where it is playing out in the country’s natal birth chart, we see it is completely focused in our 3rd house of thinking/mentality/communications for the entire year.
Those avoiding consciousness to slow down otherwise in their rush to “get back to normal,” will absolutely find they will be highly fooled and only attract the energy of depression and become part of the mental storm, as communications become all the more delusional and further cast in illusions. This is why being discerning and stepping away from all narratives with ultimate neutrality and detachment is the way to thrive, but all is super easier said than actually done.
Embracing meditation, healing modalities, taking a SILENT LISTEN, avoiding addictive substances, learning to trust intuition, understanding how to calm anxiety, remaining grounded and being able to transmute energy to stay calm and peaceful as possible in the very eye of the storm: is completely critical to navigate the American collective mindset during the next 12 months.
Mental Health Awareness will take center stage from 04 July 2021 to 04 July 2022. Suicide awareness will equally be important to deeply understand and hold the light to help others avoid, like we have never quite done before. This personal year ahead for America, is going to utterly astound those not willing to listen.
It will not only be for America, but the world at large equally will severely watch the domino affects of what the pandemic overall will still unfold. These sadder outcomes will cause more depression for those who remain unhealed from any paranoia, hysteria, and pure utter mental chaos. We have many other timelines of 2021’s Changing Global Truth that will continue to shock and dismay, despite the push that is being told, “life is going back to normal.”
People need to deeply accept, it is not. There is never any “going back again” to what once was. This grave understanding is further explained by also placing attention upon the nations’ Pluto Return that is starting to form and will span until it is complete by 2024.
Like we followed Venus in Understanding a 6 Personal Year Forecast: Realigning & Reuniting Americafrom 04 July 2020 to 04 July 2021, now we are distinctly keeping our eyes on Neptune for how to gain full perspective on where to hold our discernment and extreme awareness. Overall, a 7 Personal Year is about inner work. Soulful attention. Being an observer. Healing from the inside. Clearing up and cleaning out any past or lingering pains, in order to be ready for the anticipated harvest year in the 8 Personal Year that will immediately follow.
America only will be doing this healing work as triggered by the 7 Personal Year in the area of the country’s life that guides its’ thinking, mentality, communications including any of their outlets and skillsets, thoughts, ideas, as well as also connecting to all abilities to take short trips, our neighbors, and connections to brothers and sisters.
Unlike Venus who made it all the way around America’s natal chart last year, Neptune will never leave this area of the country’s life for the entire year ahead. There will still be, plenty of ways it is activated by other planetary visitors passing through the course of the 7 Personal Year, as well as speak to other natal points in the country’s birth chart.
Neptune Retrogrades:
25 June – 01 December 2021; 28 June – 03 December 2022
Neptune is Retrograde as the year officially kicks off 04 July and will be once again next 04 July in 2022. These months from July 2021 until 01 December 2021 have plenty of reflective, healing and all the more attention to within to be very aware of. The abilities for the collective mentality of the nation to truly begin to witness the rewards of awareness, becoming still, and being that observer will be more easy to access once Neptune is Direct from 01 December until 28 June 2022. Most certainly they can be received under the Retrograde, yet without awareness, resistance is often the outcome that is experienced otherwise.
Neptune in Pisces opposition to Natal Neptune in Virgo, 22 degrees
22 April 2020 – 26 December 2023 (5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 Personal Years)
This is an extremely important and critical aspect -which beyond what the nation’s 7 Personal Year itself and the additional Pluto Return energies in play- that layers in deep insight as to why the country is equally in such a state of unrest at this time in history, once again. This long term affect spacing a few years, is where a many things are in an extremely involved healing process to begin to sort them out. Highlighted here are the exact “hits” as this opposition keeps occurring.
Exact 22 degrees Opposition Dates:
17 April – 28 May 2021
Under Rx: 23 July – 06 September 2021
17 Feb – 16 March 2022
Under Rx: 29 October – 02 December 2022
02 December 2022- 08 January 2023
What cause and affects will be in play for this challenged opposition -that any person ever experiences only once in the lifetime, typically by the age of 84 to 86- occurs during the majority of country’s entire 7 Personal Year, completing 3 hit points of doing so due to the Retrograde of Neptune. Humans never are able to experience a “Neptune Return” due to the length of a natural lifespan. Let’s think back into history and connect your own dots to these previous time frames:
America had its’ first and last Neptune opposition intensely in play from March 1857 to March 1859. (4, 5 & 6 Personal Years)
It’s first Neptune Return occurred with the most intensity, late October 1937 to mid September 1940. (4, 5, 6 & 7 Personal Years)
America’s natal 22 degrees Neptune in Virgo, is placed in the area of the country’s life which denotes establishment of belief systems, foreign travel and all foreign affairs, the ability to be reachable and teachable, spirituality, religion, standing in the truth, holding faith and all matters connected to trusting in higher learning processes.
When a Neptune current transit is in opposition to the natal Neptune, there is an energetic pull from the opposing area of life, and as we know from reading above: where this is currently in play for America is seeking to heal communications, mentalities, mindsets, all forms of travel involving short trips, neighbors and siblings.
There is undeniably in our current scope, another tug of war for America between what they ultimately believe, and how communications circulate overall. Who is not witnessing the differences of what anyone chooses to believe; knowing what the truth exactly is; how things are really panning out in foreign affairs; the obvious foreign travel restrictions; battles and controversy over religions; and who is being reachable and teachable?
On the other side of the belief systems coin, where all the ideas and thoughts are formed via the ability to circulate and communicate: we currently have people’s minds all over the place not feeling settled, tamed nor grounded; communications are completely misconstrued; censorship matters are on the rise; and state to state travel regulations and limitations are increasing. The myriad of confusion of information overall that is being presented to us most of the time at lightening speed, is absolutely alarming to be able to try to discern all at the same time.
Neptune is at war with its’ natal self in America, and it wants to dismantle all illusions at this time, in order to clear up, clean out and reset the mindset and communications of the nation, as it will then bring balance back to belief systems and what the truth actually is.
Yet, as you see the long time line noted above….. this is not some fast nor easy process. We have plenty of more time to sort this out, and the addition of the country’s first Pluto Return happening simultaneously, is just icing on the near death experiences cake in play that will eventually herald America into compelling and completed rebirth by 2024. It will equally be then upon 04 July 2024, entering a brand new “if it is NEW it is for YOU” 1 Personal Year, America is back at the starting gates of another 9 year span of time to experience.
Monthly Pisces Moons meeting Neptune in Pisces Transits: I COMMUNICATE
Once a month, there will be all the stronger emotions and feelings activated upon the mental plane that will need appropriate response versus chaotic reaction: every time the Moon passes through and touches upon Neptune in current transit here. Depending whether it is waxing or waning, it will denote these specific days to be bringing in some new to reset and refresh, or seeking to release old patterns.
Releasing Energies:
26-27 July 2021 Waning Pisces Moon; 22-24 Aug 2021 Waning Pisces Moon
Initiating Energies:
18-20 Sept 2021 Waxing Moon to FULL Pisces Moon 20 Sept, 7:55pmEDT
16-18 Oct 2021 Waxing PiscesMoon; 12-14 Nov 2021 Waxing PiscesMoon
09-11 Dec 2021 Waxing Pisces Moon; 05-07 Jan 2022 Waxing Pisces Moon
02-04 Feb 2022 Waxing PiscesMoon
Releasing Energies:
01-03 March2022 Waning to Pisces NEW Moon Waxing 02 Mar, 12:35pmEST
29-31 March 2022 Waning PiscesMoon; 25-27 April 2022 Waning Pisces Moon
22-24 May 2022 Waning Pisces Moon; 18-20 June 2022 Waning PiscesMoon
Jupiter meeting Neptune in Pisces Transits: I COMMUNICATE
Our planet of philosophy, beliefs, the TRUTH that may HURT, being reachable and teachable, and all forms of faith and optimism, will be having plenty to add to what Neptune will seek to do for America’s inner mental work. Jupiter Retrograde sits on the very edge of Pisces as this 7 Personal Year begins, and will backtrack into Aquarius for the majority of its’ 2021 Retrograde period. Jupiter Retrogrades in 2021 from 20 June to 18 October from 02 degrees Pisces to 22 degrees Aquarius.
Jupiter Retrograde in Aquarius conjunct Natal 27 deg Aquarius Moon:
Forming 28 July to 06 Sept | Exact: 14 – 21 Aug
Within the country’s “I Communicate” area of life as well, the nations’ natal Moon was at 27 degrees Aquarius upon 04 July 1776. Jupiter recently passed over this natal point under the 6 Personal Year starting in mid April which lasted until early May.
Under Retrograde, it will do so once again come late July and ease off again early September, with the exact alignment over Mid August. This time promises to reveal a many more truths that will absolutely kick up the mindset of America to choose to either react or respond to it accordingly.
Jupiter in Aquarius conjunct Natal 27 deg Aquarius Moon:
Forming 27 November to 29 December 2021 | Exact: 12 – 18 Dec
Moving forward, this conjunct America’s natal Moon aspect occurs one more time, and will shed further truth upon what needs to be emotionally responded to versus engaging in reaction upon.
April 2022: Jupiter conjunct Neptune
Forming 30 March to 26 April Exact: 06 – 17 April
This will be another all the more revealing time that promises to dismantle any former truths that have remain hidden otherwise. As long as anyone chooses to be reachable and teachable, even the most shocking truths will be able to be digested if healing and working with changing one’s perspective is fully adhered to. When we say “eye opening,” this passage will be all the more leveling up in clearing up illusions and what has ever remained a secret, as plenty of exposure is promised to lift the veils of deception all the more.
Sun meeting Neptune in Pisces Transits: I COMMUNICATE
Sun in Pisces 18 February – 20 March; exact 12-14 March
The Sun is our life force and always wishes to shine positivity wherever it goes, so this time frame allows for some formidable light to be cast as official winter time draws to a close.
Mercury meeting Neptune in Pisces Transits: I COMMUNICATE
Mercury in Pisces 09-27 March; exact 22-24 March
We can be thankful that Mercury does not Retrograde in this area of the nations’ life on top if it all during this 7 Personal Year. What we will be seeing in close conjunction to the Sun being close by for this time as well, is whatever moving information and changes are circulating, they are in complete support of allowing these to not only be necessary: but work seamlessly for those willing to step further into their healing and awareness soul work.
Venus meeting Neptune in Pisces Transits: I COMMUNICATE
Venus in Pisces 05 April – 02 May; exact 26-28 April
Early Springtime is favoring for balance and harmony to come into play to help assist in the aftermath of recent changes that will sweep in during March. Whilst America did not get the greater Venus memo during her 6 Personal Year when Realigning and Reuniting was favored, and accepted to be divided and conquered instead- we have the same channel coming here during this early April to early May time. Compassion and understanding are rewarded. Drama, the divide and vanity will only attract chaos and further delusions.
Mars meeting Neptune in Pisces Transits: I COMMUNICATE
Mars in Pisces 14 April to 24 May; exact 18-20 May
Here is the transit that will test the true courage of the mindset of America, and how far it may have come in the healing from within that it will always be requesting. This time will go one of two ways: people will rise up in all the more anger and aggression by not remaining in the eye of the storms around- or they will choose a Warrior presence to work with continuing to Face Everything And Rise versus absorbing anymore False Evidence Appearing Real.
Other Key Inner Planet Retrogrades, Eclipses & Pluto Return “Hits” to Deeply Understand During America’s 16/7 Personal Year
Mercury Retrogrades
27 September to 18 October 2021: I STRUCTURE
This will be another important Mercury Retrograde to be EXTREMELY well prepared for in 2021, whilst they already have been harrowing rides. Everything will be under review and redo for the nation’s view upon authority, its’ public figures, how it is recognized by the world, and the professional ways it conducts itself. This will deeply touch upon the country’s natal Saturn at 14 degrees Libra, which is the responsibility and accountability it has to learn from the experience within its’ own public life. This is the true reset time, where if there is a chance of turning any power over to other means or reflecting upon all points mentioned: it will be quite the fight in order to do so. Mars will also be in Libra for this passage which will charge up this MRx with plenty of aggression behind it.
14 January to 03 February 2022: I HAVE
Just as the Venus Retrograde (see below) moves out of this same area, 2022’s first Mercury Retrograde will then hammer all the more reflection concerning the nation’s values, securities, money and sources of income. As stated, this will be a complete overhaul for the country’s understanding of what needs repair and resolving concerning the financial structure it has been depending upon. This Mercury Retrograde will also “light up” the matters connecting to the heavier moments soon to come of the Pluto Return fully forming. This Mercury Retrograde will conjunct the current transit of Pluto, as well as the natal Pluto of the country, so be well prepared for financial uncertainty, changes and all things of value to be in a state of disarray, furthering the reflective work already done by the Venus Retrograde since late December.
10 May to 03 June 2022: I SERVE
By this point in the country’s 7 Personal Year, this Mercury Retrograde directs reflection upon the physical health of the nation, as well as how is serves its’ health care system and lifestyle overall. We may see quite the disruptive changes beginning to unravel as it begins, as the station is close to the country’s natal Uranus. Overall, the very lifestyle of the nation, as well as all of it’s regular habits and routines will be called to be reviewed and reconsidered, and if people haven’t deeply understood there is never any going back again, this Retrograde pass will seal the deal. On the positive note, as Mercury moves forward under the Shadow, as it concludes by 26 June 2022, the week that follows is highly favored for the real beginnings of healthcare reform to begin to happen, as this system is one of the many that will change during the Pluto Return years overall.
Venus Retrograde19 Dec 2021 to 29 Jan 2022: I HAVE >>> 12 Jan I AM
Tightly wound into the Pluto Return story for America, is how this cycle of reflection involving money, values, beauty, luxuries, relationships and the true worth of anything, will come into play to conclude 2021 and span until the close of January 2022.
With the Approach beginning 17 November clueing us all into the upcoming review and redo attractions, Venus starts to station to turn Retrograde by 10 December, right upon the country’s natal Pluto at 27 degrees Capricorn, and will also be conjunct at this time to the current transit of Pluto, all at 26 & 25 degrees Capricorn. Once under Retrograde, she will move off the station by 27 December to fully engage in what will be her first reflective calling to America’s income streams, securities, possessions, and all relationships it has to value of anything across the board
By 12 January 2022, she moves back into the country’s approaches to life and how the world see the very emerging self and face of America, stationing by 22 January to turn Direct by the 29th. At this time, Venus is in opposition to the country’s natal 13 degrees Cancer Sun, where plenty of legal matters, relationship turmoils and the very value of any partnership we have as a nation will be completely upsurged and brought to the surface to reflect upon accordingly.
Pluto Return Hits: I HAVE
03 Feb – 09 March 2022 & 22 June – 04 Aug 2022
Fuller details are all explained of all the passes of Pluto Return: Near Death Experience to Rebirth of America, yet these two above are the ones which will “hit” during the country’s 16/7 Personal Year Cycle. In knowing Pluto is the most outer planet there is with its’ elliptical orbit, it’s time in moving through any sign takes years to complete. Therefore the movement through any sign it is presently in, is at the slowest pace of any planet we observe from above.
As Pluto is returning to the natal point with the nation’s birth chart, these are the more intense times we will notice the heavy and absolutely transformative energies it promises and will pull into the country’s experiences. Just as soon as Venus and Mercury Retrograde conclude, the current Pluto in Capricorn begins to engage directly at 27 degrees Capricorn: the precise natal point of it for America. This lasts until 09 March, then returns again by Summer Solstice time as Pluto will be Retrograde since 29 April, and crosses back over this same exact point.
Intense doesn’t quite cover the forecast for what American’s will deeply need to understand -which will have already been falling out from Venus and Mercury Retrogrades- of the surrender that will be necessary to navigate what will be unfolding. Being prepared to simplify, allowing the past value of all to diminish, is the only way a powerful rebirth can begin to start the work it will wish to do. Always remember the fact as well: this will take the next immediate years through 2024 as well, to fully complete the process.
Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, 05 degrees 26 May 2021: I PROCESS
Layering in to America’s healing from within storyline, is how 26 May’s Lunar Eclipse theme of Permanently Dismantling Global Beliefs for Humanity’s Truth cast off this same request, which peels away all the karmic dust and past wounds that have remain hidden away from public knowledge that the nation is attempting to clean up. The need here is to recognize how much there is to process about what is happening, which only comes from the practice of a SILENT LISTEN. The inner work and soul searching for America is full on, and will continue well into Spring 2022 from this Total Lunar Eclipse.
Solar Eclipse in Gemini, 19 degrees 10 June 2021: I RELATE
Even though America was still in its’ 6 Personal Year as this Solar Eclipse occurred casting off its’ theme of Awakening Purifying Truth for Humanity’s Consciousness upon 10 June, its’ affects equally still carry well into the energy of the 7 Personal Year. New ways to relate is the focus of this strong initiation, yet there is plenty of aggression associated with it as this Solar Eclipse conjunct the country’s natal Mars in Gemini as it aligned, under the reflective tow of Mercury Retrograde in Gemini, simultaneously. Motivations are kicked up to a whole other notch as not only are new legalities being formed, but how much anger, conflict and legal battles are more “alive and well” than ever before.
Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, 27 degrees 19 Nov 2021: I SERVE
This Lunar Eclipse completely stirs up the emotions, mentality and communications of the nation as it will directly square it’s 27 degree Aquarius moon, as how it serves the healthcare system and lifestyle overall, will be asked to take a serious look at what needs reflection and long term review into the Spring of 2022. There will be strong shifts of correction for the workforce and how it takes on its’ regular habits and routines. Equally it will trine the country’s natal 27 degrees Pluto in Capricorn story, offering another layer of insight of what will need to be done to make viable changes of how service with integrity is connecting to value systems, income streams, and security. Again, these planetary “hits” all mark extremely intense times to bear witness to- and they must be properly prepared for.
Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, 12 degrees 04 Dec 2021: ASCENDANT/I AM
Just when one might think there will be any breath of fresh air as 2021 is winding down, in comes a Solar Eclipse that will conjunct the nations 12 degrees Sagittarius Ascendant. This deeply asks America to look forward for the next year, to being absolutely reachable and teachable to take on life very differently, and emerge with a new face to the world at large. Old appearances are no longer supported, and lessons will be learned if they are still attempted after this time. The mask that America wears to face the world itself, is getting a brand new lift.
Solar Eclipse in Taurus, 10 degrees 30 April 2022: I CREATE
This first Solar Eclipse of 2022 will be at work with bringing in new avenues of manifestation, creativity and connections concerning all children for America. It will be seen that radical changes are in tow along with them, as this Eclipse will be in a close conjunction to the current transit of Uranus at 14 degrees Taurus, who is the planet of originality and reform. This is also the heart space and where loyalties lie area of life for the nation, and at this time a new trigger of restarting them for the better, will absolutely be seen.
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, 25 degrees 16 May 2022: I PROCESS
Like the Lunar Eclipse from 26 May 2021, this one will also hit in the very same area of America’s ability to heal the karmic past, yet this time, it is in Scorpio: who promises all the more transformation to arrive along with it. Once again, this works into the Pluto Return energies in play, as it makes a sextile to the country’s natal Pluto in Capricorn, and allowing and letting go of all the worn out ways to value anything in life, will be asked to be surrendered thereof to the SILENT LISTEN once again to work from within, in order to successfully do so.
In closing Dear Stars in America and all of those watching from the World at Large:
The country’s 7 Personal Year ahead for and those immediately following- are nothing short of watching healing, grieving, allowing, surrendering, remaining reachable and teachable and understanding how very much, working from within, is how this collective consciousness time will shift in thriving ways in soul certainty. Those not choosing to honor this deep and extremely grave message, will find, they are simply unprepared, and will merely survive during these uncertain times.
To All Faith in America to rightfully step up to Heal from Within.
Never Compromise Living Consciously.
May All Americans & Humanity Honor These 7 Remembrances to Heal, Grieve, and Work from Within 04 July 2021 to 04 July 2022.
1. Courage- Courage does not mean being fearless. It means being able to face your fear.
2. Forgiveness- Forgiveness releases the past. It heals the pain so that you are free to dance and love again.
3. Inner Silence- When we listen to the inner silence, all sounds become beautiful.
4. Open-Mindedness- When we release our prejudices and judgments, we enter a deep, abiding peace.
5. Compassion- Compassion is the provision that arises from the wish that all beings be free from suffering.
6. Patience- A beautiful flower does not grow overnight. Your patience will encourage many flowers to blossom.
7. Truth- We do not have to search for the truth, but simply let go of our opinions and judgments.
“Those that fail to prepare, prepare to fail.”~Benjamin Franklin
For those who wish to go back down memory lane during this current 9 year span of time for America to further connect the dots:
2021, Permanently Changing the Truth of Global Beliefs: Understanding a 5 Universal Year
Now, it would be undeniable to say that that past year failed to deliver its’ complete promise of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected for humanity to experience, for anyone who owns a HEART upon this EARTH. Whether an individual got more than taken by surprise after surprise during our 4 Universal Year that disturbed the utter foundations of securities and values upon the planet -as well as witness shock factors unfolding within their personal experiences overall- the foreseen calling of simplification across the board rang more than loud and completely clear.
It is time NOW to be well prepared to OWN the ride ahead in neutrality, sovereignty and personal resilience that is not going to slow down during 2021, yet only accelerate the changes 2020 shook up at an even more than alarming rate. Those who are reachable and teachable, will absolutely discover, they will still have WON along the next energetic journey ahead.
A 5 Universal year shifts humanity’s focus from what we have witnessed in 2020 of the collapsing fundamental systems and establishments, authoritarian respect, financial institutions, and nature oriented disasters across the globe: to now further open the doors to change us and what we have formerly believed was the truth, and fully realize none of them were actually built in any kind of sustainable foundation in the first place. Reinvention of them all will completely, carry on. Yet now any HEART will resoundingly notice, the changes of 2021 will have a more than lightening speed way of allowing movement, permanent and irreversible shifting energies to cascade all across our EARTH in even more stunning and surprising ways.
The way communications and their very affect upon the masses will be moving, is important to quintessentially understand. One will need a discerning mindset in neutrality in proper place to be more than alert and quick, as equally, the information to process will be more than overwhelming. The mentally prepared, are assured that they will not be taken into depressed and manipulated states that global fears will be still presenting in all the more false evidence appearing real, which only seek to further break down confidence and emotionally overload.
One must extremely careful about their discipline when absorbing channels of information that will feed mass fears that do not need to be digested nor believed. Unprepared mentalities overall will find themselves undeniably taxed and working too logically, which can be exceptionally combatted with a regular routine of some sort of dedicated meditation practice. As once again approaching all life situations with sovereignty is honored, 2021 also strongly reminds us matters of LOVE are never logical, if we are indeed meant to EVOLVE.
Humanity overall has worked leading into 2021 mostly from a linear perspective base that the material and power based 3D world pushed and forced upon it. What wishes to be more fully understood energetically from a 5D perception -which involves the implementation and practice of a multi-dimensional discerning mindset free of outer controls- is how any soul will rightfully find their means to thrive versus cling on for dear life in the lowered energy that only seeks to merely survive.
There is much talk about evolution to 5D, but exactly what does 5D entail?
5D is understanding the multi-dimensional ways we are meant to be living. It is knowing we are a Source Creator, here as a Divine Being, and tapping into all of the many layers and planes of existence that exist in our Universe. In the “3D Dive to the 5D Thrive” many are also utilizing the expression of- there is a powerful upgrading and ascension time going on that allows any HEART on EARTH to detach from the material, greed, power hungry, manipulating, and falsified societal means of living that are no longer sustainable in the truth.
The life of 3D is a complete illusion, and when we stand in the truth of what 5D actually is, we honor our sovereignty, neutrality, and personal resilience to OWN our NOW, and see how very very much we will have WON. 5th Dimensional living is how those who are reachable and teachable, will absolutely thrive in 2021.
5D Living is especially about taking the SILENT LISTEN for our intuition and extra sensory perceptions via our pineal glad to also sharpen intensely. Those “3rd Eyes” you also often hear about, are also extremely part of this healing journey for humanity to open very ,very widely.
For those who are not rising up to the truth in 5D, holding on for dear life to the 3D world, will find they will not Face Everything And Rise, they will merely continue to believe and fall victim all the more to False Evidence Appearing Real. Living in 5D is all about only practicing the LOVE to EVOLVE to attain Soul Certainty in Uncertain Times.
And definitely if you are in 5D versus 3D, you willingly do your own homework to not become mislead by 5G technology.
Why is 2021 such a permanent change and fast paced energy?
As the 4 Universal Year planetary ruler of 2020, Uranus, passes the baton to Mercury -who now will guide and show us how to successfully work with a 5 Universal Year- this is how we tap into the knowing that many quick, irreversible, communicative and mass movement guided energies are in charge of how the pace of 2021 will undeniably feel. Aside from being known as The Messenger planet, Mercury’s natural energy is quite known to be just like quicksilver- where changes happen at lightening speed and just like the winged feet of Mercury, everything that happens with this energy, happens extremely fast.
What will equally be important to understand all throughout 2021, is being in the absolute know of how to be Mastering Mercury Retrograde cycles and where they precisely will occur throughout the entire year. These recurring passages of reflection and “timeouts” will all be critical to be in full awareness of.
Like any other year, our choices and decisions for future success made under any of them will be extra amplified in errors, unstable foundations and complete confusion. Reflection and returning to what already exists are key to honor stepping into an observer role in order to truly thrive during these “timeouts.”
As both Approach and Shadow passages precede and follow these Retrogrades themselves, our astrological advice here is to absolutely properly prepare for reflection under the Approach, and then sort out what is necessary moving forward under the Shadow.
Depending upon where they equally will personally play out in our Personal Forecast, will be essential to discern for our individual experiences, and as always, ultimately allow us to be armed in our soul certainty empowerment to work with them all as amicably as possible, as uncertain times will carry on.
Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius: 30 January to 20 February Approach Begins: 15 January | Shadow Ends: 12 March
Mercury Retrograde in Gemini: 29 May to 22 June Approach Begins: 14 May | Shadow Ends: 07 July
Mercury Retrograde in Libra: 27 September to 18 October Approach Begins: 06 September | Shadow Ends: 02 November
What we astrologically notice here is Mercury, when asking for our reflection during 2021, will be reviewing and redoing only within the astrological signs that are governed by the element of air: Aquarius who organizes it, Gemini who communicates it, and Libra, who leads it.
Air guides the intellectual nature, mental state/frame of mind, ideas, information and all matters upon the planet that of course, move via air itself.
This is equally why we have such an alarming year that will be circulating all the more tremendous global changes, irreversible energies, and much like the wind and very air we breath: we will be absolutely asked to remind ourselves to pause as much as we can, to appreciate the very value of our own breath and focus upon our abilities to breathe. Circling back once again to the practice of meditation -which simply begins by choosing to intently focus upon the breath- we have a powerful self-help tool right at our fingertips to not be taken for granted for our own inner work for our mind, body and spirit maintenance.
Once again, this points us to how very much well oiling our mental planes and intellectual means must absolutely be more than properly prepared for. In order to be able to work with the myriad of earthly and global changes promised to energetically unfold that will continue to affect the masses across the board upon the planet, the mind can be calmed by the choice of remembering how to properly BREATHE.
Taking a brief moment to tap into the uncanny mysteries of Lexigrams, we can also clearly spell out the truth. When we take this seemingly simple word, and we derive anagrams that only use the letters within it, and phrase them in poetic prose, we are guided to what the very act of it does for our ultimate favor and benefit.
And from that grounded state we can proceed to: BE THE EARTH EAR.
Mercury as the natural way shower guide of our 5 Universal Year, spends 27 weeks in the elemental energy of Air during 2021, just over half of it’s 52 week span.
Mercury in Aquarius: 08 January to 15 March
Aquarius is our Fixed Air sign, which is super keen at organization of the mental plane and the very intelligence to grant it a solid foundation, so socialization can then be expressed which affects the human nature, society and culture overall. Known as the Water Bearer, this sign typically brings new life and a form of originality with it in order for improvements to unfold through inventive processes. Aquarius loves reform, so this will be important for humanity to absolutely be willing to properly comprehend with an original mindset during this period.
Another astrological “side note” is how the presence of two outer planets will also be at work al throughout 2021 that will be revealing the truth within Aquarius as well from Saturn and Jupiter. Humanity will not be able to deny their accountability to be responsible to what remaining reachable and teachable is all about to reframe the truth and belief systems across the board.
Mercury Retrograde’s time here 30 January to 20 February, will be a potent period of time which changes the minds of humanity and ultimately will seek for an extreme surrendering to what is and a sure revolutionary theme is seen to be very widespread as this reflection request is in charge.
Mercury in Gemini: 03 May to 11 July
Gemini is our Mutable Air sign, which is beyond clever and quick-witted to adapt to instinctive change upon the mental plane as it naturally seeks to communicate easily stimulated and many-sided perceptions that circulate as freely as the wind. Gemini loves asking questions, so this will be important for humanity to absolutely raise their hands up for during this period.
Mercury Retrograde’s time here 29 May to 22 June, will be a potent period of time which changes the minds of humanity and ultimately will seek for not only emotional intelligence, but persistence to become passionate in order to navigate what is changing in the most rapid of ways, as the year’s peak of acceleration is seen when this reflection request is in charge.
The globe will equally be witnessing it’s first Eclipse Season from 26 May to 10 June, of which a powerful Solar Eclipse upon 10 June will be occurring within Gemini as well. As this Eclipse aligns, what will wish to be strongly channeling anew, will still be well-advised to hold off and practice the “wait and see” before moving forward once Mercury turns Direct 22 June.
Mercury in Libra: 30 August to 05 November
Libra is our Cardinal Air sign, which is the seek to understand before being understood leader supreme of the zodiac, which seeks the abilities to compare, be the fair judge, and set the intention of attaining harmony and balance as it amicably leads. Libra loves peace at the end of any day, so this will be important for humanity to set aside their judgements and work with unity that is well studied and not wallowing in wavering nor indecisive energies during this period.
Mercury Retrograde’s time here 27 September to 18 October, will be a potent period of time which changes the minds of humanity and ultimately will seek for non-dramatic solutions to be backed up with precision and polished discernment, needing to be detached from pointing any fingers in the lame blame game will be wise to honor as this reflection request is in charge.
This last passage of Mercury Retrograde for 2021 will come with plenty of resistance surrounding out as it starts off, being it will be in a strong “squaring off” affect to Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn. Leadership issues to further be sorted out across the global will be intensely witnessed, and once again the ability to stay in one’s own lane will be highly advised as this Mercury Retrograde joins up with Mars in Libra, who will be motivating tensions, conflicts and aggressive energies throughout it. The ability to seek to understand, then be understood will have another challenged time to attain rightful harmony and balance otherwise.
Why does 2021 so distinctly Change The Truth of what the world ultimately believes?
Turning the energetic conversation to Numerology, let’s break down our already promising mass changes to global truths and beliefs 5 Universal Year into smaller parts. We all know we work with the last two digits of any year as we repeatedly phrase “oh in 21” just like we understood we talked about “oh in 20” are expressed and so forth. Like 20 indicated we would be in ‘The Awakening,’ 21 points us in a different direction of looking at the truth and belief systems, especially upon a global level.
21 represents via it’s Chaldean Karmic Mystery, ‘The Crown of the Magi.’ 21 is a Jupiter guided number, and equally is always concerned with the wisdom of the truth as it connects to worldly events and the very belief systems as well as philosophies overall that it holds. Let’s hone in on the exact meaning of this karmic rewards number that promises us:
“21 is pictured as The Universe, and also is called The Crown of the Magi. It promises general success, and guarantees advancement, honors, awards, and general elevation in the life and career. It indicates victory after a long struggle, for the Crown of the Magi is gained only after long initiation, much soul testing and various other tests of determination. However, the person or entity blessed with the number 21 may be certain of final victory over all odds and all opposition. Its a most fortunate vibration- a number of karmic reward.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs
Those willing, who wish to place their personal resilience crown of truth upon their head, will find they will absolutely hold the very keys to their own success no matter what the world overall will be experiencing. If any HEART upon this EARTH is not willing to accept change in 2021, they will not find they are going to have any kind of seamless time in how the energetic pace and pulse of the year will undoubtedly unfold.
OWNing Our NOW to See How We Will Have WON
So we move into our singular 5 Universal Year of permanent and irreversible change that will widely circulate amongst the masses in complete movement via the energetic pulse of it’s guide, The Messenger planet of Mercury during 2021. Underlying with the tone of the 21’s wearing of ‘The Crown of the Magi,’ where all previous soul testing, struggles and tests of determination are promised to be overcome, with victory in hand: yet this most certainly will only be attained as one absolutely remains both reachable and teachable.
Humanity -on both a global and personal level- are you ready to become the kneeling submissive student that 2021 will absolutely require to be, in order to thrive and not just merely survive during this more than accelerating and fast paced moving of the very air we all breathe?
The right answers only live within you. Where the free will of choice, is always, completely, up to you. And always be aware, the revelations of TRUTH in 2021, just may HURT in the wisdom they will reveal, yet in the end, one is promised to be set free.
As we experience late Summer moving into mid Autumn 2020, it will be the year’s most critical time that completely casts us in the ultimate request to honor reflection like humanity has never quite experienced up til now.
Unlike his close neighbor Mercury, it’s been awhile since The Pioneer planet took some necessary “time off.” The last Mars Retrograde cycled 26 June to 27 August 2018 in the signs of Aquarius & Capricorn when we were then asked to honor the soul homework of Redefining the Ambition of Humanity.
Upon 09 September in Aries, the next cycle of review and redo commences for Mars that will conclude upon 13 November. Staring 09 September at 28 degrees Aries, it will take until 13 November to move back to 15 degrees within the cardinal leadership and striking up of fire energies favored by The Ram. If you are familiar with Mercury Retrograde, you already understand all too well the kinds of “out of sorts things” that naturally tend to happen under an inner planet retrograde cycle.
What makes a Mars Retrograde different from a Mercury Retrograde?
All of our planets from above guide over different energetic themes and concepts as their movement affects our lives down here below. No matter what planet is in retrograde action, it is always considered an important cycle of reflection to understand must be honored with in the life, especially when it is an inner planet like Mars or Mercury.
Mercury energetically engages movement, travel, communication, permanent changes, blossoming, thinking and circulation of our mentality and mindsets.
Mars energetically allows us to take action, be courageous, manage our anger, become motivated, arrive at conclusions, make life happen, find our willful force, defend our freedom, and work with our natural strengths and desires.
Both Mars and Mercury are inner planets, so when their Retrograde passages occur (Mercury every 3 months; Mars every 24 months; approximately) we are highly advised to take note about our future plans -personal or business wise- concerning what they are ultimately in charge of. Being reflection, research and review are in order, initiating plans during retrograde for future success and fulfillment are best to be avoided.
Overall, the energy of a Mars Retrograde takes what we typically experience under Mercury and amplifies it tenfold. Whatever plans one may have to embark upon new adventures, they will find these are interlaced with extreme delays and completely riddled in errors.
Mars Retrograde in Aries 09 September to 13 November 2020 It is more than fair to say as the finale of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected arrives, it will abruptly bring us to a demonstrative calling to take heed of the later Aries area of life, starting at 28 degrees and then span back to 15 degrees. Mars on a normal journey through Aries enjoys strong, ardent, enterprising, abundant, positive and independent energy, yet we’ll find, these qualities are not so readily available as he will be under review and incredible pause. What anyone unaware of knowing how to honor the need for reflection will undeniably experience, sadly so, will be the very opposite outcomes.
This specific Mars Retrograde in Aries energetic pace will be uncontrolled, inflammable, combative, impetuous, forceful, aggressive, reckless and absolutely explosive. Being able to utilize patience, sympathetic understanding and retaining self-control will not be easily reached by those completely unaware it is in affect.
Energies will naturally sway to becoming turbulent, obstinate, destructive, fearful, repulsive, and take fire in its’ highest form to extremely dangerous situations. What appears to be forces of evil will attempt to utilize power with lack of purpose -which will be blindly followed by the naive. And those unwilling to awaken- will sadly surrender to situations that should not have to be cooperated with and could have been completely preventable.
Especially for America -which has a natal astrological chart just like any human or any entity with a date of initiation- this Mars Retrograde is a extremely critical passage of time to be ultimately aware of how it distinctly affects the nation overall. As written in Realigning & Reuniting America, Understanding a 6 Personal Year Cycle, its’ citizens must be well-prepared for what this cycle of reflection calls for the nation to do concerning how it nurtures at home, nourishes the inner psyche, and takes care of its’ immediate environments. By the time Mars began Retrograde 09 September, what events unfolded under it’s Approach since 25 July resulted in the harrowing west coast fires, an early hurricane season, tornadoes, and continuing unrest across the country. As this preview of Retrograde coming attractions rolled out, what happens under the actual Retrograde itself will be undeniably more of completely expect the unexpected to awaken upon American soil in further conflicts, turmoils and dismay.
Beyond America’s reflective calling, for those reachable and teachable anywhere in the world as Mars Retrograde is equally an entire global affect, the willing examination of what makes us truly tick within the focal point of Aries is extremely favored during Mars’s reflective time within The Ram.
Our personal responsibility is to stay in our own lane, slow our personal energies down, and take a deep, deep courageous look at this area of our lives so we can be rightfully focused in reflection where we belong, versus become distracted by the collective’s next shiny object. These objects will be nothing else but ones that wish to overwhelm us in fear, take control over our own abilities to be independent and remove rightful freedoms from our natural lives.
Responding versus reacting to any situation is a sound warning to heed for this entire passage. It is beyond critical we absolutely step back, become an observer as we carefully go about our lives, and not allow the influence of another to control nor dominate our behaviors.
How to Successfully Work with Mars Retrograde
28 The Trusting Lamb & 15 The Magician, Linda Goodman’s Star Cards
This alarming cycle of review and redo from Mars backtracking in Aries is quintessential in such a universal year as 2020 represents. As we are all asked to heed Becoming Friends with Simplification at this pivotal time in history, Mars offers his reflection from being well aware of not becoming ‘The Trusting Lamb’ 28 degree point starting in Aries, reversing to turnaround at the do not be persuaded by the charm of 15 degree point of ‘The Magician’, as it concludes 13 November.
These two starting and ending points undeniably indicate a profound and very powerful time of recognizing what we perhaps have been far too trusting about, and have been ultimately charmed by. We are called to take note of what has hindered our very abilities to work with absolute accountability concerning our own egos and owning of our personal power, versus falsely follow and trust those who have been giving us nothing else but ill advice, and wrongfully giving away our valuable personal power to them otherwise.
This specific retrograde passage opens us to embrace a true redefinition of what allows us all to take action within our personal lives. We are now asked to find our very courage, fierceness, warrior spirit, boldness and to step away from any argument to work with our own abilities to find harmony and peaceful resolve from within.
Coupled with the sensitive path we are personally and collectively on during 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected wild ride, defiantly places an energetic reset upon humanity’s individual will and abilities to heal what has been gurgling up and raging from within. This unprecedented cycle of reflection aligns us in our gravest responsibility to become a completely well-oiled machine that ultimately seeks for us to be able to move forward: fully awakened with a restored self-reliance and acute awareness within our lives.
The “RE Rules” Under Mars Retrograde One of the Zodiac’s most dynamic, energetic and at worst- abrupt inner planets, Mars’s influence under normal forward motion grants action, motivation and desire wherever his feverish and accelerating energy is currently visiting within any of the 12 individual signs. Mars guides the collective’s drives to take definite action and do something- as well as our aggression, impulsiveness, exertion, and any time we need to utilize courage to adapt to change within our lives. As he decides to not “look where he is going,” the collective can expect the natural benefits of his energy to not work so seamlessly and amicably, and instead be up to rightfully experience a passage of hardcore review.
What to Be Extremely Mindful of During Mars Retrograde…
1. Monitoring Our Speed. Take a much slower pace with everything you do. Being in a hurry under Mars Rx undoubtedly attracts the potential for accidents, penetrating situations and conflicting outcomes to occur. The use of sharp objects, explosive devices and fire of all kinds are forewarned to be carefully monitored, for extra care is seriously needed concerning them for this passage.
2. Managing Our Anger. It will be very “easy” to fall to this choice of the free will. But feed and fuel the fires of rage, conflict and impatience under Mars Rx, and you’ll be ever sorry that you did.
3. Practicing Our Patience. Choosing this practice will greatly improve your results. This virtue is the most valuable one we can utilize at all times in life, but for this particular Mars Retrograde round, it will be unprecedented to habitually practice to navigate what is currently moving in the harrowing call to honor reflective energy within Aries.
4. Owning Our Ability to Let Go. Mars is equally -aside from activating our motivation and drive- the planet that promotes conclusions, finalizations and endings. Know that these will be showing up in powerful ways and trigger you from the latter Aries area of your life. Choose to resist them, and you can expect a struggle that you will look back upon and wish you had made a different decision.
5. Watching Our Initiations. Just like Mercury Retrograde cycles (which our Messenger will overlap 13 October to 03 November), we are absolutely wise to carefully monitor anything we are starting for long term success under this much more intense cycle of reflection and review. Especially when Mercury Retrograde engages 13 October to 03 November, ALL BETS ARE COMPLETELY OFF.
6. Knowing Our Personal Forecast. Wherever 28 to 15 degrees Aries rests in your natal birth chart is the precise area of life that you’ll see an ultimate reset button being pressed from 09 September to 13 November. Equally, potential natal planets that will aspect Mars’s Retrograde journey are important to understand to know how to make proper choices avoiding critical mistakes during this extremely sensitive cycle. An ounce of prevention, is a sure pound of cure. And as Ben Franklin used to wisely say, “Those that fail to prepare, prepare to fail.”
7. Mars Relating to Other Intense Planetary Alignments It has been in intense astrological conversation all throughout 2020 concerning the planetary concentration in play within Capricorn from Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto that deeply explains the global restrictions the world has been otherwise undeniably witnessing across the board. As Mars will directly Square (favoring energetic blockages, tensions, stagnation and resistance) these planets during his Retrograde journey, we have alarmingly distinct trigger points which will absolutely point to precise times that absolute tension and worldly powers vying to control people and situations will be unfolding in more than disturbing ways.
As we equally take into serious consideration both Capricorn and Aries are leadership signs, we can further understand why the worlds’ powers that be are not working in alignment, and continue to fight, blame and thwart intensely against one another. Once again, on the personal level, knowing where both Aries and Capricorn will be working with these alignments in your natal astrological chart, hold the very keys for you to work amicably with them, versus fight against their intense energies that will strive to interfere with conflicts and frustrations otherwise.
Mars Retrograde Square to Saturn 29 September How self-expression and self-confidence can be achieved will be extremely challenging to concentrate upon over the days leading into and immediately following this square forming. Collectively, the acts of manipulation will be alarming to behold, where current events playing out will unfold more fear, restrictions, control, and complete prevention of action being able to be taken. The key here is to not allow our emotions to be dominated by excessive male reckless behavior. The more silent we can personally become, the more we can listen to our divine feminine wisdom from within as the worlds’ storms amplify in their strength around us.
Mars Retrograde Square to Pluto 09 October The attempt to further separate society will be moving through the collective and provoke the utter collapses that life will indeed never be going back again to what it once used to look like. As personal powers and freedoms will be further repressed, the anger emerging will be more than explosive in ways humanity in our day and age have not ever witnessed before. On our own level of observation, what we are meant to be personally healing is given tremendous drive and transformative power if we allow it to do so. Moving away from feelings of insecurity -no matter what the world is dolling out- allows us to see and further understand we must forgive ourselves and others for the deeper pains of the past as we adapt to higher ideals replacing ones we once previously held in order to eventually move forward.
Mars Retrograde Square to Jupiter 19 October Once again, self-esteem is brought to the surface to be examined on a deeper level, as we remain reachable and teachable in order to recognize a powerful new truth. Egos out of control will be absolutely witnessed, which are to be once again responsively observed, and not directly reacted to should they cross our paths. We are best to avoid any kind of rash decisions at this time, and work intently with steering completely clear of impulsive, reckless, and any taking of a risk, chance or gamble. This more than abundant energy is best channeled to work with finding gratitude, utilizing a true being willing to be educated approach, and seek out any intellectual or artistic means to burn off the excessive and expansive energy it will provoke.
8. October’s Potent Full Moon Awakening Activations This promises to be an extremely intense emotionally filled month beckoning with even more irreversible changes- opens and concludes with two Full Moons, 01 and 31 October. With 01 October’s aligning within Aries itself, the days surrounding it will be overwhelmingly emotionally charged and cast off more intense callings to surrender to healing and reflection. By 31 October, especially as Mercury Retrograde will then be equal full affect, this Taurus Full Moon conjuncts the very planet in charge of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected Universal energy of Uranus, who is also Retrograde in Taurus. Be ultimately ready to be surprised with shock factors affecting the very root system of our sense of security like we have never see before cascade everywhere across the globe.
Be Sure to Take Advantage of 2 POWERFUL Elearning Opportunities to Arm You in Ultimate Awareness for Mars Retrograde & 2020’s Awakening Finale
The Approach and Shadow of Mars Retrograde Every Retrograde passage has a “preview of coming attractions” as the planet crosses over moving forward, the exact degree point it will backtrack to, which is astrologically termed the Approach. We distinctly started to notice what was going to be in intense reflection by 09 September as Mars crossed over 15 degrees Aries on 25 July.
Every Retrograde passage has a “ironing out the retrograde wrinkles” time until the planet crosses over, moving Direct, the exact degree point it started retrograding upon, known as the Shadow. Whatever critical decisions may have had to been made by no other choice under Mars Retrograde, will have the opportunity to smooth out the fabric of reflection wrinkles throughout 02 January 2021, when the Shadow completes crossing back over 28 degrees Aries.
What’s Really in a Word? MARS RETROGRADE
Whenever a planet is actively in RETROGRADE within our Zodiac skies, it’s that necessary time when we are best to surrender, and know we’ve GOT TO REDO, and GO TO A GREAT REORDER. As our take action and motivating planet attaches himself to the retrograde title, how apropos the anagrams we can derive are able to spell out the truth of how we can reap personal rewards.
Honoring A Cycle of Reflection This time for reassessment, review and redo within The Ram allows us to all remember that staying in own own lane and owning our own fire versus starting one, are two mantras that will absolutely serve our highest good as this intensely plays out on the collective level. Once 13 November comes to pass, the activity within these degrees points (28 to 15 degrees Aries) of the life will start to energetically move forward once again- offering restoration and undeniably the reset button will have been hit in full to allow us to see how our ambitions and desires must move forward for the better, no matter what has fallen out otherwise as deep and incredible worldly changes.
Remember, what is deserving of being reexamined in Aries comes from the acts of review under the retrograde. So rest, retreat and reset to the very best of your ability 09 September to 13 November, then move forward with your soul certainty amidst whatever uncertain times still prevail to gather up your rewards later! Know, the grandeur may not be what you had originally anticipated. However, what is ultimately meant to be simplified by deeply honoring reflection, is where your courage will be required to receive what you will have been patiently waiting for.
As 2020 has always deeply promised, Mars Retrograde will be a more than unprecedented time of amplifying the entire year’s Awakening the Unexpected experience for the entire world to absolutely behold.
Watch the REplay from Facebook Live on more tips and tools for Mars Retrograde and 2020’s Finale.
Probably most people would agree, the USA has pretty much (once again) missed the memo on what it really meant to be adapting to Irreversible America 2019 to 2020, during its’ 5 Personal Year Cycle. What now has become all the more evident as this soul homework was for the most part, completely ignored by the majority of the country -especially in the country’s navigation contending with COVID19, aka the Coronavirus- are the inevitable repercussions that await during it’s 6 Personal Year now unfolding 04 July 2020 to 04 July 2021.
This piece will connect the numerological forecasting dots for America back to its’ natal astrological birth chart, to intimately show how the year ahead’s timing is everything scope is favored to unfold.
We easily calculate a Current Personal Year Cycle via numerology as such, always reducing back to the singular digit. 7 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 15; 1 + 5 = 6
As far as the USA is concerned, being in a 6 Personal Year promises a complete realignment of the nation to be experienced all throughout the year. Here we look to the planet Venus, who guides 6 energies requesting that compassion, understanding, feminine energy and non-judgment be honored -and absolutely not to be resisted- in order for success of the cycle to work amicably. Where Venus is first positioned in the birth chart upon the birthday, sets off the year’s overall focus, and is then followed for the duration of the entire Personal Year for the remainder of the forecasting story, via its’ current transits until the next birthday occurs.
As it starts off 04 July 2020, Venus’s current transit for America is focused upon the lifestyle, habits, routines, physical health, and workforce- as well as the nation’s ability to be of service to itself and others. From there, she will continue to with a more than revealing tale throughout the 6 Personal Year to follow for the country to experience until Summer 2021.
While Venus just Retrograded 13 May to 25 June, this 6 Personal Year begins as she is still completing her Shadow, which prevails until 29 July. In a disturbing time for the country, it was very much foreseen this would be the outcome unfolding, as she is just moving off her station in Gemini at this time. Of critical note is to mention as to why the nation has been absolutely disrupted by the VORACIOUS RUINS AS A RANCOROUS SCORN of the CORONAVIRUS (as was foreseen in Wake UP America Before It’s Too Late), the country has some rather precarious aspects moving in its’ current forecast that simply cannot be ignored.
The trickier part right away as America begins its’ 6 Personal Year, is that Venus who is ultimately in charge of how any realignment and striving to attain balance, harmony and union are to be seen, is just moving forward past her station directly positioned upon the country’s natal Uranus in the very same area of life that governs over its’ lifestyle, physical health, workforce as it is of service to itself and others. Uranus is a planet that asks to reinvent, be original, always throwing in plenty of surprise as it does so. Nevertheless, this reformer planet is determined to a fault to bring improvement and radical change through any of the unexpected energies that it astrologically guarantees to unfold.
It was guaranteed as Venus’s Retrograde Shadow transits in the sign of Gemini -as she met up with the nation’s natal Uranus, natally positioned at 08 degrees Gemini- disturbances would be more than alarming at this time. Gemini, as one of the Zodiac’s more than intellectual and intelligent communication signs, is also the symbology of The Twins. Two sides always exist and represent duality, and at worst: complete disunion within the area of life that it affects in anyone’s natal chart. The evolved and healed energy of Gemini will always align in and come together in synthesis.
It is more than evident as America enters this 6 Personal Year, that the country is more divided than it was pre-Coronavirus existence. From the myriad of misinformation circulating about the virus itself, to the political arena relentlessly finger pointing and casting only blame to the other in a tense election year, wearing a mask or not wearing a mask, protesting or not protesting, or anything that should otherwise be in a much more cooperative force to work with positive solutions, the nation is reeling in absolute division otherwise. Sadly, as the very word UNITED, equally spells UNTIED: America is terribly troubled, filled with anguish and in a harrowing amount of pain that is absolutely yearning to be healed.
What any 6 Personal Year ultimately wants after the 5 Personal Year has heralded the most incredible and irreversible changes to be witnessed, is first and foremost: understanding. Seeking to understand before being understood. Venus is a planet that is not about the argument as she absolutely cringes in this kind of energetic space, yet she is most certainly about justice and fairness. She is absolutely not a fighter, and only favors peaceful solutions to bring amends to any situation. She urges that compassion be practiced in order to seamlessly resolve the issues in the aftermath of the whirling storm of change the previous 5 Personal Year will always allow any person or entity to naturally experience.
Passing unnecessary judgment is not well supported when navigating in 6 energy, so it is well advised to avoid doing so. Hence we may find America will have a many things to sort out in coming to terms with this, in order to properly acclimate and thrive in this personal year’s guidance versus merely survive and struggle with endless drama and absolutely preventable frustrations.
While Venus will not Retrograde during America’s 6 Personal Year, this will still be, in the aftermath of how gravely the 5 Personal Year utterly shocked and dismayed America’s very footing once 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected promise unfolded with the emergence of the coronavirus, an undeniably healing year. Compassion is after all, an extremely healing and gentle practice. It is the response to grief and sadness as it intently works with peace and love in order to find rightful resolve.
Equally what is forever changing moving forward as Venus and the 6 Personal Year are up close and extremely personal in asking America to seek to understand: is the very value of accountability overall. Especially concerning the nations’ money, securities, relationships, families and any legalities/agreements across the board. All of these will be part of what is realigning in responsibility for the nation, as the furthest acceptance that not only is the global model shifting into what a new norm will eventually look like, the former American Model, simply is no longer attainable. It has now forever changed during the course of 04 July 2019 to 04 July 2020.
While Venus starts in America’s area of life that completely will reinvent the country’s lifestyle, habits, routines, workforce and abilities to serve, she will ask that many more areas of the country’s whole be examined for their worth and overall value. Her ultimate goal is to see how balance and harmony can be attained in order to correct and bring any kind of peace of mind back into the country’s understanding. Equally, as we look forward, knowing there are 4 more years to the current 9 year span of time the nation began back in 2015-16 when it experienced the 1 Personal Year, the finalization of the necessary soul work of the country will not truly be completed until 2023-2024 as its’ next 9 Personal Year finishes this task.
In the meantime, it is the NOW that America must choose to OWN so it can see how very much it will have WON. If peaceful approaches are taken, there is nothing that cannot be achieved in a 6 Personal Year. It is time America to lay down your drama and conflict, become the fair judge, and once again, drawn upon your compassion for your nation, its’ fellow citizens and work together, in cooperation. Choosing to remain UNTIED when you need to truly become UNITED will not deem the results to heal what is so terribly and incredibly broken.
How can Venus help America in 2020 to 2021 the most?
Let’s timeline where to focus and when.
Venus will move through every area of the nation’s natal chart from 04 July 2020 until 04 July 2021, coming right back to where she started this 04 July 2020 by 13 May 2021, and then revisits until 04 July 2021, what will still need adjustment in 3 repeated areas of the country’s life concerning its’ lifestyle/habits/routines, legalities/relationships and overall state of wealth that she will have previously visited from 04 July to 14 September 2020.
Equally there is a flow of how 1 to 9 works within any given Personal Year, that unfolds month to month. (As well as within the Personal Month, another detailed and precise timing flow of 9 day cycles can also be foreseen.) The months are also noted here in connecting the dots of how astrology and numerology’s forecasts are never meant to be explored without the other in the same conversation, for the complete bird’s eye view of how very much “timing is everything” absolutely unfolds.
26 March to 15 July 2020 | America’s Ability TO SERVE
Lifestyle/Habits/Routines/Attention to Health/Workforce
Long before the country’s 6 Personal Year began, there was an undeniable preview of coming attractions as Venus remained focused upon this area of the nations’ life, seeking for the utmost reflection, especially as she Retrograded 13 May to 25 June. Everything, especially as Mercury transited here still in the country’s 5 Personal Year -08 to 17 May- was profoundly at work to unfold permanent changes concerning the country’s lifestyle that indeed at this time, became completely irreversible. As all value for these areas was distinctly disturbed, the year ahead now seeks for this starting mark to be brought back into balance so it can be realigned and redefined.
Equally as America finished up it’s 5 Personal Year that is Mercury guided, it is in the midst of 2020’s second Mercury Retrograde 18 June to 12 July, of which all of Mercury Retrograde cycles from 04 July 2019 to 04 July 2020 where quintessential to understand in honoring not only reflection, but when to watch all matters of timing and initiation. Even though America was born under a Mercury Retrograde in 1776, this recurring astrological “time out” is never to be ignored, misunderstood nor ever regarded as a time to move forward in life when the very opposite needs to unfold instead of reassessment and review.
March 2020: 8 Personal Month, Learning from the Experience/Harvest
April 2020: 9 Personal Month, Finalizations/Endings/Clearance
May 2020: 1 Personal Month, New Beginnings/Initiations/Manifestation
June 2020: 2 Personal Month, Emotional Situations/Home & Family Matters
July 2020 to 04 July: 3 Personal Month, Being Reachable & Teachable/Growth
July 2020 04 to 31 July: 4 Personal Month, Reinvention/Surprises/Drawing Upon Originality
15 July to 24 August 2020 | America’s Ability TO RELATE
Legalities/Relationships/Business Agreements
All attention concerning the nation’s legal matters, relationships to other nations, and any agreements that are standing, will be brought into focus. Lawsuits may be an overwhelming situation for the country by this time. This is one passage during 2020’s intensely reflective pulse overall, where favored action for future success can be taken -albeit carefully- amicably versus aggressively. The question still remains, will the country’s free will actually choose to do so?
July 2020 to 31 July: 4 Personal Month, Reinvention/Surprises/Drawing Upon Originality
August 2020: 5 Personal Month, Permanent Changes/Irreversible Energies/Movement
12 August to 27 September 2020 | America’s Ability TO TRANSFORM
Core Regeneration/Wealth/Scope of Life/Surrendering to Death for Rebirth
While wealth is always much more than the financial conversation, this will be the timeframe where the nation will witness a powerful shift in how other people’s resources can be attained. Investments will be extremely volatile and a complete reset button is favored to be further pressed for the economy. It is a complete energetic transformation that catapults the very core of the country to recognize how very much indeed -if one has not already deeply understood this grave fact and reality- there is never any going back again to what once was.
Equally starting upon 09 September is Mars Retrograde, which will transit in Aries until 13 November. This amazingly intense and aggressive reflection cycle will be occurring in the nation’s home, family, food supply, and abilities to nurture overall. Whether it be an internal conflict for the nation which is already more than evident, there can be a global one that it may become absolutely involved in seeking to resolve. Natural disasters such as earthquakes and regular hurricane season may be especially taxing upon America during these two months, yet as 2020 will be intensifying it’s promised awakening the unexpected human experience, there are more chapters to read than just about COVID-19. Americans will be more than wise to stock up on food for an extended period of time, for shortages will begin to unfold.
August 2020: 5 Personal Month, Permanent Changes/Irreversible Energies/Movement
September 2020: 6 Personal Month, Compassion/Understanding/Legal Matters/Finances
27 September to 29 October 2020 | America’s Ability TO BELIEVE
Complete shock factors will be emerging about what the truth actually is and what it is not during these weeks (as if anything can get even more unbelievable in 2020 already). Side by side with Mars Retrograde, if a global conflict is not already brewing, it may very well emerge at this time which America will feel compelled to have to become involved with. Internal and even more ugly conflict upon our own soil is equally plausible. It will be a powerful time to dismantle former belief systems, seek to understand both sides of all issues, and do the proper research to completely discern the truth. For those willing, it is a favored time to journey with spiritual pursuits, and allow higher ideals to be the guiding light for peaceful solutions, no matter what intensities are occurring otherwise.
The practices of seeing how the glass can still be half full versus empty, focusing upon gratitude versus lack, and accepting the TRUTH no matter how hard it may HURT, will all be well advised to engage in.
Equally, 2020’s final Mercury Retrograde will commence 13 October and transit until 03 November. Once again combination with Mars Retrograde, these weeks will be riddled with confusion, the need to slow down, and truly work with the most radical resilience to navigate what will be unfolding. Times will be more than challenging, as a foreseen Wave 3 of the Coronavirus or any other pandemic possibility has the absolute potential to start to emerge back into the population of the nation or travel from across the globe once again. Couple it all with the ongoing Mars Retrograde potentials mentioned above: undeniable chaos and conflict is highly likely to have to filter through.
September 2020: 6 Personal Month, Compassion/Understanding/Legal Matters/Finances
October 2020: 7 Personal Month, Solitude/Inner Work/Healing Within/SILENT LISTEN Time
29 October to 20 November 2020 | America’s Ability TO STRUCTURE
Professional Structures/Public Recognition/Authority Figures/Vocational Matters
While it will already be a complete political historical mess to sort out leading up to Election Day, it is “quite” the energetic mix up by 03 November as Mercury goes Direct just before 1pmEDT that day, and Mars Retrograde is still in equal transit. Just 3 days prior, upon Halloween, a Taurus Full Moon occurs that will conjunct (exactly meet up with) Uranus Retrograde at 8 degrees. While we may have thought we have seen it all already, there are way more surprises on the way from this incredibly disturbing energy that will not exactly be calm nor docile which will further dismantle materialism to its’ very core.
It is highly doubtful there will be any such thing as trick or treating going door to door in 2020. With Venus being positioned here in the area of life which governs over authority, she will certainly be a bit stern in her energy which would like to exhibit discipline in a fair fashion, yet she will be nothing else but extremely thwarted by the other planetary forces in play. This will be another grave time to seek to understand before being understood as the entire year asks for overall.
October 2020: 7 Personal Month, Solitude/Inner Work/Healing Within/SILENT LISTEN Time
November 2020: 8 Personal Month, Learning from the Experience/Harvest
20 November to 09 December 2020 | America’s Ability TO SOCIALIZE
Socialization/Peers/Friends/Hopes, Dream & Wishes/Future Direction
All actions leading up to this time certainly point to America possibly already being involved in immense civil unrest beyond what will have already been witnessed. Nevertheless, as Thanksgiving is celebrated, it will be one that will be absolutely different from any America has gathered together for before. As the equal promise of 2020 was Becoming Friends With Simplification, the simplicity of this traditional holiday will be taken in to a completely new direction. The country will be also absolutely pensive about what the future holds, and what it needs to do to hope, dream and wish for better days. Many friends the nation has had, may fall to the way side, or we notice as well we will formulate new ones, or very trusted alliances will come to our defense.
30 November brings in the year’s last Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon at 08 degrees Gemini, which also casts off another extremely intense aspect for the nation’s natal chart, as it precisely conjuncts the country’s natal Uranus in Gemini. More surprising shifts, release, healing and realignment will powerfully unfold well into 2021 for the nation’s lifestyle, habits, routines, attention to health and workforce overall. The times of complete uncertainty will be undeniable to resist are the actual reality at this time.
November 2020: 8 Personal Month, Learning from the Experience/Harvest
December 2020: 9 Personal Month, Finalizations/Endings/Clearance
09 to 25 December 2020 | America’s Ability TO PROCESS
The Christmas Season will follow suit with Becoming Friends With Simplification all the more, as the lavish, big spending and over doing everything about the America Holiday Seasons of the past will simply, not be plausible. Many people, as remaining Sheltered in Placerecommendations will be absolutely back in full order, will find they are solitary and not able to reach their loved ones for the holiday. It will be a very private time for many, as the country goes into a deep state of truly processing what is going on. With any hope at all, Americans genuinely slow down enough to begin to honor what individually needs to be healed in connection to the entire whole of the nation.
By 14 December, the years’ last Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Sagittarius unfolds, which will cause all the more revelations of what the truth of the matters actually are in connection to how we are seen by the world at large, especially concerning our involvement with any foreign affairs. Tensions are not exactly light on this Lunar initiation either, as these effects too, will move with the nation into the midway mark of 2021. America will be asked to once more retreat, take responsible moments to honor a sincere SILENT LISTEN and work through changing what it truly believes. The more the mindset of America recognizes there is no other choice but to adapt to simplification and approach life differently in order to move forward with success, the sooner they can attain it. In as much as these times will be presented in harrowing ways, there will be much to remember to still be grateful for. Yet once again, it will only be the resilient mindset that will be able to navigate through and remain in the eye of the storm.
December 2020: 9 Personal Month, Finalizations/Endings/Clearance
25 December 2020 to 21 January 2021 | America’s Ability TO SEE WHO “I AM”
Emerging-Self/Face to the World/Appearance/Immediate Approaches to Life
Upon Christmas Day and carrying over into the majority of January, America works through further acceptance that life indeed is complete different, and one is not taking on life as they once ever did before. The world undeniably starts to see a different face of America as well, and gravely notices something has changed about it. With any hope of the country coming back into balance, if compassion is the practice, the world will be happy to see this restored value emerge within America. If it is not the practice, and the drama is merely continuing, things will not get any easier as an astrological guarantee. America must “put on a new face” to the world and truly work through False Evidence Appearing Real so it can, with understanding, Face Everything And Rise as 2021 commences.
2021 is the year where the world overall witnesses even more irreversible changes, as the fast pace of Mercury will then be in charge of this 5 Universal Year, yet there will be an opposing force of things also seeming extremely slowed down. One’s free will can only decide how to take everything into perspective for themselves and work with adaptability as the world overall will be experiencing all the more changes like it has never seen it before.
December 2020: 9 Personal Month, Finalizations/Endings/Clearance
January 2021: 7 Personal Month, Solitude/Inner Work/Healing Within/SILENT LISTEN Time
21 January 2021 to 20 February 2021 | America’s Ability TO HAVE
Income Potential/Earning Power/Securities/Values/Possessions
These weeks will equally not be the easiest ones, as two major planetary plays will be at work in the nation’s ability to earn money, securities and overall value system. By 29 January -just one day before 2021’s first Mercury Retrograde also begins- Venus will conjunct Pluto in Capricorn in this area of the country’s natal chart- and will then be in a close conjunction to the country’s natal Pluto Retrograde. The transformation time here is more than intense for those unprepared. However income was made that was not already worked with and properly prepared for a more sustainable future by this time, will see powerful overturns and more regenerative energies changing everything on permanent levels. While it will equally be the heart of Winter, times will not be thriving in such a way that the old normal will be any kind of security blanket to fall back upon. The movement to keep establishing new value and working with understanding will seek America’s ultimate attention.
Mercury Retrograde will also be in play 30 January to 20 February in this very same area of America’s chart. Upturns, upsets, review, reassessment and redoing are all part of how these weeks will be unfolding. Venus meets up with Mercury Retrograde over 12 to 15 February, which will display more telling moments to carefully, carefully monitor and discern for any important decisions being made at that time for any kind of future success.
January 2021: 7 Personal Month, Solitude/Inner Work/Healing Within/SILENT LISTEN Time
February 2021: 8 Personal Month, Learning from the Experience/Harvest
20 February 2021 to 21 March 2021 | America’s Ability TO COMMUNICATE
This will be a profound time for America to start getting its’ head wrapped around completely accepting uncertainty, and rising above it with soul certainty as much as possible. Being open to realign the value of thinking and working with a calm and grounded mindset to once again remain in the eye of the storm, will be a practice that will serve anyone to work through these times with grace versus frustration. Equally the value of the nation’s communication skills overall are able to be worked with at this time, as they also are favored to connect with a more peaceful understanding if the free will of the nation allows it. No matter what the world may be displaying as horror, disaster and strife, it is up to America’s mind to truly work with resilience to navigate through these corrective times with success. There may be matters we distinctly notice are in play with Mexico and Canada over these weeks as well.
February 2021: 8 Personal Month, Learning from the Experience/Harvest
March 2021: 9 Personal Month, Finalizations/Endings/Clearance
21 March 2021 to 13 April 2021 | America’s Ability TO NURTURE
As Venus moves into the nation’s area of life that wants gut instinct, intuition, and overall attention to the home and family life to be honored, she will join up immediately with the Sun, who will also just have entered Spring’s renewal and initiation within Aries. Venus teaming up with the Sun always favors for light, understanding and knowing initiations are to be implemented. The country will need plenty of it, while another critical transit will be in simultaneous play.
It will be even further unprecedented at this time that more lifestyle shifts and conflicting endings will be in accelerated motion for the country as Mars already will have been back on that telling natal point of Uranus at 08 degrees Gemini mentioned earlier, where Venus starts her 6 Personal Year journey for the USA stationed upon. Mars will enter the nation’s ability to serve area of life upon 19 February while still in Taurus, and by 13 March, starts to make a close conjunction to the country’s natal Uranus starting 12 March. The exact conjunction occurs 16-18 March, where more complete aggressive surprises, alarming outcomes and conclusive changes will befall the lifestyle, habits, routines, physical health and workforce of the country. If the memo is not already known by this point in the year, the American Model is absolutely dead. The new normal is striving to be embraced as only innovative, reachable and teachable along with mindsets wide open like a parachute energies will be the only ones to thrive and find they can move forward honoring adaptability amicably.
March 2021: 9 Personal Month, Finalizations/Endings/Clearance
April 2021: 1 Personal Month, New Beginnings, Initiations/Manifestation
13 April 2021 to 02 May 2021 | America’s Ability TO CREATE
Moving along into Spring 2021, Venus visits America’s ability to be able to dive deep into their heart space and see what can be created anew that still can be joyful. Whilst these options will be absolutely simplified, returning to what loyalties truly matter for the nation will be wise choices to be extremely well aware of. By 21 April, Venus meets up with the current transit of Uranus in Taurus, who will beckon that understanding reinvention must be the only way through to discover what possibilities are available in a new normal. The country’s connections to children and how they are working in this new existence will be wise to focus upon. While they too are adapting to a new way within their young life, the younger generation is more than involved in finding break through ways to not only be educated differently, but still allowed to shine their playful light in the world’s and country’s regenerative process in play.
April 2021: 1 Personal Month, New Beginnings, Initiations/Manifestation
May 2021: 2 Personal Month, Emotional Situations/Home & Family Matters
02 to 18 May 2021 | America’s Ability TO SERVE. Take 2
Lifestyle/Habits/Routines/Attention to Health/Workforce
The first portion of May brings Venus right back to where she started upon 04 July 2020. Now that all of the country’s areas of life have been addressed to understand realignment is in complete order, a second round of sending these messages home will unfold. As she once again conjuncts the nations’ natal Uranus 15 May, we have Mars once again involved in making his bold and aggressive moves as he will be positioned upon the country’s natal Sun at this very same time. Uprise, more issues of anger to be resolved along with healing pain and anguish will surround the need to intensely process grief that will always be an underlying current throughout 2020-2021’s 6 Personal Year. Grief can be the country’s greatest task master if it surrenders to what is, versus remain in resistance once again.
Mercury will also start the Approach to 2021’s second Retrograde cycle (29 May to 22 June in Gemini) by 14 May. Once again to offer up more reflection, correction, and revamping in the “I Relate” area for America concerning business agreements, partnerships and any intimate relationships. It is highly plausible, divorce filings will be sky-rocketing as well as any parting of unstable partnerships. Prior to that, Mercury will also conjunct the nation’s natal Uranus in Gemini upon 08 May, where more permanent and surprising changes continue to unravel to reset the bar for how the country is meant to reestablish it’s lifestyle, habits, routines, attention to health and workforce concerns.
May 2021: 2 Personal Month, Emotional Situations/Home & Family Matters
18 May 2021 to 15 June 2021 | America’s Ability TO RELATE. Take 2
Legalities/Relationships/Business Agreements
Venus revisits America’s relationships, legalities and business agreements, closing in on Mercury as his Approach is intensely on to Retrograde within this area of the nations’ life, 29 May to 22 June. They conjunct at 24 degrees Gemini precisely as Mercury is stationed to turn Retrograde upon 29 May. Two plausible scenarios can be seen here.
One: People have adapted to the complete understanding for change and have recognized the grave fact: differences of opinion must be put aside in order to come together in union to peacefully cooperate to allow positive solutions to unfold for the pressing matters needing to be resolved.
Two: People are still in absolute resistance to what is, and keep yearning for the past that will never come back in the very same way, ever again. The country stands in more division than it ever has before, and what is unfolding at this time causes complete heartache that fuels the UNTIED potential of the nation to block itself, as victimization continues to carry on. The ability to rise up above False Evidence Appearing Real has not be shifted to Face Everything and Rise.
Depending upon the free will of the consciousness of the nation at this time, let’s all place our intentions now upon option ONE!
May 2021: 2 Personal Month, Emotional Situations/Home & Family Matters
June 2021: 3 Personal Month, Being Reachable & Teachable/Growth
15 June 2021 to 17 July 2021 America’s Ability TO TRANSFORM. Take 2
Core Regeneration/Wealth/Scope of Life/Surrendering to Death for Rebirth
The finale weeks of Venus’s journey as the nation has experienced the 6 Personal Year, focuses upon the country’s wealth and overall scope upon life itself once again. Mars will have already entered this area upon 19 May, as more alarming overturns for the wealth of the nation will already be seen taking place, especially surrounding 01-05 July as it will conjunct the country’s natal Mercury Retrograde at 24 degrees Cancer. Venus will meet up with this same conjunction upon 22 June, in the highest hopes of sorting out what needs to be deeply understood with compassionate eyes once again.
June 2021: 3 Personal Month, Being Reachable & Teachable/Growth
July 2021 to 04 July: 4 Personal Month, Reinvention/Surprises/Drawing Upon Originality
July 2021 04 to 31 July: 5 Personal Month, Permanent Changes/Irreversible Energies/Movement
The year overall is more than intense to convey.
These focal points above have more planetary transit stories to add into the picture, yet these are the most significant to being to understand in connection to what a 6 Personal Year will do for America in 2020-2021. Nevertheless, preparedness and mental strength and the adaptation to simplicity is how any American citizen will thrive versus get caught up on the mere survival energy during this first reset year from 2020’s promise of Awakening the Unexpected.
The planetary baton is passed to Neptune upon 04 July 2021, when America enters its’ then 7 Personal Year. This shifts the major focus for the nation to work intently with this solitary, mystical, spiritual, seek out the unknown and mysterious planet- who will then be in charge of how the country is be meant to proceed to thrive versus survive. Neptune will have just started its’ annual 5 month Retrograde cycle upon 25 June that will last until 01 December 2021. Here is when we will look to Neptune in Pisces which via current transit at that time, which will be (and is now) positioned in the nation’s area of communications, thinking, mindset and mental capacities, and will remain there for the entire 7 Personal Year’s timing until 04 July 2022.
A 7 Personal Year urges the person or entity to explore inner soul work, go and retreat as necessary to heal, process from within, and ultimately honor the absolute value of a SILENT LISTEN. Undeniably the nation will be in a grave and shocking understanding about what it really means to take care of our mental health with resilience at this time.
How can we communicate with our intuition more as a nation?
Can we stop the anguish and come together to heal the surmounting pains that will be witnessed in even more compelling ways?
If there is any movement that will save America by this time, it is the practice of meditation, utilizing discerning awareness, mindfulness and working with positivity and faith like the nation has not done in a very long time, if ever. This 7 Personal Year will ask the nation to absolutely continue to remain in the eye of the apparent storm. And in more absolute ways we can Spell Out the Truth via Lexigrams, it will be only be by joining the real REVOLUTION to UNITE IT IN ONE TRUE LOVE OVER EVIL TO LIVE IT RITE.
Moving forward past 2021 – 2022, there are two more years before America enters a brand new 9 year span of time commencing 04 July 2024. Between now and then, this is the absolute healing time for the country to undeniably take to adapt to a new norm, be ever patient and gentle with itself and its’ citizens as it does. Despite the severity the entire world will face in these immediate years ahead, nevertheless, that is the positive way to look at it.
America has a lot of maturing to do, and none of what needs to change, will not naturally be met without resistance first as the nation has already witnessed with more evidence than it can process fast enough. It will still be up to any American to make their personal choices, exercise their free will, remain absolutely empowered and remember to always, always think for themselves.
May America be prepared for more extreme change, more irreversible energy and a lot of knowing that if its’ citizens did not properly prepare especially during the previous 5 years of soul work, there will be a lot of difficulty to work through. Whatever was been built upon an unstable foundation over 2015 – 2019, will not have the sustaining power to prevail for future success.
This time is about drawing upon the innate understanding that as the very “Cancer 4” entity America absolutely is: nurturing our equality, brotherhood and sisterhood is what the nation must come together to instinctively cooperate with, or otherwise unnecessarily suffer. No one can make that choice for anyone but the individual.
For those who wish to go back down memory lane to further connect the dots:
Overall, the need for love, peace, understanding and above all else- compassion is the way through for America to work with successful realignment throughout 04 July 2021. The time for The UNITED States of America to come together for whatever may be UNTIED and once again, mindfully pausing in a many SILENT LISTEN offerings, will be undeniably wise.
This time is now to remember life, whether residing in America or not, absolutely cannot EVOLVE without LOVE.
Allow Your Freedom to Reign with Compassionate Understanding, Dear American Stars.
Stay Safe, Aware and Be Empowered, Always. Namaste.