Mercury Retrograde and Your Timing in 2018: 5 Things You Need to Know

MRxDatesBusiness18.19“As far back as I can remember, I’ve always been a strong believer in the importance of cycles. You’d better try to understand them, because all of your timing and often your luck is tied up in them.” ~Former Chrysler CEO Lee Iacocca

There are regular periodic cycles that astrology always promises will change our times, so aligning peace of mind is absolutely necessary to better understand the benefits that can be brought to our lives. One such cycle is Mercury Retrograde, the astrological offering for review, reflection, redo and release.

Who is Mercury anyway and what does “Retrograde” mean?
Mercury -also known as The Messenger as our closest inner planet from above- is in charge of our movement, electricity, communications, thinking, mentality, along with any and all exchanges of information down here below.

Approximately 3 times each year, he retraces his measured degrees within his current zodiac transit for about 3 weeks.

Think of a person -or in this case a mass of a planet in our Universal energy field- placing a blindfold on and then walking backwards. Now you get the basic gist of “retrograde” and it’s effects. Is it starting to make sense our actions and events just might become ultimately disarrayed as a result of this cycle?

2018’s Mercury Retrograde (MRx) Cycles

22 March to 15 April in Aries | Approach begins: 08 March

26 July to 19 August in Leo | Approach begins: 07 July

15 Nov to 06 Dec in Sagittarius/Scorpio | Approach begins: 28 Oct

5 Things You Need to Know About Mercury Retrograde
1.   You are meant to embrace change & reflect upon what already exists.

2.   Total Hours of MRx in 1 Year = The Hours We Sleep in 1 Year.

3.   Nothing you wish to have future success with should be initiated.

4.   Human error is highest under this passage.

5.   Being friends with PATIENCE allows victory for any MRx cycle.

BONUS TIP! No two Mercury Retrogrades are ever the same.

While absolutely yes, the general rules of thumb listed above always apply to any given Mercury Retrograde cycle, the way each one collectively flows will always differ. Equally, how each passage personally affects your individual astrological forecast, is the deeper dish details you are meant to know and should be extremely aware about about every time it comes back around.

In 2018, Mercury will back track first through Aries 22 March to 15 April, then in Leo 26 July to 19 August, and conclude within Sagittarius and Scorpio, 16 November to 06 December. How the fire trinity of astrology is placed within your natal astrology chart, determines where you are most favored for focusing upon Mercury’s reflective requests for this year.

Added Bonus Cycles of Reflection in 2018

Mars Retrograde 26 June to 27 August
2018’s second Mercury Retrograde 26 July to 19 August will be “extra reflective” as it will run simultaneously during a Mars Retrograde cycle. Mars is our planet that guides our motivations, drives, conclusions, aggressive action and abilities to express courage in life.

Like Mercury -when he isn’t looking where he is going- the energetic affects of Mars in a cycle of review must be deeply understood in order to navigate through with success with anything you are planning. Being properly prepared for Summer 2018 will be a wise move by any soul. Equally, we will experience 3 Eclipses (Solar Eclipse 12 July, Lunar Eclipse 27 July and Solar Eclipse 11 August) that will absolutely amp up the season with plenty of timing is everything advice that will need to be carefully adhered to. Learn more about Mars Retrograde in 2018: Redefining the Ambition of Humanity.

Venus Retrograde 05 October to 16 November
2018’s third and final Mercury Retrograde 16 November to 06 December will start just as a Venus Retrograde cycle concludes that will remain under it’s Shadow passage through 17 December. Venus is our sagely muse that guides our values, money, beauty, luxury, relationships, and compassion in life.

Like Mercury -when she isn’t looking where she is going- the energetic affects of Venus in a cycle of review must be deeply understood in order to navigate through with success with anything you are planning. Being properly prepared for Autumn 2018 will be a wise move by any soul. Learn more about Venus Retrograde in 2018: Redefining the Value of Power and Alignment.

Let’s Master Mercury Retrograde for You or Your Business in 2018!
Looking back within our lives under these offerings for review, redo and release allows us to naturally see what progress we’ve made, what needs reworking, and most importantly, to remember to have fun with our RE’s of life. Our soul under Mercury Retrograde will be all the happier, and operate from a complete peace of mind as the changing times of MRx will be upon us.

Go from Surviving to Thriving by Mastering Mercury Retrograde
Business Solutions Workshops
Personal Sessions

2018: Feeling the Feminine

2018.Healing.SharitaStar“Listening is a wisdom so easily overlooked, because it is feminine, receptive, hidden, and our culture values only what is visible.” 

~Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, The Circle of Love

A New Year. The Nurturing Energy within Our Current 9 Year Cycle.
2017 leaves its’ distinctive mark on many across the globe as everyone witnessed more than their fair share of stunning new beginnings, ego-oriented situations, creative breakthroughs, heartfelt pains, triumphant joys and lifting the veil to show us the light within our human experiences that absolutely changed our perspectives and directions during the past 12 months.

Our human experiences now shift during 2018, into a new cycle that collectively co-exists alongside our spiritual beings.

No matter what the energy of the world at large is, remember your life is always your individual and unique human experience, via your own personal forecast.

2018’s Global Forecast
It’s time to activate imagination, nurturing, and feeling the power of the Divine Feminine into our practices. In the 12 months of 2018, our preferred choices are to make sure our listening skills, cooperation with others, and abilities to show we care are in the responsive energy. Casting off reactive emotional outrage -even when situations and circumstances beyond our personal control arise- will be wise to do. Our specific goals and aspirations still belong to us despite all that will continue to attempt to distract us, which always need to be carefully filtered.

2018 will be a year to know how to remain in the eye of any apparent storm.

The last time the world saw a year guided by extreme feeling and emotion was in 2009, and now is, once again, entering an intense cycle of watering the seeds just planted in 2017 to allow to our proper evolution once again as 2018 unfolds. Overall, a 2 Universal Year opens up the opportunity for our emotions to properly heal verses ignore or overreact to them. This requires embracing sensitivity and intuition with all situations that equally seek aligning in our instinct in order to properly discern them.

Equally requested is the deeper understanding of how to not permit the worlds’ problems and fears to interfere with what we are meant to focus upon within our personal experiences. This is quintessential to comprehend during 2018, as the year shifts into an even more intensified world that we will all energetically witness overall.

Individually Aligning with 2018
You do not need to be in an actual 2 Personal Year within your own forecast to see 2018’s collective energy unfold within your human experience. By following the spiritual guidance that your personal forecast precisely provides, 2018’s Universal energy seeks to compliment your own timing is everything cycles.

The year ahead is ever powerful to align us in a compassion that we are not meant to ignore in order to manifest what will need nurturing the most wherever we are within our own personal forecast. We are wise to not ignore what healing is required concerning our feelings, as we willingly adapt to a gentler and feminine energetic pulse to find success. To make the most of the collective energy that we co-exist within and are individually a part of as we evolve, remembering who we are and what our purpose is, is essential.

Let’s Look Back to Look Ahead
Over the past 9 years, on a collective level, we are all part of the larger whole that witnesses the bigger picture unfold. As we are now asked to nurture last years’ new seeds in 2018 (2), the source of sensitivity, emotional healing and imagination amongst humanity, is equally what we did on another level in 2009.

Since then….

2010 (3) burst open those seeds, aligning in new knowledge and education.
Beliefs, philosophies & growth were stimulated on a global level.

2011 (4) formulated roots that secured the initiations of 2008 within a foundation. The unexpected, breakthroughs & over coming obstacles called to all.

2012 (5) brought forth blossoming, new information, rapid movement and permanent changes. Communications, mass changes & no going back unfolded for humanity.

2013 (6) called for understanding, compassion, adjustment, and balance.
Justice, judgment & harmony asked to be aligned and embraced.

2014 (7) asked for the “soul homework” the inner work and required reflection in order to heal. Solitude, listening & remaining in the eye of the apparent storms called to be heard.

2015 (8) asked us to reap the harvest, find the recognition & accept the reward. Only practicing responsibility, patience & honor allowed this stabilizing energy to flourish.

2016 (9) motivated us to draw upon conclusions, dramatic endings and release. Penetration as well as aggressive action persisted, but a warriors’ courage was our cure.

2017 (1) new seeds of life & creation were planted, aligning in major shifts of direction. Egocentricity, creativity & stunning initiations were witnessed on a global level.

Unlocking 2018’s Chaldean Karmic Mystery: 11, A Lion Muzzled – A Clenched Fist
While the singular energy of the 2 guides our Universal New Year, 2018 equally arrives (2 + 0 + 1 + 8 =11) at a compound number which brings further insight into navigating the months ahead overall. In Chaldean Numerology, compound number vibrations each have Chaldean Karmic Mysteries associated with them, providing us with ancient wisdom that is absolutely amazing and profound to take into consideration in our modern day.


11 A Lion Muzzled – A Clenched Fist | Linda Goodman’s Star Cards

11 A Lion Muzzled – A Clenched Fist
This is a number of hidden trials and treachery from others. It represents two members of the same or opposite sex- or two opposed situations. In either case, compatibility of interest is lacking, and interference from a third force must be conquered. Difficulties may also arise from the illusion of separation. It’s necessary to unite divided goals to avoid a sense of frustrated incompletion. The third interfering force can be a person or an idea; and it can take the form of a refusal to see the other side as an obstacle to harmony. The origin of the separating force must be identified, an attempt made to seek compromise. Occasionally, conflicting desires within one’s own self are seen as in a reflecting mirror. Two forces or two desires stand apart and must ultimately unite for happiness. Yet, each must remain individual, even after being joined, for each possesses its own worth. ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs

11 as a Master Number
Anytime we see two of the same digits composing a compound number, Numerology views them as Master Numbers. These always, come with great responsibility. Much like the energy of natal twins -who are two of the same yet are always individual- how they choose to be cooperative with one another is how they ideally succeed or fail as a team within the life.

This analogy can easily be used to tap into the mystery of Master Numbers and how we can navigate their energy accordingly. Especially pertaining to the 11, it can be riddled with emotional overwhelm through it’s singular 2 guidance. The key to combat this tendency is, knowing how to imagine properly verses becoming stuck in worry. Whenever we shift our space of worry to concern, we immediately direct our intentions to solution seeking mode.

Worry is simply imagination out of proper alignment. This concept is key to comprehend in order for grace to unfold in 2018.

With 2018 vibrating to a Master Number 11, there will not be any lack of the world’s worries for us to decipher through. Yet, if we become consumed by them or with anything relating to emotions in our lives, we will not achieve the results we could otherwise. Once again, it goes right back to the ability to take that SILENT LISTEN, and embrace the Divine Feminine light to ordain personal success. This is the year to, as Feist sings, “Feel it ALL.”

“Everything that comes into life has two sides, a masculine and feminine quality, even love. The masculine side of love is “I love you.” Longing is the feminine side of love: “I am waiting for you. I am longing for you.” Longing is the cup waiting to be filled. And sadly, because our culture has devalued the feminine, we have repressed so much of her nature, so many of her qualities. Instead we live primarily masculine values; we are goal-oriented, competitive, driven. Masculine values even dominate our spiritual quest; we seek to be better, to improve ourself, to get somewhere. We have forgotten the feminine qualities of waiting, listening, being empty. We have dismissed the deep need of the soul, our longing, the feminine side of love.” ~Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Love is a Fire: The Sufi’s Mystical Journey Home

The Planetary Channel for 2018’s Cycle: The Moon
Numerology, like astrology, is directly guided by the archetypes of our planets from above. As we translate what planetary movement means for us down here below, energetic patterns are always seen to cycle amongst us. It is now time to shift into the understanding of the Moon from the initiating, heartfelt, creative, and seed-planting space that the fiery Sun’s archetype indicated would be symbolized within 2017 during our 1 Universal Year that required us to honor being the light overall.

The Moon as it influences the 2 energy symbolically translates the messages to be open to watering the seeds, getting in touch with our feelings, tuning in to others, and decide what is going to make us utilize our imagination to the fullest to envision the next 7 years so we can ultimately move forward with success. Especially so for 2018, the honorable practice of bringing healing in and being receptive to a feminine energy into our habitual space, allows for the magical and mysterious energy of the Moon to work with us to enhance our intuitive experiences.

More keys to unlock our success are seen as we look at the monthly New and Full Moons that will wax and wane during 2018, casting off their energetic affects. As we start the year right off upon an energetic Full Moon in Cancer, we simply won’t be able to deny the emotions pouring in as 2018 begins.

Be sure to keep up with your latest LunarOScopes all year long!

Precisely focusing upon the 2018’s 5 Eclipses specifically points us to what will channel on deeper levels as the collective adapts to global changes accordingly. Equally, where the Moon transits within one’s natal birth chart grants a valuable forecast of how this energy creates personal changes for the individual, as well as the specific places this year’s Eclipse degree points will fall.

Healing a Divided Humanity: Lunar Eclipse in Leo 31 January
Taking what new beginnings emerged from The Great American Solar Eclipse in Leo 21 August 2017, we have the opportunity to clear out what we no longer need for a 6 month passage of reflection from The Lion, allowing us the space to make way for more renewal to arrive by August 2018. This is a good time to check in with what our heart tells us, and throw away our judgments against others. How can we cooperate with those whom we may not agree with, and recognize we absolutely can agree to disagree?

Finding Our Courage & Compassion: Solar Eclipse in Aquarius 15 February
As we had been asked to make space within our lives surrendering to what we needed to let go of since last summer’s Lunar Eclipse here 07 August 2017, now we find renewed ground to work with for the future.  The more magical we can be in what we can envision, and know we are all an important part of the picture of Oneness, the more we will pioneer the energetic pulse 2018 needs in order to embracing healing.

Awakening The Nurturer: Solar Eclipse in Cancer 12 July
In a summer amongst a Mars Retrograde (26 June to 27 August), utilizing our patience will be ultimately necessary. The recognition we are awakening to a calling of compassion intensifies like never before. Charitable acts are favored as well as becoming very aware of how through the hands of cooperation verses clenching our fists, we are able to solve many more problems.

Practicing the Pause: Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius 27 July
In a summer amongst a Mars Retrograde (26 June to 27 August) and Mercury Retrograde (26 July to 19 August) this eclipse will not fall short on needing listening skills in order to filter the extreme energetic pulse it will contain. Those in a rush, absolutely will find, they will not be getting ahead. This will be a true time to take it easy, be cautious with any future plans, and listen carefully.

Listening to The Divine Truth: Solar Eclipse in Leo 11 August
In a summer amongst a Mars Retrograde (26 June to 27 August) and Mercury Retrograde (26 July to 19 August) this eclipse brings us full circle from the beginnings we saw from The Great American Solar Eclipse 21 August 2017. More courage, patience and willingness to own our truth will be required to work with Summer 2018’s continued request for reflection until our inner planet’s Mars & Mercury respectfully turn Direct to witness this Eclipses’ energetic affect begin to manifest. A strong calling to forget about materialism and simplify to a more sensitized spirituality will undeniably speak.

Forget Reacting to Emotions & Choose to Respond to Them
Those opting to take a ride on the rollercoaster of overwhelm without pausing and getting in touch with their feelings as well as not having a genuine regard for others will not be well supported in 2018. Those exercising moves made in emotional turmoil will find they have not water their seeds properly, and their garden’s future growth will become stagnant.

Wisdom can be ours as we become reserved and take on the role of the quiet observer concerning what is circulating around us, rather than expect the world to be nurturing and healing us. Seeing where a healthy imagination is needed the most throughout 2018, allows us to properly water our seeds so that we will reap a rich harvest within our lives by 2024.

Being uncomfortable at first with getting in touch with what we are feeling in times of uncertainty -and moving beyond fear to stop imagining the worst- will be felt across the board in 2018. The positive or negative of whatever humanity wishes to nurture and heal in deepest connections to what will conclude by 2025, it now shall find the cooperative force to do so.

Feeling the Feminine, Divinely
“The feminine has deep understanding of the power of matter. Women carry the instinctual knowing of the divine substance in matter and of how to bring this substance into life, because this knowledge is fundamental in the process of giving birth, in bringing a soul into human form. Now this wisdom is needed for the regeneration of the earth, for the earth’s awakening.”  ~ Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Awakening the World: A Global Dimension to Spiritual Practice

Choosing to stand in the light of the feminine as we imagine will be an amicable choice to make in 2018 to be able to move throughout the year with ultimate success. The guidance of love backing up our nurturing intentions equally promises long term fulfillment to unfold.

No matter what the world at large will choose to do, if we remember who we personally are and exhibit our listening skills, abilities to care and shift our worries to concerns- anyone in 2018 is allowed watch their personal win-wins unfold. Always remember to keep your cup full, nurture the self first, and you will channel your own divine feminine light to others in the best ways they are meant to flow.

Divinations & Judgments for Our 2018 Universal Year
2 Maturity

The divination meaning of 2 & ‘Maturity’ states: “The rod is experience and the ruler and master of all things.”

2’s Judgment: “All things are learned with time and fire.” ~Nostradamus

11 Virtue

The divination meaning of 11 & ‘Virtue’ states: “She bridles a lion to show that she restrains the animalistic part of man.”

11’s Judgment: “May the plumb-thumb rule always be in the middle and not lean towards the ends.” ~Nostradamus

Wishing You the Best to Get in Touch with 2018’s Cycle of Feeling the Feminine and Divinely Love in your individual human experience, Dear Star. Happy New Year. Namaste.

Sharita was honored to be a Special Guest on ‘The Experience,’ Listen at your leisure to a hearty and delicious discussion with Nora Yolles-Young about how very much timing is everything as well as how the stars look at the energy of 2018.

The Learning for America 2017-18, Understand a 3 Personal Year Cycle


There probably isn’t a person who could disagree -no matter what it is they choose to politically believe- that The United States of America most certainly tapped into extreme emotions that have been undoubtedly expressed as it’s 2016-17 2 Personal Year Cycle completely promised would occur. While the past year favored the practice of nurturing sensitivities for America, it is now time for the nation to prepare for becoming a student in the life. Working with genuine examination of honesty and truth as it celebrates 2017’s birthday, now marks the entry into the third year of the foundation laying process within the country’s current 9 year span of time.

Now that the USA’s 2 Personal Year has concluded -which watered the seeds planted in the nation back in 2015-16 in it’s 1 Personal Year– America’s current energetic cycle via numerology shifts to the 3 Personal Year. As the Moon guided their 2016-2017 2 Personal Year cycle, emotions and feelings needing to be processed where stirred up. While the Moon will still be absolutely important to observe in astrology’s current transits for the nation, the planetary attention for the year ahead now shifts to intimately looking at Jupiter via numerology.

Jupiter -whether it guides a 3 Personal Year, 3 vibration karmic path (3, 12, 21 or 30th of any given month) or the astrological sun sign of Sagittarius- tells us we are meant to be focused upon philosophies, abundance, growth, willingness to be educated, foreign affairs, love of culture, foreign travel and exploration desiring to reveal the genuine truth. Equally in any natal birth chart, the placement of one’s Jupiter determines their ability to attain wisdom, where their natural “strokes of luck” can occur in the life, as well where they will hold strong beliefs to honor their truth.

In a 3 Personal Year, there is a request to adhere to a learning process that allows for growth to be experienced within it. What comes next for America is all about becoming ultimately honest and expansive in order to embrace the willingness to learn and change what has been established through previous belief systems.

The higher vibration of the country’s “new year” is that of the 21. (7 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 7= 21/3) The Chaldean numerological system views the 21 as ‘The Crown of the Magi.’ As much as these ancient meanings via Chaldean Karmic Mysteries were composed so long ago, their interpretations within our modern day are of absolute value for us to embrace into our understanding.

In addition to being called ‘The Crown of the Magi,’ this Compound number is also pictured by the ancient Chaldeans as The Universe. It promises general success, and guarantees advancement, honors, awards, and general elevation in the life and career. It indicates victory after a long struggle, for the Crown of the Magi is gained only after long initiation, much soul testing and various other tests of determination. However, the person or entity blessed with the number 21 may be certain of final victory over all odds and all opposition. It is a most fortunate vibration- a number of karmic reward. ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs

Certainly, the country has all the potential to be seen by the world in a more positive light this year. The 3 energy favors looking to the glass as half full verses being half empty, so it can take current situations and begin to comprehend there are solutions that await through being adaptable to a learning process it is meant to surrender to so it’s rewards can be received. As many feel the soul of America has been and is still being ultimately tested, the year ahead assists the country to recognize this process was and is an important part of how the nation must now learn from these experiences in order to evolve.

Equally, with Jupiter’s guidance over this 3 Personal Year cycle, it is a very masculine and fiery energy that unfolds. This planetary influence is ever expansive, seeking to work with mutability and the ability to communicate through truth. Once again, the country must align in the willingness to be educated in ways that have not been embraced before.

When connecting the forecasting dots from numerology to astrology, we now look at the country’s natal birth chart. Being once again, Jupiter is in charge of the 3 Personal Year, this is the planet we closely observe as it equally journeys through the nation’s current transits all year long.

Jupiter is a celestial vessel that moves through all 12 of the zodiac signs- spending approximately 1 year within each of them, taking 12 years to complete one turn around the entire wheel. Within 2017-18’s 3 Personal Year, this energy will be ultimately focused upon changing the country’s beliefs and philosophies, due to Jupiter now being in charge.

As the 3 Personal Year officially begins for the USA upon 04th July, Jupiter is in current transit in the nations’ natal 10th house of structure and career as well as how it is seen in the public eye. Equally it is conjunct to the nation’s natal Saturn at 14 degrees Libra, promoting enthusiasm within the country to be tempered- revealing profound and severe realizations for the nation to absorb asking to unblock narrow, restricted and indifferent perceptions. This indicates a specific timing is everything point as to where the USA can expect to begin a strong requirement to engage in growth in order for steady success to prevail.

By 09 October, Jupiter shifts in to the nation’s 11th house of socialization, friendships, hopes, dreams, wishes and future goals just before it leaves Libra and enters Scorpio on the 10th. On 16 February 2018, it moves forward into the country’s 12th house of the inner process, subconscious realms and karmic obligations.

Once Jupiter turns Retrograde upon 06 March 2018, reflection within this 12th house sector of life will be ultimately required, as a pure purging and cleansing of the nation’s ability to heal from within will be favored until it crosses back into the 11th house upon 29 March 2018. Reflection shifts at this time to what the country needs to reconsider concerning it’s overall future, it’s genuine friends and proper place amongst its’ peers. Jupiter remains in Retrograde as it’s 3 Personal Year cycle concludes upon 04 July 2018, until 10 July.

What does that all mean you might be asking?

As America’s 3 Personal Year commences, placing proper attention upon what can be learned to improve it’s place in the public’s eye and the willingness to be educated here is critical to adhere to. By mid February 2018, the request to then honor what is necessary to bring growth and genuine honesty to what must change concerning the country’s future will be imminent.

A 3 Personal Year is equally favored to allow us to work with what the nation needs to adapt to concerning it’s foreign affairs overall. Once again, the willingness to learn and be open to shifting to different philosophies for growth allows the country to experience the positive aspects of what should be corrected for it’s future evolution. Especially between 16 February and 29 March 2018, the opportunity for intense healing will be up close and personal as Jupiter promotes a pure karmic cleansing as the nation will find it absolutely needs to take time in a silent listen to be able to learn what it is meant to process internally.

Overall, the educational road ahead is a more than a truthful one to unfold throughout 04 July 2018. The time for The UNITED States of America to come together and listen to wise and just ways to work better within it’s place amongst the world –one of the strongest requests of the 3’s guidance- and not remain UNTIED is here.

May growth, learning, genuine honesty, trust and finding the positive side of life guide America in this ‘The Crown of the Magi’ New Year.

Happy Independence Day Dear American Stars.

Current Transit Charts as America’s 3 Personal Year progresses, focus upon Jupiter’s movement:

04 July 2017: Jupiter conjunct natal Saturn, 10th House


09 October, Jupiter enters 11th House:


16 February 2018, Jupiter enters 12th House:


28 March 2018, Jupiter Retrogrades back to 11th House:
