“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham
Sharpening Awareness of our EARTH HEART Truth
Solar Eclipse & New Moon in Sagittarius
2:43amEST, 04 December, Let’s REALLY Begin & Initiate
With any New Moon, our Sun and Moon are in exact alignment as they are positioned within the Zodiac sky above. Energetically, emotions and feelings of humanity naturally rise up just like the oceans’ tides will equally reflect down here below. Waxing Phases favor actions involving planting anew and moving forward, as energy increases on a personal level throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie alongside the collective request to do the same.
This month, our initiation request begins as our Sun and Moon meet at 12 degrees Sagittarius. Then our Moon waxes through Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and Taurus until Autumn and 2021’s final Full Moon at 27 degrees Gemini, arrives 18 December the very day before Venus Retrograde in Capricorn, 19 December to 29 January 2022, begins.
As this New Moon is accompanied by a TOTAL Solar Eclipse, the initiating affects of this waxing phase extend from this same Sagittarius 12 degrees area of our lives for an entire year until December 2022.
This twelfth and final for 2021, marking the last New Moon of Autumn: falls within the sign that consciously aims for wisdom and truth as we receive impressions, which enriches them via one’s ability to gain perspective with an easily stimulated imagination upon our earthly plane. Our Total Solar Eclipse and New Moon at 12 degrees Sagittarius is the finalizing truthful moment of the entire year, as it definitively completes the emotional activation of 2021’s Changing Global Truth human experience, all while we continue to round out the remaining weeks and open the 6 Universal New Year under intense reflection as we shift into 2022’s Mastering The Value of Compassion.
Equally upon this New Moon, we continue the 5 month run of all New Moon’s aligning that started 04 November and will span until 02 March 2022. Every New Moon for 5 months, meets at the 12 degree mark of our Sun & Moon’s alignment. This annual “holding pattern” is an extremely important numerological message to not only understand, but especially for this passage to embrace remaining reachable and teachable for. Humanity that does not choose to become a student of life for it, will become ‘The Sacrifice – The Victim’ instead.
04 December’s alignment in Sagittarius is highly connected to revealing information for humanity to become deeply responsible and accountable to anywhere this world as the finale weeks of 2021’s Changing Global Truth are in intense play. Once again, what must be completely understood with the energy of this second of five months 12 degrees New Moon point, is the association it also has with awareness, knowledge and hardship: all of which are extremely amplified by the presence of the Solar Eclipse.
Especially for the world which is heavily keeping all eyes on America, now approaching the halfway mark of its’ 16/7 Personal Year favored to be Healing America from Within: Understanding a 7 Personal Year: this Solar Eclipse and New Moon energies make a profound “hit” upon the nation’s chart. They precisely align with the country’s natal 12 degrees Sagittarius Ascendant/Rising. This trigger point seeks for the country to look to all of “I AM” to take on entirely different and new approaches to life, appear to the world with a renewed and refreshed face, as the entire emerging self of America is about to work with what the 12 truly means: remaining reachable and teachable. Entitled and “know it all” Americans, sadly, will suffer greatly in the realms of sacrifice and become victims in the year ahead.
Americans who chose to be the “kneeling submissive student” will thrive and stay out of preventable hardship because their awareness is what their free will relies upon for the wisdom it is meant to attain and be willing to absorb as they allow necessary change to be properly embraced.
Americans who continue to remain observant and discerning, severely understand a wild energetic storm is undeniably circulating upon the nation to remain in the very eye of -encompassing the mental, emotional and psychical realms- especially as the energies of its’ first ever Pluto Return 2021 -2024 are beckoning a near death experience in order to become reborn.
In its’ Chaldean Karmic Mystery of ‘The Sacrifice – The Victim’ no matter where one is within the world, we are all the more intensely called to look to the leveling up to a more 5D connecting in consciousness, for the 3D world of greed, deceit and selfishness is all the more able to become upheaved and further light shone upon the raw TRUTH for humanity that will HURT.
12’s vibration and frequency is a compound number that the ancients regarded as one to absolutely know how to work with it, as it comes with extremely important energy to understand. “One will periodically be sacrificed for the plans or intrigues of others. The number 12 warns of the necessity to be alert to every situation, to beware of false flattery from those who use it to gain their own ends. Be suspicious of those who offer a high position, and carefully analyze the motive. Although duplicity is not always present, forewarned is forearmed. There is a degree of mental anxiety, caused by the need to sacrifice personal goals to the ambition of others. A secondary meaning of this number should be considered. The figure 1 is the teacher (whether it be a person or Life itself.) The figure 2 is the kneeling, submissive student. Sometimes, the result of severe emotional stress and mental anguish creates amnesia, forgetfulness of lessons previously learned. 12 represents the educational process on all levels, the submission of the will required and the sacrifices necessary to achieve knowledge and wisdom, on both the spiritual and the intellectual levels. When the intellect is sacrificed to the feelings, the mind will be illuminated with the answers it seeks. Look within for the solution. Attention paid to the requirements of education will end suffering and bring success.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs
The need for maintaining mental clarity during this extremely powered up pulse of our EARTH HEART Shift for 2021 during our Sun’s time in Sagittarius channeling Autumn’s Aims for Humanity’s TRUTH That HURT, furthers its’ evoking of permanent changes promise, wherein this month energies turn into absolute sacrificial situations that only awareness and knowledge can successfully combat, as the collective is being gravely shown more of the worldly truth, now within a mutable communication sign. This 12 alignment opens the global channels to utilize our emotional intelligence to remain reachable and teachable, step away from entitled behaviors and recognize the time is now to work through hardship as a kneeling submissive student, so new life can begin to initiate and pull in powerful experiences for humanity the the entire next year.
Once again the sounding bell of alarm fires off for the final time in 2021: Those choosing to deny conscious behavior, are completely promised to attract suffering and downfalls that could be absolutely avoided. The power to chose consciousness over emotional turbulence, overindulgence, and rash decision making is now up to every individual. Once again, the time for exercising our emotional intelligence is now.
This Solar Eclipse and New Moon are also pumped up with global changes due to the conjunction with Mercury in Sagittarius at 15 degrees. The collective energy is moving all the more rapidly and quickly, with fair warning to not only remain reachable and teachable, but watch carefully for those who are falsely charming and persuasive. This energy wants one to act fast, yet this is not the time to act without being the student first and foremost with the correct information versus what is not the truth. Those who are unprepared, unaware and not being the observer, choosing instead to be swept up into the rush of fear, will find hardship befalls their human experience.
Awareness and knowledge must be embraced in order to thrive at this time and throughout the next year.
The other intense conversation this Solar Eclipse and New Moon has is with Saturn at 9 degrees Aquarius, which is in an easeful and agreeable sextile relationship as Sagittarius and Aquarius are working as they communicate through the elemental guidances of truthful fire and intellectual air. However, with Saturn being our planet not only of karmic justice, accountability and learning from the experience, this is fair warning once again for humanity to slow down, utilize patience, and not engage in conflict, yet responsibly rise up in a Warrior presence to take a stand for its’ own sovereignty.
Once again, we are given the 2nd grave opportunity which is powered up by the Solar Eclipse to work with this intense calling to Never Compromise Living Consciously: a practice that is the antidote to prevent avoidable outcomes with proper preparedness, as we cease clinging to the past that is never going to return. Sagittarius is our forever student muse of the Zodiac who never stops aiming at wisdom to target the truth for the entire globe. This Total Solar Eclipse and New Moon promises to deliver some potent truths for the next year for humanity to continue to discern.
Where Are You drawing upon Sharpening Awareness of our EARTH HEART Truth?
Soul Homework for 04 December’s Sagittarius Solar Eclipse & New Moon
This waxing phase through 18 December (as well as for the entire next year due to the Solar Eclipse), asks us to become all the more keen in sharpening our awareness and be completely reachable and teachable to remain in the eye of the storm. As we willingly become the student that we need to within our lives, we step up fully into absorbing knowledge to face our challenges as our more than powerful new seeds of initiation as shown to us. 2021’s Changing Global Truth unlocks this final and twelfth waxing phase of our permanently changing everything year, calling for our extreme feeling attention that gathers up in new light from Sagittarius until 18 December, as well as through December 2022.
Sagittarius Solar Eclipse & New Moon Rituals Favor:
~Welcoming What is New. The Archer affects our lives personally. Now is the time to attain wisdom and the truth with an easily stimulated instinct specifically triggering from 12 degrees Sagittarius sitting in one area of our lives. This initiation point may potentially wish to have other conversations with other areas of our lives within our natal charts overall, as we dive deeper into our Personal Forecast.
~Setting Clear Intentions. Our willingness to place proper focus, especially in the tense of “Welcoming The New Concerning What I BELIEVE….” allows us to fully acknowledge what we can now begin on a personal level.
~Working with Gemstones/Metals. The Solar Eclipse & New Moon in Sagittarius favors excellent channeling with turquoise as a powerful gemstone that it specifically resonates with, to collectively allow emotions to flow with feeling, engaging our imaginations to remain open to new possibilities in order to thrive, create and manifest.
~Working with Color. Tones of autumn’s rusts, yellows, oranges, and browns along with sky blue, turquoise and purple are wonderful choices that specifically resonate and bring out the positivity of Sagittarius energy.
~Cleansing the Body. Sagittarius guides root chakra in movement via the hips and thighs, femur bone, and the liver. Being mindful and attentive to them surrounding our Solar Eclipse and New Moon helps with energetically purifying the physical body. Dandelion is a powerful herb for Sagittarius due to its’ cleansing qualities and abilities to fortify the liver, especially cleansing anger. The liver is where anger builds up the most and becomes held within our physical bodies which is an ultimate Chi disturber, should we not properly address it in attending otherwise to our healing and release processes.
As we always honor the value of taking pause for a SILENT LISTEN, we can truthfully acknowledge what we are feeling, so we can always flow with The Law of Attraction. New Moons, and this gift of a Total Solar Eclipse- are our perfect timing to pull in proper focus of our energy to support attraction as we utilize emotional intelligence within our lives. As we distinctly choose to consciously work with these natural cycles- we tune into our personal rhythm as we connect to favorable timing from above, allowing us to witness manifestation in our own individual ways down here below.
Autumn’s 3rd & 2021’s 12th & Final New Moon within The Archer, aligns with our Sun renewing at 12 degrees, coupled by a Total Solar Eclipse. How will you honor Sharpening Awareness of our EARTH HEART Truth in your experience, Dear Star?

ARIES: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. Inspiration for a permanent upgrade for your belief systems says remaining reachable and teachable is how new TRUTH enters your life for you to studiously stand in. Be open to what may HURT as this reeducation process requires full removal of what no longer serves its’ highest good. This potent time greatly assists your future goals, friendships and social scenes as long as you take responsibility to enhance their reinvention processes in play to guide the accountable directions they all wish to take.
TAURUS: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. This lunation ultimately needs you to honor complete surrender to the past in order for an intense and potent energetic rebirth to emerge. Your ability to honor the very CORE of your being in CURES, absolutely calls to nourish your very SOURCE. You also find that this connects to anything needing genuine patience as a diligent process of working smarter is in play within the structure of your professional life, allowing you to rise up in your abilities to be recognized for your leadership, as you are genuinely learning from the experiences.
GEMINI: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. You are asked to genuinely seek to UNDERSTAND before being understood as you see the US as you READ the TRUE NATURE of both side of any issues needing your TURN in ultimate discernment. It is only, and only those who stand their own truth and accountability, who are the ones any kind of amicable agreement is meant to now be formed with. Trust you are willing to learn you can no longer hold on to former belief systems that have only prevented you from standing all the stronger in your truth, as you remain reachable and teachable to now becoming completely accountable to detach from them.
CANCER: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical HEALTH. Your ways of habitual living are in a powerful time to LET THE HATE HEAL and HEAL THE HATE as trust you are in an extremely intense cycle of allowing your lifestyle to reset itself in ultimate honoring of leveling up in your spiritual awareness. Equally as you become the student within this part of your life, healing is at work with intense core changes you are also currently surrendering to that are responsibly transforming your entire scope upon your life and wealth: this end result has stabilizing ways to show that you are becoming reborn.
LEO: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning what I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Not only to your children themselves, but your HEART space is deeply connected to the energetic pulse of potent EARTH changes that you must be loyal to now as you work with only the truth of initiating creative adventures as an educational process surrounds them. Trust moving forward that manifestation magic will be alive and thriving upon your stage, as you carefully listen to all the wiser ways your personal one on one relationships and legal agreements are in the midst of connecting with accountability, releasing all former relationships with others who have chosen to not stand in their truth.
VIRGO: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning how I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. Life at home is ready now for nourishing it in less complicated ways promising to sustain it for the better moving forward. As you gently hone in on allowing PATIENCE into your new home life, you find ease and contentment to move forward with in soul certainty as you TAP IN AN ANCIENT PEACE PACE. Open up to the stabilizing ways your lifestyle seeks to clean up any habits and routines you no longer need, as you find this time is completely able to allow you to serve others and first and foremost yourself: with genuine, responsible and innovative solutions.
LIBRA: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, short trips, siblings and neighbors. As you trust that you are completely upgrading to trust the unknown from your frame of mind, this reigns in all the more truth in every capacity of your MENTALITY and thought processes ANYTIME you need to LET IN A TAME TIME. Allow yourself to welcome grounding moments to support your creative nature or what is happening with your children or brain children, focusing upon your originality to embrace stabilizing energies in order to stir up more responsible Chi upon your manifesting stage.
SCORPIO: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning what I Have, relating to your income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. As you now establish a more vital sense of security, it is still a powerful time to remember to give GRATITUDE for the spiritual nature of things, and trust in the GREAT TRUE ATTITUDE I GUIDE, I GUARD in your own in certainty when your 3D energies are aligned in the truth. Value these spiritual feelings which are supported in a 5D perception, as the time is now to rely upon your innate abilities to get much more serious and accountable where you recharge and nourish right at home, bringing a more patient process to how you choose to rest and reboot. Pay close attention to any déjà vu experiences that may channel in these processes.
SAGITTARIUS: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. This is all about you and your emerging self, and the new you who will and can own their personal RESILIENCE only in the SINCERE truth I LICENSE IN. Trust and know you are meant to wear a completely changed face of who you are to the world, as you level up your approaches to it. How you OWN your NOW to see you have WON is also in powerful play to stand in the force of faith, as you now must become absolutely accountable to how you work with your own mentality and communications, for it is a quintessential need to bring calm, grounding and contentment into your frame of mind and thought processes, in order to attain peace within them.
CAPRICORN: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, healing, inner work, your subconscious and dream state. This is a tremendous calling now to connect deeper than you ever have before, from the discerning space of taking a SILENT LISTEN, align in the power of working from within to provide you with the answers you seek. Inner peace is absolutely yours when you decide to embrace the beauty of STILLNESS. As you connect to the ways your value system, sense of security and sources of income are all in patient play of restructuring themselves, you are able to recognize the stabler ways you are reestablishing them all differently. This truly takes material needs and allows you to further see the simplification that must be honored instead.
AQUARIUS: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Distinctly rise up in trusting the truth connecting to reflective energies surrounding your friendships, peers, groups and social scenes. The entire direction of what your future holds to ASPIRE and wish from AS I PRAISE I REAP A ESP RISE says forget the lower energy of what merely “hoping” never brings to fruition and rise in faith. When you hold it and deepen into really knowing the ever changing face of you that takes on the world is also looking at the world with a much more serious approach these days, you own the “I Am” of you in the accountable reform that is confidently stepping up into a more mature presence you choose to face it with.
PISCES: It is time to powerfully embrace the new concerning where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. All is positioned here now to support you to take the lead in what you are meant to be recognized for. Trust in the reflective process still in progress for your public position and your view upon authority. In order to thrive, OWN your integrity and honor it NOW, as this accountability to your vocational life allows you to see you have WON. Be equally aware you are extremely favored to benefit from time in solitude to work with any of your tasks, retreating away from the world to allow ultimate responsibility to flow from within in very stabilizing and learning from the inner world experience ways.
Attain Your Soul Certainty in these Uncertain Times. What does your Personal Forecast say for this Sagittarius Solar Eclipse & New Moon from YOUR natal chart? Explore continuing Special Priced Forecasting Packages.
Never Compromise Living Consciously.
Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for making valuable timing decisions all week long! Always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling all matters of importance.