America starts to experience its’ first ever Pluto Return as a nation in 2021. The first of a few passes that will “Direct Hit” via exacting this Return energy more than once start occurring in early 2022 moving into early 2023. This entire deep transformational process for the nation will not officially conclude until Autumn 2024.
Why is a Pluto Return so important?
While a human can never actually experience a Pluto Return -unlike a Saturn Return or Uranus Return that do happen in a person’s natural lifespan- an entity such as a country, absolutely can. Now being America is an extremely young country compared to the rest of the world only becoming born in 1776; this is the very first time America is in the turbulence of this important cycle.
Its’ mark of time is critical to fully understand in these uncertain times, for it completely indicates there is near death, regeneration, transformation, and ultimate rebirth for America to experience.
America’s Natal Pluto at 27 degrees, The Sceptre
The natal degree planetary points within any natal chart layer in highly important insight from the numerology perspective, how the person or entity of a nation in this case will execute the energy of the planet itself beyond astrology’s view alone. The position of Pluto under Retrograde 04 July 1776 was at 27 degrees Capricorn, representing via its’ Chaldean Karmic Mystery to unlock in the nation’s lifetime below.
“This is an excellent, harmonious and fortunate number of courage and power, with a touch of enchantment. It blesses the person or entity it represents with a promise of authority and command. It guarantees that great rewards will come from the productive labors, the intellect, and the imagination. All of these creative faculties have sown good seeds which are to reap a rich harvest. People or entities represented by the 27 should always carry out their own original plans and ideas, and not be intimidated or influenced by the diverse opinions or opposition of others. 27 is a number of karmic reward, earned in more than one previous incarnation.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs
Who is Pluto anyway?
Pluto is our most outer planet that transits from above, that we distinctly watch down here below. Due to its’ elliptical orbit, it can spend anywhere from 14 to 25 years in one zodiac sign alone. Hence why it takes, as America is now beginning to understand, 245 years for it to get back to the very same natal point it was exactly at when the country was birthed 04 July 1776.
Pluto is known as The Transformer. It’s channel of energy does the following: distinguishes generations; controls all power plays concerning world events upon the planet; governs over sexuality, literal death and rebirth; determines the ability to acquire wealth through the utilization of other people’s money; works with large scale resources; guides cultural changes, and is the force that sees the entire scope upon life itself.
In Astrology, Pluto has ownership over the Zodiac Sign of Scorpio, The Eagle- who is ever so keen at observing the entire scope of life. In Numerology, Pluto rules the singular digit of Zero/0 the very number connecting us to infinity. Both channel the distinct energy of The Transformer, as this intense water sign and powerful number are always seen to be at work with the Pluto qualities wherever one may look.
Via Current Transit, Pluto is presently in Capricorn, where he has been visiting in the zodiac skies above since 2008. Even with some previews of the upcoming years in Aquarius saying hello during Spring 2023 and the earlier portion of 2024: Pluto is not officially done transforming within the zodiac energies of The Goat until 19 November 2024.
What does Pluto in Capricorn mean?
Pluto’s time in Capricorn always denotes times in history where the responsibility, accountability, and integrity to learn from our experiences must be carefully met: especially concerning governments, power positions, economic matters, any issues of control or misuse of authority and power. With Capricorn being the very sign of ambition, hard work, seriousness, and being extremely disciplined- if these qualities are being abused in anyway in greed or deceit, it often appears rather karmic concerning the lessons of consequence that will need to then be experienced.
America’s Natal Chart was instilled 04 July 1776 when Pluto was Retrograde at 27 degrees Capricorn. We see this down in Area 2 bottom left side of the wheel- where the 27 deg Capricorn glyph at 33 minutes, is next to the glyph of Pluto.
This “Area 2” piece of the natal chart is the “I Have” of America: concerning its’ natural abilities and talents to earn money, establish values, feel security and comfort, gain luxuries, maintain stability, and pull in all matters of material means into the life via owning or possessing them.
It is well known, where one’s Pluto is natally placed, is where their true power and core energy channels from within the life. Equally, it can also become the area of life where a source of jealousy from others can be seen. It is also where deep and dark secrets can lie, as well as where the individual may or may witness the very process of death and rebirth in other ways, depending as well upon other planetary placements and how current transits in the natal chart will be at work throughout the lifetime.
While it is only countries or very well established business ever experience a Pluto Return, as the current energy has completed an entire cycle around the natal zodiac wheel since it was initiated: it is a guarantee, there will be a definite sense of a near death experience to unfold.
Transformation is undeniably compelled to occur, allowing rebirth to justly and naturally begin within the area of life it is natally placed within, as well as connect to other possible areas of the life scope that the natal Pluto may have in conversation to other natal planets via understanding aspects.
America is presently working with near death to become reborn in due time from 2021 to 2024.
DIRECT HIT 1: 03 Feb – 09 March 2022 Pluto 27 degrees Capricorn, Exact: 20 – 22nd Feb
Over the time of February through March of 2022 we find Pluto is, via current transit, precisely back at this 27 degrees starting point mark from 04 July 1776. The Exact point of contact is the days listed. Nevertheless, Pluto sits on 1 degree point, for over a month’s time.
As Pluto continues return more than once to the natal point with the nation’s birth chart, these are the extremely intense times we will notice the heavy and absolutely transformative energies they promise and will pull into the country’s experiences. Just as soon as Venus and Mercury Retrograde conclude in early 2022, the current Pluto in Capricorn begins to engage directly at 27 degrees Capricorn: the precise natal point of it for America. This lasts until 09 March, then returns again by Summer Solstice time as Pluto will be Retrograde since 29 April, and crosses back over this same exact point.
Intensifying things all the more are this Pluto “hits” during the country’s 16/7 Personal Year Cycle: Healing America from Within, which has a whole other numerology forecast angle about many things coming to dramatic changes, involving anther outer planet: Neptune, which is anther slow, and ever patience process as well. In knowing Pluto is the most outer planet there is with its’ elliptical orbit, it’s time in moving through any sign takes years to complete, as very close by Neptune is the very same. Therefore the movement through any sign either is presently in, all is at the slower pace from any inner planet we observe from above.
Intense doesn’t quite cover the forecast for what Americans and anyone watching from afar will deeply need to understand -which will have already been falling out from Venus and Mercury Retrogrades that open up 2022 in complete inner planet reflection mode- of the surrender that will be necessary to navigate what will be unfolding. Being prepared to simplify, allowing the past value of all to diminish, is the only way a powerful rebirth can begin to start the work it will wish to do. Always remember the fact as well: this will take the next immediate years through 2024 as well, to fully complete the process.
These current changes no matter how we slice it: for America are extremely slow, requiring ultimate preparation, observation, discernment and patience. For those unwilling to heed the warning, all that is truly about to unfold will seemingly appear rather painful.
DIRECT HIT 2: 22 June – 04 Aug 2022 Pluto 27 degrees Capricorn Retrograde, Exact: 09 – 11 Jul
Pluto comes back to the exact natal point of Pluto in America’s chart under Retrograde just as Summer 2022 begins. This will be an extremely intense time that befalls the nation. While February 2022 moving into March 2022 began the dominos that had been set up to fall, this “Hit 2” of the ongoing Pluto Return will be felt much, much differently.
Upon 04 July, Accepting Accountability in America: Understanding an 8 Personal Year Cycle, will transfer focus from Neptune as the 7 Personal Year concludes, to spotlight Saturn’s current transit for what the nation needs to be extremely well aware of during the 12 months that follow through 04 July 2023.
This 17/8 Personal Year Cycle for America begins with Saturn being Retrograde at 24 degrees Aquarius, just on the edge the same area of life the Pluto Return at 27 degrees Capricorn is already engaged in. Everything concerning Capricorn and Aquarius always feels all the more deeply karmic in experience. America will certainly be feeling this level of heaviness all the more in dual influences when it comes to the value of everything across the board concerning what “I Have” from its’ money, material possessions, established systems, securities and worth overall.
America’s 16/7 Personal Year Cycle absolutely begged for the inner work to be done from a mentality, communications and healing mindset standpoint from 04 July 2021 to 2022. What will shift as it enters the 17/8 Personal Year Cycle, is bearing the responsibility of what needs to be learned from these experiences through July 2023: also within the country’s area of the life that guides what “I Have,” as stated above.
Saturn Retrogrades until 23 October 2022, back to 18 degrees Aquarius, the very energy of ‘Spiritual Material Conflict.’ By this point, it will be evident the collapses of value, costs that are out of control, lack and complete restrictions and limitations that are befalling the supply chains, and the extreme lessons America is learning from these experiences.
Such energies as a Pluto Return and an influential Saturn guided 8 Personal Year- with both planets Retrograde within the same area of America’s life, promise to turn out moments of surrender, accepting what must be witnessed in near death so the rising in responsibility to accountably change will be the only way through to valuable rebirth.
Saturn moving forward from 23 October 2022, will shift by 28 January 2023, into the nation’s mentality, communications and mindset. The country by this point in time, will know what being a part of a Great Depression truly is. The severity of mental health awareness alone will cascade especially as Saturn exactly conjuncts the nation’s natal 27 degrees Aquarius Moon from 10 to 19 February 2023; expect emotional breakdowns, anxieties and utter chaos in communications like we have equally never experienced. The grave reality of what must be now mentally healed, will be no longer able to be denied.
DIRECT HIT 3: 10 Dec 2022 – 11 Jan 2023, Pluto 27 degrees Capricorn, Exact: 27 – 29 Dec
2023’s 7 Universal Year: The Year of STILLNESS in the SILENT LISTEN
Pluto actually moves out of Capricorn by 23 March 2023, yet it will only remain at 0 degrees Aquarius until it turns Retrograde once again upon 01 May 2023. By 11 June, Pluto Retrograde is back at 29 degrees Capricorn where it will journey in reflective motion throughout the late Spring through early Autumn as we reach Direct Hit 4 when it stations at 27 degrees Capricorn once again to turn Direct upon 10 October 2023.
From the numerology forecast, America shifts into the 18/9 Spiritual Material Conflict Personal Year Cycle, 2023-24 that officially begins upon 04 July. During this courageous 12 month cycle, Mars (the planet in charge of the 9 Personal Year), will also be in transit within America’s “I HAVE” from 25 January 2024 until 15 March. It makes a precise conjunction to the country’s natal Pluto 08 – 10 February and more widely over 06 – 13 February. Mars, once entering Aquarius will be doing the same to the current Pluto over 13 to 15 February.
This is another important timeframe that makes all the more impact upon economical matters surrounding the nations’ values, money, financial concerns and all established system in extremely driven, conflicting and riveting conclusions alongside the already ongoing deep transformations for rebirth. Yet before then…..
DIRECT HIT 4: 19 Sept – 01 Nov 2023 (Pluto Retrograde to 10 Oct)
2024’s 8 UNIVERSAL YEAR, The Year of EARTH Healing via The Creative HEART
20 Jan 2024 Pluto enters Aquarius
02 May 2024 Pluto Retrogrades at 02 degrees Aquarius
04 July 2024-25 America’s 19/1 Personal Year, Healing The Heart of America
*01 September 2024 Pluto under Retrograde REenters Capricorn, stations in a close conjunction 29 degrees to the nation’s natal for the very last “soft” via 02 degs conjunction Hit of this Pluto Return through 19 November 2024 when it moves back into Aquarius.
*11 October 2024 Pluto turns Direct 29 degrees Capricorn.
19 Nov 2024 Pluto enters Aquarius until 08 March 2043
While this riveting cycle of the nation’s 1st ever Pluto Return will have officially completed its’ mission, The Transformer planet still remains within America’s “I HAVE” while transiting in Aquarius until 24 March 2039. At this point, then it moves briefly into “I COMMUNICATE” until 31 July 2039, when under Retrograde it returns once again to “I HAVE.”
By 02 February 2040, Pluto in Aquarius moves back under Direct motion to “I COMMUNICATE.” Under Retrograde and briefly for the final time, it moves back into “I HAVE” 18 October 2040, turning Direct 05 November and will then transit back into “I COMMUNICATE” under Direct motion by 25 November 2040.
Wherever America has ultimately transformed overall concerning its’ values. money, finances and established systems, may they be ones where a moral compass conerning them all, is once again leading the way.
Moving forward for the years ahead still in Aquarius, America will bear witness to Pluto’s journey of intense and amazing healing for how the ultimate free will of the nation has chosen to Never Compromise Living Consciously during these Return years to allow death, surrender and welcome what needs to become reborn.
Pingback: Healing America from Within, Understanding a 7 Personal Year Cycle | Sharita Star
Pingback: Spiritual Material Conflict in America, 04 July 2023-24 | Sharita Star
Pingback: Remembering The Soul of a Nation: A Star Meditation Reading of America | Sharita Star
Pingback: Healing The Heart of America, 04 July 2024-25 | Sharita Star
Pingback: Let’s Get Conscious for Mars Retrograde, 06 Dec 2024 to 23 Feb 2025 | Sharita Star