“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham
2022’s EIGHTH New Moon, 05 degrees LEO
1:55pmEDT/10:55amPDT, 28 July, Let’s Begin & Initiate
With any New Moon, our Sun and Moon are in exact alignment as they are positioned within the Zodiac sky above. Energetically, emotions and feelings of humanity naturally rise up just like the oceans’ tides will equally reflect down here below. Waxing Phases favor actions involving planting anew and moving forward, as energy increases on a personal level throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie alongside the collective request to do the same.
This month, our initiation request begins as our Sun and Moon meet at 05 degrees Leo. Then our Moon waxes through Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn until Summer’s second and 2022’s eighth Full Moon arrives 11 August in Aquarius, 19 degrees.
We continue to be advised to work with caution concerning what’s new within our lives as Finding Focus For Our Feelings requires our distinct soul attention to allow our personal experiences to be in certainty versus frustrations.

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Where is Your Sun Sign specifically meant to initiate Creative Self-Expression, Dear Star?

Never Compromise Living Consciously.
NEW ON Soul Certainty Community REfreshing every Sunday! Follow Sharita for making your valuable timing decisions all week long. Each week she provides the specific details, energetic pulse and what you always need to know! Always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs“ are in play when scheduling all and any matters of importance.