Mastering Mercury Retrograde in 2021

While 2021 promises to be more than another innovative and shock factor year that affects Changing Global Truth across the board, we have plenty more of continuing to Awakening the Unexpected energy that distinctly marked 2020 as clearly foretold.  If the memo of Becoming Friends With Simplification was not already answered to over the previous year, one is not going to like the repeated calls than 2021 will be undeniably still making to do so.

2021 will be a year where -if one is not in full respect of honoring Mercury Retrograde and become acutely aware to when it is in affect- people will be challenged by change and those truly unprepared to step back in reflection, will only work with turbulent energy they otherwise will have wished they avoided. 

As we look to our regular Mercury Retrograde (MRx) passages (which always occur about three times during any given year) we have additional timeframes to be acutely aware of due to other inner planet cycles of reflection that will intertwine along with them.

Understanding Mercury Retrograde and what it actually is meant to positively do for anyone is wise timing is everything wisdom to always take into consideration for our planning and scheduling needs. These recurring astrological cycles are mistakenly overly associated with fear and frustration, which absolutely is not the reaction we are ever meant to have with them.

Mercury Retrograde is always first and foremost: A Cycle of Reflection.

~Sharita Star

Read that last statement again.

The only reasons Mercury Retrogrades “trip up” anyone is that:

One: most people are unaware it is in affect because they have never been introduced to the value of astrology, and naively choose to make initiations for intended long term success during them. 

Two: those who are aware of it are fooled into believing they should fear it every time is comes back around because they are simply misinformed.

If you know what not to do, and most importantly, what you absolutely can do under these reflective, recharging, reassessment and ultimate “time out” periods: you will always be in the energetic flow of Mastering Mercury Retrograde.

Before we get into when all of 2021’s cycle of reflection periods will urgently ask us to have the heads up in our calendars, let’s give you some astrological tips and tools to implement during any of them.

Why Are We Not Favored To Move Forward Under MRx? 

Mercury is our Messenger planet from above that guides all communications, thinking, mentality, movement, electronics, transportation, travel, changes, perceptions, adaptability and all exchanges of information that occur down here below.

When in Retrograde -due to the backtracking energy that is cast off from Mercury- all of the matters it watches over do not function nor move forward optimally. Precisely why, anyone is well advised to utilize these periods of time for pause, redoing, and only focus upon reworking what already exists.

Human error is always highest under Mercury Retrograde than any other time of the year. Naturally, forward thinking and planting for future success under this time is equally not well supported. 

Therefore, hold off on important decisions such as: starting a business, signing contracts, launching a product, getting married, buying a new car, engaging in any kind of new relationship, purchasing new technology, or buying a new home. None of these initiating actions will turn out well for the long-term, and if implemented under MRx, it is an astrological guarantee they are energetically tied up in faulty foundations that never have the genuine ability to sustain themselves for success.

What Are We Favored To Do With Success Under MRx?

Taking the first rule of thumb that Mercury Retrograde is a cycle of reflection, we are promised to flow with this reassessment time when we honor staying in this exact frame of mind. By only placing our attention upon what already exists, and choosing to wait and see about the future, our personal mastery of this cycle absolutely unfolds.

Getting out our “RE” vocabulary is one of the best ways we can discover ease and peace of mind.

Rerouting, reconnecting, reconsidering, recharging, resting, relaxing, reorganizing, researching, retreating, remembering, replanning, reframing, rescheduling, rekindling, repairing and replacing are all wonderful ways to reap the rewards of what this cycle of reflection is absolutely all about.

Mercury Retrograde is a marvelous time to work with: unfinished projects, revisiting existing creative outlets, reconnecting with old friends/former associates, reassessing existing business plans, practicing the pause, expecting rescheduling of plans, anticipating delays and set backs, having backup plans ready to go, replacing objects in need of repair (yet make sure these are done correctly), doing research, retreating away from the world, and above all, remembering to take a silent listen for oneself (extra meditation, journaling and yoga time please!).

Mercury Retrogrades & YOU! 

For anyone’s individual experience, taking a look at your Personal Forecast is always extremely favored to know the precise and specific areas of your life that each one will be seeking your reflective focus within.

As everyone collectively experiences any and all MRx cycles, each one is energetically different from the last, making no two MRxs exactly alike. While the same rules of thumb will always apply, the pulse will always cast off unique affects being Mercury is in another zodiac sign each time. Equally, the other positioning of the planets above any MRx also will relate to, also are never in the same configurations.

So, where is change and necessary reflection asking for your attention during any given year, and especially this one? Is it your income, lifestyle and vocation? Or your home/family life, wealth, and inner healing? Or how you approach your life, heart space and beliefs? What about your communication skills, relationships and hopes for the future? 

2021 Mercury Retrogrades 

Wherever Mercury Retrograde lands in your life or business, know this: it is always time to sharpen the saw within it. The value of astrology is, you always have a precise map and blueprint to help personally guide you through any of them.

Each Mercury Retrograde lasts for approximately 21 days (3 weeks). All have an Approach period, (date when Mercury crosses over the degree point it will fully Retrograde back to) and a Shadow period, (date when Mercury moving forward crosses back over the degree point it began to Retrograde upon). The Approach alerts us to what MRx reflections and matters are on the way to be resolved, while the Shadow allows us to tie up the loose ends and recorrect any natural errors that occur during the Retrograde itself.

30 January to 20 February | Humanity Redefining Authority’s Muzzle

  • Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius
  • Approach Begins: 15 January
  • Shadow Ends: 12 March

29 May to 22 June | Communications Understanding the Silent Truth

  • Mercury Retrograde in Gemini
  • Approach Begins: 14 May
  • Shadow Ends: 07 July
  • (under Eclipse Season: 26 May & 10 June)

27 September to 18 October | Relationships Observing Discipline to Ordain

  • Mercury Retrograde in Libra 
  • Approach Begins: 06 September
  • Shadow Ends: 02 November

The Intensity of 2021: The Need for Maintaining Mental Health 

What we astrologically notice here is Mercury, when asking for our reflection, will only be reviewing and redoing within the very signs that are governed by the element of air. Air guides the intellectual nature, mental state/frame of mind, ideas, information and all matters upon the planet that of course, move via air itself. Mercury as the natural way shower guide of our 5 Universal Year, spends 27 weeks in the elemental energy of Air during 2021, which just over half of it’s 52 week span. Once again, this points us to how very much well oiling our mental planes and intellectual means must absolutely be more than properly prepared for.

2021 favors the mind can be calmed by the choice of remembering how to properly BREATHE.

Tapping into the mysteries of Lexigrams, we can clearly spell out the truth here: BATHE THE HEART RATE, BEAT THE HATE and ever wisely from that grounded state, BE THE EARTH EAR. 

Take a look as well, for more energetic tips as we Spell Out the Truth for this cycle of reflection: What’s Really in a Word? MERCURY RETROGRADE

Mastering 2021: Remain Grounded, Sovereign and Practice Self-Care

In closing, there is no question we have the greatest responsibility on our human hands we have ever had in mankind’s existence to remain accountable to this year in full awareness to be more than mindful of our timing is everything scope. 

Success can be absolutely ours, yet it is the deeper understanding that in such a fast paced year overall, simplification and moderation nevertheless will continue to be an important part of our “new norm.” If any HEART upon this EARTH is not willing to accept profound global change in 2021, they will not find they are going to have any kind of seamless time in how the energetic pace and pulse of the year will undoubtedly unfold.

To Your Attainment of Soul Certainty in Our Uncertain Times.

Continue Your Journey in 2021 of Mastering Mercury Retrograde with Affordable EMPOWERMENT ELEARNING.

LunarOScopes, 09 March Virgo Full Moon, Let’s Release

“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham

Clarifying Material Illusions

Full Moon in Virgo

1:48pmEDT, 09 March, Let’s Release & Reflect

Take 3 & Final Call: Rising up to Purification

Waning Phases always favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie. This month our request peaks from 19 degrees Virgo through Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces until the first New Moon of Spring and third for 2020 arrives at 04 degrees Aries 24 March. This third Full Moon of the new decade, 2020 and last for our Winter season casts us into reflection from where The Virgin asks for a detailed and practical imagination within our lives. 

While the year’s first two Full Moons offered us plenty of awakening energy to start off with, now our Virgo Full Moon finds us returning to another strong purification process (as 2019’s last two Lunar Lady releases did on 12 November 2019’s Full Moon at 19 degrees Taurus and 12 December 2019’s Full Moon at 19 degrees Gemini) to honor ostentation within our lives. Once again, the very meaning of the 19 degrees point favors for us to equally note there is a channel of extreme simplification and surrender in motion embarking us upon a profound rebirth, carrying us through our waning phase until 24 March. Even as the world feels weighted down and heavy with survival concerns, as we acknowledge we are only purging what no longer serves us, we can personally feel lighter.

This month’s time of release continues to ask us to rise up beyond false evidence appearing real and face the truth we have to accept when it comes to all the checks and balances within our lives to conquer our relationship to the material world. Moreover, this Full Moon demands a silent listen be taken to carefully observe our feelings to find our center and grounding versus get swept up in any further illusion or delusion contributing to panic. This lunation places one more healing layer to the ongoing process concerning how the world overall is of letting go of former traditions and structures we no longer need, further purifying the powerful simplification that 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected absolutely expects of our lives all year long. 

As we engage in the peak of this month’s Full Moon reflections, the year’s first Mercury Retrograde is stationed in Aquarius, turning Direct 10 hours later. While we have already been in this more than intense cycle of reflection since 16 February, as the Shadow of Mercury Retrograde carries on until 29 March, matters and situations will continue to seek our reconsideration and reassessment especially until 24 March. This first Mercury Retrograde of 2020 brought in loads of misinformation and energy that needs powerful correction and adjustment moving forward. As we remain open to release, serve and recognize what needs to be cleaned up from our Virgo slice of life, equally as we pick up the pieces moving slowly forward within latter Aquarius and early Pisces, we will hold our keys to success. 

What Are You Letting Go of Dear Star?

Soul Homework for 09 March’s Virgo Full Moon

This waning phase through 24 March, asks us to truthfully embrace purifying any materialistic illusions we may be holding on to, to continue the simplification process that 2020 is amazingly unfolding, now from where The Virgin serves us analytical and reserved feelings to process within our lives. Taking time to write down our willingness to release especially in the tense of “I SERVE” allows us to recognize what we are meant to let go of on a personal level. Many full moon rituals favor writing down anything we need to clear away and let go of and then safely burn them in ceremony upon the day of the Full Moon. Place all gemstones out to energetically cleanse them. Working with green and white jades, platinum and silvers are wonderful choices that resonate with Virgo. Remember Full Moons are perfect timing to clear away and ideally heal energy within our lives, as we draw upon conclusions concerning what already exists.

The Decade’s, 2020’s 3rd & the Winter Season’s last Full Moon. Where will you be prepared to honor Clarifying Material Illusions, Dear Star?

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Your lifestyle finds necessary balance as you connect to your solitude allowing you to process in the silent listen, so trust the only person you truly need to relate to right now is yourself. Enjoy this renewing journey from within, and you will serve others like never before as you reclaim recognition in your professional life.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Observe the ways your future goals, social scenes, hopes and wishes are in the realms of change as your manifestations arise in true merit. Be sure to involve honest friends and peers in the conversation who urge you to create in your truth and honor simpler beliefs.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. Listen carefully to what you instinctively express to shed simplifying light upon what is falling into place for the better within your career and public life. While you may feel at odds between these two areas, your task lies in uniting any divide between them which transforms you in a grounded rebirth.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon releasing with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Dissolve any negative thinking to engage your imagination, allowing you to listen carefully to the truth of what you choose to believe, remaining reachable and teachable in the process. Whatever educational process attracts to you, clear your mind and see what speaks concerning the power of your partnerships.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Have, relating to your sources of income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. Trust the reset button is being fully pressed now upon your wealth, as your energetic core is not to rush this rebirth process for a more than purifying transformational experience. What you surrender, allows a simpler freedom moving forward that especially simplifies your lifestyle needs.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon releasing with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Conversations you undoubtedly have with your closest relationships and legal agreements forewarn, exercise your ability to seek to understand before being understood, and let illusion and delusion about them go. Honor your self-care before relating to others as your creativity and children take priority.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. This deep self-work cannot be ignored to grant you necessary merits in order to further the healing work in progress to improve your lifestyle, especially how you serve yourself and others. Be sure to implement regular time alone into your routine, which you are also meant to be responsible to right at home.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Realigning energy for your manifesting avenues and connections to children creates magic upon your stage to engage your heart space. As your future reorients, recognize there are stabler paths you are undoubtedly meant to follow to absolutely grant you sounder peace of mind.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. Sort out matters that require your listening attention at home, so the balance you have been seeking in order to nurture and nourish it for the better can be attained. Lighten your work load to allow your environments to find contentment and priceless value you are meant securely hold. 

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. Remaining reachable allows your mentality to strengthen its’ peace of mind versus resist the ways your communications yearn for you to be teachable to understand them differently. Honoring this educational process calms your mind and is excellent self-care.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. This surge of rebirth equally is realigning your sources of income and overall comfort zones of security, so be sure to give gratitude for what you already have, furthering the attraction of more value towards you. Fully surrender to the past, find yourself freer and process deeply from within.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. Don’t question for a second you must understand the only way through to appreciate the self-changes you are experiencing is to embrace them as healing gifts. The work you are doing for yourself now, grants you long term relationship rewards that your future goals will flourish with.

What’s your Personal Forecast say for this Virgo Full Moon from your natal chart? 

BOOK NOW. Schedule your private session with Sharita!

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.

Why LunarOScopes?

LunarOScopes, 09 Feb Leo Full Moon, Let’s Release

“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham

Awakening to Heartfelt Truth

Full Moon in Leo

2:33amEST, 09 February, Let’s Release & Reflect

Waning Phases always favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie. This month our request peaks from 20 degrees Leo through Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius until the third New Moon of Winter and second for 2020 arrives at 04 degrees Pisces 23 February. This second Full Moon of the new decade, Winter season and for 2020 casts us into reflection from where The Lion asks for a fertile imagination within our lives. 

Our Leo Full Moon finds us involved in another strong awakening process (as did 10 Jan’s Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse at 20 degrees Cancer) to honor merit within our lives. Once again, the very meaning of the 20 degrees point favors for us to equally note there is a channel of profound cleansing in motion, carrying us through our waning phase until 23 February.  

There is a driving force that motivates this month’s time of release to rise up beyond false evidence appearing real and face the truth we have to accept with our heart. Moreover, this Full Moon upheaves emotions that equally will tend to prefer a silent listen to carefully observe them, avoiding and averting situations provoking potential dramas and flared-up egos. This lunation layers in more to heal concerning our heart-centers, deeply connecting to the already ongoing process of letting go of former traditions and structures we no longer need. If we remain teachable, we can awaken further to the overall powerful simplification that 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected absolutely expects of our lives. 

As we engage this month’s Full Moon reflections, we also are preparing for the year’s first Mercury Retrograde, which starts 16 February in Pisces before our next New Moon. As the MRx Approach began 02 February, other matters that will seek reconsideration and reassessment have already been calling to us. As we now equally remain open to release from our Leo slice of life, we must make our appropriate preparations to ready for 2020’s first cycle of reflection from Mercury Retrograde (16 February to 09 March) in early Pisces/late Aquarius, ensuring that we will hold our keys to success. 

What Are You Letting Go of Dear Star?

Soul Homework for 09 February’s Leo Full Moon

This waning phase through 23 February, asks us to truthfully embrace heartfelt awakening to continue the simplification process that 2020 now favors to unfold, from where The Lion provokes passionate feelings to unfold within our lives. Taking time to write down our willingness to release especially in the tense of “I CREATE” allows us to recognize what we are meant to purify on a personal level. Many full moon rituals favor writing down anything we need to clear away and let go of and then safely burn them in ceremony upon the day of the Full Moon. Place all gemstones out to energetically cleanse them. Working with tiger eye, topaz and amber are wonderful choices that resonate with Leo. Remember Full Moons are perfect timing to clear away and ideally heal energy within our lives, as we draw upon conclusions concerning what already exists.

The Decade’s, 2020’s & the Winter Season’s 2nd Full Moon. Where will you be prepared to honor Awakening to Heartfelt Truth, Dear Star?

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. You have been learning a lot recently requiring your courage to stand in your truth of what you choose to believe. Remaining reachable and teachable is how you implement whatever educational process you need to get creative with as you take a silent listen.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. Trust what is resetting itself upon the scope of your life is all part of how your wealth is being redefined, involving your energetic core to fully press the rebirth button for a more than awakening transformational experience. What needs surrender allows you a simpler freedom moving forward.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon releasing with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Allow negative thinking to dissolve so your imagination can be engaged, as your patience is necessary with your closest relationships and legal agreements, which forewarn, listen carefully as the observer. This is a critical time to be aware of seeking to understand before being understood.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Have, relating to your sources of income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. As your patience is required to slow down to improve your lifestyle, especially how you serve yourself to be able to be the best for others. Your habits and routines are on the fast track to reset their bar, so listen carefully, practice the pause and watch yourself succeed.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon releasing with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Tuning in to your self-control and willingness to shed an old skin must be part of the conversation that is more than eager to help turn the potent energy upon your manifesting stage and connections to children into creating optimistic magic that equally engages your heart space to thrive.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. This awakening self-work cannot be ignored in order to fulfill sorting out the remaining matters in need of careful attention with your family life, where slowing down is quintessential for attaining your immediate desires to nurture and nourish it to simply feel right at home.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Remaining reachable allows your mentality to strengthen its’ peace of mind versus give in to conflicts and arguments that may be bubbling up otherwise, especially with close friends or peers. Rather, focus upon calming your mind is where your victory and triumphs will soar.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. This connects with motivating changes concerning your earning potential and overall comfort zone of security, so give gratitude for what you already have, recognizing this attracts more value towards you in the process. Remember, this is a time your careful observation serves you well. 

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. Don’t question for a second you must work with understanding as the only way through to appreciate the accelerated self-changes you are experiencing as challenged as they have arrived in recent weeks. Stand in the truth for yourself, and see how you thrive.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. This surge of rebirth in play also has everything to do with embracing your solitude and the time that you need to process in the silent listen, so trust the only person you truly need to take advice from right now is yourself. Enjoy this renewing journey from within your soul’s core.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. As you allow yourself to now see the ways your future goals, social scenes, hopes and wishes have most recently been experiencing courageous change- your manifestations awaken in true merit. Only remain loyal to friends and peers that are able to hold their objectivity. 

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Your lifestyle is awakening to a “chicken soup for the soul” vibe that you undeniably express to shed simplifying light upon what is sorting out any tensions for the better for routines within your professional life. Your innate intuitive and listening skills will come in handy to get these jobs done.

What’s your Personal Forecast say for this Leo Full Moon from your natal chart? 

BOOK NOW. Schedule your private session with Sharita!

Why LunarOScopes?

Mercury Retrograde & Your Timing in 2016: 5 Things You Need To Know

MRXlexigramsSStar“As far back as I can remember, I’ve always been a strong believer in the importance of cycles. You’d better try to understand them, because all of your timing and often your luck is tied up in them.” ~Former Chrysler CEO Lee Iacocca

There are regular periodic cycles that astrology always promises will change our times, so aligning peace of mind is absolutely necessary to better understand the benefits that can be brought to our lives. One such cycle is Mercury Retrograde, the astrological offering for review, reflection, redo and release.

Who is Mercury anyway and what does “Retrograde” mean?

Mercury -also known as The Messenger as our closest inner planet from above- is in charge of our movement, electricity, communications, thinking, mentality, along with any and all exchanges of information down here below.

Approximately 3 times each year, he retraces his measured degrees within his current zodiac transit for about 3 weeks.

Think of a person -or in this case a mass of a planet in our Universal energy field- placing a blindfold on and then walking backwards. Now you get the basic gist of “retrograde” and it’s effects. Is it starting to make sense our actions and events just might become ultimately disarrayed as a result of this cycle?

2016’s Mercury Retrogrades (MRx) Cycles
05 to 25 January in Aquarius/Capricorn | Approach begins: 19 Dec 2015

28 April to 22 May in Taurus | Approach begins: 14 April

30 August to 22 September in Virgo | Approach begins: 09 Aug

19 December to 08 Jan 2017 in Capricorn/Sagittarius | Approach begins: 02 Dec

5 Things You Need to Know About Mercury Retrograde
1.   You are meant to embrace change & reflection.

2.   Total Hours of MRx in 1 Year = The Hours We Sleep in 1 Year.

3.   Each MRx cycle is different in it’s requests, no two are alike.

4.   Human error is highest under this passage.

5.   Being friends with PATIENCE  allows victory for any MRx cycle.

Added Bonus Cycle of Reflection | Mars Retrograde 17 April to 29 June
2016’s second Mercury Retrograde 28 April to 22 May will be “extra turbulent” as it will run simultaneously during a Mars Retrograde cycle. Mars dynamically guides our actions, desires, motivations, drive, conclusions and endings in life.

Like Mercury, when he isn’t looking where he is going, the energetic affects of Mars can be ten times what Mercury rolls out to navigate through with success with anything you are planning. Being properly prepared for May 2016 will be a wise move by any soul.  Learn more about Mars and 2016: Choosing Our Courage.

Let’s Master Mercury Retrograde for You or Your Business in 2016!
Looking back within our lives under these offerings for review, redo and release allows us to naturally see what progress we’ve made, what needs reworking, and most importantly, to remember to have fun with our RE’s of life. Our soul under Mercury Retrograde will be all the happier, and operate from a complete peace of mind as the changing times of MRx will be upon us.

Business Solutions Workshops
Mastering Mercury Retrograde Home Course ORDER NOW!


5 Questions & More To Ask Under Mercury Retrograde, 04 to 25 Oct 2014

We know you’ve been already feeling the turbulence of Mercury Retrograde (MRx) coming since the Approach began 14 September, certainly calling loud and clear that all bets for forward motion are off, even a few days before it officially begins. Being in awareness about Mercury’s Approach & The 5 Things You Need To Know, are you now ready for some necessary retreat and yes, by all means relax time to officially begin?
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