Let’s Get Conscious for Mars Retrograde, 06 Dec 2024 to 23 Feb 2025

Our experience of Autumn 2024 moving into the heart of Winter 2025, completely casts us into the ultimate request to honor reflection like humanity has never quite experienced up til now.

Unlike his close neighbor Mercury, it’s been awhile since The Pioneer planet took some necessary “time off.” The last Mars Retrograde cycle of reflection was within the sign of Gemini 30 October 2022 to 12 January 2023 when we were absolutely asked to honor the soul homework of closing the gap of the UNTIE to the UNITE. 

Prior to that, we were in the fired up in reflection requests within the sign of Aries 06 September to 13 November 2020 seeking for us to be Staying In Our Own Lane.

The 3rd passage for our 2020’s Decade from Mars under a Retrograde passage will be ultimately once again upgrading our need for retreat as well as our conscious abilities to be paying extremely close attention to all of our timing matters. 

Upon 06 December 2024 stationed at 06 degrees Leo: the next cycle of reflection, review and redo commences for Mars as it turns Retrograde until 23 February 2023, stationed before turning Direct, at 17 degrees Cancer.

Since its’ preparation for reflection Approach began 05 October at 17 degrees Cancer it will take until 23 February 2025 to move back to this very same 17 degrees point in Cancer once Mars starts to Retrograde at 06 degrees Leo 06 December. 

These intense reflective forces from Mars will be engaging within two different signs. 

In Leo from 06 December 2024 until 05 January 2025

Reflection will distinctly call moving from 06 to 0 degrees within the fixed fire organization sign of creative self-expression, loyalty, the heart of the matter, protection, children, manifestation, dignity and all exchanges of inspiration and faith energies that are favored by The Lion.

In Cancer from 05 January to 23 February 2025

Reflection will distinctly call moving from 29 to 17 degrees within the cardinal water leadership sign of emotional unfoldment, nurturing, feelings, imagination, food, nourishment, caring for others, the home, family and all exchanges of receiving impressions and gut sensation energies that are favored by The Crab.

If you are familiar with Mercury Retrograde, you already understand all too well the kinds of “out of sorts things” that naturally tend to happen under an inner planet retrograde cycle.

What makes a Mars Retrograde different from a Mercury Retrograde?

Let’s just clue you in a little bit: it naturally takes what Mercury Retrograde does highly advising to forget about the future and amplifies it tenfold so we can get on with the past concerning already in existence matters requiring our reflective practices concerning them.

All of our planets from above guide over different energetic themes and concepts as their movement affects our lives down here below. No matter what planet is in retrograde activity, it is always considered an important cycle of reflection to understand must be honored with in the life, especially when it is an inner planet of Mars, Mercury or Venus.

Mercury energetically allows us to engage with movement, travel, communication, information and all exchanges of it, permanent changes, blossoming, thinking and circulation of our mentality and mindsets.

Mars energetically allows us to engage with taking action, being courageous, managing our anger, finding motivation, arriving at conclusions, making life happen, honoring our willful force, defending our freedom/truth, and working with our natural strengths and desires.

Once again being both Mars and Mercury are inner planets, their Retrograde passages occur (Mercury every 3 months; Mars every 23 months; approximately) we are highly advised to take note about our future plans -whether personal or business wise- concerning what they are ultimately in charge of. Being reflection, research and review are ultimately in order, initiating plans during retrograde passages with any intention for future success and fulfillment are best to be avoided.

Overall, the energy of a Mars Retrograde makes our reflecting experiences under Mercury Retrograde “look easy” because the intensity of Mars casts off a much more conflicting and aggressive energy when not navigated consciously. 

Whatever plans one may have to embark upon any brand new project, agreement, or anything that is not already in previous existence: they will find the outcome for longer term success concerning it will become interlaced with extreme delays and be completely riddled in errors.

Once Mars is Direct, the corrective Shadow passage tends to unwind the back to reality check after the Retrograde circulated confusion and illusion. Soon enough, the original ill-timed sparks under Retrograde initiation cease to continue to gain proper momentum nor genuine security as they are seen to fizzle out their flames that were merely planted upon a flimsy foundation of Mars Retrograde sand.    

Mastering Mars Retrograde in Leo/Cancer 2024/25 Empowered Elearning 

  • Conscious Forecasting for the entire Mars Approach, Retrograde & Shadow periods
  • What to Expect in America’s Timing & How To Be Ahead in The Preparedness Curve as Mars Rx will affect WE TRANSFORM for the nation
  • What distinct Areas of Your Life via Your Sun Sign perspective are meant to be specifically honoring reflection versus making any future moves within them
  • How to be proficient & effective during this important Cycle of Reflection
  • Gain Meditative Tips & Tools to Stay Grounded in Your Soul’s Certainty


Warrior UP & START Mastering Mars Retrograde Join SOUL Certainty Community NOW!

Meanwhile…… So much else requires the SILENT LISTEN not only for our collective consciousness, but especially in America NOW to OWN or there will be no WON. 


Extremely intense and incredulous cycles any American needs complete conscious awareness of, are all happening simultaneously as Mars Retrograde will be engaged for the nation.

Pluto Return 2021-24, WE HAVE: Recovering from The Grace Under Pressure Finale, 01 September to 19 November 2024

New Beginnings 19/1 Personal Year Healing The Heart of America 04 July 2024 to 04 July 2025

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces 17 Sep 2024 & Solar Eclipse in Libra, 02 Oct 2024: Cast off extended Release/Reflection from WE COMMUNICATE and Intense Initiation from WE STRUCTURE throughout Spring 2025

Chiron Return Exacts, WE NURTURE: Under Retrograde 19 October to 12 November; Under Direct Motion 15 February to 08 March 2025. This clearing up the wounds of the deep past concerning our homeland, food supply, family connectivity, and abilities to take care or ourselves are all under the throws of intense healing.

Annual Lunar Holding Pattern 2024 to 2025: New & Full Moons for 6 months November 2024 thru April 2025 require further collective consciousness via Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Preparedness, spanning for America from WE SOCIALIZE to WE NURTURE and WE SERVE to WE STRUCTURE

Mercury Retrograde, 25 Nov to 15 Dec 2024 Reflecting where WE ARE & how WE PROCESS will affect America’s appearance to the world, immediate approaches to life and how we can heal, clear up the past, let go of pain, and work more consciously for genuine resolve.

Preparation Approach to Venus Retrograde Beginning 28 January 2025 

Mars Retrograde Corrective Shadow Engaged from 23 February to 02 May 2025

Venus Retrograde 01 March to 12 April 2025 No sooner do we end Mars Retrograde upon 23 February, one week later, Venus enters reflection where WE NURTURE moving into WE COMMUNICATE until 12 April 2025. As her preparation Approach begins 28 January, it will completely overlap the finale of Mars Retrograde.

Eclipse Season 14 & 29 March 2025 in WE BELIEVE & WE NURTURE.

Mercury Retrograde 15 March to 07 April 2025 mirrors Venus Retrograde’s same backtracking steps through WE NURTURE moving into WE COMMUNICATE. You read that right. A DOUBLE RETROGRADE! Ohhh Snap! Will You Be Ready?

These more than INTENSE CYCLES all unfolding in time back to back and within their overlaps are no conspiracy theory or fake news.  Nor are they ones that anyone will get out of gracefully if they are not properly prepared for with absolute awareness

Your Free Will always has the choice to Never Compromise Living Consciously. 

Thank You for Joining the Empowerment SOUL Certainty Community

Healing The Heart of America, 04 July 2024-25

Understanding a 1 Personal Year Cycle via The 19

Whether we are forecasting a person, project launch, business or country: any soul being or entity with a specific point of initiation experiences a changing Personal Year Cycle year to year as another Solar Return annually aligns, marking what we more commonly know as one’s birthday or anniversary.

In a 1 Personal Year, The Sun is the primary planetary guidance in charge of the energetic flow and pulse of the current numerological forecast. The need for remaining in the heart space to best place all new intentions and initiations in place is always required when the 1 is present. Most important to deeply understand is what is set into motion now, distinctly affects the next 8 years outcome to follow.

For America, 04 July 2024 to 04 July 2025 finds The Sun and all transits it makes within its’ natal birth chart for the 12 months will be especially critical to follow along for a crystal ball view into the specific areas of life which point to where focusing upon the heart of the matter will be absolutely required. Equally the consciousness necessary to remain well aware of the grave importance of starting over and beginning again in the theme of “if it is new it is for America” are foreseen to be the direct experiences within the life’s present journey.

As we fuse this current personal year numerology perspective back to the current transits in affect for the natal astrological chart of the person/entity, there is a laser focus forecasting view to gain in further connect these divine planetary dots understanding.

The first place America will need to exercise listening to the heart as 04 July 2024 precisely aligns: is where “WE RELATE” within its’ one on one partnerships, legalities and all personal relationships. (and considering the riveting pulse already in play within our current times, won’t THAT just be a boatload alone to UNITE the UNTIE to unpack and resolve?)

By 04 July 2025, The Sun will have worked its’ way through the entire natal birth chart of the nation, touching upon all 12 areas of America’s life. As Mars hands over the planetary baton from being in charge since 04 July 2023, it is dong so as it sits at 18 degrees Taurus within “WE CREATE” concerning the country’s abilities to create, manifest, its’ children, creative pursuits, entertainment, luxuries/pleasures and all that connects to pure heart-centered/heart space matters.

Energetically overall, the 9 Personal Year Cycle that spanned from 04 July 2023 to 04 July 2024 has ideally (or at least in the highest of conscious intentions was favored to do so) cleared away what is no longer necessary to now begin again with the cleanest slate as possible. With adhering to keen law of attraction attention, ideally as any 1 Personal Year Cycle begins: there should be the purest and fertile ground that has been naturally made to once more be ready to plant new seeds.

9 going back to a 1 Personal Year is always extremely pivotal for these 2 years within any life experience. Not resisting what needs to naturally be let go of, allows the fluidity of the 1 Personal Year Cycle to always kick off a brand new 9 year span of time via the mantra “If it is NEW it is for YOU!” which undeniably will guide the next 12 month forecast of America’s soul journey throughout 04 July 2025.

27 “Spin in Time in 9” passages since 1781….  

28th: 04 July 2024 to 2032, 29th begins 04 July 2033
This will be the 28th time in the country’s history it starts another 9 year chapter of “spin in time in 9.” Taking a look back, our prior 9 to 1 Personal Years pivotal shifts occurred: 

27/9, 1780 to 1781, 28/1.  36/9, 1789 to 1790 28/1.   36/9, 1798 to 1799 to 37/1.      

27/9, 1807 to 1808, 28/1.   27/9, 1816 to 1817, 28/1.  27/9, 1825 to 1826, 28/1.   

27/9, 1834 to 1835, 28/1.   27/9, 1843 to 1844, 28/1.  27/9, 1852 to 1853, 28/1.    

27/9, 1861 to 1862, 28/1.   27/9, 1870 to 1871, 28/1.   27/9, 1879 to 1880, 28/1.   

36/9, 1888 to 1889, 37/1.   36/9, 1897 to 1898, 37/1.   27/9, 1906 to 1907, 28/1.

27/9, 1915 to 1916, 28/1.   27/9, 1924 to 1925, 28/1.    27/9, 1933 to 1934, 28/1.

27/9, 1942 to 1943, 28/1.   27/9, 1951 to 1952, 28/1.   27/9, 1960 to 1961, 28/1.

36/9, 1969 to 1970, 28/1.   36/9, 1978 to 1979, 37/1.   36/9, 1987 to 1988, 37/1.

36/9, 1996 to 1997, 37/1.   18/9, 2005 to 2006, 19/1.    18/9, 2014 to 2015, 19/1.

2024-25’s Seed Planting affects next 9 years Ahead Chapter:

2025, 20/2 Nurturing/Nourishing/Emotional Healing

2026, 21/3 Growth/Learning

2027, 22/4 Foundation/Root Structure

2028, 23/5 Blossoming/Levergaing/Permanent Changes

2029, 24/6 Compassion/Understanding

2030, 16/7 Inner Work/Intense Healing

2031, 17/8 Harvest/Recognition/Rewards

2032, 18/9 Conclusions/Clearance/Warrior Courage 

2033, 19/1 New Beginnings/Initiations

For America, this current 1 Personal Year 2024 to 2025 starting the country back at 1 timing coincides as well with the 1st Pluto Return, 2021-2024 it has ever experienced as a nation. This transformational death to rebirth wake up call is presently revamping its’ entire understanding of what “WE HAVE” connecting to our value systems, money, security, establishments and material possessions. It will be extremely critical to be prepared for the timeframe of 02 September to 19 November as Pluto will be in the finale months of the Return affects, not to cycle back in this way to the nation’s natal Pluto point for another 240 years.

The Full Forecasting Details of America’s 19/1 Personal Year 2024-25 are available 21 June on Soul Certainty Community. Learn All about how all Eclipses and Inner Planet Retrograde Cycles will affect the nation as well as the Personal Month to Month flow of the entire year. 

Why is it a ‘Healing The Heart’ Year for America?

As the above calculation computes America’s 11 constant of 04 July when added to our Current Universal Year of 2024: we arrive at the value of 19. As historically discussed on 21 June’s The Sharita Star Empower Hour, there are different higher vibrational energies to take into keen forecasting insight consideration of any 1 to 9 root number concerning whatever Chaldean Karmic Mystery they specifically relate.

19, The Prince of Heaven and 1, The Sun ~Linda Goodman’s Star Cards

The 19 represents ‘The Prince of Heaven.’ Whenever the 19 is present, this is part of what its’ Chaldean Karmic Mystery wishes for the person or entity to consciously unlock:

“19 is one of the most fortunate and favorable of all compound numbers. It is symbolized as the Sun, and it is called the Prince of Heaven because it indicates victory over all temporal failure and disappointment. It blesses the person or entity represented by it with all the power of the Compound number 10, without the danger and abuse inherent in the 10. This number promises happiness and fulfillment- success in all ventures as well as in the personal life. The 19 will smooth the path and greatly dilute any negative vibrations one must deal with in the full numerological analysis.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs

The root of 19 reduces to 1, energetically guided by The Sun. The Sun rules the heart space. As equally discussed concerning 08 April’s Total Solar Eclipse, this energy as well connects to the profound ways the nation is being asked to heal. 

Full America 19/1 Personal Year Forecast Available 21 June on SOUL CERTAINTY COMMUNITY!

As any 1 Personal Year focuses not only on the Solar Forecast, it equally is very significant to note all New Moons as they unfold through the year. Especially with Solar Eclipse activity, which marks an all the more intense longer term passages of initiation from specific areas of the life to remain well aware of.

This is only the 3rd time in America’s entire history it will cycle through a 19 vibration Personal Year within the 1. The only other years this has ever happened was during 2006-07 and 2015-16. All 1 Personal Years the nation has ever experiences prior to 2000 otherwise always computed to a 37 or 28 on their higher 1 compound number vibrations, and allowed for a different Chaldean Karmic Mystery to be consciously understood for that specific conscious timing.


After the Podcast, Further Take In the CRITICAL Need to Know Forecasting Details for America, 04 July 2024 to 2025.

Looking Back, How Did We Get Here?

2023-24: Spiritual Material Conflict in America, Understanding an 18/9 Personal Year Cycle

2022-23: 17/8 Accepting Accountability, Understanding an 8 Personal Year Cycle

2021-22: 16/7 Healing America from Within, Understanding a 7 Personal Year Cycle

Near Death Experience to Rebirth for America: Understanding a Pluto Return, 2021-2024

2020-21: 15/6 Realigning & Reuniting America: Understanding a 6 Personal Year Cycle

2019-20: Irreversible America, Understanding a 23/5 Personal Year Cycle

2018-19: Reinventing America 2018-19, Understanding a 22/4 Personal Year Cycle

2017-18: The Learning for America 2017-18, Understanding a 21/3 Personal Year Cycle

Moving America Forward: The Practice of Patriotism

2016-17: The Nurturing of America, Understanding a 20/2 Personal Year Cycle

Why Donald Trump Riles America

2015-16: The 19/1 Personal Year: What It Means for America

USA’s LAST 1 Personal Year in the 19, saw the same “WE RELATE” beginnings concerning all legalities and partnerships, with intense focus via Solar Eclipse energies triggering from “WE COMMUNICATE” and “WE BELIEVE” which marked significant mindset/thinking/spreading of information changes as well as ones that worked within the truth of the nation, its’ foreign affairs/policy, and all belief systems and philosophies.

2014-15: The Cultivation of Courage in a 18/9 Personal Year 

Grand Cardinal Cross & The USA

Realigning Your Leadership: The Calling for Regeneration – Change

2013-14: Rising Responsibility in an 8 Personal Year

2012-13: Listening from Within in a 7 Personal Year

Be sure to connect with more concerning America’s Current Forecast energy that deeply explains its’ current 1st Pluto Return, 2021-2024.


Remembering The Soul of a Nation: A Star Meditation Reading of America

An Astrology & Chaldean Numerology Comprehensive Analysis for Consciousness Insight

In the genuine aim to raise consciousness for a nation that undeniably needs it, welcome to the fusion of how Chaldean Numerology is able to dive super, super deep into the realms of the natal birth chart. This detailed and in-depth analysis focuses upon the key numerological guidance concerning the very numbers of the natal planetary degree points within the natal astrological birthchart. As a meditative approach is taken to understand the numerological soul energy makeup of America, may it begin to embrace its’ inner knowing and keenly remember who it is on a spiritual level to heal and move forward in resolve.

07 July’s Episode Walks You Through This Star Meditation Reading of America

Below you will find for each Star Meditative Point of Numerological Reference relating to America’s 4 Karmic Path, 32 Life Path and all specific planetary degree points within America’s natal astrological birthchart:

  • Chaldean Numerology Imagery from Linda Goodman’s Star Cards coupled with the Natal Planet and its’ specific guidance.
  • The Area of the Astrological Chart each planet placement uniquely affects, and the Zodiac Sign its’ specific degree point was at at America’s birth 04 July 1776.
  • Chaldean Karmic Mysteries as they apply to the compound numbers from Linda Goodman’s Star Signs. They were honored by the ancients as key concepts to energetically unlock for conscious soul growth, awareness and to be taken as keen advice to be heeded throughout the lifetime.
  • Judgments as related from Nostradamus in red text connecting further insight to each number.

This reading format is meant to bring in-depth understanding for America to accept who it is, work with its’ natural energies so that it can rightfully stand in its’ soul power. Meditating on the imagery as it connects to the specific area of life it affects deepens the healing process. As we further embrace the ancient wisdom the Chaldean Karmic Mysteries relate as well as Nostradamus’s Judgments: they all still undeniably hold the self-knowledge keys to allow freedom of America to shine in our modern day world.

The only way now, in 2023, is to raise consciousness if America is truly going to heal its’ soul.

Let’s Take the SILENT LISTEN of Your Star Meditation Journey, America

4 Karmic Path, The Innovator

Naturally fuses and works with the Natal Sun Sign (See 13 degrees Cancer Sun below) throughout the life to uniquely express key talents, character, purpose and health.

No Chaldean Karmic Mystery as a single digit number. Pure “old soul” channeling.

4 Judgment, POWER: “Middle Age is the age of reason when everything is possible.”

32 Life Path, Communication

The ground beneath our feet, the energetic path of life that is witnessed. In essence, the whole of the individual/entity walks down this “yellow brick road” all throughout the lifetime, with changing experiences as the current forecast and natal numerological chart will always dictate. This is the specific channel (for America, circulating in the root of 5, 3 + 2 = 5) that must be honored in order to work successfully along the continuing evolution of the soul within the entire life’s journey.

32 Communication

This Compound Number has the same magical power to sway masses of people as the 14, the same help from those in high positions as the 23. Add all this to the natural ability to charm others with magnetic speech, and it’s clear why 32 is sometimes known, by modernizing the symbolism of the ancients as “the politicians vibration.” The complexities of advertising, writing, publishing, radio, television are not always, but usually are an open book to the 32 person, who tends to work well under pressure. But there’s a warning note sounded within this seemingly happy melody. 32 is a very fortunate number if the person it represents holds inflexibility to his or her own opinions and judgment in both artistic or intangible and material matters. If not, the plans are liable to be wrecked by the stubbornness and stupidity of others.

32 Judgment, CONVERSATION: “As among the interwoven myrtle branches, may there be union between our fellow creatures.”

America’s Natal Astrological Chart

The left image represents the 12 houses key (or “rooms of life” as it can be more easily related) to understand what each of the 12 areas of any astrological natal chart mean for the subject at hand. America’s natal chart is on the right, with the tenses of “I” indicated as “WE” being it is a collective country. Any natal chart whether a person, event, and in this case, the country: starts at the left center Rising Sign/Ascendant mark via “I AM/WE ARE” Area 1 and then works counter clockwise to read around it to reach “I PROCESS/WE PROCESS” of Area 12.

While the left is the key, the uniqueness of how America is energetically composed at birth is seen on the right. Any natal chart grants a very specialized map to begin to understand the self. Equally via Forecasting, as the present moments of collective cycles are experienced, the different ways they personally affect us is highly individualized, thus becoming the personal story of the soul’s journey.

>>> Learn more about America’s Current 18/9 Personal Year, 2023-2024.

12 degrees Rising/Ascendant in Sagittarius, WE ARE

12 The Sacrifice ~ The Victim, Chaldean Karmic Mystery

One will periodically be sacrificed for the plans or intrigues of others. The number 12 warns of the necessity to be alert to every situation, to beware of false flattery from those who use it to gain their own ends. Be suspicious of those who offer a high position, and carefully analyze the motive. Although duplicity is not always present, forewarned is forearmed. There is a degree of mental anxiety, caused by the need to sacrifice personal goals to the ambition of others. A secondary meaning of this number should be considered. The figure 1 is the teacher (whether it be a person or Life itself.) The figure 2 is the kneeling, submissive student. Sometimes, the result of severe emotional stress and mental anguish creates amnesia, forgetfulness of lessons previously learned. 12 represents the educational process on all levels, the submission of the will required and the sacrifices necessary to achieve knowledge and wisdom, on both the spiritual and the intellectual levels. When the intellect is sacrificed to the feelings, the mind will be illuminated with the answers it seeks. Look within for the solution. Attention paid to the requirements of education will end suffering and bring success.

12 Judgment, KNOWLEDGE: “Hardship sharpens awareness.”

27 degrees PLUTO RETROGRADE in Capricorn, WE HAVE

Power Center/Scope of Life/Regenerative Force for Income Potential, Material Worlds & Value Systems

27 The Sceptre, Chaldean Karmic Mystery

This is an excellent, harmonious and fortunate number of courage and power, with a touch of enchantment. It blesses the person or entity it represents with a promise of authority and command. It guarantees that great rewards will come from the productive labors, the intellect, and the imagination. All of these creative faculties have sown good seeds which are to reap a rich harvest. People or entities represented by the 27 should always carry out their own original plans and ideas, and not be intimidated or influenced by the diverse opinions or opposition of others. 27 is a number of karmic reward, earned in more than one previous incarnation.

27 Judgment, FRIENDSHIP: “May solidarity last through prosperity and need.”

>>> Learn More About America’s Current Pluto Return 2021-24

27 degrees MOON in Aquarius, WE COMMUNICATE

Feelings/Emotions within Mentality, Thinking, Mindset, Communications

27 (see Pluto references above)

08 degrees URANUS in Gemini, WE SERVE

Originality/Invention/Individuality within Service To Nation & Others/LifeStyle/Workforce/Physical Health

No Chaldean Karmic Mystery as a single digit number. Pure “old soul” channeling.

8 Judgment, EQUILIBRIUM: “A discrete man never strays from the law.”

21 degrees MARS in Gemini, WE RELATE

Drives/Motivation/Courage/Taking Action within Legalities/Partnerships

21 The Crown of The Magi, Chaldean Karmic Mystery

21 is pictured as The Universe, and also is called The Crown of the Magi. It promises general success, and guarantees advancement, honors, awards, and general elevation in the life and career. It indicates victory after a long struggle, for the Crown of the Magi is gained only after long initiation, much soul testing and various other tests of determination. However, the person or entity blessed with the number 21 may be certain of final victory over all odds and all opposition. Its a most fortunate vibration- a number of karmic reward.

21 Judgment, NOTORIETY: “The wreath and crown ensure deserved fame.”

03 degrees VENUS in Cancer, WE RELATE

Values/Affections/Abilities to Relate within Legalities/Partnerships

No Chaldean Karmic Mystery as a single digit number. Pure “old soul” channeling.

3 Judgment, WILL: “Pursue at all costs, the goal that has been set.”

05 degrees JUPITER in Cancer, WE RELATE

Truth/Wisdom/Beliefs that Educate within Legalities/Partnerships

No Chaldean Karmic Mystery as a single digit number. Pure “old soul” channeling.

5 Judgment, TRADITION: “Every action should be compared with the action of others.”

13 degrees SUN in Cancer, WE RELATE

Identity/Character Expressing Innate Talents within Legalities/Partnerships

13 Regeneration ~ Change Chaldean Karmic Mystery

13 is not an unlucky number, as many people believe. The ancients claimed that he who understands how to use the number 13 will be given power and dominion. The symbol of the 13 is a skeleton, or death, with a scythe, reaping down men in a field of new-grown grass, where young faces and heads appear to be thrusting through the ground and emerging on all sides. 13 is a number of upheaval, so that new ground may be broken. It’s associated with power, which, if used for selfish purposes, will bring destruction upon itself. There is a warning of the unknown and the unexpected. Adapting to change gracefully will bring out the strength of the 13 vibration, and decrease any potential for he negative. 13 is associated with genius- also with explorers, breaking the orthodox and new discoveries of all kinds. 4/8 advice as well.

13 Judgment, METAMORPHOSIS: “The inevitable passing of time transforms all things.”


Communication/Mentality/Abilities to Change within Wealth, Core Source Energy/Death & Rebirth Matters

24 Love Money Creativity Chaldean Karmic Mystery

One of the fortunate and karmic reward compound numbers; justly earned in past incarnations, particularly when itʼs the birth number. It promises the assistance of those with power and indicates a close association with the people of high rank and position. It greatly indicates financial success, and the ability to achieve happiness in love. It denotes gain through romance, the law, or the arts, and a magnetism which is extremely attractive to the opposite sex. The only warning related to the 24 is self-indulgence and a certain arrogance in love, financial, and career matters because everything comes so effortlessly. Itʼs wise to remember that if the 24 is abused in the present life, it could revert back to an 18 or some other extremely difficult birth number in the next. So one is warned not to fail to appreciate the benefits of this compound number, and not allow such good fortune to cause selfishness or a careless attitude toward spiritual values. The temptation to indulge in promiscuity must be avoided; likewise a tendency to overindulgence of all kinds.

24 Judgment, TIES: “The viper will trample every worthless thing that damages unions.”

22 degrees NEPTUNE in Virgo, WE BELIEVE

Intuition/Illusion/Instinctive Perceptions within Foreign Affairs & Matters/The Truth/Belief Systems

22 Submission ~ Caution, Chaldean Karmic Mystery

22 is symbolized by the ancients as “a Good Man, blinded by the folly of others, with a knapsack on his back, full of errors.” In the image he seems to offer no defense against a ferocious tiger which is about to attack him. It’s a warning number of illusion and delusion. It indicates a good person (or entity) who lives in a fool’s paradise; a dreamer of dreams who awakens only when surrounded by danger, when it’s often too late. It warns of mistakes in judgment, of placing faith in those who are not trustworthy. If 22 is the birth number, the person it represents should exercise caution and watchfulness (since the birth number cannot be altered) in both career and personal matters. The karmic obligation here is to be more alert, to curb “spiritual laziness,” and develop more spiritual aggressiveness- to realize your own power to change things, to prevent failure by simply ordaining success. When this personal responsibility is recognized, practiced, and finally mastered, the 22 person can be in control of events, no longer blinded by the folly of others, and will see ideas achieved and dreams realized.

22 Judgment, TRUTH: “May the spur prick away bad habits and the bellows blow forth virtue.”

14 degrees SATURN in Libra, WE STRUCTURE

Self-Reliance/Accountability within Public Life/Recognition/Leadership/Power/Authority

14 Movement ~ Challenge, Chaldean Karmic Mystery

Magnetic communication with the public through writing, publishing and all media-related matters is associated with the 14. Periodic changes in business and partnerships of all kinds are usually beneficial. Dealing with speculative matters brings luck, likewise movement and travel associated with combinations of people and nations can be fortunate. However, both gains and losses are sometimes temporary, due to the strong currents of change, which are ever present. 14 warns of danger from accidents related to natural elements, i.e.: fire, flood, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tempests, and so forth. (This is not an absolute, merely a warning to be cautious.) There is a risk involved in depending on the word of those who misrepresent a situation. It’s a mistake to rely on others. Rely on the intuition, the self, the voice within. The luck of the 14 includes money dealings and speculative projects, or betting, but there’s always danger of loss due to wrong advice from others, or over confidence.

14 Judgment, REBIRTH: “Like a snake loses it’s old skin, heal yourself.”

Why DO WE NEED A Spiritual Conscious Approach TO NOW HEAL America?

>>> Learn more about America’s Current 18/9 Personal Year, 2023-2024.

Spiritual Material Conflict in America, 04 July 2023-24

Understanding a 9 Personal Year Cycle via The 18

Whether we are forecasting a person, project launch, business or country: any being or entity with a specific point of initiation experiences a changing Personal Year Cycle year to year as another Solar Return annually aligns, marking what we more commonly know as one’s birthday or anniversary .

In a 9 Personal Year, Mars is the primary planetary guidance in charge of the energetic flow and pulse of the current numerological forecast. The need for Courage and a Warrior presence are always required.

For America, 04 July 2023 to 04 July 2024 finds Mars and all transits it makes for the 12 months will be especially critical to follow along for a crystal ball view into the specific areas of life pointing to where courage will be absolutely required. Equally the conscious need to remain well aware of how conflict, penetration, aggressive action and undeniable conclusions/finalizations are foreseen to take up dynamic action within the life’s journey.

As we fuse this current personal year numerology perspective back to the current transits in affect for the natal astrological chart of the person/entity, there is a laser focus forecasting view to gain in further connect these divine planetary dots understanding.

The first place America will need to exercise extreme caution with a Warrior presence as 04 July 2023 aligns: is within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true. (and considering the riveting pulse already in play within our current times, won’t THAT just be a boatload alone to UNITE the UNTIE to unpack and resolve ? )

By 04 July 2024, Mars will have worked its’ way through 7 other natural areas of America’s life to reach the country’s abilities to create, manifest, its’ children, creative pursuits, entertainment, luxuries/pleasures and all that relates to pure heart-centered/heart space matters.

Energetically overall, a 9 Personal Year Cycle and its’ starting focus clears away what is no longer necessary during the 12 months to follow. With adhering to keen law of attraction attention, once the next 1 Personal Year Cycle begins: there is fresh, clean and fertile ground that has been naturally made to once again be ready to plant new seeds.

9 going back to a 1 Personal Year are always extremely pivotal for the 2 years within any life experience. Not resisting what needs to naturally be let go of, allows the fluidity of the 1 Personal Year Cycle to always kick off a brand new 9 year span of time via the mantra “If it is NEW it is for YOU !” which guides the next 12 month forecast of the life’s journey.

For America, this current 9 Personal Year starting back at 1 by 2024 timing coincides as well with the 1st Pluto Return, 2021-2024 it has ever experienced as a nation. This transformational death to rebirth wake up call is presently revamping its’ entire value system, money, establishments and material possessions. It will be extremely critical to be prepared for the timeframe of 25 January to 15 March as Mars will have entered via transit by then within this same area communicating with Pluto: promising riveting moments to endure, with the most intense clearance time in dynamic motion as it does so over 06 to 13 February.

The Full Forecasting Details of America’s 18/9 Personal Year 2023-24 are available now on Soul Certainty Community.

Why is it a ‘Spiritual Material Conflict’ Year for America?

As the above calculation computes America’s 11 constant of 04 July when added to our Current Universal Year of 2023: we arrive at the value of 18. As historically discussed on 23 June’s The Sharita Star Empower Hour, there are different higher vibrational energies to take into keen forecasting insight consideration of any 1 to 9 root number concerning whatever Chaldean Karmic Mystery they specifically relate.

The 18 represents ‘Spiritual Material Conflict.’ Whenever the 18 is present, this is part of what its’ Chaldean Karmic Mystery wishes for the person/entity to unlock:

18 Spiritual Material Conflict
~Linda Goodman’s Star Cards

“Of all Compound numbers, 18 has the most difficult symbolism to translate. (the Jesus complex) The ancients describe the 18 with the following image: A rayed moon, from which drops of blood are falling. A wolf and a hungry dog are seen below, catching the falling drops of blood in their opened mouths, while still lower, a crab is seen hastening to join them.

18 symbolizes materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of the nature. It often associates the person or entity represented by it with bitter quarrels within the family circle- with wars, social upheaval, and revolution.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs

As noted in the timeline below, this is only the 3rd time in America’s entire history it will cycle through an 18 vibration Personal Year within the 9. The only other years this has ever happened was during 2005-06 and 2014-15.

Full Analysis Available Now on SOUL CERTAINTY COMMUNITY!


Looking Back, How Did We Get Here?

2022-23: 17/8 Accepting Accountability, Understanding an 8 Personal Year Cycle

2021-22: 16/7 Healing America from Within, Understanding a 7 Personal Year Cycle

Near Death Experience to Rebirth for America: Understanding a Pluto Return, 2021-2024

2020-21: 15/6 Realigning & Reuniting America: Understanding a 6 Personal Year Cycle

2019-20: Irreversible America, Understanding a 23/5 Personal Year Cycle

2018-19: Reinventing America 2018-19, Understanding a 22/4 Personal Year Cycle

2017-18: The Learning for America 2017-18, Understanding a 21/3 Personal Year Cycle

Moving America Forward: The Practice of Patriotism

2016-17: The Nurturing of America, Understanding a 20/2 Personal Year Cycle

Why Donald Trump Riles America

2015-16: The 19/1 Personal Year: What It Means for America

2014-15: The Cultivation of Courage in a 18/9 Personal Year USA’s LAST 9 Personal Year in the 18, began within all matters concerning its’ leadership, power, recognition, respect, authority and public life.

Grand Cardinal Cross & The USA

Realigning Your Leadership: The Calling for Regeneration – Change

2013-14: Rising Responsibility in an 8 Personal Year

2012-13: Listening from Within in a 7 Personal Year

All prior 9 Personal Year Cycles since 1776 for America

36 or 27 The Sceptre
~Linda Goodman’s Star Cards

Of great importance to understand, is how America reigned supreme prior to the turn of the century, no matter what incredible changes it has endured and overcome with resilience. As the patterns show below of all the recurring 9 Personal Years, they always equated to a 27 or 36 higher vibration of the 9. The 27 or 36’s Chaldean Karmic Mystery is QUITE different from the 18.

27/36 represents The Sceptre: “This is an excellent, harmonious and fortunate number of courage and power, with a touch of enchantment. It blesses the person or entity it represents with a promise of authority and command. It guarantees that great rewards will come from the productive labors, the intellect, and the imagination. All of these creative faculties have sown good seeds which are to reap a rich harvest. People or entities represented by the 27 should always carry out their own original plans and ideas, and not be intimidated or influenced by the diverse opinions or opposition of others. 27 is a number of karmic reward, earned in more than one previous incarnation.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs

SOUND LIKE THE AMERICA OF OLD? Or the one that used to honestly stand in the precise meaning of the 27/36? Be sure to connect with more concerning America & the 27 energy that deeply explains its’ current 1st Pluto Return, 2021-2024.

2005-06, under the 18 starting within its’ homeland, nurturing abilities, food, family and environments. This is the FIRST 18 Personal Year Cycle the nation ever experienced within its’ lifetime.

1996-97, under the 36 starting within its’ legalities, partnerships, alliances and all personal/business relationships/contracts.

1987-88, under the 36 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.

1978-79, under the 36 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.

1969-70, under the 36 with Mars Retrograde starting within its’ inner world, secrets, healing, karmic clearing, hidden matters, abilities to process the past, and work with solitude.

1960-61, under the 27 starting within its’ abilities to create, manifest, its’ children, creative pursuits, entertainment, luxuries/pleasures and all that relates to pure heart-centered/heart space matters.

1951-52, under the 27 starting within its’ legalities, partnerships, alliances and all personal/business relationships/contracts.

1942-43, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.

1933-34, under the 27 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.

1924-25, under the 27 starting within its’ communications, ideas, mindset, thinking, mentality, information/media, short trips transportation.

1915-16, under the 27 starting within its’ abilities to serve itself and others, workforce, lifestyle, habits, routines, and physical healthcare.

1906-07, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.

1897-98, under the 36 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.

1888-89, under the 36 starting within its’ leadership, power, recognition, respect, authority and public life.

1879-80, under the 36 starting within its’ homeland, nurturing abilities, food, family and environments.

1870-71, under the 27 starting within its’ legalities, partnerships, alliances and all personal/business relationships/contracts.

1861-62, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.

1852-53, under the 27 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.

1843-44, under the 27 starting within its’ inner world, secrets, healing, karmic clearing, hidden matters, abilities to process the past, and work with solitude.

1834-35, under the 27 starting within its’ abilities to create, manifest, its’ children, creative pursuits, entertainment, luxuries/pleasures and all that relates to pure heart-centered/heart space matters.

1825-26, under the 27 starting within its’ legalities, partnerships, alliances and all personal/business relationships/contracts.

1816-17, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.

1807-08, under the 27 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.

1798-99, under the 36 starting within its’ communications, ideas, mindset, thinking, mentality, information/media, short trips transportation.

1789-90, under the 36 starting within its’ abilities to serve itself and others, workforce, lifestyle, habits, routines, and physical healthcare.

1780-81, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.

04 July 1776 = 32 | America is born to The 32 Lifepath of ‘Communication’ Mercury, The Messenger Guided by 5

32 Communication
~Linda Goodman’s Star Cards

Chaldean Karmic Mystery to Unlock: “This Compound Number has the same magical power to sway masses of people as the 14, the same help from those in high positions as the 23. Add all this to the natural ability to charm others with magnetic speech, and it’s clear why 32 is some-times known, by modernizing the symbolism of the ancients as the politicians vibration. The complexities of advertising, writing, publishing, radio, television are not always, but usually are an open book to the 32 person, who tends to work well under pressure. But there’s a warning note sounded within this seemingly happy melody. 32 is a very fortunate number if the person it represents holds inflexibly to his or her own opinions and judgment in both artistic or intangible and material matters. If not, the plans are liable to be wrecked by the stubbornness and stupidity of others.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs

Via The 5’s Movement, Change, Versatility, Circulation This Lifepath influence is the “ground beneath America’s feet” its’ “yellow brick road of life” in essence. The pulse of change and remaining adaptable has always been the guiding light of the nation, yet as the 32 wisely councils, it is the political realms that must never be abused. Resolve your politics America if your free will actually can Never Compromise Living Consciously.


Accepting Accountability in America: Understanding an 8 Personal Year Cycle

Welcome to the nations’ 17/8 Personal Year, that now spans 04 July 2022 to 04 July 2023.

The forecasting that this entailed to deeply explain in explicit details for the country holds plenty of value, which is why it is available only through Soul Certainty Community. It includes a timing is everything forecasting pdf from month to month in all there is to know, that is guided by an mp3 recording to walk you through it every single timing step of the way.

This is the culmination point of many things unfolding for the nation in simultaneous cycles that are all intensely overlapping. As we not only experience this year of Accepting Accountability as a nation moving forward from our Healing from Within recent 16/7 Personal Year, the very first Pluto Return 2021-2024, is another heavy portion of the complete timing is everything story.

This is the complete heads up to become fully and absolutely prepared for what is promised to be a severe Autumn as well as what the Winter months moving into Spring 2023 will undeniably entail as so many intense cycles interweave and play out together.

This 17/8 Personal Year Cycle for America begins with its’ ruling planet and guide for the entire year, Saturn being Retrograde at 24 degrees Aquarius, just on the edge the same area of life the Pluto Return at 27 degrees Capricorn is already engaged in. Everything concerning Capricorn and Aquarius always feels all the more deeply karmic in experience. America will certainly be feeling this level of heaviness all the more in dual influences when it comes to the value of everything across the board concerning what “I Have” from its’ money, material possessions, established systems, securities and worth overall.

As the close of 2022 comes into play that crosses us over into January 2023, there is one more layer of intensity adding in for the nation in this very same area of the country’s life. All while the ongoing gripping reflection from Mars Retrograde will be disrupting the nations’ lifestyle, healthcare system, abilities to serve and all matters of habits and routines.

Are you honestly, honestly and truly ready for this intense ride Dear Star?

“Those that fail to prepare, prepare to fail.” ~Benjamin Franklin

Please join me at Soul Certainty Community Today.

Reinventing America 2018-19, Understanding a 4 Personal Year Cycle

AmericanFlags.SharitaStar04 July 2018 to 2018 & 22/4 Personal Year Cycle: What It Means for America

There probably isn’t a person who could disagree -no matter what it is they choose to politically believe- that The United States of America most certainly tapped into a very strong learning curve over the past year, the very promise of The Learning for America, 2017-18 3 Personal Year Cycle. As this year favored the practice of becoming a student for America, it is now time for the nation to completely expect the unexpected to continue on an even more intense level. Working with thinking outside of the box, discovering the difference between tolerance and allowing, as well as recognizing any resistance is futile as it celebrates 2018’s birthday, now marks the fourth and final year of the foundation laying process within the country’s current 9 year span of time that began in 2015.

Now that the USA’s 3 Personal Year has concluded -which preferred growth to occur concerning the seeds planted for the nation back in 2015-16 in it’s 1 Personal Year- America’s current energetic cycle via numerology shifts to the 4 Personal Year. As Jupiter guided their 2017-2018 3 Personal Year cycle, the energetic pulse of being willing to be educated, seek optimism and honor the truth within any situation was favored- whether these concepts were actually embraced or not. Jupiter finishing up in regenerative Scorpio and soon to move into the aims of Sagittarius before the close of 2018 will absolutely remain an important astrological transit to continue to observe for the nation.

However, the current planetary focus for the year ahead overall for America now shifts to intimately looking at the transit of Uranus between Aries and Taurus via how we can connect the timing of numerology cycles with those of astrology.

Uranus -whether it guides a 4 Personal Year, 4 vibration karmic path (4, 13, 22 or 31st of any given month) or the astrological sun sign of Aquarius- tells us we are meant to be focused upon breaking through the normal, becoming visionary, overcoming obstacles, implementing originality and know that individualism is the key to working with the whole continuity of humanity. Equally in any natal birth chart- the placement of one’s Uranus determines their ability to be unique; where they can naturally expect there is a different way they need to be in the life from everyone else; be prepared for unexpected turns; as well where they will find if they do not allow obstacles to stop them, they will prevail through determination.

In a 4 Personal Year, there is a request to absolutely adhere to a going with the unusual flow in order to allow for the solidarity to be experienced within it naturally unfold. What comes next for America is all about expecting the unexpected in order to break-through and overcome obstacles to properly prepare for 2019’s promised blossoming and permanent changes in a 5 Personal Year that leverages everything.


4 The Innovator | Linda Goodman’s Star Cards


22 Submission – Caution | Linda Goodman’s Star Cards

The higher vibration of the country’s “new year’ for 2018-19 is that of the 22. (7 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 7= 22/4) The Chaldean numerological system views the Master Number 22 as ‘Submission – Caution.’ As much as these ancient meanings via Chaldean Karmic Mysteries were composed so long ago, these interpretations still very much can be translated and related to within our modern day, granting a most uncanny value for us to embrace into our understanding.

22 is symbolized by the ancients as “a Good Man, blinded by the folly of others, with a knapsack on his back, full of errors.” In the image he seems to offer no defense against a ferocious tiger, which is about to attack him. It’s a warning number of illusion and delusion. It indicates a good person (or entity) who lives in a fool’s paradise; a dreamer of dreams who awakens only when surrounded by danger, when it’s often too late. It warns of mistakes in judgment, of placing faith in those who are not trustworthy. If 22 is present (even as a personal year cycle), the person or entity it represents should exercise caution and watchfulness in both career and personal matters. The karmic obligation here is to be more alert, to curb “spiritual laziness,” and develop more spiritual aggressiveness- to realize your own power to change things, to prevent failure by simply ordaining success. When this personal responsibility is recognized, practiced, and finally mastered, the 22 person can be in control of events, no longer blinded by the folly of others, and will see ideas achieved and dreams realized. Any entity influenced by the 22 of any month needs to carefully understand their natural relationships with the numbers 4 and 8, and all of their vibration combinations.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs
Certainly, the country has all the potential to be seen by the world to reinvent itself this year. The 4 energy favors (and bear in mind the USA is a 4 karmic path nation as well) stepping away from status quo, daring to be different. However with a Master Number 22, as the Chaldean Karmic Mystery advises, caution and the submission to be watchful is necessary to avoid emotional turbulence which has a very high potential to unfold. As many feel America obviously has a lot to change and reinvent, the year ahead assists the country to recognize that the tolerance versus allowing process is an important part of how the nation must now work with originality moving forward to master our current experiences in order to evolve.

Equally, through Uranus’s guidance over this 4 Personal Year cycle, a very masculine and airy intellectual energy is abound. This planetary influence is seemingly wild with erratic energy, frequently misunderstood, and is not willing to follow nor fit into whatever is considered the norm. Once again, the country must align in the willingness to overcome obstacles, think differently in ways that have not been embraced before.

When connecting the forecasting dots from numerology to astrology, we now look at the country’s natal birth chart. Being once again, Uranus is in charge of the 4 Personal Year, this is the planet we closely observe as it equally journeys through the nation’s current transits all year long.

Uranus is a celestial vessel that moves through all 12 of the zodiac signs- spending approximately 7-8 years within each of them, taking approximately 84 years to complete one turn around the entire wheel in each of the 12 signs. Currently on the tipping point of Aries and Taurus, within 2018-19’s 4 Personal Year, the Uranus energy will be ultimately focused upon changing the country’s willingness to step outside of the box. The wavering between rebelliousness and the striving for stability and security is a strong theme as the year ahead will play itself out.

As the 4 Personal Year officially began for the USA upon 04th July, Uranus is in current transit in the nations’ natal 5th house of creativity and children as well as how it is able to find pleasure through entertainment and luxury. Equally it is in a sextile to the nation’s natal Venus at 03 degrees Cancer in the 7th house of legalities and agreements, favoring we do examine harmonious agreements within the country’s relationships to others. Previous relationships that need to be examined for what needs renewal or complete dissolving between them is also is also highly likely. This indicates a specific timing is everything point as to where the USA can expect to end or relationship changes to come to fruition –some that have been brewing to be resolved or concluded for quite some time- and the end result will be that these changes are vital, transforming and they will never return again to what they once were. Ideally, new patterns of relating to others and legal agreements are meant to suit the country, versus choosing to remain stuck in frustrating situations that do not serve anyone’s highest good.

Uranus turned Retrograde upon 07 August 2018, favoring reflection within this 5th house sector of life to be ultimately required, as a pure purging and cleansing of the nation’s ability to heal what is currently going on concerning children, it’s abilities to manifest creation and how it can sustain enjoyment without being materialistic. Upon 11 November 2018, it crosses back into the nation’s 4th house, where reflection shifts at this time to what the country needs to reconsider concerning it’s abilities to nurture the home and family life and what is unfolding within it’s closest environments.

Equally, as Uranus will already have moved back into Aries 07 November, this is a very volatile time as when any outer planet crosses into another sign, we most certainly can see disturbances in the force. Uranus is also the planet that rules over earthquakes and natural disasters, due to the fact we never quite can predict what their outcomes will exactly be before they surprise us.

Uranus is on the tipping point of the nation’s 4th house moving in retrograde motion at this time, expecting the unexpected is more than wise to do, and being prepared to go with the flow is absolutely necessary. Also in transit at this time will be Venus Retrograde, who will directly oppose Uranus Retrograde on 31 October, and continue in a close opposition into the middle of November. Redefining power, money relationships and the USA’s view upon it’s vitality for it’s future will all be swirling in the mix of our upcoming Autumns reflection, which will be nothing short of intense.

Upon 05 January 2019, Uranus turns Direct, still in the nation’s 4th house of home and family life. At this time we also see the station of Uranus to be squaring the nations’ natal Pluto in the 2nd house of possessions, value security, and how the country is able to acquire income. The New Year certainly opens for the country on a very disturbing note once again, as the transformation of power concerning value as well as how this affects the home and family life is seeking for a new structure to be implemented.

Everything surrounding security in the country is going to be seen in such a way that it has never been seen before. Complete transformation and regeneration will be in motion, removing old habitual patterns and entering an energetic new phase of existence. At the very best, there can be a very spiritual insightful way this can manifest, and the will of being powerful wishes to exemplify itself in a way that is different and outlandish at first, but over time it is seen as revolutionary.

Moving forward in 2019, Uranus shifts back into the to the nation’s 5th house again upon 01 March just before it moves completely forward, re-entering Taurus upon 05 March for the next 7 years, and equally remaining in this area of the country for the majority of it.

What does that all mean you might be asking?

As America’s 4 Personal Year carries out, placing proper attention upon expecting the unexpected, remaining open minded, working with originality and casting off judgment is critical to adhere to. This applies all year long to the country’s approach to children, manifestation, nurturing, caring for the home and family, and what we see unraveling within our closest environments. Certainly a time in the country’s history to continue to remain alert, aware and work with accepting changes versus resist them.
Overall, the varying road ahead of contrast will be more than an unusual one to unfold throughout 04 July 2019. The time for The UNITED States of America to come together and listen to wise and just ways to work better with remembering it’s individual place amongst the world –one of the strongest requests of the 4’s guidance- and not remain judgmental to humanity’s differences overall in the UNTIED is here.

May openness, willingness to change, originality, going with the flow and finding the progress within the unexpected side of life guide America in this ‘Submission – Caution’ New Year.

May You Allow Your Freedom to Reign Dear American Stars.


The 9 Personal Year: What It Means for America



The time has come to welcome all Americans to the country’s new 9 Personal Year cycle. The USA has been asked over the past year within the 8 Personal Year of 2013-14, to take up within the true acts of learning from the experiences, adhering to stability, practicing patience and using their recently acquired wisdom to reap the rewards and the harvest of their previous seven years of effort since 2006.

Saturn’s calling and guidance over the 8 Personal Year brought the nation to a certain sense of slowing down –and while life might be still advancing at lightening speed when it comes to technology- this need for pause asked the nation to recognize what it is meant to be ultimately responsible to. For many across the board, there was some element of simplification that was endured and a returning to tradition implemented. Those who have listened carefully to this call, will find what comes into USA play over 2014-15’s cycle within the next 9 Personal Year, can be responded to all the easier. There is a specific formula to follow now in the months ahead, which undeniably requires that the USA must apply what it has learned through the experiences that the 8 Personal Year unfolded.

2013 to 2014’s call to responsibility is part of all the groundwork planted and woven into the fabric that has been in the making since 04 July 2006, when the country was last in a 1 Personal Year, the beginning mark of this current 9 year span of time.  For the USA, what’s ahead in this year of progress from 2014 to 2015, has everything to do with the deepest sense of quickly clearing what is no longer necessary: in where the release and conclusions require extreme courage to do so. In fact, as we explore the true request of the entire 18 energy governing over 7 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 4  = 18 (1 + 8 =9), we find the Chaldean’s ancient understandings still amazingly apply in this modern day world. If the free will of the USA chooses to adapt to recognizing the spiritual journey verses the indulgence of the material one, the country will soar through the 18/9 Personal Year’s lessons ahead with flying colors.

18 'Spiritual Material Conflict' Linda Goodman's Star Cards

18 ‘Spiritual Material Conflict’ Linda Goodman’s Star Cards

The Chaldeans perceived the 18 as Spiritual Material Conflict, that brings along with it exceptionally strong numerological advice. “18 symbolizes materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of the nature. It often associates the person or entity represented by it with bitter quarrels within the family circle- with wars, social upheaval, and revolution. In some cases it indicates making money or achieving position through divisive tactics, through war or other conflict. It warns of treachery and deception from both friends and enemies; also danger from the elements, such as fire, flood, earthquakes, tempests and explosions, electrical shock or lightning. The only way to dilute or diminish its effect on the life is by spiritual means, by unfailingly and repeatedly meeting deception and hatred from others with generosity, love, and forgiveness, by turning the other cheek, and returning good for evil, kindness for cruelty, honesty for dishonesty, honor for dishonor. In this way, the vibration 18 may be used for great success in illumination and enlightenment The 18 Personal Year cycle is known as the greatest of all testings of the soul for worthiness.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs

As a 9 Personal Year cycle, the energy of the 18 presents both positive and negative energy to choose from, equally depending upon what the free will’s actions of the previous eight have already allowed to fall into place. The promise of making conclusions, seeing finalizations and endings, engaging in universal and philanthropic concerns, reaching victorious and charismatic climaxes are the natural positive results that prefer to unfold in a 9 Personal Year cycle. Equally, as the nation cultivates courage, triumph, impersonal love, generosity and allows for spiritual elevation- it will be on the right track.

The flip side of a 9 Personal Year forewarns of being fully aware and in true understanding to avoid the following outcomes of conflict, intensity, penetration, aggressive action, selfishness, impatience, and oppression to occur. Mars, who is The Pioneer, is the planet that expresses motivation and dynamic change, and it is he who is in charge during this 9 Personal Year cycle. Mars more often than not, asks for actions of surrender, especially if one is in ignorance of what must come to a close. Going against and choosing resistance to Mars’s natural force of climatic conclusions is like running out into oncoming traffic and foolishly believing one will not get hit.

The same adherence to patience- as it was in the nation’s last- is the saving grace when engaged in an 18 Personal Year, as this practice will aide every single step of the way. As the 9 is the natural energy that can express anger, aggression and conflict, undoubtedly a many Americans will find themselves in situations that will test their soul and citizenship for what is really worth. Becoming the warrior will amaze anyone with their free will’s choices, for the warrior does not ever put up a vicious fight, he only simply chooses to stand in truth to courageously defend what is right.

The nation has already seen the preview call to listen up to recognize the value of a patience pace to allow necessary changes to unfold. Looking back at the USA forecast via astrology, the nation was right at the heart of the ‘Grand Cardinal Cross’ which occurred 20 to 23 April 2014. This rare planetary alignment spoke strongly to the nation as it directly conjunct, opposed and double squared its’ natal Sun at 13 degrees Cancer, where it now sees a Solar Return (any birthday!) upon 04 July. As this new foundation asked to transform the country’s approaches to life, find original ways to nurture the home and family life, develop wisdom within relationships, all while motivating change in the nation’s career and public life- now that the 9 Personal Year is here, this new process will accelerate for the USA in dynamic ways.

As we understand the true advice of how a Current Personal Year cycle via numerology coincides and works with the natal chart via astrology; it is where the guiding planet of the Current Personal Year is currently transiting within the natal birth chart that lends more powerful advice as to how to see a bird’s eye view of timing. For the USA, the current transit of Mars in Libra begins it’s 9 Personal Year within the natal 10th house of I Structure, which governs the USA’s career, recognition and public life. By 04 July 2015, when the nation enters the 1 Personal Year -starting another 9 year cycle of time- Mars will have made it three-quarters around the Zodiac to be transiting the sign of Cancer, in the USA’s natal 7th house where I Relate, which governs partnerships and one on one relationships of all kinds.

Within any given Current Personal Year, there is a specific month-to-month breakdown that offers deeper guidance of how the requests of the year ideally will be seen to unravel. Just like our recurring 9 year cycles, the personal months within any given year also follow in the same pattern of 1-9. Cross-referencing back to astrology, as Mars is the planetary focus via astrology’s current transits, these areas of life will equally be highlighted, working side by side with the personal months as the entire 9 Personal Year plays out. These areas of the life will be the timeline of how this year’s cycle of endings and conclusions will naturally unfold for the nation as a whole through 04 July 2015.

July 2014  7 Personal Month
Self-renewal, Inward Focus, Meditation, Clear-thinking, Research, Sympathy, Spiritual Experience

Mars 10th House I Structure Career & Public Life to 25 July
Mars 11th House I Socialize Groups, Friends, Hopes & Wishes to 02 Sept

August 2014 8 Personal Month
Authoritative & Financial Issues/Rewards, Recognizing Achievements, Making Connections, Promotional Focus

Mars 11th House I Socialize Groups, Friends, Hopes & Wishes to 02 Sept

September 2014  9 Personal Month
Conclusions, Finalizations/Endings, Universal/Philanthropic Concerns, Victory, Charismatic Climaxes

Mars 11th House I Socialize Groups, Friends, Hopes & Wishes to 02 Sept
Mars 12th House I Process Inner Work, Subconscious, Solitude to 01 Oct

October 2014  1 Personal Month
New beginnings, Initiations, Seed-Planting, Long-term Thinking, Self-sufficiency, Assertions

Mars 1st House I Am New Approaches to Life/Mask to the World to 16 Nov

November 204  2 Personal Month
Nurturing, Reflection, Cleaning, Equalizing Emotions, Togetherness, Home, Family

Mars 1st House I Am New Approaches to Life/Mask to the World, to 16 Nov
Mars 2nd House I Have Possessions, Values, Earning Power to 05 Jan 2015

December 2014  3 Personal Month
Creativity, Higher Education, Foreign Affairs, Joyous Communication, Attention to Health, Social Activities

Mars 2nd House I Have Possessions, Values, Earning Power to 05 Jan 2015

January 2015  1 Personal Month  A preview of 2015’s 1 Personal Years “coming attractions”
New beginnings, Initiations, Seed-Planting, Long-term Thinking, Self-sufficiency, Assertions

Mars 2nd House I Have Possessions, Values, Earning Power to 05 Jan 2015
Mars 3rd House I Communicate  Thinking & Mentality to 21 Feb 2015

February 2015  2 Personal Month
Nurturing, Reflection, Cleaning, Equalizing Emotions, Togetherness, Home, Family

Mars 3rd House I Communicate Thinking & Mentality to 21 Feb 2015
Mars 4th House I Nurture  Home, Family, Environments to 31 Mar 2015

March 2015  3 Personal Month
Creativity, Higher Education, Foreign Affairs, Joyous Communication, Attention to Health, Social Activities

Mars 4th House I Nurture  Home, Family, Environments to 31 Mar 2015

April 2015  4 Personal Month
Invention for Positive Change to Create Structure, Humanitarian Concerns, Foundations, Commitments

Mars 5th House I Create  Children/Creativity to 01 May 2015

May 2015  5 Personal Month
Permanent Change & Movement, Travel, Blossoming, Multi-tasking, Risk-taking,  Mass Communication

Mars 6th House I Serve Health, Habits, Routines, Service to Self & Others to 31 May 2015

June 2015  6 Personal Month
Nurturing Fortunate Legalities, Entertaining, The Home, Creating Harmony, Loving/Compassionate Acts, Negotiations

Mars 7th House I Relate  Partnerships, Legalities, Negotiations to 18 July 2015
USA Natal Mars in Gemini Return: 11-12 June, 21 degrees Gemini (Current Transit Mars conjuncts Natal)

SOOOOO fellow Americans, are you ready for fast moving and intense changes in the next twelve months? We offer one final piece of star secrets wisdom for the country’s New Year in 2014. Via Lexigrams -the poetic phrasing of the anagrams that can be derived from any word, name or title to spell out its’ truth- it will be ever so important to practice COURAGE as the perfect antidote for this 9 Personal Year. May all Americans find time for their warrior soul to receive this cycle’s rewards when conflict is not the choice of action for anyone’s free will when standing up for what is right.


Happy Independence Day 2014, Dear American Stars.

>>>Please leave your comments or questions below & let’s have further conversation!

>>>Feel free as well to share & pass along to your favorite social media!

The Grand Cardinal Cross & The USA


Times are a changing all across the world right now due to the upcoming official alignment of The Grand Cardinal Cross, which kicks off it’s 6 hits of 4 planets (Uranus, Jupiter, Mars and Pluto) mathematical meeting at the 13 degree of our Cardinal Leadership signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) 20 April and completing upon 23 April. For The United States of America, as a Cancer Sun sign nation, this astrological event is profoundly affecting our natal birth chart that was born 04 July 1776.

What is most captivating to observe first and foremost, is that our nation has a 13-degree Cancer Sun, and a 14-degree Saturn in Libra. With the physical pyramid that is forming from this alignment as we previously discussed in Realigning Your Leadership: The Calling for Regeneration – Change, when The Grand Cardinal Cross completely aligns, looking to how this current transit is moving through our country’s chart, it makes what we would say in astrology is some pretty “heavy hits.”

Looking at the current transit chart for the USA, we have multiple aspects (mathematical conversations) that are already ongoing and will be intensely occurring surrounding the 19 to 23 April.

19 April: Mars Retrograde 14 degrees Libra conjuncts the USA’s natal Saturn in the Career & Public Life. This conjunction directly affects the energy connecting to our responsibility within the public eye and how we choose to structure how we work as an entire nation. Quick, conflicting, explosive, and aggressive outcomes have the potential to unfold- marking a dynamic shift in how the USA views authority and the country’s entire sense of stability, equally stimulating circumstances that will require patience, diligence, and learning from the experiences to unfold. One might say the USA has “lessons to learn” in reflection of the previous efforts and intentions that have already been placed in motion. This conjunction point at the 14th degree is the Chaldean’s understanding of Movement – Challenge, which clearly indicates permanent and irreversible changes are more than likely to unfold here. Note as well, as The Grand Cardinal Cross makes all the conjunctions, oppositions & squares to our nations’ 13 degree Cancer Sun, these aspects are profoundly “talking” with our natal 14 degree Saturn in Libra. Now, you might really grasp a deeper picture of why the energies around the USA are nothing short of intense.

This precise “squaring off” and opposing energies continue on as follows:
20 April: Jupiter in Cancer squares Uranus in Aries 3:29am EDT/12:29am PDT
20 April: Jupiter in Cancer opposes Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn 7:26pm EDT/4:26pm PDT
21 April: Uranus in Aries squares Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn 3:21pm EDT/12:21pm PDT
22 April: Mars Retrograde in Libra squares Jupiter in Cancer 3:28pm EDT/12:28pm PDT
23 April: Mars Retrograde in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries 3:08am EDT/12:08am PDT
23 April: Mars Retrograde in Libra squares Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn 9:38am EDT/6:38am PDT

For the USA: The 13th degree’s calling for Regeneration – Change
Jupiter in Cancer conjuncts the USA’s natal Sun at 13 degrees Cancer
Abundantly changing the ways our country relates within our partnerships

Pluto Rx in Capricorn opposes the USA’s natal Sun at 13 degrees Cancer
Intense transformations in our country’s approaches to life & how we are seen by the world

Uranus in Aries squares the USA’s natal Sun at 13 degrees Cancer
Expect the unexpected in our home, family & environments where we nurture as a country

Mars Retrograde in Libra squares USA’s natal Sun at 13 degrees Cancer
Dynamic changes & action moving within our country’s public life where we structure

Jupiter in Cancer squares the USA’s natal Saturn at 14 degrees Libra
Educating our country to learn from experience in our career & public life where we structure

Pluto Rx in Capricorn squares the USA’s natal Saturn at 14 degrees Libra
Rebirthing our country’s view upon authority, power, & recognition within the world

Uranus in Aries opposes the USA’s natal Saturn at 14 degrees Libra
Reinventing how we nurture at home to balance where we work & structure in life

Mars Retrograde in Libra conjuncts USA’s natal Saturn at 14 degrees Libra
Motivation to redefine our country’s sense of stability, responsibility & achievements

Historical Events Previously Occurring upon the 19th or 20th April:
(or number combinations of 20)
BP Oil Spill                             20 April
Columbine Shooting             20 April
Batman shooting                    on the 20th
Virginia tech shooting           16 April (4 + 16 = 20)
Twin Towers fall                     11 September (9 + 11 = 20)
World War II                           20 April
Waco Massacre                       19 April
Oklahoma City Bombing      19 April
Boston Bombing                     15 April (4 +15 = 19)
1st Boston Marathon             19 April
Adolf Hilter’s Birthday:         20 April

What can we possibly expect as a nation upon these dates in 2014?

Listen Back to Sharita talk about The Grand Cardinal Cross on Contact Talk Radio 03 April & 10 April

Lexigrams and The Grand Cardinal Cross
As always, the way that the letters composing a title are able to provide further wisdom and insight into what we can all expect -beyond the USA’s implications, within the world at large- when we anagram them and then poetically phrase them to spell out the truth, we have the final clues as to what this rare period in history ultimately requests of us all, whether one is an American or not. While this planetary alignment strongly affects the USA, the rest of the world is not excused from adhering to what it wishes for anyone to pay closer attention to.




















The USA and it’s approaching 9 Personal Year

Our country at present is wrapping up a Current 8 Personal Year Cycle, which began 04 July 2013. While April marks a 3 Personal Month of learning, growth, finding optimism and seemingly a stroke of “good luck,” it’s higher vibration comes from the 12, indicating the Chaldean’s deeper insight of Sacrifice – The Victim. What is going to be asked of the nation is to allow circumstances and events to become our teacher however they unfold- as the USA is called to become “the kneeling submissive student.” Within this entire year’s cycle that requests patience across the board and a sense of responsibility to mark every move our country makes, April overall surrounds us within the learning process, and one that will demonstrate -if we have not allowed our actions to be within honesty and integrity- the force of the 12 and the association with sacrifice and the potential to become the victim is likely our outcome. Whatever may be unfolding within the nation that falls under the repetition of action that keeps striving for a different result, but no alternative approach has been taken, we find we may be accused of operating within the definition of insanity.

Looking further into the Personal Day Cycles, we also gain perspective with 19 April falling to 4 Personal Day, there is a calling for a new structure and foundation to occur – happening completely unexpectedly- throwing an obstacle our way to learn to overcome as a great level of tolerance will be associated with it. On 20 April, as we turn into a 5 Personal Day, this marks a date that will bring forward a permanent change that will move us into events and occurrences that present us with historic moments of never going back again.

As we look to the nations’ upcoming “new year” that officially starts upon 04 July 2014, we enter a 9 Personal Year, marking the end of a 9 year cycle that began in 2006. A 9 Personal Year always brings along with it a period of release, conclusions, endings, and pure cleansing so that by 2015, another 1 Personal Year can begin for the USA. The motto, “if it is new it is for you” will become the theme of 2015 to 2016’s cycle, as a brand new 9 year span of time in our evolution starts. 2014 to 2016 is extremely pivotal energy that surrounds our country and the natural occurrences one will see unfold. What is also of high alert in a 9 Personal Year Cycle is the leaning towards aggression, conflict, anger, and penetrating energies that will not be afraid of a fight to stand up for change. As always with any association of the 9, it is rising up in courage, and taking a stance as a warrior that will bring forward the proper grace, so that it does not gravitate to being out of control. 9 energy in its’ negative form, is nothing short of disastrous and painful on extreme levels.

Will The United States of America become the warrior in its’ own right? More than likely, the answer to this question is no, but if we have captured your attention to reading through to the end of this entry, only you -if you are a fellow American- can truly answer that for yourself. No matter what mass media, propaganda, or circumstance beyond your personal control happens within the USA in the next three years- you have a personal responsibility to allow your free will to reflect the outcome of change you wish to see within this country, no matter what apparent chaos is surrounding you from anywhere within the world. Whenever we follow the eye of the storm, we always have the wisdom to navigate clearly in HEART upon our EARTH in the LOVE to EVOLVE.

Remain vigilant, alert and in your peace of mind Dear Stars.




Welcome Fellow Americans and the world at large, to the 7 Personal Year Cycle. We’ve seen the pros and cons having been weighed in the now concluded 6 Personal Year of 2011 in where the real value of what it all means and is worth has been debated about. Our compassion has been called upon as a real asking of the feminine called to us loud and clear. 2012 promises to ask each and every citizen to take up some time in the requests of solitude in that SILENT LISTEN now to reap the rewards of true responsibility that will come to pass as 2013’s cycle initiates.

It is a bit of a “trickier” formula to follow in a 7 Personal Year, because attention to the inner process and the sharpening of the inner saw is not something everyone is taught to readily tap into. As a nation, this is not a huge year of international progress nor idolization. In fact, as we explore the true request of the entire 16 energy governing over 7 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 2  = 16/7, we’ll find the Chaldeans will lend us some fairly accurate advice in their ancient understandings to our entire nation if the free will only chooses to look within.

As the Chaldeans saw the 16’s ‘The Shattered Citadel’ energy to numerically advise: “16 is pictured by the ancient Chaldeans as a Tower struck by Lightning, from which a man is falling, with a crown on his head. It warns of a strange fatality, also of danger of accidents and the defeat of one’s plans. If the Current Personal Year is the 16, the challenge of the 16 must be carefully met, so that its effect maybe diluted to a milder vibration. To avoid the fatalistic tendency of the 16 as Personal Year Cycle, one must endeavor to make all plans in advance, making certain that any possible of failure is anticipated and circumvented by careful attention to detail. The 16 brings with it the Single 7’s obligation and responsibility to listen to the voice within, which will always warn of danger through dreams or the intuition in time to avoid it. The inner voice must be not be ignored.”

Now, you know we are not subscribing to “gloom and doom” here. Even as via astrology, the ‘Uranus – Pluto Square Dance’ continues on for a couple more years -setting off the beginnings of an entire new global foundation in the midst of formulating- this entrance of the USA into the 16/7 Personal Year asks for true adaptation to those unexpected ways transformation will affect us. Reform and regeneration are a huge part of what this current Personal Year Cycle entails. As we have been saying for quite some time, comfort zones will see their fair share of CHALLENGES. It’s up to the free-will whether resistance will be a part of that ALL CHANGES SEE ANGEL ANGLE HEAL LEAN AS A CLEANSE.

For the USA, the Pluto – Uranus Square Dance affects our 1st and 4th houses on our natal chart- that of our “I Am” of approaches, first impressions, including the way the world perceives us and within our “I Nurture” of home, family immediate environments that filter through our lives. We aren’t kidding when we have been saying the approach to the comfort zones of American life are in a very heavy place of transformation, and these are already occurring rather unexpectedly. This is the most intense passage of these two areas, as when squares occur from above they do mean responsibility to soul business to them down here below.

It won’t be until the closing in of February 2015, when the USA will still be in the 9’s Personal Year request of ultimate finalizations and endings on the home front of this Current 9 Year Cycle which began in 2006, that the truest test of our on going Uranus – Pluto Square Dance will bellow its call at the 14 degree of Aries and Capricorn, directly opposing and squaring our nations Saturn at 14 degrees Libra in our house of “I Structure,” that of the career and public life. Undoubtedly, the face of how we work, are viewed by the world, live in our habitats, feel secure and take it all in will have seen altercations like never before in history, and very permanent ones.

So, back to that soul business we mentioned. In order to be ultimately prepared throughout the remainder of the Uranus – Pluto Square Dance, we as a nation can successfully prevail. But for us all NOW to KNOW we will OWN the WON, it will be the attainment of the very inherent concept of our now 16 Personal Year that will proclaim anyone the victor: that is knowing how to remain in the eye of any apparent storm around us.

When engaged in a 16 Personal Year, taking an overpowering orientation towards the philosophical and spiritual aspects of life, allows the tendency of the 16’s pull toward the path of denial to be adverted. Any kind of drug, whether it be prescribed or recreational, as well as all forms of alcohol need to be completely avoided along this passage of time in order for the individual experiencing this vibration to redeem the best along its’ path.

There is a drive to understand the unseen world, but this must be done without the aide of any kind of delusion along the way. The feeling of being lost upon this vast planet often accompanies the 16, like a foreigner. Gravitating to and encompassing the world of spirit is what eases the intensity that 16 can bring. Finding ways to ground the desires of escape and instead gain understanding through practical and sound means allows the healing energy of this vibration to be channeled and effectively shared with others.

The singular energy of the 7 allows the 16 energy to posses an extremely analytical mind that can penetrate into whatever realm it sets it’s mind to, often producing magnificent results that are of great benefit to humanity. The ability to concentrate is unsurpassed; along with the talent to specialize in a specific area and become an expert. This is the 16’s gift and personal power to share wisdom with the world.

With the inner guidance of Neptune, this 7 vibration must be cautious of ever becoming aloof, critical or bitter. When impracticality and dreaminess accompany too many decisions in life, the end result of drifting from reality will cause the native to not earning the adequate living they can. There can never be any kind of over indulgent behavior or flights of fancy, thus preventing success to flourish in the life. That equal wise advise of thinking well and then feeling good, leaves the anxiety where it belongs out there in those winds surrounding us.

One more point to note when understanding the true advice of how a Current Personal Year Cycle coincides with that of the natal chart. Where the guiding planet of the numerological year is currently transiting within the birth chart lends more advice to how to make the most of it. For the USA, the 7’s Neptune is presently within the natal 3rd house of “I Communicate” that which governs the thinking and mentality. Anxiety will not be tolerated well under the 16 year. Remember the request of remaining in the eye of the storm with that SILENT LISTEN? Even via the collective take for the USA, it is the 9th house of what “I Believe” that seeks higher education, philosophy and foreign travel to bring a growth process forth. Don’t believe in the storms in the year ahead, but do recognize what ultimate unfolding of learning is being stirred.

So Fellow Americans, are you ready? We offer one final piece of star secrets wisdom for our country’s new year in 2012. Via Lexigrams -the poetic phrasing of the anagrams that can be derived from any word, name or title to speak it’s truth- aside from that ever so important request of the SILENT LISTEN, let us all find the time for our soul in some scheduled solitiude.



We leave you with one friendly reminder about your ship as it continues to sail… a true source of inspiration from Life Coach, Author & Poet, Mark Porteous.

I Am the Captain

I am the captain of my own ship.
Let the winds blow where they may.
I can’t change the wind.
I can’t escape the storms.
I will take what I get
And make the most of it.

My life is a ship on the open seas.
I may run my ship any way I please.
I choose the place where I’d like to be.
The course I set is up to me.

Placing my faith in the hands of four winds,
I bare my soul and face my sins
In any direction they may blow.
Still, I decide where my ship will go.

If for some reason off that course I am thrown,
A new corrective course I must set on my own.
Waves and tides will always be. These I can not arrange.
I accept and appreciate all I cannot change.

The wind and the storms are beyond my control.
They weather my ship and strengthen my soul.
Caught in storms, winds may not be with me.
Through darkness, stars I may not see.

Winds may blow my battered ship astray.
In the end, I always know I will be okay.
Skies will clear. Storms will pass.
Sea and wind will calm at last.

Should my ship be taken
By the treacherous sea,
I’ve done all that I can do.
It was simply meant to be.

If my quest was not intended,
The mighty seas I know will end it.
For every day that I survive,
I thank God to be alive.

I am truly grateful
For all that I have seen.
I will continue sailing
And heading towards my dream.

The decisions in my life
Are still left for me.
As captain of my ship,
I steer my destiny.

From ‘The Human Experience’


Namaste Dear Stars. 

Happy Independence Day.

For those who enjoy reading a natal chart via current transits… 
As The USA Turns… 04 July 2012