Mastering Mercury Retrograde in 2024

2024 Mercury Retrograde Cycles of Reflection

Understanding Mercury Retrograde and what it actually is meant to positively do for anyone is wise timing is everything wisdom to always take into consideration for our planning and scheduling needs. These recurring astrological cycles are mistakenly overly associated with fear and frustration, which absolutely is not the reaction we are ever meant to have with them.

We enter 2024 under The Station of Mercury Retrograde at 22 degrees Sagittarius that began 13 December 2022 Stationed at 08 degrees Capricorn. 

As we look to our regular Mercury Retrograde (MRx) passages (which always occur about three times during any given year) we also typically find additional timeframes from other simultaneous planetary cycles that equally will require our conscious forecasting attention for our timing success. You will find 2024’s need to know dates listed further below. Yet the most important understanding about MRx is:

Mercury Retrograde is always first & foremost: A Cycle of Reflection.

~Sharita Star

Read that last statement again.

The only reasons Mercury Retrogrades ever “trip up” anyone is that:

One: most people are unaware it is in affect because they have never been introduced to the value of astrology, and naively choose to make initiations for intended long term success during them. 

Two: those who are aware of it are fooled into believing they should fear it every time is comes back around because they are simply misinformed.

If you know what not to do, and most importantly, what you absolutely can do under these reflective, recharging, reassessment and ultimate “time out” periods: your vibration will always be in the energetic frequency that flows as you are Mastering Mercury Retrograde.

Before we get into when all of 2024’s cycle of reflection periods will urgently ask us to have the heads up in our calendars, let’s give you some astrological tips and tools to implement during any of them.

Why Are We Not Favored To Move Forward Under MRx? 

Mercury is our Messenger planet from above that guides all communications, thinking, mentality, movement, electronics, transportation, travel, changes, perceptions, adaptability and all exchanges of information that occur down here below.

When in Retrograde -due to the backtracking energy that is cast off from Mercury- all of the matters it watches over do not function nor move forward optimally. Precisely why, anyone is well advised to utilize these periods of time for pause, redoing, and only focus upon reworking what already exists.

Human error is always highest under Mercury Retrograde than any other time of the year. Naturally, forward thinking and planting for future success under this time is equally not well supported. 

Therefore, hold off on important decisions such as: starting a business, signing contracts, launching a product, getting married, buying a new car, engaging in any kind of new relationship, purchasing new technology, or buying a new home. None of these initiating actions will turn out well for the long-term, and if implemented under MRx, it is an astrological guarantee they are energetically tied up in faulty foundations that never have the genuine ability to sustain themselves for success.

What Are We Favored To Do With Success Under MRx?

Taking the first rule of thumb that Mercury Retrograde is a cycle of reflection, we are promised to flow with this reassessment time when we honor staying in this exact frame of mind. By only placing our attention upon what already exists, and choosing to wait and see about the future, our personal mastery of this cycle absolutely unfolds.

Getting out our “RE” vocabulary is one of the best ways we can discover ease and peace of mind.

Rerouting, reconnecting, reconsidering, recharging, resting, relaxing, reorganizing, researching, retreating, remembering, replanning, reframing, rescheduling, rekindling, repairing and replacing are all wonderful ways to reap the rewards of what this cycle of reflection is absolutely all about.

Mercury Retrograde is a marvelous time to work with: unfinished projects, revisiting existing creative outlets, reconnecting with old friends/former associates, reassessing existing business plans, practicing the pause, expecting rescheduling of plans, anticipating delays and set backs, having backup plans ready to go, replacing objects in need of repair (yet make sure these are done correctly), doing research, retreating away from the world, and above all, remembering to take a silent listen for oneself (extra meditation, journaling and yoga time please!).

Listen to All the RErouting, REvising & REdoing Telling “That’s Soooo Retrograde!” MRx Tales from 13 December 2023 to 01 January 2024

Mercury Retrogrades & YOU! 

For anyone’s individual experience, taking a look at your Personal Forecast is always extremely favored to know the precise and specific areas of your life that each one will be seeking your reflective focus within.

As everyone collectively experiences any and all MRx cycles, each one is energetically different from the last, making no two MRxs exactly alike. While the same rules of thumb will always apply, the pulse will always cast off unique affects being Mercury is in another zodiac sign each time. Equally, the other positioning of the planets above any MRx also will relate to, also are never in the same configurations.

So, where is change and necessary reflection asking for your attention during any given year, and especially this one?

  • Is it your income, lifestyle and vocation?
  • Or your home/family life, wealth, and inner healing?
  • Or how you approach your life, heart space and beliefs?
  • What about your communication skills, relationships and hopes for the future? 

Wherever Mercury Retrograde lands in your life or business, know this: it is always time to sharpen the saw within it. The value of astrology is, you always have a precise map and blueprint to help personally guide you through any of them.

How to Prepare for & Move Forward After “MRx”

Each Mercury Retrograde lasts for approximately 21 days (3 weeks). 

All have an Approach period, (date when Mercury crosses over the degree point it will fully Retrograde back to) and a Shadow period, (date when Mercury moving forward crosses back over the degree point it began to Retrograde upon).

The APPROACH alerts us to what MRx reflections and matters are on the way to be resolved so we can properly prepare as consciously as possible.

The SHADOW allows us to tie up the loose ends and make necessary adjustments concerning any natural errors that occurred during the Retrograde itself: thus a conscious correction from reflection passage.

AVAILABLE ONLY on Soul Certainty Community: LATEST ELEARNING EMPOWERMENT to be Mastering Mercury Retrograde 05 to 28 Aug 2024

2024 Mercury Retrogrades 

13 December 2023 to 01 January 2024 in Capricorn, 08 degrees to Sagittarius, 22 degrees 

Preparation Approach begins 25 November; Corrective Shadow completes 20 January 2024

01 to 25 April 2024 to 14 May in Aries, 27 to 16 degrees

Preparation Approach begins 19 March; Corrective Shadow completes 13 May

Under Eclipse Season: 25 March 2024 Libra Lunar Eclipse & 08 April 2024 Aries Solar Eclipse

Begins America’s CHIRON RETURN: An Entire Year Ahead of HEALING

04/05 to 28 August 2024 in Virgo, 04 degrees to Leo, 21 degrees

Preparation Approach begins 16 July; Corrective Shadow completes 11 September

25 November to 15 December 2024 in Sagittarius, 22 to 06 degrees 

Preparation Approach begins 07 November; Corrective Shadow completes 02 January 2025

Coinciding with Mars Retrograde in Leo/Cancer, 06 December 2024 to 23 February 2025


Let’s Spell Out the Truth

Tapping into the mysteries of Lexigrams, we can also clearly spell out the truth here: BATHE THE HEART RATE, BEAT THE HATE and ever wisely from that grounded state, BE THE EARTH EAR. 

Take a look as well, for more energetic tips as we Spell Out the Truth for this cycle of reflection: What’s Really in a Word? MERCURY RETROGRADE

Remember, reflection and reassessment success always can be absolutely ours, but one must choose to consciously slow down. Pause. Take those deeper breaths. Stop forcing matters, and quit the grinding, societal falsified illusion of maintaining the incessant and constant busy bubble rush.

Mercury Retrograde passages come back around in our lives in their appropriate timing is everything cycles, to be our perfect opportunities to restore, recharge and reboot. Without this necessary timeout and downtime, humanity is a mere stone that gathers no moss.

Take the 21 Day Journaling under MRx Challenge!

To Your Continual Attainment of Soul Certainty in Our Uncertain Times.

LunarOScopes, Lunar Horoscopes for Conscious Forecasting

Never Compromise Living Consciously. Let’s Empower Your Emotional Intelligence by honoring our natural Lunar Cycles. Continue reading

2023’s All Planets Direct Motion & Retrogrades

We are ALL READY for some forward motion in our lives at long last aren’t we? 

FINALLY 2023 opens up to All Planets Direct Motion upon 22 January until 21 April.

Everything you need to know about making the very most of this more than auspicious astrological passage is available now on Soul Certainty Community. 

What is ALSO of great importance, is to proactively prepare under APDM, for the remainder of the year under all Retrograde cycles past 21 April. 

Learn about the most favored times between 22 January & 21 April to mindfully set your intentions, plant and reap the best this APDM passage for 2023 will have to offer us to enhance our manifestation empowerment.

The ultimate guide for 2023’s All Planets Direct Motion, while equally having the complete heads up for all the year’s cycles of reflection. Detailed PDFs and MP3 Recording walk you through all YOU NEED TO KNOW. 


Mastering Mercury Retrograde in 2023

2023 Mercury Retrograde Cycles of Reflection

As we look to our regular Mercury Retrograde (MRx) passages (which always occur about three times during any given year) we have additional timeframes to be acutely aware of due to other inner planet cycles of reflection that will intertwine along with them.

We entered 2023 under Mercury Retrograde that began 29 December 2022 at 24 degrees Capricorn, equally under MARS RETROGRADE, 30 October 2022 to 12 January 2023.

Understanding Mercury Retrograde and what it actually is meant to positively do for anyone is wise timing is everything wisdom to always take into consideration for our planning and scheduling needs. These recurring astrological cycles are mistakenly overly associated with fear and frustration, which absolutely is not the reaction we are ever meant to have with them.

Mercury Retrograde is always first & foremost: A Cycle of Reflection.

~Sharita Star

Read that last statement again.

The only reasons Mercury Retrogrades “trip up” anyone is that:

ONE: most people are unaware it is in affect because they have never been introduced to the value of astrology, and naively choose to make initiations for intended long term success during them. 

TWO: those who are aware of it are fooled into believing they should fear it every time is comes back around because they are simply misinformed.

If you know what not to do, and most importantly, what you absolutely can do under these reflective, recharging, reassessment and ultimate “time out” periods: you will always be in the energetic flow of Mastering Mercury Retrograde.

Before we get into when all of 2023’s cycle of reflection periods will urgently ask us to have the heads up in our calendars, let’s give you some astrological tips and tools to implement during any of them.

Why Are We Not Favored To Move Forward Under MRx? 

Mercury is our Messenger planet from above that guides all communications, thinking, mentality, movement, electronics, transportation, travel, changes, perceptions, adaptability and all exchanges of information that occur down here below.

When in Retrograde -due to the backtracking energy that is cast off from Mercury- all of the matters it watches over do not function nor move forward optimally. Precisely why, anyone is well advised to utilize these periods of time for pause, redoing, and only focus upon reworking what already exists.

Human error is always highest under Mercury Retrograde than any other time of the year. Naturally, forward thinking and planting for future success under this time is equally not well supported. 

Therefore, hold off on important decisions such as: starting a business, signing contracts, launching a product, getting married, buying a new car, engaging in any kind of new relationship, purchasing new technology, or buying a new home. None of these initiating actions will turn out well for the long-term, and if implemented under MRx, it is an astrological guarantee they are energetically tied up in faulty foundations that never have the genuine ability to sustain themselves for success.

What Are We Favored To Do With Success Under MRx?

Taking the first rule of thumb that Mercury Retrograde is a cycle of reflection, we are promised to flow with this reassessment time when we honor staying in this exact frame of mind. By only placing our attention upon what already exists, and choosing to wait and see about the future, our personal mastery of this cycle absolutely unfolds.

Getting out our “RE” vocabulary is one of the best ways we can discover ease and peace of mind.

Rerouting, reconnecting, reconsidering, recharging, resting, relaxing, reorganizing, researching, retreating, remembering, replanning, reframing, rescheduling, rekindling, repairing and replacing are all wonderful ways to reap the rewards of what this cycle of reflection is absolutely all about.

Mercury Retrograde is a marvelous time to work with: unfinished projects, revisiting existing creative outlets, reconnecting with old friends/former associates, reassessing existing business plans, practicing the pause, expecting rescheduling of plans, anticipating delays and set backs, having backup plans ready to go, replacing objects in need of repair (yet make sure these are done correctly), doing research, retreating away from the world, and above all, remembering to take a silent listen for oneself (extra meditation, journaling and yoga time please!).

Mercury Retrogrades & YOU! 

For anyone’s individual experience, taking a look at your Personal Forecast is always extremely favored to know the precise and specific areas of your life that each one will be seeking your reflective focus within.

As everyone collectively experiences any and all MRx cycles, each one is energetically different from the last, making no two MRxs exactly alike. While the same rules of thumb will always apply, the pulse will always cast off unique affects being Mercury is in another zodiac sign each time. Equally, the other positioning of the planets above any MRx also will relate to, also are never in the same configurations.

So, where is change and necessary reflection asking for your conscious focus and attention during any given year, and especially this one?

  • Is it your income/financial matters, lifestyle or vocation?
  • Or your home/family life, wealth, or inner healing?
  • Or how you approach your life/appear to the world, heart space/abilities yo manifest/create or perception of truth/belief systems?
  • What about your communication skills, personal/business relationships or the shaping of your future goals? 

Wherever Mercury Retrograde lands in your life or business, know this: it is always time to sharpen the saw within it. The value of astrology is, you always have a precise map and blueprint to help personally guide you through any of them.

Take the 21 Day Journaling under MRx Challenge!

How to Prepare for & Move Forward After “MRx”

Each Mercury Retrograde lasts for approximately 21 days (3 weeks).

All have an Approach period, (date when Mercury crosses over the degree point it will fully Retrograde back to) and a Shadow period, (date when Mercury moving forward crosses back over the degree point it began to Retrograde upon). The APPROACH alerts us to what MRx reflections and matters are on the way to be resolved, while the SHADOW allows us to tie up the loose ends and recorrect any natural errors that occur during the Retrograde itself.

Latest Mastering Mercury Retrograde Workshop in 2023 AVAILABLE ONLY on Soul Certainty Community 

29 December to 18 January 2023 in Capricorn, 24 to 08 degrees 

Approach begins 12 December; Shadow completes 06 February 2023 This Mercury Rx will be directly alongside Mars Retrograde, 30 October 2022 to 12 January in Gemini, 25 to 08 degrees

21 April to 14 May in Taurus, 15 to 05 degrees

Approach begins 06 April; Shadow completes 31 May This Mercury Rx will be directly alongside Eclipse Season, 20 April in Aries Solar Eclipse & 05 May in Scorpio Lunar Eclipse.

23 August to 15 September in Virgo, 21 to 08 degrees

Approach begins 03 August; Shadow completes 29 September This Mercury Rx will be directly alongside Venus Retrograde, 22 July to 03 September in Leo, 28 to 12 degrees

13 December to 01 January 2024 in Capricorn, 08 degrees to Sagittarius, 22 degrees 

Approach begins 25 November; Shadow completes 20 January 2024

Let’s Spell Out the Truth

Tapping into the mysteries of Lexigrams, we can also clearly spell out the truth here: BATHE THE HEART RATE, BEAT THE HATE and ever wisely from that grounded state, BE THE EARTH EAR. 

Take a look as well, for more energetic tips as we Spell Out the Truth for this cycle of reflection: What’s Really in a Word? MERCURY RETROGRADE

Remember, reflection and reassessment success always can be absolutely ours, but one must choose to consciously slow down. Pause. Take those deeper breaths. Stop forcing matters, and quit the grinding, societal falsified illusion of maintaining the incessant and constant busy bubble rush.

Mercury Retrograde passages come back around in our lives in their appropriate timing is everything cycles, to be our perfect opportunities to restore, recharge and reboot. Without this necessary timeout and downtime, humanity is a mere stone that gathers no moss.

To Your Continual Attainment of Soul Certainty in Our Uncertain Times.

LunarOScopes, 25 Oct Solar Eclipse & New Moon: A Game Changer!

“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham

2022’s ELEVENTH New Moon, 02 degrees SCORPIO & Game Changing SOLAR ECLIPSE

6:49amEDT/3:49amPDT, 25 October, Let’s Carefully Begin & Initiate

With any New Moon, our Sun and Moon are in exact alignment as they are positioned within the Zodiac sky above. Energetically, emotions and feelings of humanity naturally rise up just like the oceans’ tides will equally reflect down here below. Waxing Phases favor actions involving planting anew and moving forward, as energy increases on a personal level throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie alongside the collective request to do the same.

This month, our initiation request begins under the Station time of our Approach to Mars Retrograde as our Sun and Moon meet at 02 degrees Scorpio along with Venus. Then our Moon waxes through Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Aries until Autumn’s second and 2022’s eleventh Full Moon arrives 08 November in Taurus, 16 degrees accompanied by the Lunar Eclipse that will also conjunct Uranus Retrograde in Taurus precisely at 16 degrees.

We continue to be advised to work with caution concerning what’s new within our lives as Finding Focus For Our Feelings requires our distinct soul attention to allow our personal experiences to be in certainty versus frustrations.

Your LunarOScopes have moved to Patreon! JOIN the EMPOWERMENT in Soul Certainty TODAY!

Where is Your Sun Sign specifically meant to initiate Nurturing The Value of Rebirth, Dear Star?

CONCERNING AMERICA: What Every American Needs to Know. Find out how this Scorpio Game Changing Solar Eclipse & New Moon deeply affects the nation ONLY on Soul Certainty Community.

Never Compromise Living Consciously.


NEW ON Soul Certainty Community REfreshing every Sunday! Follow Sharita for making your valuable timing decisions all week long. Each week she provides the specific details, energetic pulse and what you always need to know! Always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs are in play when scheduling all and any matters of importance.

“There is a moon inside every human being. Learn to become companions with it.” ~Rumi

Mars Retrograde in Gemini, 2022 to 2023

As we experience mid Autumn 2022 moving into early Winter 2023, it will be another critical time that completely casts us in the ultimate request to honor reflection like humanity has never quite experienced up til now.

Unlike his close neighbor Mercury, it’s been awhile since The Pioneer planet took some necessary “time off.” The last Mars Retrograde cycled in reflection was from 06 September to 13 November 2020 within the sign of Aries when we were absolutely asked to honor the soul homework of Staying in Our Own Lane.

Mars Retrograde in Gemini, 30 October 2022 to 12 January 2023
25 degrees ‘Discrimination – Analysis’ to 08 degrees ‘The Karmic Adjustor’

Upon 30 October stationed at 25 degrees Gemini, the next cycle of reflection, review and redo commenced for Mars until 12 January 2023, stationed by then at 08 degrees Gemini.

Since its’ Approach began 03 September at 08 degrees Gemini it will take until 12 January 2023 to move back to this very same 08 degrees point in Gemini once again once it starts to Retrograde at 25 degrees Gemini 30 October. These intense reflective forces will be engaged within the mutable communication sign of duality and all thinking, mentality, mindsets, movement, travel and all exchanges of information energies that are favored by The Twins.

If you are familiar with Mercury Retrograde, you already understand all too well the kinds of “out of sorts things” that naturally tend to happen under an inner planet retrograde cycle.

What makes a Mars Retrograde different from a Mercury Retrograde?

Let’s just clue you in a little bit: it takes what Mercury Rx does and amplifies it tenfold.


SOUL Certainty Community

& Empowerment Elearning with Sharita.

Gain IMMEDIATE ACCESS to this Elearning Empowerment by Joining Soul Certainty Community!

Meanwhile…… So much else requires the SILENT LISTEN in America NOW to OWN or there will be no WON. Extremely intense and incredulous cycles any American needs complete conscious awareness of, are all happening simultaneously as Mars Retrograde will be engaged for the nation.

Pluto Return 2021-24: Direct Hit 3 09 Dec to 11 Jan; Exact 28/29 Dec 2022

Mars Return 3 Direct Hits: 04 Oct 2022 under The Approach; 23 Nov 2022 under Retrograde; 07 Mar 2023 under The Shadow

Neptune Opposition 2022-23: 28 Oct to 07 Jan 2023: Exact 27 Nov to 10 Dec; Rx Station Direct 03 Dec

Karmic Consequences Current 8 Personal Year: Accepting Accountability in America 2022-23

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, 25 Oct

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 08 Nov on Election Day 2022 (conjunct Uranus Retrograde in Taurus)

Mercury Retrograde 29 Dec to 18 Jan 2023 (reflecting where the Pluto Return, Direct Hit 3 & Current 8 Personal Year are affecting America’s money, values, security and established systems.)

Full Moons for 7 months October 2022 thru April 2023 requiring further collective consciousness via Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Preparedness.

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SOUL Certainty Community

LunarOScopes, 28 July Leo New Moon, Let’s Begin

“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham

2022’s EIGHTH New Moon, 05 degrees LEO

1:55pmEDT/10:55amPDT, 28 July, Let’s Begin & Initiate

With any New Moon, our Sun and Moon are in exact alignment as they are positioned within the Zodiac sky above. Energetically, emotions and feelings of humanity naturally rise up just like the oceans’ tides will equally reflect down here below. Waxing Phases favor actions involving planting anew and moving forward, as energy increases on a personal level throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie alongside the collective request to do the same.

This month, our initiation request begins as our Sun and Moon meet at 05 degrees Leo. Then our Moon waxes through Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn until Summer’s second and 2022’s eighth Full Moon arrives 11 August in Aquarius, 19 degrees.

We continue to be advised to work with caution concerning what’s new within our lives as Finding Focus For Our Feelings requires our distinct soul attention to allow our personal experiences to be in certainty versus frustrations.

Your LunarOScopes have moved to Patreon! JOIN the EMPOWERMENT in Soul Certainty TODAY!

Where is Your Sun Sign specifically meant to initiate Creative Self-Expression, Dear Star?

CONCERNING AMERICA: What Every American Needs to Know. Find out how this Leo Moon deeply affects the nation ONLY on Soul Certainty Community.

Never Compromise Living Consciously.


NEW ON Soul Certainty Community REfreshing every Sunday! Follow Sharita for making your valuable timing decisions all week long. Each week she provides the specific details, energetic pulse and what you always need to know! Always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs are in play when scheduling all and any matters of importance.

“There is a moon inside every human being. Learn to become companions with it.” ~Rumi

LunarOScopes, 14 Jun Sagittarius Full Moon, Let’s Release

“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham


Full Moon in Sagittarius, 23 degrees

7:30amEDT, 4:30amPDT; 14 June, Let’s Release & Reflect

With any Full Moon, our Sun & Moon have reached opposition within the Zodiac sky above. Naturally, the emotions and feelings of humanity energetically rise up just like the oceans’ tides equally reflect down here below. Sagittarius now calls to heal and feel with an easily stimulated imagination & instinct.

Our Moon wanes past 23 deg Sagittarius through Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini until 2022’s 7th Full Moon at 07 degrees Cancer, arrives 28 June. This natural passage at this monthly exact opposition moment favors to let go, review, honor and heal on a personal level within our individual experiences throughout one half of our natal charts alongside the collective’s.

We continue to be advised to work with concern surrounding what’s arriving at conclusions within our lives as Honoring Healing For Our Feelings requires our distinct soul attention to allow our personal experiences to be in certainty versus frustrations.

Your LunarOScopes have moved to Patreon! JOIN the EMPOWERMENT TODAY!

Where is Your Sun Sign specifically meant to embrace reflection in Moving Truth, Dear Star?

CONCERNING AMERICA: What Every American Needs to Know. Find out how this Sagittarius Full Moon deeply affects the nation ONLY on Soul Certainty Community.

Never Compromise Living Consciously.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for making valuable timing decisions all week long! Always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling all matters of importance.

“There is a moon inside every human being. Learn to become companions with it.” ~Rumi

LunarOScopes, 16 April Libra Full Moon, Let’s Release

“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham


The Patient Rebirth for the Power of Leadership

Full Moon in Libra

2:55pmEDT, 11:55amPDT; 16 April, Let’s Release & Reflect

The 4th Full Moon for 2022 and first of Spring, casts off extremely potent reflecting energies that place all the more transformation experiences surrounding the healing Humanity has intensely witnessed since the beginning of this 2022’s Mastering the Value of Compassion universal year. As we are cast into emotionally charged changes now requiring impeccable patience surrounding the leadership, power and authority concerning our collective healing from justice and harmony Libra: this full moon arrives and moves us to take in the 26th degree point energy: finally unlocking us from the 27 degrees holding pattern that has been with all our Full Moons since 20 October 2021.

Concerning America 
This Full Moon makes a potent hit from the area of the nation’s chart that guides its’ very structure, leadership, authority and abilities to be recognized, to the country’s natal Pluto -which is the hot topic these days concerning the nation’s first ever America Pluto Return 2021-2024 unfolding simultaneously as it is in a close square to the nations’ abilities to earn money, acquire possessions, feel stable, and work with establishing securities.  

Our focus upon feeling now pulls out a pay extremely close attention at 26 degrees from where The Scales seek for friendly, fair-judging, idealistic and balanced energies to flow within our lives. 

What Are You Letting Go of involving The Patient Rebirth for the Power of Leadership, Dear Star?

Your LunarOScopes have moved to Patreon!

Please join Sharita’s exciting new empowerment with affordable exclusive content now available ONLY through her Soul Certainty Community.

Never Compromise Living Consciously.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for making valuable timing decisions all week long! Always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling all matters of importance.

“There is a moon inside every human being. Learn to become companions with it.” ~Rumi

LunarOScopes, 17 Jan Cancer Full Moon, Let’s Release

“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham


Healing Humanity’s Death to Rebirth: Caring Warriors Wanted

Full Moon in Cancer

6:48pmEST, 17 January, Let’s Release & Reflect

Our first waning phase for 2022 casts off transforming reflecting energies that pull in even deeper conclusions powered up complete intensities within our Winter. As we are thrown into all the more emotionally charged changes surrounding the forceful and independent conflicts needing courage concerning our experiences from Cancer: this full moon wake up call, continues in Round 4 for taking humanity back to its’ rightful warrior abilities.

The global scene is absolutely electrified with the need for all the more SILENT LISTEN to discern the TRUTH tones that may HURT connected to our ongoing EARTH HEART Shift, now during 2022’s Mastering the Value of Compassion promise under an equally reflective 7 Universal Month, Venus Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde. Remember Your Empowerment Elearning to ride this absolute energetic Tsunami!!

Releasing energies within this caring, sensitive and nurturing sign of Cancer now have rising to the challenge emotional responses under the 27 degrees mark concerning what emerges. 

What Are You Meant to Honor concerning Healing Humanity’s Death to Rebirth: Caring Warriors Wanted, Dear Star?

Your LunarOScopes have moved to Patreon!

Please join Sharita’s exciting new empowerment with affordable exclusive content now available ONLY through her Soul Certainty Community.

Never Compromise Living Consciously.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for making valuable timing decisions all week long! Always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling all matters of importance.

“There is a moon inside every human being. Learn to become companions with it.” ~Rumi