WAKE UP Before It’s Too Late AMERICA

“Those that fail to prepare, prepare to fail.” ~Benjamin Franklin

In the urgency of flattening the curve of COVID19 aka, Coronavirus, AMERICA has some of the deepest lessons to learn in its’ global part in stopping the spread during one of the first promises of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected human experiences. First and foremost, let us first take the “I” and “ME” out of the equation as far as how our state to state mandating is not unanimously deciding how all this is all going to go proactively.

To continue to witness the incredible evidence in contrast for a country that is supposedly UNITED, (well haven’t we all sadly known for a long time now via politics alone how much indeed it is UNTIED) we are miserably missing the Shelter in Place memo as a nation, as well as the calling of Becoming Friends with Simplification.

True to Numerology’s insight, as further explained in What’s Really in a Name? Shelter In Place, America is allowing itself to attract the energy of playing the role of “The Sacrifice – The Victim” with every move made in capitalistic greed and ignorance of the TRUTH that sure may HURT. 

It is mesmerizing how can a nation can choose to absolutely forget about its’ own people and fail to protect the rights even more of those who are risking their own lives every day in this pandemic which has new found heroes.

We are fighting a war. An invisible one. 

As we look once again to the numerology via Name Expression of Coronavirus, we find it vibrates to the 43. Not a very happy outcome as we can see here…. 

*43* The ancients claim this is an unfortunate number, and if the name equals 43, the spelling should be changed to equal a more fortunate Compound Number. It is symbolized by the tendency towards revolution, upheaval, strife, conflict and war. It carries the vibration of repeated disappointment and failure. ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs

We can however navigate the eyes of this invisible storm by tapping further into Understanding Coronavirus as Energy for Protection & Safety.

Beyond that…. The uncanny power and insight of Lexigrams -the ability for us all to be able to spell out the truth- has one more piece of advice to share with anyone who is an American at this time. Lexigrams are the ability to take the anagrams we can derive from any word, name or title, and phrase them like poetry or prose. While every country has seen it’s own fair share of despair and heartache across the globe, the story for America is one that is more harrowing than others, and timing is of the essence, to prevent it from experiencing the longest journey of recovery of any other country in the world.



Could this potential outcome be reversed if America wakes up and decides to follow stay at home and let’s ride this out protocol? The aftermath of not stopping the spread of this virus will unfortunately and sadly answer that question if a national unified decision is not arrived at. 

The United States was absolutely promised a cycle of intense changes especially as 04 July 2019 to 05 July 2020 unfolded as was foreseen via Irreversible America, Understanding a 5 Personal Year Cycle. This end result doesn’t have to be devastation, yet, if certain measures and protocol is not followed, the inevitable is bound to happen, whether anyone wants it to or not.

Bottom line is, It is time to take a SILENT LISTEN. 

Clearly people do not understand the breathing and airborne transmission of this virus enough. Masks or not, hand sanitizer or not, washing yer stinking hands or not.

While of course it is also deeply understand the urge to want to make money, at what cost does that actually need to happen? Spreading this virus is not worth any amount of money one can make to cause more death and despair our hospitals and healthcare workers simply cannot handle.

Common sense needs to be way more common than greed. Think for yourself. What you are being advised or told to do is not always correct.

This is all part of why America is changing the most out of any other country in the world from this experience and it will never be going back to what it once was. The sooner people get that memo, the better off we all will be dealing with this crisis.

Start thinking about being part of the solution in prevention versus making your current money problems even worse when you will absolutely make this months and months of quarantine instead by not choosing to listen right now.

It is ultimately saddening but obviously not surprised to see how certain states in America who foolishly think they are immune to this virus who are in such a rush to get back to work, get back to business, and get back to making their precious money.

Money will not save you when you are dead, or your loved ones. Better yet. America do your digging and real research on this virus and see if you even do recover from it, would you ever want to had have it be in your body in the first place?

Gut feeling is here, as it definitely is for me, the answer to that question is a big fat NO.

Stay Safe. Be Empowered. Remain Aware in the LOVE to EVOLVE Always.

One thought on “WAKE UP Before It’s Too Late AMERICA

  1. Pingback: Realigning & Reuniting America: Understanding a 6 Personal Year Cycle | Sharita Star

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