Whether we are forecasting a person, project launch, business or country: any soul being or entity with a specific point of initiation experiences a changing Personal Year Cycle year to year as another Solar Return annually aligns, marking what we more commonly know as one’s birthday or anniversary.
In a 1 Personal Year, The Sun is the primary planetary guidance in charge of the energetic flow and pulse of the current numerological forecast. The need for remaining in the heart space to best place all new intentions and initiations in place is always required when the 1 is present. Most important to deeply understand is what is set into motion now, distinctly affects the next 8 years outcome to follow.
For America,04 July 2024 to 04 July 2025 finds The Sun and all transits it makes within its’ natal birth chart for the 12 months will be especially critical to follow along for a crystal ball view into the specific areas of life which point to where focusing upon the heart of the matter will be absolutely required. Equally the consciousness necessary to remain well aware of the grave importance of starting over and beginning again in the theme of “if it is new it is for America” are foreseen to be the direct experiences within the life’s present journey.
As we fuse this current personal year numerology perspective back to the current transits in affect for the natal astrological chart of the person/entity, there is a laser focus forecasting view to gain in further connect these divine planetary dots understanding.
The first place America will need to exercise listening to the heart as 04 July 2024 precisely aligns: is where “WE RELATE” within its’ one on one partnerships, legalities and all personal relationships. (and considering the riveting pulse already in play within our current times, won’t THAT just be a boatload alone to UNITE the UNTIE to unpack and resolve?)
By 04 July 2025, The Sun will have worked its’ way through the entire natal birth chart of the nation, touching upon all 12 areas of America’s life. As Mars hands over the planetary baton from being in charge since 04 July 2023, it is dong so as it sits at 18 degrees Taurus within “WE CREATE” concerning the country’s abilities to create, manifest, its’ children, creative pursuits, entertainment, luxuries/pleasures and all that connects to pure heart-centered/heart space matters.
Energetically overall, the 9 Personal Year Cycle that spanned from 04 July 2023 to 04 July 2024 has ideally (or at least in the highest of conscious intentions was favored to do so) cleared away what is no longer necessary to now begin again with the cleanest slate as possible. With adhering to keen law of attraction attention, ideally as any 1 Personal Year Cycle begins: there should be the purest and fertile ground that has been naturally made to once more be ready to plant new seeds.
9 going back to a 1 Personal Year is always extremely pivotal for these 2 years within any life experience. Not resisting what needs to naturally be let go of, allows the fluidity of the 1 Personal Year Cycle to always kick off a brand new 9 year span of time via the mantra “If it is NEW it is for YOU!” which undeniably will guide the next 12 month forecast of America’s soul journey throughout 04 July 2025.
27 “Spin in Time in 9” passages since 1781….
28th: 04 July 2024 to 2032, 29th begins 04 July 2033 This will be the 28th time in the country’s history it starts another 9 year chapter of “spin in time in 9.” Taking a look back, our prior 9 to 1 Personal Years pivotal shifts occurred:
27/9, 1780 to 1781, 28/1. 36/9, 1789 to 1790 28/1. 36/9, 1798 to 1799 to 37/1.
27/9, 1807 to 1808, 28/1. 27/9, 1816 to 1817, 28/1. 27/9, 1825 to 1826, 28/1.
27/9, 1834 to 1835, 28/1. 27/9, 1843 to 1844, 28/1. 27/9, 1852 to 1853, 28/1.
27/9, 1861 to 1862, 28/1. 27/9, 1870 to 1871, 28/1. 27/9, 1879 to 1880, 28/1.
36/9, 1888 to 1889, 37/1. 36/9, 1897 to 1898, 37/1. 27/9, 1906 to 1907, 28/1.
27/9, 1915 to 1916,28/1. 27/9, 1924 to 1925,28/1. 27/9, 1933 to 1934, 28/1.
27/9, 1942 to 1943, 28/1. 27/9, 1951 to 1952, 28/1. 27/9, 1960 to 1961, 28/1.
36/9, 1969 to 1970,28/1. 36/9, 1978 to 1979,37/1. 36/9, 1987 to 1988,37/1.
36/9, 1996 to 1997, 37/1. 18/9, 2005 to 2006,19/1. 18/9, 2014 to 2015,19/1.
2024-25’s Seed Planting affects next 9 years Ahead Chapter:
For America, this current 1 Personal Year 2024 to 2025 starting the country back at 1 timing coincides as well with the 1st Pluto Return, 2021-2024 it has ever experienced as a nation. This transformational death to rebirth wake up call is presently revamping its’ entire understanding of what “WE HAVE” connecting to our value systems, money, security, establishments and material possessions. It will be extremely critical to be prepared for the timeframe of 02 September to 19 November as Pluto will be in the finale months of the Return affects, not to cycle back in this way to the nation’s natal Pluto point for another 240 years.
The Full Forecasting Details of America’s 19/1 Personal Year 2024-25 are available 21 June onSoul Certainty Community. Learn All about how all Eclipses and Inner Planet Retrograde Cycles will affect the nation as well as the Personal Month to Month flow of the entire year.
Why is it a ‘Healing The Heart’ Year for America?
As the above calculation computes America’s 11 constant of 04 July when added to our Current Universal Year of 2024: we arrive at the value of 19. As historically discussed on 21 June’s The Sharita Star Empower Hour, there are different higher vibrational energies to take into keen forecasting insight consideration of any 1 to 9 root number concerning whatever Chaldean Karmic Mystery they specifically relate.
The 19 represents ‘The Prince of Heaven.’ Whenever the 19 is present, this is part of what its’ Chaldean Karmic Mystery wishes for the person or entity to consciously unlock:
“19 is one of the most fortunate and favorable of all compound numbers. It is symbolized as the Sun, and it is called the Prince of Heaven because it indicates victory over all temporal failure and disappointment. It blesses the person or entity represented by it with all the power of the Compound number 10, without the danger and abuse inherent in the 10. This number promises happiness and fulfillment- success in all ventures as well as in the personal life. The 19 will smooth the path and greatly dilute any negative vibrations one must deal with in the full numerological analysis.”~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs
The root of 19 reduces to 1, energetically guided by The Sun. The Sun rules the heart space. As equally discussed concerning 08 April’s Total Solar Eclipse, this energy as well connects to the profound ways the nation is being asked to heal.
As any 1 Personal Year focuses not only on the Solar Forecast, it equally is very significant to note all New Moons as they unfold through the year. Especially with Solar Eclipse activity, which marks an all the more intense longer term passages of initiation from specific areas of the life to remain well aware of.
This is only the 3rd time in America’s entire history it will cycle through a 19 vibration Personal Year within the 1. The only other years this has ever happened was during 2006-07 and 2015-16. All 1 Personal Years the nation has ever experiences prior to 2000 otherwise always computed to a 37 or 28 on their higher 1 compound number vibrations, and allowed for a different Chaldean Karmic Mystery to be consciously understood for that specific conscious timing.
USA’s LAST 1 Personal Year in the 19, saw the same “WE RELATE” beginnings concerning all legalities and partnerships, with intense focus via Solar Eclipse energies triggering from “WE COMMUNICATE” and “WE BELIEVE” which marked significant mindset/thinking/spreading of information changes as well as ones that worked within the truth of the nation, its’ foreign affairs/policy, and all belief systems and philosophies.
Whether we are forecasting a person, project launch, business or country: any being or entity with a specific point of initiation experiences a changing Personal Year Cycle year to year as another Solar Return annually aligns, marking what we more commonly know as one’s birthday or anniversary .
In a 9 Personal Year, Mars is the primary planetary guidance in charge of the energetic flow and pulse of the current numerological forecast. The need for Courage and a Warrior presence are always required.
For America,04 July 2023 to 04 July 2024 finds Mars and all transits it makes for the 12 months will be especially critical to follow along for a crystal ball view into the specific areas of life pointing to where courage will be absolutely required. Equally the conscious need to remain well aware of how conflict, penetration, aggressive action and undeniable conclusions/finalizations are foreseen to take up dynamic action within the life’s journey.
As we fuse this current personal year numerology perspective back to the current transits in affect for the natal astrological chart of the person/entity, there is a laser focus forecasting view to gain in further connect these divine planetary dots understanding.
The first place America will need to exercise extreme caution with a Warrior presence as 04 July 2023 aligns: is within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true. (and considering the riveting pulse already in play within our current times, won’t THAT just be a boatload alone to UNITE the UNTIE to unpack and resolve ? )
By 04 July 2024, Mars will have worked its’ way through 7 other natural areas of America’s life to reach the country’s abilities to create, manifest, its’ children, creative pursuits, entertainment, luxuries/pleasures and all that relates to pure heart-centered/heart space matters.
Energetically overall, a 9 Personal Year Cycle and its’ starting focus clears away what is no longer necessary during the 12 months to follow. With adhering to keen law of attraction attention, once the next 1 Personal Year Cycle begins: there is fresh, clean and fertile ground that has been naturally made to once again be ready to plant new seeds.
9 going back to a 1 Personal Year are always extremely pivotal for the 2 years within any life experience. Not resisting what needs to naturally be let go of, allows the fluidity of the 1 Personal Year Cycle to always kick off a brand new 9 year span of time via the mantra “If it is NEW it is for YOU !” which guides the next 12 month forecast of the life’s journey.
For America, this current 9 Personal Year starting back at 1 by 2024 timing coincides as well with the 1st Pluto Return, 2021-2024 it has ever experienced as a nation. This transformational death to rebirth wake up call is presently revamping its’ entire value system, money, establishments and material possessions. It will be extremely critical to be prepared for the timeframe of 25 January to 15 March as Mars will have entered via transit by then within this same area communicating with Pluto: promising riveting moments to endure, with the most intense clearance time in dynamic motion as it does so over 06 to 13 February.
The Full Forecasting Details of America’s 18/9 Personal Year 2023-24 are available now onSoul Certainty Community.
Why is it a ‘Spiritual Material Conflict’ Year for America?
As the above calculation computes America’s 11 constant of 04 July when added to our Current Universal Year of 2023: we arrive at the value of 18. As historically discussed on 23 June’s The Sharita Star Empower Hour, there are different higher vibrational energies to take into keen forecasting insight consideration of any 1 to 9 root number concerning whatever Chaldean Karmic Mystery they specifically relate.
The 18 represents ‘Spiritual Material Conflict.’ Whenever the 18 is present, this is part of what its’ Chaldean Karmic Mystery wishes for the person/entity to unlock:
“Of all Compound numbers, 18 has the most difficult symbolism to translate. (the Jesus complex) The ancients describe the 18 with the following image: A rayed moon, from which drops of blood are falling. A wolf and a hungry dog are seen below, catching the falling drops of blood in their opened mouths, while still lower, a crab is seen hastening to join them.
18 symbolizes materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of the nature. It often associates the person or entity represented by it with bitter quarrels within the family circle- with wars, social upheaval, and revolution.”~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs
As noted in the timeline below, this is only the 3rd time in America’s entire history it will cycle through an 18 vibration Personal Year within the 9. The only other years this has ever happened was during 2005-06 and 2014-15.
All prior 9 Personal Year Cycles since 1776 for America
Of great importance to understand, is how America reigned supreme prior to the turn of the century, no matter what incredible changes it has endured and overcome with resilience. As the patterns show below of all the recurring 9 Personal Years, they always equated to a 27 or 36 higher vibration of the 9. The 27 or 36’s Chaldean Karmic Mystery is QUITE different from the 18.
27/36 represents The Sceptre: “This is an excellent, harmonious and fortunate number of courage and power, with a touch of enchantment. It blesses the person or entity it represents with a promise of authority and command. It guarantees that great rewards will come from the productive labors, the intellect, and the imagination. All of these creative faculties have sown good seeds which are to reap a rich harvest. People or entities represented by the 27 should always carry out their own original plans and ideas, and not be intimidated or influenced by the diverse opinions or opposition of others. 27 is a number of karmic reward, earned in more than one previous incarnation.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs
SOUND LIKE THE AMERICA OF OLD? Or the one that used to honestly stand in the precise meaning of the 27/36? Be sure to connect with more concerning America & the 27 energy that deeply explains its’ current 1st Pluto Return, 2021-2024.
2005-06, under the 18 starting within its’ homeland, nurturing abilities, food, family and environments. This is the FIRST 18 Personal Year Cycle the nation ever experienced within its’ lifetime.
1996-97, under the 36 starting within its’ legalities, partnerships, alliances and all personal/business relationships/contracts.
1987-88, under the 36 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.
1978-79, under the 36 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.
1969-70, under the 36with Mars Retrograde starting within its’ inner world, secrets, healing, karmic clearing, hidden matters, abilities to process the past, and work with solitude.
1960-61, under the 27 starting within its’ abilities to create, manifest, its’ children, creative pursuits, entertainment, luxuries/pleasures and all that relates to pure heart-centered/heart space matters.
1951-52, under the 27 starting within its’ legalities, partnerships, alliances and all personal/business relationships/contracts.
1942-43, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.
1933-34, under the 27 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.
1924-25, under the 27 starting within its’ communications, ideas, mindset, thinking, mentality, information/media, short trips transportation.
1915-16, under the 27 starting within its’ abilities to serve itself and others, workforce, lifestyle, habits, routines, and physical healthcare.
1906-07, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.
1897-98, under the 36 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.
1888-89, under the 36 starting within its’ leadership, power, recognition, respect, authority and public life.
1879-80, under the 36 starting within its’ homeland, nurturing abilities, food, family and environments.
1870-71, under the 27 starting within its’ legalities, partnerships, alliances and all personal/business relationships/contracts.
1861-62, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.
1852-53, under the 27 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.
1843-44, under the 27 starting within its’ inner world, secrets, healing, karmic clearing, hidden matters, abilities to process the past, and work with solitude.
1834-35, under the 27 starting within its’ abilities to create, manifest, its’ children, creative pursuits, entertainment, luxuries/pleasures and all that relates to pure heart-centered/heart space matters.
1825-26, under the 27 starting within its’ legalities, partnerships, alliances and all personal/business relationships/contracts.
1816-17, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.
1807-08, under the 27 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.
1798-99, under the 36 starting within its’ communications, ideas, mindset, thinking, mentality, information/media, short trips transportation.
1789-90, under the 36 starting within its’ abilities to serve itself and others, workforce, lifestyle, habits, routines, and physical healthcare.
1780-81, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.
04 July 1776 = 32 | America is born to The 32 Lifepath of ‘Communication’ Mercury, The Messenger Guided by 5
Chaldean Karmic Mystery to Unlock: “This Compound Number has the same magical power to sway masses of people as the 14, the same help from those in high positions as the 23. Add all this to the natural ability to charm others with magnetic speech, and it’s clear why 32 is some-times known, by modernizing the symbolism of the ancients as the politicians vibration. The complexities of advertising, writing, publishing, radio, television are not always, but usually are an open book to the 32 person, who tends to work well under pressure. But there’s a warning note sounded within this seemingly happy melody. 32 is a very fortunate number if the person it represents holds inflexibly to his or her own opinions and judgment in both artistic or intangible and material matters. If not, the plans are liable to be wrecked by the stubbornness and stupidity of others.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs
Via The 5’sMovement, Change, Versatility, Circulation This Lifepath influence is the “ground beneath America’s feet” its’ “yellow brick road of life” in essence. The pulse of change and remaining adaptable has always been the guiding light of the nation, yet as the 32 wisely councils, it is the political realms that must never be abused. Resolve your politics America if your free will actually can Never Compromise Living Consciously.
Probably most people would agree, the USA has pretty much (once again) missed the memo on what it really meant to be adapting to Irreversible America 2019 to 2020, during its’ 5 Personal Year Cycle. What now has become all the more evident as this soul homework was for the most part, completely ignored by the majority of the country -especially in the country’s navigation contending with COVID19, aka the Coronavirus- are the inevitable repercussions that await during it’s 6 Personal Year now unfolding 04 July 2020 to 04 July 2021.
This piece will connect the numerological forecasting dots for America back to its’ natal astrological birth chart, to intimately show how the year ahead’s timing is everything scope is favored to unfold.
We easily calculate a Current Personal Year Cycle via numerology as such, always reducing back to the singular digit. 7 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 15; 1 + 5 = 6
As far as the USA is concerned, being in a 6 Personal Year promises a complete realignment of the nation to be experienced all throughout the year. Here we look to the planet Venus, who guides 6 energies requesting that compassion, understanding, feminine energy and non-judgment be honored -and absolutely not to be resisted- in order for success of the cycle to work amicably. Where Venus is first positioned in the birth chart upon the birthday, sets off the year’s overall focus, and is then followed for the duration of the entire Personal Year for the remainder of the forecasting story, via its’ current transits until the next birthday occurs.
As it starts off 04 July 2020, Venus’s current transit for America is focused upon the lifestyle, habits, routines, physical health, and workforce- as well as the nation’s ability to be of service to itself and others. From there, she will continue to with a more than revealing tale throughout the 6 Personal Year to follow for the country to experience until Summer 2021.
While Venus just Retrograded 13 May to 25 June, this 6 Personal Year begins as she is still completing her Shadow, which prevails until 29 July. In a disturbing time for the country, it was very much foreseen this would be the outcome unfolding, as she is just moving off her station in Gemini at this time. Of critical note is to mention as to why the nation has been absolutely disrupted by the VORACIOUS RUINS AS A RANCOROUS SCORN of the CORONAVIRUS (as was foreseen in Wake UP America Before It’s Too Late), the country has some rather precarious aspects moving in its’ current forecast that simply cannot be ignored.
The trickier part right away as America begins its’ 6 Personal Year, is that Venus who is ultimately in charge of how any realignment and striving to attain balance, harmony and union are to be seen, is just moving forward past her station directly positioned upon the country’s natal Uranus in the very same area of life that governs over its’ lifestyle, physical health, workforce as it is of service to itself and others. Uranus is a planet that asks to reinvent, be original, always throwing in plenty of surprise as it does so. Nevertheless, this reformer planet is determined to a fault to bring improvement and radical change through any of the unexpected energies that it astrologically guarantees to unfold.
It was guaranteed as Venus’s Retrograde Shadow transits in the sign of Gemini -as she met up with the nation’s natal Uranus, natally positioned at 08 degrees Gemini- disturbances would be more than alarming at this time. Gemini, as one of the Zodiac’s more than intellectual and intelligent communication signs, is also the symbology of The Twins. Two sides always exist and represent duality, and at worst: complete disunion within the area of life that it affects in anyone’s natal chart. The evolved and healed energy of Gemini will always align in and come together in synthesis.
It is more than evident as America enters this 6 Personal Year, that the country is more divided than it was pre-Coronavirus existence. From the myriad of misinformation circulating about the virus itself, to the political arena relentlessly finger pointing and casting only blame to the other in a tense election year, wearing a mask or not wearing a mask, protesting or not protesting, or anything that should otherwise be in a much more cooperative force to work with positive solutions, the nation is reeling in absolute division otherwise. Sadly, as the very word UNITED, equally spells UNTIED: America is terribly troubled, filled with anguish and in a harrowing amount of pain that is absolutely yearning to be healed.
What any 6 Personal Year ultimately wants after the 5 Personal Year has heralded the most incredible and irreversible changes to be witnessed, is first and foremost: understanding. Seeking to understand before being understood. Venus is a planet that is not about the argument as she absolutely cringes in this kind of energetic space, yet she is most certainly about justice and fairness. She is absolutely not a fighter, and only favors peaceful solutions to bring amends to any situation. She urges that compassion be practiced in order to seamlessly resolve the issues in the aftermath of the whirling storm of change the previous 5 Personal Year will always allow any person or entity to naturally experience.
Passing unnecessary judgment is not well supported when navigating in 6 energy, so it is well advised to avoid doing so. Hence we may find America will have a many things to sort out in coming to terms with this, in order to properly acclimate and thrive in this personal year’s guidance versus merely survive and struggle with endless drama and absolutely preventable frustrations.
While Venus will not Retrograde during America’s 6 Personal Year, this will still be, in the aftermath of how gravely the 5 Personal Year utterly shocked and dismayed America’s very footing once 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected promise unfolded with the emergence of the coronavirus, an undeniably healing year. Compassion is after all, an extremely healing and gentle practice. It is the response to grief and sadness as it intently works with peace and love in order to find rightful resolve.
Equally what is forever changing moving forward as Venus and the 6 Personal Year are up close and extremely personal in asking America to seek to understand: is the very value of accountability overall. Especially concerning the nations’ money, securities, relationships, families and any legalities/agreements across the board. All of these will be part of what is realigning in responsibility for the nation, as the furthest acceptance that not only is the global model shifting into what a new norm will eventually look like, the former American Model, simply is no longer attainable. It has now forever changed during the course of 04 July 2019 to 04 July 2020.
While Venus starts in America’s area of life that completely will reinvent the country’s lifestyle, habits, routines, workforce and abilities to serve, she will ask that many more areas of the country’s whole be examined for their worth and overall value. Her ultimate goal is to see how balance and harmony can be attained in order to correct and bring any kind of peace of mind back into the country’s understanding. Equally, as we look forward, knowing there are 4 more years to the current 9 year span of time the nation began back in 2015-16 when it experienced the 1 Personal Year, the finalization of the necessary soul work of the country will not truly be completed until 2023-2024 as its’ next 9 Personal Year finishes this task.
In the meantime, it is the NOW that America must choose to OWN so it can see how very much it will have WON. If peaceful approaches are taken, there is nothing that cannot be achieved in a 6 Personal Year. It is time America to lay down your drama and conflict, become the fair judge, and once again, drawn upon your compassion for your nation, its’ fellow citizens and work together, in cooperation. Choosing to remain UNTIED when you need to truly become UNITED will not deem the results to heal what is so terribly and incredibly broken.
How can Venus help America in 2020 to 2021 the most?
Let’s timeline where to focus and when.
Venus will move through every area of the nation’s natal chart from 04 July 2020 until 04 July 2021, coming right back to where she started this 04 July 2020 by 13 May 2021, and then revisits until 04 July 2021, what will still need adjustment in 3 repeated areas of the country’s life concerning its’ lifestyle/habits/routines, legalities/relationships and overall state of wealth that she will have previously visited from 04 July to 14 September 2020.
Equally there is a flow of how 1 to 9 works within any given Personal Year, that unfolds month to month. (As well as within the Personal Month, another detailed and precise timing flow of 9 day cycles can also be foreseen.) The months are also noted here in connecting the dots of how astrology and numerology’s forecasts are never meant to be explored without the other in the same conversation, for the complete bird’s eye view of how very much “timing is everything” absolutely unfolds.
26 March to 15 July 2020 | America’s Ability TO SERVE
Lifestyle/Habits/Routines/Attention to Health/Workforce
Long before the country’s 6 Personal Year began, there was an undeniable preview of coming attractions as Venus remained focused upon this area of the nations’ life, seeking for the utmost reflection, especially as she Retrograded 13 May to 25 June. Everything, especially as Mercury transited here still in the country’s 5 Personal Year -08 to 17 May- was profoundly at work to unfold permanent changes concerning the country’s lifestyle that indeed at this time, became completely irreversible. As all value for these areas was distinctly disturbed, the year ahead now seeks for this starting mark to be brought back into balance so it can be realigned and redefined.
Equally as America finished up it’s 5 Personal Year that is Mercury guided, it is in the midst of 2020’s second Mercury Retrograde 18 June to 12 July, of which all of Mercury Retrograde cycles from 04 July 2019 to 04 July 2020 where quintessential to understand in honoring not only reflection, but when to watch all matters of timing and initiation. Even though America was born under a Mercury Retrograde in 1776, this recurring astrological “time out” is never to be ignored, misunderstood nor ever regarded as a time to move forward in life when the very opposite needs to unfold instead of reassessment and review.
March 2020: 8 Personal Month, Learning from the Experience/Harvest
April 2020: 9 Personal Month, Finalizations/Endings/Clearance
May 2020: 1 Personal Month, New Beginnings/Initiations/Manifestation
June 2020: 2 Personal Month, Emotional Situations/Home & Family Matters
July 2020 to 04 July: 3 Personal Month, Being Reachable & Teachable/Growth
July 2020 04 to 31 July: 4 Personal Month, Reinvention/Surprises/Drawing Upon Originality
15 July to 24 August 2020 | America’s Ability TO RELATE
Legalities/Relationships/Business Agreements
All attention concerning the nation’s legal matters, relationships to other nations, and any agreements that are standing, will be brought into focus. Lawsuits may be an overwhelming situation for the country by this time. This is one passage during 2020’s intensely reflective pulse overall, where favored action for future success can be taken -albeit carefully- amicably versus aggressively. The question still remains, will the country’s free will actually choose to do so?
July 2020 to 31 July: 4 Personal Month, Reinvention/Surprises/Drawing Upon Originality
August 2020: 5 Personal Month, Permanent Changes/Irreversible Energies/Movement
12 August to 27 September 2020 | America’s Ability TO TRANSFORM
Core Regeneration/Wealth/Scope of Life/Surrendering to Death for Rebirth
While wealth is always much more than the financial conversation, this will be the timeframe where the nation will witness a powerful shift in how other people’s resources can be attained. Investments will be extremely volatile and a complete reset button is favored to be further pressed for the economy. It is a complete energetic transformation that catapults the very core of the country to recognize how very much indeed -if one has not already deeply understood this grave fact and reality- there is never any going back again to what once was.
Equally starting upon 09 September is Mars Retrograde, which will transit in Aries until 13 November. This amazingly intense and aggressive reflection cycle will be occurring in the nation’s home, family, food supply, and abilities to nurture overall. Whether it be an internal conflict for the nation which is already more than evident, there can be a global one that it may become absolutely involved in seeking to resolve. Natural disasters such as earthquakes and regular hurricane season may be especially taxing upon America during these two months, yet as 2020 will be intensifying it’s promised awakening the unexpected human experience, there are more chapters to read than just about COVID-19. Americans will be more than wise to stock up on food for an extended period of time, for shortages will begin to unfold.
August 2020: 5 Personal Month, Permanent Changes/Irreversible Energies/Movement
September 2020: 6 Personal Month, Compassion/Understanding/Legal Matters/Finances
27 September to 29 October 2020 | America’s Ability TO BELIEVE
Complete shock factors will be emerging about what the truth actually is and what it is not during these weeks (as if anything can get even more unbelievable in 2020 already). Side by side with Mars Retrograde, if a global conflict is not already brewing, it may very well emerge at this time which America will feel compelled to have to become involved with. Internal and even more ugly conflict upon our own soil is equally plausible. It will be a powerful time to dismantle former belief systems, seek to understand both sides of all issues, and do the proper research to completely discern the truth. For those willing, it is a favored time to journey with spiritual pursuits, and allow higher ideals to be the guiding light for peaceful solutions, no matter what intensities are occurring otherwise.
The practices of seeing how the glass can still be half full versus empty, focusing upon gratitude versus lack, and accepting the TRUTH no matter how hard it may HURT, will all be well advised to engage in.
Equally, 2020’s final Mercury Retrograde will commence 13 October and transit until 03 November. Once again combination with Mars Retrograde, these weeks will be riddled with confusion, the need to slow down, and truly work with the most radical resilience to navigate what will be unfolding. Times will be more than challenging, as a foreseen Wave 3 of the Coronavirus or any other pandemic possibility has the absolute potential to start to emerge back into the population of the nation or travel from across the globe once again. Couple it all with the ongoing Mars Retrograde potentials mentioned above: undeniable chaos and conflict is highly likely to have to filter through.
September 2020: 6 Personal Month, Compassion/Understanding/Legal Matters/Finances
October 2020: 7 Personal Month, Solitude/Inner Work/Healing Within/SILENT LISTEN Time
29 October to 20 November 2020 | America’s Ability TO STRUCTURE
Professional Structures/Public Recognition/Authority Figures/Vocational Matters
While it will already be a complete political historical mess to sort out leading up to Election Day, it is “quite” the energetic mix up by 03 November as Mercury goes Direct just before 1pmEDT that day, and Mars Retrograde is still in equal transit. Just 3 days prior, upon Halloween, a Taurus Full Moon occurs that will conjunct (exactly meet up with) Uranus Retrograde at 8 degrees. While we may have thought we have seen it all already, there are way more surprises on the way from this incredibly disturbing energy that will not exactly be calm nor docile which will further dismantle materialism to its’ very core.
It is highly doubtful there will be any such thing as trick or treating going door to door in 2020. With Venus being positioned here in the area of life which governs over authority, she will certainly be a bit stern in her energy which would like to exhibit discipline in a fair fashion, yet she will be nothing else but extremely thwarted by the other planetary forces in play. This will be another grave time to seek to understand before being understood as the entire year asks for overall.
October 2020: 7 Personal Month, Solitude/Inner Work/Healing Within/SILENT LISTEN Time
November 2020: 8 Personal Month, Learning from the Experience/Harvest
20 November to 09 December 2020 | America’s Ability TO SOCIALIZE
Socialization/Peers/Friends/Hopes, Dream & Wishes/Future Direction
All actions leading up to this time certainly point to America possibly already being involved in immense civil unrest beyond what will have already been witnessed. Nevertheless, as Thanksgiving is celebrated, it will be one that will be absolutely different from any America has gathered together for before. As the equal promise of 2020 was Becoming Friends With Simplification, the simplicity of this traditional holiday will be taken in to a completely new direction. The country will be also absolutely pensive about what the future holds, and what it needs to do to hope, dream and wish for better days. Many friends the nation has had, may fall to the way side, or we notice as well we will formulate new ones, or very trusted alliances will come to our defense.
30 November brings in the year’s last Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon at 08 degrees Gemini, which also casts off another extremely intense aspect for the nation’s natal chart, as it precisely conjuncts the country’s natal Uranus in Gemini. More surprising shifts, release, healing and realignment will powerfully unfold well into 2021 for the nation’s lifestyle, habits, routines, attention to health and workforce overall. The times of complete uncertainty will be undeniable to resist are the actual reality at this time.
November 2020: 8 Personal Month, Learning from the Experience/Harvest
December 2020: 9 Personal Month, Finalizations/Endings/Clearance
09 to 25 December 2020 | America’s Ability TO PROCESS
The Christmas Season will follow suit with Becoming Friends With Simplification all the more, as the lavish, big spending and over doing everything about the America Holiday Seasons of the past will simply, not be plausible. Many people, as remaining Sheltered in Placerecommendations will be absolutely back in full order, will find they are solitary and not able to reach their loved ones for the holiday. It will be a very private time for many, as the country goes into a deep state of truly processing what is going on. With any hope at all, Americans genuinely slow down enough to begin to honor what individually needs to be healed in connection to the entire whole of the nation.
By 14 December, the years’ last Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Sagittarius unfolds, which will cause all the more revelations of what the truth of the matters actually are in connection to how we are seen by the world at large, especially concerning our involvement with any foreign affairs. Tensions are not exactly light on this Lunar initiation either, as these effects too, will move with the nation into the midway mark of 2021. America will be asked to once more retreat, take responsible moments to honor a sincere SILENT LISTEN and work through changing what it truly believes. The more the mindset of America recognizes there is no other choice but to adapt to simplification and approach life differently in order to move forward with success, the sooner they can attain it. In as much as these times will be presented in harrowing ways, there will be much to remember to still be grateful for. Yet once again, it will only be the resilient mindset that will be able to navigate through and remain in the eye of the storm.
December 2020: 9 Personal Month, Finalizations/Endings/Clearance
25 December 2020 to 21 January 2021 | America’s Ability TO SEE WHO “I AM”
Emerging-Self/Face to the World/Appearance/Immediate Approaches to Life
Upon Christmas Day and carrying over into the majority of January, America works through further acceptance that life indeed is complete different, and one is not taking on life as they once ever did before. The world undeniably starts to see a different face of America as well, and gravely notices something has changed about it. With any hope of the country coming back into balance, if compassion is the practice, the world will be happy to see this restored value emerge within America. If it is not the practice, and the drama is merely continuing, things will not get any easier as an astrological guarantee. America must “put on a new face” to the world and truly work through False Evidence Appearing Real so it can, with understanding, Face Everything And Rise as 2021 commences.
2021 is the year where the world overall witnesses even more irreversible changes, as the fast pace of Mercury will then be in charge of this 5 Universal Year, yet there will be an opposing force of things also seeming extremely slowed down. One’s free will can only decide how to take everything into perspective for themselves and work with adaptability as the world overall will be experiencing all the more changes like it has never seen it before.
December 2020: 9 Personal Month, Finalizations/Endings/Clearance
January 2021: 7 Personal Month, Solitude/Inner Work/Healing Within/SILENT LISTEN Time
21 January 2021 to 20 February 2021 | America’s Ability TO HAVE
Income Potential/Earning Power/Securities/Values/Possessions
These weeks will equally not be the easiest ones, as two major planetary plays will be at work in the nation’s ability to earn money, securities and overall value system. By 29 January -just one day before 2021’s first Mercury Retrograde also begins- Venus will conjunct Pluto in Capricorn in this area of the country’s natal chart- and will then be in a close conjunction to the country’s natal Pluto Retrograde. The transformation time here is more than intense for those unprepared. However income was made that was not already worked with and properly prepared for a more sustainable future by this time, will see powerful overturns and more regenerative energies changing everything on permanent levels. While it will equally be the heart of Winter, times will not be thriving in such a way that the old normal will be any kind of security blanket to fall back upon. The movement to keep establishing new value and working with understanding will seek America’s ultimate attention.
Mercury Retrograde will also be in play 30 January to 20 February in this very same area of America’s chart. Upturns, upsets, review, reassessment and redoing are all part of how these weeks will be unfolding. Venus meets up with Mercury Retrograde over 12 to 15 February, which will display more telling moments to carefully, carefully monitor and discern for any important decisions being made at that time for any kind of future success.
January 2021: 7 Personal Month, Solitude/Inner Work/Healing Within/SILENT LISTEN Time
February 2021: 8 Personal Month, Learning from the Experience/Harvest
20 February 2021 to 21 March 2021 | America’s Ability TO COMMUNICATE
This will be a profound time for America to start getting its’ head wrapped around completely accepting uncertainty, and rising above it with soul certainty as much as possible. Being open to realign the value of thinking and working with a calm and grounded mindset to once again remain in the eye of the storm, will be a practice that will serve anyone to work through these times with grace versus frustration. Equally the value of the nation’s communication skills overall are able to be worked with at this time, as they also are favored to connect with a more peaceful understanding if the free will of the nation allows it. No matter what the world may be displaying as horror, disaster and strife, it is up to America’s mind to truly work with resilience to navigate through these corrective times with success. There may be matters we distinctly notice are in play with Mexico and Canada over these weeks as well.
February 2021: 8 Personal Month, Learning from the Experience/Harvest
March 2021: 9 Personal Month, Finalizations/Endings/Clearance
21 March 2021 to 13 April 2021 | America’s Ability TO NURTURE
As Venus moves into the nation’s area of life that wants gut instinct, intuition, and overall attention to the home and family life to be honored, she will join up immediately with the Sun, who will also just have entered Spring’s renewal and initiation within Aries. Venus teaming up with the Sun always favors for light, understanding and knowing initiations are to be implemented. The country will need plenty of it, while another critical transit will be in simultaneous play.
It will be even further unprecedented at this time that more lifestyle shifts and conflicting endings will be in accelerated motion for the country as Mars already will have been back on that telling natal point of Uranus at 08 degrees Gemini mentioned earlier, where Venus starts her 6 Personal Year journey for the USA stationed upon. Mars will enter the nation’s ability to serve area of life upon 19 February while still in Taurus, and by 13 March, starts to make a close conjunction to the country’s natal Uranus starting 12 March. The exact conjunction occurs 16-18 March, where more complete aggressive surprises, alarming outcomes and conclusive changes will befall the lifestyle, habits, routines, physical health and workforce of the country. If the memo is not already known by this point in the year, the American Model is absolutely dead. The new normal is striving to be embraced as only innovative, reachable and teachable along with mindsets wide open like a parachute energies will be the only ones to thrive and find they can move forward honoring adaptability amicably.
March 2021: 9 Personal Month, Finalizations/Endings/Clearance
April 2021: 1 Personal Month, New Beginnings, Initiations/Manifestation
13 April 2021 to 02 May 2021 | America’s Ability TO CREATE
Moving along into Spring 2021, Venus visits America’s ability to be able to dive deep into their heart space and see what can be created anew that still can be joyful. Whilst these options will be absolutely simplified, returning to what loyalties truly matter for the nation will be wise choices to be extremely well aware of. By 21 April, Venus meets up with the current transit of Uranus in Taurus, who will beckon that understanding reinvention must be the only way through to discover what possibilities are available in a new normal. The country’s connections to children and how they are working in this new existence will be wise to focus upon. While they too are adapting to a new way within their young life, the younger generation is more than involved in finding break through ways to not only be educated differently, but still allowed to shine their playful light in the world’s and country’s regenerative process in play.
April 2021: 1 Personal Month, New Beginnings, Initiations/Manifestation
May 2021: 2 Personal Month, Emotional Situations/Home & Family Matters
02 to 18 May 2021 | America’s Ability TO SERVE. Take 2
Lifestyle/Habits/Routines/Attention to Health/Workforce
The first portion of May brings Venus right back to where she started upon 04 July 2020. Now that all of the country’s areas of life have been addressed to understand realignment is in complete order, a second round of sending these messages home will unfold. As she once again conjuncts the nations’ natal Uranus 15 May, we have Mars once again involved in making his bold and aggressive moves as he will be positioned upon the country’s natal Sun at this very same time. Uprise, more issues of anger to be resolved along with healing pain and anguish will surround the need to intensely process grief that will always be an underlying current throughout 2020-2021’s 6 Personal Year. Grief can be the country’s greatest task master if it surrenders to what is, versus remain in resistance once again.
Mercury will also start the Approach to 2021’s second Retrograde cycle (29 May to 22 June in Gemini) by 14 May. Once again to offer up more reflection, correction, and revamping in the “I Relate” area for America concerning business agreements, partnerships and any intimate relationships. It is highly plausible, divorce filings will be sky-rocketing as well as any parting of unstable partnerships. Prior to that, Mercury will also conjunct the nation’s natal Uranus in Gemini upon 08 May, where more permanent and surprising changes continue to unravel to reset the bar for how the country is meant to reestablish it’s lifestyle, habits, routines, attention to health and workforce concerns.
May 2021: 2 Personal Month, Emotional Situations/Home & Family Matters
18 May 2021 to 15 June 2021 | America’s Ability TO RELATE. Take 2
Legalities/Relationships/Business Agreements
Venus revisits America’s relationships, legalities and business agreements, closing in on Mercury as his Approach is intensely on to Retrograde within this area of the nations’ life, 29 May to 22 June. They conjunct at 24 degrees Gemini precisely as Mercury is stationed to turn Retrograde upon 29 May. Two plausible scenarios can be seen here.
One: People have adapted to the complete understanding for change and have recognized the grave fact: differences of opinion must be put aside in order to come together in union to peacefully cooperate to allow positive solutions to unfold for the pressing matters needing to be resolved.
Two: People are still in absolute resistance to what is, and keep yearning for the past that will never come back in the very same way, ever again. The country stands in more division than it ever has before, and what is unfolding at this time causes complete heartache that fuels the UNTIED potential of the nation to block itself, as victimization continues to carry on. The ability to rise up above False Evidence Appearing Real has not be shifted to Face Everything and Rise.
Depending upon the free will of the consciousness of the nation at this time, let’s all place our intentions now upon option ONE!
May 2021: 2 Personal Month, Emotional Situations/Home & Family Matters
June 2021: 3 Personal Month, Being Reachable & Teachable/Growth
15 June 2021 to 17 July 2021 America’s Ability TO TRANSFORM. Take 2
Core Regeneration/Wealth/Scope of Life/Surrendering to Death for Rebirth
The finale weeks of Venus’s journey as the nation has experienced the 6 Personal Year, focuses upon the country’s wealth and overall scope upon life itself once again. Mars will have already entered this area upon 19 May, as more alarming overturns for the wealth of the nation will already be seen taking place, especially surrounding 01-05 July as it will conjunct the country’s natal Mercury Retrograde at 24 degrees Cancer. Venus will meet up with this same conjunction upon 22 June, in the highest hopes of sorting out what needs to be deeply understood with compassionate eyes once again.
June 2021: 3 Personal Month, Being Reachable & Teachable/Growth
July 2021 to 04 July: 4 Personal Month, Reinvention/Surprises/Drawing Upon Originality
July 2021 04 to 31 July: 5 Personal Month, Permanent Changes/Irreversible Energies/Movement
The year overall is more than intense to convey.
These focal points above have more planetary transit stories to add into the picture, yet these are the most significant to being to understand in connection to what a 6 Personal Year will do for America in 2020-2021. Nevertheless, preparedness and mental strength and the adaptation to simplicity is how any American citizen will thrive versus get caught up on the mere survival energy during this first reset year from 2020’s promise of Awakening the Unexpected.
The planetary baton is passed to Neptune upon 04 July 2021, when America enters its’ then 7 Personal Year. This shifts the major focus for the nation to work intently with this solitary, mystical, spiritual, seek out the unknown and mysterious planet- who will then be in charge of how the country is be meant to proceed to thrive versus survive. Neptune will have just started its’ annual 5 month Retrograde cycle upon 25 June that will last until 01 December 2021. Here is when we will look to Neptune in Pisces which via current transit at that time, which will be (and is now) positioned in the nation’s area of communications, thinking, mindset and mental capacities, and will remain there for the entire 7 Personal Year’s timing until 04 July 2022.
A 7 Personal Year urges the person or entity to explore inner soul work, go and retreat as necessary to heal, process from within, and ultimately honor the absolute value of a SILENT LISTEN. Undeniably the nation will be in a grave and shocking understanding about what it really means to take care of our mental health with resilience at this time.
How can we communicate with our intuition more as a nation?
Can we stop the anguish and come together to heal the surmounting pains that will be witnessed in even more compelling ways?
If there is any movement that will save America by this time, it is the practice of meditation, utilizing discerning awareness, mindfulness and working with positivity and faith like the nation has not done in a very long time, if ever. This 7 Personal Year will ask the nation to absolutely continue to remain in the eye of the apparent storm. And in more absolute ways we can Spell Out the Truth via Lexigrams, it will be only be by joining the real REVOLUTION to UNITE IT IN ONE TRUE LOVE OVER EVIL TO LIVE IT RITE.
Moving forward past 2021 – 2022, there are two more years before America enters a brand new 9 year span of time commencing 04 July 2024. Between now and then, this is the absolute healing time for the country to undeniably take to adapt to a new norm, be ever patient and gentle with itself and its’ citizens as it does. Despite the severity the entire world will face in these immediate years ahead, nevertheless, that is the positive way to look at it.
America has a lot of maturing to do, and none of what needs to change, will not naturally be met without resistance first as the nation has already witnessed with more evidence than it can process fast enough. It will still be up to any American to make their personal choices, exercise their free will, remain absolutely empowered and remember to always, always think for themselves.
May America be prepared for more extreme change, more irreversible energy and a lot of knowing that if its’ citizens did not properly prepare especially during the previous 5 years of soul work, there will be a lot of difficulty to work through. Whatever was been built upon an unstable foundation over 2015 – 2019, will not have the sustaining power to prevail for future success.
This time is about drawing upon the innate understanding that as the very “Cancer 4” entity America absolutely is: nurturing our equality, brotherhood and sisterhood is what the nation must come together to instinctively cooperate with, or otherwise unnecessarily suffer. No one can make that choice for anyone but the individual.
For those who wish to go back down memory lane to further connect the dots:
Overall, the need for love, peace, understanding and above all else- compassion is the way through for America to work with successful realignment throughout 04 July 2021. The time for The UNITED States of America to come together for whatever may be UNTIED and once again, mindfully pausing in a many SILENT LISTEN offerings, will be undeniably wise.
This time is now to remember life, whether residing in America or not, absolutely cannot EVOLVE without LOVE.
Allow Your Freedom to Reign with Compassionate Understanding, Dear American Stars.
Stay Safe, Aware and Be Empowered, Always. Namaste.
There probably isn’t a person who could disagree -no matter what it is they choose to politically believe- that The United States of America most certainly tapped into extreme emotions that have been undoubtedly expressed as it’s 2016-17 2 Personal Year Cyclecompletely promised would occur. While the past year favored the practice of nurturing sensitivities for America, it is now time for the nation to prepare for becoming a student in the life. Working with genuine examination of honesty and truth as it celebrates 2017’s birthday, now marks the entry into the third year of the foundation laying process within the country’s current 9 year span of time.
Now that the USA’s 2 Personal Year has concluded -which watered the seeds planted in the nation back in 2015-16 in it’s 1 Personal Year– America’s current energetic cycle via numerology shifts to the 3 Personal Year. As the Moon guided their 2016-2017 2 Personal Year cycle, emotions and feelings needing to be processed where stirred up. While the Moon will still be absolutely important to observe in astrology’s current transits for the nation, the planetary attention for the year ahead now shifts to intimately looking at Jupiter via numerology.
Jupiter -whether it guides a 3 Personal Year, 3 vibration karmic path (3, 12, 21 or 30th of any given month) or the astrological sun sign of Sagittarius- tells us we are meant to be focused upon philosophies, abundance, growth, willingness to be educated, foreign affairs, love of culture, foreign travel and exploration desiring to reveal the genuine truth. Equally in any natal birth chart, the placement of one’s Jupiter determines their ability to attain wisdom, where their natural “strokes of luck” can occur in the life, as well where they will hold strong beliefs to honor their truth.
In a 3 Personal Year, there is a request to adhere to a learning process that allows for growth to be experienced within it. What comes next for America is all about becoming ultimately honest and expansive in order to embrace the willingness to learn and change what has been established through previous belief systems.
The higher vibration of the country’s “new year” is that of the 21. (7 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 7= 21/3) The Chaldean numerological system views the 21 as ‘The Crown of the Magi.’ As much as these ancient meanings via Chaldean Karmic Mysteries were composed so long ago, their interpretations within our modern day are of absolute value for us to embrace into our understanding.
In addition to being called ‘The Crown of the Magi,’ this Compound number is also pictured by the ancient Chaldeans as The Universe. It promises general success, and guarantees advancement, honors, awards, and general elevation in the life and career. It indicates victory after a long struggle, for the Crown of the Magi is gained only after long initiation, much soul testing and various other tests of determination. However, the person or entity blessed with the number 21 may be certain of final victory over all odds and all opposition. It is a most fortunate vibration- a number of karmic reward. ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs
Certainly, the country has all the potential to be seen by the world in a more positive light this year. The 3 energy favors looking to the glass as half full verses being half empty, so it can take current situations and begin to comprehend there are solutions that await through being adaptable to a learning process it is meant to surrender to so it’s rewards can be received. As many feel the soul of America has been and is still being ultimately tested, the year ahead assists the country to recognize this process was and is an important part of how the nation must now learn from these experiences in order to evolve.
Equally, with Jupiter’s guidance over this 3 Personal Year cycle, it is a very masculine and fiery energy that unfolds. This planetary influence is ever expansive, seeking to work with mutability and the ability to communicate through truth. Once again, the country must align in the willingness to be educated in ways that have not been embraced before.
When connecting the forecasting dots from numerology to astrology, we now look at the country’s natal birth chart. Being once again, Jupiter is in charge of the 3 Personal Year, this is the planet we closely observe as it equally journeys through the nation’s current transits all year long.
Jupiter is a celestial vessel that moves through all 12 of the zodiac signs- spending approximately 1 year within each of them, taking 12 years to complete one turn around the entire wheel. Within 2017-18’s 3 Personal Year, this energy will be ultimately focused upon changing the country’s beliefs and philosophies, due to Jupiter now being in charge.
As the 3 Personal Year officially begins for the USA upon 04th July, Jupiter is in current transit in the nations’ natal 10th house of structure and career as well as how it is seen in the public eye. Equally it is conjunct to the nation’s natal Saturn at 14 degrees Libra, promoting enthusiasm within the country to be tempered- revealing profound and severe realizations for the nation to absorb asking to unblock narrow, restricted and indifferent perceptions. This indicates a specific timing is everything point as to where the USA can expect to begin a strong requirement to engage in growth in order for steady success to prevail.
By 09 October, Jupiter shifts in to the nation’s 11th house of socialization, friendships, hopes, dreams, wishes and future goals just before it leaves Libra and enters Scorpio on the 10th. On 16 February 2018, it moves forward into the country’s 12th house of the inner process, subconscious realms and karmic obligations.
Once Jupiter turns Retrograde upon 06 March 2018, reflection within this 12th house sector of life will be ultimately required, as a pure purging and cleansing of the nation’s ability to heal from within will be favored until it crosses back into the 11th house upon 29 March 2018. Reflection shifts at this time to what the country needs to reconsider concerning it’s overall future, it’s genuine friends and proper place amongst its’ peers. Jupiter remains in Retrograde as it’s 3 Personal Year cycle concludes upon 04 July 2018, until 10 July.
What does that all mean you might be asking?
As America’s 3 Personal Year commences, placing proper attention upon what can be learned to improve it’s place in the public’s eye and the willingness to be educated here is critical to adhere to. By mid February 2018, the request to then honor what is necessary to bring growth and genuine honesty to what must change concerning the country’s future will be imminent.
A 3 Personal Year is equally favored to allow us to work with what the nation needs to adapt to concerning it’s foreign affairs overall. Once again, the willingness to learn and be open to shifting to different philosophies for growth allows the country to experience the positive aspects of what should be corrected for it’s future evolution. Especially between 16 February and 29 March 2018, the opportunity for intense healing will be up close and personal as Jupiter promotes a pure karmic cleansing as the nation will find it absolutely needs to take time in a silent listen to be able to learn what it is meant to process internally.
Overall, the educational road ahead is a more than a truthful one to unfold throughout 04 July 2018. The time for The UNITED States of America to come together and listen to wise and just ways to work better within it’s place amongst the world –one of the strongest requests of the 3’s guidance- and not remain UNTIED is here.
May growth, learning, genuine honesty, trust and finding the positive side of life guide America in this ‘The Crown of the Magi’ New Year.
Happy Independence Day Dear American Stars. Namaste.
Current Transit Charts as America’s 3 Personal Year progresses, focus upon Jupiter’s movement:
04 July 2017: Jupiter conjunct natal Saturn, 10th House
09 October, Jupiter enters 11th House:
16 February 2018, Jupiter enters 12th House:
28 March 2018, Jupiter Retrogrades back to 11th House:
The time has come to welcome all Americans to the country’s new 1 Personal Year Cycle. We’ve been asked over the past year within the 9 Personal Year of 2014-15 to honor release, letting go, and by rising up in our courage, ultimately clearing the space as our nation concluded a 9 year span of time which began in 2006.
The Cultivation of Courage during 2014-15 Mars’s calling and guidance over the 9 Personal Year brought the nation to a certain sense of feeling conflict for whatever may have been resisted to about the country’s requirement to release. While many may not feel change is necessary, it became inevitable – and a courageous warrior presence is what truly conquered the battles needing to be fought over the past year. Those who have listened carefully to this call, will find what comes into USA play over 2015-16’s cycle within the next 1 Personal Year, is able to be responded to all the easier on a cleaner slate. There is a specific formula to follow now in the months ahead, which undeniably requires that the USA must apply what it has learned through the experiences that the 9 Personal Year unfolded.
Welcoming A Brand New Era 2015 to 2016’s 1 Personal Year Cycle is a significant part of all the groundwork that will begin to weave into the fabric of life that will become the USA’s 9 year span of time that concludes by its’ next 9 Personal Year Cycle in 2023-2024. For the USA, what’s ahead in this year of progress from 2015 to 2016, has everything to do with the recognition of “if it is NEW it is for the USA,” as the Universe hands over a new package of seeds to be planted for the next twelve months. As it is always said for any human soul in a 1 Personal Year, “Plant well in your now, these new seeds and intentions to reap and own a rich harvest further on down the road so you will see you have won.” ~Sharita Star
As we explore the true request of the entire 19 energy governing over 7 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 19/1, we find the Chaldean’s ancient understandings still amazingly apply in this modern day world. If the free will of the USA chooses to adapt to embracing change, stepping into the heart space, exercising benevolence and opening new mindsets to recognize protection is possible, the country will soar through the 19/1 Personal Year’s lessons ahead with flying colors.
The Chaldeans’ perceived the 19 as ‘The Prince of Heaven,’ that brings along with it exceptional numerological advice. “19 is one of the most fortunate and favorable of all compound numbers. It is symbolized as the Sun, and it is called the Prince of Heaven because it indicates victory over all temporal failure and disappointment. It blesses the person or entity represented by it with all the power of the Compound number 10, without the danger and abuse inherent in the 10. This number promises happiness and fulfillment- success in all ventures as well as in the personal life. The 19 will smooth the path and greatly dilute any negative vibrations one must deal with in the full numerological analysis.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs
The Plus and Minuses of the 1 Personal Year As a 1 Personal Year Cycle, the energy of the 19 presents both positive and negative energy to choose from, depending upon what the free will’s actions wish to make. Visualizing the USA with the Sun shining brightly upon it is a marvelous place to start. Proper focus in this numerological cycle promotes enterprising opportunities, innovations, generosity and plenty of self-reliance for making the necessary changes the nation is poised to do. Energetic leadership strengthens the year ahead, to bring genuine inspiration to be able to take up in new directions as these fresh seeds are planted.
The flip side of a 1 Personal Year under the influence of the higher vibration of the 19, forewarns of being fully aware and in true understanding to avoid aggressive, selfish, resentful, over-bearing, dictatorial, fickle and bullish potential outcomes to occur. The Sun, who is The Life Force, is the planet that expresses original and initiating action, and it is he who is in charge during this 1 Personal Year cycle. A planet that certainly does love to shine it’s light, there is a tendency for too much heat through it’s fire element that can scald and burn from the energy that is cast off. So a pace of relaxed intensity about what is new is also extremely required. Having faith is key, but not the foolishness of what blind faith results in.
Connecting the Numerological Forecasting Dots to Astrology’s Timing The true advice of how a Current Personal Year Cycle via numerology coincides and works with the natal chart via astrology is understood though their connecting force of the planets. It is where the guiding planet of the Current Personal Year currently transits within the natal birth chart that lends more powerful insight as to how to see a bird’s eye view of timing. For the USA, the current transit of The Sun in Cancer begins it’s 1 Personal Year within the natal 7th house where I Relate, which governs legalities, partnerships, one on one relationships of all kinds, including marriage.
As the most recent events upon 26 June already unfolded, one huge step for the nation was the Supreme Court passing of equal rights to gay marriage in all 50 states. Quite the new beginning indeed as the business agreement that is the legality of marriage sees a new light of day. Simultaneously, the country’s 9 Personal Year was coming to a close as Mars also currently transited the USA’s natal 7th house. There was an equal conclusion here that ended the previous judgment, discrimination and conflict that surrounded gay marriage. What an amazing feat and achievement in a 9 Personal Year to have rose up in courage, where standing up for what was right was absolutely adhered to. So much collective fear was released for our nation, and what a gracious gift that is! Diving into the Details of A Personal Year Cycle Within any given Current Personal Year, there is a specific month-to-month breakdown that offers deeper guidance of how the requests of the year ideally will be seen to unravel. Just like our recurring 9 year cycles, the personal months within any given year also follow in the same pattern of 1-9. Cross-referencing back to astrology, as The Sun is the planetary focus via astrology’s current transits, these areas of life will equally be highlighted, working side by side with the personal months as the entire 1 Personal Year plays out. These areas of the life will be the timeline of how this year’s cycle of endings and conclusions will naturally unfold for the nation as a whole through 04 July 2016.
July 2015 | 8 Personal Month authoritative and financial issues, recognizing achievements, making connections, promotional focus
Sun 7th House I Relate Partnerships, Legalities, Negotiations to 08 July 2015 Sun 8th House I Transform Wealth, Death/Rebirth, Sexuality, Regeneration/Change to 17 August
August 2015 | 9 Personal Month conclusions, finalizations/endings, universal/philanthropic concerns, victory, charismatic climaxes
Sun 9th House I Believe Philosophies, Higher Learning, Foreign & World Affairs to 24 September
September 2015 | 1 Personal Month new beginnings, initiations, seed planting, long term thinking, self-sufficiency, assertions
Sun 9th House I Believe Philosophies, Higher Learning, Foreign & World Affairs to 24 September Sun 10th House I Structure Career & Public Life to 22 October
October 2015 | 2 Personal Month nurturing, reflection, cleaning, equalizing emotions, togetherness, family
Sun 10th House I Structure Career & Public Life to 22 October Sun 11th House I Socialize Groups, Friends, Hopes & Wishes to 14 Nov
November 2015 | 3 Personal Month creativity, higher education, foreign affairs, joyous communication, attention to health, social activities
Sun 11th House I Socialize Groups, Friends, Hopes & Wishes to 14 Nov Sun 12th House I Process Inner Work, Subconscious, Solitude to 04 Dec
December 2015 | 4 Personal Month invention for positive change to create structure, humanitarian concerns, foundations, commitments
Sun 12th House I Process Inner Work, Subconscious, Solitude to 04 Dec Sun 1st House I Am New Approaches to Life/Mask to the World to 06 Jan 2016
January 2016 | 2 Personal Month A preview of 2016’s 2 Personal Years “coming attractions” nurturing, reflection, cleaning, equalizing emotions, togetherness, family
Sun 1st House I Am New Approaches to Life/Mask to the World to 06 Jan 2016 Sun 2nd House I Have Possessions, Values, Earning Power to 13 Feb 2016
February 2016 | 3 Personal Month creativity, higher education, foreign affairs, joyous communication, attention to health, social activities
Sun 2nd House I Have Possessions, Values, Earning Power to 13 Feb 2016 Sun 3rd House I Communicate Thinking & Mentality to 21 March 2016
March 2016 | 4 Personal Month invention for positive change to create structure, humanitarian concerns, foundations, commitments
Sun 3rd House I Communicate Thinking & Mentality to 21 March 2016 Sun 4th House I Nurture Home, Family, Environments to 18 April 2016
April 2016 | 5 Personal Month permanent change and movement, travel, blossoming, multi-tasking, risk-taking, affecting the masses
Sun 4th House I Nurture Home, Family, Environments to 18 April 2016 Sun 5th House I Create Children/Creativity to 12 May 2016
May 2016 | 6 Personal Month nurturing fortunate legalities, entertaining in the home, creating harmony, loving acts, negotiations
Sun 5th House I Create Children/Creativity to 12 May 2016 Sun 6th House I Serve Health, Habits, Routines, Service to Self & Others to 02 June 2016
June 2016 | 7 Personal Month self-renewal, inward focus, meditation, clear-thinking, research, sympathy, spiritual experience
Sun 6th House I Serve Health, Habits, Routines, Service to Self & Others to 02 June 2016 Sun 7th House I Relate Partnerships, Legalities, Negotiations to 07 July 2016
So Fellow Americans, are you ready for all the “if it is NEW it is for YOU” in the next twelve months? We offer one final piece of star secrets wisdom for our country’s New Year in 2015 as a whole new 9 year span of time has now begun. Via Lexigrams -the poetic phrasing of the anagrams that can be derived from any word, name or title to spell out its’ truth- it will be ever so important to honor the request of the VISUALIZATION as the perfect guide for this 1 Personal Year. May all Americans find the time to anoint their soul to the vision they want to see by planting positive intentions now in order to receive this cycle’s rewards. As Neil Diamond once sang, “Turn on your heart light.” It’s time for America’s Best.
Happy Independence Day Dear American Stars. Namaste.