“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham

One of the most important forecasting tools we have from astrology is understanding the distinct value of how our current lunar cycles affect us in our now.
Whenever we are in a Waxing Phase from our recent New Moon: we meant to be working with initiations, new beginnings and setting our intentions as we direct our feelings.
Whenever we are in a Waning Phase from our recent Full Moon: we meant to be working with reflection, release, and reviewing our experiences as we heal our feelings.
New Moons & Full Moons recur monthly from one particular area of our life that always changes in each one’s specific timing requests for naturally beginning or releasing. Any lunar/moon energy equally guides what we continue to FEEL via our emotional bank accounts as we make our deposits and withdrawals.
Understanding SOLAR & LUNAR Eclipses
Typically twice a year, we naturally experience Eclipse Seasons. These are the pairings of a Solar and Lunar Eclipse as we experience a New and Full Moon respectively. Depending whether partial or total, we will have an extra “boost” of initiation or reflection that will last for an additional 6 months up to a years time from the area of life they specifically occur within.
Currently, we are at work through from Spring 2024 & Autumn 2024’s Eclipse Season.

EXPLORE MORE! WHAT’S YOUR CURRENT PERSONAL ECLIPSE FORECASTS? >>> 08 April’s Aries TOTAL Solar Eclipse | 17 Sept’s Pisces Lunar Eclipse | 02 Oct’s Solar Eclipse
ARE YOU READY for The Next Eclipse Season?

Understanding Lunar Cycles is the perfect place to start implementing Conscious Forecasting into your life for beginning the journey of your timing success.
Our natural Lunar Rhythms can be quite out of sync with our natural Gregorian calendar time measuring standards that most business and scheduling demands adhere to.
Let’s deepen and level up your Law of Attraction practice and TIME IT with the equal understanding of THE NEED TO KNOW whenever it is MOON VOID OF COURSE!

2024 to 2025 Annual Holding Pattern

Every year, both our New Moons and Full Moons “lock up” or hold at a specific degree point as they align or oppose for a period of months. In connecting the consciousness dots from astrology to numerology, the collective has ever-rich insight to take into consideration.
Aside from the channeling these patterns will always depict humanity will energetically see at work upon our planet’s life experience: it is equally your personal one that matters most. Depending upon how your natal planets are positioned, these Annual Holding Patterns will make distinct contact with our astrological charts, asking for our individual soul work to be strongly adhered to.
Explore Current Forecasting Specials that specifically guide the focus of your Emotional Intelligence in this year’s ever powerful awakening and intensely healing opportunities to allow you to fully embrace personalized Law of Attraction results.
Conscious Forecasting. Tune IN to your Latest LunarOScopes, ONLY ON Soul Certainty Community.
LunarOScopes have been part of Sharita Star Forecasting must have timing knowledge with her impeccable astrology and numerology fusion since their inception in 2010.
Explore all the archives published for well over the past decade >>> HERE.
“Your LunarOScopes are bone chilling. On emotions and how they resonate with us and the Universe.” ~Breno Miranda

“There is a moon inside every human being. Learn to become companions with it.” ~Rumi