LunarOScopes, 30 Nov Gemini Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon, Let’s REALLY Release

“There is a moon inside every human being. Learn to become companions with it.” ~Rumi

Connecting to Healing Our Communications

Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Gemini

4:30amEST, 30 November, Let’s Intensely Release & Reflect

Waning Phases always favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie. This month our request peaks from 08 degrees Gemini, to wane through Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio until the final and third New Moon of Autumn, final and twelfth for 2020 arrives at 23 degrees Sagittarius 14 December. This twelfth Full Moon and last for our Autumn season brings the fourth Lunar Eclipse of the new decade, to cast us into completely intensified reflection from where Gemini has already done so this year from 13 May to 25 June under Venus Retrograde. Now our releasing focus once again asks us to hone in where The Twins seek for the awareness of synthesis in order to honor a fitful imagination within our lives.

The world continues to experience the Shadow weeks of other recent reflection that distinctly asked us to “stay in our own lane” during Mars Retrograde in Aries, 09 September to 13 November. We have been strongly called to closely examine our emerging selves, dismantling egos, negating approaches to life that no longer serve us, remembering our self-confidence and redefining our overall appearances to the world. The entire globe was summoned to deeply re-examine these motivations, desires, abilities to take action within our lives as well as take a good look at who we truly are during this more than serious and absolutely aggressive cycle of reflection. We continue under the station of Mars Retrograde Shadow, to be well advised to deeply understand there has been an energetic holding pattern in place, which will especially carry on under this waning phase until we arrive at 14 Decembers’ Solar Eclipse and New Moon.

Now the accountability to do our soul homework calls for us to heal all the old wounds and former impressions concerning our discernment of information, establishment of relationships, and rise up in our abilities to become the absolute observer in response versus take any kind of impatient, restless or unstable reactions. There is an unprecedented amount of release that will undeniably unfold during this waning phase -and because a Lunar Eclipse is also paired up with this Full Moon- the healing, letting go, and peeling away of any old and non-serving energy is favored to be more than intensely working with the collective throughout June 2021. 

This month’s reflective energy and for the next six months, will be strongly at work to heal the divide connected to how we not only perceive and receive information, but the very root and core of where ideas, thought processes and mindsets formulate from. Mainstream media and the like, now enters a potent correction period where the world overall will undeniably witness powerful ways it is foreseen to change its’ communicative channels. Mentalities across the planet will be wise to step back, become the neutral, and always, always look to both sides before taking any kind of action or drawing upon ultimate conclusions and offering up opinions otherwise. Our responsibility to take a SILENT LISTEN at this time to the very means of how we personally and collectively cultivate what “I COMMUNICATE,” will shed healing and reflective light to distinctly reset the bar that will allow amicable solutions to what is broken unfold. 

Like our Taurus Full Moon last month, another ultimate equilibrium seeking energy accompanies this Full Moon now paired up with a Lunar Eclipse. This lunation intently seeks for us to once again fully understand what is changing emotionally via our continuing unfolding story of shocking and surprising global realizations. We also have now fully entered the period of the year when our monthly New and Full Moons both will stay locked into a particular degree point. All Full Moons from 31 October 2020 to 28 March 2021, (except for 28 January 2021 at 09 degrees) peak in opposition at 08 degrees of the sign, and like wise for all New Moons that align at 23 degrees, 15 November to 13 March 2021. This pattern is extremely important to understand, and what the numerology insight has to say within our uncertain times conversation, grants us insightful soul certainty if we choose to be wayshown.

8 is the vibration of infinity and all connectivity. At these monthly times of release, the connections to our past are being tethered that no longer serve us, if the roots of any of them are not solid enough to endure for future stability. Whatever was not held in complete accountability within our lives is equally leaving us as these ties now sever and become forever disconnected. As we now are in the finale moments of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected experience, the “never going back again” message will for these last two Full Moons of the year, speak all the more profoundly and abruptly than they have all year long, of how we are surrendering to the past so humanity can become reborn.  

Continuing to honor the power of allowing our falsified security systems and former values to surface so they can be properly healed, addressed and completely uprooted: we will need our greatest internal source of personal resilience in practice in order to do so. Our lunar energy once again advises that in order to thrive versus merely survive: our focus has to be upon the on the rise 5D spiritual and healing aspects of our lives or we are absolutely promised to suffer otherwise trying to hold to on the completely collapsing 3D world of greed, control, revenge and materialism. 

We must continue to learn from our experiences to further embrace Accepting Autumn’s Awakening to The Truth especially relating to our adaptable, inquisitive, and intellectual natures we have within Gemini. While all Full Moons of 2020 have been layering one intense calling of release after another: this one seeks for our absolute ability to cultivate concentration, the power to listen, and step back from the divide. In order for synthesis to support our healing, letting go and releasing processes, we must not take one side nor the other to remain objective. Synthesis can only happen, by taking the UNTIED and making it UNITED.

What Are You Intensely Letting Go of that involves Connecting to Healing Our Communications?

Soul Homework for 30 November’s Gemini Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon

This waning phase through 14 December, and the extended period through May 2021, asks us to become united in our abilities to equalize from within, become discerning within our minds, question information before reacting to it, and utilize more awareness within our established relationships to not allow ourselves to become further broken by the fears that the world outside of us will continue to deliver. 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected points us now to pay extreme attention to where The Twins ask for fitful feelings to become more focused within our lives. Taking time to write down our willingness to release especially in the tense of “I COMMUNICATE” allows us to recognize what we are meant to let go of on a personal level. 

Many full moon rituals favor writing down anything we need to clear away and let go of and then safely burn them in ceremony upon the day of the Full Moon. Place all gemstones in the Full Moon’s light to energetically cleanse them. Working with fresh spring greens, silver, gray tones and white are wonderful choices that resonate with Gemini. Aquamarine, Silver & Platinum are powerful gemstones & metals to allow uniting and strengthening to channel through us, engaging our concentration to allow any divides to heal themselves in order to thrive. By once again honoring the value of the SILENT LISTEN, our psychic awareness can be harnessed and utilized for our highest good to remain content no matter what may be alarming us. Remember Full Moons are perfect timing to clear away and ideally heal energy within our lives, as we draw upon conclusions concerning what already exists.

The Year’s 4th Lunar Eclipse, Autumn’s 3rd & final Full Moon & 12th for 2020. Where will you be prepared to honor Connecting to Healing Our Communications, Dear Star?

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon really releasing with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Releasing negative thinking engages your imagination to thrive, allowing you to find flow with the most critical discerning mindset you have ever utilized up til now. As you patiently continue to remove and heal the deepest wounds of any former approaches to your own life and worn out appearances you no longer need to face the world with, the mentality and communication reset absolutely astonishes you, especially how your ego no longer will take the lead.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon really releasing what I Have, relating to your sources of income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. When you surrender to knowing not only simplification but moderation can work in your absolute favor, you no longer tolerate the former ways the 3D world only held you in a false and unreliable sense of security. As you equally process more of your deepest past pains and karmic cobwebs needing removal, your inner healing becomes the foundation of security you can rely upon that grants you the future value you genuinely need.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon really releasing with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Honor your self-care to change your face to the world as you dive all the deeper into how your former ways of taking it on, are no longer able to support you if you truly wish to thrive. Release, grieve and heal your ego’s divided pains as you equally look to what your future goals have recently reviewed in their faith and aspirations to socialize with sovereignty and neutrality as you connect to only to friends and peers that are in neutrality.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. This deep and unprecedented self-work grants you necessary insight in order to further the healing work to truly cut your attachment to the karmic ties that have bound you. Honor your solitude to hear the answers that connect to your recent reflections within your career and public life, which now move forward in a renewed structure meant to carry you to your promised recognition and rewards as long as the authority of your ego is no longer involved.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Energy is intensely in reflection to bring you to profound conclusions concerning what and who you no longer need to set your aims upon. As your future profoundly reorients, realignment seeks for you to courageously stand in your renewed truth, belief systems and expressions of your philosophies overall, which have most recently healed and will no longer allow you to be fooled by those who are not standing in sovereignty.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. You are rewarded when you take necessary time to heal the pains of your work past to let go as you cleanse. As you equally work with arriving at a many “ah ha moments” concerning how you can enjoy your purpose versus ever doubt it, this is all part of the powerful transformation in play that has been reshaping the entire scope of your life, as well as your 3D wealth in a most poignant rebirth that you are able to move forward in 5D soul certainty with. 

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon really releasing with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, foreign affairs, standing in your truth and expression of your philosophies. Remain reachable and teachable as you are absolutely required to adapt, allowing you to surrender old belief systems of the past. While extremely difficult truths may hurt for you to let go of, it is time to face them and heal these wounds, especially as they relate the most to those you are partnered up with, which has been a hugely reflected upon process, which you now can take rightful action upon.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. This surge of rebirth equally requests you honor cleansing on the deepest level from your very core and source energy of your being. As you work with other details that surround the full scope of your entire life, be ready for the epiphany there is never any kind of going back again, and whatever former routines, habits and lifestyle you had- it is the simplification of them you need to cherish moving forward, embracing the gifts of moderation.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. Deeply appreciating and honoring the practice of seeking to understand, then be understood is quintessential. Your courage to walk away from any conflicts saves the day, as engaging in any angered disputes will be only regretted. Relationship doors will close if they do not serve your integrity to be respected, so be loyal to your heart now, as well as how you are reframing your creative nature and your relationships with children. 

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Your lifestyle now holds you accountable to truly toss out the trash concerning any kind of activity not serving your personal resilience to thrive. Recognize you are here to serve the world with your responsible nature like never before, which is also in potent play to move forward with the refreshed ways you are nurturing and nourishing your home and family life in awakened truths as well which have been powerfully been healing past pains. 

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Reflection surrounds your creative nature as ultimate awareness emerges to intently connect to being grounded within your heart space. At this compelling time, remain open to what it is that you have held on to that has only caused a repeated cycle of pain to pursue, stemming from the workings of your mindset. Now you can clear it all away, think better for yourself and communicate with neutrality moving forward to manifest what you want.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon really releasing where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. As you trust that your abilities to nourish are resetting their bar on the highest healing level, know all is part of what continues to be let go of, is what you no longer need for success to prevail right at home. As intense inner psyche processing is at your finger tips, especially hone in on any déjà vu connections to what the simplicity of value is within your life, and the very gift that gratitude is to be assured and trust you still have security to rely upon.

Attain Your Soul Certainty in these Uncertain Times. What does your Personal Forecast say for this Gemini Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon from YOUR natal chart?
Explore continuing Special Priced Forecasting Packages & Simply Spirit & Star Sessions.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.

Let’s Spell Out the Truth from LUNAR ECLIPSE via Lexigrams!
It’s All in the Name

LunarOScopes, 12 Dec Gemini Full Moon, Let’s Release

“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham

The Truth You Can No Longer Deny.

Full Moon in Gemini

12:12amEST, 12 December, Let’s Release & Reflect.

Take 2, Rising Up to Purification.

Waning Phases always favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie. This month our request peaks from 19 degrees Gemini through Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra Scorpio and Sagittarius until the first New Moon of Winter 2019/20 arrives at 04 degrees Capricorn 26 December hand in hand with a Solar Eclipse. This last Full Moon of Autumn and for 2019 casts us into a period of reflection and reassessment from where The Twins ask for fitful and alert imagination within our lives. 

Our Gemini Full Moon finds us involved in a dispersed and superficial energy craving further observation within our lives as it has tense and direct conversations with our planets of intuition and responsibility. Leveling up even more, there are also quite non-compliant exchanges as well with our planets of rebirth, balance and conflict. In other words, this is a very “tricky” lunar energy which not only is cast in emotional disturbances, there is not an outlet for a smooth flow of release as a genuine battle of planetary predomination unfolds. Careful discrimination is necessary to sort out guaranteed sensitivities, which will equally allow human experiences to be confused and uncertain of exactly what they should be feeling.

Our final Full Moon of 2019’s Being Reachable and Teachable year also brings in a purifying force for the second month in a row at the 19 degrees point. Once again, each and every one of us is asked to notice what ostentation needs to be removed from our lives in order for simplification to gain momentum to guide us as we soon cross over into 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected energetic pulse. The very meaning of the 19 applies for us to equally note there is a channel of profound surrender in motion, carrying us through our waning phase until 26 December.

As we engage this month’s Full Moon reflections, remaining open to the truth we can no longer deny within our Gemini slice of life concerning whatever it is we need to complete and let go of to unfold, allows us hold our keys to success, no matter how hard hurt may be involved. We are now at the brink of witnessing a powerful realignment period emerge between the Gemini and Sagittarius axis within our life- which intensifies during Summer 2020 and later in the year under Eclipse Season. For this month, what we are experiencing within our Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces slices of life are all part of our reflection story as 2019 draws to a truthful close. 

What Are You Letting Go of Dear Star?

Soul Homework for 12 December’s Gemini Full Moon 

This waning phase through 26 December asks us to embrace heavenly surrender to continue the simplification process that began in November, now, from where The Twins relate observatory and versatile feelings to unfold within our lives. Taking time to write down our willingness to release especially in the tense of “I COMMUNICATE” allows us to recognize what we are meant to purify on a personal level. Many full moon rituals favor writing down anything we need to clear away and let go of and then safely burn them in ceremony upon the day of the Full Moon. Place all gemstones out that night to energetically cleanse them. Working with silvers, platinum and aquamarine are wonderful choices that resonate with Gemini. Remember Full Moons are a time to clear away energy from our lives, as we draw upon conclusions concerning what already exists.

2019’s 12th and last Full Moon. Where will you be prepared for The Truth You Can No Longer Deny, Dear Star?

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon releasing with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Step right into thinking up, for you are meant to allow this time to find renewed truths in what you choose to believe, permitting you to see them in a refreshed way that you have never allowed yourself to do so before. You are wise not to resist time alone to see what it speaks to you about rebirth, and your career and public life is meant to listen the most.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Have, relating to your sources of income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. Trust what has been clearing out was all part of how your wealth is equally being redefined, involving how your energetic core is fully pressing on the reset button for a purifying transformational experience. What the future holds needs careful discerning, especially with those you are partnered up with, revealing profound truth you are asked to believe in.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon releasing with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Your self-control must be part of the conversations you are undoubtedly going to have with your closest relationships and legal agreements. As your professional life still sorts out illusions, you have habits to change as the accountability to your rebirth is stronger than ever.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. This deep self-work cannot be ignored in order to fully recognize the lifestyle shifts you are experiencing. Be careful what you believe is the truth, listening carefully to your creative nature and children as you stand in the power not possession of your partnerships.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Manifest avenues and your connections to children into pure creative magic upon your stage. As your journey of transformation has recently felt a distinct undertow, keep taking action to change your family life that impeccably serves your habits and routines.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. Truthful attention is necessary at home in order to nurture and nourish it for the better. More clarity surfaces to clear up your mindset about your partnerships and what you are meant to be rightfully doing to own your creativity while structuring stability for your children.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. Allow your mentality to strengthen its’ peace of mind and communications. Careful steps are still necessary to intuitively change your lifestyle, opening income increases to support the security you need to align for your home life.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. The surge of rebirth in play involves your sources of income and comfort zones of security, while gratitude for what you already have, attracts more value to reign in. Creatively, keep channeling your instinct as you look at yourself differently, and discover peace of mind.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. Appreciate the self-changes you are experiencing and continue to commit to them. Utilize instinct and listening concerning your home and family life, driving you to retreat and deeply understand the practice of gratitude you must be accountable to. 

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Your lifestyle is eager to embrace inner work responsibilities so you can process from within. Try on some meditation or writing to channel calm for your mindset, allowing it to reveal answers for the future, and how your responsible self is absolutely abundant.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. See the ways your future goals, social scenes, hopes and wishes seek out your positive attitude. Sort through illusions surrounding your income and clear up career conflicts by taking some required time for yourself, so you can listen only from within.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. Across the way in your vocational life, matters at hand need to be addressed honestly. When you listen to yourself first, and sort out what the truth really means- you further accept the responsibilities that you are embarking on to simplify your future and social scenes.

What’s your Personal Forecast say for this Gemini Full Moon from your natal chart? BOOK NOW to schedule your private session with Sharita!

Why LunarOScopes?

LunarOScopes, 23 Nov Gemini Full Moon, Let’s Really Release

SharitaStar.LunarOScopesF18“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham

Recognize Your Feelings Are Powerful Allies
We intentionally create our lives through emotion, which in turn, directly allows us to manifest accordingly via our thoughts as The Law of Attraction promises. Lunar energy from above is astrologically in charge of how the messages of our human emotions play out in precise timing. We are always offered the chance to evolve and align down here below, yet equally we must remember we energetically cannot solve everything we may need to in our lives all at once.

As we become deeply aware of what we are feeling in our lives -when we move away from fear and tune in to our source that knows it is a vibrational and expanding being- we have leverage, control and clarity to move through what the contrast of our lives may be bringing towards us. If we choose resistance to what is, our thoughts only block what is meant to be inspiring us. Thus, we miss our opportunities, neglect to heal and recharge, surely keeping us in a downward spiral we feel no control within.

Ask yourself this question. Why do I ever feel stuck or dissatisfied? 

Answer. If you are not tuned into your feelings, your thoughts naturally are not focused and intentionally aligned with your desires. Negative emotions will only continue to point out what it is that you do not want if you are not coming from the feeling energy of expansion and choosing to be a deliberate creator.

Law of Attraction Fact: “You get what you think about whether you want it or not. There is no vibrational word for NO. Attention to whatever it is, always means YES.” ~Abraham

To naturally allow us the time and space to work with how we can align in our rightful feeling vibration to attract what we want, each month, a New Moon opens a waxing phase of initiating energy favoring creation until we reach the Full Moon, opening up a waning phase allowing for natural correction, reflection and release.

LunarOScopes capture the forecast of these cycles indicating what is meant to begin or conclude, timing when and what specific area of life our Sun Sign benefits by turning our feelings into intentional thought. Of course this generalized view provides one part of our soul story focus, while examining our natal chart -cast from our full date and time of birth- provides us with our personal and deeper dish details.

Optimistically Opening The Truth
Full Moon in Gemini 12:39amEDT, 23 November, Let’s Really Release & Reflect
Waning Phases favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie from 0 degrees Gemini (the first of 5 Full Moon’s to fall at this poignant degree point through March 2019) through Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio until the last New Moon of Autumn as well as 2018 arrives 07 December at 15 degrees Sagittarius. This last Full Moon of Autumn is extremely involved in communicating plenty of transformation tones which is part of the conclusive work 2018’s theme of Feeling the Feminine has been asking for us to integrate into our lives all year long. There is a driving force asking us all to recognize the power of change versus resisting it, as well as the means to find the up side of what a healing force can be all about.

As we practice optimism to open the doors to redefining what the truth really means, we can equally see possessing a growth mindset is what serves us to know the soul work we are doing is worth the effort, so our future is set up for thriving success. Remember as the 0 degree point represents not only rebirth and profound life cycles in absolute shift, we have to truly let go in order for it to work with us versus against us. This number is extremely important to understand and assimilate into our healing for the next few months. 0 is The Adjustor, the regenerative energy that asks us all to distinctly surrender the power we give to the past, in such a way that it becomes destroyed, and most certainly provokes a potent and intense emotional process as we do so. This is an undeniable time to allow our light to become reborn into a fascinating force for the future whose process is completed upon the Spring Equinox 2019.

*This waning phase aligns in a double layer of reflection requests from Mercury Retrograde, 16 November to 06 December, alongside the Shadow of Venus Retrograde until 17 December. While forward motion is being seen from Venus’s reflection 05 October to 16 November, it is highly advised for this 2 week duration 23 November to 06 December, to be extremely cautious about planting and beginning anything brand new for future success.*

2018’s 12th Full Moon. Where are you being asked to be Optimistically Opening The Truth, Dear Star?23Nov18FullMoon.SharitaStar

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon release with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. It is extremely important that you remain teachable, so retreat to solitude, listen carefully and absorb the silence.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Have, relating to your income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. Continuing research is required concerning your wealth, which seeks an active future for it to flourish.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon release with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Patience is especially required with your partnerships and see what you can learn from them about your career.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon release where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. Revisions carry on for your habits and routines, plummeting you to reveal a deeper truth about what you believe.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Reconnecting with children and creative adventures has undeniable wealth to share with you.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. What you are doing to reestablish how you nourish your home and family life continues to heal your closest relationships.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. The power of positive thinking will not fail you now, so be determined to make this a habit that will stick.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. Keep researching ways to bring more value into your income, which should include how your creativity can support you.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. As you continue to redefine the face of who you are to this world, you are motivated to nurture your home life for the better.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon release where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Dive deeper into your solitude and retrieve the power of what you can process, which ultimately changes your frame of mind.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Revision of your social scenes and future goals gets more serious, and the value you are meant to receive is priceless.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon release where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. As life is showing you what needs correction within your career, remember all you can do to dynamically change up your approaches to life.

What’s your Personal Forecast say for this Gemini Full Moon from your natal chart? BOOK NOW and schedule your private session with Sharita! 

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.


LunarOScopes, 03 Dec Gemini Full Moon, Let’s Really Reflect

SharitaStar.LunaroscopesBWYour Feelings Are Powerful Allies

We intentionally create our lives through what we feel, which in turn, directly affects our thoughts as The Law of Attraction promises. Lunar energy from above is astrologically in charge of how the messages of our human emotions play out in precise timing, always offering us the chance to evolve down here below. As we honor our emotions, we can make them powerful allies in our lives- verses ignoring the truth, missing our opportunities, and neglecting to heal whatever they ask us to focus on.

Each month, a New Moon opens a waxing phase of initiating energy favoring creation until we reach the Full Moon, then opening up a waning phase allowing for natural correction, reflection and release. LunarOScopes capture these cycles’ forecasts, noting when beginnings or conclusions are favored, pointing to the specific area of life our Sun Sign benefits as we place our mindful intentions upon them.

Full Moon in Gemini 10:47amEST, 03 December, Let’s Really Release & Reflect
Waning Phases favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie from 11 degrees Gemini (the 1st of a series of 4 Full Moons to fall on this emotional degree point), Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio until the last New Moon of Autumn 2017 arrives 18 December at 26 degrees Sagittarius. This final Full Moon of Autumn 2017 is filled with tension without an outlet to grant it a proper foundation to find an ideal strength within its’ promised challenges.

Equally it brings forward -under the station of Mercury Retrograde that commences only 8 hours before it peaks- a completely divided energy that seeks for us all to find our deepest means to emotionally respond verses react to what deceptive situations may appear as obstacles that will surround us. More than ever for any Mercury Retrograde or Full Moon this year, we are highly advised to utilize caution, mindfulness, and carefully listen from within for our answers to avoid potential outcomes of stagnation and restriction.

*This waning phases aligns in a double layer of reflection requests from Mercury Retrograde that transits 03 to 22 December.*
ARIES: It’s time to focus upon release with how I Communicate.
Refreshed thinking allows you to look at the brighter side of your peace of mind. Honor reflection now for your mindset- great benefits are received from writing things down. Taking time in solitude will assist you as you equally will receive information that helps you to redefine your truth and beliefs.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Have.
Surrender now to fully let go of possessions and material things you no longer need to value, which may be a source of how you receive your income. Reflection will also call for you to reassess what you want for your future, as you decide to not resist a profound process of rebirth that resets your wealth.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon release with who I Am.
Time to take off the old mask you have been wearing to the world, erase your impressions of it, as you alter your appearance. As tired approaches to life exit, you are equally working with recharging the structure of your career, which will connect to what you need to work out with your partnerships.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon release where I Process.
Honoring your solitude and working within allows your intuition to benefit now, while important messages may also arrive from your dreams. Connect the dots to recognize how your ultimate truth and beliefs seek for you to work smarter with how you serve your habits and routines to the fullest.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Socialize.
Opportunities to refresh and reset focuses attention upon friends, groups and your future hopes and wishes. Say yes to any spontaneous invitation from your groups or peers, allowing you to experience a powerful rebirth that has everything to do with what you do with children and your creative nature.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Structure.
Your career and public life resets its’ recognition and rewards, as responsibilities here now draw upon conclusions across the board. Be aware of taking your time to listen carefully to your close relationships, especially the special ones that you nurture the most within your home and family life.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Believe.
Philosophies, beliefs, spiritual values, or learning adventures ask you to seize this opportunity to reboot their synthesis. As long journeys or travel call for your attention, recognize the ways your habits and routines are shifting that are asking for your communication skills to be directly involved.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Transform.
Rebirth allows you to recognize genuine wealth is not just the luxury of your overall financial picture. As conclusions arrive from the depths of your core to ultimately regenerate here, you are positioned to focus upon your creativity and children to see the secure value they really are able to provide you.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Relate.
Reconsideration of your partnerships -business or personal- and the realization of who stands by you in non-deception now determines who stays. No matter the outcome, recognizing what is meant to be listened carefully to on your home front demands for you to change up your entire approaches to life.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon release where I Serve.
Reflective and renewing light shines upon your habits, routines and service to self as well as others. Taking time to really listen to what no longer truly serves you, allows you to reveal a more intuitive way of communicating, as you find yourself taking necessary time away from the world to process it all.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Create.
Look to completing current projects as creative conclusions are here, whether these be with children, brain-children or old love affairs. Enhance the light you shine upon your stage by embracing the value of listening more to the genuine value and security in your life that speaks the most to your future goals.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon release where I Nurture.
Allow your imagination to flow within your home and family life, involving some literal cleaning up around the house. Listening to any déjà vu is extremely important, especially what emerges about redefining your appearance to the world and how you emerge in it, directly involving your career.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.



03 to 22 DECEMBER to Align Your Peace of Mind!



Lunar-O-Scope, 17 December 2013


Full Moon in Gemini, 17 December 2013, 4:28am EST

Where Will You Feel Release and Conclusions?

Do you know your Sun Sign? This is all you need to begin to read on and see where the Full Moon is bringing a reflective feel to your life. Remember if you know your Rising Sign (Ascendant), read that passage too for a deeper look, for it typically will apply to your personal charts’ advice from the natal perspective. However, it is wise to consult a professional astrologer to read the accurate analysis of your individual natal chart for the precise area of life where 25 degrees Gemini affects your personal zodiac pie.

Those in full awareness of their natal birth chart will wish to check any planetary placements that are placed near the 25 degree points, for these areas of the life will equally receive a channel as well from our 25 degree Gemini Full Moon, asking to connect more clues as to how letting go will call loud and clear.  Remember with all Full Moons, look back to what was initiating in this area of the life 6 months ago upon the New Moon here, and see what is now coming to a sense of completion.

Both your sun sign and rising sign (ASC) perspectives are the two areas of your life that call for you to welcome release and conclusions within the next two weeks to follow. Properly embracing letting go until the next New Moon upon 01 January 2014 will make the appropriate space for the new to be planted later.

Aries: Thoughts now can be properly placed into a conclusive mental focus that you have been working towards since June where I Communicate. While you are no stranger to striking up ideas, many you have had now come full circle. Take time to consider a short trip if you aren’t already on one. You may find your siblings require your attention at this time, but be sure not to react to them, simply respond. As you are about to review the value of your career, you may see some clues hinting what you truly feel here.

Taurus: Your possessions are always of great value to you, but it is time to part with some of what I Have. How you earn your dollars finds conclusive avenues to flow from that saw their birth back in June. While you cherish that deep sense of solidarity and security, logic naturally enters the situation as you honestly ask yourself, what does the material mean to me? As you are about to review the value of you beliefs and philosophies, this lunation grants the channel you need to recognize what you feel about it.

Gemini: As this extra boost of Lunar spotlight shines ultimately upon your ability to reflect, be ready for witty, liberal, and self-oriented feelings to accompany your normal improvisational approach to how I Am. All that has flowed anew from June now completes. As your first impressions find the channel for release, fully commit to taking this time to re-activate the self. You are about to get the review and redo in what wealth means to you, so make sure you listen for processes that can help you transform even more.

Cancer: You won’t mind going into some deeper waters and take the Crab on a dive into those inner places in your life where I Process. Record the messages from your night-time dreams. Romanticizing about the past allows a subconscious discovery to unfold. The spiritual, inner realms, and the psychological make-ups of life call to you. There is a request coming to take time equally and explore the value of all your one and one relationships- make sure any worries here are shifted to concerns.

Leo: Your friendships and organizations take focus and attention where I Socialize. You already sense what no longer works here, as conclusions are drawn. If there is a group or cause you’ve been thinking about releasing, cast them out of your royal court. Accept that unexpected invitation to socialize, for there is equal emotional satisfaction you’ll gain. All the ways you provide service to this world are about to go under a period of review, and this leads to routines and habits that will change within your groups.

Virgo: Harvest, stability, and rewards await results within your career and public life, so this is no time to be shy where I Structure! A project comes to fruition, or a recent job may come to an end. Your relationship to authority requests you reflect upon what you’ve not been responsible to up till now. Equal review time calls in regards how you creatively put it all together in life, so look to how more solidarity can be captured to bring your place in the public eye to more perfection along your journey.

Libra: Conclusions arrive where you have been taking your philosophies on since June with all I Believe. A long trip to balance those Scales brings comfort by reflecting or planning one, and you equally aim to find ways to broaden your view of the world at large on some kind of educational pursuit. Somehow, what is about to really start a passage of examining in the value where you nurture and what goes on within you home and family life will lend a strong hand to help what those beliefs are all about.

Scorpio: Your securities and investments, ask for your time to reflect upon whether these have been for the best or not where I Transform, as the focus shines upon your entire place of wealth. No stranger to turns of regeneration, you’ll find there is another pass that your innate abilities here will find to complete, and this strengthens your core like never before. Look to the true value of what you’ve been thinking, and you’ll also discover a new strength that is available to you to regenerate and release, responsibly.

Sagittarius: Your partnerships will be on your mind, from your romantic ties to business contacts where I Relate. What needs to conclude and move out of the way here from June’s new beginnings? You’ll find people you have been connected with that will not remain in the future picture. Aim your arrow to stimulating conversations that captivate your interest, which tend to be concerned the past. All makes solidarity arrive with what you have, which is about to go through a serious reflective period.

Capricorn: While your world is practically perfect Old Goat, there are things that ask to conclude in regards to your health and how you bring your impeccable perfection where I Serve. Old routines and habits find the exit doors, especially the ones too tired to keep up with your ambitious pace. As you are truly about to reexamine all that you are in your approaches to life- these first impressions grant the clues of how to change and let go what you no longer need to be of service to this world.

Aquarius: Conclusive light that brings full illumination to where I Create. Whatever project you’ve been inventing and stimulating since June wishes to be brought to fruition. While plenty of playful feelings and opportunities to socialize are around, your children, or “brain children” may ask for your ultimate attention now. A love affair may fall out of the larger picture. This may take some time hanging out within your inner process for the stunning answers, which is going to request you patiently listen now.

Pisces: Get out of the waters and clean your house Dear Fishes where I Nurture! The home environment requires your full attention from June’s initiations. A whole different point of view surrounds the family life, and one that may see necessary conclusions. Appreciate and fine-tune your psychic abilities to the déjà vu experiences surrounding you: important messages can be received. Look to where you socialize to connect to ways that assist you further, as you gear up to know what groups mean the most to you.

Other Need To Knows About What The Full Moon Means For You

Moon enters Gemini How Our Feelings Find Contentment
15 December, 1:40am EST to 17 December, 1:17pm EST
Engage: logic, observation, cleverness, reasonability, concentration, relaxation, organization
Avoid: opportunistic, craftiness, distractions, duality, instability, and suggestibility

Full Moon When Our Feelings Find Release
17 December, 4:28am EST, 25 degrees Gemini
Consciously Aim For: Synthesis
Waning Phase: 25 degrees Gemini to 10 degrees Capricorn
Energy completes and releases within this half of your Zodiac Pie throughout 01 January 2014.

Moon Void of Course Time To Remain in Reflection
4:28am EST to 1:17pm EST 17 December
Moon VOC: When the Moon makes its’ last major aspect to a planet before entering the next sign, it is a recognized time that strongly advises us to not be in forward motion nor make any important decisions for the future. As we welcome our last waning moon of autumn and for 2013, as our Full Gemini Moon opposes our Sun at 25 degrees Sagittarius, we will be asked to hold off and remain in pure reflection and review until it enters Cancer.

25 Discrimination –Analysis A Karmic Mystery To Unravel
Allowing Chaldean Numerology to assist us further in knowing more ways to guide our energy properly, tells us this is indeed a lunation that asks for our careful observation and discern for what we see. With the natural properties of Gemini equally being similar, this lunation deeply asks for less talk and much more listening. While any Full Moon casts the energy off for a completely reflective feel, at this degree point -once more as it was upon both October’s and November’s Full Moon- we have one more request to truly take time in solitude and work within our inner processes that will be of extreme benefit where 25 degrees Gemini personally affects our lives.  As always, in our SILENT LISTEN, what we can examine will lead us to the answers that guide us to innately know what we must release.