LunarOScopes, 29 Dec Cancer Full Moon, Let’s Release

“There is a moon inside every human being. Learn to become companions with it.” ~Rumi

Connecting to Healing Our Securities

Full Moon in Cancer

10:28pmEST, 29 December, Let’s Release & Reflect

Waning Phases always favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie. This month our request peaks from 08 degrees Cancer, to wane through Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius until the first New Moon of 2021 & Winter season arrives at 23 degrees Capricorn 13 January. 

This thirteenth Full Moon of the new decade casts us into reflection to finish off this more than Awakening the Unexpected 2020 year from Cancer, just before it switches energetic gears into the promise of 2021: Changing Global Truth as its’ waning phase will pursue. Energies within this sensitive sign have been strongly pulling in profound transformative energies affecting humanity since 21 June’s 0 degree powerhouse Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Cancer, Humanity’s Awaited Awakening to Rebirth. Now our releasing focus pulls out the final touches of 2020 reflection from where The Crab seeks for emotional unfoldment in order to honor an active and well-developed imagination within our lives.

The world equally winds down -within the first few days of this new waning phase- the finale of the Shadow weeks following extremely intense reflections that distinctly asked us to “stay in our own lane” during Mars Retrograde in Aries, 09 September to 13 November. We were strongly called to closely examine our emerging selves, dismantling egos, negating approaches to life that no longer serve us, remembering our self-confidence and redefining our overall appearances to the world. The entire globe was summoned to deeply re-examine these motivations, desires, abilities to take action within our lives as well as take a good look at who we truly are during this more than serious and absolutely aggressive cycle of reflection. We conclude the Mars Retrograde Shadow upon 02 January, and soon enter a whole new energetic pulse that will absolutely instigate the wild ride of 2021 to hit the ground running as it enters Taurus upon 06 January.

As our Full Moon lunations all are aligning at this 8 degrees peak holding pattern  -always a yearly emotion correction period to take important notice of- this year within this one, we are asked to reestablish equilibrium in our lives each and every waning phase. Since 31 October’s Full Moon at 08 degrees Taurus,  Shock Factor Surrendering of Securities, we experience all of our Full Moon’s through 28 March 2021 (except 28 January at 09 degrees) at the 08 degrees mark of the sign they make their monthly opposition within. This same holding pattern is at emotion and feeling soul work as well for our New Moon initiations over these months at 23 degrees initiations.

This month’s reflective energy, will be strongly at work to heal the sympathetic, sociable, domesticated and passive channels that connect to how we are influenced by our immediate environments and what we choose to do to nourish them accordingly. Our home and family lives are strongly calling for us to address what is not in equilibrium with them- especially as these connect to our overall scope upon securities and values, which are becoming more and more uprooted, and 2021 sounds the alarm all the more as soon as it begins that continues this global storyline.

If you were not comfortable with 2020, be extremely and absolutely prepared for 2021 to really put you out of your comfort zone. For those reachable and teachable, practicing the very discernment it will take, allows them to face the truth that their comfort zones were never built in solidarity and security in the first place.

Like our Scorpio Full Moon in October, and last month’s Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Sagittarius, another ultimate equilibrium seeking energy accompanies this Full Moon seeking for us to once again fully understand what is changing emotionally via our continuing unfolding story of intense global realizations. This pattern is extremely important to understand as we continue to journey through the remaining winter months into the upcoming spring, and the numerology insight is absolutely timely with it has to say within our uncertain times conversation, granting us all soul certainty if we choose to be wayshown.

8 is the vibration of infinity and all connectivity. 

Our connections to our past are being tethered that no longer serve us if the roots of any of them are not solid enough to endure. Whatever was not held in complete accountability within our lives is equally leaving us, as these ties now sever and become forever disconnected. As we now are in the finale moments of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected experience, this Full Moon peaks just before we cross the Universal year threshold of our current EARTH HEART Shift to continue during 2021’s Changing Global Truth.

The revelations of our falsified security and former value systems will dismantle, breakdown and completely uprooted so they can be properly healed and addressed. We will need our greatest internal source of endurance and discernment to navigate these face everything and rise times. Our lunar energy once again advises that in order to thrive versus merely survive: our focus has to be upon the rise of 5D spiritual and healing aspects of our lives. Those in denial, are absolutely promised to suffer otherwise trying to hold onto the completely collapsing 3D world of greed, control, revenge and materialism: the negative polarity of the 8’s energy itself. 

We must continue to learn from our experiences to further embrace Winter’s Awakening of Global Truth especially relating to our emotional, tenacious, paternal and sensitive natures we have within Cancer. This final cap upon the Full Moons of 2020 concludes the layering in of intense callings of release that have beckoned loudly throughout this unexpected year. If we usher out the year cultivating logic, emotional stability, and honor a healthy imagination in order for grace to support our healing, letting go and releasing processes: we enter it determined to thrive.

What Are You Letting Go of that involves Connecting to Healing Our Securities?

Soul Homework for 29 December’s Cancer Full Moon

This waning phase through 13 January, asks us to become united in our abilities to equalize from within, as we intently nourish our home and families, not allowing ourselves to become further broken by the fears that the world outside of us will continue to deliver. 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected points us now to pay extreme attention to where The Crab ask for well-developed and active feelings to become more focused within our lives. Taking time to write down our willingness to release especially in the tense of “I NURTURE” allows us to recognize what we are meant to let go of on a personal level. 

Many full moon rituals favor writing down anything we need to clear away and let go of and then safely burn them in ceremony upon the day of the Full Moon. Place all gemstones in the Full Moon’s light to energetically cleanse them. Working with lavender, pale yellows, light greens, silver and gray tones are wonderful choices that resonate with Cancer. Moonstones, emeralds and pearls are  powerful gemstones to allow emotional healing to channel through us, engaging our imaginations to remain grounded in order to thrive. By once again honoring the value of the SILENT LISTEN, our psychic awareness can be harnessed and utilized for our highest good to remain content no matter what may be alarming us. Remember Full Moons are perfect timing to clear away and ideally heal energy within our lives, as we draw upon conclusions concerning what already exists.

The Year’s final Full Moon, 13th for 2020 and 1st of our Winter Season. Where will you be prepared to honor Connecting to Healing Our Securities, Dear Star?

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. Deeply trust that your abilities to nourish are resetting their bar on the highest healing level, knowing all is part of what continues to be let go of: is what you no longer need for success to prevail right at home. As intense inner psyche processing is at your finger tips, hone in on any déjà vu especially connecting to what the simplicity of value is within your life, and the very means that gratitude is for realizing you still have solid security in simplicity to rely upon, minus the former fluff and glamour.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Releasing negative thinking encourages your imagination to thrive, allowing you to find flow with the most responsible discerning mindset you have ever utilized up til now. As you patiently remove and heal the deepest wounds of any former approaches to your own life and those worn out appearances you no longer need to face the world with, this mentality reset astonishes you as you learn your ego no longer needs to take the lead.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon releasing what I Have, relating to your sources of income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. When you surrender to knowing not only simplification but moderation can work in your absolute favor, you no longer tolerate the former ways the 3D world only held you in a false and unreliable sense of security. As you equally process in more elevated energies of 5D perceptions, some of your deepest past pains and karmic cobwebs clear out of your way, as your inner healing becomes the foundation of security you can rely upon.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon releasing with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Honor your self-care to change your face to the world as you dive all the deeper into how your former ways of taking on the world are no longer able to support you if you truly wish to thrive. Release, grieve and heal your ego’s fear-based reactions as you choose to respond and connect to how your future goals are surprisingly resetting their faith and aspirations to socialize with sovereignty and neutrality as you connect to only genuine friends and peers.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. This deep and unprecedented self-work grants you necessary insight in order to further the healing work that truly cuts your attachments to the karmic ties that have bound you to stand in your own way. Honor this needed time alone to clearly hear the answers as you connect them to what you are reinventing with originality within your career and public life. Soon enough, your professional life unleashes its’ renewed structure that promises to carry you forward in more than well deserved recognition and rewards.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Energy reflects now to bring you to necessary conclusions concerning what and who you no longer need to set your aims upon concerning these areas. As your future reorients its’ comfort zones, realignment asks you to stand determined in your renewed truth, belief systems and expressions of your philosophies overall, which are healing and will no longer permit you to be fooled by friends and peers who do not stand in their sovereignty, discernment or willingness to be reachable and teachable.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. You are rewarded as you take necessary time to heal the pains and any fears connecting to your work past, as you let go and cleanse. As you equally work with and commit to arriving at a many “ah ha moments” concerning how you can enjoy your purpose more fully, this is all part of the powerful transformation in play that has been reshaping the entire scope of your life as well as your wealth: revealing a most poignant rebirth granting you soul certainty from your very core. 

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, foreign affairs, standing in your truth and expression of your philosophies. Remain reachable and teachable as you are absolutely required to adapt, allowing you to surrender former belief systems of the past. While extremely difficult truths may hurt for you to let go of, it is time to face them and heal these wounds, especially connected to those you are partnered up with, which you now can take action upon to detach from the disturbing and unhealthy relationships you no longer need.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. This surge of rebirth equally requests you honor cleansing on the deepest level from your very core and source energy of your being. As you work with other matters surrounding the full scope of your entire life, be ready for the epiphany there is never any kind of going back again. Whatever former routines and habits you had- simplification now solidifies them all to serve you and others moving forward, so be sure you do not choose resistance to what is and reinvent your lifestyle accordingly.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. Deeply appreciating and honoring the practice of seeking to understand, then be understood is quintessential for cooperative peace to thrive. Your courage to walk away from any emotional conflicts saves the day, as engaging in any disputes will simply be regretted. As relationship doors naturally close that do not respect your integrity, be absolutely loyal to your heart space now in those you closely connect to, especially with those helping you reframe your creative nature and your relationships with children. 

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Your lifestyle now holds you accountable to truly toss out the trash concerning any kinds of non-proactive activities not allowing your personal resilience to thrive. Recognize you are here to serve the world as well as yourself in different ways as you let go, which potently connects the dots to refreshed ways you are meant to nurture and nourish your home and family life in unexpected truths as well, especially as former environments you once existed in, will never be returned to again.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Reflection surrounds your creative nature as emotion emerges with feeling to disconnect from what has only blocked you from being grounded within your heart space. Remaining open to accepting that you have allowed a repeated cycle of pain to pursue, permits your mindset to sever old thought patterns. As you clear all away, thinking better for yourself and communicating with a well-rooted neutrality allows you to be able to do nothing else but manifest what you want.

Attain Your Soul Certainty in these Uncertain Times. What does your Personal Forecast say for this Cancer Full Moon from YOUR natal chart? Explore continuing Special Priced Forecasting Packages.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs“are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.

Complimentary FULL MOON MEDITATION with Medium Adam Bernstein & Healer Heather Estara. Instagram LIVE 30 December, 7pmEST/4pmPST

LunarOScopes, 30 Nov Gemini Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon, Let’s REALLY Release

“There is a moon inside every human being. Learn to become companions with it.” ~Rumi

Connecting to Healing Our Communications

Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Gemini

4:30amEST, 30 November, Let’s Intensely Release & Reflect

Waning Phases always favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie. This month our request peaks from 08 degrees Gemini, to wane through Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio until the final and third New Moon of Autumn, final and twelfth for 2020 arrives at 23 degrees Sagittarius 14 December. This twelfth Full Moon and last for our Autumn season brings the fourth Lunar Eclipse of the new decade, to cast us into completely intensified reflection from where Gemini has already done so this year from 13 May to 25 June under Venus Retrograde. Now our releasing focus once again asks us to hone in where The Twins seek for the awareness of synthesis in order to honor a fitful imagination within our lives.

The world continues to experience the Shadow weeks of other recent reflection that distinctly asked us to “stay in our own lane” during Mars Retrograde in Aries, 09 September to 13 November. We have been strongly called to closely examine our emerging selves, dismantling egos, negating approaches to life that no longer serve us, remembering our self-confidence and redefining our overall appearances to the world. The entire globe was summoned to deeply re-examine these motivations, desires, abilities to take action within our lives as well as take a good look at who we truly are during this more than serious and absolutely aggressive cycle of reflection. We continue under the station of Mars Retrograde Shadow, to be well advised to deeply understand there has been an energetic holding pattern in place, which will especially carry on under this waning phase until we arrive at 14 Decembers’ Solar Eclipse and New Moon.

Now the accountability to do our soul homework calls for us to heal all the old wounds and former impressions concerning our discernment of information, establishment of relationships, and rise up in our abilities to become the absolute observer in response versus take any kind of impatient, restless or unstable reactions. There is an unprecedented amount of release that will undeniably unfold during this waning phase -and because a Lunar Eclipse is also paired up with this Full Moon- the healing, letting go, and peeling away of any old and non-serving energy is favored to be more than intensely working with the collective throughout June 2021. 

This month’s reflective energy and for the next six months, will be strongly at work to heal the divide connected to how we not only perceive and receive information, but the very root and core of where ideas, thought processes and mindsets formulate from. Mainstream media and the like, now enters a potent correction period where the world overall will undeniably witness powerful ways it is foreseen to change its’ communicative channels. Mentalities across the planet will be wise to step back, become the neutral, and always, always look to both sides before taking any kind of action or drawing upon ultimate conclusions and offering up opinions otherwise. Our responsibility to take a SILENT LISTEN at this time to the very means of how we personally and collectively cultivate what “I COMMUNICATE,” will shed healing and reflective light to distinctly reset the bar that will allow amicable solutions to what is broken unfold. 

Like our Taurus Full Moon last month, another ultimate equilibrium seeking energy accompanies this Full Moon now paired up with a Lunar Eclipse. This lunation intently seeks for us to once again fully understand what is changing emotionally via our continuing unfolding story of shocking and surprising global realizations. We also have now fully entered the period of the year when our monthly New and Full Moons both will stay locked into a particular degree point. All Full Moons from 31 October 2020 to 28 March 2021, (except for 28 January 2021 at 09 degrees) peak in opposition at 08 degrees of the sign, and like wise for all New Moons that align at 23 degrees, 15 November to 13 March 2021. This pattern is extremely important to understand, and what the numerology insight has to say within our uncertain times conversation, grants us insightful soul certainty if we choose to be wayshown.

8 is the vibration of infinity and all connectivity. At these monthly times of release, the connections to our past are being tethered that no longer serve us, if the roots of any of them are not solid enough to endure for future stability. Whatever was not held in complete accountability within our lives is equally leaving us as these ties now sever and become forever disconnected. As we now are in the finale moments of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected experience, the “never going back again” message will for these last two Full Moons of the year, speak all the more profoundly and abruptly than they have all year long, of how we are surrendering to the past so humanity can become reborn.  

Continuing to honor the power of allowing our falsified security systems and former values to surface so they can be properly healed, addressed and completely uprooted: we will need our greatest internal source of personal resilience in practice in order to do so. Our lunar energy once again advises that in order to thrive versus merely survive: our focus has to be upon the on the rise 5D spiritual and healing aspects of our lives or we are absolutely promised to suffer otherwise trying to hold to on the completely collapsing 3D world of greed, control, revenge and materialism. 

We must continue to learn from our experiences to further embrace Accepting Autumn’s Awakening to The Truth especially relating to our adaptable, inquisitive, and intellectual natures we have within Gemini. While all Full Moons of 2020 have been layering one intense calling of release after another: this one seeks for our absolute ability to cultivate concentration, the power to listen, and step back from the divide. In order for synthesis to support our healing, letting go and releasing processes, we must not take one side nor the other to remain objective. Synthesis can only happen, by taking the UNTIED and making it UNITED.

What Are You Intensely Letting Go of that involves Connecting to Healing Our Communications?

Soul Homework for 30 November’s Gemini Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon

This waning phase through 14 December, and the extended period through May 2021, asks us to become united in our abilities to equalize from within, become discerning within our minds, question information before reacting to it, and utilize more awareness within our established relationships to not allow ourselves to become further broken by the fears that the world outside of us will continue to deliver. 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected points us now to pay extreme attention to where The Twins ask for fitful feelings to become more focused within our lives. Taking time to write down our willingness to release especially in the tense of “I COMMUNICATE” allows us to recognize what we are meant to let go of on a personal level. 

Many full moon rituals favor writing down anything we need to clear away and let go of and then safely burn them in ceremony upon the day of the Full Moon. Place all gemstones in the Full Moon’s light to energetically cleanse them. Working with fresh spring greens, silver, gray tones and white are wonderful choices that resonate with Gemini. Aquamarine, Silver & Platinum are powerful gemstones & metals to allow uniting and strengthening to channel through us, engaging our concentration to allow any divides to heal themselves in order to thrive. By once again honoring the value of the SILENT LISTEN, our psychic awareness can be harnessed and utilized for our highest good to remain content no matter what may be alarming us. Remember Full Moons are perfect timing to clear away and ideally heal energy within our lives, as we draw upon conclusions concerning what already exists.

The Year’s 4th Lunar Eclipse, Autumn’s 3rd & final Full Moon & 12th for 2020. Where will you be prepared to honor Connecting to Healing Our Communications, Dear Star?

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon really releasing with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Releasing negative thinking engages your imagination to thrive, allowing you to find flow with the most critical discerning mindset you have ever utilized up til now. As you patiently continue to remove and heal the deepest wounds of any former approaches to your own life and worn out appearances you no longer need to face the world with, the mentality and communication reset absolutely astonishes you, especially how your ego no longer will take the lead.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon really releasing what I Have, relating to your sources of income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. When you surrender to knowing not only simplification but moderation can work in your absolute favor, you no longer tolerate the former ways the 3D world only held you in a false and unreliable sense of security. As you equally process more of your deepest past pains and karmic cobwebs needing removal, your inner healing becomes the foundation of security you can rely upon that grants you the future value you genuinely need.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon really releasing with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Honor your self-care to change your face to the world as you dive all the deeper into how your former ways of taking it on, are no longer able to support you if you truly wish to thrive. Release, grieve and heal your ego’s divided pains as you equally look to what your future goals have recently reviewed in their faith and aspirations to socialize with sovereignty and neutrality as you connect to only to friends and peers that are in neutrality.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. This deep and unprecedented self-work grants you necessary insight in order to further the healing work to truly cut your attachment to the karmic ties that have bound you. Honor your solitude to hear the answers that connect to your recent reflections within your career and public life, which now move forward in a renewed structure meant to carry you to your promised recognition and rewards as long as the authority of your ego is no longer involved.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Energy is intensely in reflection to bring you to profound conclusions concerning what and who you no longer need to set your aims upon. As your future profoundly reorients, realignment seeks for you to courageously stand in your renewed truth, belief systems and expressions of your philosophies overall, which have most recently healed and will no longer allow you to be fooled by those who are not standing in sovereignty.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. You are rewarded when you take necessary time to heal the pains of your work past to let go as you cleanse. As you equally work with arriving at a many “ah ha moments” concerning how you can enjoy your purpose versus ever doubt it, this is all part of the powerful transformation in play that has been reshaping the entire scope of your life, as well as your 3D wealth in a most poignant rebirth that you are able to move forward in 5D soul certainty with. 

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon really releasing with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, foreign affairs, standing in your truth and expression of your philosophies. Remain reachable and teachable as you are absolutely required to adapt, allowing you to surrender old belief systems of the past. While extremely difficult truths may hurt for you to let go of, it is time to face them and heal these wounds, especially as they relate the most to those you are partnered up with, which has been a hugely reflected upon process, which you now can take rightful action upon.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. This surge of rebirth equally requests you honor cleansing on the deepest level from your very core and source energy of your being. As you work with other details that surround the full scope of your entire life, be ready for the epiphany there is never any kind of going back again, and whatever former routines, habits and lifestyle you had- it is the simplification of them you need to cherish moving forward, embracing the gifts of moderation.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. Deeply appreciating and honoring the practice of seeking to understand, then be understood is quintessential. Your courage to walk away from any conflicts saves the day, as engaging in any angered disputes will be only regretted. Relationship doors will close if they do not serve your integrity to be respected, so be loyal to your heart now, as well as how you are reframing your creative nature and your relationships with children. 

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Your lifestyle now holds you accountable to truly toss out the trash concerning any kind of activity not serving your personal resilience to thrive. Recognize you are here to serve the world with your responsible nature like never before, which is also in potent play to move forward with the refreshed ways you are nurturing and nourishing your home and family life in awakened truths as well which have been powerfully been healing past pains. 

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Reflection surrounds your creative nature as ultimate awareness emerges to intently connect to being grounded within your heart space. At this compelling time, remain open to what it is that you have held on to that has only caused a repeated cycle of pain to pursue, stemming from the workings of your mindset. Now you can clear it all away, think better for yourself and communicate with neutrality moving forward to manifest what you want.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. As you trust that your abilities to nourish are resetting their bar on the highest healing level, know all is part of what continues to be let go of, is what you no longer need for success to prevail right at home. As intense inner psyche processing is at your finger tips, especially hone in on any déjà vu connections to what the simplicity of value is within your life, and the very gift that gratitude is to be assured and trust you still have security to rely upon.

Attain Your Soul Certainty in these Uncertain Times. What does your Personal Forecast say for this Gemini Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon from YOUR natal chart?
Explore continuing Special Priced Forecasting Packages & Simply Spirit & Star Sessions.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.

Let’s Spell Out the Truth from LUNAR ECLIPSE via Lexigrams!
It’s All in the Name

LunarOScopes, 31 Oct Taurus Full Moon, Let’s REALLY Release

Shock Factor Surrendering of Securities

Full Moon in Taurus

10:49amEDT, 31 October, Let’s Really Release & Reflect

Waning Phases always favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie. This month our request peaks from 08 degrees Taurus, to wane through Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra until the second New Moon of Autumn and eleventh for 2020 arrives at 23 degrees Scorpio 15 November. This eleventh Full Moon of the new decade, 2020 and second for our Autumn season casts us into all the more intensified reflection in complete progress in many zodiac areas of life, yet now our releasing focus pulls out all the surprising plugs from where The Bull seeks for determined means of honoring a deep-rooted and persistent imagination within our lives.

Reflection, interruptions and the rerouting of all routines carries on to reign loudly within the world as we are now in the finale weeks of Mars Retrograde in Aries, 09 September to 13 November. We have been strongly called to closely examine our emerging selves, dismantling egos, negating approaches to life that no longer serve us, remembering our self-confidence and redefining our overall appearances to the world. As the entire globe has been summoned to deeply re-examine these motivations, desires, abilities to take action within our lives as well as take a good look at who we truly are during this more than serious and absolutely aggressive cycle of reflection, Mercury Retrograde, 13 October to 03 November, has now dipped back into Libra where it is stationed in its’ natural holding pattern until it turns Direct.

We all will need to continue to embrace intense review and commitment to reflection versus embark upon any important initiation or major launch of any matters of importance for long term success, as Mars Retrograde until 13 November does not support them for ensured sustainability. With Mercury Retrograde equally engaged and stationed until 03 November, this waning phase is ridiculously riddled with more absolute Stay in Your Own Lane requirements to not otherwise become completely overwhelmed and emotionally consumed. Personal resilience is absolutely key to navigate this time of release with soul success.

On top of ALL THAT, this month’s reflective energy is all the more shock factor intensive because of the alarming way it precisely conjuncts as it peaks in Taurus, right on top of Uranus Retrograde in Taurus, who is also at the very same 08 degree mark of the sign. Uranus is the great disturber, destroying vacillation, which we are undeniably witnessing unfold across the world at large. Nevertheless, there is an ultimate equilibrium upon this Full Moon that seeks for us to once again fully understand via our continuing unfolding story of intense global realizations, where we need to be personally cultivating our own need to distinctly reset the bar concerning what “I HAVE.” 

8 is the vibration of infinity and all connectivity. Our connections to our past are being tethered that no longer serve us if the roots of any of them are not solid enough to endure. Whatever was not held in complete accountability within our lives is equally leaving us as these ties now sever and become forever disconnected. As we continue to embrace 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected experience, the “never going back again” message now demonstratively speaks the most profoundly and abruptly it has all year long of how we are surrendering to the past so humanity can become reborn.  

Honoring the power of allowing our falsified security systems and former values to surface so they can be properly healed, addressed and completely uprooted: we will need our greatest internal source of endurance in order to do so. Our lunar energy completely thwarts that in order to thrive versus merely survive: our focus has to be upon the on the rise 5D spiritual and healing aspects of our lives or we are absolutely promised to suffer otherwise trying to hold to on the completely collapsing 3D world of attachment to greed, control, revenge and materialism. We must continue to learn from our experiences to further embrace Surrendering to Autumn’s Awakening Transformation especially relating to our constructive, determined, patient and security oriented natures we have within Taurus. While all Full Moons of 2020 have been layering in intense callings of release: this one is not going to be easy on the collective energies and it tosses out all the more of the unexpected that must be extremely and carefully filtered in order to not become unyielding to what is. 

The time to forget about being obstinate has completely arrived. Those not willing to move out of this energetic space, will find misery beyond their greatest imagination ever possible. As the world will unbelievably display further situations in more than shocking ways, as the global powers amplify their need for control to promised earthly disturbances that will rattle and collapse security systems. The calling of surrender will be like no other 2020 has doled out all year. Yet, for those who honor stillness and continue to detach from egotistical energies and reclaim their personal power by no longer giving it away will continue to prevail in success, and remain safe in dedication and commitment to spiritual proactiveness.

What Are You Intensely Letting Go of involving Shock Factor Surrendering of Securities?

Soul Homework for 31 October’s Taurus Full Moon

This waning phase through 15 November, asks us to become completely be ready for anything to how the chips will fall where they may progress, which is only strengthen by our commitment to our own spirituality and working with dedicated patience to not allow ourselves to become further broken by the world outside of us. 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected points us now to pay extreme attention to where The Bull asks for deep and intuitive feelings to become more sustainable within our lives. Taking time to write down our willingness to release especially in the tense of “I HAVE” allows us to recognize what we are meant to let go of on a personal level.

Many full moon rituals favor writing down anything we need to clear away and let go of and then safely burn them in ceremony upon the day of the Full Moon. Place all gemstones in the Full Moon’s light to energetically cleanse them. Working with rose pink, lighter blues, and all natural earthen tones from greens to browns are wonderful choices that resonate with Taurus. Sapphire is a powerful gemstone to allow self-love to channel through us, engaging our devotion to allow our inner vision to heal itself in order to thrive. By once again honoring the value of the SILENT LISTEN, our psychic awareness can be harnessed and utilized for our highest good to remain content no matter what the alarms will be disturbing the world. Remember Full Moons are perfect timing to clear away and ideally heal energy within our lives, as we draw upon conclusions concerning what already exists.

Autumn’s second Full Moon & 11th for 2020. Where will you be prepared to honor Shock Factor Surrendering of Securities, Dear Star?

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon surrendering to release what I Have, relating to your sources of income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. When you surrender to knowing not only simplification but moderation is able to work in your absolute favor, you will no longer tolerate the former ways that only held you in a false and unreliable sense of security. As the possession of spirit within you is fully honored as genuine value to rely upon, you can no longer be fooled by the 3 Dimensional world.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon surrendering to release who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Honor your self-care to change your face to the world as you dive all the deeper into how your former ways of taking on the world are no longer able to sustain you if you truly wish to thrive. Fully dismantle your ego to reinvent it so you can step into the improved version of you that only immediately responds to life with poise, patience and grace.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon surrendering to release where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. This deep and unprecedented self-work grants you necessary insight to truly cut your attachment to the karmic ties that have bound you. Honor this needed time alone to hear the answers as you become grounded in your inner world, so you can work in security from the roots of your soul that is breaking through to new realms of seeing via the unknown.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon surrendering to release where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Energy is intensely in reflection to bring you to profound conclusions concerning what it is you no longer need to tolerate nor accept. As your future reorients, realignment is favored when you intently recognize it is time for you to be ready to throw away any box concerning it, as you recognize the absolute possibilities in what originality holds.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon surrendering to release where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. Take the necessary time you absolutely need in a profound SILENT LISTEN from within to let go of your work past that no longer honors your individuality, originality and never seen before ways of being in the spotlight of the public eye. This is a reinvention of your entire worth to recognize the heartfelt power you have to achieve your ambitions like never before.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon surrendering to release what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, foreign affairs, standing in your truth and expression of your philosophies. Remain reachable so you can receive the teachable ways you are required to adapt to that allow you to surrender old belief systems of the past. While there are some extremely difficult truths that may hurt for you to let go of, the time is now to reeducate yourself, stop doubting, and be content with the unexpected ways your philosophies are shifting.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon surrendering to release where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. This surge of rebirth equally requests you honor cleansing on the deepest level from your very core and source energy of your being. As you work with other details that surround radically changing the full scope of your entire life, be ready for the revolution that there is never any kind of going back again as you surrender to fully embracing and engaging rebirth. 

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon surrendering to release where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. As you seek to understand, then be understood, you can patiently walk away from any kind of one on one connection that is not rooted in accountability. Now is the time end any relationship that does not serve your highest spiritual worth and originality to be ultimately respected. Be ready for some revelations that you didn’t see coming.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon surrendering to release where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Your lifestyle holds you fully accountable to cease activities that have only kept you tethered to continually experience chaos versus cool, calm and collected. As you become the submissive student of life, your routines become absolutely reoriented across the board, knowing now you only serve the world by teaching them how to learn from the experience.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon surrendering to release where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. As reflection surrounds your creative and playful nature, ultimate awareness emerges when you intently connect to being grounded within your heart space. At this break-through time, remaining open to healing from your heart allows anything you want to manifest in surprising ways you have never ever seen, or even considered where even plausible before.   

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon surrendering to release where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. As you honor and trust that your abilities to nourish are resetting their bar on in ways that will shock and equally dismay you level, all is part of what continues to clear what you no longer need for success to simply reinvent right at home. As intense inner psyche processing is at your finger tips, be sure to pay close attention to any deja vu moments that arise. 

PISCES:It’s time to focus upon surrendering to release how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Dismissing negative thinking engages your imagination to thrive, allowing you to find flow with the most critical discerning mindset you have ever utilized up til now. As former mentalities that only held you back are erased, your abilities to speak with wisdom find they not only come from a sounder peace of mind, but one that is absolutely thinking outside of the box.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.

For Meditation, Energy Transmission & Healing Available for this Taurus Full Moon: Medium Adam Bernstein, Between the Worlds

LunarOScopes, 01 Oct Aries Full Moon, Let’s Really Release

Crying Out to Heal Our Wounds
Full Moon in Aries

5:05pmEDT, 01 October, Let’s Really Release & Reflect

Waning Phases always favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie. This month our request peaks from 09 degrees Aries, to wane through Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo until the first New Moon of Autumn and tenth for 2020 arrives at 23 degrees Libra 16 October. This tenth Full Moon of the new decade, 2020 and first for our Autumn season casts us into intensified reflection that is already in progress from where The Ram seeks for independent means of honoring a keen and active imagination within our lives.

Reflection, interruptions and the rerouting of all routines continues to reign loudly within the world as we are now getting into the thick of Mars Retrograde in Aries, 09 September to 13 November. We have been strongly reconsidering our emerging selves, approaches to life, self-confidence and overall appearances to the world. As the entire globe has been summoned to deeply re-examine the motivations, desires, abilities to take action within our lives as well as take a good look at ourselves during this more than serious and absolutely aggressive cycle of reflection, our preview of upcoming Mercury Retrograde attractions (13 October to 03 November) has also already started its’ Approach upon 25 September. We all will need to embrace intense review and commitment to reflection versus embark upon any important initiation or major launch of any matters of importance for long term success, as Mars Retrograde does not support them for ensured sustainability. As the Approach to Mercury Retrograde is engaged, this waning phase is riddled with more intensities that will attempt to completely overwhelm and emotionally consume us. Personal resilience is absolutely key to navigate it with soul success.

This month’s reflective energy seeks for us to once again fully understand via our continuing unfolding story of intense global realizations, where we need to be personally cultivating our own need to reset the understanding of who “I AM.” As we continue to embrace 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected experience, the “never going back again” message now demonstratively speaks the most abruptly it has all year long of how we are surrendering the past so humanity can become reborn.  

Honoring the power of allowing our oldest wounds to surface so they can be properly healed, addressed and faced head on: we will need our greatest internal source of courage in order to do so. Our lunar energy completely beckons that in order to thrive versus merely survive: our focus has to be upon the spiritual and healing aspects of our lives or we are absolutely promised to suffer otherwise. We must continue to learn from our experiences to further embrace Autumn’s Sounding of the Moderation Alarm especially relating to our individual, independent and enthusiastic natures we have within Aries. While all Full Moons of 2020 have layered in intense callings of release: this one is gripped in the most conflicting, combative, and aggressive collective energies that must be extremely and carefully filtered in order to not become swept away in complete emotional overwhelm.

This Full Moon peaking at 09 degrees Aries, reigns in a more than revealing and uprooting of what we thought the past was in truth. The veil is extremely lifted to bring forward immense conclusions and finalizations that seek our spiritual discernment to completely digest these oldest wounds in our lives, grieve them, and allow ourselves to intensely heal. As this Full Moon peak conjuncts Chiron Retrograde in Aries, it will trigger a more than walloping release upon the planet that is only properly addressed by going within, amplifying our soul’s critical need for stillness, versus become full absorbed by what is happening outside of us. 

The undeniable heeding of Staying in Your Own Lane is extremely serious to understand in order to avoid unfortunate outcomes otherwise surrounding this alarming Full Moon time. Equally as this waning phase begins, by Friday, 02 October, the waning Aries Moon conjuncts Mars Retrograde in Aries that will make those emotionally unaware appear to be completely off with their heads. As the Aries Moon Void of Course on 03 October makes a square to Saturn in Capricorn, it cries out even more to penetrating energies that will have authoritarian energies further outraged as we witness completely out of control behaviors. The outside world will unbelievably display situations of rage and despair in more shocking ways, which the suffering thereof has naturally attracted to, yet only yearns to be healed. Those who honor stillness and continue to detach from egotistical energies and reclaim their personal power by no longer giving it away will prevail in success, and remain safe in dedication and commitment to spiritual proactiveness.

Crying Out to Heal Our Wounds

Soul Homework for 01 October’s Aries Full Moon

This waning phase through 16 October, asks us to become completely open minded to how we can progress through committing to our own spirituality and working with dedicated courage to combat fear and conflicts that will be seeming on fire within our outside world. 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected points us now to pay extreme attention to where The Ram asks for easily arouse feelings to become more mindful within our lives. Taking time to write down our willingness to release especially in the tense of “I AM” allows us to recognize what we are meant to let go of on a personal level. Many full moon rituals favor writing down anything we need to clear away and let go of and then safely burn them in ceremony upon the day of the Full Moon. Place all gemstones in the Full Moon’s light to energetically cleanse them. Working with red, true blue and white are wonderful choices that resonate with Aries. Ruby is a powerful gemstone to allow self-love to channel through us, engaging our ego to heal itself. It is important to understand how the natural energy of Mars Retrograde in Aries can lead to exhaustion, for which ruby is a wonderful restorative stone to equally unblock anything standing in the way of our positivity, self-awareness and abilities to remain encouraged versus overwhelmed. Remember Full Moons are perfect timing to clear away and ideally heal energy within our lives, as we draw upon conclusions concerning what already exists.

Please Join Between the Worlds’ Medium Adam Bernstein & Healer Heather Estara for a YOUTUBE Live Full Moon Complimentary Meditation, Wednesday 30 September, 7pmEDT/4pmPDT

Autumn’s first Full Moon & 10th for 2020. Where will you be prepared to honor Crying Out to Heal Our Wounds, Dear Star?

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon really releasing who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Honor your self-care to change your face to the world as you dive all the deeper into how your former ways of taking on the world are no longer able to sustain you if you truly wish to thrive. Release, grieve and heal your ego’s conflicting pains and deeper wounds so you can step into the courageous version of you that only responds in a Warrior presence.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. This deep and unprecedented self-work grants you necessary insight in order to further the healing work in progress to truly cut your attachment to the karmic ties that have bound you. Honor this needed time alone to hear the answers as you become grounded in your inner world, so you can work in security from the roots of your healed soul.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Energy is intensely in reflection to bring you to profound conclusions concerning what it is you no longer need to tolerate nor accept. As your future reorients, realignment is favored when you intently recognize it is time for you to courageously tell it like it is to those who need to hear it, as you rise up in taking your spiritual side to the next level.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. Much is asking for you to take the necessary time you absolutely need in a more than profound SILENT LISTEN from within to heal the pains of your work past, and honor the truth about the critical need to reflect versus unsuccessfully attempt to put your foot on the gas otherwise. Shift your worries to the space of only being concerned.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon really releasing what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, foreign affairs, standing in your truth and expression of your philosophies. Remain reachable so you can receive the teachable ways you are required to adapt to that allow you to surrender old belief systems of the past. While there are some extremely difficult truths that may hurt for you to let go of, the time is now to face them and heal these wounds you no longer need to carry.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. This surge of rebirth equally requests you honor cleansing on the deepest level from your very core and source energy of your being. As you work with other details that surround the full scope of your entire life, be ready for the epiphany there is never any kind of going back again as you let go of the deepest pains of your former life, engaging rebirth. 

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. Deeply appreciate the work you are doing for your innate abilities to seek to understand, then be understood are serving you well. Courageously walk away from any conflicts, as engaging in any angered disputes will be only regretted. Now is the time end any relationship that does not serve your highest spiritual worth and integrity to be respected. 

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Your lifestyle now holds you accountable to truly toss out the trash concerning any kind of activity that has only kept you tethered to continually experience the deeper pains of the past. Recognizing you are here to serve the world via a warrior path is how you now rise up to release, and surrender that once again, life has led your routines to become reborn.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Allow reflection to surround your creative nature with ultimate awareness that emerges when you intently connect to being grounded within your heart space. At this compelling time, remain open to what it is that you have held on to that has only caused a repeated cycle of pain to pursue, and now finalizes through healing from your heart.   

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. As your immediate task lies in trusting that your abilities to nourish are resetting their bar on the highest healing level, all is part of what continues to clear what you no longer need for success to work for you right at home. As intense inner psyche processing is at your finger tips, be sure to pay close attention to any deja vu moments that arise. 

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon really releasing how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Releasing negative thinking engages your imagination to thrive, allowing you to find flow with the most critical discerning mindset you have ever utilized up til now. As you remove and heal the deepest wounds of any former mentalities that were only holding you back, your abilities to speak will find they will only come from a sounder peace of mind.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon really releasing what I Have, relating to your sources of income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. When you surrender to knowing not only simplification but moderation is able to work in your absolute favor, you will no longer tolerate the former ways that only held you in a false and unreliable sense of security. As the possession of spirit within you is fully honored as genuine value to rely upon, you can no longer be fooled by the 3 Dimensional world. 

Attain Your Soul Certainty in these Uncertain Times. What does your Personal Forecast say for this Aries Full Moon from your natal chart?

Explore continuing Special Priced Forecasting Packages, Simply Spirit & Star Sessions, & Affordable Elearning.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly empowerment and timing tips. Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.

Wishing You and Yours Continued Safety, Awareness & Protection Always, Dear Star.

LunarOScopes, 03 Aug Aquarius Full Moon, Let’s Release

Uniting Our Heartspace & Security Divide

Full Moon in Aquarius

11:59amEDT, 03 August, Let’s Release & Reflect

Waning Phases always favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie. This month our request peaks from 11 degrees Aquarius, to wane through Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer until the third New Moon of Summer and eighth for 2020 arrives at 26 degrees Leo 18 August. This eighth Full Moon of the new decade, 2020 and second for our Summer season casts us into further reflection from where The Water Bearer seeks for unconventional and progressive means of honoring a well-developed imagination within our lives.

Reflection, interruptions and the rerouting of all routines continues to reign loudly within the world as we are now under the Approach to Mars Retrograde in Aries, 09 September to 13 November has been in affect since 25 July, alerting us to start proper preparations for what we are meant to be reconsidering concerning our emerging selves, approaches to life, self-confidence and appearances to the world. As the entire world will be summoned to deeply re-examine the motivations, desires and abilities to take action within our lives during this more than serious upcoming cycle of reflection, our preview of coming Retrograde attractions continue to weave their notice of let’s take a good look at ourselves. We all will need review and to intently reflect upon versus embark upon any important initiation or major launch of any matters of importance for long term success during this delicate transit.

This month’s reflective energy seeks for us to once again fully acknowledge via our continuing unfolding story of intense global realizations, what we need to be personally sincere, humane, logical and friendly to as we continue to embrace 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected experience that seeks the surrendering to the past so humanity can become reborn.  

By honoring the power of altruism, judgement of character and allowing of ingenious ideas, our lives now request that in order to thrive versus merely survive, our focus must once again exhale what is no longer necessary to cleanse and let go so we can personally feel lighter, grieve if we have too, and intently process. We must continue to honor what we can learn from our experiences to further embrace Becoming Friends with Simplification especially relating to our independence, truth, knowledge and intellectual natures we have within Aquarius. Once again we have another profound additional layer of release seeking for us to detach from the outdated grips of the past allowing us to level up to accelerate all the more to welcome a 5D world as we witness the 3D one dive and further disintegrate as Divine Feminine energy now further opens her doors to completely correct the masculines imbalances upon the EARTH each HEART must acknowledge.

This Full Moon peaking at 11 degrees Aquarius, has an extremely deep connection to restructure the organizational foundation of our lives, especially concerning the means of how we feel safe, secure, and stable within the understanding of what we have, own, and hold as value overall, and yes, our relationship to money itself. With 11 being a Master Number, it distinctly calls upon our virtue to discern what needs reflection the most, and ultimately unite the divide to be able to fully cooperate with the changes circulating within our midst. As it also works with the loyalty to our very HEART Space, once again our means of feeling stable upon this EARTH are called to be nurtured and addressed accordingly. One thing that we can not longer deny: everything is being reinvented as we absolutely once knew it to stand in former stability.

What Are You Letting Go of Dear Star?

Soul Homework for 03 August’s Aquarius Full Moon

This waning phase through 18 August, asks us to become completely open minded to how we can progress through union versus remaining split as 2020’s Awakening process points us now to pay extreme attention to from where The Water Bearer asks for humane and progressive feelings to become more ingenious within our lives. Taking time to write down our willingness to release especially in the tense of “I SOCIALIZE” allows us to recognize what we are meant to let go of on a personal level. Many full moon rituals favor writing down anything we need to clear away and let go of and then safely burn them in ceremony upon the day of the Full Moon. Place all gemstones in the Full Moon’s light to energetically cleanse them.

Working with sea greens, silvers, grays and electric blue are wonderful choices that resonate with Aquarius. Malachite, Azurite and Quartz are powerful gemstones to allow obstacles to be removed, mental expansion and love for self and others to channel through us. Remember Full Moons are perfect timing to clear away and ideally heal energy within our lives, as we draw upon conclusions concerning what already exists.

Our Summer Season’s second Full Moon & 8th for 2020. Where will you be prepared to honor Uniting Your Heartspace & Security Divide, Dear Star?

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Energy is in reflection for your manifesting avenues and connections to children to recreate magic upon your stage seeking to engage your heart space. As your future reorients, your entire security system must adapt accordingly, which absolutely prefers you seek value and stability out side of the box supporting innovation to reorganize your life.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. Matters in motion requiring your attention at home ask for you to nurture and nourish it with your heart light as guidance. Lightening up your work load allows your emerging self to continue to work with shifting your entire approaches to life, as the world witnesses the reinvention of you move through a more than powerful time of letting go.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. Remain reachable so your mentality can strengthen its’ peace of mind versus resist the ways your communications yearn for you to be teachable to express them differently. This requires taking time to take an important SILENT LISTEN from within, as karmic cobwebs from the past must be properly cleared away.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. This surge of rebirth equally requests you honor cleansing on the deepest level from your very core and source energy of your being. As you work with other changes surrounding your sense of value and securities, this distinctly involves you take stock of your future goals, and let go of ones which are not innovative.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. Deeply understand and appreciate the self-changes you are equally currently experiencing, want you to embrace them as healing gifts. The work you are doing for yourself now, grants you long term relationship rewards as you continue to connect to all the reinvention in play for your vocational life as more surprises wish to restructure and ideally improve it.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Your lifestyle now holds you accountable to connect to your solitude allowing you to process in the SILENT LISTEN, so trust the only person you truly need to hear right now is yourself. Enjoy this renewing journey from within allowing you to serve you and others better than ever, and will absolutely reveal how your belief systems are redefining their truth. 

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. As your future goals, social scenes, hopes and wishes along with friends are leveling up in powerful changes, allow your creations to reflect with integrity and loyalty to your heart space. At this compelling time, remaining open to clever ways to regenerate your wealth is all part of this important connect the intellectual dots for success.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. While your career and public life is experiencing an equal structure change that is soon to grant you just rewards, your task lies in investigating what partnerships are the most innovative ones you need to relate to who are presenting you with the best ideas that are truly outside of the box, and are ingenious to work with for progressive changes.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Release negative thinking to otherwise engage your imagination to thrive, allowing you to discern the truth of what you have formerly chosen to believe, remaining reachable and teachable. As you connect the dots, there is more to work out concerning your lifestyle, and how you work amicably with reinventing your habits and routines.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Have, relating to your sources of income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. Equally your scope upon wealth and your energetic core needs to absolutely trust a process of rebirth is in potent play that allows you to grasp the entire scope of your life with a different set of lenses that ever before. When you surrender, you allow important changes for your creativity, connections to children, and heart space to thrive in possibility.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Reboot with engaging conversations with your closest existing relationships and legal agreements who are the most loyal to you. Honor your self-care to change your face to the world as you dive all the deeper into how your nurturing abilities are equally in a revolution to experience your home and family life with more stability and security supporting it. 

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. This deep self-work grants you necessary insight in order to further the healing work in progress to bring absolute improvement to your lifestyle, habits and routines. Honoring this needed time alone is the only way to listen from within, to hear the answers that will arrive to support a new peace of mind, and one you have never communicated with before. 

Attain Your Soul Certainty in these Uncertain Times. What does your Personal Forecast say for this Aquarius Full Moon from your natal chart?

BOOK NOW. Schedule your private session with Sharita! Equally explore the ongoing Special Priced Simply Spirit & Star Sessions.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly empowerment and timing tips. Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance, especially when you choose to shop under Shelter in Place.

Wishing You and Yours Continued Safety, Awareness & Protection Always, Dear Star.


Join in Astrology Awareness, Meditation & Healing with Medium Adam Bernstein, Healer Heather Estara & Astrologer Sharita Star

LunarOScopes, 05 July Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon, Let’s Really Release

Regenerating Leadership and Reinventing Securities

Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Capricorn

12:44amEDT, 05 July, Let’s Really Release & Reflect

Waning Phases always favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie. This month our request peaks from 13 degrees Capricorn, to wane through Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini until the second New Moon of Summer and seventh for 2020 arrives at 28 degrees Cancer 20 June. This seventh Full Moon of the new decade, 2020 and first for our Summer season casts us into intense reflection from where The Goat holds us accountable to engage an ambitious and reliable imagination within our lives, accompanied by an additional and most powerful punch of emotional unfoldment paired up with the year’s third Lunar Eclipse. 

Reflection, interruptions and the rerouting of all routines continues to reign loudly within the world as Mercury Retrograde in Cancer has been in transit since 18 June, asking for us all to reconnect to what we are meant to be reconsidering concerning our nurturing space, homes, families, communications and movement across the board. Equally the Shadow of 13 May to 25 June’s Venus Retrograde is in affect as certain matters move carefully forward surrounding our money, luxuries, legalities, securities and relationships until 29 July. 

Additional reflection now pulls us to the opposing direction of Mercury Retrogrades’ calling in Cancer now to Capricorn, compelling us to explore a more than regenerative release for change within this area of our lives. This month’s reflective energy seeks for us to once again fully acknowledge via global realizations, what we need to be personally accountable and even more responsible to as we continue to embrace 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected experience that must continue to surrender the past so humanity can become reborn.  

By honoring the power of diligence, our lives now request that in order to thrive versus merely survive, our focus must once again exhale what is no longer necessary to cleanse and let go so we can personally feel lighter, grieve if we have too, and intently process. We must continue to honor what we can learn from our experiences to further embrace Becoming Friends with Simplification especially relating to our material means, authoritative matters and the very structure of all ambitions we may have within Capricorn. This is a profound additional layer of release from the materialistic grips of the past allowing us to level up to accelerate all the more to welcome a 5D world as we witness the 3D one dive and further disintegrate as Divine Feminine energy now has opened her doors to completely correct the masculines imbalances upon the EARTH each HEART must acknowledge to shift.

This month’s time of release beckons us once again -and as all Lunar Eclipse’s promise, an extended passage lasting for at least six months- to defiantly pause for another SILENT LISTEN. As we accept all false evidence appearing real and face everything and rise: we will continue to awaken. As this lunation concludes a more than an intense season of Eclipse energies that began early June, this last Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon seek for our patience to be at the forefront of our actions. Accountability, integrity and learning from our experiences must accompany our reflections that ask us to -even amongst uncertain times- be certain it is the absolute time let go of former stabilities so new ones are able to become established in better faith and sustainability.

This Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon peaking at 13 degrees Capricorn, has a deep connection to a powerful alignment that recurred during 2014 known as the Grand Cardinal Cross: Redefining Your Leadership, The Calling for Regeneration – Change. This same planetary alignment of Cardinal (Leadership) signs met up as well at the 13 degree mark during late April of 2014, specifically focusing upon “Say Goodbye to Your Old Life, It’s Time For A New Foundation.” What the world at that time began to see -and equally on a personal level where the four leadership signs are naturally positioned within any natal birth chart- is the groundwork that has moved forward since and now needs to be reexamined, and inwardly processed. As it becomes more than evident our financial securities across the board are in extremely volatile times, it is our very reinvention of them which now speaks to us through the 13 degrees energy, in how this can exactly metamorphosis be done to reestablish certainty amongst the uncertain times that the world undeniably faces. 

What Are You Intensely Letting Go of Dear Star?

Soul Homework for 05 July’s Capricorn Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon

This waning phase through 20 July and beyond, asks us to become completely practical to the materialistic illusions that will no longer sustain themselves in the future as 2020’s Awakening process points us now to pay extreme attention to from where The Goat asks for cautious and serious feelings to become more steadfast within our lives. Taking time to write down our willingness to release especially in the tense of “I STRUCTURE” allows us to recognize what we are meant to let go of on a personal level. Many full moon rituals favor writing down anything we need to clear away and let go of and then safely burn them in ceremony upon the day of the Full Moon. Place all gemstones in the Full Moon’s light to energetically cleanse them. Working with indigo, deep greens, all hues of tans and browns, and navy blue are wonderful choices that resonate with Capricorn. Diamond and Onyx are a powerful gemstones to allow sustainability and patience to channel through us. Remember Full Moons and especially Lunar Eclipses are perfect timing to clear away and ideally heal energy within our lives, as we draw upon conclusions concerning what already exists.

Our Summer Season’s first Full Moon. 2020’s 3rd Lunar Eclipse. Where will you be prepared to honor Regenerating Leadership and Reinventing Securities, Dear Star?

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. You are equally pulled to sort out matters requiring your attention at home, in order to nurture and nourish it with improvements. Lightening up your work load allows your environments to find contentment and priceless value that equally draws in the continuing awakening picture for you to witness the more than unexpected ways the value of your income is reinventing itself, and surprising you, every step of the way.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon really releasing with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. Remain reachable so your mentality can strengthen its’ peace of mind versus resist the ways your communications yearn for you to be teachable to understand them differently. This will undeniably require taking time to simply take a good look in the mirror at yourself, and discern what you know needs to be more disciplined in your approaches to life, which will allow the world to see your determination shine.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. This incredible surge of rebirth equally herby requests you honor cleansing on the deepest level from your very core and source energy of your being. As you work with other changes surrounding your sense of value and securities, this distinctly involves you take some truly intense retreat time to fully process your past, allow it to become healed, so you make the rightful space to align in the regeneration you absolutely deserve.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. Deeply understand and appreciate the self-changes you are equally currently experiencing, want you to embrace them as healing gifts. The work you are doing for yourself now, grants you long term relationship rewards as you continue to learn more about what your future direction is meant to look like, which is taking sudden turns. When you work with your intuition and instinct you will be rewarded with partnerships you are meant to value the most.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Your lifestyle now holds you accountable to connect to your solitude allowing you to process in the SILENT LISTEN, so trust the only person you truly need to hear right now is yourself. Enjoy this renewing journey from within that allows you to serve you and others better than ever, and will absolutely reveal how your career is working with amazing ways to reinvent itself as your place in the public eye is moving into more innovative ways for you to structure it.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Reconsiderations speak to your future goals, social scenes, hopes and wishes along with friends to level up in powerful changes, as your creations arise with integrity and loyalty to your heart space. At this compelling time, remaining reachable and teachable removes the doubt that you must surrender your former beliefs so you can accept new ones to grant you the ability to thrive and stand in a completely shocking new truth.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. As the caution light remains on to pause in review and reflection for your career and public life, these two areas vie for your attention. Your task lies in utilizing your innate fair judge to truly honor the power of transformation for your entire scope upon your life- which is intently trying to let you know there is no going back again, and the more you let the former core of you cooperate with the ability to accept rebirth, you are on your way.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon really releasing with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Release negative thinking to otherwise engage your imagination to thrive, allowing you to discern the truth of what you have formerly chosen to believe, remaining reachable and teachable in your ongoing reassessment process. As you connect the dots, there is more to work out concerning your partnerships, legal matters and any arrangements you have in place- which will turn up the surprise factor for you that even you did not quite see coming.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon really releasing with what I Have, relating to your sources of income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. As the reset button becomes all the more fully pressed now upon your wealth, your energetic core needs to absolutely trust this rebirth process as you discern this spiritual versus material transformational experience. When you surrender, you allow important changes for your lifestyle and routines, and the more unusual paths your abilities to be of service to yourself and others takes, are those to pay attention to for the most stability.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon really releasing with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Revisiting conversations with your closest existing relationships and legal agreements favor to exercise your ability to seek to understand before being understood, and let any greed or control surrounding them go. Honor your self-care to change your face to the world as you dive deeper into how your creative nature and connections to children are truly in a space of absolute reinvention, where it is simply time to allow your originality to shine.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. This deep self-work must not be ignored to grant you necessary insight in order to further the healing work in progress to bring awaited improvements to your lifestyle, habits and routines. Honoring this needed time alone is the only way to listen from within, to hear the answers that will arrive to support how to nurture and nourish your home and family life for the better, which equally are not looking like any kind of old norm.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Energy is undeniably in reflection for your manifesting avenues and connections to children to recreate magic upon your stage that only engages your heart space. As your future reorients, recognize the possibilities that your communications and mindset are offering you, which absolutely prefer you choose to think out side of the box, so that you can work with innovative ideas that support there are still a many things to be looking forward to.

Let’s talk! What does your Personal Forecast say for this Capricorn Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon from your natal chart?

BOOK NOW. Schedule your private session with Sharita! Equally learn about a new service Simply Spirit & Star Sessions.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly empowerment and timing tips. Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance, especially when you choose to shop under Shelter in Place.

Wishing You and Yours Continued Safety & Protection Always, Dear Star.

Let’s Spell Out the Truth from LUNAR ECLIPSE via Lexigrams.

LunarOScopes, 05 June Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon, Let’s Really Release

Debunking Materialism for Spiritual Growth

Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Sagittarius

3:12pmEDT, 05 June, Let’s Really Release & Reflect

Waning Phases always favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie. This month our request peaks from 15 degrees Sagittarius, to wane through Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini until the first New Moon of Summer and sixth for 2020 arrives at 0 degrees Cancer 21 June accompanied by a potent Solar Eclipse. This sixth Full Moon of the new decade, 2020 and last for our Spring season casts us into intense reflection from where The Archer asks for an easily stimulated imagination within our lives, accompanied by a more than powerful punch of emotional unfoldment paired up with the year’s second Lunar Eclipse. 

Reflection has undeniably already been reigning loudly within the world as Venus Retrograde in Gemini has been in transit since 13 May, asking for us all to reconnect to our Heart Intelligence and deepest understandings concerning what needs absolute adjustment concerning our relationships, values, beauty, luxuries and money across the board. Additional reflection now pulls us to the opposing direction of Sagittarius, compelling us to explore the TRUTH that may absolutely HURT when we become completely honest within this area of our lives. This month’s reflective energy seeks for us to fully acknowledge via global realizations, what we need to be personally accountable to as we continue to embrace 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected experience that is surrendering the past so humanity can become reborn.  

By honoring the power of perspective, our lives now request that in order to thrive versus merely survive, our focus must exhale the falsehoods of our previously existing structures so we can personally feel lighter. We must carry on and courageously inhale that Becoming Friends with Simplification is the only means to successfully awaken to what our future holds. One more layer of profound release from the materialistic grips of the past now is further revealed to assist us in leveling up to accelerate all the more to welcome a 5D world as we witness the 3D one dive and crumble even further to the ground.

This month’s time of release beckons us once again -and as all Lunar Eclipse’s promise, an extended passage lasting for at least six months- to defiantly pause for a profound SILENT LISTEN. As we accept all false evidence appearing real and face everything and rise: we will continue to awaken. Kicking off a more than an intense season of Eclipse energies to follow into early July, this first Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon seek to sort out the existing tensions concerning our communications across the board. Instinct and intuition must accompany our reflections, and while anger and aggressive issues will be more than evident, whatever truths are revealed: we must honor a warrior presence in order to not get caught up in conflicts we can absolutely via free will, choose to avoid by being courageous instead.

As we engage in the peak of this month’s Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon reflections, the Approach to the year’s second Mercury Retrograde in Cancer is in affect since 01 June, alerting us to even more upcoming reflection to commence 18 June until 11 July. Our entire remainder of Spring moving into the early summer is profoundly set in reflective tones as our inner planet retrogrades overlap and Eclipse Season spans during June and early July. Whatever former plans we may have had, we must honor we have to reroute and reschedule them, and trust our backup plans are what is meant to be happening instead. 

What Are You Intensely Letting Go of Dear Star?

Soul Homework for 05 June’s Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon

This waning phase through 21 June and beyond, asks us to become completely truthful to the materialistic illusions that will no longer sustain themselves in the future as 2020’s Awakening process points us now to pay extreme attention to from where The Archer asks for spontaneous and intuitive feelings to disseminate knowledge within our lives. Taking time to write down our willingness to release especially in the tense of “I BELIEVE” allows us to recognize what we are meant to let go of on a personal level. Many full moon rituals favor writing down anything we need to clear away and let go of and then safely burn them in ceremony upon the day of the Full Moon. Place all gemstones in the Full Moon’s light to energetically cleanse them. Working with autumns hues such as oranges, rusts, browns and yellows along with sky blue and purple are wonderful choices that resonate with Sagittarius. Turquoise is a powerful gemstone to allow optimism and the truth to channel through us. Dandelion is a fortifying green to eat, as it deeply cleanses and detoxifies the liver which holds anger needing to be released. Remember Full Moons are perfect timing to clear away and ideally heal energy within our lives, as we draw upon conclusions concerning what already exists.

Please Join Between the Worlds’ Adam Bernstein for a Zoom Complimentary Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon Meditation on Facebook Live 8pmEDT/5pmPDT 03 June

Our Spring Season’s last Full Moon. 2020’s 2nd Lunar Eclipse. Where will you be prepared to honor Debunking Materialism for Spiritual Growth, Dear Star?

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. Remain reachable so your mentality can strengthen its’ peace of mind versus resist the ways your communications yearn for you to be teachable to understand them differently. This will undeniably require taking time in retreat to deeply process your past, so be sure to not deny yourself the value of a SILENT LISTEN from within, and especially note any distinct messages that channel from your dreams.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. This surge of spiritual rebirth equally herby requests you honor cleansing on the deepest level from your very core and source energy of your being. As you work with changes surrounding your sense of value and securities, this distinctly involves the equal release of former hopes and wishes, to make proper room for future goals and social scenes to appropriately realign themselves in due time.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. Deeply understand and appreciate the self-changes you are experiencing want you to embrace them as healing gifts. The work you are doing for yourself now, grants you long term relationship rewards as you continue to learn more about what your genuine career structure is meant to look like. When you work with your intuition and instinct you will be rewarded with partnerships you are meant to value the most.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Your lifestyle now holds you accountable to connect to your solitude allowing you to process in the SILENT LISTEN, so trust the only person you truly need to hear right now is yourself. Enjoy this renewing journey from within that allows you to serve you and others better than ever, and will absolutely reveal any false truths you need to remove in order to start believing everything your intuition is trying to say to you.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Reconsider your future goals, social scenes, hopes and wishes along with friends to level up in powerful changes as your creations arise in the ingenuity of all that is possible. At this compelling time of courageous rebirth unfolding in your life at accelerating speed, it is now up to you to stop resisting you must surrender your past so you can accept the transformations that are absolutely demanding you honor them.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. Listen with a cautious instinct to expose simplifying light to improve the spiritual side of your career and public life. While you may feel at odds between these two areas, your task lies in utilizing your intuition versus logic to see through the existing illusions concerning your partnerships and legal agreements, so courageously walk away from conflicts as you recognize the only relationships you need are those who offer you understanding, peace and serenity.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon releasing with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Dissolve negative thinking to engage your imagination to thrive, allowing you to discern more of the truth of what you have formerly chosen to believe, remaining reachable and teachable in the process. As you connect the dots, there is more to work out concerning your lifestyle choices, which strongly call for you to take an intuitive listen to no longer support any means you serve yourself and other’s via false pretenses.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Have, relating to your sources of income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. As the reset button becomes all the more fully pressed now upon your wealth, your energetic core needs to absolutely trust this rebirth process as you discern the spiritual versus material transformational experience. What you surrender, allows a creative desire to channel through you, yet you must not resist what your heart space is asking you to do to become more playful and engaged with it. 

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Conversations with your closest relationships and legal agreements favor to exercise your ability to seek to understand before being understood, and let any greed or control surrounding them go. Honor your self-care to change your face to the world as you dive deeper into what it truly means to nurture at home with your family life, which is surrounded with conclusions to arrive at across the board requiring your ultimate courage.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. This deep self-work must not be ignored to grant you necessary insight in order to further the healing work in progress to improve your lifestyle, habits and routines. Honoring this needed time alone is the only way to listen from within, to hear the answers that your mindset arrives at so you can communicate more intuitively, and not react with anger nor conflict to resolve what your mentality is presently sorting out.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Energy is undeniably realigning for your manifesting avenues and connections to children to recreate magic upon your stage that engages your heart space. As your future reorients, recognize the possibilities that your securities, value systems and income capacities are able to work with, which is all about you accepting there is a more spiritual way to have them all as any attachments to materialism no longer are the way they can work.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. Sort out matters requiring your spirited attention at home, in order to nurture and nourish it with improvements. Lightening up your work load allows your environments to find contentment and priceless value that equally draws in the continuing awakening picture for you to witness the profound self changes you are equally making, letting go of all ego attachments and working with the innate intuition that is always your trusted guiding light.

Let’s talk! What does your Personal Forecast say for this Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon from your natal chart? LEARN MORE & SCHEDULE YOUR VENUS RETROGRADE READING!

BOOK NOW. Schedule your private session with Sharita! Equally learn about a new service Simply Spirit & Star Sessions.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly empowerment and timing tips. Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance, especially when you choose to shop under Shelter in Place.

Wishing You and Yours Continued Safety & Protection Always, Dear Star.

LunarOScopes, 07 May Scorpio Full Moon, Let’s Release

“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham

Regenerating Material Power to Spiritual Awakenings

Full Moon in Scorpio

6:45amEDT/3:45amPDT, 07 May, Let’s Release & Reflect

Waning Phases always favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie. This month our request peaks from 17 degrees Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and Taurus until the final and third New Moon of Spring and fifth for 2020 arrives at 02 degrees Gemini 22 May. This fifth Full Moon of the new decade, 2020 and second for our Spring season casts us into reflection from where The Eagle ask for a acute imagination within our lives. 

The world undeniably continues to feel weighted down and heavy with not only survival but complete security concerns. This month’s reflective energy seeks for us to fully acknowledge via patient realizations, that we need to be accountable and now absolutely embrace 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected experience so we can surrender the past and be open to what will become reborn.  What we choose to do now can allow us to see the scope of how the road to recovery is not a quick fix solution, but one that will take accountability, responsibility, and spiritual time. If we accept this, we will see our eventual rewards in more than supportive ways. 

By honoring the power of transformation, our lives now request that in order to thrive versus merely survive, our focus must exhale the material grips of the past so we can personally feel lighter. We must absolutely inhale that Becoming Friends with Simplification is how we can happily attain wisdom to sustain what our future holds. As we do so by engaging how Fantasy can be useful in working with a new paradigm for success, there are limitless horizons leveling us up in the acceleration in progress now to enter a 5D world as we watch the 3D one dive and crumble further to the ground.

The distinct calling to remain Sheltered in Place will continue. This title has so very much to share with humanity to be able to absolutely honor how we can still OWN our NOW to see how much we have WON as it also resonates to the 17 vibration, as we explore What’s Really in a Name? Shelter in Place. 

This month’s time of release beckons us once again, to stop for the profound SILENT LISTEN to rise up beyond false evidence appearing real and face everything and rise to the Awakening Force in full motion. This Full Moon is ever powerful to allow us to work smarter with our intuitive natures so we can accept change, let go, and stop being afraid of what we think we are leaving behind. This lunation places one more healing layer to the ongoing process concerning how the world overall is of letting go of former traditions and structures we no longer need, as we widely will witness more stunning evidence there is never any kind of “going back to normal” ever again.

As we engage in the peak of this month’s Full Moon reflections, the Approach to the year’s Venus Retrograde in Gemini continues, where she is also stationed under this waning phase to commence her reflection journey by the 13 May that will last until 25 June. Our entire remainder of Spring moving into the early summer will now be fully engaged in reflective tones as inner planet retrograde overlap and Eclipse Season spans all of June. Venus Retrograde alone promises to be one of the strongest correction periods during 2020, as she asks each and every HEART upon planet EARTH to continue to shift their values, understanding, finances, and approaches to luxury and beauty across the board. 

What Are You Letting Go of Dear Star?

Soul Homework for 07 May’s Scorpio Full Moon

This waning phase through 22 May, asks us to bow in complete surrender to the materialistic illusions we may be holding on to further simplify as 2020’s Awakening process points us now to pay extreme attention to from where The Eagle asks for intense and lasting feelings to regenerate within our lives. Taking time to write down our willingness to release especially in the tense of “I TRANSFORM” allows us to recognize what we are meant to let go of on a personal level. Many full moon rituals favor writing down anything we need to clear away and let go of and then safely burn them in ceremony upon the day of the Full Moon. Place all gemstones in the Full Moon’s light to energetically cleanse them. Working with maroons, deep burgundies, plums and black are wonderful choices that resonate with Scorpio, along with bloodstone. Raspberry is a fortifying food to eat, as well as the leaves for tea ceremonies. Remember Full Moons are perfect timing to clear away and ideally heal energy within our lives, as we draw upon conclusions concerning what already exists.

Please Join Between the Worlds’ Adam Bernstein for a Facebook Complimentary Full Moon Meditation

The Decade’s, 2020’s 5th & the Spring Season’s second Full Moon. Where will you be prepared to honor Regenerating Material Power to Spiritual Awakenings, Dear Star?

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. This surge of spiritual rebirth equally herby requests you honor needed time away and spend it with yourself, to cleanse even more from within. As you work with changes surrounding your sense of value and securities, keep awakening to recognize less is more as you lighten your karmic load.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. Deeply understand appreciation of the self-changes you are experiencing wants you to embrace them as healing gifts. The work you are doing for yourself now, grants you long term relationship rewards as you continue to learn more about who your true friends actually are.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Your lifestyle will hold you accountable to connect to your solitude allowing you to process in the silent listen, so trust the only person you truly need to hear right now is yourself. Enjoy the renewing journey from within, and you will serve your career which is healing in this entire conversation.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Reconsider your future goals, social scenes, hopes and wishes along with friends to level up in change as your manifestations arise in true fantasy of possibility. Be sure to involve the awakening truth of what you have formerly chosen to believe into this conversation urging you to recreate from your heart space.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. Listen with a careful instinct to expose simplifying light upon improving the spiritual side of your career and public life. While you may feel at odds between these two areas, your task lies in utilizing your intuition to honor the powerful transformation in progress that is reshaping you from the core.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon releasing with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Dissolving negative thinking engages your imagination to thrive, allowing you to discern more of the truth of what you have chosen to believe, remaining reachable and teachable in the process. As you connect the dots, seeing who equally stands besides you representing spiritual unity are those you should be relating to.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Have, relating to your sources of income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. As the reset button becomes all the more fully pressed now upon your wealth, your energetic core need to trust rebirth process as you discern the spiritual versus material transformational experience. What you surrender, allows a simpler lifestyle to support your means to reroute your service to self and others. 

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon releasing with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Conversations with your closest relationships and legal agreements favor to exercise your ability to seek to understand before being understood, and let any greed surrounding them go. Honor your self-care to change your face to the world as you dive deeper into your spiritual heart space.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. This deep self-work must not be ignored to grant you necessary insight in order to further the healing work in progress to improve your lifestyle, habits and routines. Honoring this needed time alone is the only way to listen from within, to hear the answers to nourish your home and family life for the better.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Realign the energy for your manifesting avenues and connections to children to recreate magic upon your stage that engages your heart space. As your future reorients, recognize the possibilities that your mindset can imagine to think in future simplicity that will naturally stabilize your outcomes.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. Sort out matters requiring your spirited attention at home, in order to nurture and nourish it with improvements. Lightening up your work load allows your environments to find contentment and priceless value that equally draws in the continuing awakening picture for your income and securities.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. Remain reachable so your mentality can strengthen its’ peace of mind versus resist the ways your communications yearn for you to be teachable to understand them differently. The more you emerge to the world with calm and clarity, the more you find it receives you with grace.

Let’s talk about what your Personal Forecast say for this Scorpio Moon from your natal chart.

BOOK NOW. Schedule your private session with Sharita! Equally learn about a new service Simply Spirit & Star Sessions.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly empowerment and timing tips. Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance, especially when you choose to shop under Shelter in Place.

Wishing You and Yours Continued Safety & Protection Always, Dear Star.

LunarOScopes, 07 April Libra Full Moon, Let’s Release Material Means

“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham

Thriving in Spiritual Value to Resolve Material Conflicts

Full Moon in Libra

10:35pmEDT/7:35pmPDT, 07 April, Let’s Release & Reflect

Waning Phases always favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie. This month our request peaks from 18 degrees Libra through Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Aries until the second New Moon of Spring and fourth for 2020 arrives at 03 degrees Taurus 22 April. This fourth Full Moon of the new decade, 2020 and first for our Spring season casts us into reflection from where The Scales ask for a sensitive imagination within our lives. 

As the world overall feels weighed down and heavy with survival concerns, this month’s reflective energy seeks for us to acknowledge what the means of material worlds no longer are meant to serve us. By bringing more balance to our lives that commands a deeper spiritual focus than we may be used to, we can personally feel lighter, and recognize we still can absolutely thrive.

This month’s time of release continues to ask us to rise up beyond false evidence appearing real and face the truth we have to accept when it comes to all the checks and balances within our lives to conquer our relationship to the material world. Moreover, this Full Moon demands a silent listen be taken to carefully observe our feelings as we accept fearing the unknown is absolutely useless. This lunation places yet another powerful healing layer to the ongoing process concerning how the world overall is of letting go of former traditions and structures we no longer need, yet the key is remaining fearless in this process. Accepting this is a powerful simplification that 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected absolutely expects our lives to continue to surrender to all year long in order to thrive. 

As we engage in the peak of this month’s Full Moon reflections, the Approach to year’s Venus Retrograde that will transit within Gemini, begins two day later upon 09 April. Our entire remainder of Spring moving into the early summer is fully engaged in reflective tones, as one of the strongest correction periods of 2020 asks each and every HEART upon planet EARTH to continue to shift their values, understanding, finances, and approaches to luxury and beauty across the board. Becoming Friends with Simplification intensely cries to us all to take a sincere SILENT LISTEN to its’ beckoning call. 

What Are You Letting Go of Dear Star?

Soul Homework for 07 April’s Libra Full Moon

This waning phase through 22 April, asks us to truthfully embrace purifying any materialistic illusions we may be holding on to, to continue the simplification process that 2020 is amazingly unfolding, now from where The Scales ask for refined and peaceful feelings to process within our lives. Taking time to write down our willingness to release especially in the tense of “I RELATE” allows us to recognize what we are meant to let go of on a personal level. Many full moon rituals favor writing down anything we need to clear away and let go of and then safely burn them in ceremony upon the day of the Full Moon. Place all gemstones out to energetically cleanse them. Working with earth tones, rose pink, light blue and pastels are wonderful choices that resonate with Libra, along with copper and opal. Remember Full Moons are the perfect timing to clear away and ideally heal energy within our lives, as we draw upon conclusions concerning what already exists.

Releasing Fear Meditation with Medium Adam Bernstein

CLICK HERE to Enjoy a Powerful Process to help you release and re-energize with this Libra Full Moon’s request!

The Decade’s, 2020’s 4th & the Spring Season’s first Full Moon. Where will you be prepared to honor Thriving in Spiritual Value to Resolve Material Conflicts, Dear Star?

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. Don’t question for a second you must understand the only way through to appreciate the self-changes you are experiencing is to embrace them as healing gifts. The work you are doing for yourself now, grants you long term relationship rewards as you honor being a pioneer.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Your lifestyle finds necessary balance as you connect to your solitude allowing you to process in the silent listen, so trust the only person you truly need to relate to right now is yourself. Enjoy this renewing journey from within, and you will serve others like never before, fearlessly.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Observe the ways your future goals, social scenes, hopes and wishes are in the realms of change as your manifestations arise in true merit. Be sure to involve honest friends and peers in the conversation who urge you to create form your heart space.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. Listen carefully to what you instinctively express to shed simplifying light upon what is falling into place that improves the spiritual side of your career and public life. While you may feel at odds between these two areas, your task lies in uniting any material conflict between them.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon releasing with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Dissolving negative thinking only engages your imagination, allowing you to listen carefully to the truth of what you choose to believe, remaining reachable and teachable in the process. Whatever educational process attracts to you, clear your mind and see what speaks, even if it might hurt.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Have, relating to your sources of income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. Trust the reset button is being fully pressed now upon your wealth, as your energetic core is not to rush this rebirth process as you discern the spiritual versus material transformational experience. What you allow to surrender, allows a simpler freedom moving forward you can rely upon.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon releasing with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Conversations you undoubtedly have with your closest relationships and legal agreements forewarn, exercise your ability to seek to understand before being understood, and let any greed surrounding them go. Honor your self-care and attention to your soul before relating to others.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. This deep self-work cannot be ignored to grant you necessary insight in order to further the healing work in progress to improve your lifestyle, especially how you serve yourself and others. Be sure to implement regular time alone into your routine, for it is the only way to listen from within.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Realigning energy for your manifesting avenues and connections to children creates magic upon your stage to engage your heart space. As your future reorients, recognize there are stabler paths you are undoubtedly meant to follow as you work through any fear of loss.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. Sort out matters that require your spirited attention at home, so the balance you have been seeking in order to nurture and nourish it for the better can be attained. Lighten your work load to allow your environments to find contentment and priceless value that doesn’t need to look perfect.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. Remaining reachable allows your mentality to strengthen its’ peace of mind versus resist the ways your communications yearn for you to be teachable to understand them differently. Honoring this educational process calms your mind as well as your fears.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. This surge of spiritual rebirth equally realigns your sources of income and overall comfort zones of security, so be sure to give gratitude for what you already have, furthering the attraction of more value towards you. Fully surrender the past and find yourself freer becoming friends with simplification.

Let’s talk about what your Personal Forecast say for this Libra Moon from your natal chart.

BOOK NOW. Schedule your private session with Sharita! Equally learn about a new service Simply Spirit & Star Sessions.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly empowerment and timing tips. Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance, especially when you choose to shop under Shelter in Place.

Wishing You and Yours Continued Safety & Protection, Dear Star.

LunarOScopes, 09 March Virgo Full Moon, Let’s Release

“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham

Clarifying Material Illusions

Full Moon in Virgo

1:48pmEDT, 09 March, Let’s Release & Reflect

Take 3 & Final Call: Rising up to Purification

Waning Phases always favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie. This month our request peaks from 19 degrees Virgo through Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces until the first New Moon of Spring and third for 2020 arrives at 04 degrees Aries 24 March. This third Full Moon of the new decade, 2020 and last for our Winter season casts us into reflection from where The Virgin asks for a detailed and practical imagination within our lives. 

While the year’s first two Full Moons offered us plenty of awakening energy to start off with, now our Virgo Full Moon finds us returning to another strong purification process (as 2019’s last two Lunar Lady releases did on 12 November 2019’s Full Moon at 19 degrees Taurus and 12 December 2019’s Full Moon at 19 degrees Gemini) to honor ostentation within our lives. Once again, the very meaning of the 19 degrees point favors for us to equally note there is a channel of extreme simplification and surrender in motion embarking us upon a profound rebirth, carrying us through our waning phase until 24 March. Even as the world feels weighted down and heavy with survival concerns, as we acknowledge we are only purging what no longer serves us, we can personally feel lighter.

This month’s time of release continues to ask us to rise up beyond false evidence appearing real and face the truth we have to accept when it comes to all the checks and balances within our lives to conquer our relationship to the material world. Moreover, this Full Moon demands a silent listen be taken to carefully observe our feelings to find our center and grounding versus get swept up in any further illusion or delusion contributing to panic. This lunation places one more healing layer to the ongoing process concerning how the world overall is of letting go of former traditions and structures we no longer need, further purifying the powerful simplification that 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected absolutely expects of our lives all year long. 

As we engage in the peak of this month’s Full Moon reflections, the year’s first Mercury Retrograde is stationed in Aquarius, turning Direct 10 hours later. While we have already been in this more than intense cycle of reflection since 16 February, as the Shadow of Mercury Retrograde carries on until 29 March, matters and situations will continue to seek our reconsideration and reassessment especially until 24 March. This first Mercury Retrograde of 2020 brought in loads of misinformation and energy that needs powerful correction and adjustment moving forward. As we remain open to release, serve and recognize what needs to be cleaned up from our Virgo slice of life, equally as we pick up the pieces moving slowly forward within latter Aquarius and early Pisces, we will hold our keys to success. 

What Are You Letting Go of Dear Star?

Soul Homework for 09 March’s Virgo Full Moon

This waning phase through 24 March, asks us to truthfully embrace purifying any materialistic illusions we may be holding on to, to continue the simplification process that 2020 is amazingly unfolding, now from where The Virgin serves us analytical and reserved feelings to process within our lives. Taking time to write down our willingness to release especially in the tense of “I SERVE” allows us to recognize what we are meant to let go of on a personal level. Many full moon rituals favor writing down anything we need to clear away and let go of and then safely burn them in ceremony upon the day of the Full Moon. Place all gemstones out to energetically cleanse them. Working with green and white jades, platinum and silvers are wonderful choices that resonate with Virgo. Remember Full Moons are perfect timing to clear away and ideally heal energy within our lives, as we draw upon conclusions concerning what already exists.

The Decade’s, 2020’s 3rd & the Winter Season’s last Full Moon. Where will you be prepared to honor Clarifying Material Illusions, Dear Star?

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Your lifestyle finds necessary balance as you connect to your solitude allowing you to process in the silent listen, so trust the only person you truly need to relate to right now is yourself. Enjoy this renewing journey from within, and you will serve others like never before as you reclaim recognition in your professional life.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Observe the ways your future goals, social scenes, hopes and wishes are in the realms of change as your manifestations arise in true merit. Be sure to involve honest friends and peers in the conversation who urge you to create in your truth and honor simpler beliefs.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. Listen carefully to what you instinctively express to shed simplifying light upon what is falling into place for the better within your career and public life. While you may feel at odds between these two areas, your task lies in uniting any divide between them which transforms you in a grounded rebirth.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon releasing with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Dissolve any negative thinking to engage your imagination, allowing you to listen carefully to the truth of what you choose to believe, remaining reachable and teachable in the process. Whatever educational process attracts to you, clear your mind and see what speaks concerning the power of your partnerships.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Have, relating to your sources of income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. Trust the reset button is being fully pressed now upon your wealth, as your energetic core is not to rush this rebirth process for a more than purifying transformational experience. What you surrender, allows a simpler freedom moving forward that especially simplifies your lifestyle needs.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon releasing with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Conversations you undoubtedly have with your closest relationships and legal agreements forewarn, exercise your ability to seek to understand before being understood, and let illusion and delusion about them go. Honor your self-care before relating to others as your creativity and children take priority.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. This deep self-work cannot be ignored to grant you necessary merits in order to further the healing work in progress to improve your lifestyle, especially how you serve yourself and others. Be sure to implement regular time alone into your routine, which you are also meant to be responsible to right at home.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Realigning energy for your manifesting avenues and connections to children creates magic upon your stage to engage your heart space. As your future reorients, recognize there are stabler paths you are undoubtedly meant to follow to absolutely grant you sounder peace of mind.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. Sort out matters that require your listening attention at home, so the balance you have been seeking in order to nurture and nourish it for the better can be attained. Lighten your work load to allow your environments to find contentment and priceless value you are meant securely hold. 

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. Remaining reachable allows your mentality to strengthen its’ peace of mind versus resist the ways your communications yearn for you to be teachable to understand them differently. Honoring this educational process calms your mind and is excellent self-care.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. This surge of rebirth equally is realigning your sources of income and overall comfort zones of security, so be sure to give gratitude for what you already have, furthering the attraction of more value towards you. Fully surrender to the past, find yourself freer and process deeply from within.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. Don’t question for a second you must understand the only way through to appreciate the self-changes you are experiencing is to embrace them as healing gifts. The work you are doing for yourself now, grants you long term relationship rewards that your future goals will flourish with.

What’s your Personal Forecast say for this Virgo Full Moon from your natal chart? 

BOOK NOW. Schedule your private session with Sharita!

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.

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