LunarOScopes, 17 June Sagittarius Full Moon, Let’s Release

SharitaStar.LunarOScopesF18“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham

Recognize Your Feelings Are Powerful Allies
We intentionally create our lives through emotion, which in turn, directly allows us to manifest accordingly via our thoughts as The Law of Attraction promises. Lunar energy from above is astrologically in charge of how the messages of our human emotions play out in precise timing. We are always offered the chance to evolve and align down here below, yet equally we must remember we energetically cannot solve everything we may need to in our lives all at once. Everything meant to emerge has a precise rhythm and measured motion in our timing.

As we become deeply aware of what we are feeling in our lives -when we move away from fear and tune in to our source that knows it is a vibrational and expanding being- we have leverage, control and clarity to move through what the contrast of our lives may be bringing towards us. If we choose resistance to what is, our thoughts only block what is meant to be inspiring us. Thus, we miss our opportunities, neglect to heal and recharge, surely keeping us in a downward spiral we feel no control within.

Ask yourself this question. Why do I ever feel stuck or dissatisfied? 

Answer. If you are not tuned into your feelings, your thoughts naturally are not focused and intentionally aligned with your desires. Negative emotions will only continue to point out what it is that you do not want if you are not coming from the feeling energy of expansion and choosing to be a deliberate creator.

Law of Attraction Fact: “You get what you think about whether you want it or not. There is no vibrational word for NO. Attention to whatever it is, always means YES.”~Abraham

To naturally allow us the time and space to work with how we can align in our rightful feeling vibration to attract what we want, each month, a New Moon opens a waxing phase of initiating energy favoring creation until we reach the Full Moon, opening up a waning phase allowing for natural correction, reflection and release.

LunarOScopes capture the forecast of these cycles indicating what is meant to begin or conclude, timing when and what specific area of life our Sun Sign benefits by turning our feelings into intentional thought. Of course this generalized view provides one part of our soul story focus, while examining our natal chart -cast from our full date and time of birth- provides us with our personal and deeper dish details.

Observing Creative Reinvention
Full Moon in Sagittarius 4:31amEDT, 17 June, Let’s Release & Reflect
Waning Phases always favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie. This month our request is from 25 degrees Sagittarius through Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini until the first New Moon of Summer 2019 arrives coupled with a Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Cancer 02 July. This last Full Moon of Spring and sixth of 2019 casts us into a period of reflection and reassessment from where The Archer asks for wisdom within our lives.

Our Sagittarius Full Moon finds us involved in adjustments and clearing from this area of our life. As we utilize discrimination and analysis with our feelings -relying upon only our inner guidance to discern the sensations we are receiving- we allow any insecurities we may have to reverse their fears, release and heal. The 25 degree point represents relying upon observation, recognizing all the knowledge we have received into the past two weeks can now be properly reflected upon. This exacting number is extremely important to understand and assimilate into our healing, reminding us to practice invention and only work with creative energy to arrive at rightful solutions.

As we engage this month’s Full Moon reflections, remaining open to the truth and trusting our intuition, allows us to hold our keys to success. The trick will be to allow ourselves to analytically process what needs to be let go of, yet not over think matters and tolerate any anxiety or delusion to cloud the truth we are meant to understand. Listening more than we speak is amazing to make sure we avoid dwelling on unnecessary things that merely seek for us to reinvent them with creative enthusiasm.

Soul Homework for 17 June’s Sagittarius Full Moon
This waning phase through 02 July asks us to dive deep into the observant truth of what needs healing, clearing, and reflection from where The Archer aims within our lives. Taking time to write down what we are sensing no longer resonates with us, is a powerful process that assists us to release appropriately. Many full moon rituals recommend burning what we choose to ground on paper naturally lets go of whatever energy may be clouding up our space. Equally, if you have gemstones, placing them in the full moonlight recharges them and also clears out any accumulated energies we need to cleanse off them.

2019’s 6th Full Moon. Where will you be prepared to embrace Observing Creative Reinvention, Dear Star?

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. As challenges carry on for your home and family life, stay true to you.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. Let any angry thoughts go, take a deep breath and only communicate courageously.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. The sorting out journey concerning the value of your securities continues, asking for complete understanding.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. As a dynamic new you is still revealing itself to the world, anticipate more self-emerging changes ahead.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. This reflective time is all about going it alone, listening from the inside out, to finally let go of your past.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. The rest button is in full play for your future goals and social scenes, which are not to resist these changes.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon releasing with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Career matters and your place in the public eye are all on your mind, and your motivations with any of them.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Have, relating to your income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. There are a many things you have already been redefining about your truth, so let go of more disbeliefs.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Surrendering to what must become reborn about your wealth and abilities to permanently change.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. Focus upon utilizing your courage concerning your relationships and legal agreements.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Know that as your lifestyle is working with new arrangements, these are for the best.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. Allow your creativity to take the lead and you’ll realize being more playful averts conflicting situations.

What’s your Personal Forecast say for this Sagittarius Full Moon from your natal chart? BOOK NOW and schedule your private session with Sharita! 

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.

LunarOScopes, 20 March Libra Full Moon, Let’s Really Release

SharitaStar.LunarOScopesF18“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham

Recognize Your Feelings Are Powerful Allies
We intentionally create our lives through emotion, which in turn, directly allows us to manifest accordingly via our thoughts as The Law of Attraction promises. Lunar energy from above is astrologically in charge of how the messages of our human emotions play out in precise timing. We are always offered the chance to evolve and align down here below, yet equally we must remember we energetically cannot solve everything we may need to in our lives all at once. Everything meant to emerge has a precise rhythm and measured motion in our timing.

As we become deeply aware of what we are feeling in our lives -when we move away from fear and tune in to our source that knows it is a vibrational and expanding being- we have leverage, control and clarity to move through what the contrast of our lives may be bringing towards us. If we choose resistance to what is, our thoughts only block what is meant to be inspiring us. Thus, we miss our opportunities, neglect to heal and recharge, surely keeping us in a downward spiral we feel no control within.

Ask yourself this question. Why do I ever feel stuck or dissatisfied? 

Answer. If you are not tuned into your feelings, your thoughts naturally are not focused and intentionally aligned with your desires. Negative emotions will only continue to point out what it is that you do not want if you are not coming from the feeling energy of expansion and choosing to be a deliberate creator.

Law of Attraction Fact: “You get what you think about whether you want it or not. There is no vibrational word for NO. Attention to whatever it is, always means YES.”~Abraham

To naturally allow us the time and space to work with how we can align in our rightful feeling vibration to attract what we want, each month, a New Moon opens a waxing phase of initiating energy favoring creation until we reach the Full Moon, opening up a waning phase allowing for natural correction, reflection and release.

LunarOScopes capture the forecast of these cycles indicating what is meant to begin or conclude, timing when and what specific area of life our Sun Sign benefits by turning our feelings into intentional thought. Of course this generalized view provides one part of our soul story focus, while examining our natal chart -cast from our full date and time of birth- provides us with our personal and deeper dish details.

Healing with Faith & Trusting Rebirth
Full Moon in Libra 9:43pmEDT/6:43pmPDT, 20 March, Let’s Really Release & Reflect
Waning Phases always favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie. This month our request is from 0 degrees Libra (the final of 5 Full Moon’s to fall at this poignant degree point since November 2018) through Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces until the first New Moon of Spring 2019 arrives at 15 degrees Aries 05 April. This first Full Moon of Spring and fourth of 2019 casts us into a period of reflection and reassessment where The Scales ask for harmony within our lives. As our Being Reachable and Teachable 12/3 Universal Year continues, another potent waning phase seeks our attention to completely purge the past, equally as we celebrate the Spring Equinox under our ongoing cycle of reflection from Mercury Retrograde, 05 to 28 March.

Our Libra Full Moon finds us involved in the deepest adjustments and intensest clearing to bring definite conclusions to allow the reset button in our lives to now be fully pressed. The reoccurring theme of rebirth that has carried us through every Full Moon since November 2018 concludes this month. This is an undeniable and incredible time to allow our light to become regenerated into a fascinating force to thrive in the future and attract success.

As we recognize the growth process we have been in the midst of has been intently demanding that we move forward and never look back, we can have peace of mind to be assured the soul work we are doing is worth the effort. Remember as the 0 degree point represents not only rebirth and profound life cycles in absolute shift, we have to truly let go of the past. Otherwise, we only continue to drag the past with us like a steamer trunk, completely blocking what could be. This number is extremely important to understand and assimilate into our healing as it began to call to us in November. A cycle is completing now, that for many has been more than a hard road of realization to be on. 0 is The Adjustor, the regenerative energy that asks us all to distinctly surrender the power we have ever given to the past, in such a way that it becomes destroyed: provoking a potent and intense emotional healing process as we do so.

This supermoon and powerhouse lunation unfolds the last layer of tremendous change and clearance that heralds we finally heal our deepest pains. More than likely, these are pains we may have been avoiding, and have carried for far too long. The time is now to bring faith into our practices, and embrace the force of the feminine. Our existence is meant to be reshaped in a way that we have never allowed ourselves to trust it before.

In this year of exposure for those denying the truth, there must be surrender in order to witness the balance realign within our lives that we rightfully deserve to have. We must stop feeding the fears that may have been holding us back during 2018 from completing this process especially if we have chosen to believe any kind of False Evidence Appearing Real facades. We now have the distinct opportunity to absolutely Face Everything And Rise.

2019’s 3rd Full Moon. What will your experience be like Healing with Faith & Trusting Rebirth, Dear Star?

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. Stop everything if you aren’t getting the results you want on your approaches to life, and deeply recognize it is high time you emerge to the world entirely differently.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. This is the time now to step into your retreat space and listen carefully to the silence, and the answers you need to heal will arrive as well as within your dreams.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. What the future holds asks for you to take a journey that explores all the goals and social scenes you no longer need, and reinvent what you hope and wish for.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. This involves equally letting go within your professional life, examining unrealistic ways you have falsely held on to authority that does not grant you genuine structure you can rely on.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon releasing with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Your pursuit of the truth is not going to let you off the hook no matter how much it may hurt, so remember to clean out those limiting beliefs that are not allowing you to be reachable and teachable.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Have, relating to your income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. You have never felt such a stunning turn of transformation in your entire life as you are right now, so keep surrendering and absolutely know you are resetting the entire scope upon your life.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon releasing with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Who you relate to and anything you are legally bound to are all up for a major revamping time, so make sure you are listening carefully and seeking to understand these changes are inevitable.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. Everything surrounding your lifestyle, habits and routines in how you serve yourself and others are all amidst a powerful regenerative process, and know it is time to start living well.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. There is undeniable resolve surrounding your creative nature and connections to children, so be sure you are honoring the truth, which may hurt at first.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. At home, now is the equal time you will not be able to avoid facing what it is you need to nurture better, and nourish your family with a surge of rebirth that benefits them.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon releasing with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. Healing is surging for your entire mindset, reframing your communication skills and taking out all that buried pain that has been holding you back.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon releasing where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. As you surrender to understanding what your worth and value actually is, the weight that has blocked your sense of security will become lifted, freeing you to earn in full power.

What’s your Personal Forecast say for this Libra Full Moon & Mercury Retrograde from your natal chart? BOOK NOW and schedule your private session with Sharita! 

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.


2019: Being Reachable and Teachable

2019BeingTeachable.SharitaStar“If you ever think you know it all, that is the beginning of your troubles. To be reachable, just be teachable.”

~Israelmore Ayivor, Let’s Go to the Next Level

A 3 Universal New Year.
The Reachable and Teachable Energy within a Current 9 Year Cycle.
2018 leaves its’ distinctive mark on many across the globe. Everyone witnessed more than their fair share of duality, overwhelming emotions, unbalanced situations, creative imagination, paternal pains, worries, and most importantly: opportunities for healing. Overall, it was Feeling the Feminine that wished to show us the divine and cooperative light within our human experiences that absolutely has changed our perspectives and directions during the past 12 months.

Our human experiences now shift during 2019, into a new energetic cycle that collectively co-exists alongside our spiritual beings, seeking to align us in the rhythm of three.

No matter what the energy of the world at large is, remember your life is always your individual and unique human experience, via your own Personal Forecast.

2019’s Global Forecast
It’s time to activate aspiration, honesty, and being reachable and teachable into our practices. In the 12 months of 2019, our preferred choices are to make sure our bodies, minds and souls are becoming in touch and working in unison with one another. Ignoring what it is we must learn will not be wise to do, for it will only block the flow of abundance that is naturally meant to come towards us. Our specific goals and aspirations still belong to us despite all that will continue to attempt to distract us, which always need to be carefully filtered.

2019’s overall theme is an undeniable year of eliminating the lower energy of being the victim, and no longer allowing sacrifice to be anyone’s end result.

The last time the world saw a year guided by worldly wisdom, expansion and abundance was in 2010. Once again, entering an amazing cycle of emerging the seeds just planted in 2017 to allow to our proper evolution once again as 2019 will unfold. Overall, a 3 Universal Year opens up a profound channel inviting us to envision what is possible. 2019 distinctly grants us opportunities for our beliefs to experience growth, stand in our truth, accept knowledge and witness wisdom all work for us in fortunate ways. This requires embracing optimism and the willingness to be educated with all situations that equally seek reliance on the awareness we just received from how 2018’s experiences ultimately sought out to shape our lives in a divine feminine healing space.

Equally requested is the deeper understanding of how to not permit the worlds’ problems and fears to interfere with what we are meant to focus upon within our personal experiences. This is quintessential to comprehend during 2019, as the year will undoubtedly display the not so positive side of the Universal 12/3 energy, which will reveal the truth no matter how much it hurts to be energetically witnessed overall.

Individually Aligning with 2019
You do not need to be in an actual 3 Personal Year within your own forecast to see 2019’s collective energy unfold within your human experience. By following the spiritual guidance that your Personal Forecast precisely provides, 2019’s Universal energy seeks to compliment your own timing is everything cycles.

The year ahead is ever powerful to align us in a search for the truth that we are not meant to ignore in order to manifest what truly wishes to bless us with abundance the most wherever we are within our own personal forecast. We are wise to not ignore what learning is required within our lives. As we willingly adapt to an enthusiastic and looking at life like the glass is half full energetic pulse we can enjoy success. To make the most of the collective energy that we co-exist within for 2019 and are individually a part of as we evolve, remembering to be reachable and be teachable, once again is absolutely essential.

Let’s Look Back to Look Ahead
Over the past 9 years, on a collective level, we are all part of the larger whole that witnessed the bigger picture unfold. As we are now asked to take our healing and divine feminine awareness from last years’ nurturing of the seeds in 2018 (2), and apply it now in 2019 (3) we will burst open those seeds planted in 2017, align in new knowledge and education in order to grow them. Beliefs, philosophies & abundance promises to be stimulated on a global level amongst humanity, equally comparing to what we did on another level back in 2010.

Since then….

2011 (4) formulated roots that secured the initiations of 2008’s 1 Universal Year within a foundation. The unexpected, breakthroughs & over coming obstacles called to all.

2012 (5) brought forth blossoming, new information, rapid movement and permanent changes. Communications, mass changes & no going back unfolded for humanity.

2013 (6) called for understanding, compassion, adjustment, and balance.
Justice, judgment & harmony asked to be aligned and embraced.

2014 (7) asked for the “soul homework” the inner work and required reflection in order to heal. Solitude, listening & remaining in the eye of the apparent storms called to be heard.

2015 (8) asked us to reap the harvest, find the recognition & accept the reward. Only practicing responsibility, patience & honor allowed this stabilizing energy to flourish.

2016 (9) motivated us to draw upon conclusions, dramatic endings and release. Penetration as well as aggressive action persisted, but a warriors’ courage was our cure.

2017 (1) new seeds of life & creation were planted once again, aligning in major shifts of direction. Egocentricity, creativity & stunning initiations were witnessed on a global level.

2018 (2) nurtured the source of sensitivity, emotional healing and imagination amongst humanity. As a Master Number Year under the 11, Feeling the Feminine and embracing the Divine was the only way that grace was granted to any soul. Those who resisted their necessary healing, will experience being the victim and witness tremendous sacrifice during 2019.

Unlocking 2019’s Chaldean Karmic Mystery: 12, Sacrifice – The Victim
While the singular energy of the 3 guides our Universal New Year, 2019 equally arrives (2 + 0 + 1 + 9 =12) at a compound number granting further insight which is more than key to understand about how to ideally navigate the months of the year ahead. In Chaldean Numerology, compound number vibrations each have Chaldean Karmic Mysteries associated with them, providing us with ancient wisdom that is absolutely amazing and profound to take into consideration in our modern day.


12 Sacrifice – The Victim | Linda Goodman’s Star Cards

12 Sacrifice – The Victim
One will periodically be sacrificed for the plans or intrigues of others. The number 12 warns of the necessity to be alert to every situation, to beware of false flattery from those who use it to gain their own ends. Be suspicious of those who offer a high position, and carefully analyze the motive. Although duplicity is not always present, forewarned is forearmed. There is a degree of mental anxiety, caused by the need to sacrifice personal goals to the ambition of others. A secondary meaning of this number should be considered. The figure 1 is the teacher (whether it be a person or Life itself.) The figure 2 is the kneeling, submissive student. Sometimes, the result of severe emotional stress and mental anguish creates amnesia, forgetfulness of lessons previously learned. 12 represents the educational process on all levels, the submission of the will required and the sacrifices necessary to achieve knowledge and wisdom, on both the spiritual and the intellectual levels. When the intellect is sacrificed to the feelings, the mind will be illuminated with the answers it seeks. Look within for the solution.  Attention paid to the requirements of education will end suffering and bring success. ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs

2019 asks us to move beyond what we think is possible. Stop placing ourselves in situations that do not serve our highest good. Recognize, we are still a student, no matter where we are in our lives.

“A Warrior of the Light knows that certain moments repeat themselves. He often finds himself faced by the same problems and situations and seeing these difficult situations return, he grows depressed, thinking that he is incapable of making any progress in life. I’ve been through all this before, he says to his heart. Yes, you have been through all this before, replies his heart, but you have never been beyond it. Then the Warrior of the Light realizes that these repeated experiences have but one aim: to teach him what he does not want to learn.” ~Paulo Coelho, Warrior of the Light

“If you keep doing the same thing you were doing in 2018, and you seek a different result in your life, change what you have been doing. Become a Warrior, moving beyond what you thought was possible, and learn to let go. Listen carefully and ask your heart the question, “What have I not been willing to learn?” This concept is key to comprehend in order for anyone’s abundance to successfully unfold in 2019.” ~Sharita Star

With 2018 vibrating to the 12, there will not be any lack of the world’s lessons to be learned for us to decipher through. Yet, if we become consumed by them or with anything relating to negativity in our lives, we will remain in survival mode, versus achieve the results we could otherwise by rising up to thrive instead. Once again, it goes right back to the ability to be reachable and teachable on the JOURNEY, and ENJOY YOUR JOY. Take your healing and awareness gained -no matter how painful it may have been within 2018- and enthusiastically and eagerly look ahead to reach your goals. This is the absolute year for anyone’s will to get, “…and it might seem crazy what I’m about to say,” as Pharrell Williams sings, “Here’s Why. Because I’m HAPPY.”

“Of all the tough lessons learned, being teachable and humble stand out as the most significant and critical attributes for success, not only in business but in any endeavor. Their evil twin counterparts, pride and arrogance, are the cornerstones of failure. Friends, teachers, mentors and coaches are all willing to share their knowledge with modest people who are genuinely willing and eager to receive information.” ~Alan Hall, Forbes Contributor, Be Humble and Teachable to Lay the Foundation of Success

The Planetary Channel for 2019’s Cycle: Jupiter
Numerology, like astrology, is directly guided by the archetypes of our planets from above. As we translate what planetary movement means for us down here below, energetic patterns are always seen to cycle amongst us. It is now time to shift into the understanding of Jupiter from the emotional, divine feminine, overwhelming, and healing space that the sensitive Moon’s archetype indicated would be symbolized within 2018 during our 11/2 Universal Year that required us to honor Feeling the Feminine overall.

Jupiter as it influences the 3 energy symbolically translates the messages to be open to emerging the seeds and be willing to grow as we unite in the body, mind and spirit. We have to decide and commit to what makes us become teachable to the fullest in order to envision the next 6 years so we can ultimately move forward with success.

Especially so for 2019, the honorable practice of bringing knowledge in and being open to flowing with abundant energy into our habitual space, allows for the generosity and optimistic vibe of Jupiter to magically work with us to accelerate our learning experiences. Taking any gamble in complete blind faith and not remembering to remain the student in 2019, will especially not be well-supported.

Precisely focusing upon the current transit of Jupiter specifically points us to what will channel on deeper levels as the collective adapts to global changes accordingly. Equally, where Jupiter transits within one’s natal birth chart grants a valuable forecast of how this current energy prefers to create positive personal changes for the individual.

Jupiter in Sagittarius (08 October 2018 to 02 December 2019)
Jupiter is super excited to be right at home in the very zodiac sign it rules of Sagittarius, The Archer for our 12/3 Universal Year. This is the key to equally why 2019 overall is especially favored for completely abundant changes, because of this alignment. Looking back to 2010, Jupiter was just leaving Capricorn at the opening of the year, entering Aquarius on 05 January. Jupiter in his jovial presence doesn’t mind being in any sign as long as the energy is open to learning and growth. However, this is a particular time in history that will enthusiastically favor a carefree feeling (once again, not blind faith, careful attention must be placed upon acquiring proper knowledge first), support social contact and connecting, philanthropy, love of freedom, traveling and long journeys, prophetic inspiration and finding faith in what is possible.

Jupiter Retrograde (10 April to 11 August 2019)
Outer planet retrogrades are not as energetically felt upon the earth like our inner planets retrograde cycles are. As 2018 gave us plenty to acknowledge in reflection from Mars Retrograde (26 June to 27 August), an extra intense Summer Eclipse Season, and Autumn’s Venus Retrograde (05 October to 16 November)- all coupled or intertwined with our usual Mercury Retrogrades, the 11/2 reflective and healing request was amplified all the more.

For 2019, Jupiter’s Retrograde will be experienced on a far more subtle and quieter level. Naturally, we will not be asked to take pause in our lives and avoid making important moves for the future (only when Mercury Retrograde will be in transit during it from 07 to 31 July). Be sure you are however, well aware within your Personal Forecast, what area of your life Jupiter will be asking for your mindfulness during the early Spring until the middle of the Summer, as a subtle channel of reflection and consideration concerning our intentions will be in planetary play.

Jupiter in Capricorn (02 December 2019 to 19 December 2020)
Just before we conclude our 2019 Universal Year, Jupiter’s energy will shift significantly into a far more serious zodiac sign. The finale of 2019 will absolutely ask us to be responsible to the need to not forget our willingness to be reachable and teachable, and in fact, it will become all the more intense. Our sense of duty by the close of the year will be undeniable. Enthusiasm for our consciousness, ambition, self control and organizing ability will be called up to make sure we truly wind down the last weeks in December continuing to expand our lives in full awareness of all we have chosen to learn during the year.

Do You Think You Know It All or Know Someone Else Who Does?
Those opting to not step into the space of learning, honoring the truth, being teachable, gratitude or believing they cannot grow, will not be well supported energetically in 2019. Those exercising moves made in defiant attitudes, blind faith, resistance and owning the definition of insanity (repeating the same experiences over and over again expecting something different to happen) will find they have not watered their seeds properly from 2018. Now, their garden’s growth that is meant to be present in 2019 simply will not be emerging from the ground.

Wisdom can be ours as we open our energy up to recognizing what we a grateful for, embrace enthusiasm and get happy, and take on the role of the student versus ever choosing being a victim and sacrificing of ourselves concerning what is circulating around us. Those who are in full belief abundance can be theirs (if they did their healing soul homework in 2018), absolutely should expect the world to be giving and generous to them in return. Seeing where our optimism, faith, and willingness to be educated needs to be applied the most throughout 2019, allows us to properly receive what is rightfully ours during this year in the connection of reaping a richer harvest within our lives by 2024.

Being uncomfortable at first with remembering to be humble about what we are feeling in times of uncertainty -and allowing our free will’s to move beyond fear to stop looking at the world’s cup as being half empty versus half full- will be felt across the board in 2019. The positive or negative of whatever humanity wishes to grow and believe in absolute truth in the deepest connections to what will conclude by 2025, it now shall find the abundant and aspiring force to do so.

Being Reachable and Teachable
“The unteachable man is sentenced to being taught only by experience. The tragedy is he reaches nothing further than his own pain.” ~Criss Jami, Killosophy

Choosing to be reachable and teachable as we evolve will be an amicable choice to make in 2019 to be able to rhythmically move throughout the year with ultimate success. The guidance of love backing up our learning intentions equally promises long term fulfillment to unfold, and steers us completely clear of being caught in the undesirable sacrifice and victim roles.

No matter what the world at large will choose to do, if we remember who we personally are and exhibit our teachable skills, embrace joy and happiness, and shift our will to an optimistic growth mindset- anyone in 2019 is allowed watch their personal win-wins unfold. Always remember to keep your knowledge cup full, educate the self first and foremost, and you absolutely will be the shining example for others to be undeniably attracted to your results.

Divinations & Judgments for Our 2019 Universal Year
3 Will

The divination meaning of 3 & ‘Will’ states: “The red and yellow colors of the dress are the magnificence of the intellect when it is occupied by will.” ~Nostradamus

3’s Judgment: “Pursue at all coasts, the goal that has been set.” ~Nostradamus

12 Knowledge

The divination meaning of 12 & ‘Knowledge’ states: “He tramples a crocodile, symbol of the sins of gluttony and material excess.” ~Nostradamus

12’s Judgment: “Hardship sharpens awareness.” ~Nostradamus

Key Mantra & Intention Points to ENJOY YOUR JOY on 2019’s JOURNEY

Be in the Rhythm of Three | Take Educated Risks | Avoid Gambling and Blind Faith

Master Optimism | Look for the Bright Side | Embrace Shifting Beliefs | Stand in the Truth

Only Give from A Full Cup | Honor Life as a Gift | Practice Gratitude

Wishing You the Best to Get in Touch with 2019’s Cycle of Being Teachable and abundantly embrace your individual human experience, Dear Reachable Star. Happy New Year. Namaste.


LunarOScopes, 24 October Taurus Full Moon, Let’s Really Release

SharitaStar.LunaroscopesBW“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham

Recognize Your Feelings Are Powerful Allies
We intentionally create our lives through emotion, which in turn, directly allows us to manifest accordingly via our thoughts as The Law of Attraction promises. Lunar energy from above is astrologically in charge of how the messages of our human emotions play out in precise timing. We are always offered the chance to evolve and align down here below, yet equally we must remember we energetically cannot solve everything we may need to in our lives all at once.

As we become deeply aware of what we are feeling in our lives -when we move away from fear and tune in to our source that knows it is a vibrational and expanding being- we have leverage, control and clarity to move through what the contrast of our lives may be bringing towards us. If we choose resistance to what is, our thoughts only block what is meant to be inspiring us. Thus, we miss our opportunities, neglect to heal and recharge, surely keeping us in a downward spiral we feel no control within.

Ask yourself this question. Why do I ever feel stuck or dissatisfied? 

Answer. If you are not tuned into your feelings, your thoughts naturally are not focused and intentionally aligned with your desires. Negative emotions will only continue to point out what it is that you do not want if you are not coming from the feeling energy of expansion and choosing to be a deliberate creator.

Law of Attraction Fact: “You get what you think about whether you want it or not. There is no vibrational word for NO. Attention to whatever it is, always means YES.” ~Abraham

To naturally allow us the time and space to work with how we can align in our rightful feeling vibration to attract what we want, each month, a New Moon opens a waxing phase of initiating energy favoring creation until we reach the Full Moon, opening up a waning phase allowing for natural correction, reflection and release.

LunarOScopes capture the forecast of these cycles indicating what is meant to begin or conclude, timing when and what specific area of life our Sun Sign benefits by turning our feelings into intentional thought. Of course this generalized view provides one part of our soul story focus, while examining our natal chart -cast from our full date and time of birth- provides us with our personal and deeper dish details.

Radical Transformations of Security
Full Moon in Taurus 12:52pmEDT, 24 October, Let’s Really Release & Reflect
Waning Phases favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie from 01 degrees Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra until the second New Moon of Autumn 2018 arrives 07 November at 15 degrees Scorpio. This second Full Moon of Autumn continues to very involved with remaining responsible and accountable to clearing out the old foundation, which began as we practiced the pause on Summer’s Leo Lunar Eclipse 27 July under Mars Retrograde. Equally, it is closely working with the current Venus Retrograde to attain a distinct shift, which will be shown to us all in radical ways we may not quite have seen coming that honestly redefines our ultimate responsibility to securities, values, money, beauty and relationships and their power across the board.

This is undeniably another prime opportunity in 2018 to allow our energy to heal and profoundly continue the work to be done connecting to the years’ overall theme of Feeling the Feminine. This Full Moon will deliver upsets, surprises and plenty of the unexpected. It is more than critical for our souls to embrace, accept and not resist what is being asked to release and change, exposing some of the deepest epiphanies of the year to allow rightful transformation to unfold for our emotional space.

*This waning phase coincides with Venus Retrograde (05 October to 16 November) and the Approach to Mercury Retrograde (16 November to 06 December) that begins 28 October* As we are absolutely engaged in a pure Autumn of reflection, these two weeks will be essential to understand in anyone’s timing is everything scope.

2018’s 11th Full Moon. Where are Radical Transformations for Security happening for you, Dear Star?24Oct2018.TaurusFullMoon.SharitaStar

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Have, relating to your income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. As a profound rebirth is realigning your and your wealth, look to your vocation for stabilization.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon release with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Be cautious with your relationships and legal agreements as you discern their actual truth.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon release where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. The value of your lifestyle depends upon you to serve it better so you can become reborn.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon release where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Return to existing creative projects and research the power of your partnerships.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. As life at home is under reconstruction, rewards continue by remaining accountable to responsibility for your habits and routines.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. Keep reframing your mindset as you take the higher road with your creativity and children.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon release where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. Recognize the restructuring in play for your income and securities grants you sound nourishment right at home.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. As the changing face and appearance of you continues, your communications become more patient.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Your time in solitude is critical to take as you understand more about simplification for your values and securities.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon release where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Continue to redefine your future goals and social scenes knowing you are taking on the world differently.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. As career matters are sorting themselves out for the best option to realign, take you time alone to retreat and recharge.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon release with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. You are in a total transformation of what you hold true for your beliefs, which absolutely will change your future in responsible ways.

What’s your Personal Forecast say for this Taurus Moon from your natal chart? BOOK NOW and schedule a private session with Sharita! 

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.


LunarOScopes, 24 Sept Aries Full Moon, Let’s Release

SharitaStar.LunaroscopesBW“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham

Recognize Your Feelings Are Powerful Allies
We intentionally create our lives through emotion, which in turn, directly allows us to manifest accordingly via our thoughts as The Law of Attraction promises. Lunar energy from above is astrologically in charge of how the messages of our human emotions play out in precise timing. We are always offered the chance to evolve and align down here below, yet equally we must remember we energetically cannot solve everything we may need to in our lives all at once.

As we become deeply aware of what we are feeling in our lives -when we move away from fear and tune in to our source that knows it is a vibrational and expanding being- we have leverage, control and clarity to move through what the contrast of our lives may be bringing towards us. If we choose resistance to what is, our thoughts only block what is meant to be inspiring us. Thus, we miss our opportunities, neglect to heal and recharge, surely keeping us in a downward spiral we feel no control within.

Ask yourself this question. Why do I ever feel stuck or dissatisfied? 

Answer. If you are not tuned into your feelings, your thoughts naturally are not focused and intentionally aligned with your desires. Negative emotions will only continue to point out what it is that you do not want if you are not coming from the feeling energy of expansion and choosing to be a deliberate creator.

Law of Attraction Fact: “You get what you think about whether you want it or not. There is no vibrational word for NO. Attention to whatever it is, always means YES.” ~Abraham

To naturally allow us the time and space to work with how we can align in our rightful feeling vibration to attract what we want, each month, a New Moon opens a waxing phase of initiating energy favoring creation until we reach the Full Moon, opening up a waning phase allowing for natural correction, reflection and release.

LunarOScopes capture the forecast of these cycles indicating what is meant to begin or conclude, timing when and what specific area of life our Sun Sign benefits by turning our feelings into intentional thought. Of course this generalized view provides one part of our soul story focus, while examining our natal chart -cast from our full date and time of birth- provides us with our personal and deeper dish details.

Honest Ambition for Change
Full Moon in Aries 10:52pmEDT, 24 September, Let’s Release & Reflect
Waning Phases favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie from 01 degrees Aries, through Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo until the first New Moon of Autumn 2018 arrives 08 October at 15 degrees Libra. This first Full Moon of Autumn is ambitiously involved with the adjustments and clearing that we have already been working on since the Summer’s Aquarius Lunar Eclipse 27 July under Mars Retrograde. Equally, it seeks for us to tend to redefining more about our responsibilities to leadership within our lives, as former structures are being asked to be taken down as we honestly recognize these heartfelt changes are inevitable.

Ultimately, we have another distinct opportunity in 2018’s Universal 11/2 year to open our energy up to what we must heal and profoundly understand to continue the work to be done connecting to our overall theme of Feeling the Feminine. What still remains unbalanced, has the chance to be intently reflected upon so that realignment can come into our NOW so we can OWN it and see how very much we have WON. If our souls embrace, accept and do not resist what is being asked to release and shift, there are deep epiphanies we can experience and find peace of mind through.

*This waning phase coincides with the Approach to Venus Retrograde (05 October to 16 November) and the Shadow of Mars Retrograde (26 June to 27 August) until 08 October* As we prepare for a pure Autumn of reflection, we are equally in the midst of making corrections and forward motion from our intense summer which required the very same.

2018’s 10th Full Moon. Where are you favored to have Honest Ambition for Change, Dear Star?24sept18AriesFM.SharitaStar

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon release with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Move forward with future goals, especially those making practical sense for your career as well as your partnerships.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. Career advancements continue to excite you, changing your beliefs in solid ways as you serve the world all the better.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon release where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. You are in a powerful growth period that is enhancing your scope on wealth and shining light upon your creativity.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon release where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. Regenerative forces are favoring rebirth for you making a direct impact upon your soundest relationships and life right at home.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. Partnerships and legal agreements require your focus to take your lifestyle more seriously, welcoming complete peace of mind.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. Be accountable to redirecting your habits and routines as you find your creativity is involved, as well as the value of your earning power.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon release where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. Be playful with creative adventures and children, take on more responsibility at home as you undeniably accept the changing face of you.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Your family life has plenty of action to attend to, requiring your patient thinking and taking the pause to sharpen your saw from within.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Your refreshed mindset is eager to capture ideas to lend value to your income and stability, opening up movement for your future goals.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon release where I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. Your income and securities are amidst rapid advancements, seeking for your greatest accountability to self yet, as all is realigning changes in your career.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Your emerging self is motivated and full of desire, however be sure to slow down enough to be silent and listen carefully, and you will hear pleasant new truths.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Have, relating to your income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. Your time in solitude is critical to navigate the serious changes to your hopes and wishes, and this is a harmonious rebirth you have been waiting for.

What’s your Personal Forecast say for this Aries Full Moon from your natal chart? BOOK NOW and schedule a private session with Sharita! 

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.

LunarOScopes, 09 September Virgo New Moon, Let’s Intently Begin

SharitaStar.Lunaroscopes“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham

Recognize Your Feelings Are Powerful Allies
We intentionally create our lives through emotion, which in turn, directly allows us to manifest accordingly via our thoughts as The Law of Attraction promises. Lunar energy from above is astrologically in charge of how the messages of our human emotions play out in precise timing. We are always offered the chance to evolve and align down here below, yet equally we must remember we energetically cannot solve everything we may need to in our lives all at once.

As we become deeply aware of what we are feeling in our lives -when we move away from fear and tune in to our source that knows it is a vibrational and expanding being- we have leverage, control and clarity to move through what the contrast of our lives may be bringing towards us. If we choose resistance to what is, our thoughts only block what is meant to be inspiring us. Thus, we miss our opportunities, neglect to heal and recharge, surely keeping us in a downward spiral we feel no control within.

Ask yourself this question. Why do I ever feel stuck or dissatisfied? 

Answer. If you are not tuned into your feelings, your thoughts naturally are not focused and intentionally aligned with your desires. Negative emotions will only continue to point out what it is that you do not want if you are not coming from the feeling energy of expansion and choosing to be a deliberate creator.

Law of Attraction Fact: “You get what you think about whether you want it or not. There is no vibrational word for NO. Attention to whatever it is, always means YES.” ~Abraham

To naturally allow us the time and space to work with how we can align in our rightful feeling vibration to attract what we want, each month, a New Moon opens a waxing phase of initiating energy favoring creation until we reach the Full Moon, opening up a waning phase allowing for natural correction, reflection and release.

LunarOScopes capture the forecast of these cycles indicating what is meant to begin or conclude, timing when and what specific area of life our Sun Sign benefits by turning our feelings into intentional thought. Of course this generalized view provides one part of our soul story focus, while examining our natal chart -cast from our full date and time of birth- provides us with our personal and deeper dish details.

Respecting Transformation for Eternal Change
New Moon in Virgo 2:01pmEDT, 09 September, Let’s Intently Begin & Initiate
Waxing Phases favor actions involving planting anew and moving forward, as energy increases throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie from 17 degrees Virgo through Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces until the next Full Moon at 01 degrees Aries 24 September. As our last & 3rd New Moon of Summer 2018 falls within the sign of purity and innocence, equally favoring for use to honor the practices of love, peace and spiritual awareness to powerfully tap into a momentum that promises rebirth to be accompanied by an extremely grounded energy.

This New Moon at the 17 degree point asks for our ultimate responsibility to work strongly with intuition, especially concerning our means to understand another regenerative process is involved in the process of change we are experiencing. By embracing the full understanding what we set into motion now will be remembered for eternity, we hold our keys to success.

*This waxing phases aligns with the Shadow of Mars Retrograde (in recent transit 26 June to 27 August) that is in affect until 08 October; and the Approach of Venus Retrograde, which begins 05 October*

Summer’s Last & 3rd New Moon is here Dear Star! Where are you favored to Respect Transformation for Eternal Change?09Sept18VirgoNewMoon.SharitaStar

ARIES: It’s time to intently focus upon the new where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Time alone helps you receive clarity for your regenerating career.

TAURUS: It’s time to intently focus upon the new where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Listen carefully to your future goals to realign your beliefs.

GEMINI: It’s time to intently focus upon the new with how I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. Cast off uncertainty in your career and step into a powerful rebirth for your wealth.

CANCER: It’s time to intently focus upon the new with what I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, siblings and neighbors. Honor your truth with your partnerships and watch them strengthen.

LEO: It’s time to intently focus upon the new with what I Have, relating to your income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. Make instinctive moves concerning your wealth as you sharpen your habits and routines.

VIRGO: It’s time to intently focus upon the new with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Deeply understand your partnerships provide power for your creativity and children.

LIBRA: It’s time to intently focus upon the new where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. As you ultimately heal with lifestyle changes, your home and family receive the benefits.

SCORPIO: It’s time to intently focus upon the new where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Allow your intuition to channel into your creative nature to capture powerful ideas.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to intently focus upon the new where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. Nourish your home and family life to align you in greater stability and value.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to intently focus upon the new with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. Listen intently for harmonious thoughts and reign in your personal power.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to intently focus upon the new where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. Give gratitude to what you have as you take time to release any worries from within.

PISCES: It’s time to intently focus upon the new where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. Listen to your instinct and recognize you absolutely have the power to change your future.

What’s your Personal Forecast say for this Virgo Moon from your natal chart? BOOK NOW and schedule a private session with Sharita! 

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.


LunarOScopes, 15 May Taurus New Moon, Let’s Begin

SharitaStar.LunaroscopesYour Feelings Are Powerful Allies

We intentionally create our lives through what we feel, which in turn, directly affects our thoughts as The Law of Attraction promises. Lunar energy from above is astrologically in charge of how the messages of our human emotions play out in precise timing, always offering us the chance to evolve down here below. As we honor our emotions, we can make them powerful allies in our lives- verses ignoring the truth, missing our opportunities, and neglecting to heal whatever they ask us to focus on.

Each month, a New Moon opens a waxing phase of initiating energy favoring creation until we reach the Full Moon, then opening up a waning phase allowing for natural correction, reflection and release. LunarOScopes capture these cycles’ forecasts, noting when beginnings or conclusions are favored, pointing to the specific area of life our Sun Sign benefits as we place our mindful intentions upon them.

Gracious New Beginnings
New Moon in Taurus, 7:48amEDT 15 May, Let’s Begin & Initiate
Waxing Phases favor actions involving planting anew and moving forward, as energy increases throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie from 24 degrees Taurus through Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio until the next Full Moon at 08 degrees Sagittarius 29 May 2018. This second New Moon of Spring seeks for us to align our emotional understanding into very serious and grounded energy in order to take it forward concerning what we are starting up anew. After our Spring opened up with all kinds of healing and recharging requests, now is the time to find we can take stable steps onward to stabilize and return to a sense of security within our season of rebirth.
ARIES: It’s time to focus upon the new with what I Have.
Remembering to give gratitude for what you value opens new doors to rely upon as increases to your earning power are ready to grant you just rewards, most favorably within your career and professional life. Even though you love a fast pace in life, keep in mind what is starting now still requires your patience.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon the new with who I Am.
Your first impressions of life seek to begin again, as the world is ready for your appearance to change for the better, revealing even more of your abilities to utilize a steadfast and stolid presence as you emerge. You are able to express stunning new truths, in complete solidarity concerning what you believe.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Process.
Rewards unfold as new answers speak from taking time in solitude to work through your inner processes. Dreams contain valuable information for your waking life, as sharpening your intuitive abilities is also favored, plummeting you to put your feet on the ground and stand tall in a profound rebirth.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Socialize.
Future goals become clearer along with your hopes, wishes, new friends, organizations and groups- as you are more than eager to seek to understand before you are understood. Accept unexpected invitations to mix and mingle, remembering all is able to help solidify agreements with your partnerships.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Structure.
As your career accepts recognition and rewards, your professional life receives more leadership responsibilities. The recent changes concerning serving your habits and routines as well as others for the better, now becomes closely involved in granting your vocation the stability you have patiently waited for.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon the new with what I Believe.
Constructive changes surround your philosophies, as education and spiritual pursuits find you journeying afar. Travel plans are favored, or experiences that allow you to align in growth -which somehow involve whatever it is you are creating upon your stage or doing alongside your children- to stand in your truth.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Transform.
Your most regenerative new moon of the year is here, asking to embrace harmonious renewal concerning your overall state of wealth and sexuality. You have worked through plenty of responsibilities on your home front lately, and now you see why these changes were necessary for your security.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Relate.
New life emerges within your partnerships and agreements, and you are pleased as you listen to what they have to say. With so much understanding around you, your mindset becomes well aware the recent recharge it had now allows you peace of mind to work with your communications patiently and diligently.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Serve.
New beginnings now emerge to help serve others, your physical health, habits and routines- allowing for you to appreciate a more patient pace concerning them. Further acknowledgment equally helps you ground and center how your income has readjusted, for your responsibilities here cannot be denied.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Create.
Your children or brain-children capture your attention, while creative adventures have you feeling even better about working on fresh projects. There is a whole new attitude you have towards life which looks forward to making sure what you create moving forward is filled with wisdom and integrity.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon the new with how I Nurture.
Your home and family life is ready for renewal, as your closest environments equally are positioned for stabilizing changes. Listen carefully to any déjà vu from your solitude as it will intuitively relate everything you need to know about the familiar feelings being in new comfort zones are meant to grant you.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon the new with what I Communicate.
Your state of mind is bursting out with plenty of brainstorms, allowing for you to communicate them peacefully. This is a favored time for you to establish new ideas that truly reap you plenty of rewards over time. Eagerly look to the future, see what is bright about it and head in that direction with your goals.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.

LunarOScopes, 15 Feb Aquarius Solar Eclipse & New Moon, Let’s Really Begin

SharitaStar.LunaroscopesYour Feelings Are Powerful Allies

We intentionally create our lives through what we feel, which in turn, directly affects our thoughts as The Law of Attraction promises. Lunar energy from above is astrologically in charge of how the messages of our human emotions play out in precise timing, always offering us the chance to evolve down here below. As we honor our emotions, we can make them powerful allies in our lives- verses ignoring the truth, missing our opportunities, and neglecting to heal whatever they ask us to focus on.

Each month, a New Moon opens a waxing phase of initiating energy favoring creation until we reach the Full Moon, then opening up a waning phase allowing for natural correction, reflection and release. LunarOScopes capture these cycles’ forecasts, noting when beginnings or conclusions are favored, pointing to the specific area of life our Sun Sign benefits as we place our mindful intentions upon them.

New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Aquarius, 4:05pmEST/1:05pmPST 15 February, Let’s Really Begin & Initiate
Waxing Phases favor actions involving planting anew and moving forward, as energy increases throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie from 27 degrees Aquarius, through Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Leo until the next Full Moon at 11 degrees Virgo arrives 01 March.

This second New Moon of Winter 2018 is coupled with a Solar Eclipse, packing a lively energetic punch that outlasts the normal waxing phase for 6 months up to a years time, indicating what is naturally meant to begin from this area of the life has true sticking power for the long term. Aside from our normal waxing phase gathering up new energy, this lunation initiates a progressive pulse that takes us to its’ reflection and reassessment by the next Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, 27 July. Equally, what we have been clearing and cleansing since 07 August 2017 when the last Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius occurred, is now ready for forward motion again.

The major themes for this Eclipse and New Moon are radical and permanent changes wishing to now emerge from the Aquarian area of the life, assisted by a conjunction from Mercury who makes an exact sextile to Uranus in Aries. Our courage verses conflict will be required to work successfully with what we will need to adapt to, and what we unexpectedly receive through unusual ideas via eccentric means must be carried through to fruition. We may notice that we are told, “You are absolutely crazy for thinking that.” or ”What kind of hair-brained idea is that?” Yet whatever feels different about the originality brewing within our soul, we need to follow it through. We are undeniably meant to think outside of the box and keep stepping out of our comfort zones to become trail blazing pioneers and warriors moving forward in 2018, our year of Feeling the Feminine.

The strongest word of advice is to be extremely cautious with who we share our brainstorms and new ideas with, which we will be more than excited about. Making sure our audience is not going to hold us back or shoot us down is key.  Being these ideas will be highly intellectually charged, it will be equally wise to make sure we utilize our strongest means of discrimination and analysis concerning them. Taking time in solitude to process from within fully develops the observations coming into play, helping us hone in upon our intuitive nature, which will strongly speak to us all. Once again, slowing down to the pause and taking a silent listen is necessary to receive our brilliant information properly without being clouded in delusion nor confusion.

***This Solar Eclipse and New Moon initiates a Moon Void of Course period for this month’s lunar passage through Aquarius. Reflection, reassessment and rest are especially favored until the Moon enters Pisces 9:42pmEST/6:42PST later in the day.***

Of final importance to note is how this waxing phase is part of a rarer time of our Feeling the Feminine 2 Universal Year where we can find grounding our intentions is the key during our favored Time to Thrive in 2018, as All Planets are in Direct Motion until 08 March.
ARIES: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Socialize.
Initiating energy arrives for your future goals as you break through with confidence and certainty amongst your peers, friends, organizations and groups. Accept unexpected invitations to mix and mingle, which allows the world to take notice how much you have changed and appear differently.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Structure.
Your career is ready to receive recognition and rewards, yet expect these to arrive with radical changes for your professional life. Be aware of rebelling against authority. Time in solitude to process intently from within, allows for shocking revelations to help clear up inner blockages you need to heal.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon the new with what I Believe.
As your philosophies, educational and spiritual pursuits ask you to journey afar to unlock their truth, you’ll find synthesis is yours. Learning more via unconventionality is how you will know growth is part of your new found wisdom, involving unusual ways to look at your future goals, hope and wishes.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Transform.
Your most regenerative new moon of the year finds regeneration surrounding your state of wealth, prosperity and sexuality. Your source energy is in a powerful state of knowing it is reborn, it is equally time to be assured the more originality you are utilizing in your career, the more you are recognized.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Relate.
As business and personal relationships prepare for new agreements, take heed of the ones pairing with ingenious long-term goals for success in mind. Partnering up with those who are unique and absolutely honor your freedom to believe, are the ones who stand beside you in truth moving forward.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Serve.
Your abilities to tend to your physical self, your health, habits and routines- finds radical changes you didn’t expect are necessary to commit to improving your innate need to be of service to others. There is no doubt what aligns now ensures this is an absolute rebirth for you that has been a long time in the making.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Create.
Your fresh feelings find you being playful, free and experimenting with your children or brain-children. Shifts are in full swing for your love of life upon your stage and your creative flow that has everything to do with your partnerships that stand in support of your inventive ideas about to flourish.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon the new with how I Nurture.
Originality surrounds your home, family and closest environments. Listen carefully to what any déjà vu messages have to say, especially those honoring making change happen. As it is time to reinvent and allow comforts to experience something new, this involves radically rerouting your habits and routines.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon the new with what I Communicate.
Exploring break-through ideas aligns peace of mind, as avenues of communicating your brainstorms are bursting with pioneering ideas. Remember to guard your excitement and be discreet with who you share them with. Expected the unexpected with your children, and go with the flow of changes here.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon the new with what I Have.
Your earning power and sources of income are amidst courageous changes to allow more of the security and stability you innately love, yet these will not be by traditional means. As different ways of perceiving value speak, your home and family life gets fully involved in thinking outside of the box.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon the new with who I Am.
As your approaches to life begin again, the world equally sees a unique difference in your appearance and attitude. Your emerging self reinvents itself once again, but this time, honoring and guarding your ideas and not rushing to share them with the world is how you will see them manifest accordingly.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Process.
Time in the silent listen reveals surprising answers that speak to help clear the past as you allow time in solitude. This is a breakthrough awakening to a new inner process you can really find powerful healing within, aligning you in absolutely knowing your security and value have shifted for the better.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.

Please check out the continuing deeper dish conversation on our current Eclipse Season in Leo and Aquarius!

How can we Spell Out the Truth from SOLAR ECLIPSE via Lexigrams? SharitaStar.SolarEclipse

Venus Retrograde in 2018: Redefining the Value of Power and Alignment

As we experience Autumn 2018, it will be a powerful time that will have us in the ultimate request to honor reflection.

Unlike her neighbor Mercury, it’s been awhile since our Idealist planet took some necessary time off. The last Venus Retrograde cycled 04 March to 15 April 2017 in the signs of Aries and Pisces.

Upon 05 October in Scorpio, the next cycle of review and redo commences for Venus that will conclude upon 16 November, moving back into Libra by 31 October. If you are familiar with Mercury Retrograde, you already understand all too well the kinds of things that can happen under an inner planet retrograde.

What makes a Venus Retrograde different from Mercury Retrograde?
All of our planets from above guide over different themes and concepts as their movement affects our lives down here below.

Mercury makes things move, communicate, permanently change, blossom, think and energetically circulate.

Venus allows us to relate one on one, be compassionate, find understanding, secure our values, intake our money, enjoy our pleasures, find our beauty and cherish our peace.

Both Venus and Mercury are inner planets, so when their Retrograde passages occur (Mercury every 3 months; Venus every 18 months; approximately) we are highly advised to take note about our future plans -personal or business wise- concerning what they are ultimately in charge of.

Venus Retrograde in Scorpio 05 to 31 October
It is more than fair to say as Autumn 2018 arrives, it will be bring us a effusive calling to take heed of the earlier Scorpio area of life, starting at 10 degrees. Venus on a normal journey through Scorpio enjoys passionate, highly sensitive and proud energy, yet we’ll find, these qualities are not so readily available as she’ll be under review.

Being reflection, research and review are in order, initiating plans during retrograde for future harmony and balance are best to be avoided. The energetic pace will be inconstant and short-lived, where purification of desires and revaluation of experiences will be extremely hard to reach. Being able to concentrate on the essentials equally will not be attained without difficulty.

Reexamination of luxury and extravagance is also typically favored during Venus’s time in Scorpio. Whatever plans one may have to engage in within these realms, they will find these also not work out as originally intended.

Venus Retrograde in Libra 31 October to 16 November
The final stretch of Venus’s cycle of reflection brings her to recharge what needs to be reset concerning simplicity, partnerships and tender affections within the very last degrees of Libra until she goes Direct at 25 degrees.

Energies will sway to becoming overly sentimental, dependent and too refined verses the norm of harmonious, sociable, charming and dignified. People will be compelled to re-examine the theme of susceptibility and idealization of romance to better understand what is the genuine value of this very area of our lives.

How to Successfully Work with Venus Retrograde
This next cycle of review and redo from Venus is quintessential in such a universal new year as 2018 represents. As we are all asked to remember the value of Feeling the Feminine at this pivotal time in history, Venus offering her reflection from the initiative 10 degree point at start in Scorpio, backtracking to turnaround at a discriminating and analysis 25 degree point in Libra indicates a profound and very powerful time of rebirth as well as coming to an aligned understanding for humanity at large.

This specific retrograde passage opens us to embrace a true redefinition of the value we place upon worldly power, other people’s resources, wealth, sexuality, and our distinct ability to seek to understand before being understood. Coupled with the sensitive path we are personally on all through 2018 to connect to what we are meant to be nurturing the most to be a greater part of the entire whole, October and November energetically reset us from the core in a new sense of alignment.

VenusRx2018.SharitaStarThe “RE Rules” Under Venus Retrograde: What To Reflect Upon
One of the Zodiac’s benefic and inner planets, Venus’s influence grants gentleness, ease, and strength wherever her graceful energy is currently visiting within the Zodiac Pie. Venus affects the collective’s values- as well as our earning potential, money, approaches to romance, and our abilities to tap into the feminine. As she decides to not “look where she is going,” the collective can expect the natural benefits of her energies to be up for review.

1. Beauty All beauty improvements are off limits, for Venus while backtracking will, for example, probably turn original brown intended hair color into orange, you hate your new hair cut, or the house renovation color intended to be red might just turn out hot pink, by “accident.” Plastic surgery is a huge no-no during this cycle. Simply AVOID buying luxurious items, renovating the home, or any kind of beauty enhancement.

2. Money/Finances You’ll equally notice a definite “drop in value” concerning financial affairs and money matters across the board. Venus Retrograde prefers instead of trying to “make money” under her reflective journey, we choose instead to reassess our situations and get ready for major moves later. Avoid any kind of luxury purchases is highly favored, as well as watching over-spending. Money investments with the intention of significantly increasing its’ value, can be complete future failures.

Venus Retrogrades essentially become buyer’s markets, as the victors are the ones walking away with the bargain from the seller who practically gave it away. However, the buyer may not have received the value they actually thought they were getting if the purchase involves those luxurious items. Past debts may equally surface, and these should be absolutely addressed. So, if you’ve got a money situation or a lingering legality that needs clearing up, this is a perfect cycle to focus upon solutions requiring your research.

3. Relating to Others Relationships, especially brand new ones, should be carefully monitored over this time. Beginning a new romance or a marriage are not particularly favored courses of action. However, this a prominent time when old love affairs and people you once knew return: so have fun remembering, or realize why they aren’t an active part of your life anymore!

4. Your Personal Forecast Wherever 10 degrees Scorpio to 25 degrees Libra rests in your natal birth chart is the precise are of life that you’ll see an ultimate renovation going on 05 October to 16 November. Equally, potential natal planets that will aspect Venus’s Retrograde journey are important to understand to know how to make proper choices avoiding critical mistakes over this sensitive cycle. An ounce of prevention, is a sure pound of cure. And as Ben Franklin used to say, “Those that fail to prepare, prepare to fail.”

5. Appreciating Venus’s Request for Reflection
BE charitable with money, i.e. hold a fund-raiser for a great cause
DO scoop up any bargains! These are totally Venus Rx approved!
GIVE GRATITUDE for what you already own and who you already know.
REASSESS what’s worth appreciating: keep it or toss it!
REFLECT upon all your present relationships, business or personal.
EMBRACE falling in love all over again- or let it go!
ENJOY NATURAL BEAUTY by spending time outdoors.
TAKE IN ART & MUSIC Whether at a museum, gallery, performance, or through nature, Venus enhances our appreciation and understanding of it at this time.
REVISIT creative adventures already in existence, examine their progress and reflect upon ways to improve them.

The Approach and Shadow of Venus Retrograde
Every Retrograde passage has a “preview of coming attractions” as the planet crosses over moving forward, the exact degree point it will backtrack to called the Approach. We’ll start to notice what’s going to be in full reflection by 05 October as Venus crosses over 25 degrees Libra on 03 September.

Every Retrograde passage has a “ironing out the retrograde wrinkles” time until the planet crosses over, moving Direct, the exact degree point is starts retrograding upon, called the Shadow. Whatever decision may have had to happen by no other choice under Venus Retrograde will have the opportunity to smooth out the fabric wrinkles through 17 December.

What’s Really in a Word? Venus Retrograde
Whenever a planet is actively in RETROGRADE within our Zodiac skies, it’s that necessary time when we are best to surrender, and know we’ve GOT TO REDO, and GO TO A GREAT REORDER. As our romantic and value-loving planet attaches herself to the retrograde title, how apropos the anagrams we can derive are able to spell out the truth of how we can reap personal rewards.



Honoring A Cycle of Reflection
This time for reassessment within The Eagle/Scorpion & The Scales allows your understanding of the value of humanity to become redefined on a personal and collective level. Once 16 November comes to pass, the activity within these degrees points (10 degrees Scorpio to 25 degrees Libra) of the life will start to stir and reap goodness- restoring personal harmony unlike any other in quite some time.  Equally keep in mind, just as soon as Venus goes Direct, 2018’s last Mercury Retrograde will begin in Sagittarius a mere 13 hours later until 06 December.

Remember, what is deserving of being healed here comes from the acts of review under the retrograde. So rest and reset 05 October to 16 November, then happily gather up your rewards later! Know, the grandeur may not be what you had originally anticipated, but what is ultimately meant to become simpler here, is the real value you’ll discover that is a genuine gift you’ve been patiently waiting for.

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Mercury Retrograde and Your Timing in 2018: 5 Things You Need to Know

MRxDatesBusiness18.19“As far back as I can remember, I’ve always been a strong believer in the importance of cycles. You’d better try to understand them, because all of your timing and often your luck is tied up in them.” ~Former Chrysler CEO Lee Iacocca

There are regular periodic cycles that astrology always promises will change our times, so aligning peace of mind is absolutely necessary to better understand the benefits that can be brought to our lives. One such cycle is Mercury Retrograde, the astrological offering for review, reflection, redo and release.

Who is Mercury anyway and what does “Retrograde” mean?
Mercury -also known as The Messenger as our closest inner planet from above- is in charge of our movement, electricity, communications, thinking, mentality, along with any and all exchanges of information down here below.

Approximately 3 times each year, he retraces his measured degrees within his current zodiac transit for about 3 weeks.

Think of a person -or in this case a mass of a planet in our Universal energy field- placing a blindfold on and then walking backwards. Now you get the basic gist of “retrograde” and it’s effects. Is it starting to make sense our actions and events just might become ultimately disarrayed as a result of this cycle?

2018’s Mercury Retrograde (MRx) Cycles

22 March to 15 April in Aries | Approach begins: 08 March

26 July to 19 August in Leo | Approach begins: 07 July

15 Nov to 06 Dec in Sagittarius/Scorpio | Approach begins: 28 Oct

5 Things You Need to Know About Mercury Retrograde
1.   You are meant to embrace change & reflect upon what already exists.

2.   Total Hours of MRx in 1 Year = The Hours We Sleep in 1 Year.

3.   Nothing you wish to have future success with should be initiated.

4.   Human error is highest under this passage.

5.   Being friends with PATIENCE allows victory for any MRx cycle.

BONUS TIP! No two Mercury Retrogrades are ever the same.

While absolutely yes, the general rules of thumb listed above always apply to any given Mercury Retrograde cycle, the way each one collectively flows will always differ. Equally, how each passage personally affects your individual astrological forecast, is the deeper dish details you are meant to know and should be extremely aware about about every time it comes back around.

In 2018, Mercury will back track first through Aries 22 March to 15 April, then in Leo 26 July to 19 August, and conclude within Sagittarius and Scorpio, 16 November to 06 December. How the fire trinity of astrology is placed within your natal astrology chart, determines where you are most favored for focusing upon Mercury’s reflective requests for this year.

Added Bonus Cycles of Reflection in 2018

Mars Retrograde 26 June to 27 August
2018’s second Mercury Retrograde 26 July to 19 August will be “extra reflective” as it will run simultaneously during a Mars Retrograde cycle. Mars is our planet that guides our motivations, drives, conclusions, aggressive action and abilities to express courage in life.

Like Mercury -when he isn’t looking where he is going- the energetic affects of Mars in a cycle of review must be deeply understood in order to navigate through with success with anything you are planning. Being properly prepared for Summer 2018 will be a wise move by any soul. Equally, we will experience 3 Eclipses (Solar Eclipse 12 July, Lunar Eclipse 27 July and Solar Eclipse 11 August) that will absolutely amp up the season with plenty of timing is everything advice that will need to be carefully adhered to. Learn more about Mars Retrograde in 2018: Redefining the Ambition of Humanity.

Venus Retrograde 05 October to 16 November
2018’s third and final Mercury Retrograde 16 November to 06 December will start just as a Venus Retrograde cycle concludes that will remain under it’s Shadow passage through 17 December. Venus is our sagely muse that guides our values, money, beauty, luxury, relationships, and compassion in life.

Like Mercury -when she isn’t looking where she is going- the energetic affects of Venus in a cycle of review must be deeply understood in order to navigate through with success with anything you are planning. Being properly prepared for Autumn 2018 will be a wise move by any soul. Learn more about Venus Retrograde in 2018: Redefining the Value of Power and Alignment.

Let’s Master Mercury Retrograde for You or Your Business in 2018!
Looking back within our lives under these offerings for review, redo and release allows us to naturally see what progress we’ve made, what needs reworking, and most importantly, to remember to have fun with our RE’s of life. Our soul under Mercury Retrograde will be all the happier, and operate from a complete peace of mind as the changing times of MRx will be upon us.

Go from Surviving to Thriving by Mastering Mercury Retrograde
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