Spiritual Material Conflict in America, 04 July 2023-24

Understanding a 9 Personal Year Cycle via The 18

Whether we are forecasting a person, project launch, business or country: any being or entity with a specific point of initiation experiences a changing Personal Year Cycle year to year as another Solar Return annually aligns, marking what we more commonly know as one’s birthday or anniversary .

In a 9 Personal Year, Mars is the primary planetary guidance in charge of the energetic flow and pulse of the current numerological forecast. The need for Courage and a Warrior presence are always required.

For America, 04 July 2023 to 04 July 2024 finds Mars and all transits it makes for the 12 months will be especially critical to follow along for a crystal ball view into the specific areas of life pointing to where courage will be absolutely required. Equally the conscious need to remain well aware of how conflict, penetration, aggressive action and undeniable conclusions/finalizations are foreseen to take up dynamic action within the life’s journey.

As we fuse this current personal year numerology perspective back to the current transits in affect for the natal astrological chart of the person/entity, there is a laser focus forecasting view to gain in further connect these divine planetary dots understanding.

The first place America will need to exercise extreme caution with a Warrior presence as 04 July 2023 aligns: is within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true. (and considering the riveting pulse already in play within our current times, won’t THAT just be a boatload alone to UNITE the UNTIE to unpack and resolve ? )

By 04 July 2024, Mars will have worked its’ way through 7 other natural areas of America’s life to reach the country’s abilities to create, manifest, its’ children, creative pursuits, entertainment, luxuries/pleasures and all that relates to pure heart-centered/heart space matters.

Energetically overall, a 9 Personal Year Cycle and its’ starting focus clears away what is no longer necessary during the 12 months to follow. With adhering to keen law of attraction attention, once the next 1 Personal Year Cycle begins: there is fresh, clean and fertile ground that has been naturally made to once again be ready to plant new seeds.

9 going back to a 1 Personal Year are always extremely pivotal for the 2 years within any life experience. Not resisting what needs to naturally be let go of, allows the fluidity of the 1 Personal Year Cycle to always kick off a brand new 9 year span of time via the mantra “If it is NEW it is for YOU !” which guides the next 12 month forecast of the life’s journey.

For America, this current 9 Personal Year starting back at 1 by 2024 timing coincides as well with the 1st Pluto Return, 2021-2024 it has ever experienced as a nation. This transformational death to rebirth wake up call is presently revamping its’ entire value system, money, establishments and material possessions. It will be extremely critical to be prepared for the timeframe of 25 January to 15 March as Mars will have entered via transit by then within this same area communicating with Pluto: promising riveting moments to endure, with the most intense clearance time in dynamic motion as it does so over 06 to 13 February.

The Full Forecasting Details of America’s 18/9 Personal Year 2023-24 are available now on Soul Certainty Community.

Why is it a ‘Spiritual Material Conflict’ Year for America?

As the above calculation computes America’s 11 constant of 04 July when added to our Current Universal Year of 2023: we arrive at the value of 18. As historically discussed on 23 June’s The Sharita Star Empower Hour, there are different higher vibrational energies to take into keen forecasting insight consideration of any 1 to 9 root number concerning whatever Chaldean Karmic Mystery they specifically relate.

The 18 represents ‘Spiritual Material Conflict.’ Whenever the 18 is present, this is part of what its’ Chaldean Karmic Mystery wishes for the person/entity to unlock:

18 Spiritual Material Conflict
~Linda Goodman’s Star Cards

“Of all Compound numbers, 18 has the most difficult symbolism to translate. (the Jesus complex) The ancients describe the 18 with the following image: A rayed moon, from which drops of blood are falling. A wolf and a hungry dog are seen below, catching the falling drops of blood in their opened mouths, while still lower, a crab is seen hastening to join them.

18 symbolizes materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of the nature. It often associates the person or entity represented by it with bitter quarrels within the family circle- with wars, social upheaval, and revolution.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs

As noted in the timeline below, this is only the 3rd time in America’s entire history it will cycle through an 18 vibration Personal Year within the 9. The only other years this has ever happened was during 2005-06 and 2014-15.

Full Analysis Available Now on SOUL CERTAINTY COMMUNITY!


Looking Back, How Did We Get Here?

2022-23: 17/8 Accepting Accountability, Understanding an 8 Personal Year Cycle

2021-22: 16/7 Healing America from Within, Understanding a 7 Personal Year Cycle

Near Death Experience to Rebirth for America: Understanding a Pluto Return, 2021-2024

2020-21: 15/6 Realigning & Reuniting America: Understanding a 6 Personal Year Cycle

2019-20: Irreversible America, Understanding a 23/5 Personal Year Cycle

2018-19: Reinventing America 2018-19, Understanding a 22/4 Personal Year Cycle

2017-18: The Learning for America 2017-18, Understanding a 21/3 Personal Year Cycle

Moving America Forward: The Practice of Patriotism

2016-17: The Nurturing of America, Understanding a 20/2 Personal Year Cycle

Why Donald Trump Riles America

2015-16: The 19/1 Personal Year: What It Means for America

2014-15: The Cultivation of Courage in a 18/9 Personal Year USA’s LAST 9 Personal Year in the 18, began within all matters concerning its’ leadership, power, recognition, respect, authority and public life.

Grand Cardinal Cross & The USA

Realigning Your Leadership: The Calling for Regeneration – Change

2013-14: Rising Responsibility in an 8 Personal Year

2012-13: Listening from Within in a 7 Personal Year

All prior 9 Personal Year Cycles since 1776 for America

36 or 27 The Sceptre
~Linda Goodman’s Star Cards

Of great importance to understand, is how America reigned supreme prior to the turn of the century, no matter what incredible changes it has endured and overcome with resilience. As the patterns show below of all the recurring 9 Personal Years, they always equated to a 27 or 36 higher vibration of the 9. The 27 or 36’s Chaldean Karmic Mystery is QUITE different from the 18.

27/36 represents The Sceptre: “This is an excellent, harmonious and fortunate number of courage and power, with a touch of enchantment. It blesses the person or entity it represents with a promise of authority and command. It guarantees that great rewards will come from the productive labors, the intellect, and the imagination. All of these creative faculties have sown good seeds which are to reap a rich harvest. People or entities represented by the 27 should always carry out their own original plans and ideas, and not be intimidated or influenced by the diverse opinions or opposition of others. 27 is a number of karmic reward, earned in more than one previous incarnation.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs

SOUND LIKE THE AMERICA OF OLD? Or the one that used to honestly stand in the precise meaning of the 27/36? Be sure to connect with more concerning America & the 27 energy that deeply explains its’ current 1st Pluto Return, 2021-2024.

2005-06, under the 18 starting within its’ homeland, nurturing abilities, food, family and environments. This is the FIRST 18 Personal Year Cycle the nation ever experienced within its’ lifetime.

1996-97, under the 36 starting within its’ legalities, partnerships, alliances and all personal/business relationships/contracts.

1987-88, under the 36 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.

1978-79, under the 36 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.

1969-70, under the 36 with Mars Retrograde starting within its’ inner world, secrets, healing, karmic clearing, hidden matters, abilities to process the past, and work with solitude.

1960-61, under the 27 starting within its’ abilities to create, manifest, its’ children, creative pursuits, entertainment, luxuries/pleasures and all that relates to pure heart-centered/heart space matters.

1951-52, under the 27 starting within its’ legalities, partnerships, alliances and all personal/business relationships/contracts.

1942-43, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.

1933-34, under the 27 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.

1924-25, under the 27 starting within its’ communications, ideas, mindset, thinking, mentality, information/media, short trips transportation.

1915-16, under the 27 starting within its’ abilities to serve itself and others, workforce, lifestyle, habits, routines, and physical healthcare.

1906-07, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.

1897-98, under the 36 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.

1888-89, under the 36 starting within its’ leadership, power, recognition, respect, authority and public life.

1879-80, under the 36 starting within its’ homeland, nurturing abilities, food, family and environments.

1870-71, under the 27 starting within its’ legalities, partnerships, alliances and all personal/business relationships/contracts.

1861-62, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.

1852-53, under the 27 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.

1843-44, under the 27 starting within its’ inner world, secrets, healing, karmic clearing, hidden matters, abilities to process the past, and work with solitude.

1834-35, under the 27 starting within its’ abilities to create, manifest, its’ children, creative pursuits, entertainment, luxuries/pleasures and all that relates to pure heart-centered/heart space matters.

1825-26, under the 27 starting within its’ legalities, partnerships, alliances and all personal/business relationships/contracts.

1816-17, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.

1807-08, under the 27 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.

1798-99, under the 36 starting within its’ communications, ideas, mindset, thinking, mentality, information/media, short trips transportation.

1789-90, under the 36 starting within its’ abilities to serve itself and others, workforce, lifestyle, habits, routines, and physical healthcare.

1780-81, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.

04 July 1776 = 32 | America is born to The 32 Lifepath of ‘Communication’ Mercury, The Messenger Guided by 5

32 Communication
~Linda Goodman’s Star Cards

Chaldean Karmic Mystery to Unlock: “This Compound Number has the same magical power to sway masses of people as the 14, the same help from those in high positions as the 23. Add all this to the natural ability to charm others with magnetic speech, and it’s clear why 32 is some-times known, by modernizing the symbolism of the ancients as the politicians vibration. The complexities of advertising, writing, publishing, radio, television are not always, but usually are an open book to the 32 person, who tends to work well under pressure. But there’s a warning note sounded within this seemingly happy melody. 32 is a very fortunate number if the person it represents holds inflexibly to his or her own opinions and judgment in both artistic or intangible and material matters. If not, the plans are liable to be wrecked by the stubbornness and stupidity of others.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs

Via The 5’s Movement, Change, Versatility, Circulation This Lifepath influence is the “ground beneath America’s feet” its’ “yellow brick road of life” in essence. The pulse of change and remaining adaptable has always been the guiding light of the nation, yet as the 32 wisely councils, it is the political realms that must never be abused. Resolve your politics America if your free will actually can Never Compromise Living Consciously.


2022 Spirit Predictions & Star Forecasting

Watch Medium Adam Bernstein give the Spirit Predictions for 2022! Then see below, how the Star’s 2022 Forecasting backs it all up!

Medium Adam Bernstein & I have been working together doing Live Fusion Spirit & Star Gallery Events since 2016. We are always amazed by how Spirit & the Stars 99.99% of the time, back one another up in what is translated to any individual. The Collective Forecast is no different. 

While I was honored to be a Special Guest on The Medium Channel 03 January to reveal how Astrology & Numerology Forecast 2022, I had not watched Adam’s Predictions from 30 December. What I said on 03 January backed up Adam in various ways as he related that evening. Yet when I did sit to take in all of what he captured more specifically on 30 December, I thought let’s have some more fun and do exactly what we do for our Gallery Events, and take it all even further for The Collective Forecast for 2022.

Like Adam, my mission is equally dedicated to Changing Your Life in a Positive Way, Always! =)

Opening Spirit Guide Channeled Messages. I refer to what Adam’s messages are in blue, and comment in affirmation below them.

Raise the HEART, Connect to Spirit.

Yes… The EARTH to HEART in the LOVE to EVOLVE…. This is the only way through.

In my 2022 Mastering The Value of Compassion: Understanding a 6 Universal Year Outlook, as we looked to the underlying “22” there is a specific reference to this: “The karmic obligation here is to be more alert, to curb “spiritual laziness,” and develop more spiritual aggressiveness- to realize your own power to change things, to prevent failure by simply ordaining success.” 

Channel Blessings, Healings, Beauty, Music & Art.

All 6, Venus Guided Matters 

2022 as a 6 Universal Year, is guided by Venus energy on the collective.

Keeping the Light Channels Open & Clearing the clutter…. 

Astrology grants us the perfect rhythm and patterns to precisely follow to take these timely opportunities for “soul maintenance.” 

Honoring the Retrograde cycles for ultimate reflection, as these are always the very best times to clear. 

Equally honoring our Moon Void of Courses every couple of days, and monthly waning moon phases.

Showing Up as Your Best Self. Polar Shift & Massive Upgrades: One person at a time. 

YES to All!!!! True true, absolutely one person at a time.  The “22” Master Number Responsibilities.

Gentleness with those around us mastering that practice of compassion. 

Collective Healing & The Inner 2022 of All Twos

110%!!! YES.

Alignment of three 2’s to the 6 is all about inner healing for the outer harmony/balance to become attained upon the collective. Even the inserted 0, represents transformation overall, and a process of death for the old, to become reborn. All matters of healing progress in this very fashion. 

Two energy is all about Emotion/Feelings and what we do as The Nurturer, our Inner Force.

The Year of Disclosure, The Year of Hidden Truths Rising to the Surface

Jupiter, the Truth/Education Wisdom Planet’s Time in Pisces the sign of what is hidden, spiritual awareness and valuing intuition. Jupiter entered Pisces 28 December 2021.

A lot of energy surrounding this especially when Jupiter conjuncts Neptune in Pisces, April 2022. Close conjunction over 03 to 26 April, with exact 12 April 10:42am EST.  April overall is a month of new beginnings collectively in 2022.

Heart Chakra Work & Slow Moving Process

Venus is simply the HEART to EARTH connection any of us genuinely have. 

The need for the emotions to balance in the heart brain coherence. They will always be asking for our rightful attention in this 6 Universal Year. Especially surrounding the New & Full Moons as well as the two Eclipse pairings in the year.

I completely agree…. It is a slow moving process, no “main light switch goes on” this year.

It is about what we do for ourselves…..  no one is coming to “rescue us.”

Ha ha mid January into early February prepare for plenty of RErouting…. 

Huge pressures via control absolutely.

And returning by Sept/Oct equally tense for sure! 

Yes the judgement of others those who step away from it….. much better choice of free will in 2022.

Completely agree, on the “awakening process doubling” those choosing that spiritual aggressiveness rising will be very on the right track with working amicably in the year.

DNA Break-throughs, Food Diagnostics; Vaccines Upgrades/Boosters/Pandemic Ends/Endemic; Segregation of Unvaccinated: Winter 2022 & ET Groups. July 2022

Food items, interesting yes, the “2” is also about food….

Emotions do surround money overall throughout the year, and the legalities put in place concerning it…  inner 2s with the outer 6 (Venus) money. 0 is our resources and wealth connected to it as well.

March to April: BOOM Truth emerges for clearance to working with new beginnings for Harmony

August to September: Mass Acceptance of Permanent Changes Seeking Harmony

Venus Retrograde until 29 January implements many mandate laws that will become reversed later. The overall energy of 2022 creates extreme polarization upon the collective. It is only those with discernment and keen abilities to filter that will stay out of it and harms way.

Lots and Lots of Resistance to What is Surfacing; The Work is Within; No one is Coming to “Save Us.”

More question than answers… Yes this will begin ever slowly to balance out this year. This seems like things are sorting themselves out, yet there is an ever riding current of a “slow burn” happening, and by the time we reach the Mars Retrograde in Gemini by 30 October, this yanks humanity right back into further division in not so pretty ways. 

AGREED. There is NO “LIGHT SWITCH” that turns on & ALL IS WELL. Not in 2022.

Humanity has 3 more years to fully complete the healing process of this “awakening time.” 2023 overall holds the even harder soul work humanity will face. This is QUITE a healing ride. Yet the personal story throughout it, is what matters to any individual.  

In the level we are at for this current 9 year span through. It is by 2026…. When we see a very different mark upon the world that will take things into the fuller moments of truly seeing where healing change has progressed. 

No one is “coming to save us.” No ETs and certainly not any politicians or Hollywood Elite. The SOUL WORK is what will rescue any individual. Grassroots and Local Community connectivity are also very important to formulate at this time for support. If the simplicity work is also not equally put in, ascension in order to thrive is not going happening either. 

Remember, keep spelling out GURU: Gee You Are You.

110% AFFIRM: We can be guided by Spirit, but our answers are only within. Your truth is only answered by you!!!! Your self-knowledge holds all your soul certainty. This is something no one else can “tell you.” NO ONE should ever give you an answer….. or proclaim they are. False prophets are everywhere: so always BEWARE!

2022 Month to Month Breakdown


7 Universal Month. Collective Healing, Inner Work, the SILENT LISTEN, Intuition & Spirituality: Neptune Guided (Round One in 2022, as further soul work in October 2022 follows)

Global matters peaking, peace talks changing, yes, all in the flux of overlapping Venus Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde- past mid month the 4 layer cake with 7 Universal month and waning phase 17 January from the year’s 1st Full Moon.

Whatever “peaceful” attempts are made, they fall flat and will need correction in February under the Rx shadows. By the close the month, things are in a very activated chaos upset.

Supplies & Power in January/February

2nd half of the month of January highly possible the most for things being “missing” and going out, yes having extra on hand is absolutely wise!

Not Judging Others

Truly taking the time to retreat to the SILENT LISTEN on either side helps anyone again the first level of 2022’s Mastering the Value of Compassion. Judgement is not supported whatsoever in order to thrive in 2022. Things will reveal themselves to what the truth is. People are always only ready to understand what they have prepared themselves properly for. Either side of where anyone stands: it is not conscious behavior to condemn another for their choices they made.

2022 wishes to teach humanity about respecting differences, and seeking to understand, before being understood. Those who listen, will once again, thrive. 

BIG PURGING MONTH. Tears… Crying Devastating News

YES!!! The 4 layers of reflective requests are amazingly intense on an energetic level. This is a time to be ante-ed up on our soul work, and all ways to arm ourselves Spiritual Protection. 

Tears… yes…. Cry , release, LET GO!!! It is the time.  FEEL Spirit…. Embrace it.

Devastating News…. TAKE it completely with a grain of salt. Compassion & Discernment.

Everything is delivered during January in all the more complete False Flags of Fear, misinformation, incorrect human errors and nothing of what is given as continuing to grip and control will last permanently. 


Absolutely, FEAR lowers immunity….. All the more turn up the Face Everything And Rise against False Evidence Appearing Real. So keep this at the very forefront of all maintaining heightened awareness practices. IT IS A MUST for Thriving January 2022 and the year overall.


8 Universal Month of Learning from the Experience, The Need for Patience, Stability, Wisdom, Accountability to Awareness, Power & Authority Limitations: Saturn Guided (Round One in 2022, as further soul work in November follows)

Global Recession/Financial February 

Saturn in intensities within Aquarius, affecting all of humanity – limitations and hardships felt from affects of Venus Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde combination along with latest variant fallouts.

Stocks: The New York Stock Exchanges natal chart

The Entire Venus Retrograde is happening in the area of WEALTH for the NYSE.

Absolutely remain aware, be ever cautious with moves, and prepare as individually necessary.

16 February: Mars/Venus Rx Shadow Conjunction

Full Moon in Leo

Precarious day of delicate energies to say the very least…. 

Potential day of “the crash.” Certainly much fluctuation or tremendous drop…. 

February Needs Patience

YES an 8 Universal Month Saturn guided will be teaching us all to learn form the experience with karmic and grounded wisdom. 

People standing for their rights

Yes Sun in Aquarius Time, Humanity wants out of the shackles control. 

Freedom clashes with authority

Yes all that Venus Mars conjunction as they ride together in Capricorn the entire month while Aquarius is striving for the light from our Sun. As Mercury Rx Shadow moves back into Aquarius 14 February, there are further changes we witness in this way leading up to the intense 16 February Full Moon in Leo. Heartfelt emotional matters unfolding. 

Military on standby

America’s Pluto Return in formation of hit #1, exact 20-22 February. Extremely fickle for the nation. Stay out of the way. Allow the professional to do their jobs they are trained for.

Restrictions brought back overseas

Yes their hopes are dashed once again…. Especially by 16 February’s Full Moon. All “thought this was going a different direction” is pulled back once again by those projecting fear and further control.

Release the NEW and Deadly Variant… 

YES! Last attempt to play out this narrative to maintain power and control

All surrounds the mid February timeframe and complete intensity of the Leo Full Moon.


9 Universal Month. Conflicts, Aggressions,  Endings, Conclusions, Finalizations, Triumph, Warrior Spirit: Mars Guided (Round One in 2022, as further soul work follows)

Breakthroughs in March

Mars & Venus in Aquarius energies, ending a lot for Humanity: many many things

Shock factors absolutely. Global disasters, EQs.

Week Surrounding last Full Moon at 27 degrees, 18 March 

Venus and Mars will square Uranus in taurus. Plenty of “surprises” in an earthly way.

More Hidden Agendas Rise to the Surface

All potentially plausible especially surrounding 18 March’s Full Mono and to follow, Mercury conducts Jupiter in Pisces 20 March; conjuncts Neptune in Pisces 23 March. Very big revealing moments surrounding these dates.

Spiritual Teachers coming forward for global reform like Sadhguru or Amma

Yes Pisces time favors for truly tapping into all the more heightened spiritual awareness as the last moments f winter ask for the SILENT LISTEN.

Sadhguru is in a 17/8 Personal Year Cycle of the harvest, recognition, rewards, deeper responsibility to his public image. March is a 2 Personal Month for him, so he will step into a more nurturing presence and he carrels the emotional load to comfort and sooth those in need. He becomes a true “chicken soup for the soul” all the more than he already is.

Amma is in a 23/5 Personal Year Cycle of moving and blossoming to the masses as she experiences permanent changes directly related to what she built a foundation for from 2017 to 2021. March is her 8 Personal Month of the recognition, harvest and rewards amongst the public as she will be giving some form of greatest responsibility. 

Both may step forward together to unify for India and the world itself.

Better organization from global spiritual community. Yes these two have some balancing of the energies work to come together for and allow to emerge. 

Shocking News overall and Breaking through…. 

Yes…. The 9 Universal month plummets the conclusions of things we have been “waiting for” to arrive at some form of attaining harmony and balance in the 2022 6 Universal year. Step one and the busting out of the feelings of being trapped are highly highly felt.

Vaccine mandates not in full force.

Yes… all these matters begin to work with the actually truth versus continue on in the web of lies they were all falsely created within.


1 Universal Month of NEW Beginnings, Initiations, Fresh Starts, Creation, Manifestation. Solar/Sun Guided.

Public apology.

110% possible. 

Apologies for everything that was mishandled would be a beautiful new light! 

Solar Eclipse 30 April triggers strong longer term cycle of wielding in potent Wheel of Fortune changes supporting new stability and securities formulating.

All Planets Direct Motion for 2022 from 03 February ends 29 April when Pluto turns Retrograde.


2 Universal Month of Nurturing Emotions/Feelings. Imagination, Caring, Nourishing, Cooperation. Lunar/Moon Guided

Back to new variant & mandate 

Yes, Mercury Retrograde Returns (approach began 23 April) 10 May , in duality based Gemini to start off before moving back into Taurus to finish off by 03 June. REvisiting the nature of duality increasing polarity all wheel a 2 energy month pursues. The divide is revisited. 

Feelings are all over the place… Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 16 May…. Very transformational and turns things all kinds of upside down. Yet string forces of death and rebirth for those taking their SILENT LISTEN and doing the soul work. 

Truths coming out on Child Pornography; Government corruption; Covid Coverups

May is a very emotional month once again overall. Matters needing nurturing, nourishing, and true facing the feelings thereof. The Mercury Retrograde in America’s chart reveals everything about systems collapsing that are not serving with integrity and truth, especially the healthcare system. By this point it may be at the true knowing it can no longer sustain itself.  The stressed out domino affect will be at a true all time peak from all it has had to endure. 

The collective healing will need to level up and increase Mastering The Value of Compassion.


3 Universal Month of the Truth Rising & Beliefs, Wisdom, Being Reachable & Teachable, Optimism Broadening across the Globe. Jupiter Guided 

Virtual end to pandemic begins, Declaration of Endemic, Still do not let guard down.

Global reveal as balance seeks to be restored in 2022. Making sense of things… revelations of the TRUTH, reminiscing. Taking our Knowledge and putting it to use. Mercury Rx Shadow until 19 June helps bring things into correction once again. Sun’s light in Gemini pulls in awareness and the information to discern. Feelings of optimism and uniting the divide are able to be embrace by those willing.

Governments under greater scrutiny. More Awakening in the Mainstream

Yes the time comes when people simply are not allowing themselves to be lied to anymore. Humanity truly under Gemini 2022 rise to unite in a form of emotional intelligence to bust through the global web of control. Gemini s about mindful COMMUNICATIONS, and this year, get ready for them to shift and change in a better direction by this time. Some outlets will no longer allow the lies of the narrative to continue to be fed. 


4 Universal Month of Expect the Unexpected, Originality, Reform, Break-Throughs & “Surprises!” Uranus Guided

Possible world leader forced to resign.  Biden- or ?? 

Highly plausible. Biden is in a current 18/9 Personal Year, that of ‘Spiritual – Material Conflict.’ He is workmen through cleansing and releasing what is no longer necessary in his life. July marks his own 7 Personal Month of secrets revealed should there be any, and his need for doing inner work. Via transits, he is highly favored to change via dynamic conclusion and endings, to “how he serves.” 

Global financial markets hit by recession and scandal, yet freedom is moving.

4 energies in the 6 Universal year affecting personal money… disturbances 110% possible. Again, entire month is about SURPRISE. Uranus energies bring reform, Uranus currently in Taurus will pop up plenty surrounding the financial sector, money overall and all appearance of securities. 

Yes more freedom moving… Uranus and 4 clears up and breaks up the lingering limitations, as we have now worked through the foundation laying process of 2022 from April’s new beginnings. We see a definite structure in place that August is about to blossom and leverage changes from overall. 

USA hits Number 2 of the Pluto Return 

22 June – 04 Aug 2022 :Pluto 27 degrees Capricorn Retrograde, Exact: 09-11 Jul

Extremely intense time again in the country, because this round is Pluto under Retrograde. 

04 July 2022, USA enters its 17/8 Personal Year: Saturn Guided

Absolutely rewarding if the American self work had been done in reflecting for the previous year. Financial Reform & Reflection beyond the Pluto Return focus of the majority of the year, mid way mark in January 2023 shifts gears to very becoming mentally strained and emotionally focused.

While the truth is more clear, the healing is happening, and the hope is there…. But the soul work will be important to keep doing, as well as the continuing Mastering the Value of Compassion. Those who have been fooled otherwise, are going to need it. 

Creating the NEW Normal

BIG TIME 110% YES… We FEEL this for the very first time in how all the “expect the unexpected surprises” have evolve, to allow us to move forward with REFORM.


5 Universal Month of Leveraging, Blossoming, Permanent Changes, Movement. Mercury Guided

New leadership emerges; Spiritual Leaders gaining followers; People sorting out lives & making sense of things; Covid disappears, Endemic; ET connections; Breakthrough in medicines med beds…. 

5 energies at work for all irreversible changes to be play, MOVING ON!!

5 “attracts the masses” communications are MOVING… information circulating freely with freedom- under the 6 year of gaining respect and understanding for them amicably. 

5 is about vibration, channeling, and moving on mass, mass levels. Logical intellectual connections for all to benefit from.

Uranus stationed to turn Rx 24 August: ET’s if they want to come in, no better time, ha ha ha,.

Mercury Retrograde Round 3 in 2022 (09 Sept to 02 Oct): Approach Begins 20 August. 

Correction: Pluto does not “get into Uranus” in 2024, but rather Pluto most certainly does gets into AQUARIUS, ha ha ha who is guided by Uranus, Yes. 😉 That is absolutely when we start to  see a complete lift in all of these global powers, authority and leadership leaving these commanding energies behind. Humanity is able to more freely work with true evolutionary growth and reform in all the more powerful ways than are allowed “energetically” upon the collective right now. 

Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time 23 March 2023, yet due to Retrograde that year, goes back into Capricorn by 11 June 2023. It begins to gain ground in Aquarius once again by 22 January 2024, yet still under Retrograde, revisits Capricorn from 02 September until 21 November.  Pluto stays in Aquarius from 21 November 2024 for the long haul until 09 March 2043, yet will not officially enter Pisces for that long haul until 19 January 2044.


6 Universal Month Matching 6 Universal Year of Compassion, Balance, Harmony, Understanding, Uniting the Divide. Venus Guided

Legislators enacting new laws, travel restrictions lifted, Vaccination restrictions lifted, New Virus threat emerges (yet not as serious) New Climate measures enacted, financial recovery hitting some snags, job market improves, possible US overseas war involvement.

Intensity of the 6 energies circulating in 2022 overall. Balance feeling it is restored- justice is happening at least with the mandates/restrictions reversing. 

Mercury Retrograde pulls in, Round 3, 09 September to 02 October. New Virus threat yet comes in and out as confusion and not as powerful to “take over in control” yet it will be alarming and plenty of misinformation back in action. 

Climate Measures may be done in more errors, depending upon the perspective of truth they are being present upon.

6 Month in 6 Year overall yearns for the balance to come in, and that sense of financial “peace” to settle, but it is turbulent under Mercury in play simultaneously. Certainly the sense of some jobs attaining improvements because mandates are reversed. 

MARS RETROGRADE APPROACH Begins 02 September. This is an intense reflection cycle that will close out 2022 from 30 October until 12 January 2023. All of September & October will be a string preview of these conflicting coming attractions.

USA War involvement. YES. The Mercury Rx is in our public life, power/authority, foreign affairs and global connections. However it goes, it is more of “not for the right reasons.” All wrapped up on MRx confusions and false flags. Do outer research and remain AWARE. 


7 Universal Month, preview of our Approaching 7 Universal Year of INTENSE Collective Healing, Inner Work, the SILENT LISTEN, Intuition & Spirituality. Neptune Guided (Round Two in 2022, as further soul work from January is completed)

Spike in Spiritual Awakening happens…. More truths revealed, ET & Channeled intelligence, Movement off the grid. 

Absolutely all in circulating play. People begin to retreat once again,… of course getting ready for winter, yet the vibe is internal, going within and moving into self-reliance. Neptune energy always reveals the truth, more of this to come for America. Communications form the outer worlds, and completely plausible and all the more heightened. We start to tap into the strong healing that collectively will mark the entire 12 months soon to come of 2023. 2022 reveals by this point, what we have been doing, was a mere warm up of what will be entirely necessary to pick up the pieces from the lies, deceit and non-truths that were utilized as power and control during the pandemic itself. 

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, 25 October. VERY Pivotal energies pulling in for death/rebirth and potent transformation upon the collective. Further absolute knowing, there is never “any going back again.” Scorpio is an extremely deep and spiritual diving sign who seen the entire scope of life in powerful ways. The extra energy boost of this Solar Eclipse is it will precisely conjunct 2022’s planet in charge, Venus. Those doing the Mastering The Value of Compassion soul work, find the most ease. Drama pursues for those who continue to ignore and deny.


8 Universal Month of Learning from the Experience, The Need for Patience, Stability, Wisdom, Accountability to Awareness, Power & Authority Limitations. Saturn Guided (Round Two in 2022, as further soul work from February is completed)

Economy supply hard hits; Possible conflict with China/others threatening supplies; Gaining deeper understanding of systems of control; Food supplies limited due to climate issues; Global & domestic issues with money amidst new economy, Natural disasters.

YES…. The 8 energies where with Saturn will pull out the limitations in the worst case scenarios. USA also in the 8 Personal Year where at this point, this limiting force is upon what the country has as far as possessions the money to buy them and all matters of income are feeling strained and in question if responsibility is not being held accountable. 

The Mars Retrograde is in equally in strong review of our legalities and agreements, of which many conflicts are in play concerning. The country is also in its’ our “Mars Return” during this time which is extremely fickle, dicey and requires ultimate preparation for. We will ultimately realize who we can no longer hold agreements with nor rely upon. 

If people did not like how the beginning moments leading into Winter 2021-22 fell out, they will cringe at how the energies will unfold leading into Winter 2022-23. STOCK UP in the Summer months and early fall with watching out for the Mercury Retrograde as best you can.

The “new economy” is certainly one that is asking for SIMPLIFICATION. Especially concerning the USA. Money matters are in practicalities, not luxuries. Luxury, will seemingly appear foolish. There will be too many people in need of real assistance and help, which will reset the level of how greed and power has been out of balance. Big time REALITY CHECK month.

08 November LUNAR Eclipse in Taurus: Sets off extreme emotional tones, as the holding pattern of Full Moons at 16 degrees continues that will beckon for the SILENT LISTEN during Autumn 2022 & Winter 2023. This intense eclipse precisely conjuncts Uranus Retrograde, and opposes Mercury. EVERYTHING feels disturbed, especially on a security/root chakra level. Once again: Being prepared for this time is quintessential.


9 Universal Month. Conflicts, Aggressions,  Endings, Conclusions, Finalizations, Triumph, Warrior Spirit. Mars Guided (Round Two in 2022, as further soul work from March is completed)

New laws and control systems proposed, possible contrived threat of ETs for governments to “keep us safe.” Greater global concern and control; The understanding of “The Elite” yet their demise not quite “there yet.” Global control system losing their grip, War threats.

Global War threat YES. Mars Retrograde in Gemini is plummeting the divide once again all across the globe. The USA will not be spared in this, as we are intensely involved in “wanting a fight.” 

USA hits Number 3 of the Pluto Return

10 Dec 2022 – 11 Jan 2023, Pluto 27 degrees Capricorn, Exact: 27-29 Dec

It is a very “emotional December” for America yet the mark of becoming all the more in the know the rebirth is in play and we are coming out of our near death experience to turn this nation around, becomes extremely clear for those willing to see the truth for what it actually is. 

Many things arriving at a place of conclusions in this 6 Universal Year that has been striving the whole time to bring in alignment and balance for humanity. Nevertheless, with Mars Retrograde in play that ends 2022 and opens 2023, we are not out of the woods quite yet. 

Equally 12 December begins the Approach to the years’ last Mercury Retrograde that begins 29 December, and crosses us over in more reflection of our 7 Universal Year until 18 January 2023. The powers that be will be undeniably losing their grip to say the very least. We will be watching them grass at straw to hold on to their falsehoods for dear life.  To say the year ends “gracefully” all the same, would be a lie. We are in all the more severe throws of reflection just like the year began under Venus Retrograde and the Approach to Mercury Retrograde. 

The start of 2023 is an all the more harrowing time for those unprepared to watch the 3D Dive continue to fall. Absolutely the systems in place are collapsing, and the fight is ongoing for awhile as growing pains that Adam is concluding with concerning 2022. 

Be sure you take heed of this warning now.

Once again, if you think the finale of 2021 and the opening gates of 2022 have “been rough” you won’t much like what the closure of 2022 and the opening wild ride of 2023 is promising to bring. The time to be Mastering The Value of Compassion calls to those who will listen in 2022. Never forgetting the value of the practice of gratitude. This allows the protection you will need to move into 2023 with ease and holding awareness eyes extremely wide open.

Buckle Up Dear Stars and get ready to dive into the deepest soul work you have ever experienced as 2023 will be the year of Humanity’s Healing like it has never quite been experienced in history before on a collective level. It takes your emotional intelligence brain to connect to the HEART indeed in this on going EARTH Great Awakening Shift.

2023’s calling for Spirit will amaze and astound, which is the good news on the Never Compromising Living Consciously, as we all choose the LOVE to EVOLVE in 2022.

Would You Like to Host and Online Spirit & Stars Gallery Event with Your Family or Friends?

Email: info@adambetweentheworlds.com Today!

LunarOScopes, 04 Dec Sagittarius Solar Eclipse & New Moon, Let’s REALLY Begin

“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham

Sharpening Awareness of our EARTH HEART Truth

Solar Eclipse & New Moon in Sagittarius

2:43amEST, 04 December, Let’s REALLY Begin & Initiate

With any New Moon, our Sun and Moon are in exact alignment as they are positioned within the Zodiac sky above. Energetically, emotions and feelings of humanity naturally rise up just like the oceans’ tides will equally reflect down here below. Waxing Phases favor actions involving planting anew and moving forward, as energy increases on a personal level throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie alongside the collective request to do the same.

This month, our initiation request begins as our Sun and Moon meet at 12 degrees Sagittarius. Then our Moon waxes through Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and Taurus until Autumn and 2021’s final Full Moon at 27 degrees Gemini, arrives 18 December the very day before Venus Retrograde in Capricorn, 19 December to 29 January 2022, begins. 

As this New Moon is accompanied by a TOTAL Solar Eclipse, the initiating affects of this waxing phase extend from this same Sagittarius 12 degrees area of our lives for an entire year until December 2022.

This twelfth and final for 2021, marking the last New Moon of Autumn: falls within the sign that consciously aims for wisdom and truth as we receive impressions, which enriches them via one’s ability to gain perspective with an easily stimulated imagination upon our earthly plane. Our Total Solar Eclipse and New Moon at 12 degrees Sagittarius is the finalizing truthful moment of the entire year, as it definitively completes the emotional activation of 2021’s Changing Global Truth human experience, all while we continue to round out the remaining weeks and open the 6 Universal New Year under intense reflection as we shift into 2022’s Mastering The Value of Compassion.

Equally upon this New Moon, we continue the 5 month run of all New Moon’s aligning that started 04 November and will span until 02 March 2022. Every New Moon for 5 months, meets at the 12 degree mark of our Sun & Moon’s alignment. This annual “holding pattern” is an extremely important numerological message to not only understand, but especially for this passage to embrace remaining reachable and teachable for. Humanity that does not choose to become a student of life for it, will become ‘The Sacrifice – The Victim’ instead.

04 December’s alignment in Sagittarius is highly connected to revealing information for humanity to become deeply responsible and accountable to anywhere this world as the finale weeks of 2021’s Changing Global Truth are in intense play. Once again, what must be completely understood with the energy of this second of five months 12 degrees New Moon point, is the association it also has with awareness, knowledge and hardship: all of which are extremely amplified by the presence of the Solar Eclipse. 

Especially for the world which is heavily keeping all eyes on America, now approaching the halfway mark of its’ 16/7 Personal Year favored to be Healing America from Within: Understanding a 7 Personal Year: this Solar Eclipse and New Moon energies make a profound “hit” upon the nation’s chart. They precisely align with the country’s natal 12 degrees Sagittarius Ascendant/Rising. This trigger point seeks for the country to look to all of “I AM” to take on entirely different and new approaches to life, appear to the world with a renewed and refreshed face, as the entire emerging self of America is about to work with what the 12 truly means: remaining reachable and teachable. Entitled and “know it all” Americans, sadly, will suffer greatly in the realms of sacrifice and become victims in the year ahead.

Americans who chose to be the “kneeling submissive student” will thrive and stay out of preventable hardship because their awareness is what their free will relies upon for the wisdom it is meant to attain and be willing to absorb as they allow necessary change to be properly embraced.

Americans who continue to remain observant and discerning, severely understand a wild energetic storm is undeniably circulating upon the nation to remain in the very eye of -encompassing the mental, emotional and psychical realms- especially as the energies of its’ first ever Pluto Return 2021 -2024 are beckoning a near death experience in order to become reborn.   

In its’ Chaldean Karmic Mystery of ‘The Sacrifice – The Victim’ no matter where one is within the world, we are all the more intensely called to look to the leveling up to a more 5D connecting in consciousness, for the 3D world of greed, deceit and selfishness is all the more able to become upheaved and further light shone upon the raw TRUTH for humanity that will HURT. 

12’s vibration and frequency is a compound number that the ancients regarded as one to absolutely know how to work with it, as it comes with extremely important energy to understand. “One will periodically be sacrificed for the plans or intrigues of others. The number 12 warns of the necessity to be alert to every situation, to beware of false flattery from those who use it to gain their own ends. Be suspicious of those who offer a high position, and carefully analyze the motive. Although duplicity is not always present, forewarned is forearmed. There is a degree of mental anxiety, caused by the need to sacrifice personal goals to the ambition of others. A secondary meaning of this number should be considered. The figure 1 is the teacher (whether it be a person or Life itself.) The figure 2 is the kneeling, submissive student. Sometimes, the result of severe emotional stress and mental anguish creates amnesia, forgetfulness of lessons previously learned. 12 represents the educational process on all levels, the submission of the will required and the sacrifices necessary to achieve knowledge and wisdom, on both the spiritual and the intellectual levels. When the intellect is sacrificed to the feelings, the mind will be illuminated with the answers it seeks. Look within for the solution. Attention paid to the requirements of education will end suffering and bring success.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs 

The need for maintaining mental clarity during this extremely powered up pulse of our EARTH HEART Shift for 2021 during our Sun’s time in Sagittarius channeling Autumn’s Aims for Humanity’s TRUTH That HURT, furthers its’ evoking of permanent changes promise, wherein this month energies turn into absolute sacrificial situations that only awareness and knowledge can successfully combat, as the collective is being gravely shown more of the worldly truth, now within a mutable communication sign. This 12 alignment opens the global channels to utilize our emotional intelligence to remain reachable and teachable, step away from entitled behaviors and recognize the time is now to work through hardship as a kneeling submissive student, so new life can begin to initiate and pull in powerful experiences for humanity the the entire next year. 

Once again the sounding bell of alarm fires off for the final time in 2021: Those choosing to deny conscious behavior, are completely promised to attract suffering and downfalls that could be absolutely avoided. The power to chose consciousness over emotional turbulence, overindulgence, and rash decision making is now up to every individual. Once again, the time for exercising our emotional intelligence is now.

This Solar Eclipse and New Moon are also pumped up with global changes due to the conjunction with Mercury in Sagittarius at 15 degrees. The collective energy is moving all the more rapidly and quickly, with fair warning to not only remain reachable and teachable, but watch carefully for those who are falsely charming and persuasive. This energy wants one to act fast, yet this is not the time to act without being the student first and foremost with the correct information versus what is not the truth. Those who are unprepared, unaware and not being the observer, choosing instead to be swept up into the rush of fear, will find hardship befalls their human experience.

Awareness and knowledge must be embraced in order to thrive at this time and throughout the next year. 

The other intense conversation this Solar Eclipse and New Moon has is with Saturn at 9 degrees Aquarius, which is in an easeful and agreeable sextile relationship as Sagittarius and Aquarius are working as they communicate through the elemental guidances of truthful fire and intellectual air. However, with Saturn being our planet not only of karmic justice, accountability and learning from the experience, this is fair warning once again for humanity to slow down, utilize patience, and not engage in conflict, yet responsibly rise up in a Warrior presence to take a stand for its’ own sovereignty.

Once again, we are given the 2nd grave opportunity which is powered up by the Solar Eclipse to work with this intense calling to Never Compromise Living Consciously: a practice that is the antidote to prevent avoidable outcomes with proper preparedness, as we cease clinging to the past that is never going to return. Sagittarius is our forever student muse of the Zodiac who never stops aiming at wisdom to target the truth for the entire globe. This Total Solar Eclipse and New Moon promises to deliver some potent truths for the next year for humanity to continue to discern.

Where Are You drawing upon Sharpening Awareness of our EARTH HEART Truth?

Soul Homework for 04 December’s Sagittarius Solar Eclipse & New Moon 

This waxing phase through 18 December (as well as for the entire next year due to the Solar Eclipse), asks us to become all the more keen in sharpening our awareness and be completely reachable and teachable to remain in the eye of the storm. As we willingly become the student that we need to within our lives, we step up fully into absorbing knowledge to face our challenges as our more than powerful new seeds of initiation as shown to us. 2021’s Changing Global Truth unlocks this final and twelfth waxing phase of our permanently changing everything year, calling for our extreme feeling attention that gathers up in new light from Sagittarius until 18 December, as well as through December 2022.

Sagittarius Solar Eclipse & New Moon Rituals Favor:

~Welcoming What is New. The Archer affects our lives personally. Now is the time to attain wisdom and the truth with an easily stimulated instinct specifically triggering from 12 degrees Sagittarius sitting in one area of our lives. This initiation point may potentially wish to have other conversations with other areas of our lives within our natal charts overall, as we dive deeper into our Personal Forecast.

~Setting Clear Intentions. Our willingness to place proper focus, especially in the tense of “Welcoming The New Concerning What I BELIEVE….” allows us to fully acknowledge what we can now begin on a personal level.

~Working with Gemstones/Metals. The Solar Eclipse & New Moon in Sagittarius favors excellent channeling with turquoise as a powerful gemstone that it specifically resonates with, to collectively allow emotions to flow with feeling, engaging our imaginations to remain open to new possibilities in order to thrive, create and manifest. 

~Working with Color. Tones of autumn’s rusts, yellows, oranges, and browns along with sky blue, turquoise and purple are wonderful choices that specifically resonate and bring out the positivity of Sagittarius energy.

~Cleansing the Body. Sagittarius guides root chakra in movement via the hips and thighs, femur bone, and the liver. Being mindful and attentive to them surrounding our Solar Eclipse and New Moon helps with energetically purifying the physical body. Dandelion is a powerful herb for Sagittarius due to its’ cleansing qualities and abilities to fortify the liver, especially cleansing anger. The liver is where anger builds up the most and becomes held within our physical bodies which is an ultimate Chi disturber, should we not properly address it in attending otherwise to our healing and release processes.

As we always honor the value of taking pause for a SILENT LISTEN, we can truthfully acknowledge what we are feeling, so we can always flow with The Law of Attraction. New Moons, and this gift of a Total Solar Eclipse- are our perfect timing to pull in proper focus of our energy to support attraction as we utilize emotional intelligence within our lives. As we distinctly choose to consciously work with these natural cycles- we tune into our personal rhythm as we connect to favorable timing from above, allowing us to witness manifestation in our own individual ways down here below.

Autumn’s 3rd & 2021’s 12th & Final New Moon within The Archer, aligns with our Sun renewing at 12 degrees, coupled by a Total Solar Eclipse. How will you honor Sharpening Awareness of our EARTH HEART Truth in your experience, Dear Star?

ARIES: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. Inspiration for a permanent upgrade for your belief systems says remaining reachable and teachable is how new TRUTH enters your life for you to studiously stand in. Be open to what may HURT as this reeducation process requires full removal of what no longer serves its’ highest good. This potent time greatly assists your future goals, friendships and social scenes as long as you take responsibility to enhance their reinvention processes in play to guide the accountable directions they all wish to take.

TAURUS: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. This lunation ultimately needs you to honor complete surrender to the past in order for an intense and potent energetic rebirth to emerge. Your ability to honor the very CORE of your being in CURES, absolutely calls to nourish your very SOURCE. You also find that this connects to anything needing genuine patience as a diligent process of working smarter is in play within the structure of your professional life, allowing you to rise up in your abilities to be recognized for your leadership, as you are genuinely learning from the experiences. 

GEMINI: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. You are asked to genuinely seek to UNDERSTAND before being understood as you see the US as you READ the TRUE NATURE of both side of any issues needing your TURN in ultimate discernment. It is only, and only those who stand their own truth and accountability, who are the ones any kind of amicable agreement is meant to now be formed with. Trust you are willing to learn you can no longer hold on to former belief systems that have only prevented you from standing all the stronger in your truth, as you remain reachable and teachable to now becoming completely accountable to detach from them.

CANCER: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical HEALTH. Your ways of habitual living are in a powerful time to LET THE HATE HEAL and HEAL THE HATE as trust you are in an extremely intense cycle of allowing your lifestyle to reset itself in ultimate honoring of leveling up in your spiritual awareness. Equally as you become the student within this part of your life, healing is at work with intense core changes you are also currently surrendering to that are responsibly transforming your entire scope upon your life and wealth: this end result has stabilizing ways to show that you are becoming reborn.

LEO: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning what I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Not only to your children themselves, but your HEART space is deeply connected to the energetic pulse of potent EARTH changes that you must be loyal to now as you work with only the truth of initiating creative adventures as an educational process surrounds them. Trust moving forward that manifestation magic will be alive and thriving upon your stage, as you carefully listen to all the wiser ways your personal one on one relationships and legal agreements are in the midst of connecting with accountability, releasing all former relationships with others who have chosen to not stand in their truth.

VIRGO: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning how I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. Life at home is ready now for nourishing it in less complicated ways promising to sustain it for the better moving forward. As you gently hone in on allowing PATIENCE into your new home life, you find ease and contentment to move forward with in soul certainty as you TAP IN AN ANCIENT PEACE PACE. Open up to the stabilizing ways your lifestyle seeks to clean up any habits and routines you no longer need, as you find this time is completely able to allow you to serve others and first and foremost yourself: with genuine, responsible and innovative solutions.

LIBRA: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, short trips, siblings and neighbors. As you trust that you are completely upgrading to trust the unknown from your frame of mind, this reigns in all the more truth in every capacity of your MENTALITY and thought processes ANYTIME you need to LET IN A TAME TIME. Allow yourself to welcome grounding moments to support your creative nature or what is happening with your children or brain children, focusing upon your originality to embrace stabilizing energies in order to stir up more responsible Chi upon your manifesting stage.

SCORPIO: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning what I Have, relating to your income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. As you now establish a more vital sense of security, it is still a powerful time to remember to give GRATITUDE for the spiritual nature of things, and trust in the GREAT TRUE ATTITUDE I GUIDE, I GUARD in your own in certainty when your 3D energies are aligned in the truth. Value these spiritual feelings which are supported in a 5D perception, as the time is now to rely upon your innate abilities to get much more serious and accountable where you recharge and nourish right at home, bringing a more patient process to how you choose to rest and reboot. Pay close attention to any déjà vu experiences that may channel in these processes.

SAGITTARIUS: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. This is all about you and your emerging self, and the new you who will and can own their personal RESILIENCE only in the SINCERE truth I LICENSE IN. Trust and know you are meant to wear a completely changed face of who you are to the world, as you level up your approaches to it. How you OWN your NOW to see you have WON is also in powerful play to stand in the force of faith, as you now must become absolutely accountable  to how you work with your own mentality and communications, for it is a quintessential need to bring calm, grounding and contentment into your frame of mind and thought processes, in order to attain peace within them.

CAPRICORN: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, healing, inner work, your subconscious and dream state. This is a tremendous calling now to connect deeper than you ever have before, from the discerning space of taking a SILENT LISTEN, align in the power of working from within to provide you with the answers you seek. Inner peace is absolutely yours when you decide to embrace the beauty of STILLNESS. As you connect to the ways your value system, sense of security and sources of income are all in patient play of restructuring themselves, you are able to recognize the stabler ways you are reestablishing them all differently. This truly takes material needs and allows you to further see the simplification that must be honored instead.

AQUARIUS: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Distinctly rise up in trusting the truth connecting to reflective energies surrounding your friendships, peers, groups and social scenes. The entire direction of what your future holds to ASPIRE and wish from AS I PRAISE I REAP A ESP RISE says forget the lower energy of what merely “hoping” never brings to fruition and rise in faith. When you hold it and deepen into really knowing the ever changing face of you that takes on the world is also looking at the world with a much more serious approach these days, you own the “I Am” of you in the accountable reform that is confidently stepping up into a more mature presence you choose to face it with.

PISCES: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. All is positioned here now to support you to take the lead in what you are meant to be recognized for. Trust in the reflective process still in progress for your public position and your view upon authority. In order to thrive, OWN your integrity and honor it NOW, as this accountability to your vocational life allows you to see you have WON. Be equally aware you are extremely favored to benefit from time in solitude to work with any of your tasks, retreating away from the world to allow ultimate responsibility to flow from within in very stabilizing and learning from the inner world experience ways.

Attain Your Soul Certainty in these Uncertain Times. What does your Personal Forecast say for this Sagittarius Solar Eclipse & New Moon from YOUR natal chart? Explore continuing Special Priced Forecasting Packages.

Never Compromise Living Consciously.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for making valuable timing decisions all week long! Always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling all matters of importance.

2021 Waxing Phases

“There is a moon inside every human being. Learn to become companions with it.” ~Rumi

LunarOScopes, 22 Aug Aquarius Full Moon, Let’s Release

“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham

Pressurized TRUTH for Humanity that HURT

Full Moon in Aquarius, Take TWO!

8:02amEDT, 22 August, Let’s Release & Reflect

With any Full Moon, our Sun and Moon have reached opposition within the Zodiac sky above. Energetically, emotions and feelings of humanity naturally rise just like the oceans’ tides will equally reflect down here below. Waning Phases begin upon this monthly exact opposition moment, and then favor to let go, review, honor and heal on a personal level throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie alongside the collective request to do the same. 

This month our releasing request peaks at 29 degrees Aquarius, to wane through Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Leo until the ninth New Moon of 2021 and third for our Summer season arrives at 14 degrees Virgo, 06 September.

The twenty-first Full Moon of the decade, is the eighth for 2021 as it casts off reflecting energies that is a rare “blue moon” occasion in our Summer, marking the second to align in opposition to our Leo Sun in Aquarius. As we are thrown into all the more permanent changes from humanitarian, knowledge of truth and individuality concerning our experiences in Aquarius, this energetic wake up call exposes all the more extreme pressure upon the global scene and the need for all the more SILENT LISTEN to discern the TRUTH tones that may HURT connected to our ongoing EARTH HEART Shift during 2021’s Changing Global Truth promise. Releasing energies within this altruistic, reform and unconventional sign have extreme emotional revelations under the 29 degrees mark concerning what emerges. As one more reflective round in Aquarius absolutely begs for the collective to remain in emotional response control versus chaotic reactions: it beckons for HEART Centered practices in this ongoing EARTH Shift to deeply process these erupting emotions with as absolutely much grace as possible.

Our focus upon feeling pulls out another pay extremely close attention reflection phase from where The Water Bearer seeks for progress, truthful knowledge and originality to flow within our lives- inviting the ability to surrender any false former feelings concerning them in order to cooperate with independence and intelligence to attract amicable and ambitious solutions for healing. 

This month’s reflective energy, at the 29th degree of Aquarius, guides us to favor inward reflection that now practically screams to fully embrace pure spiritual and 5D processes concerning the healing progress that has been cascading across the globe since late 2020, to further dismantle the 3D illusions that are still hanging on for dear life to control the masses by. Within a more than a well-developed instinct, as anyone chooses now to energetically point their truth seeking reinventing energies to bring new life to what the Water Bearer does from the precise place of their 29 degree Aquarius slice of life -and center in their heart space for proper protection- they will absolutely obtain the ingenious capacity to channel careful reflection and response versus reactive aggression. In order to properly release what is no longer needed at this time to be able to move forward with proper initiative when the timing is right, remaining calm is absolutely key.

29 is the vibration of ‘Grace Under Pressure.’ Those choosing emotional outrage and spinning out of control energy, will find this to be a horrific time of only attracting further chaos. By choosing the response of grace -as ever challenged as situations will be- one aligns in the accountable choice of behavior. The 29 comes with grave warnings to take into careful consideration:

“The 29 is a number of perhaps the heaviest Karma of all. It tests for spiritual strength, through trial and tribulations echoing the Old Testament story of Job. The life is filled with uncertainties, treachery and deceptions from others, unreliable friends, unexpected dangers- and considerable grief and anxiety caused by members of the opposite sex. It’s a number of grave warnings in every area of the personal life and career. remember that the development of absolute faith in goodness and the power of the self…the constant and energetic cultivation of optimism…will act as a miraculous medicine for the problems of the number 29. After all, Job’s burdens were finally lifted, when he had learned to accept full responsibility for his troubles, and not to blame others or seek revenge for the hurts he suffered. Not only did his long bad- luck streak end at last, he was given back everything he had lost, several times over.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs

Our now moments call to be all the more closely examined for our personal and global truth -as the ultimate need to listen carefully as this channel of reflection arrives within Aquarius at this intensified degree point for this waning phase. The collective will notice there is undeniably all the more pressurized energy to unpack concerning what needs to be emotionally healed and attended to. To receive 29’s energy gracefully, this only is through the response to love, not the reaction of anger. Yet the healing often necessary surrounding 29 is quite heavy to face, and there must be a commitment to truly want to do the soul work.

We must continue to learn from our experiences to embrace Summer’s HEAT Firing Up the HEART of Humanity’s Truth especially relating to our friendly, unconventional and individual natures we have within Aquarius. As our Sun moves from Leo into Virgo only 9 hours afterwards, we work through this waning phase under Summer’s Purification of Humanity’s TRUTH that HURT. Once again, this eighth Full Moon of 2021 connects us to one of the most surrendering callings of release that promises to accelerate the further unfolding of the truth throughout this ever-changing global control systems 5 Universal Year. This alarming Full Moon seeks for our absolute ability to wise up to cultivate warmth, human touch and practical abilities by honoring our effective self-expression and energy to support our healing, letting go and releasing processes.   

This also is the second of two Full Moons during 2021 that align in Aquarius, a rare astrological occurrence. However these are right in perfect timing with the healing of humanity that is in current play and the changing directions its’ delicate future in these uncertain times genuinely holds. Our last Full Moon upon 23 July, captured reflection at 01 degrees Aquarius, as it asked for soul work concerning the Heartfelt TRUTH for Humanity that HURT.

The Beginning of the Chain of Full Moons of 2021 to all be Moon Void of Course

Every Full Moon -with the exception of the last of 2021 upon December 18th- will all peak in opposition to begin the Moon Void of Course passage for the sign. While any Full Moon ask us for reflection, when they are coupled with being the mark of the equally reflective passage Moon Void of Course beginning itself, there is all the more intensity surrounding the energies it will cast off.

As this month’s Full Moon peaks 8:02amEDT in Aquarius, it begins the Moon Void for it until it will enter Pisces just minutes later at 8:43amEDT. This “Full Moon begins the MoonVOC” pattern continues for 3 more months to follow concerning 20 September’s and 20 October’s Full Moons in Pisces and Aries, as well as 19 November’s Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon in Taurus.

22 August Full Moon & America

As if American mindsets, mental health and communications are not already stirred up, emotionally charged and not exactly working in any kind of UNITED front as the country remains severely UNTIED, be well prepared to witness absolute emotional mayhem with those not choosing to live consciously. This Full Moon closely conjuncts the country’s natal moon at 27 degrees Aquarius, and as Jupiter Retrograde is at 26 degrees Aquarius, the unaware collective energies will reel in complete emotional upheaval. Those who know how to remain in the Eye of the Storm as the winds whip up all the more during the nations’ 16/7 Current Personal Year will prevail. Yet this promises to guarantee a more than bumpy ride is undeniably about to blow wide wide open. The mindset and channels of communications that America must work with the TRUTH of what a SILENT LISTEN genuinely means, no matter how much it may HURT. Otherwise, one will become part of the storm they could have avoided. 

What Are You Letting Go of involving Pressurized TRUTH for Humanity that HURT?

Soul Homework for 22 August’s Aquarius Full Moon

This waning phase through 06 September, asks us to become responsive with grace more matter what pressurized revelations of global truth will find us, move through us, and crumble the illusions of what we have formerly believed. 2021’s Changing Global Truth unlocks this eighth waning phase of our year, as this natural upsurge of collective energy directs our feeling attention to release healing from Aquarius once more time as it highly emotionally wanes until our next Virgo New Moon.

Aquarius Full Moon Rituals Favor:

~Becoming HUMANITARIAN focused. Specifically within our lives where The Water Bearer asks for the detachment from former feelings not accepting the honest truth, precisely at 29 degrees of Aquarius. As we are aware of any other planetary conversations this upsurging point has within our natal charts overall, we can personally heal the necessary areas of our individual lives.

~Writing with intention and our willingness to release. Focusing in the tense of “Letting Go Where I SOCIALIZE….” allows us to fully acknowledge what we can surrender to on a personal level during the waning phase.

~Safely burning via ceremony. Anything we write down, can be released with love, light and the forgiveness it may need to clear away what we no longer need as we let go, within the 24 hour period of the Full Moon peaking.  

~Working with gemstones. Placing all personal gemstones/metals in the Full Moon’s light to energetically cleanse them, within 24 hours leading up to and then after the peak time. Sapphire, Quartz, Malachite, and Azurite are Aquarius’s power gemstones to allow emotional healing to seamlessly channel through us, engaging our imaginations to remain original, willing to reform, hereby assisting us to remove our obstacles and be ready to accept our truth in order to thrive. 

~Working with Color: Electric & Aqua Blues, Ocean Green, Silver Gray are the favored attuning hues that strongly resonate with Aquarius energy.

~Cleansing the Body: Aquarius guides the lower legs, ankles, veins and circulatory system in the body. Being mindful and attentive to these areas, helps with energetically purifying the physical body. Equally, one of Aquarius’s beneficial foods to assist is lavender, depending upon the individual during this waning phase. It primarily acts on the liver, stimulating it to clear stagnation and promote cleaner blood. Spending time with this herb will help lift depression, remove stagnancies, and enliven the heart. 

As we honor the value of the SILENT LISTEN, we rightfully acknowledge what we are feeling, so we can always flow with The Law of Attraction. Full Moons are the perfect timing and appropriate rhythm to clear away and ideally heal energy within our lives, as we distinctly are energetically supported to draw upon conclusions concerning what already exists.

The Year’s eighth Full Moon completely stirs up our Summer Season with another global reflective truth punch! Where will you be prepared to honor Pressurized TRUTH for Humanity that HURT, Dear Star?

Our Aquarius slice of life now calls for us to focus upon it for healing and release, deeply connecting to bringing balance in return to the Leo area in opposition where our Sun’s light is concluding its’ shining visit over the last Zodiac month. This month’s Full Moon will absolutely be lit up light a lightbulb with feeling equally due to its’ close conjunction to Jupiter Retrograde at 26 degrees Aquarius. What we have in pure energetic conversation here is round two of what completely begs to be healed with more blatant truth to be learned about between the Leo and Aquarius opposition within our lives concerning the matters that have been holding us back from stepping further into our own higher truth and personal power. 

ARIES: It’s time again to focus upon releasing where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Boundaries ask to be drawn one more time concerning what and who you no longer need to aspire to or with within these areas. As you let go of previous future goals and potential friends not standing in their truth, there are matters concerning your own creativity that in turn, will be completely allowed their rightful room to begin to grow, as you work with grace from your heart space.

TAURUS: It’s time again to focus upon releasing where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. You are rewarded once again as you take necessary time for another round to heal any pains and fears connecting to your existing work, permitting yourself to let go and cleanse. As you eliminate any misguidance concerning fulfilling your purpose, understand you are in the midst of a more than important time that is seeking to level up your abilities to work with your nurturing space at home with your family in more loyal, protective and heart centered ways.

GEMINI: It’s time again to focus upon releasing with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, foreign affairs/travel, standing in your truth and expression of your philosophies. Allow yourself to completely disconnect from and dismantle former belief systems of the past as this second opportunity is here to do so. While extremely difficult truths may hurt for you to let go of, it is time to look deep into your abilities to honestly communicate and check in with how your mindset is really doing to honor keeping it well-oiled in protection from any negative thinking and fears you absolutely do not need to hold on to.

CANCER: It’s time again to focus upon releasing where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. This second surge of rebirth now intensely resets you on the deepest level from your very core and source energy, which last month started the preparations for. As surrender surrounds your view upon the full scope of your entire life: this soul work requires the grace to see that the past is gone, and never returning as it once stood before, which will tug at you, so be gentle with yourself. What is forever changing now in more permanent ways equally seeks to realign and reset your income potentials and how you choose to establish value within them.

LEO: It’s time again to focus upon releasing where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. Even as you worked with this from the last full moon, further clearance surrounds you now. Deeply appreciating and honoring the practice of seeking to understand, then being understood is quintessential for cooperation with others who remain in order to thrive. Relationship doors naturally close that are not held in a loyal heart nor the truth. Be patient and walk away from any emotional drama, as you must stand in the light of who you individually are, and recognize the loyalty you must have to yourself, marks more truthful reflection of how you will move forward relating not only to others, but with yourself.

VIRGO: It’s time again to focus upon releasing where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Once more, your lifestyle is ready to cleanse and discard any kind of activity not allowing your personal resilience and purity to thrive. Spend quality time reconnecting with your pets if you have them. Trust you are working with another opportunity to reestablish how you serve the world as well as yourself as you let go, continuing to open up the instinct necessary to also work accountably with the power of what is processing in healing from deep within yourself as solitude still invites you to retreat and heal your deeper pasts’ pains.

LIBRA: It’s time again to focus upon releasing where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Reflection surrounds your creative nature again this month as emotion all the more intensely emerges to further detach you from what has blocked you from being genuinely able to manifest with complete truth and loyal to your heart space. Those you are friends and socializing with who genuinely and honestly stand in their truth are the only ones to listen to in gaining advise and insights; while those who have only up til now delivered false promises, are bound once again to be exiting your future stage and to change the more graceful directions it prefers to go in. 

SCORPIO: It’s time again to focus upon releasing where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. Trust that your abilities to nourish have one more opportunity to reset their bar on the highest healing level, knowing all is part of what you no longer need for success to be able to prevail right at home. As another intense inner psyche processing is at your finger tips, hone in on any déjà vu especially connecting to what is beginning to show you upcoming changes concerning your career and your abilities to be recognized as an authority. Whilst the pressure may be completely on, your responsibility here is to response as accountably as possible.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time again to focus upon releasing with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Release negative thinking once again cleans up your imagination to become more peaceful with what is, in turn to allow you to find flow as you trust in keeping anyone’s dirty feet outside your mind’s door. This is an all the more potent time as it was last month to connect with re-orienting your own personal truth and how you are remaining reachable and teachable concerning your beliefs systems, as you find there are heartfelt ways you will choose to examine your loyalty to them with all the more honesty ever single step of the way.

CAPRICORN: It’s time again to focus upon releasing what I Have, relating to your sources of income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. When you surrender to trusting not only simplification but moderation is still at work in your absolute favor, you no longer tolerate the former ways the 3D world only held you in any false sense of unreliable security. As you allow your abilities to honor round two of transformation to flow with any grace under pressure that comes your way, you will take on an entire new scope upon viewing what wealth truly means with your life. Listen carefully to what your heart says and you work with remaining reachable and teachable surrounding all sense of value and security in your life moving forward.

AQUARIUS: It’s time again to focus upon releasing with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. It is time once again to not resist but deeply honor your self-care and personal healing to change your face to the world, as you dive into some emotion depth to remove your former ways of taking on the world that no longer support you. Release, grieve and heal your ego’s fear-based approaches to life as you genuinely step up to be extremely honesty about where your loyalties to your very self lie. As you let go of any fears, this self-work connects the strongest at this time to allow your relationships and legal matters to only cooperate with those who are equally honoring their personal truth.

PISCES: It’s time again to focus upon releasing where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. Congratulate yourself from last month’s soul work, as doing so once more, grants you even more profound insight in order to further the healing to truly cut your attachments to the karmic ties binding you to the past you no longer need, and perhaps where not held in rightful honesty. Honor your solitude to hear the necessary answers as you connect them to the ways your lifestyle is asking for more heart-centered and committed ways to be open to work with it to serve yourself and others for the absolute better via your habits and routines. 

Attain Your Soul Certainty in these Uncertain Times. What does your Personal Forecast say for this Aquarius Full Moon from YOUR natal chart? Explore continuing Special Priced Forecasting Packages.

Never Compromise Living Consciously.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for making valuable timing decisions all week long! Always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling all matters of importance.

2021 Waning Phases

“There is a moon inside every human being. Learn to become companions with it.” ~Rumi

Staying in Your Own Lane: Mars Retrograde 09 Sept to 13 Nov 2020

As we experience late Summer moving into mid Autumn 2020, it will be the year’s most critical time that completely casts us in the ultimate request to honor reflection like humanity has never quite experienced up til now.

Unlike his close neighbor Mercury, it’s been awhile since The Pioneer planet took some necessary “time off.” The last Mars Retrograde cycled 26 June to 27 August 2018 in the signs of Aquarius & Capricorn when we were then asked to honor the soul homework of Redefining the Ambition of Humanity.

Upon 09 September in Aries, the next cycle of review and redo commences for Mars that will conclude upon 13 November. Staring 09 September at 28 degrees Aries, it will take until 13 November to move back to 15 degrees within the cardinal leadership and striking up of fire energies favored by The Ram. If you are familiar with Mercury Retrograde, you already understand all too well the kinds of “out of sorts things” that naturally tend to happen under an inner planet retrograde cycle.

What makes a Mars Retrograde different from a Mercury Retrograde?

All of our planets from above guide over different energetic themes and concepts as their movement affects our lives down here below. No matter what planet is in retrograde action, it is always considered an important cycle of reflection to understand must be honored with in the life, especially when it is an inner planet like Mars or Mercury.

Mercury energetically engages movement, travel, communication, permanent changes, blossoming, thinking and circulation of our mentality and mindsets.

Mars energetically allows us to take action, be courageous, manage our anger, become motivated, arrive at conclusions, make life happen, find our willful force, defend our freedom, and work with our natural strengths and desires.

Both Mars and Mercury are inner planets, so when their Retrograde passages occur (Mercury every 3 months; Mars every 24 months; approximately) we are highly advised to take note about our future plans -personal or business wise- concerning what they are ultimately in charge of. Being reflection, research and review are in order, initiating plans during retrograde for future success and fulfillment are best to be avoided.

Overall, the energy of a Mars Retrograde takes what we typically experience under Mercury and amplifies it tenfold. Whatever plans one may have to embark upon new adventures, they will find these are interlaced with extreme delays and completely riddled in errors.

Mars Retrograde in Aries 09 September to 13 November 2020
It is more than fair to say as the finale of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected arrives, it will abruptly bring us to a demonstrative calling to take heed of the later Aries area of life, starting at 28 degrees and then span back to 15 degrees. Mars on a normal journey through Aries enjoys strong, ardent, enterprising, abundant, positive and independent energy, yet we’ll find, these qualities are not so readily available as he will be under review and incredible pause. What anyone unaware of knowing how to honor the need for reflection will undeniably experience, sadly so, will be the very opposite outcomes. 

This specific Mars Retrograde in Aries energetic pace will be uncontrolled, inflammable, combative, impetuous, forceful, aggressive, reckless and absolutely explosive. Being able to utilize patience, sympathetic understanding and retaining self-control will not be easily reached by those completely unaware it is in affect.

Energies will naturally sway to becoming turbulent, obstinate, destructive, fearful, repulsive, and take fire in its’ highest form to extremely dangerous situations. What appears to be forces of evil will attempt to utilize power with lack of purpose -which will be blindly followed by the naive. And those unwilling to awaken- will sadly surrender to situations that should not have to be cooperated with and could have been completely preventable.

Especially for America -which has a natal astrological chart just like any human or any entity with a date of initiation- this Mars Retrograde is a extremely critical passage of time to be ultimately aware of how it distinctly affects the nation overall. As written in Realigning & Reuniting America, Understanding a 6 Personal Year Cycle, its’ citizens must be well-prepared for what this cycle of reflection calls for the nation to do concerning how it nurtures at home, nourishes the inner psyche, and takes care of its’ immediate environments. By the time Mars began Retrograde 09 September, what events unfolded under it’s Approach since 25 July resulted in the harrowing west coast fires, an early hurricane season, tornadoes, and continuing unrest across the country. As this preview of Retrograde coming attractions rolled out, what happens under the actual Retrograde itself will be undeniably more of completely expect the unexpected to awaken upon American soil in further conflicts, turmoils and dismay.

Beyond America’s reflective calling, for those reachable and teachable anywhere in the world as Mars Retrograde is equally an entire global affect, the willing examination of what makes us truly tick within the focal point of Aries is extremely favored during Mars’s reflective time within The Ram. 

Our personal responsibility is to stay in our own lane, slow our personal energies down, and take a deep, deep courageous look at this area of our lives so we can be rightfully focused in reflection where we belong, versus become distracted by the collective’s next shiny object. These objects will be nothing else but ones that wish to overwhelm us in fear, take control over our own abilities to be independent and remove rightful freedoms from our natural lives. 

Responding versus reacting to any situation is a sound warning to heed for this entire passage. It is beyond critical we absolutely step back, become an observer as we carefully go about our lives, and not allow the influence of another to control nor dominate our behaviors. 

How to Successfully Work with Mars Retrograde

28 The Trusting Lamb & 15 The Magician,
Linda Goodman’s Star Cards

This alarming cycle of review and redo from Mars backtracking in Aries is quintessential in such a universal year as 2020 represents. As we are all asked to heed Becoming Friends with Simplification at this pivotal time in history, Mars offers his reflection from being well aware of not becoming ‘The Trusting Lamb’ 28 degree point starting in Aries, reversing to turnaround at the do not be persuaded by the charm of 15 degree point of ‘The Magician’, as it concludes 13 November. 

These two starting and ending points undeniably indicate a profound and very powerful time of recognizing what we perhaps have been far too trusting about, and have been ultimately charmed by. We are called to take note of what has hindered our very abilities to work with absolute accountability concerning our own egos and owning of our personal power, versus falsely follow and trust those who have been giving us nothing else but ill advice, and wrongfully giving away our valuable personal power to them otherwise.

This specific retrograde passage opens us to embrace a true redefinition of what allows us all to take action within our personal lives. We are now asked to find our very courage, fierceness, warrior spirit, boldness and to step away from any argument to work with our own abilities to find harmony and peaceful resolve from within. 

Coupled with the sensitive path we are personally and collectively on during 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected wild ride, defiantly places an energetic reset upon humanity’s individual will and abilities to heal what has been gurgling up and raging from within. This unprecedented cycle of reflection aligns us in our gravest responsibility to become a completely well-oiled machine that ultimately seeks for us to be able to move forward: fully awakened with a restored self-reliance and acute awareness within our lives.

The “RE Rules” Under Mars Retrograde
One of the Zodiac’s most dynamic, energetic and at worst- abrupt inner planets, Mars’s influence under normal forward motion grants action, motivation and desire wherever his feverish and accelerating energy is currently visiting within any of the 12 individual signs.  Mars guides the collective’s drives to take definite action and do something- as well as our aggression, impulsiveness, exertion, and any time we need to utilize courage to adapt to change within our lives. As he decides to not “look where he is going,” the collective can expect the natural benefits of his energy to not work so seamlessly and amicably, and instead be up to rightfully experience a passage of hardcore review.

What to Be Extremely Mindful of During Mars Retrograde…

1. Monitoring Our Speed. Take a much slower pace with everything you do. Being in a hurry under Mars Rx undoubtedly attracts the potential for accidents, penetrating situations and conflicting outcomes to occur. The use of sharp objects, explosive devices and fire of all kinds are forewarned to be carefully monitored, for extra care is seriously needed concerning them for this passage.

2. Managing Our Anger. It will be very “easy” to fall to this choice of the free will. But feed and fuel the fires of rage, conflict and impatience under Mars Rx, and you’ll be ever sorry that you did.

3. Practicing Our Patience. Choosing this practice will greatly improve your results. This virtue is the most valuable one we can utilize at all times in life, but for this particular Mars Retrograde round, it will be unprecedented to habitually practice to navigate what is currently moving in the harrowing call to honor reflective energy within Aries.

4. Owning Our Ability to Let Go. Mars is equally -aside from activating our motivation and drive- the planet that promotes conclusions, finalizations and endings. Know that these will be showing up in powerful ways and trigger you from the latter Aries area of your life. Choose to resist them, and you can expect a struggle that you will look back upon and wish you had made a different decision.

5. Watching Our Initiations. Just like Mercury Retrograde cycles (which our Messenger will overlap 13 October to 03 November), we are absolutely wise to carefully monitor anything we are starting for long term success under this much more intense cycle of reflection and review. Especially when Mercury Retrograde engages 13 October to 03 November, ALL BETS ARE COMPLETELY OFF.

6. Knowing Our Personal Forecast. Wherever 28 to 15 degrees Aries rests in your natal birth chart is the precise area of life that you’ll see an ultimate reset button being pressed from 09 September to 13 November. Equally, potential natal planets that will aspect Mars’s Retrograde journey are important to understand to know how to make proper choices avoiding critical mistakes during this extremely sensitive cycle. An ounce of prevention, is a sure pound of cure. And as Ben Franklin used to wisely say, “Those that fail to prepare, prepare to fail.”

7. Mars Relating to Other Intense Planetary Alignments It has been in intense astrological conversation all throughout 2020 concerning the planetary concentration in play within Capricorn from Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto that deeply explains the global restrictions the world has been otherwise undeniably witnessing across the board. As Mars will directly Square (favoring energetic blockages, tensions, stagnation and resistance) these planets during his Retrograde journey, we have alarmingly distinct trigger points which will absolutely point to precise times that absolute tension and worldly powers vying to control people and situations will be unfolding in more than disturbing ways. 

As we equally take into serious consideration both Capricorn and Aries are leadership signs, we can further understand why the worlds’ powers that be are not working in alignment, and continue to fight, blame and thwart intensely against one another. Once again, on the personal level, knowing where both Aries and Capricorn will be working with these alignments in your natal astrological chart, hold the very keys for you to work amicably with them, versus fight against their intense energies that will strive to interfere with conflicts and frustrations otherwise.

Mars Retrograde Square to Saturn 29 September How self-expression and self-confidence can be achieved will be extremely challenging to concentrate upon over the days leading into and immediately following this square forming. Collectively, the acts of manipulation will be alarming to behold, where current events playing out will unfold more fear, restrictions, control, and complete prevention of action being able to be taken. The key here is to not allow our emotions to be dominated by excessive male reckless behavior. The more silent we can personally become, the more we can listen to our divine feminine wisdom from within as the worlds’ storms amplify in their strength around us.

Mars Retrograde Square to Pluto 09 October The attempt to further separate society will be moving through the collective and provoke the utter collapses that life will indeed never be going back again to what it once used to look like. As personal powers and freedoms will be further repressed, the anger emerging will be more than explosive in ways humanity in our day and age have not ever witnessed before. On our own level of observation, what we are meant to be personally healing is given tremendous drive and transformative power if we allow it to do so. Moving away from feelings of insecurity -no matter what the world is dolling out- allows us to see and further understand we must forgive ourselves and others for the deeper pains of the past as we adapt to higher ideals replacing ones we once previously held in order to eventually move forward. 

Mars Retrograde Square to Jupiter 19 October Once again, self-esteem is brought to the surface to be examined on a deeper level, as we remain reachable and teachable in order to recognize a powerful new truth. Egos out of control will be absolutely witnessed, which are to be once again responsively observed, and not directly reacted to should they cross our paths. We are best to avoid any kind of rash decisions at this time, and work intently with steering completely clear of impulsive, reckless, and any taking of a risk, chance or gamble. This more than abundant energy is best channeled to work with finding gratitude, utilizing a true being willing to be educated approach, and seek out any intellectual or artistic means to burn off the excessive and expansive energy it will provoke.

8. October’s Potent Full Moon Awakening Activations This promises to be an extremely intense emotionally filled month beckoning with even more irreversible changes- opens and concludes with two Full Moons, 01 and 31 October. With 01 October’s aligning within Aries itself, the days surrounding it will be overwhelmingly emotionally charged and cast off more intense callings to surrender to healing and reflection. By 31 October, especially as Mercury Retrograde will then be equal full affect, this Taurus Full Moon conjuncts the very planet in charge of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected Universal energy of Uranus, who is also Retrograde in Taurus. Be ultimately ready to be surprised with shock factors affecting the very root system of our sense of security like we have never see before cascade everywhere across the globe.

Be Sure to Take Advantage of 2 POWERFUL Elearning Opportunities to Arm You in Ultimate Awareness for Mars Retrograde & 2020’s Awakening Finale

The Approach and Shadow of Mars Retrograde
Every Retrograde passage has a “preview of coming attractions” as the planet crosses over moving forward, the exact degree point it will backtrack to, which is astrologically termed the Approach. We distinctly started to notice what was going to be in intense reflection by 09 September as Mars crossed over 15 degrees Aries on 25 July.

Every Retrograde passage has a “ironing out the retrograde wrinkles” time until the planet crosses over, moving Direct, the exact degree point it started retrograding upon, known as the Shadow. Whatever critical decisions may have had to been made by no other choice under Mars Retrograde, will have the opportunity to smooth out the fabric of reflection wrinkles throughout 02 January 2021, when the Shadow completes crossing back over 28 degrees Aries.

What’s Really in a Word? MARS RETROGRADE

Whenever a planet is actively in RETROGRADE within our Zodiac skies, it’s that necessary time when we are best to surrender, and know we’ve GOT TO REDO, and GO TO A GREAT REORDER. As our take action and motivating planet attaches himself to the retrograde title, how apropos the anagrams we can derive are able to spell out the truth of how we can reap personal rewards.



Honoring A Cycle of Reflection
This time for reassessment, review and redo within The Ram allows us to all remember that staying in own own lane and owning our own fire versus starting one, are two mantras that will absolutely serve our highest good as this intensely plays out on the collective level. Once 13 November comes to pass, the activity within these degrees points (28 to 15 degrees Aries) of the life will start to energetically move forward once again- offering restoration and undeniably the reset button will have been hit in full to allow us to see how our ambitions and desires must move forward for the better, no matter what has fallen out otherwise as deep and incredible worldly changes.

Remember, what is deserving of being reexamined in Aries comes from the acts of review under the retrograde. So rest, retreat and reset to the very best of your ability 09 September to 13 November, then move forward with your soul certainty amidst whatever uncertain times still prevail to gather up your rewards later! Know, the grandeur may not be what you had originally anticipated. However, what is ultimately meant to be simplified by deeply honoring reflection, is where your courage will be required to receive what you will have been patiently waiting for. 

As 2020 has always deeply promised, Mars Retrograde will be a more than unprecedented time of amplifying the entire year’s Awakening the Unexpected experience for the entire world to absolutely behold.

Watch the REplay from Facebook Live on more tips and tools for Mars Retrograde and 2020’s Finale.

WAKE UP Before It’s Too Late AMERICA

“Those that fail to prepare, prepare to fail.” ~Benjamin Franklin

In the urgency of flattening the curve of COVID19 aka, Coronavirus, AMERICA has some of the deepest lessons to learn in its’ global part in stopping the spread during one of the first promises of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected human experiences. First and foremost, let us first take the “I” and “ME” out of the equation as far as how our state to state mandating is not unanimously deciding how all this is all going to go proactively.

To continue to witness the incredible evidence in contrast for a country that is supposedly UNITED, (well haven’t we all sadly known for a long time now via politics alone how much indeed it is UNTIED) we are miserably missing the Shelter in Place memo as a nation, as well as the calling of Becoming Friends with Simplification.

True to Numerology’s insight, as further explained in What’s Really in a Name? Shelter In Place, America is allowing itself to attract the energy of playing the role of “The Sacrifice – The Victim” with every move made in capitalistic greed and ignorance of the TRUTH that sure may HURT. 

It is mesmerizing how can a nation can choose to absolutely forget about its’ own people and fail to protect the rights even more of those who are risking their own lives every day in this pandemic which has new found heroes.

We are fighting a war. An invisible one. 

As we look once again to the numerology via Name Expression of Coronavirus, we find it vibrates to the 43. Not a very happy outcome as we can see here…. 

*43* The ancients claim this is an unfortunate number, and if the name equals 43, the spelling should be changed to equal a more fortunate Compound Number. It is symbolized by the tendency towards revolution, upheaval, strife, conflict and war. It carries the vibration of repeated disappointment and failure. ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs

We can however navigate the eyes of this invisible storm by tapping further into Understanding Coronavirus as Energy for Protection & Safety.

Beyond that…. The uncanny power and insight of Lexigrams -the ability for us all to be able to spell out the truth- has one more piece of advice to share with anyone who is an American at this time. Lexigrams are the ability to take the anagrams we can derive from any word, name or title, and phrase them like poetry or prose. While every country has seen it’s own fair share of despair and heartache across the globe, the story for America is one that is more harrowing than others, and timing is of the essence, to prevent it from experiencing the longest journey of recovery of any other country in the world.



Could this potential outcome be reversed if America wakes up and decides to follow stay at home and let’s ride this out protocol? The aftermath of not stopping the spread of this virus will unfortunately and sadly answer that question if a national unified decision is not arrived at. 

The United States was absolutely promised a cycle of intense changes especially as 04 July 2019 to 05 July 2020 unfolded as was foreseen via Irreversible America, Understanding a 5 Personal Year Cycle. This end result doesn’t have to be devastation, yet, if certain measures and protocol is not followed, the inevitable is bound to happen, whether anyone wants it to or not.

Bottom line is, It is time to take a SILENT LISTEN. 

Clearly people do not understand the breathing and airborne transmission of this virus enough. Masks or not, hand sanitizer or not, washing yer stinking hands or not.

While of course it is also deeply understand the urge to want to make money, at what cost does that actually need to happen? Spreading this virus is not worth any amount of money one can make to cause more death and despair our hospitals and healthcare workers simply cannot handle.

Common sense needs to be way more common than greed. Think for yourself. What you are being advised or told to do is not always correct.

This is all part of why America is changing the most out of any other country in the world from this experience and it will never be going back to what it once was. The sooner people get that memo, the better off we all will be dealing with this crisis.

Start thinking about being part of the solution in prevention versus making your current money problems even worse when you will absolutely make this months and months of quarantine instead by not choosing to listen right now.

It is ultimately saddening but obviously not surprised to see how certain states in America who foolishly think they are immune to this virus who are in such a rush to get back to work, get back to business, and get back to making their precious money.

Money will not save you when you are dead, or your loved ones. Better yet. America do your digging and real research on this virus and see if you even do recover from it, would you ever want to had have it be in your body in the first place?

Gut feeling is here, as it definitely is for me, the answer to that question is a big fat NO.

Stay Safe. Be Empowered. Remain Aware in the LOVE to EVOLVE Always.

Irreversible America, Understanding a 5 Personal Year Cycle

Probably most people would agree, the USA pretty much missed the memo on what it really meant to be Reinventing America 2018 to 2019, during its’ 4 Personal Year Cycle. What now becomes the more alarming ride as this soul homework was for the most part completely ignored, are what absolute irreversible changes promise to await during it’s 5 Personal Year that now unfold 04 July 2019 to 04 July 2020.

This piece will connect the numerological forecasting dots for America back to its’ natal astrological birth chart to show how the year ahead’s timing is everything scope is favored to unfold.

We easily calculate a Current Personal Year Cycle via numerology as such, always reducing any compound figure down to the singular digit.

7 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 23 | 2 + 3 = 5
Every person or entity, in this case of the country The United States, all circulate through 9 year cycles. Every 9 years, a new one begins. Each year has particular tasks and taking action things to do, that much like building blocks, work in connectivity to one another that continuously manifest in our human as well as collective experiences. For the USA, this particular 9 year span began back on 04 July 2015, as the country experienced a 1 Personal Year until 04 July 2016.

As far as the USA is concerned, being in a 5 Personal Year (here we look to the planet Mercury, who guides 5 energies requesting adaptability be honored and not resisted) promises complete permanent and irreversible changes to be experienced all throughout the year. Where the Personal Year planet in charge (in this case, Mercury) is first positioned in the birth chart upon the birthday, is then followed for it’s current transits until the next birthday cycle occurs for a precise timing is everything focus.

As it starts off 04 July 2019, Mercury is via current astrological transit, focused upon the wealth/scope of life/death rebirth for the nation, and will continue to evolve with a more than revealing story throughout the year to follow. 

While Mercury as well as all of his Retrograde passages will be undeniably touching upon all areas of the country’s life, where The Messenger (aka Mercury) is positioned at the very beginning of this 5 Personal Year is quintessential to understand for the year’s focus of permanent and irreversible change. 

The trickier part right away as America begins its’ 5 Personal Year, is that Mercury who is ultimately in charge of how all irreversible changes are to be seen, is equally stationed under the Approach to the year’s 2nd Retrograde spanning 07 to 31 July in this area of the life that is all about deep transformation, regeneration and the ability to become reborn. The sense of a holding pattern and glazing over is potentially high. 

Equally it involves the country’s use of other people’s money/resources/loans under the definition of wealth and beyond the financial picture itself, the ability to look at the larger picture with objectivity as this first Mercury Retrograde immediately engages. All surrounded in potential confusion and secrets, truths concealed.

All Mercury Retrograde cycles are especially critical for the nation as each one will come along 2019-2020 during this Mercury guided 5 Personal Year. What is equally important to note, as this first Retrograde passage engages positioned where it is in the nations chart, the country also starts the year off with plenty of secrets being concealed. As the station to turn Direct 31 July occurs, the country is also in a Mercury Return. 

The country’s natal Mercury (how it works with its’ communications/thinking/mentality across the board) is placed at 24 degrees Cancer, as the 31 July’s Mercury Retrograde turns Direct is at 23 degrees Cancer. So much that is disclosed and not openly discussed at this time, does promise to be revealed and better understood much later on within the 5 Personal Year itself. In other words, eyes and ears open America!

Carrying on, 31 October to 16 Novembers’ Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, begins to unfold in the nation’s area of lie which is even more secretive, hidden and totally associated with karmic justice as well as at best: healing the pains of the past. There are a many many things moving especially for the first part of 2019’s last Mercury Retrograde request through 08 November that will be dealt with which equally, will not exactly become public knowledge at first. 

The remainder of Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio 08 to 16 November seeks out reflection in the country’s area of future goals, hopes, dreams, wishes, place amongst peers, organizations and the actual friends the country has. All of these concepts are the preferred focus of where reflection should unfold the most. 

While a separate conversation from the Mercury focus of a 5 Personal Year, as 2019 concludes, there is a potent Solar Eclipse 26 December 2019 in the country’s approaches to life, emerging self, and overall “face to the world.” Equally Mercury is also positioned in this very same area of the life when the Eclipse kicks off, promising how America “appears to the world” will then begin a strong cycle that promises huge new beginnings to be seen, which absolutely are going to be more than surprising and full of interesting new ways they are in actuality seen to reinvent the nation as it is seen by the entire world. (And by this point, if resistance to change continues to occur, it will be all the more a harrowing road.)  

Step into play, 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected process overall that promises each and every heart upon the earth whether American or not, will equally undeniably experience. More to come on the shock factor year that 2020 involves, yet this will not be just America’s story to tell alone. 

By 30 January 2020, Mercury reaches the country’s thinking and mentality to engage another Retrograde cycle 16 February, and station to turn Direct 09 March upon the country’s natal Aquarius moon. Whatever is going on at that time, the emotional picture is exploding, and as all Mercury Retrograde’s are well known to do, there are all kinds of misinformation and human errors in the mix. 

Also to note is the 09 March Virgo Full Moon peaking in complete opposition in the country’s foreign affairs and ability to see the truth, at a purifying 19 degrees. Once again, whatever is going on, there is a truth being revealed while equally concealed and utter confusion surrounding it all with intense emotions like the country will not have experienced in a crisis fashion in quite some time.

2020’s 2nd Mercury Retrograde is still in progress as America’s 5 Personal Year officially concludes as it will have started upon 18 June. It is stationed then, upon the country’s natal Sun which will expose its’ identity as it relates to the world at large. There is a strong indication many legalities and legal matters will be moving at this time, or needing serious resolve. Yet, again, all things colored in illusion, confusion and human errors. 

The planetary baton is passed to Venus upon 04 July 2020 to enter the country’s 6 Personal Year, which then places her in charge of the immediate focus of how the nation is advised to proceed. Right under the Shadow of her recent Retrograde (13 May to 25 June) in the country’s area of service, health, lifestyle, habits, routines: all of which will be finding new footing to stand upon. It also will ask for further reflection and entangle the nation in more of those legal conversations prior to the Mercury Retrograde amplifying things by 18 June. 

A 6 Personal Year wishes to readjust understanding across the board concerning value of all things, relationships, luxuries, beauty, etc, in order to attain proper realignment and balance back into the life after such a stirring previous year of change. Undeniably as the year begins, America as a nation is in a grave and shocking understanding about what it really means to serve and take care of our health. Venus will conjunct America’s natal Uranus in this lifestyle, habits and routine area of the country’s life precisely as the 6 Personal Year begins, so it is utter disruption, disturbances, surprises and reinvention unexpectedly in motion across the board concerning all of the above concepts, yet as of now it appears more than plausible, the lifestyle of America somehow will not exactly exist as it has prior to that point arriving in time.

Back to the Mercury Retrograde that begins 18 June and spans until 12 July 2020. Before this one will station to turn Direct 12 July, the world experiences more than rebirthing Solar Eclipse upon the Summer Solstice, 21 June- and equally for the USA, this is also triggering new energy to emerge concerning how we relate to others, and all legal matters across the board. This eclipse closely conjuncts the country’s natal Venus- which will draw in a new value system for the country to align with. Oh, and let’s not fail to mention the two intense Lunar Eclipses. 05 June’s smacks the country’s natal Ascendant with more emotional upheaval for the nation to face head on, and the one to follow 05 July resets the entire earning power capacity, value system, securities and income potentials for the country. All connecting the dots back to 2014’s Grand Cardinal Cross alignment at 13 degrees, Regeneration – Change. Talk about an energetic permanent change show! 

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “Those that fail to prepare, prepare to fail.”

By the time 12 July arrives, Mercury Retrograde is stationed to turn Direct upon the nation’s natal Jupiter, also in the nations’ area of legalities, relationships and all legal matters. Once again, whatever is not, or rather, has not been done in the most ultimate accountability, there will be plenty plenty of truth being revealed. Some will need to be filtered, yet, overall as 2020 overall promises the most unexpected ride to be part of the shock factor process, there is a very very interesting and leveling up time moving in America by Summer 2020. Equally as Mercury Rx turns around upon Jupiter, it will be larger than life to navigate and deal with, because Jupiter never, ever does anything quietly nor on any smaller scale.

May America be undeniably and ultimately prepared for leveraging change, irreversible energy and a lot of knowing that if its’ citizens did not properly prepare during the previous 4 years of soul work, there will be a lot of difficulty to work through. Whatever has been built upon an unstable foundation, crashes hard core in 2019-20. Whatever has been built in integrity, will only ultimately rise and blossom forward, especially in the 2020’s Awakening and EARTH HEART Shift promise. 

For those who wish to go back down memory lane to connect the dots:

Reinventing America, Understanding a 4 Personal Year Cycle 2018-2019

The Learning for America, Understanding a 3 Personal Year Cycle 2017- 2018

The Nurturing of America, Understanding a 2 Personal Year Cycle 2016 – 2017

Relating New Light for America, Understanding a 1 Personal Year Cycle 2015 -2016

Cultivating Courage for America, Understanding a 9 Personal Year, 2014- 2015

While all Americans should always be well advised of knowing how to work with Mercury Retrograde, they should ultimately be paying close close attention to all of them 2019 to 2020 so they are not caught by surprise whenever they show up. This natural and recurring cycle of reflection that affects anyone in the world whenever they are in transit, are critical to observe for human error, misinformation, and ultimately knowing no matters of importance for the future should be initiated under them. 

07 to 31 July 2019; Mercury Retrograde in Leo/Cancer

Approach starts: 20 June; Shadow ends: 14 August

31 October to 20 November 2019; Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio/Libra

Approach starts: 12 October; Shadow ends: 07 December

16 February to 09 March 2020; Mercury Retrograde in Pisces/Aquarius

Approach starts: 02 February; Shadow ends: 29 March

18 June to 12 July 2020; Mercury Retrograde in Cancer

Approach starts: 01 June; Shadow ends: 26 July

Overall, the varying road ahead of leveraging change and much irreversible energies will be more than causing movement to unfold for America throughout 04 July 2020. The time for The UNITED States of America to come together for whatever may be UNTIED and once again, mindfully pausing in a many SILENT LISTEN offerings, will be wise. Undeniably ways to work better with remembering how reflection is an important part of life for its’ sustainability and success – is one of the strongest requests of the 5’s guidance- as it teaches us that rolling stones never do really gather any moss. 

May openness, willingness to adapt, thinking for the self, grounded communications and finding the reasonability to guide America in this 5 Personal Year touch every citizen’s heart.

Allow Your Freedom to continue to Reign in Change Dear American Stars.

Reinventing America 2018-19, Understanding a 4 Personal Year Cycle

AmericanFlags.SharitaStar04 July 2018 to 2018 & 22/4 Personal Year Cycle: What It Means for America

There probably isn’t a person who could disagree -no matter what it is they choose to politically believe- that The United States of America most certainly tapped into a very strong learning curve over the past year, the very promise of The Learning for America, 2017-18 3 Personal Year Cycle. As this year favored the practice of becoming a student for America, it is now time for the nation to completely expect the unexpected to continue on an even more intense level. Working with thinking outside of the box, discovering the difference between tolerance and allowing, as well as recognizing any resistance is futile as it celebrates 2018’s birthday, now marks the fourth and final year of the foundation laying process within the country’s current 9 year span of time that began in 2015.

Now that the USA’s 3 Personal Year has concluded -which preferred growth to occur concerning the seeds planted for the nation back in 2015-16 in it’s 1 Personal Year- America’s current energetic cycle via numerology shifts to the 4 Personal Year. As Jupiter guided their 2017-2018 3 Personal Year cycle, the energetic pulse of being willing to be educated, seek optimism and honor the truth within any situation was favored- whether these concepts were actually embraced or not. Jupiter finishing up in regenerative Scorpio and soon to move into the aims of Sagittarius before the close of 2018 will absolutely remain an important astrological transit to continue to observe for the nation.

However, the current planetary focus for the year ahead overall for America now shifts to intimately looking at the transit of Uranus between Aries and Taurus via how we can connect the timing of numerology cycles with those of astrology.

Uranus -whether it guides a 4 Personal Year, 4 vibration karmic path (4, 13, 22 or 31st of any given month) or the astrological sun sign of Aquarius- tells us we are meant to be focused upon breaking through the normal, becoming visionary, overcoming obstacles, implementing originality and know that individualism is the key to working with the whole continuity of humanity. Equally in any natal birth chart- the placement of one’s Uranus determines their ability to be unique; where they can naturally expect there is a different way they need to be in the life from everyone else; be prepared for unexpected turns; as well where they will find if they do not allow obstacles to stop them, they will prevail through determination.

In a 4 Personal Year, there is a request to absolutely adhere to a going with the unusual flow in order to allow for the solidarity to be experienced within it naturally unfold. What comes next for America is all about expecting the unexpected in order to break-through and overcome obstacles to properly prepare for 2019’s promised blossoming and permanent changes in a 5 Personal Year that leverages everything.


4 The Innovator | Linda Goodman’s Star Cards


22 Submission – Caution | Linda Goodman’s Star Cards

The higher vibration of the country’s “new year’ for 2018-19 is that of the 22. (7 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 7= 22/4) The Chaldean numerological system views the Master Number 22 as ‘Submission – Caution.’ As much as these ancient meanings via Chaldean Karmic Mysteries were composed so long ago, these interpretations still very much can be translated and related to within our modern day, granting a most uncanny value for us to embrace into our understanding.

22 is symbolized by the ancients as “a Good Man, blinded by the folly of others, with a knapsack on his back, full of errors.” In the image he seems to offer no defense against a ferocious tiger, which is about to attack him. It’s a warning number of illusion and delusion. It indicates a good person (or entity) who lives in a fool’s paradise; a dreamer of dreams who awakens only when surrounded by danger, when it’s often too late. It warns of mistakes in judgment, of placing faith in those who are not trustworthy. If 22 is present (even as a personal year cycle), the person or entity it represents should exercise caution and watchfulness in both career and personal matters. The karmic obligation here is to be more alert, to curb “spiritual laziness,” and develop more spiritual aggressiveness- to realize your own power to change things, to prevent failure by simply ordaining success. When this personal responsibility is recognized, practiced, and finally mastered, the 22 person can be in control of events, no longer blinded by the folly of others, and will see ideas achieved and dreams realized. Any entity influenced by the 22 of any month needs to carefully understand their natural relationships with the numbers 4 and 8, and all of their vibration combinations.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs
Certainly, the country has all the potential to be seen by the world to reinvent itself this year. The 4 energy favors (and bear in mind the USA is a 4 karmic path nation as well) stepping away from status quo, daring to be different. However with a Master Number 22, as the Chaldean Karmic Mystery advises, caution and the submission to be watchful is necessary to avoid emotional turbulence which has a very high potential to unfold. As many feel America obviously has a lot to change and reinvent, the year ahead assists the country to recognize that the tolerance versus allowing process is an important part of how the nation must now work with originality moving forward to master our current experiences in order to evolve.

Equally, through Uranus’s guidance over this 4 Personal Year cycle, a very masculine and airy intellectual energy is abound. This planetary influence is seemingly wild with erratic energy, frequently misunderstood, and is not willing to follow nor fit into whatever is considered the norm. Once again, the country must align in the willingness to overcome obstacles, think differently in ways that have not been embraced before.

When connecting the forecasting dots from numerology to astrology, we now look at the country’s natal birth chart. Being once again, Uranus is in charge of the 4 Personal Year, this is the planet we closely observe as it equally journeys through the nation’s current transits all year long.

Uranus is a celestial vessel that moves through all 12 of the zodiac signs- spending approximately 7-8 years within each of them, taking approximately 84 years to complete one turn around the entire wheel in each of the 12 signs. Currently on the tipping point of Aries and Taurus, within 2018-19’s 4 Personal Year, the Uranus energy will be ultimately focused upon changing the country’s willingness to step outside of the box. The wavering between rebelliousness and the striving for stability and security is a strong theme as the year ahead will play itself out.

As the 4 Personal Year officially began for the USA upon 04th July, Uranus is in current transit in the nations’ natal 5th house of creativity and children as well as how it is able to find pleasure through entertainment and luxury. Equally it is in a sextile to the nation’s natal Venus at 03 degrees Cancer in the 7th house of legalities and agreements, favoring we do examine harmonious agreements within the country’s relationships to others. Previous relationships that need to be examined for what needs renewal or complete dissolving between them is also is also highly likely. This indicates a specific timing is everything point as to where the USA can expect to end or relationship changes to come to fruition –some that have been brewing to be resolved or concluded for quite some time- and the end result will be that these changes are vital, transforming and they will never return again to what they once were. Ideally, new patterns of relating to others and legal agreements are meant to suit the country, versus choosing to remain stuck in frustrating situations that do not serve anyone’s highest good.

Uranus turned Retrograde upon 07 August 2018, favoring reflection within this 5th house sector of life to be ultimately required, as a pure purging and cleansing of the nation’s ability to heal what is currently going on concerning children, it’s abilities to manifest creation and how it can sustain enjoyment without being materialistic. Upon 11 November 2018, it crosses back into the nation’s 4th house, where reflection shifts at this time to what the country needs to reconsider concerning it’s abilities to nurture the home and family life and what is unfolding within it’s closest environments.

Equally, as Uranus will already have moved back into Aries 07 November, this is a very volatile time as when any outer planet crosses into another sign, we most certainly can see disturbances in the force. Uranus is also the planet that rules over earthquakes and natural disasters, due to the fact we never quite can predict what their outcomes will exactly be before they surprise us.

Uranus is on the tipping point of the nation’s 4th house moving in retrograde motion at this time, expecting the unexpected is more than wise to do, and being prepared to go with the flow is absolutely necessary. Also in transit at this time will be Venus Retrograde, who will directly oppose Uranus Retrograde on 31 October, and continue in a close opposition into the middle of November. Redefining power, money relationships and the USA’s view upon it’s vitality for it’s future will all be swirling in the mix of our upcoming Autumns reflection, which will be nothing short of intense.

Upon 05 January 2019, Uranus turns Direct, still in the nation’s 4th house of home and family life. At this time we also see the station of Uranus to be squaring the nations’ natal Pluto in the 2nd house of possessions, value security, and how the country is able to acquire income. The New Year certainly opens for the country on a very disturbing note once again, as the transformation of power concerning value as well as how this affects the home and family life is seeking for a new structure to be implemented.

Everything surrounding security in the country is going to be seen in such a way that it has never been seen before. Complete transformation and regeneration will be in motion, removing old habitual patterns and entering an energetic new phase of existence. At the very best, there can be a very spiritual insightful way this can manifest, and the will of being powerful wishes to exemplify itself in a way that is different and outlandish at first, but over time it is seen as revolutionary.

Moving forward in 2019, Uranus shifts back into the to the nation’s 5th house again upon 01 March just before it moves completely forward, re-entering Taurus upon 05 March for the next 7 years, and equally remaining in this area of the country for the majority of it.

What does that all mean you might be asking?

As America’s 4 Personal Year carries out, placing proper attention upon expecting the unexpected, remaining open minded, working with originality and casting off judgment is critical to adhere to. This applies all year long to the country’s approach to children, manifestation, nurturing, caring for the home and family, and what we see unraveling within our closest environments. Certainly a time in the country’s history to continue to remain alert, aware and work with accepting changes versus resist them.
Overall, the varying road ahead of contrast will be more than an unusual one to unfold throughout 04 July 2019. The time for The UNITED States of America to come together and listen to wise and just ways to work better with remembering it’s individual place amongst the world –one of the strongest requests of the 4’s guidance- and not remain judgmental to humanity’s differences overall in the UNTIED is here.

May openness, willingness to change, originality, going with the flow and finding the progress within the unexpected side of life guide America in this ‘Submission – Caution’ New Year.

May You Allow Your Freedom to Reign Dear American Stars.


The 1 Personal Year: What It Means for America



The time has come to welcome all Americans to the country’s new 1 Personal Year Cycle. We’ve been asked over the past year within the 9 Personal Year of 2014-15 to honor release, letting go, and by rising up in our courage, ultimately clearing the space as our nation concluded a 9 year span of time which began in 2006.

The Cultivation of Courage during 2014-15
Mars’s calling and guidance over the 9 Personal Year brought the nation to a certain sense of feeling conflict for whatever may have been resisted to about the country’s requirement to release. While many may not feel change is necessary, it became inevitable – and a courageous warrior presence is what truly conquered the battles needing to be fought over the past year. Those who have listened carefully to this call, will find what comes into USA play over 2015-16’s cycle within the next 1 Personal Year, is able to be responded to all the easier on a cleaner slate. There is a specific formula to follow now in the months ahead, which undeniably requires that the USA must apply what it has learned through the experiences that the 9 Personal Year unfolded.

Welcoming A Brand New Era
2015 to 2016’s 1 Personal Year Cycle is a significant part of all the groundwork that will begin to weave into the fabric of life that will become the USA’s 9 year span of time that concludes by its’ next 9 Personal Year Cycle in 2023-2024. For the USA, what’s ahead in this year of progress from 2015 to 2016, has everything to do with the recognition of “if it is NEW it is for the USA,” as the Universe hands over a new package of seeds to be planted for the next twelve months. As it is always said for any human soul in a 1 Personal Year, “Plant well in your now, these new seeds and intentions to reap and own a rich harvest further on down the road so you will see you have won.” ~Sharita Star

As we explore the true request of the entire 19 energy governing over 7 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 5  = 19/1, we find the Chaldean’s ancient understandings still amazingly apply in this modern day world. If the free will of the USA chooses to adapt to embracing change, stepping into the heart space, exercising benevolence and opening new mindsets to recognize protection is possible, the country will soar through the 19/1 Personal Year’s lessons ahead with flying colors.

19printThe Chaldeans’ perceived the 19 as ‘The Prince of Heaven,’ that brings along with it exceptional numerological advice. “19 is one of the most fortunate and favorable of all compound numbers. It is symbolized as the Sun, and it is called the Prince of Heaven because it indicates victory over all temporal failure and disappointment. It blesses the person or entity represented by it with all the power of the Compound number 10, without the danger and abuse inherent in the 10.  This number promises happiness and fulfillment- success in all ventures as well as in the personal life. The 19 will smooth the path and greatly dilute any negative vibrations one must deal with in the full numerological analysis.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs

The Plus and Minuses of the 1 Personal Year
As a 1 Personal Year Cycle, the energy of the 19 presents both positive and negative energy to choose from, depending upon what the free will’s actions wish to make. Visualizing the USA with the Sun shining brightly upon it is a marvelous place to start. Proper focus in this numerological cycle promotes enterprising opportunities, innovations, generosity and plenty of self-reliance for making the necessary changes the nation is poised to do. Energetic leadership strengthens the year ahead, to bring genuine inspiration to be able to take up in new directions as these fresh seeds are planted.

The flip side of a 1 Personal Year under the influence of the higher vibration of the 19, forewarns of being fully aware and in true understanding to avoid aggressive, selfish, resentful, over-bearing, dictatorial, fickle and bullish potential outcomes to occur. The Sun, who is The Life Force, is the planet that expresses original and initiating action, and it is he who is in charge during this 1 Personal Year cycle. A planet that certainly does love to shine it’s light, there is a tendency for too much heat through it’s fire element that can scald and burn from the energy that is cast off. So a pace of relaxed intensity about what is new is also extremely required. Having faith is key, but not the foolishness of what blind faith results in.

Connecting the Numerological Forecasting Dots to Astrology’s Timing
The true advice of how a Current Personal Year Cycle via numerology coincides and works with the natal chart via astrology is understood though their connecting force of the planets. It is where the guiding planet of the Current Personal Year currently transits within the natal birth chart that lends more powerful insight as to how to see a bird’s eye view of timing. For the USA, the current transit of The Sun in Cancer begins it’s 1 Personal Year within the natal 7th house where I Relate, which governs legalities, partnerships, one on one relationships of all kinds, including marriage.

As the most recent events upon 26 June already unfolded, one huge step for the nation was the Supreme Court passing of equal rights to gay marriage in all 50 states. Quite the new beginning indeed as the business agreement that is the legality of marriage sees a new light of day.  Simultaneously, the country’s 9 Personal Year was coming to a close as Mars also currently transited the USA’s natal 7th house. There was an equal conclusion here that ended the previous judgment, discrimination and conflict that surrounded gay marriage. What an amazing feat and achievement in a 9 Personal Year to have rose up in courage, where standing up for what was right was absolutely adhered to. So much collective fear was released for our nation, and what a gracious gift that is!
Diving into the Details of A Personal Year Cycle
Within any given Current Personal Year, there is a specific month-to-month breakdown that offers deeper guidance of how the requests of the year ideally will be seen to unravel. Just like our recurring 9 year cycles, the personal months within any given year also follow in the same pattern of 1-9. Cross-referencing back to astrology, as The Sun is the planetary focus via astrology’s current transits, these areas of life will equally be highlighted, working side by side with the personal months as the entire 1 Personal Year plays out. These areas of the life will be the timeline of how this year’s cycle of endings and conclusions will naturally unfold for the nation as a whole through 04 July 2016.

July 2015 | 8 Personal Month
authoritative and financial issues, recognizing achievements, making connections, promotional focus

Sun 7th House I Relate  Partnerships, Legalities, Negotiations to 08 July 2015
Sun 8th House I Transform Wealth, Death/Rebirth, Sexuality, Regeneration/Change to 17 August

August 2015 | 9 Personal Month
conclusions, finalizations/endings, universal/philanthropic concerns, victory, charismatic climaxes

Sun  9th House I Believe Philosophies, Higher Learning, Foreign & World Affairs to 24 September

September 2015 | 1 Personal Month
new beginnings, initiations, seed planting, long term thinking, self-sufficiency, assertions

Sun  9th House I Believe Philosophies, Higher Learning, Foreign & World Affairs to 24 September
Sun 10th House I Structure Career & Public Life to 22 October

October 2015 | 2 Personal Month
nurturing, reflection, cleaning, equalizing emotions, togetherness, family

Sun 10th House I Structure Career & Public Life to 22 October
Sun 11th House I Socialize Groups, Friends, Hopes & Wishes to 14 Nov

November 2015 | 3 Personal Month
creativity, higher education, foreign affairs, joyous communication, attention to health, social activities

Sun 11th House I Socialize Groups, Friends, Hopes & Wishes to 14 Nov
Sun 12th House I Process Inner Work, Subconscious, Solitude to 04 Dec

December 2015 | 4 Personal Month
invention for positive change to create structure, humanitarian concerns, foundations, commitments

Sun 12th House I Process Inner Work, Subconscious, Solitude to 04 Dec
Sun 1st House I Am New Approaches to Life/Mask to the World to 06 Jan 2016

January 2016 | 2 Personal Month  A preview of 2016’s 2 Personal Years “coming attractions”
nurturing, reflection, cleaning, equalizing emotions, togetherness, family

Sun 1st House I Am New Approaches to Life/Mask to the World to 06 Jan 2016
Sun 2nd House I Have Possessions, Values, Earning Power to 13 Feb 2016

February 2016 | 3 Personal Month
creativity, higher education, foreign affairs, joyous communication, attention to health, social activities

Sun 2nd House I Have Possessions, Values, Earning Power to 13 Feb 2016
Sun 3rd House I Communicate Thinking & Mentality to 21 March 2016

March 2016 | 4 Personal Month
invention for positive change to create structure, humanitarian concerns, foundations, commitments

Sun 3rd House I Communicate Thinking & Mentality to 21 March 2016
Sun 4th House I Nurture  Home, Family, Environments to 18 April 2016

April 2016 | 5 Personal Month
permanent change and movement, travel, blossoming, multi-tasking, risk-taking, affecting the masses

Sun 4th House I Nurture  Home, Family, Environments to 18 April 2016
Sun 5th House I Create  Children/Creativity to 12 May 2016

May 2016 | 6 Personal Month
nurturing fortunate legalities, entertaining in the home, creating harmony, loving acts, negotiations

Sun 5th House I Create  Children/Creativity to 12 May 2016
Sun 6th House I Serve Health, Habits, Routines, Service to Self & Others to 02 June 2016

June 2016 | 7 Personal Month
self-renewal, inward focus, meditation, clear-thinking, research, sympathy, spiritual experience

Sun 6th House I Serve Health, Habits, Routines, Service to Self & Others to 02 June 2016
Sun 7th House I Relate  Partnerships, Legalities, Negotiations to 07 July 2016

So Fellow Americans, are you ready for all the “if it is NEW it is for YOU” in the next twelve months? We offer one final piece of star secrets wisdom for our country’s New Year in 2015 as a whole new 9 year span of time has now begun. Via Lexigrams -the poetic phrasing of the anagrams that can be derived from any word, name or title to spell out its’ truth- it will be ever so important to honor the request of the VISUALIZATION as the perfect guide for this 1 Personal Year. May all Americans find the time to anoint their soul to the vision they want to see by planting positive intentions now in order to receive this cycle’s rewards. As Neil Diamond once sang, “Turn on your heart light.” It’s time for America’s Best.

Happy Independence Day Dear American Stars.