Spiritual Material Conflict in America, 04 July 2023-24

Understanding a 9 Personal Year Cycle via The 18

Whether we are forecasting a person, project launch, business or country: any being or entity with a specific point of initiation experiences a changing Personal Year Cycle year to year as another Solar Return annually aligns, marking what we more commonly know as one’s birthday or anniversary .

In a 9 Personal Year, Mars is the primary planetary guidance in charge of the energetic flow and pulse of the current numerological forecast. The need for Courage and a Warrior presence are always required.

For America, 04 July 2023 to 04 July 2024 finds Mars and all transits it makes for the 12 months will be especially critical to follow along for a crystal ball view into the specific areas of life pointing to where courage will be absolutely required. Equally the conscious need to remain well aware of how conflict, penetration, aggressive action and undeniable conclusions/finalizations are foreseen to take up dynamic action within the life’s journey.

As we fuse this current personal year numerology perspective back to the current transits in affect for the natal astrological chart of the person/entity, there is a laser focus forecasting view to gain in further connect these divine planetary dots understanding.

The first place America will need to exercise extreme caution with a Warrior presence as 04 July 2023 aligns: is within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true. (and considering the riveting pulse already in play within our current times, won’t THAT just be a boatload alone to UNITE the UNTIE to unpack and resolve ? )

By 04 July 2024, Mars will have worked its’ way through 7 other natural areas of America’s life to reach the country’s abilities to create, manifest, its’ children, creative pursuits, entertainment, luxuries/pleasures and all that relates to pure heart-centered/heart space matters.

Energetically overall, a 9 Personal Year Cycle and its’ starting focus clears away what is no longer necessary during the 12 months to follow. With adhering to keen law of attraction attention, once the next 1 Personal Year Cycle begins: there is fresh, clean and fertile ground that has been naturally made to once again be ready to plant new seeds.

9 going back to a 1 Personal Year are always extremely pivotal for the 2 years within any life experience. Not resisting what needs to naturally be let go of, allows the fluidity of the 1 Personal Year Cycle to always kick off a brand new 9 year span of time via the mantra “If it is NEW it is for YOU !” which guides the next 12 month forecast of the life’s journey.

For America, this current 9 Personal Year starting back at 1 by 2024 timing coincides as well with the 1st Pluto Return, 2021-2024 it has ever experienced as a nation. This transformational death to rebirth wake up call is presently revamping its’ entire value system, money, establishments and material possessions. It will be extremely critical to be prepared for the timeframe of 25 January to 15 March as Mars will have entered via transit by then within this same area communicating with Pluto: promising riveting moments to endure, with the most intense clearance time in dynamic motion as it does so over 06 to 13 February.

The Full Forecasting Details of America’s 18/9 Personal Year 2023-24 are available now on Soul Certainty Community.

Why is it a ‘Spiritual Material Conflict’ Year for America?

As the above calculation computes America’s 11 constant of 04 July when added to our Current Universal Year of 2023: we arrive at the value of 18. As historically discussed on 23 June’s The Sharita Star Empower Hour, there are different higher vibrational energies to take into keen forecasting insight consideration of any 1 to 9 root number concerning whatever Chaldean Karmic Mystery they specifically relate.

The 18 represents ‘Spiritual Material Conflict.’ Whenever the 18 is present, this is part of what its’ Chaldean Karmic Mystery wishes for the person/entity to unlock:

18 Spiritual Material Conflict
~Linda Goodman’s Star Cards

“Of all Compound numbers, 18 has the most difficult symbolism to translate. (the Jesus complex) The ancients describe the 18 with the following image: A rayed moon, from which drops of blood are falling. A wolf and a hungry dog are seen below, catching the falling drops of blood in their opened mouths, while still lower, a crab is seen hastening to join them.

18 symbolizes materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of the nature. It often associates the person or entity represented by it with bitter quarrels within the family circle- with wars, social upheaval, and revolution.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs

As noted in the timeline below, this is only the 3rd time in America’s entire history it will cycle through an 18 vibration Personal Year within the 9. The only other years this has ever happened was during 2005-06 and 2014-15.

Full Analysis Available Now on SOUL CERTAINTY COMMUNITY!


Looking Back, How Did We Get Here?

2022-23: 17/8 Accepting Accountability, Understanding an 8 Personal Year Cycle

2021-22: 16/7 Healing America from Within, Understanding a 7 Personal Year Cycle

Near Death Experience to Rebirth for America: Understanding a Pluto Return, 2021-2024

2020-21: 15/6 Realigning & Reuniting America: Understanding a 6 Personal Year Cycle

2019-20: Irreversible America, Understanding a 23/5 Personal Year Cycle

2018-19: Reinventing America 2018-19, Understanding a 22/4 Personal Year Cycle

2017-18: The Learning for America 2017-18, Understanding a 21/3 Personal Year Cycle

Moving America Forward: The Practice of Patriotism

2016-17: The Nurturing of America, Understanding a 20/2 Personal Year Cycle

Why Donald Trump Riles America

2015-16: The 19/1 Personal Year: What It Means for America

2014-15: The Cultivation of Courage in a 18/9 Personal Year USA’s LAST 9 Personal Year in the 18, began within all matters concerning its’ leadership, power, recognition, respect, authority and public life.

Grand Cardinal Cross & The USA

Realigning Your Leadership: The Calling for Regeneration – Change

2013-14: Rising Responsibility in an 8 Personal Year

2012-13: Listening from Within in a 7 Personal Year

All prior 9 Personal Year Cycles since 1776 for America

36 or 27 The Sceptre
~Linda Goodman’s Star Cards

Of great importance to understand, is how America reigned supreme prior to the turn of the century, no matter what incredible changes it has endured and overcome with resilience. As the patterns show below of all the recurring 9 Personal Years, they always equated to a 27 or 36 higher vibration of the 9. The 27 or 36’s Chaldean Karmic Mystery is QUITE different from the 18.

27/36 represents The Sceptre: “This is an excellent, harmonious and fortunate number of courage and power, with a touch of enchantment. It blesses the person or entity it represents with a promise of authority and command. It guarantees that great rewards will come from the productive labors, the intellect, and the imagination. All of these creative faculties have sown good seeds which are to reap a rich harvest. People or entities represented by the 27 should always carry out their own original plans and ideas, and not be intimidated or influenced by the diverse opinions or opposition of others. 27 is a number of karmic reward, earned in more than one previous incarnation.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs

SOUND LIKE THE AMERICA OF OLD? Or the one that used to honestly stand in the precise meaning of the 27/36? Be sure to connect with more concerning America & the 27 energy that deeply explains its’ current 1st Pluto Return, 2021-2024.

2005-06, under the 18 starting within its’ homeland, nurturing abilities, food, family and environments. This is the FIRST 18 Personal Year Cycle the nation ever experienced within its’ lifetime.

1996-97, under the 36 starting within its’ legalities, partnerships, alliances and all personal/business relationships/contracts.

1987-88, under the 36 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.

1978-79, under the 36 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.

1969-70, under the 36 with Mars Retrograde starting within its’ inner world, secrets, healing, karmic clearing, hidden matters, abilities to process the past, and work with solitude.

1960-61, under the 27 starting within its’ abilities to create, manifest, its’ children, creative pursuits, entertainment, luxuries/pleasures and all that relates to pure heart-centered/heart space matters.

1951-52, under the 27 starting within its’ legalities, partnerships, alliances and all personal/business relationships/contracts.

1942-43, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.

1933-34, under the 27 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.

1924-25, under the 27 starting within its’ communications, ideas, mindset, thinking, mentality, information/media, short trips transportation.

1915-16, under the 27 starting within its’ abilities to serve itself and others, workforce, lifestyle, habits, routines, and physical healthcare.

1906-07, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.

1897-98, under the 36 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.

1888-89, under the 36 starting within its’ leadership, power, recognition, respect, authority and public life.

1879-80, under the 36 starting within its’ homeland, nurturing abilities, food, family and environments.

1870-71, under the 27 starting within its’ legalities, partnerships, alliances and all personal/business relationships/contracts.

1861-62, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.

1852-53, under the 27 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.

1843-44, under the 27 starting within its’ inner world, secrets, healing, karmic clearing, hidden matters, abilities to process the past, and work with solitude.

1834-35, under the 27 starting within its’ abilities to create, manifest, its’ children, creative pursuits, entertainment, luxuries/pleasures and all that relates to pure heart-centered/heart space matters.

1825-26, under the 27 starting within its’ legalities, partnerships, alliances and all personal/business relationships/contracts.

1816-17, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.

1807-08, under the 27 starting within its’ foreign affairs/relations, belief systems, willingness to be educated, long journeys and what it holds/knows to be true.

1798-99, under the 36 starting within its’ communications, ideas, mindset, thinking, mentality, information/media, short trips transportation.

1789-90, under the 36 starting within its’ abilities to serve itself and others, workforce, lifestyle, habits, routines, and physical healthcare.

1780-81, under the 27 starting within its’ wealth, investments, debt, scope of life, and abilities to regenerate/transform from core source energy.

04 July 1776 = 32 | America is born to The 32 Lifepath of ‘Communication’ Mercury, The Messenger Guided by 5

32 Communication
~Linda Goodman’s Star Cards

Chaldean Karmic Mystery to Unlock: “This Compound Number has the same magical power to sway masses of people as the 14, the same help from those in high positions as the 23. Add all this to the natural ability to charm others with magnetic speech, and it’s clear why 32 is some-times known, by modernizing the symbolism of the ancients as the politicians vibration. The complexities of advertising, writing, publishing, radio, television are not always, but usually are an open book to the 32 person, who tends to work well under pressure. But there’s a warning note sounded within this seemingly happy melody. 32 is a very fortunate number if the person it represents holds inflexibly to his or her own opinions and judgment in both artistic or intangible and material matters. If not, the plans are liable to be wrecked by the stubbornness and stupidity of others.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs

Via The 5’s Movement, Change, Versatility, Circulation This Lifepath influence is the “ground beneath America’s feet” its’ “yellow brick road of life” in essence. The pulse of change and remaining adaptable has always been the guiding light of the nation, yet as the 32 wisely councils, it is the political realms that must never be abused. Resolve your politics America if your free will actually can Never Compromise Living Consciously.


Mastering Venus Retrograde in Leo, Summer 2023

This is a must have Elearning Empowerment Experience to navigate Summer 2023 under hearty reflection & retrograde energy of Venus in Leo.

As we will experience Summer 2023, it will be a powerful time that will have us in a more than resounding request to honor reflection in our continuing EARTH HEART Shift. 

Unlike her neighbor Mercury, it’s been awhile since our Idealist planet took some necessary time off. The last Venus Retrograde cycled 19 December 2021 to 29 January 2022 in Capricorn.

Upon 22 July 2023 in Leo at 9:33pmEDT, the next cycle of review and redo commences for Venus that will conclude 9:20pmEDT upon 03 September 2023. If you are familiar with Mercury Retrograde, you already understand all too well the kinds of things that can happen under an inner planet retrograde. 

What makes a Venus Retrograde different from Mercury Retrograde?

All of our planets from above guide over different energy and conscious channels as their specific guidance affects our lives down here below.

Mercury makes things move, communicate, permanently change, blossom, think and energetically circulate.

Venus allows us to relate one on one, formulate legal agreements, be compassionate, find understanding, secure our values, intake our money, enjoy our pleasures, find our beauty via the arts and music and cherish our peace.

Both Venus and Mercury are inner planets, so when their Retrograde passages occur (Mercury every 3 months; Venus every 18 months; approximately) we are highly advised to take caution initiating our plans for long term success -personal or business wise- concerning what they are ultimately in charge of.

Being reflection, research and review are in order during these timeframes- initiating important plans under retrogrades to ensure seamless future harmony and balance are best to be avoided during them. 

JOIN Soul Certainty Community TODAY to remain empowered in consciousness by Mastering Venus Retrograde in Leo. Complete Retrograde Play by Play, Meditations, Personal Reflection & America’s Forecast are all covered in this intensive Elearning Workshop.

Venus Retrograde in Leo

It is more than fair to say as Summer 2023 heats up, it will gravely call to take heed of our Leo area of life. Venus on a normal journey through Leo enjoys romance, entertainment, luxury, loyal, creative, self-expressive, heartfelt and playful energy, yet we’ll find, these qualities are not so readily available as she’ll be under review. 

While any retrograde energetic pace seeks careful planning, Venus in backtracking in Leo tends to lean to the intense, overbearing and intimidating: where her innate seeking harmony “like normal” will be more difficult to reach. 

Being able to awaken and attain peace equally will feel there is an undeniable thwarting that will encompass our collective within this fiery channel that with otherwise be seeking reflection.

Reexamination of our heart-center, loyalties, entertainment, pleasures, luxuries, children, and our self-expression are also highly favored during Venus’s time in Leo as we take to valuing not only our very relationship to them all where The Lion organizes and manages our individual lives amongst the collective. Whatever plans one may have to engage in within these realms, they will find these also not work out as originally intended, and back up plans will be necessary to utilize instead.

August 2023 as a 6 Universal Month During Venus Retrograde

Equally once August 2023 arrives, Venus herself is also “in charge” of this 15/6 Universal Month within our ongoing 7 Universal Year 2023 as she also guides 6 vibrational energy.To say the dog days of Summer 2023 will be more than bumpy due to her being in the thick of Retrograde as she guides this August’s energy and pulse, is quite the understatement as ultimate awareness will be extremely necessary to navigate its’ more than intense ride, especially as Mercury Retrograde in Virgo joins her in his cycle of reflection from 23 August to 15 September.

JOIN Soul Certainty Community TODAY to remain empowered in consciousness by Mastering Venus Retrograde in Leo. Complete Retrograde Play by Play, Meditations, Personal Reflection & America’s Forecast are all covered in this intensive Elearning Workshop.

28 The Trusting Lamb & 12 the Sacrifice ~ The Victim | Linda Goodman’s Star Cards

Venus’s Reflective Journey from 28 to 12 degrees Leo

Venus begins her Retrograde stationed at 28 degrees Leo, completing the reflective cycle as Venus stations Direct at 12 degrees Leo, seeking to conclude our reflection stories.

As we look to the deeper wisdom and connectivity to Numerology, the Chaldean Karmic Mysteries of the 28 and 12 degrees beginning and end points have fair warnings to share with us.

The erasing of False Evidence Appearing Real to Face Everything And Rise energies are at our collective fingertips to embrace.

Venus’s Reflective Journey for AMERICA

Venus will start off asking America to take a deeply conscious inner work look at its’ relationships to its’ foreign affairs, belief systems, national truth and then will shift reflective focus to its’ very wealth, core energy, and abilities to regenerate on a transformational level. This is an ever intense and extremely critical time for the nation, and all timing details are deeply covered in Soul Certainty Community’s Mastering Venus Retrograde Elearning Workshop

JOIN Soul Certainty Community TODAY to remain empowered in consciousness by Mastering Venus Retrograde in Leo. Complete Retrograde Play by Play, Meditations, Personal Reflection & America’s Forecast are all covered in this intensive Elearning Workshop.

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo, 23 August to 15 September 2023

Just when one may think they are already reflecting enough, the final stretch of Venus’s cycle of reflection is all the more energetically charged up by the additional reflection passage that arrives of Mercury Retrograde. Our Messenger planet Mercury begins his third Retrograde of 2023 upon 23 August in Virgo through 15 September.

With Leo and Virgo being neighboring signs in the Zodiac, humanity has dual reflection homework to honor and adhere to wherever these two signs reside in the natal birth chart forecast along side the collective one.

Working Successfully with Venus Retrograde

One of the Zodiac’s benefic and inner planets, Venus’s influence grants gentleness, ease, and strength wherever her graceful energy is currently visiting within the Zodiac Pie. Venus affects the collective’s values- as well as our earning potential, money, approaches to romance, and our abilities to tap into the feminine. As she decides to not “look where she is going,” the collective can expect the natural benefits of her energies to be up for review. 

With global economic matters -and especially for America’s Forecast- already in extreme question of their stability and security, this cycle of review and redo from Venus is quintessential and right on time in the need for extreme reflection in such a universal year as 2023.

Appreciating Reflection Rewards & Absolutely What to Avoid Under Venus Retrograde

Humanity will be wise to have the heads up concerning these 5 Things to navigate Venus’s cycle of reflection on both a collective and personal consciousness level. 

  • 1. Beauty 
  • 2. Money/Finances Energy Practices
  • 3. Relationship Accountabilities
  • 4. Art, Music & Nature 
  • 5. Personal Forecast Area of Life Reflective Focus

JOIN Soul Certainty Community TODAY to remain empowered in consciousness by Mastering Venus Retrograde in Leo. Complete Retrograde Play by Play, Meditations, Personal Reflection & America’s Forecast are all covered in this intensive Elearning Workshop.

Preparing for & Recovering from Venus Retrograde

Every Retrograde passage has a “preview of coming attractions” as the planet crosses over moving forward, the exact degree point it will backtrack to called the Approach. We’ll start to notice as Venus crosses over 12 degrees Leo upon 19 June what’s going to be in full reflection by 22 July, as we properly prepare under her Approach.

Every Retrograde passage has a “ironing out the retrograde wrinkles” time until the planet crosses over, moving Direct, the exact degree point is starts retrograding upon, called the Shadow. Whatever decision may have had to happen by no other choice under Venus Retrograde will have the opportunity to smooth out the fabric wrinkles as our correction and Shadow work commences from 03 September through 06 October, when she will cross back over 28 degrees Leo moving forward precisely back where she started Retrograding upon 22 July.

What’s Really in a Word? Venus Retrograde

Whenever a planet is actively in RETROGRADE within our Zodiac skies, it’s that necessary time when we are best to surrender, and know we’ve GOT TO REDO, and GO TO A GREAT REORDER. As our romantic and value-loving planet attaches herself to the retrograde title, how apropos the anagrams we can derive are able to Spell Out the Truth of how we can reap personal rewards. 

























How Will You Consciously Honor This Cycle of Reflection?

This time for reassessment within The Lion allows your understanding of the value of humanity to become redefined on a personal and collective level. Once 03 September 2023 comes to pass, the activity within these degrees points (28 degrees to 12 degrees Leo) of the life will start to stir and reap goodness- restoring personal harmony unlike any other in quite some time.  

Equally keep in mind…. Just as soon as Venus goes Direct, not only is 2023’s third Mercury Retrograde already underway from 23 August, she will be in a squaring off aspect to Jupiter in Taurus who turns Retrograde upon 04 September: calling for extreme caution and attention to further economic stability matters and financial security observations. Can we all say WOWO ENERGY in REFLECTION? 

Remember, retrogrades are always about ultimately healing, release and reflection under the conscious practices of review. So rest and reset via Venus’s requests 22 July to 03 September, then happily gather up your Shadow rewards after, and be armed in empowerment ever single step of the reflective journey way! Looking forward to being a part of Mastering Venus Retrograde this Summer 2023 Dear Star! 

JOIN Soul Certainty Community TODAY to remain empowered in consciousness by Mastering Venus Retrograde in Leo. Complete Retrograde Play by Play, Meditations, Personal Reflection & America’s Forecast are all covered in this intensive Elearning Workshop.

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