These Empowerment Words originally covered, are always standard ones to Remember as Reflection calls to the collective to take in a more than conscious SILENT LISTENas these cycles are in play during 2024’s The Year of EARTH Healing via The Creative HEARTunder our Current 8 Universal Year.
As related in the original episode from 04 August 2023, Understanding A Universal Month in the 15/6 for August 2023 was going to completely level up the collective’s need for reflection practices in purely unprecedented ways during our ongoing 7 Universal Year.
Turning to empowerment tools to assist us, we now focus upon the very power of our words and how Lexigrams are an enlightening divination tool to help as they distinctly teach us all about how we can Spell Out The Truth.
From the very word of reflection itself to poignant phrases like “Face Your Fears” let us journey for an hour that captivates this mysterious way there is an undeniable hidden power within words. In this current universal month that strongly advises taking pause and retreat, may our conscious awareness of words become a steady guide to ground, center and reassure us all to better understand the changes tides of 2023’s The Year of STILLNESS in The SILENT LISTEN.
Click the titles beneath the pictures for the original blog posts as are indicated.
Waning Phases always favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie. This month our request peaks from 09 degrees Aries, to wane through Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo until the first New Moon of Autumn and tenth for 2020 arrives at 23 degrees Libra 16 October. This tenth Full Moon of the new decade, 2020 and first for our Autumn season casts us into intensified reflection that is already in progress from where The Ram seeks for independent means of honoring a keen and active imagination within our lives.
Reflection, interruptions and the rerouting of all routines continues to reign loudly within the world as we are now getting into the thick of Mars Retrograde in Aries, 09 September to 13 November. We have been strongly reconsidering our emerging selves, approaches to life, self-confidence and overall appearances to the world. As the entire globe has been summoned to deeply re-examine the motivations, desires, abilities to take action within our lives as well as take a good look at ourselves during this more than serious and absolutely aggressive cycle of reflection, our preview of upcoming Mercury Retrograde attractions (13 October to 03 November) has also already started its’ Approach upon 25 September. We all will need to embrace intense review and commitment to reflection versus embark upon any important initiation or major launch of any matters of importance for long term success, as Mars Retrograde does not support them for ensured sustainability. As the Approach to Mercury Retrograde is engaged, this waning phase is riddled with more intensities that will attempt to completely overwhelm and emotionally consume us. Personal resilience is absolutely key to navigate it with soul success.
This month’s reflective energy seeks for us to once again fully understand via our continuing unfolding story of intense global realizations, where we need to be personally cultivating our own need to reset the understanding of who “I AM.” As we continue to embrace 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected experience, the “never going back again” message now demonstratively speaks the most abruptly it has all year long of how we are surrendering the past so humanity can become reborn.
Honoring the power of allowing our oldest wounds to surface so they can be properly healed, addressed and faced head on: we will need our greatest internal source of courage in order to do so. Our lunar energy completely beckons that in order to thrive versus merely survive: our focus has to be upon the spiritual and healing aspects of our lives or we are absolutely promised to suffer otherwise. We must continue to learn from our experiences to further embrace Autumn’s Sounding of the Moderation Alarm especially relating to our individual, independent and enthusiastic natures we have within Aries. While all Full Moons of 2020 have layered in intense callings of release: this one is gripped in the most conflicting, combative, and aggressive collective energies that must be extremely and carefully filtered in order to not become swept away in complete emotional overwhelm.
This Full Moon peaking at 09 degrees Aries, reigns in a more than revealing and uprooting of what we thought the past was in truth. The veil is extremely lifted to bring forward immense conclusions and finalizations that seek our spiritual discernment to completely digest these oldest wounds in our lives, grieve them, and allow ourselves to intensely heal. As this Full Moon peak conjuncts Chiron Retrograde in Aries, it will trigger a more than walloping release upon the planet that is only properly addressed by going within, amplifying our soul’s critical need for stillness, versus become full absorbed by what is happening outside of us.
The undeniable heeding of Staying in Your Own Lane is extremely serious to understand in order to avoid unfortunate outcomes otherwise surrounding this alarming Full Moon time. Equally as this waning phase begins, by Friday, 02 October, the waning Aries Moon conjuncts Mars Retrograde in Aries that will make those emotionally unaware appear to be completely off with their heads. As the Aries Moon Void of Course on 03 October makes a square to Saturn in Capricorn, it cries out even more to penetrating energies that will have authoritarian energies further outraged as we witness completely out of control behaviors. The outside world will unbelievably display situations of rage and despair in more shocking ways, which the suffering thereof has naturally attracted to, yet only yearns to be healed. Those who honor stillness and continue to detach from egotistical energies and reclaim their personal power by no longer giving it away will prevail in success, and remain safe in dedication and commitment to spiritual proactiveness.
Crying Out to Heal Our Wounds
Soul Homework for 01 October’s Aries Full Moon
This waning phase through 16 October, asks us to become completely open minded to how we can progress through committing to our own spirituality and working with dedicated courage to combat fear and conflicts that will be seeming on fire within our outside world. 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected points us now to pay extreme attention to where The Ram asks for easily arouse feelings to become more mindful within our lives. Taking time to write down our willingness to release especially in the tense of “I AM” allows us to recognize what we are meant to let go of on a personal level. Many full moon rituals favor writing down anything we need to clear away and let go of and then safely burn them in ceremony upon the day of the Full Moon. Place all gemstones in the Full Moon’s light to energetically cleanse them. Working with red, true blue and white are wonderful choices that resonate with Aries. Ruby is a powerful gemstone to allow self-love to channel through us, engaging our ego to heal itself. It is important to understand how the natural energy of Mars Retrograde in Aries can lead to exhaustion, for which ruby is a wonderful restorative stone to equally unblock anything standing in the way of our positivity, self-awareness and abilities to remain encouraged versus overwhelmed. Remember Full Moons are perfect timing to clear away and ideally heal energy within our lives, as we draw upon conclusions concerning what already exists.
Autumn’s first Full Moon & 10th for 2020. Where will you be prepared to honor Crying Out to Heal Our Wounds, Dear Star?
ARIES:It’s time to focus upon really releasing who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Honor your self-care to change your face to the world as you dive all the deeper into how your former ways of taking on the world are no longer able to sustain you if you truly wish to thrive. Release, grieve and heal your ego’s conflicting pains and deeper wounds so you can step into the courageous version of you that only responds in a Warrior presence.
TAURUS:It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. This deep and unprecedented self-work grants you necessary insight in order to further the healing work in progress to truly cut your attachment to the karmic ties that have bound you. Honor this needed time alone to hear the answers as you become grounded in your inner world, so you can work in security from the roots of your healed soul.
GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Energy is intensely in reflection to bring you to profound conclusions concerning what it is you no longer need to tolerate nor accept. As your future reorients, realignment is favored when you intently recognize it is time for you to courageously tell it like it is to those who need to hear it, as you rise up in taking your spiritual side to the next level.
CANCER:It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. Much is asking for you to take the necessary time you absolutely need in a more than profound SILENT LISTEN from within to heal the pains of your work past, and honor the truth about the critical need to reflect versus unsuccessfully attempt to put your foot on the gas otherwise. Shift your worries to the space of only being concerned.
LEO:It’s time to focus upon really releasing what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, foreign affairs, standing in your truth and expression of your philosophies. Remain reachable so you can receive the teachable ways you are required to adapt to that allow you to surrender old belief systems of the past. While there are some extremely difficult truths that may hurt for you to let go of, the time is now to face them and heal these wounds you no longer need to carry.
VIRGO:It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. This surge of rebirth equally requests you honor cleansing on the deepest level from your very core and source energy of your being. As you work with other details that surround the full scope of your entire life, be ready for the epiphany there is never any kind of going back again as you let go of the deepest pains of your former life, engaging rebirth.
LIBRA:It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. Deeply appreciate the work you are doing for your innate abilities to seek to understand, then be understood are serving you well. Courageously walk away from any conflicts, as engaging in any angered disputes will be only regretted. Now is the time end any relationship that does not serve your highest spiritual worth and integrity to be respected.
SCORPIO:It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Your lifestyle now holds you accountable to truly toss out the trash concerning any kind of activity that has only kept you tethered to continually experience the deeper pains of the past. Recognizing you are here to serve the world via a warrior path is how you now rise up to release, and surrender that once again, life has led your routines to become reborn.
SAGITTARIUS:It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Allow reflection to surround your creative nature with ultimate awareness that emerges when you intently connect to being grounded within your heart space. At this compelling time, remain open to what it is that you have held on to that has only caused a repeated cycle of pain to pursue, and now finalizes through healing from your heart.
CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. As your immediate task lies in trusting that your abilities to nourish are resetting their bar on the highest healing level, all is part of what continues to clear what you no longer need for success to work for you right at home. As intense inner psyche processing is at your finger tips, be sure to pay close attention to any deja vu moments that arise.
AQUARIUS:It’s time to focus upon really releasing how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Releasing negative thinking engages your imagination to thrive, allowing you to find flow with the most critical discerning mindset you have ever utilized up til now. As you remove and heal the deepest wounds of any former mentalities that were only holding you back, your abilities to speak will find they will only come from a sounder peace of mind.
PISCES:It’s time to focus upon really releasing what I Have, relating to your sources of income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. When you surrender to knowing not only simplification but moderation is able to work in your absolute favor, you will no longer tolerate the former ways that only held you in a false and unreliable sense of security. As the possession of spirit within you is fully honored as genuine value to rely upon, you can no longer be fooled by the 3 Dimensional world.
Attain Your Soul Certainty in these Uncertain Times. What does your Personal Forecast say for this Aries Full Moon from your natal chart?
As we experience late Summer moving into mid Autumn 2020, it will be the year’s most critical time that completely casts us in the ultimate request to honor reflection like humanity has never quite experienced up til now.
Unlike his close neighbor Mercury, it’s been awhile since The Pioneer planet took some necessary “time off.” The last Mars Retrograde cycled 26 June to 27 August 2018 in the signs of Aquarius & Capricorn when we were then asked to honor the soul homework of Redefining the Ambition of Humanity.
Upon 09 September in Aries, the next cycle of review and redo commences for Mars that will conclude upon 13 November. Staring 09 September at 28 degrees Aries, it will take until 13 November to move back to 15 degrees within the cardinal leadership and striking up of fire energies favored by The Ram. If you are familiar with Mercury Retrograde, you already understand all too well the kinds of “out of sorts things” that naturally tend to happen under an inner planet retrograde cycle.
What makes a Mars Retrograde different from a Mercury Retrograde?
All of our planets from above guide over different energetic themes and concepts as their movement affects our lives down here below. No matter what planet is in retrograde action, it is always considered an important cycle of reflection to understand must be honored with in the life, especially when it is an inner planet like Mars or Mercury.
Mercury energetically engages movement, travel, communication, permanent changes, blossoming, thinking and circulation of our mentality and mindsets.
Mars energetically allows us to take action, be courageous, manage our anger, become motivated, arrive at conclusions, make life happen, find our willful force, defend our freedom, and work with our natural strengths and desires.
Both Mars and Mercury are inner planets, so when their Retrograde passages occur (Mercury every 3 months; Mars every 24 months; approximately) we are highly advised to take note about our future plans -personal or business wise- concerning what they are ultimately in charge of. Being reflection, research and review are in order, initiating plans during retrograde for future success and fulfillment are best to be avoided.
Overall, the energy of a Mars Retrograde takes what we typically experience under Mercury and amplifies it tenfold. Whatever plans one may have to embark upon new adventures, they will find these are interlaced with extreme delays and completely riddled in errors.
Mars Retrograde in Aries 09 September to 13 November 2020 It is more than fair to say as the finale of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected arrives, it will abruptly bring us to a demonstrative calling to take heed of the later Aries area of life, starting at 28 degrees and then span back to 15 degrees. Mars on a normal journey through Aries enjoys strong, ardent, enterprising, abundant, positive and independent energy, yet we’ll find, these qualities are not so readily available as he will be under review and incredible pause. What anyone unaware of knowing how to honor the need for reflection will undeniably experience, sadly so, will be the very opposite outcomes.
This specific Mars Retrograde in Aries energetic pace will be uncontrolled, inflammable, combative, impetuous, forceful, aggressive, reckless and absolutely explosive. Being able to utilize patience, sympathetic understanding and retaining self-control will not be easily reached by those completely unaware it is in affect.
Energies will naturally sway to becoming turbulent, obstinate, destructive, fearful, repulsive, and take fire in its’ highest form to extremely dangerous situations. What appears to be forces of evil will attempt to utilize power with lack of purpose -which will be blindly followed by the naive. And those unwilling to awaken- will sadly surrender to situations that should not have to be cooperated with and could have been completely preventable.
Especially for America -which has a natal astrological chart just like any human or any entity with a date of initiation- this Mars Retrograde is a extremely critical passage of time to be ultimately aware of how it distinctly affects the nation overall. As written in Realigning & Reuniting America, Understanding a 6 Personal Year Cycle, its’ citizens must be well-prepared for what this cycle of reflection calls for the nation to do concerning how it nurtures at home, nourishes the inner psyche, and takes care of its’ immediate environments. By the time Mars began Retrograde 09 September, what events unfolded under it’s Approach since 25 July resulted in the harrowing west coast fires, an early hurricane season, tornadoes, and continuing unrest across the country. As this preview of Retrograde coming attractions rolled out, what happens under the actual Retrograde itself will be undeniably more of completely expect the unexpected to awaken upon American soil in further conflicts, turmoils and dismay.
Beyond America’s reflective calling, for those reachable and teachable anywhere in the world as Mars Retrograde is equally an entire global affect, the willing examination of what makes us truly tick within the focal point of Aries is extremely favored during Mars’s reflective time within The Ram.
Our personal responsibility is to stay in our own lane, slow our personal energies down, and take a deep, deep courageous look at this area of our lives so we can be rightfully focused in reflection where we belong, versus become distracted by the collective’s next shiny object. These objects will be nothing else but ones that wish to overwhelm us in fear, take control over our own abilities to be independent and remove rightful freedoms from our natural lives.
Responding versus reacting to any situation is a sound warning to heed for this entire passage. It is beyond critical we absolutely step back, become an observer as we carefully go about our lives, and not allow the influence of another to control nor dominate our behaviors.
How to Successfully Work with Mars Retrograde
28 The Trusting Lamb & 15 The Magician, Linda Goodman’s Star Cards
This alarming cycle of review and redo from Mars backtracking in Aries is quintessential in such a universal year as 2020 represents. As we are all asked to heed Becoming Friends with Simplification at this pivotal time in history, Mars offers his reflection from being well aware of not becoming ‘The Trusting Lamb’ 28 degree point starting in Aries, reversing to turnaround at the do not be persuaded by the charm of 15 degree point of ‘The Magician’, as it concludes 13 November.
These two starting and ending points undeniably indicate a profound and very powerful time of recognizing what we perhaps have been far too trusting about, and have been ultimately charmed by. We are called to take note of what has hindered our very abilities to work with absolute accountability concerning our own egos and owning of our personal power, versus falsely follow and trust those who have been giving us nothing else but ill advice, and wrongfully giving away our valuable personal power to them otherwise.
This specific retrograde passage opens us to embrace a true redefinition of what allows us all to take action within our personal lives. We are now asked to find our very courage, fierceness, warrior spirit, boldness and to step away from any argument to work with our own abilities to find harmony and peaceful resolve from within.
Coupled with the sensitive path we are personally and collectively on during 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected wild ride, defiantly places an energetic reset upon humanity’s individual will and abilities to heal what has been gurgling up and raging from within. This unprecedented cycle of reflection aligns us in our gravest responsibility to become a completely well-oiled machine that ultimately seeks for us to be able to move forward: fully awakened with a restored self-reliance and acute awareness within our lives.
The “RE Rules” Under Mars Retrograde One of the Zodiac’s most dynamic, energetic and at worst- abrupt inner planets, Mars’s influence under normal forward motion grants action, motivation and desire wherever his feverish and accelerating energy is currently visiting within any of the 12 individual signs. Mars guides the collective’s drives to take definite action and do something- as well as our aggression, impulsiveness, exertion, and any time we need to utilize courage to adapt to change within our lives. As he decides to not “look where he is going,” the collective can expect the natural benefits of his energy to not work so seamlessly and amicably, and instead be up to rightfully experience a passage of hardcore review.
What to Be Extremely Mindful of During Mars Retrograde…
1. Monitoring Our Speed. Take a much slower pace with everything you do. Being in a hurry under Mars Rx undoubtedly attracts the potential for accidents, penetrating situations and conflicting outcomes to occur. The use of sharp objects, explosive devices and fire of all kinds are forewarned to be carefully monitored, for extra care is seriously needed concerning them for this passage.
2. Managing Our Anger. It will be very “easy” to fall to this choice of the free will. But feed and fuel the fires of rage, conflict and impatience under Mars Rx, and you’ll be ever sorry that you did.
3. Practicing Our Patience. Choosing this practice will greatly improve your results. This virtue is the most valuable one we can utilize at all times in life, but for this particular Mars Retrograde round, it will be unprecedented to habitually practice to navigate what is currently moving in the harrowing call to honor reflective energy within Aries.
4. Owning Our Ability to Let Go. Mars is equally -aside from activating our motivation and drive- the planet that promotes conclusions, finalizations and endings. Know that these will be showing up in powerful ways and trigger you from the latter Aries area of your life. Choose to resist them, and you can expect a struggle that you will look back upon and wish you had made a different decision.
5. Watching Our Initiations. Just like Mercury Retrograde cycles (which our Messenger will overlap 13 October to 03 November), we are absolutely wise to carefully monitor anything we are starting for long term success under this much more intense cycle of reflection and review. Especially when Mercury Retrograde engages 13 October to 03 November, ALL BETS ARE COMPLETELY OFF.
6. Knowing Our Personal Forecast. Wherever 28 to 15 degrees Aries rests in your natal birth chart is the precise area of life that you’ll see an ultimate reset button being pressed from 09 September to 13 November. Equally, potential natal planets that will aspect Mars’s Retrograde journey are important to understand to know how to make proper choices avoiding critical mistakes during this extremely sensitive cycle. An ounce of prevention, is a sure pound of cure. And as Ben Franklin used to wisely say, “Those that fail to prepare, prepare to fail.”
7. Mars Relating to Other Intense Planetary Alignments It has been in intense astrological conversation all throughout 2020 concerning the planetary concentration in play within Capricorn from Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto that deeply explains the global restrictions the world has been otherwise undeniably witnessing across the board. As Mars will directly Square (favoring energetic blockages, tensions, stagnation and resistance) these planets during his Retrograde journey, we have alarmingly distinct trigger points which will absolutely point to precise times that absolute tension and worldly powers vying to control people and situations will be unfolding in more than disturbing ways.
As we equally take into serious consideration both Capricorn and Aries are leadership signs, we can further understand why the worlds’ powers that be are not working in alignment, and continue to fight, blame and thwart intensely against one another. Once again, on the personal level, knowing where both Aries and Capricorn will be working with these alignments in your natal astrological chart, hold the very keys for you to work amicably with them, versus fight against their intense energies that will strive to interfere with conflicts and frustrations otherwise.
Mars Retrograde Square to Saturn 29 September How self-expression and self-confidence can be achieved will be extremely challenging to concentrate upon over the days leading into and immediately following this square forming. Collectively, the acts of manipulation will be alarming to behold, where current events playing out will unfold more fear, restrictions, control, and complete prevention of action being able to be taken. The key here is to not allow our emotions to be dominated by excessive male reckless behavior. The more silent we can personally become, the more we can listen to our divine feminine wisdom from within as the worlds’ storms amplify in their strength around us.
Mars Retrograde Square to Pluto 09 October The attempt to further separate society will be moving through the collective and provoke the utter collapses that life will indeed never be going back again to what it once used to look like. As personal powers and freedoms will be further repressed, the anger emerging will be more than explosive in ways humanity in our day and age have not ever witnessed before. On our own level of observation, what we are meant to be personally healing is given tremendous drive and transformative power if we allow it to do so. Moving away from feelings of insecurity -no matter what the world is dolling out- allows us to see and further understand we must forgive ourselves and others for the deeper pains of the past as we adapt to higher ideals replacing ones we once previously held in order to eventually move forward.
Mars Retrograde Square to Jupiter 19 October Once again, self-esteem is brought to the surface to be examined on a deeper level, as we remain reachable and teachable in order to recognize a powerful new truth. Egos out of control will be absolutely witnessed, which are to be once again responsively observed, and not directly reacted to should they cross our paths. We are best to avoid any kind of rash decisions at this time, and work intently with steering completely clear of impulsive, reckless, and any taking of a risk, chance or gamble. This more than abundant energy is best channeled to work with finding gratitude, utilizing a true being willing to be educated approach, and seek out any intellectual or artistic means to burn off the excessive and expansive energy it will provoke.
8. October’s Potent Full Moon Awakening Activations This promises to be an extremely intense emotionally filled month beckoning with even more irreversible changes- opens and concludes with two Full Moons, 01 and 31 October. With 01 October’s aligning within Aries itself, the days surrounding it will be overwhelmingly emotionally charged and cast off more intense callings to surrender to healing and reflection. By 31 October, especially as Mercury Retrograde will then be equal full affect, this Taurus Full Moon conjuncts the very planet in charge of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected Universal energy of Uranus, who is also Retrograde in Taurus. Be ultimately ready to be surprised with shock factors affecting the very root system of our sense of security like we have never see before cascade everywhere across the globe.
Be Sure to Take Advantage of 2 POWERFUL Elearning Opportunities to Arm You in Ultimate Awareness for Mars Retrograde & 2020’s Awakening Finale
The Approach and Shadow of Mars Retrograde Every Retrograde passage has a “preview of coming attractions” as the planet crosses over moving forward, the exact degree point it will backtrack to, which is astrologically termed the Approach. We distinctly started to notice what was going to be in intense reflection by 09 September as Mars crossed over 15 degrees Aries on 25 July.
Every Retrograde passage has a “ironing out the retrograde wrinkles” time until the planet crosses over, moving Direct, the exact degree point it started retrograding upon, known as the Shadow. Whatever critical decisions may have had to been made by no other choice under Mars Retrograde, will have the opportunity to smooth out the fabric of reflection wrinkles throughout 02 January 2021, when the Shadow completes crossing back over 28 degrees Aries.
What’s Really in a Word? MARS RETROGRADE
Whenever a planet is actively in RETROGRADE within our Zodiac skies, it’s that necessary time when we are best to surrender, and know we’ve GOT TO REDO, and GO TO A GREAT REORDER. As our take action and motivating planet attaches himself to the retrograde title, how apropos the anagrams we can derive are able to spell out the truth of how we can reap personal rewards.
Honoring A Cycle of Reflection This time for reassessment, review and redo within The Ram allows us to all remember that staying in own own lane and owning our own fire versus starting one, are two mantras that will absolutely serve our highest good as this intensely plays out on the collective level. Once 13 November comes to pass, the activity within these degrees points (28 to 15 degrees Aries) of the life will start to energetically move forward once again- offering restoration and undeniably the reset button will have been hit in full to allow us to see how our ambitions and desires must move forward for the better, no matter what has fallen out otherwise as deep and incredible worldly changes.
Remember, what is deserving of being reexamined in Aries comes from the acts of review under the retrograde. So rest, retreat and reset to the very best of your ability 09 September to 13 November, then move forward with your soul certainty amidst whatever uncertain times still prevail to gather up your rewards later! Know, the grandeur may not be what you had originally anticipated. However, what is ultimately meant to be simplified by deeply honoring reflection, is where your courage will be required to receive what you will have been patiently waiting for.
As 2020 has always deeply promised, Mars Retrograde will be a more than unprecedented time of amplifying the entire year’s Awakening the Unexpected experience for the entire world to absolutely behold.
Watch the REplay from Facebook Live on more tips and tools for Mars Retrograde and 2020’s Finale.
10:42pmEDT, 18 August, Let’s Carefully Begin & Initiate
Waxing Phases favor actions involving planting anew and moving forward, as energy increases throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie from 26 degrees Leo, and waxes through Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius until the next Full Moon at 10 degrees Pisces arrives 02 September 2020. This third New Moon of Summer, 8th for 2020 and our new decade falls within the sign that consciously aims for creative self-expression, with this years’ lunation calling for it with dignity as well as with accountability as more of the year’s awakening doors to the unexpected truth are revealed. As The Approach toMars Retrograde in Aries has been on since 25 July, examination of the self is beginning to show us what we will need to honor review and reflection for 09 September to 13 November. While we will notice information channeling in concerning what’s new, our ability to immediately take action upon it asks us to carefully watch our moves and important decisions. As 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected in charge planet of this universal year of Uranus has just turned Retrograde until 14 January 2021, we are finding plenty more obstacles are emerging that do nothing more than delay and reroute our intended plans.
Our New Moon at 26 degrees Leo is another intense emotional activation of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected, as it is once again wrapped up our humanitarian response to rise up to responsibility, utilizing patience, and being accountable to structuring our lives differently as we are called to change all the more. While there is an ever increasing violent tone to what we are watching across the globe indicating the energy of Mars Retrograde will be a more than reckoning time, it is equally our personal free will to discern worldly events and remember the one thing we do have control over is the responsibility to ourselves and preparing for this critical cycle of self reflection accordingly. Check out invaluable Elearning to embrace for calming our upcoming Mars Retrograde & Mercury Retrograde Season’s intense energies spanning September, October & November!
We find via astrology’s wisdom, that learning from our experiences is absolutely necessary, and especially as we now enter the finale passage of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected ride, we will have to rely upon our wisdom to sort out all the myriad of confusing, conflicting, and aggressive energies amplifying all the more in these unprecedented and uncertain times that continue to harrow the entire world across the board. The more we remain observant and not engaging in the dramas that are erupting, the more we can hone in on cultivating humility to honor altruism and find our personal means to remain in inspiration and faith.
Our Leo slice of life seeks for us to grab on to a fertile instance and imagination to check in with what makes us feel vital and confident from this slice of our lives. Being Leo is a heart-centered sign, what we equally are loyal to and passionate about can see some new light surrounding it that can radiate warmth to receive it.
This New Moon is, yet again, deeply involved with our planet of responsibility and accountability, Saturn, whom is also Retrograde at 26 degrees Capricorn. This 150 degree apart alignment is certainly an extremely tricky one in astrology known as the inconjunct or quincunx. It is due to the fact that Leo and Capricorn have absolutely nothing in common to find amicable agreement upon. Leo organizes while Capricorn leads, and the fire and earth elemental guidance respectively are also on two separate plains of life, equally not able to fully understand where the other is coming from. The emotions within Leo triggering from this New Moon capture more of the self-centered ways authoritarian global changes continue to set to stir up drama, restrictions, and those in power positions will take this energy to trigger fear that self-control is being taken away, permanently changing lives forever.
Awakening to Respecting Responsible Change
Soul Homework for 18 August Leo New Moon
This waxing phase through 02 September 2020 asks us to tune in to a genuine silent listen to be accountable to remain humble wherever The Lion consciously aims for creative self-expression within our lives. Taking time to write down our intentions especially in the tense of “I CREATE” allows us to properly ground our energy and proclaim it accordingly. Many new moon rituals favor taking a red pen to write things down, roll up the paper, tie it up with a red string, and place it in a metal box. You can place appropriate gemstones that will assist your intentions in the box. Working with topaz, amber and tiger eye are wonderful that resonate and open the doors for our creative and loyalty to our hearty space to be embraced, for this waxing phase continuing on in 2020’s calling to not just simplify, but now become friends with moderation across the board. While New Moons typically are a time to call in energy into our lives, as other planetary cycles indicate otherwise, we should expect setbacks and delays and patiently work with them.
Please Join Between the Worlds’ Medium Adam Bernstein & Healer Heather Estara for a ZOOM New Moon Complimentary Meditation, Tuesday, 18 August, 7pmEDT/4pmPDT
Summer’s third & 2020’s eighth New Moon, within The Lion. Leo now intensely seeks for us to work with no longer denying what we need to do now with ultimate accountability, Dear Star. How will you honor Awakening to Respecting Responsible Change in your experience?
ARIES:It is time to carefully focus upon the new equally where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. As you are in the midst of adapting to changes here, these distinctly now ask for you to connect with what it is your career and professional life seeks for you to be rewarded for. You are meant to be recognized for what it is now that you can create and step into the receiving spotlight for it.
TAURUS:It is time to carefully focus upon the new with how I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. There is much accountability you do need upon your home front these days to amicably work with patience through the shifts you are experiencing, and now it is time to truly apply that same accountability to accepting the harder truths you must honor in order to step away from any beliefs that no longer serve you.
GEMINI:It is time to carefully focus upon the new with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, short trips, siblings and neighbors. Alterations are very much at work within your mind and the more patient you are with your thought processes, the better results you will have. This is a huge part of the powerful transformation in play for you that now speaks like a father figure about how much you have to surrender to rebirth.
CANCER:It is time to carefully focus upon the new with what I Have, relating to your income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. As you have already recognized the ways you are finding less is more as 2020’s simplification process works through you, now you closely examine your partnerships with the same scrutiny. If you need to walk away, you are well advised to do so, especially if they hold power over you that you are no longer meant to tolerate.
LEO:It is time to carefully focus upon the new with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Your self-confidence is adapting to change, working with the responsibility that has been calling to you for far too long to truly redefine your lifestyle, habits and routines. First serve yourself with accountability, and watch the outward effect of what you can really do to help and assist others as you serve them better than ever.
VIRGO:It is time to carefully focus upon the new where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work, your subconscious and dream state. Addressing inner self-work unlocks what has been waiting in the wings to stabilize your creative abilities and connections to children. It is the work you now do alone that opens the doors of change to manifest what you truly want, yet this only attracts itself if you remove all doubt and stop questioning and resisting what is.
LIBRA:It is time to carefully focus upon the new where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. As you already have noticed plenty of recent changes are changing the directions of your future, now you see the most distinct connection to how your home life cannot be left out of this conversation. This may not be exactly what you envisioned, yet you must be accountable to these responsibilities.
SCORPIO:It is time to carefully focus upon the new where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. Trust you are in the midst of finding more accountability and especially wisdom in how you allow your communications and mindset to function, and there is no hurry to be in whatsoever concerning this. As changes are in circulation for your vocation, be sure you keep stable thoughts and trust your intuition.
SAGITTARIUS:It is time to carefully focus upon the new with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. As your beliefs are in the swirls of change, there is more accountability you absolutely need to have for your income streams and even though there may be restrictions here at this time, patience is going to see you through. Stand in the truth of what you are worth, and you will succeed.
CAPRICORN:It is time to carefully focus upon the new where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. Be certain that you will not return to former ways of outdated living as rebirth is equally working to reframe the very face of you to the world in this entire process. Continue to trust there is absolutely no going back to what once was, as you now carry the full force of accepting how much self change you have responsibility honored.
AQUARIUS:It is time to carefully focus upon the new where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. While you may be feeling this new paradigm of human experience is obviously not fully resolved yet, your prophecies arrive when you choose to retreat away from the world and listen carefully from within. Deny this accountability, and you may align in agreements you will regret later on down the road.
PISCES:It is time to carefully focus upon the new where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Remember you are experiencing profound lifestyle shifts which will never return you again to the same routines you once had before. As you stop resisting that your future goals also must adapt accordingly, recognize how much being patient is part of this process, especially concerning your friendships.
Attain Your Soul Certainty in these Uncertain Times. What does your Personal Forecast say for this Leo New Moon from your natal chart?
“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham
Regenerating Material Power to Spiritual Awakenings
Full Moon in Scorpio
6:45amEDT/3:45amPDT, 07 May, Let’s Release & Reflect
Waning Phases always favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie. This month our request peaks from 17 degrees Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and Taurus until the final and third New Moon of Spring and fifth for 2020 arrives at 02 degrees Gemini 22 May. This fifth Full Moon of the new decade, 2020 and second for our Spring season casts us into reflection from where The Eagle ask for a acute imagination within our lives.
The world undeniably continues to feel weighted down and heavy with not only survival but complete security concerns. This month’s reflective energy seeks for us to fully acknowledge via patient realizations, that we need to be accountable and now absolutely embrace 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected experience so we can surrender the past and be open to what will become reborn. What we choose to do now can allow us to see the scope of how the road to recovery is not a quick fix solution, but one that will take accountability, responsibility, and spiritual time. If we accept this, we will see our eventual rewards in more than supportive ways.
By honoring the power of transformation, our lives now request that in order to thrive versus merely survive, our focus must exhale the material grips of the past so we can personally feel lighter. We must absolutely inhale that Becoming Friends with Simplification is how we can happily attain wisdom to sustain what our future holds. As we do so by engaging how Fantasy can be useful in working with a new paradigm for success, there are limitless horizons leveling us up in the acceleration in progress now to enter a 5D world as we watch the 3D one dive and crumble further to the ground.
The distinct calling to remain Sheltered in Place will continue. This title has so very much to share with humanity to be able to absolutely honor how we can still OWN our NOW to see how much we have WON as it also resonates to the 17 vibration, as we explore What’s Really in a Name? Shelter in Place.
This month’s time of release beckons us once again, to stop for the profound SILENT LISTEN to rise up beyond false evidence appearing real and face everything and rise to the Awakening Force in full motion. This Full Moon is ever powerful to allow us to work smarter with our intuitive natures so we can accept change, let go, and stop being afraid of what we think we are leaving behind. This lunation places one more healing layer to the ongoing process concerning how the world overall is of letting go of former traditions and structures we no longer need, as we widely will witness more stunning evidence there is never any kind of “going back to normal” ever again.
As we engage in the peak of this month’s Full Moon reflections, the Approach to the year’s Venus Retrogradein Gemini continues, where she is also stationed under this waning phase to commence her reflection journey by the 13 May that will last until 25 June. Our entire remainder of Spring moving into the early summer will now be fully engaged in reflective tones as inner planet retrograde overlap and Eclipse Season spans all of June. Venus Retrograde alone promises to be one of the strongest correction periods during 2020, as she asks each and every HEART upon planet EARTH to continue to shift their values, understanding, finances, and approaches to luxury and beauty across the board.
What Are You Letting Go of Dear Star?
Soul Homework for 07 May’s Scorpio Full Moon
This waning phase through 22 May, asks us to bow in complete surrender to the materialistic illusions we may be holding on to further simplify as 2020’s Awakening process points us now to pay extreme attention to from where The Eagle asks for intense and lasting feelings to regenerate within our lives. Taking time to write down our willingness to release especially in the tense of “I TRANSFORM” allows us to recognize what we are meant to let go of on a personal level. Many full moon rituals favor writing down anything we need to clear away and let go of and then safely burn them in ceremony upon the day of the Full Moon. Place all gemstones in the Full Moon’s light to energetically cleanse them. Working with maroons, deep burgundies, plums and black are wonderful choices that resonate with Scorpio, along with bloodstone. Raspberry is a fortifying food to eat, as well as the leaves for tea ceremonies. Remember Full Moons are perfect timing to clear away and ideally heal energy within our lives, as we draw upon conclusions concerning what already exists.
The Decade’s, 2020’s 5th & the Spring Season’s second Full Moon. Where will you be prepared to honor Regenerating Material Power to Spiritual Awakenings, Dear Star?
ARIES:It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. This surge of spiritual rebirth equally herby requests you honor needed time away and spend it with yourself, to cleanse even more from within. As you work with changes surrounding your sense of value and securities, keep awakening to recognize less is more as you lighten your karmic load.
TAURUS:It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. Deeply understand appreciation of the self-changes you are experiencing wants you to embrace them as healing gifts. The work you are doing for yourself now, grants you long term relationship rewards as you continue to learn more about who your true friends actually are.
GEMINI:It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Your lifestyle will hold you accountable to connect to your solitude allowing you to process in the silent listen, so trust the only person you truly need to hear right now is yourself. Enjoy the renewing journey from within, and you will serve your career which is healing in this entire conversation.
CANCER:It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Reconsider your future goals, social scenes, hopes and wishes along with friends to level up in change as your manifestations arise in true fantasy of possibility. Be sure to involve the awakening truth of what you have formerly chosen to believe into this conversation urging you to recreate from your heart space.
LEO:It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. Listen with a careful instinct to expose simplifying light upon improving the spiritual side of your career and public life. While you may feel at odds between these two areas, your task lies in utilizing your intuition to honor the powerful transformation in progress that is reshaping you from the core.
VIRGO:It’s time to focus upon releasing with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Dissolving negative thinking engages your imagination to thrive, allowing you to discern more of the truth of what you have chosen to believe, remaining reachable and teachable in the process. As you connect the dots, seeing who equally stands besides you representing spiritual unity are those you should be relating to.
LIBRA:It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Have, relating to your sources of income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. As the reset button becomes all the more fully pressed now upon your wealth, your energetic core need to trust rebirth process as you discern the spiritual versus material transformational experience. What you surrender, allows a simpler lifestyle to support your means to reroute your service to self and others.
SCORPIO:It’s time to focus upon releasing with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Conversations with your closest relationships and legal agreements favor to exercise your ability to seek to understand before being understood, and let any greed surrounding them go. Honor your self-care to change your face to the world as you dive deeper into your spiritual heart space.
SAGITTARIUS:It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. This deep self-work must not be ignored to grant you necessary insight in order to further the healing work in progress to improve your lifestyle, habits and routines. Honoring this needed time alone is the only way to listen from within, to hear the answers to nourish your home and family life for the better.
CAPRICORN:It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Realign the energy for your manifesting avenues and connections to children to recreate magic upon your stage that engages your heart space. As your future reorients, recognize the possibilities that your mindset can imagine to think in future simplicity that will naturally stabilize your outcomes.
AQUARIUS:It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. Sort out matters requiring your spirited attention at home, in order to nurture and nourish it with improvements. Lightening up your work load allows your environments to find contentment and priceless value that equally draws in the continuing awakening picture for your income and securities.
PISCES:It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. Remain reachable so your mentality can strengthen its’ peace of mind versus resist the ways your communications yearn for you to be teachable to understand them differently. The more you emerge to the world with calm and clarity, the more you find it receives you with grace.
Let’s talk about what your Personal Forecast say for this Scorpio Moon from your natal chart.
Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly empowerment and timing tips. Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance, especially when you choose to shop under Shelter in Place.
Wishing You and Yours Continued Safety & Protection Always, Dear Star.
“Those that fail to prepare, prepare to fail.” ~Benjamin Franklin
In the urgency of flattening the curve of COVID19 aka, Coronavirus, AMERICA has some of the deepest lessons to learn in its’ global part in stopping the spread during one of the first promises of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected human experiences. First and foremost, let us first take the “I” and “ME” out of the equation as far as how our state to state mandating is not unanimously deciding how all this is all going to go proactively.
To continue to witness the incredible evidence in contrast for a country that is supposedly UNITED, (well haven’t we all sadly known for a long time now via politics alone how much indeed it is UNTIED) we are miserably missing the Shelter in Place memo as a nation, as well as the calling of Becoming Friends with Simplification.
True to Numerology’s insight, as further explained in What’s Really in a Name? Shelter In Place,America is allowing itself to attract the energy of playing the role of “The Sacrifice – The Victim” with every move made in capitalistic greed and ignorance of the TRUTH that sure may HURT.
It is mesmerizing how can a nation can choose to absolutely forget about its’ own people and fail to protect the rights even more of those who are risking their own lives every day in this pandemic which has new found heroes.
We are fighting a war. An invisible one.
As we look once again to the numerology via Name Expression of Coronavirus, we find it vibrates to the 43. Not a very happy outcome as we can see here….
*43* The ancients claim this is an unfortunate number, and if the name equals 43, the spelling should be changed to equal a more fortunate Compound Number. It is symbolized by the tendency towards revolution, upheaval, strife, conflict and war. It carries the vibration of repeated disappointment and failure. ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs
Beyond that…. The uncanny power and insight of Lexigrams -the ability for us all to be able to spell out the truth- has one more piece of advice to share with anyone who is an American at this time. Lexigrams are the ability to take the anagrams we can derive from any word, name or title, and phrase them like poetry or prose. While every country has seen it’s own fair share of despair and heartache across the globe, the story for America is one that is more harrowing than others, and timing is of the essence, to prevent it from experiencing the longest journey of recovery of any other country in the world.
Could this potential outcome be reversed if America wakes up and decides to follow stay at home and let’s ride this out protocol? The aftermath of not stopping the spread of this virus will unfortunately and sadly answer that question if a national unified decision is not arrived at.
The United States was absolutely promised a cycle of intense changes especially as 04 July 2019 to 05 July 2020 unfolded as was foreseen via Irreversible America, Understanding a 5 Personal Year Cycle.This end result doesn’t have to be devastation, yet, if certain measures and protocol is not followed, the inevitable is bound to happen, whether anyone wants it to or not.
Bottom line is, It is time to take a SILENT LISTEN.
Clearly people do not understand the breathing and airborne transmission of this virus enough. Masks or not, hand sanitizer or not, washing yer stinking hands or not.
While of course it is also deeply understand the urge to want to make money, at what cost does that actually need to happen? Spreading this virus is not worth any amount of money one can make to cause more death and despair our hospitals and healthcare workers simply cannot handle.
Common sense needs to be way more common than greed. Think for yourself. What you are being advised or told to do is not always correct.
This is all part of why America is changing the most out of any other country in the world from this experience and it will never be going back to what it once was. The sooner people get that memo, the better off we all will be dealing with this crisis.
Start thinking about being part of the solution in prevention versus making your current money problems even worse when you will absolutely make this months and months of quarantine instead by not choosing to listen right now.
It is ultimately saddening but obviously not surprised to see how certain states in America who foolishly think they are immune to this virus who are in such a rush to get back to work, get back to business, and get back to making their precious money.
Money will not save you when you are dead, or your loved ones. Better yet. America do your digging and real research on this virus and see if you even do recover from it, would you ever want to had have it be in your body in the first place?
Gut feeling is here, as it definitely is for me, the answer to that question is a big fat NO.
Stay Safe. Be Empowered. Remain Aware in the LOVE to EVOLVE Always.