LunarOScopes, 01 Feb Aquarius New Moon, Let’s Begin

“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham


Surprising Shifts for Our EARTH HEART Truth

New Moon in Aquarius

12:46amEST, 01 February, Let’s Begin & Initiate

This second waxing phase for 2022 arrives to initiate within the sign that consciously aims for truth and knowledge as we receive impressions, which enriches them via one’s ability to embrace humane and progressive intentions with a well-developed imagination upon our earthly plane. Our New Moon at 12 degrees Aquarius is the next seeking to understand moment of the Universal New Year, as it surprisingly continues the emotional activation of 2022’s Mastering The Value of Compassion human experience. 

Happy Chinese New Year of the Water Tiger!

This second New Moon of Winter and 2022 is our first green light of the year alongside The Shadow of Venus Retrograde, and Mercury Retrograde on his station to turn Direct by 03 February. The continuing call to answer to what upsurges once again to specifically learn from at the 12th degree for the collective to embrace this month -as we already did in November and December 2021, as well as January and will do so next month to conclude this annual holding pattern of New Moon alignments- rings loud and clear once again for us all to equally personally listen to.

Where are You meant to honor Surprising Shifts for Our EARTH HEART Truth, Dear Star?

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“There is a moon inside every human being. Learn to become companions with it.” ~Rumi

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