LunarOScopes, 01 Feb Aquarius New Moon, Let’s Begin

“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham


Surprising Shifts for Our EARTH HEART Truth

New Moon in Aquarius

12:46amEST, 01 February, Let’s Begin & Initiate

This second waxing phase for 2022 arrives to initiate within the sign that consciously aims for truth and knowledge as we receive impressions, which enriches them via one’s ability to embrace humane and progressive intentions with a well-developed imagination upon our earthly plane. Our New Moon at 12 degrees Aquarius is the next seeking to understand moment of the Universal New Year, as it surprisingly continues the emotional activation of 2022’s Mastering The Value of Compassion human experience. 

Happy Chinese New Year of the Water Tiger!

This second New Moon of Winter and 2022 is our first green light of the year alongside The Shadow of Venus Retrograde, and Mercury Retrograde on his station to turn Direct by 03 February. The continuing call to answer to what upsurges once again to specifically learn from at the 12th degree for the collective to embrace this month -as we already did in November and December 2021, as well as January and will do so next month to conclude this annual holding pattern of New Moon alignments- rings loud and clear once again for us all to equally personally listen to.

Where are You meant to honor Surprising Shifts for Our EARTH HEART Truth, Dear Star?

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Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for making valuable timing decisions all week long! Always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling all matters of importance.

“There is a moon inside every human being. Learn to become companions with it.” ~Rumi

LunarOScopes, 24 Jan Aquarius New Moon, Let’s Begin

“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham

Powering Up The Unpredictable & Unexpected.

New Moon in Aquarius

4:42pmEST, 24 January, Let’s Begin & Initiate. 

Take 4: Just not the way you planned!  

Waxing Phases favor actions involving planting anew and moving forward, as energy increases throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie from 04 degrees Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer until the next Full Moon at 20 degrees Leo 09 February 2020. This second New Moon of Winter and first for 2020 and our new decade falls within the sign that consciously aims for truth and knowledge, once again in the most surprising of ways. 

Another activation of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected is revealed, now within the Aquarius area of our life as we engage it with a well-developed imagination. As our free will embraces altruism, truth of character and spreading ideas, we can navigate more of our unexpected and unpredictable beginnings with success versus getting caught up in chaos. 

Our Aquarius slice of life seeks for us to grab on to humane, sincere, and progressive energy to work through what needs ultimate attention to now engage in ingenious, unconventional and logical beginnings from where The Water Bearer seeks reinvention. For the fourth month in a row (27 Oct, 26 Nov & 26 Dec), this 4 degrees point asks for us all to allow ourselves to be extremely open to absolutely expect the unexpected wherever it is necessary within our lives. By accepting we may need to work through detached feelings to plant our seeds as we equally allow what seems to be a disturbance in the force around us, we can still be grounded to remain in control as we navigate the unexpected surrounding us.

As the Aquarius area of our lives now witnesses more than interesting twists and turns, we have plenty of tension that may completely engage us to question our sense of security, feeling that it is being ultimately tested for its’ strength. As upheaval and disturbances are witnessed, once again, our response versus reaction serves us to prevail as former foundations continue to change. As we have now crossed the divide into 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected ride, the process of reinvention and non-resistance to simplification must be honored and practiced as we continue to carry all the tools we acquired during 2019’s request of Being Reachable and Teachable to be able to serve our highest good, and most importantly, our truth. 

REMEMBER, this is one of the most favored waxing phases of 2020 to implement and place intended focus to concentrate upon what we wish to manifest later on as we equally experience All Planets Direct Motion.

What Are You Beginning Dear Star? 

Soul Homework for 24 January’s New Moon

This waxing phase through 09 February 2020 asks us to tune in to progressive, friendly and unconventional perceptions wherever The Water Bearer consciously aims for truth and knowledge within our lives. Taking time to write down our intentions especially in the tense of “I SOCIALIZE” allows us to properly ground our energy and proclaim it accordingly. Many new moon rituals favor taking a red pen to write things down, roll up the paper, tie it up with a red string, and place it in a metal box. You can place appropriate gemstones that will assist your intentions in the box. Working with aquamarine, malachite & azurite are wonderful gems that resonate to opens the doors for ingenious natures to be embraced. Remember New Moons are a time to call in energy into our lives, and remain open to what is new.

Winter’s second & 2020’s first New Moon seeks for us to work with a well-developed and friendly imagination Dear Star! How will you be Powering Up the Unpredictable & Unexpected in your experience?

ARIES: It is time to focus upon the new where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Keep working with the ways your income streams are being re-oriented, and the more your focus upon original and unique ways to acquire value, you find support that allows your future to soar.

TAURUS: It is time to focus upon the new where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. While you may certainly feel that your life is completely turned upside down as of late, trust in that this chaos is in the process of sorting itself out, especially when you work patiently with what is changing.

GEMINI: It is time to focus upon the new with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. If you sense a fear of being alone, do not give in to resistance and take your necessary time in solitude, where you are meant to accept new beliefs to be standing in your truth.

CANCER: It is time to focus upon the new where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. Be prepared for surprising changes to redirect your future goals along with your social scenes that are all part of the rebirth that is in powerful play for you as you find there is no going back to what once was.

LEO: It is time to focus upon the new where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. You are so meant to feel further and further away from your comfort zone when it comes to what you have been used to in your career and public life which is demanding you now reinvent it for the better.

VIRGO: It is time to focus upon the new where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. You have probably been questioning all the uncertainty surrounding your beliefs systems as what you thought was the truth is revolutionizing itself, so yes: it is definitely time you stop doubting what’s new.

LIBRA: It is time to focus upon the new where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Connect the dots to how all emerging -even as unexpectedly as it is- urges you to surrender to the rebirth for your scope upon life and wealth so you stop resisting transformation that will balance you.

SCORPIO: It is time to focus upon the new with how I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. Keep working with the partnerships who offer you stability in ways you never thought of before, and seek to understand they are moving through their own process of surprising reinvention as they do.

SAGITTARIUS: It is time to focus upon the new with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, short trips, siblings and neighbors. This mindset reset you are leveling up to is an important part of how your lifestyle is radically shifting gears, as habits and routines you once had are no longer part of how you serve yourself and others.

CAPRICORN: It is time to focus upon the new with what I Have, relating to your income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. Step fully into gratitude to embrace the creative innovation that is at your fingertips which is all part of what is strengthening the power of how you earn, as your children or brain children capture your heart space. 

AQUARIUS: It is time to focus upon the new with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. As you reset your own bar for self-mastery, this is all connected to how you are equally witnessing your family life working through sorting out differences and reestablishing your abilities to nurture at home.

PISCES: It is time to focus upon the new where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work your subconscious and dream state. Addressing this inner self-work strongly connects to the reinvention for your mindset in current play, encouraging your communications to think well outside of the box to cooperate with brainstorming ideas.

What’s your Personal Forecast say for this Aquarius New Moon from your natal chart? 

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Why LunarOScopes?

LunarOScopes, 15 Feb Aquarius Solar Eclipse & New Moon, Let’s Really Begin

SharitaStar.LunaroscopesYour Feelings Are Powerful Allies

We intentionally create our lives through what we feel, which in turn, directly affects our thoughts as The Law of Attraction promises. Lunar energy from above is astrologically in charge of how the messages of our human emotions play out in precise timing, always offering us the chance to evolve down here below. As we honor our emotions, we can make them powerful allies in our lives- verses ignoring the truth, missing our opportunities, and neglecting to heal whatever they ask us to focus on.

Each month, a New Moon opens a waxing phase of initiating energy favoring creation until we reach the Full Moon, then opening up a waning phase allowing for natural correction, reflection and release. LunarOScopes capture these cycles’ forecasts, noting when beginnings or conclusions are favored, pointing to the specific area of life our Sun Sign benefits as we place our mindful intentions upon them.

New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Aquarius, 4:05pmEST/1:05pmPST 15 February, Let’s Really Begin & Initiate
Waxing Phases favor actions involving planting anew and moving forward, as energy increases throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie from 27 degrees Aquarius, through Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Leo until the next Full Moon at 11 degrees Virgo arrives 01 March.

This second New Moon of Winter 2018 is coupled with a Solar Eclipse, packing a lively energetic punch that outlasts the normal waxing phase for 6 months up to a years time, indicating what is naturally meant to begin from this area of the life has true sticking power for the long term. Aside from our normal waxing phase gathering up new energy, this lunation initiates a progressive pulse that takes us to its’ reflection and reassessment by the next Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, 27 July. Equally, what we have been clearing and cleansing since 07 August 2017 when the last Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius occurred, is now ready for forward motion again.

The major themes for this Eclipse and New Moon are radical and permanent changes wishing to now emerge from the Aquarian area of the life, assisted by a conjunction from Mercury who makes an exact sextile to Uranus in Aries. Our courage verses conflict will be required to work successfully with what we will need to adapt to, and what we unexpectedly receive through unusual ideas via eccentric means must be carried through to fruition. We may notice that we are told, “You are absolutely crazy for thinking that.” or ”What kind of hair-brained idea is that?” Yet whatever feels different about the originality brewing within our soul, we need to follow it through. We are undeniably meant to think outside of the box and keep stepping out of our comfort zones to become trail blazing pioneers and warriors moving forward in 2018, our year of Feeling the Feminine.

The strongest word of advice is to be extremely cautious with who we share our brainstorms and new ideas with, which we will be more than excited about. Making sure our audience is not going to hold us back or shoot us down is key.  Being these ideas will be highly intellectually charged, it will be equally wise to make sure we utilize our strongest means of discrimination and analysis concerning them. Taking time in solitude to process from within fully develops the observations coming into play, helping us hone in upon our intuitive nature, which will strongly speak to us all. Once again, slowing down to the pause and taking a silent listen is necessary to receive our brilliant information properly without being clouded in delusion nor confusion.

***This Solar Eclipse and New Moon initiates a Moon Void of Course period for this month’s lunar passage through Aquarius. Reflection, reassessment and rest are especially favored until the Moon enters Pisces 9:42pmEST/6:42PST later in the day.***

Of final importance to note is how this waxing phase is part of a rarer time of our Feeling the Feminine 2 Universal Year where we can find grounding our intentions is the key during our favored Time to Thrive in 2018, as All Planets are in Direct Motion until 08 March.
ARIES: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Socialize.
Initiating energy arrives for your future goals as you break through with confidence and certainty amongst your peers, friends, organizations and groups. Accept unexpected invitations to mix and mingle, which allows the world to take notice how much you have changed and appear differently.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Structure.
Your career is ready to receive recognition and rewards, yet expect these to arrive with radical changes for your professional life. Be aware of rebelling against authority. Time in solitude to process intently from within, allows for shocking revelations to help clear up inner blockages you need to heal.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon the new with what I Believe.
As your philosophies, educational and spiritual pursuits ask you to journey afar to unlock their truth, you’ll find synthesis is yours. Learning more via unconventionality is how you will know growth is part of your new found wisdom, involving unusual ways to look at your future goals, hope and wishes.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Transform.
Your most regenerative new moon of the year finds regeneration surrounding your state of wealth, prosperity and sexuality. Your source energy is in a powerful state of knowing it is reborn, it is equally time to be assured the more originality you are utilizing in your career, the more you are recognized.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Relate.
As business and personal relationships prepare for new agreements, take heed of the ones pairing with ingenious long-term goals for success in mind. Partnering up with those who are unique and absolutely honor your freedom to believe, are the ones who stand beside you in truth moving forward.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Serve.
Your abilities to tend to your physical self, your health, habits and routines- finds radical changes you didn’t expect are necessary to commit to improving your innate need to be of service to others. There is no doubt what aligns now ensures this is an absolute rebirth for you that has been a long time in the making.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Create.
Your fresh feelings find you being playful, free and experimenting with your children or brain-children. Shifts are in full swing for your love of life upon your stage and your creative flow that has everything to do with your partnerships that stand in support of your inventive ideas about to flourish.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon the new with how I Nurture.
Originality surrounds your home, family and closest environments. Listen carefully to what any déjà vu messages have to say, especially those honoring making change happen. As it is time to reinvent and allow comforts to experience something new, this involves radically rerouting your habits and routines.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon the new with what I Communicate.
Exploring break-through ideas aligns peace of mind, as avenues of communicating your brainstorms are bursting with pioneering ideas. Remember to guard your excitement and be discreet with who you share them with. Expected the unexpected with your children, and go with the flow of changes here.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon the new with what I Have.
Your earning power and sources of income are amidst courageous changes to allow more of the security and stability you innately love, yet these will not be by traditional means. As different ways of perceiving value speak, your home and family life gets fully involved in thinking outside of the box.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon the new with who I Am.
As your approaches to life begin again, the world equally sees a unique difference in your appearance and attitude. Your emerging self reinvents itself once again, but this time, honoring and guarding your ideas and not rushing to share them with the world is how you will see them manifest accordingly.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Process.
Time in the silent listen reveals surprising answers that speak to help clear the past as you allow time in solitude. This is a breakthrough awakening to a new inner process you can really find powerful healing within, aligning you in absolutely knowing your security and value have shifted for the better.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.

Please check out the continuing deeper dish conversation on our current Eclipse Season in Leo and Aquarius!

How can we Spell Out the Truth from SOLAR ECLIPSE via Lexigrams? SharitaStar.SolarEclipse

LunarOScopes, 27 January New Moon, Let’s Begin

SharitaStar.LunaroscopesYour Feelings Are Powerful Allies

We intentionally create our lives through what we feel, which in turn, directly affects our thoughts as The Law of Attraction promises. Lunar energy from above is astrologically in charge of how the messages of our human emotions play out in precise timing, always offering us the chance to evolve down here below. As we honor our emotions, we can make them powerful allies in our lives- verses ignoring the truth, missing our opportunities, and neglecting to heal whatever they ask us to focus on.

Each month, a New Moon opens a waxing phase of initiating energy favoring creation until we reach the Full Moon, opening up a waning phase allowing for natural correction, reflection and release. LunarOScopes capture the forecast of these cycles indicating what is meant to begin or conclude, timing when and what specific area of life our Sun Sign benefits by applying our focus through feeling.

New Moon in Aquarius, 7:07pmEST 27 January, Let’s Begin & Initiate
Waxing Phases favor actions involving planting anew and moving forward, as energy increases throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie from 08 degrees Aquarius until the next Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse at 22 degrees Leo 10 February 2017. This lunation seeks our ultimate honoring of what we can now choose to responsibly initiate, in a way that we have never been allowed to do it before.

Our initiations are especially blessed as we are equally experiencing a rarer All Planets Direct Motion period until 06 February. This is a New Moon that has a very powerful energy for us to manifest and plant our proper intentions with. Wishing a Happy Chinese New Year to our Friends in the East as they simultaneously ring in The Year of the Fire Rooster!
ARIES: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Socialize.
Initiating energy arrives for your future goals as you break through with serious certainty amongst your peers, friends, organizations and groups. Accept unexpected invitations to mix and mingle, which open up plenty of ways that connect to important work at hand concerning your hopes and wishes.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Structure.
As your career now receives the recognition and reward you have been waiting for, be ready to work smarter within your public life. Be well aware of what authority means to you, and how much you are meant to both honor it and allow new ways of expressing it through traditional means to now begin.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon the new with what I Believe.
As your philosophies, educational and spiritual pursuits ask you to journey afar to find more meaning about their truth, you’ll find synthesis can be yours. Great responsibility is upon you to learn more and bring growth into how you convey your wisdom, so be sure to remain an open minded student.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Transform.
Your most regenerative new moon of the year is here as rebirth now surrounds your overall state of prosperity and sexuality. As your source energy is in the state of becoming reborn, it is equally time to know the more life is feeling absolutely different, you are on the right track as there is no going back.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Relate.
Your business or personal relationships are ready for new agreements, especially ones that have long term goals of success completely in mind. Whatever or whomever you may be partnering up with that is unique yet still allowing you to know stability is the intended outcome, are the ones to work with.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Serve.
Your abilities to serve your physical self and others, your health, habits and routines better find there is serious work to implement for powerful changes you can rely upon. Have no doubt about what is aligning now ensures the new services you are meant to do, are ones involving greater responsibility.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Create.
Your feelings find you working smarter and more serious with your children or brain-children. Shifts are in full swing for your love of life upon your stage and your creative flow that has everything to do with making sure it is bringing you constancy and strength- this is how your work here now shines.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon the new with how I Nurture.
New life surrounds your home, family and closest environments. Listen carefully to what any déjà vu messages have to say, especially those honoring work that stabilizes what is breaking through within this area of your life, as your comfort zones are now meant to be felt in completely different ways.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon the new with what I Communicate.
Exploring new ideas is where peace aligns your state of mind, as the avenues of communicating your brainstorms are busting out with some stable ideas. Ones that truly allow you to know you are learning from the experience have you aiming your mindset in unique directions you must take.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon the new with what I Have.
Your earning power and overall value towards life are amidst practical changes bringing you towards more of the security and stability you innately love. As different ways of perceiving value will speak, choosing the ones that insure long term success are the ones to pay the closest attention to.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon the new with who I Am.
As your approaches to life ask to begin again, the world equally sees on going adjustments in your appearance and your attitude. Your emerging self is up for reinvention once again, but this time, honoring responsibility and the more practical side of you, is what will bring you the best rewards.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Process.
Time in the silent listen is where responsible answers speak to help clear the past as you make time for your solitude. Awakening to a new inner process is ever powerful to embrace, while focus upon dreams hold valuable clues that connect to learning from the experiences within your waking world.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be well aware of when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play for scheduling all your matters of importance.

LunarOScopes, 20 January 2015, Let’s Begin (carefully)


New Moon in Aquarius 20 January 2015
Where Will You Feel Initiations & Fresh Starts?

What You Are Feeling? Know Your Point of Attraction
The Law of Attraction promises if you are not feeling good, you won’t think all too well either to be able to manifest the life you wish to see through belief.  Our Lunar Lady is astrologically in charge from up above of the possibilities our human emotions and feelings will channel down here below, providing us with the perfect advice to follow.

Being our Moon changes Zodiac Signs every couple of days, so too do our feelings down here below reflect these precise patterns from above. We are able to find proper emotional focus to manifest from, depending upon where these cycles unfold within our individual lives.

New Moons start Waxing Phases, Let’s Begin
This two-week cycle favors actions involving anything new, as increasing energy moves forward in one half of your Zodiac Pie until the next Full Moon in Leo.

Moon Void of Courses (Moon VOC) Time Out Periods
Even under a Waxing Phase, you will not wish to plan, plant, purchase, or initiate anything of importance is when the Moon is Void of Course. This astrological passage occurs every couple days during our business and workweek, marking the critical request to take up in more reflective acts in solitude and engaging in quieter soul activities. Check in weekly with Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for all Moon Void of Course times.

Reminder: Mercury Retrograde 21 January to 11 February
Approach Started: 05 January
Mercury, our planet of communications, thinking, movement, mindset & mentality takes his first reflective passage of 2015 in Aquarius. 20 January’s New Moon well advises to carefully monitor courses of action taken for long-term success under the normal waxing phase that typically favors all things anew. As the Approach began 05 January, what will need required review, redo and reworking will begin to speak until the retrograde officially begins 21 January, pointing to the expected changes that will naturally unfold under the retrograde cycle.

What’s Your Sun Sign?
The simplicity of your natal sun sign is a marvelous starting point to align peace of mind about what is naturally attracting and releasing within your life lunar month to lunar month.

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Socialize.
You are already on alert to changes with your groups, organizations as well as your hopes and wishes. While the call for fresh starts is here, you’ll equally find energy asking for your careful consideration. Look to what educates your beliefs to find the wisdom necessary for decisions you will carefully make.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Structure.
Recognition asks for you to shine in it within your career and public life, if you have done the legwork to receive it. Remember to find time to reflect upon what can be improved upon here. You’ll find, the answers for both connect to what responsibility is saying from your wealth and depths of your core.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Believe.
New educational processes seek for you to unite with them to inspire newfound beliefs, as another calling for review here says look at philosophies you no longer need to achieve. You’ll find, when you search your partnerships, the ones who offer you patience are the ones that can assist you the most.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Transform.
Matters of your wealth, other people’s money and all the ways to make what you have greater are on your intuitive radar. Core regenerative changes ask for your reflective energy to focus upon them. Much connects to the ways your habits, health and routines seek your responsible service to them.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Relate.
Plenty of fresh energy surrounds old relationships that come back into your picture, and all ask for your discernment of who stays or goes for the future. Whoever willingly wishes to work with you to properly guide and direct your creativity to the spotlight of recognition, are the ones to hold on to.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Serve.
Service to yourself, others, along with your health, habits and routines is thrilled to show you new ways to align in purity, which includes reviewing what you no longer need here. Connect the dots to what you are doing to be more diligent where you nurture your home and family life, and follow them.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Create.
What is it that is ready to step into the spotlight on your creative stage? While some innovative ideas are available, you’ll also find unfinished creative projects will be enjoyed as you now revisit them. Look for ones that involve your communicative means, pondering responsibility about how your think.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Nurture.
Initiating energy is emerging in your home and family life, but déjà vu might just also call, so be sure to listen closely to it. Find time to ponder ways to clean up all around on the home front. This may involve taking a true look at your possessions, and realizing what you no longer need for comfort.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Communicate.
Innovative ideas shoot now from that ever-aiming mind of yours, as you rediscover arrows that targeted old ideas and thinking to review and reflect upon. While it is the very beginning of a long cycle to change up your appearance and approaches to life, holding patience’s hand guides you well.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon the new with what I Have.
You’ll want to exercise your innate scrutiny and learning from experience with any stability that new streams of income may offer you. While new values are ready for you, be cautious with signing anything. The responsibility to your private time will come in handy for decisions needing to be made.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon the new with who I Am.
While life calls you to take on new approaches to it, something still sits with you on those first impressions to stay in the space of review before placing a new mask upon your face. The world will see you anew soon enough, but speak with your friends, groups, hopes and dreams before doing so.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Process.
This is a necessary cycle that has you swimming in your inner world between what must heal from your past and making equally improvements to your solitary time. Listen carefully to what emerges when you are alone, for many answers speak of how to work better with your career and public life.

Other Need To Knows About What January’s New Moon Means For You

Moon enters Aquarius How Our Feelings Become Humane
20 January, 7:59am EST to 22 January, 7:48am EST
Engage: sincerity, logic, independence, genius, progress, friendliness, altruism
Avoid: reservation, obstinacy, inefficiency, erratic behavior, indifference, detachment

New Moon When Our Feelings Find Initiation
20 January, 8:14am EST, 00 degrees Aquarius
Consciously Aim For: Truth & Knowledge
Waxing Phase: 00 degrees Aquarius to 14 degrees Leo
Energy initiates and builds within this half of your Zodiac Pie throughout 03 February.

0 degree point lunation’s are amazingly powerful for regeneration and change within our lives. As we experience this 1st New Moon of 2015, it is flavored with more of a reflective feel on the station to Mercury turning Retrograde the following day, equally as it easily speaks with responsible tones to Saturn in Sagittarius. Whatever it is that our individual lives are meant to initiate, it will be wise to cross our t’s, dot our I’s and make sure what is coming forth anew, is practical and absolutely necessary within our lives.

What’s Your Birthchart Say? Reading for Your Rising Sign/Ascendant
~Consult a professional astrologer to receive an accurate analysis of your natal chart.
~Your natal chart points to where more intimate conclusions unfold this month.
~Look to your natal planetary placements: do any aspect this lunation’s degree point?
~Your natal chart’s view always works directly with your Sun Sign’s LunarOScopes read.

Wishing You Aligned Emotions and Happy Attracting Dear Stars! Namaste.

Know Someone Who Likes to Feel Good? Share #LunarOScopes with your favorite Social Media!

For those who enjoy the charts of astrology, our “Photograph of Time” upon 29 January’s New Moon in Aquarius, as it relates to all our other celestial bodies.20JanNewMoonSharitaStar