New Moon in Aquarius 20 January 2015
Where Will You Feel Initiations & Fresh Starts?
What You Are Feeling? Know Your Point of Attraction
The Law of Attraction promises if you are not feeling good, you won’t think all too well either to be able to manifest the life you wish to see through belief. Our Lunar Lady is astrologically in charge from up above of the possibilities our human emotions and feelings will channel down here below, providing us with the perfect advice to follow.
Being our Moon changes Zodiac Signs every couple of days, so too do our feelings down here below reflect these precise patterns from above. We are able to find proper emotional focus to manifest from, depending upon where these cycles unfold within our individual lives.
New Moons start Waxing Phases, Let’s Begin
This two-week cycle favors actions involving anything new, as increasing energy moves forward in one half of your Zodiac Pie until the next Full Moon in Leo.
Moon Void of Courses (Moon VOC) Time Out Periods
Even under a Waxing Phase, you will not wish to plan, plant, purchase, or initiate anything of importance is when the Moon is Void of Course. This astrological passage occurs every couple days during our business and workweek, marking the critical request to take up in more reflective acts in solitude and engaging in quieter soul activities. Check in weekly with Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for all Moon Void of Course times.
Reminder: Mercury Retrograde 21 January to 11 February
Approach Started: 05 January
Mercury, our planet of communications, thinking, movement, mindset & mentality takes his first reflective passage of 2015 in Aquarius. 20 January’s New Moon well advises to carefully monitor courses of action taken for long-term success under the normal waxing phase that typically favors all things anew. As the Approach began 05 January, what will need required review, redo and reworking will begin to speak until the retrograde officially begins 21 January, pointing to the expected changes that will naturally unfold under the retrograde cycle.
What’s Your Sun Sign?
The simplicity of your natal sun sign is a marvelous starting point to align peace of mind about what is naturally attracting and releasing within your life lunar month to lunar month.
ARIES: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Socialize.
You are already on alert to changes with your groups, organizations as well as your hopes and wishes. While the call for fresh starts is here, you’ll equally find energy asking for your careful consideration. Look to what educates your beliefs to find the wisdom necessary for decisions you will carefully make.
TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Structure.
Recognition asks for you to shine in it within your career and public life, if you have done the legwork to receive it. Remember to find time to reflect upon what can be improved upon here. You’ll find, the answers for both connect to what responsibility is saying from your wealth and depths of your core.
GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Believe.
New educational processes seek for you to unite with them to inspire newfound beliefs, as another calling for review here says look at philosophies you no longer need to achieve. You’ll find, when you search your partnerships, the ones who offer you patience are the ones that can assist you the most.
CANCER: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Transform.
Matters of your wealth, other people’s money and all the ways to make what you have greater are on your intuitive radar. Core regenerative changes ask for your reflective energy to focus upon them. Much connects to the ways your habits, health and routines seek your responsible service to them.
LEO: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Relate.
Plenty of fresh energy surrounds old relationships that come back into your picture, and all ask for your discernment of who stays or goes for the future. Whoever willingly wishes to work with you to properly guide and direct your creativity to the spotlight of recognition, are the ones to hold on to.
VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Serve.
Service to yourself, others, along with your health, habits and routines is thrilled to show you new ways to align in purity, which includes reviewing what you no longer need here. Connect the dots to what you are doing to be more diligent where you nurture your home and family life, and follow them.
LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Create.
What is it that is ready to step into the spotlight on your creative stage? While some innovative ideas are available, you’ll also find unfinished creative projects will be enjoyed as you now revisit them. Look for ones that involve your communicative means, pondering responsibility about how your think.
SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Nurture.
Initiating energy is emerging in your home and family life, but déjà vu might just also call, so be sure to listen closely to it. Find time to ponder ways to clean up all around on the home front. This may involve taking a true look at your possessions, and realizing what you no longer need for comfort.
SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Communicate.
Innovative ideas shoot now from that ever-aiming mind of yours, as you rediscover arrows that targeted old ideas and thinking to review and reflect upon. While it is the very beginning of a long cycle to change up your appearance and approaches to life, holding patience’s hand guides you well.
CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon the new with what I Have.
You’ll want to exercise your innate scrutiny and learning from experience with any stability that new streams of income may offer you. While new values are ready for you, be cautious with signing anything. The responsibility to your private time will come in handy for decisions needing to be made.
AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon the new with who I Am.
While life calls you to take on new approaches to it, something still sits with you on those first impressions to stay in the space of review before placing a new mask upon your face. The world will see you anew soon enough, but speak with your friends, groups, hopes and dreams before doing so.
PISCES: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Process.
This is a necessary cycle that has you swimming in your inner world between what must heal from your past and making equally improvements to your solitary time. Listen carefully to what emerges when you are alone, for many answers speak of how to work better with your career and public life.
Other Need To Knows About What January’s New Moon Means For You
Moon enters Aquarius How Our Feelings Become Humane
20 January, 7:59am EST to 22 January, 7:48am EST
Engage: sincerity, logic, independence, genius, progress, friendliness, altruism
Avoid: reservation, obstinacy, inefficiency, erratic behavior, indifference, detachment
New Moon When Our Feelings Find Initiation
20 January, 8:14am EST, 00 degrees Aquarius
Consciously Aim For: Truth & Knowledge
Waxing Phase: 00 degrees Aquarius to 14 degrees Leo
Energy initiates and builds within this half of your Zodiac Pie throughout 03 February.
0 degree point lunation’s are amazingly powerful for regeneration and change within our lives. As we experience this 1st New Moon of 2015, it is flavored with more of a reflective feel on the station to Mercury turning Retrograde the following day, equally as it easily speaks with responsible tones to Saturn in Sagittarius. Whatever it is that our individual lives are meant to initiate, it will be wise to cross our t’s, dot our I’s and make sure what is coming forth anew, is practical and absolutely necessary within our lives.
What’s Your Birthchart Say? Reading for Your Rising Sign/Ascendant
~Consult a professional astrologer to receive an accurate analysis of your natal chart.
~Your natal chart points to where more intimate conclusions unfold this month.
~Look to your natal planetary placements: do any aspect this lunation’s degree point?
~Your natal chart’s view always works directly with your Sun Sign’s LunarOScopes read.
Wishing You Aligned Emotions and Happy Attracting Dear Stars! Namaste.
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For those who enjoy the charts of astrology, our “Photograph of Time” upon 29 January’s New Moon in Aquarius, as it relates to all our other celestial bodies.