5 Questions & More To Ask Under Mercury Retrograde, 04 to 25 Oct 2014

We know you’ve been already feeling the turbulence of Mercury Retrograde (MRx) coming since the Approach began 14 September, certainly calling loud and clear that all bets for forward motion are off, even a few days before it officially begins. Being in awareness about Mercury’s Approach & The 5 Things You Need To Know, are you now ready for some necessary retreat and yes, by all means relax time to officially begin?
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Approaching Mercury Retrograde October 2014: 5 Things You Need To Know


28 Sept Mastering Mercury Retrograde | Astrology & Meditation Workshop

There is a cycle coming up this Autumn that will be changing our times, so make sure you keep on reading to align your peace of mind. Even if you are just joining our keeping our eyes on the stars tribe here, you needn’t worry if you think you don’t know anything about Astrology.

So exactly what does “Mercury Retrograde” mean?
Mercury is going to start retracing the measured degrees within his current zodiac transit from above. Think of a person, or in this case a mass of a planet in our Universal energy field, placing a blindfold on, and then walking backwards, thus “retrograde.” Does it make any sense from the understanding of “as above, so below” that actions and events might become ultimately disarrayed as a result down here below?

2014’s final Mercury Retrograde (MRx) runs 04 to 25 October, beginning officially at 1:02pm EDT/10:02am PDT, Saturday 04 October. This inner planet -second to the Moon in proximity to the earth, also is well known as “The Messenger”– who is in charge of assisting our communications, thinking, mentality, movement, transportation, electricity, and any transference of information down here below. As he Retrogrades, these natural areas he has influence over see all sorts of “fun” interruptions and flux for us to handle within our normal routines of everyday life until he goes Direct at 3:17pm EDT/12:17pm PDT, Saturday 25 October.

The Approach begins 14 September
As Mercury up there above -still moving forward- crosses over the Zodiac degree point that he will return back to by 25 October at 17 degrees Libra, this begins was is considered the “approach” to the MRx passage. Our Messenger starts Retrograding at 02 degrees Scorpio upon 04 October. While the rules of MRx do not apply to the Approach passage, you do start to see from the Scorpio/Libra areas of the life, things that will demand your attention for review and redo during 04 to 25 October. The Approach period is much like a “preview of coming attractions” concerning all the normal communication and movement breakdowns, changes and interruptions that we can anticipate once MRx officially begins.

We’ll cover all the intimate astrological details on 2014’s last Mercury Retrograde and what does it mean for your sun sign within the very theme of it, Returning to Transforming Our Understanding Mercury’s Reflection in Scorpio/Libra. So again, it is best if you haven’t yet, go over there to your upper right and click on that purple sign up button so you’ll be ensured to always receive even more specific and important information very personal to your soul shortly.

In the meantime…

5 Things You Need to Know About Mercury Retrograde

1.    Utilize the Approach to MRx to Prepare for Change & Reflection
While you will not put the brakes on your entire life, look ahead now to be in full awareness of how and where you’ll benefit embracing the mode of reflection. We haven’t had a period like this since 07 June to 01 July, when it was our last Mercury Rx in Cancer/Gemini.  Look as well to 06 to 28 February, Mercury Rx in Pisces/Aquarius. Think back for a moment. Do you remember now what kinds of interruptions, changes and seemingly “interesting” rerouting energies where going on in your life during these times?

Check in now where Scorpio/Libra lives in your natal birthchart.
Here’s where the most current and specific calling for re-examination awaits for your review in the particular area of life it affects, from both your sun sign and natal birth chart perspectives. Remember you are more than deserving of the offering for downtime on the way in these areas of your life.

Were You Born under Mercury Retrograde?
 Many people fair extremely well under any Mercury Rx passage because they were born under a MRx. They innately know how to navigate through the unexpected changes,  rerouting of routines, and equally, may have had their own delays in their early years in properly expressing their communications. However, even if you have a natal MRx, the same rules of MRx still apply across the board by honoring the request to review and redo.

2.    Total Hours Mercury Retrogrades in 1 Year = The Hours We Sleep in 1 Year.
This passage is actually perfectly timed as it occurs throughout the year, to naturally give human beings the necessary opportunity to slow down, take a pause, and rest up. What would happen if you didn’t get your sleep regularly?  This is exactly what “MRx” always requests and allows us to rejoice in for reward and benefit. Our favorite rule of Mercury Retrograde is to take up in action with any word that begins with RE. Such as…

Reconnect, Review, Reflect, Rework, Revise, Revisit, Reset, Reboot, Rewire, Replace, Repair, Relate, Reaffirm, Redo, Retreat, Reassess, Relax, Relocate, Relive, Redirect, Regroup, Remind, Remember, Release….. and our favorite RESPOND.

3.    It’s No Time to Move Forward
While our actions under the Approach are meant to be carefully dealt with, it is the during Retrograde passage itself that advises caution surrounding any beginning you truly wish to have successful long-term results with.

Avoid to the best of your ability during Mercury Rx:
>>>Getting married, starting, or putting an official title on a relationship
>>>Signing important legal documents
>>> Buying a car
>>> Starting a brand new business
>>> Launching a new product
>>> Purchasing any real estate
>>> Initiating anything into the world you want fabulous and fantastic success with for a long time to come.

Mercury Retrograde offers us all the chance to REthink the recent choices of our free wills. Whatever we may have to put into forward motion under Mercury Rx, typically doesn’t have the longevity and genuine sustainability for the future. It is riddled upon its’ birth with a shaky ground of unstable communications and mistakes intertwining it’s being. If we can avoid this outcome by putting matters of critical importance for our future off for a couple weeks, or making sure they are in motion prior to Mercury Retrograde starting, isn’t that just a marvelous time (and more than likely, money!) saver in this day and age?

4.    Human error is highest under this passage.
This is the very key to deeply understand how not to get wrapped up in those “tricks” that do find themselves right at your doorstep. Take extra time to make sure you catch the mistakes you’ll tend to make. The carpenter rule of thumb of “measure twice, and cut once” is a lifesaver under Mercury Retrograde, and you might want to measure three or four times- just to be safe. You’ll want to apply this to all your actions, and especially your communications -i.e. emails, speaking, writing- repairs, cooking, and anything involving movement that you are doing.

5.    Utilize the practice of PATIENCE.
You CAN TAP IN AN ANCIENT PEACE PACE, and ride through any MRx passage with victory.

>>>Leave another ten to fifteen minutes every day to get where you are going.

>>>Stop the rushing that has become society’s norm. Be mindful: slow down.

>>>When those changes show up in your plans, don’t REact, REspond.

>>>Have back-up plans ready to go you can enjoy the response from. Otherwise the result of reaction will create a domino affect you’d rather avoid under this transit, so be sure your free will chooses cautiously here.

>>>Being flexible and adaptable. 
You can allow yourself to have such REward over the next few weeks as we are asked to pause within our lives. And for heaven’s sake, it is the safest time of the year really to just RElax and REst without guilt! Try on those RE’s and dive in to what you know already needs REviewing and you’ll successfully sail through this passage all the more.

As we all look back now to our lives to what has happened since 01 July, see what progress we’ve made, what needs reworking, and most importantly, REmember to have fun with our RE’s of life. Our soul under Retrograde will be all the happier, and operate from a complete peace of mind as the changing times of MRx will be upon us.

Happy Returning to Transforming Your Understanding Dear Stars! Namaste.

Let’s Master Mercury Retrograde! Join Clairvoyant Debbie Taitel & Sharita Star 28 September from anywhere in the world!

SIGN UP TODAY! >>> Mastering Mercury Retrograde Meditation Workshop

LunarOScope, 28 May 2014


New Moon in Gemini, 28 May 2014, 2:40pm EDT

Where Will You Gather Up New Feelings?

New Moons & Waxing Phases Time To Plant and Begin
Do you know your Sun Sign?
Read on where you can expect something to initiate from this area of your life. Remember with all New Moons as they start another Waxing Phase, this two-week time frame until our next Full Moon 13 June favors actions involving anything new. As we arrive at a Full Moon in the same sign within 6 months, what starts now will have grown, developed and manifested accordingly in direct result to our intentions and efforts behind it.

Do you know your Rising Sign (Ascendant)?
This typically will apply to your natal charts’ advice for an even more intimate perspective. Do consult a professional astrologer to read the accurate analysis of your individual natal chart for the precise area of life where 07 degrees Gemini affects your personal zodiac pie.

Check in with Your Birthchart.
What natal planets are placed near any 07 degree points?
These areas of the life will equally receive a direct line of communication from our 07 degrees Gemini New Moon, and depending upon the harmony or tension it can bring, connect you to more clues as to how your new beginnings will call loud and clear.

Reminder of Ongoing Mercury Rx Approach 23 May & Mercury Rx, 07 June
Alas we sit once again in 2014 under the influence of Mercury’s request for review and redo and all of the changes in schedules, plans and movement that he brings under the passage. As if people do not already feel that 2014 has been a myriad of reflection already, the “train” continues and we prepare for the second Mercury Retrograde of the year that will begin 07 June and conclude upon 01 July. Once more, under this Waxing Phase that typically positions us safe to plant and start anew, things will have to be carefully considered under the Approach, especially under any Moon Void of Course passage that will occur every couple days. (Check in weekly with your Empowerscope on EmpowerRadio for all Moon Void of Course times) As Mercury stations upon 03 June, the last half of this Waxing Phase will have to be carefully monitored for what we really want to plant in motion for long term success.

Aries: New states of mind channel where I Communicate. Embrace initiating energies that further your mentality to intuitively connect with clever ideas. Plan or go a short trip now. Look forward to new experiences with siblings and neighbors. Whatever answers you seek in your solitude or see in your dreams, prepares you to respond with action within your partnerships.

Taurus: There are new roots to grow with all of what I Have. Your earning power branches out and blossoms beautifully. Reborn solidarity and security allow you to find faith and strength to upon. Don’t resist an unexpected opportunity to socialize or get up in front of a group, this holds a new way to take action and change the routine of how you serve the world and yourself.

Gemini: The spotlight of if it is new it is intuitively for you shines upon you, as it applies to all that I Am. Witty, liberal, and self-oriented feelings accompany improvisational approaches. The world is innately curious to see you differently. Keep listening to the spiritual side of your career and get inspired by the ways your creative nature is meant to see a dynamic shift in its’ abilities.

Cancer: The Crab dives deep into the inner places in life, as spirit has more new things to show you where I Process. Nighttime dreams are tuning into revealing truths about your waking world. There is more intuition calling from your beliefs and to take a spiritual journey, which might have you just as motivated to stay home and be cozy where you nurture to take it completely alone.

Leo: New friendships join your royal court where I Socialize Dear Lion. As this fresh energy promises, you equally discover connections with groups, as well as your hopes dreams and wishes. Accept that unexpected invitation to get out of the lion’s liar, it has a transformative experience for you that will probably urge you to want to write it all down to reset your thinking.

Virgo: Accept that recognition where I Structure. A definite harvest, stability, and reward awaits you in the career and public life. Promote or start a new business. Enjoy the climb further up the ladder of success, giving gratitude to the spiritual side of this journey. One on one relationships are key to the victory, as well as the action returning to your earning power supporting it all.

Libra: Inspiration fuels your philosophies, and all that I Believe. Plan or take a long trip to balance those Scales. However you travel, broaden your spiritual view of the world and expand your optimism. There is work to be done to intuitively change your habits and routines, and you now find the green light says go to move forward with all of your new approaches to life.

Scorpio: Investigate your securities and investments, and make decisions about changes where I Transform. Other people’s money flows easily to you. A core death and rebirth awakening process strengthens your passion like never before. Time with a creative project that requires your solitude is key, as you find your inner process is alive and well with amazing messages.

Sagittarius: Partnerships from romantic ties to business contacts where I Relate find new focus. These fresh faces are of special importance to future endeavors. Aim to stimulate one on one conversations that captivate your intellect, which might just happen over dinner at home. Don’t forget to invite some friends over as well, as any of these experiences have you sensing déjà vu.

Capricorn: Improvements to your health and where I Serve come into play streaming with healing ideas. New routines and fresh habits also wish to initiate. A sincere difference shifts with your co-workers. Listen before you speak, dismiss anxiety, and spent time with research that you’ll want to write down, the driving force right now with your career will equally benefit from it.

Aquarius: Life illuminates where I Create. Enjoy new projects that allow you to be alone to accomplish them. Feelings are playful as children or brainchildren ignite and captivate your attention. Your values ask for a more spiritual connection, listen for what this means- it will have you reveling in knowing that the new educational pursuits you are taking are worth the journey.

Pisces: Clean up and feel fresh where I Nurture in your home environment as family also desires your imagination and focus. Your psychic sense appreciates the déjà vu experiences that surround you. There is plenty more listening to do about how to intuitively change those approaches to life, as you find the regeneration moving you from your core is calling intensely.

Other Need To Knows About What The New Moon Means For You

Moon enters Gemini How Our Feelings Find Awareness
28 May, 12:47am EDT to 30 May, 10:13am EDT
Engage: logic, observation, cleverness, reasonability, concentration, relaxation, organization
Avoid: opportunistic, craftiness, distractions, duality, instability, and suggestibility

New Moon When Our Feelings Find Initiation
28 May, 2:40pm EDT, 07 degrees Gemini
Consciously Aim For: Synthesis
Waning Phase: 07 degrees Gemini to 23 degrees Sagittarius
Energy initiates and builds within this half of your Zodiac Pie throughout 13 June.

Moon Void of Course Time To Remain in Reflection
5:59am EDT 29 May to 10:13am EDT 30 May
Moon VOC: When the Moon makes its’ last major aspect to a planet before entering the next sign, it is a recognized time that strongly advises us to not be in forward motion nor make any important decisions for the future. Remember, these are extremely important to note all month long. Whatever transpires under any Moon VOC, even from the simple items we may purchase, is well known to have “nothing become of it.” As we welcome our final waxing moon of Spring, as our New Gemini Moon sextiles Uranus in Aries at 15 degrees, we will be asked to hold off and remain in reflection and review until it enters Cancer the next day. Moon Void of Courses always favor inner work.

7 The Seeker Listening for Our Intuition and Insight
This Waxing Moon is keeping right in line with 2014’s overall request for reflection, as this Universal Year of the 2 + 0 + 1 + 4 equals a singular 7 itself. The Chaldeans did not attach karmic mysteries to unravel with our singular digits. However, there still are extreme karmic associations with this New Moon, as the 7 relates our principals of spirituality, mystery, sympathy and sensitivity to be adhered to from where Gemini brings awareness to our lives. Any time we see the singular numbers, we are always looking at what can be referred to as “old soul” energy, in where things from the past are more that likely to come round for reexamination, which is also highly associated with pure 7 energy as well.

This New Moon calls for pure structure to be cooperated with as it makes a direct square to the 7’s ruling planet of Neptune, over at 07 degrees Pisces, (a very different energy coming from how last month’s New moon in Taurus sextiled and spoke easy to this same Pisces point). In order to clearly hear the new beginnings Gemini is offering, we should hone in on our intuition between the areas of life the two signs work within our lives, as they provide the messages we need to hear. Should we choose to resist them, this is when we miss opportunities critical to what is meant to begin.

Of equal importance to note, is Mars over at 09 degrees Libra, just coming off his retrograde station. The Pioneer planet easily motivates a channel of initiation to Gemini making these messages able to be distinctly and courageously heard. One might say some of the TRUTH to be revealed will be very much a “tell it like it is” force -and even if it might HURT at first- allowing our new beginnings to be all the more genuine as we take them forward with integrity.

Returning to Humanity’s Requests, Mercury Retrograde in Pisces/Aquarius

SharitaStarPsychicofthePlanMercury’s Reflection in Pisces & Aquarius, 06 to 28 February 2014
We know you’ve been already feeling the turbulence of Mercury Retrograde (MRx) coming since the Approach began 22 January, certainly calling loud and clear that all bets for forward motion are off, even a few days before it officially begins. Being in awareness about Mercury’s Approach & The 5 Things You Need To Know, are you now ready for some necessary retreat and yes, relax time to officially begin at 4:43pm EST, 06 February?

Where Will You Find A Request Returning You to Humanity’s Call?
Mercury will affect two separate areas of our lives as he backtracks through Pisces until 12 February, and then finishes off his review and redo passage in Aquarius until 9am EST, 28 February. Follow our weekly Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for your individual forecast where reflection wishes to personally find you. Tune-in every Sunday, as each and every sun sign receives a weekly breakdown of how this transit will exactly play out from above in our lives down here below. Our goals are to ultimately assist anyone with the proper awareness tools to achieve success, increase results and most importantly reduce stress!

Aries: I Process Inner Psyche/Clearing of the Past through 12 Feb
I Socialize Friendships/Organizations/Hopes/Dreams/Wishes until 28 Feb

Taurus: I Socialize Friendships/Organizations/Hopes/Dreams/Wishes through 12 Feb
I Structure Career/Public Life/Authority until 28 Feb

Gemini: I Structure Career/Public Life/Authority through 12 Feb
I Believe Philosophies/Foreign Travel/Education until 28 Feb

Cancer: I Believe Philosophies/Foreign Travel/Education through 12 Feb
I Transform Death & Rebirth/Sexuality/Wealth until 28 Feb

Leo: I Transform Death & Rebirth/Sexuality/Wealth through 12 Feb
I Relate Partnerships/Marriage/Balance with Others until 28 Feb

Virgo: I Relate Partnerships/Marriage/Balance with Others through 12 Feb
I Serve Health/Being of Service/Employees/Pets until 28 Feb

Libra: I Serve Health/Being of Service/Employees/Pets through 12 Feb
I Create Creativity/Children/Love Affairs until 28 Feb

Scorpio: I Create Creativity/Children/Love Affairs through 12 Feb
I Nurture Home/Family/Environments until 28 Feb

Sagittarius: I Nurture Home/Family/Environments through 12 Feb
I Communicate Thinking/Mentality/Communications until 28 Feb

Capricorn: I Communicate Thinking/Mentality/Communications through 12 Feb
I Have Values/Earning Power/Possessions until 28 Feb

Aquarius: I Have Values/Earning Power/Possessions through 12 Feb
I Am Approaches/Mask to the World/First Impressions until 28 Feb

Pisces: I Am Approaches/Mask to the World/First Impressions through 12 Feb
I Process Inner Psyche/Clearing of the Past until 28 Feb

Reaping the “RE” Reward Under Mercury Retrograde
Remember, this is the true time to get our dictionaries out and revel in the “re” action words, for Mercury’s backwards motion from 03 degrees Pisces back to 18 degrees of Aquarius will only cause resistance if we do not heed this mighty call. As we start off this necessary rest period, Mercury stations on Neptune in Pisces, asking for an extreme request to truly listen carefully, being Neptune is a planet that affects deception and hidden things. Choosing mindfulness and moving very slowly will allow anyone to not get caught up in the chaotic courses that will be swirling around us. Taking a true silent trip where Pisces personally guides our lives will also offer up wonderful rewards.

As Mercury re-enters Aquarius on 12 February, expect completely unpredictable and at times shocking occurrences to be a natural part of the movement you will encounter until 28 February. Many will sense a lack of warmth and imagination wherever Aquarius lives within their personal natal chart under Retrograde, demanding the mastering to take extra pause within our moments so we can find ways to respond in calm to the changes that will be displaying themselves around us.

Double Layer Cake of Reflection Begins 14 February
Be on the look out for your Lunar-O-Scope 14 February, Full Moon in Leo, which will also be roaring with reflection from the opposing area of our lives, as another waning phase begins. As this normal and natural time of the month for reassessment decreases the lunar light once more, under Mercury Retrograde, the calling for review becomes more intense. Further responsibility to slow down, work, and learn from the experiences will have us all notice profound feelings around that will relate the need for dynamic understanding within any partnership. The Moon Void of Course periods over 14 to 28 February equally cast off a “triple layer cake” of reflective request.

Believe Mercury Retrograde Doesn’t Affect You? LOL, Think Again!
Those wishing to react and remain in resistance to the normal flux of changes that Mercury’s “vacation mode” causes involving our schedules, routines, communications, information exchanges and any mechanism that moves- deciding instead to go forward with long term plans- will find themselves with intense lessons to learn. Anyone’s fee will choosing otherwise certainly will be coined the definition of insanity, because if we do not choose the path of review and reflection, we’ll be ignoring what we are meant to be learning from the valuable reassessment experiences that this passage always presents to us.

Beneficial time can be wisely spent getting all unfinished business within these areas of our lives reassessed, reviewed, and rehashed. What old projects are not done here? What can you research? What have you forgotten about? Who haven’t you spoken to from this area in your life in a while? Revisiting what has already been placed in motion, reconnecting with the past- clearing it up, opens the doors to make way for new beginnings that will be much safer to make once the passage concludes.

To Do and Not To Do Under Mercury Retrograde
Remain in the eye of any possible storm around you, as the genuine request for listening and a patience pace is all the more required under this Mercury Rx round of review. These handy tips can help bring ease over this upcoming period to allow personal success to be reaped!

*Expect CHANGE: in travel, routines, communications & schedules to occur suddenly
*Give yourself extra time to get where you’re going
*Back-up information, replace or upgrade technology already in place
*Spend time in the RE’s:
Relax, Rest, Reread, Rewrite, Revisit, Reconnect, Reflect, Redo, Recharge!
*Have Plan B (and Plan C, D or even E if necessary) always ready to go
*Gravitate to Responding vs. Reacting!

*“Freak out” when changes come up
*Rush: speaking, driving, whatever involves movement in your life
A great practice is to take pause & count to 10 before doing anything!
*Sign important documents
*Initiate or buy anything new that you wish to have long-term success with.
ie: Get married, start a relationship, business, adventure.

When to Slowly Move Forward Under The Shadow
As the Approach began 22 January, when Mercury was last at the 18 degree Aquarius point he will return to by 28 February, we started to see what we will be called to truly reflect and reassess under the Retrograde passage itself. Until 20 March, we are under the Shadow period, where it will take Mercury this much time to retrace his backwards steps until he is back over that 03 degrees of Pisces once more. And Viola! We’ll be complete for another review session where our Messenger is concerned until late Spring 2014. Know, under the Shadow, it is safe to move forward once more, but do be sure to still take on an air of caution and make sure the details involved are the way you wish them to be.

Lexigrams and Mercury Retrograde
One last piece of star secret advice comes from the wisdom of Lexigrams, what’s really in a name. As we poetically phrase the anagrams we can derive from any word, name, or in this case, title: we can spell out the truth that leads us to also discover what we are best to do under this passage called Mercury Retrograde to find our resolve within it.



Remember, to truly CURE OUR EGO, GO MEET and GREET the RETREAT!

To Your Success within Mercury’s offering for rewarding reflection!
Namaste, Dear Stars.