A Quick Word on The Messenger….

Mercury enters Scorpio

6:35am EDT

05 October

Our Messenger is right in time with our Karmic Adjustor Saturn as they both enter Scorpio upon 05 October. As our communications Guru spends time with The Eagle, it will be smart to make sure you are not engaging in any kinds of ruthless or skeptical mentalities. This choice of free-will only results in the lower energy of how Scorpio can operate within the deadly sting of The Scorpion.

Check in where Scorpio sits in your Zodiac Pie to know what area of life you can anticipate some movement and resourceful ideas coupled by penetrating and acute perceptions for this pass. The lack of detachment and variety along with a limited adaptability are to be avoided. Bitter, trenchant and intolerant methods of expressions will not bring out the truth. Rather, diplomacy is always The Eagles’ preferred way to soar into the mysteries and catch all the scope that wishes to be captured.

Mercury starts preparations for his upcoming Retrograde as his shadow begins 18 October. Communications and movement will be alive and well in this area of the life, and should unresolved issues be lingering here, probing and secretive mentalities are prominent for this pass. Not much will remain in the darkness that is meant come into awareness. Couple The Messengers’ presence with that of Saturn, and if you restrict your compliance to being responsible to what is being said within this area of the life, be prepared for sharp and piercing reactions to reign. Lessons needing to be learned will not be avoided.

Mercury moves ahead into Sagittarius 29 October before Retrograding upon the USA’s Election day 06 November, and returns to Scorpio once again upon 14 November, where he will remain in review until the 26 November. More to come on Mercury Retrograde, and what this last reflection offering in 2012 from our communications planet will have us wrapped up in redos and all those RE’s a bit later. Our Messenger, once in forward motion, will conclude his journey in Scorpio by 10 December.

Stay tuned Dear Stars. Life as we know it is really about to get extremely interesting….

A Quick Word on The Messenger…

Mercury enters Libra

16 September
8:55am EDT

As Mercury journeys within The Scales throughout 05 October, balanced thinking is readily available as both sides of any issue are more easily seen in fair judgments. It will be key to make sure indecisiveness isn’t part of the well-polished methods of expression that equally will wish to grace our comparative communications.

Check in with your Libra piece of the Zodiac Pie to equally find where messages and information is easily channeled to you over this passage. Much knowledge surrounds the last degrees of Saturn in Libra, who will also move forward into Scorpio the very same day as our Messenger does.  04 October certainly will bring into our soul’s light all the lessons we have been asked to understand and process while our Karmic Adjustor Saturn has been here since October 2010.  This tipping point degree of the 29 within Libra will ask that we apply tremendous ‘Grace Under Pressure’ as the completion of energy here makes it’s way unto the collective landscape. Emotions, should they flare up under the intensity of this Mercury/Saturn conjunct, are meant to as always, be responded verses reacted to.

Before Mercury and Saturn meet up to make their dramatic entrance into transformational Scorpio upon 05 October, Mercury is able to provide us with well-ordered perceptions with intuitive flashes as he transits through The Scales. However, make sure to not take up in the distractions, which are so easy to come under this passage as well. When precision is sought through rational and well-balanced mental planes, expediency is no longer lacking.

Our Messenger is keen at this time to ask you to first seek to understand, then be understood, especially from your personal and collective charts vantage points. So, once again, check in where The Scales guide your piece of the Zodiac Pie to make sure you will judicially study this area of the life. Come to your own gentle perception in the next couple of weeks of how much you have learned from the slow, patient process that has been unraveling from Saturn’s persistent presence here that is now coming to a close for another 28 years. The knowledge you have gained now can be applied as wisdom for the future.

A Quick Word on The Messenger…

Mercury enters Virgo
31 August
10:32pm EDT
Our Messenger finally moves forward from his recent realignment of energy within Leo, where he has been visiting all summer since the 25 June. As he joins up with our Sun in The Virgin, the collective mentality is sped up to receive the correct messages all the more clearly as to the proper path to purify the atmospheres around us. While Mercurial energy in Virgo can diligently bask in the realms of logic, scientific and critical means to find the systematic answers it seeks, it is by tapping into the confidence of knowing and eliminating DOUBT -which we always say please politely tell it DO BUT OUT BUD- that accurate perceptions are achieved.
Until 16 September, take advantage of our Messenger’s presence where The Virgin aligns a many details within your Zodiac Pie. This area of the life will be sure to see it’s fair share of communicative energies to display themselves, and quite eloquently as they do so. Remember Virgo is the sign that appreciates more than most, impeccable manners as it is more than happy to be of service to you.
Back to that DOUBT, which, if you lean towards any lack of breadth or confidence over this passage- you will have to repeat the mantra of politely reminding it to please DO BUT OUT BUD. As adaptability is always part of how The Virgin functions best, as Mercury journeys here, you’ll find, the SILENT LISTEN assists wonderfully with all the mutability at hand. There are quite subtle and easily educated mental capacities that are able to aide with a healthy discrimination to decipher the well-regulated thinking which will wish to speak once it has precisely has analyzed it all.

A Quick Word on The Messenger…


Mercury enters Cancer
07 June, 7:16am EDT

Even adaptable Mercury can not seem to take all the heat going on at present within the Twins! As he moves on to journey with The Crab, look for nurturing ways to say what you feel- as receptive, instinctive, and emotionally swayed energies now wish to emerge upon the collective’s perceptions. Our Messenger now prepares us to get ready for the sensational action that will soon start to emerge as our Summer opens up later this month.

Mentally, Mercury’s visit within Cancer until 25 June will bring forth clear, emotionally swayed, and reflecting thoughts for the ponder wherever The Crab cozies up within your Zodiac Pie. Look forward to some colorful and imaginative methods of expression. Instinct is strong within the collective mindset under this passage. So too, can you adapt to a SILENT LISTEN to hear what is meant to be communicated here now within your life.

Our Messenger tends to throw off his logic and precision while in this transit, so be aware of getting retained in too many dreamy or loquacious channels, as the imagination can get a little carried away if reactions to those thoughts are the free will’s choice verses that of response. With Cancer being the very sign that aligns our emotion and feeling, it is highly advised to check-in with the goodness that is mean to be felt here. Mercury loves to change, so let him stir up these as the chicken soup for your soul.

The Crab is well-known to take up with worry when there is not a healthy channel for that imagination to flow with. As Mercury visits here, it is keen to be aware of how communications are showing up from this area of life- and carefully examine what they are wishing to say. With Cancer also being a sign that loves to cherish past memories, you’ll equally find some old perceptions may come to the surface to visit as well.

As Jupiter enters Gemini upon 11 June, The Messenger takes up with some structure as he will square Uranus in Aries and then later in the day, offer up ideal completion to Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn at 08 degrees Cancer. Thoughts will be in request of letting go of emotional blockages and take up with more originality and innovation as he and Uranus converse. While opposing Pluto, the next step to releasing worn out patterns of thinking has the opportunity to flourish, but just make sure those pincher claws are good and relaxed to let the energy from our Transformer planet be able to regenerate you.

A Quick Word on The Messenger…

Mercury enters Gemini
24 May
7:12am EDT
Our Messenger Mercury has now joined in all the fun as it unites communications for the collective within the Twins through 07 June. Look for information to be delivered that pertains to the recent Solar Eclipse initiations in this piece of your Zodiac Pie.

Even as Venus is presently requesting us to reflect within this area of the life, Mercury now stimulates our mentalities to let in the knowledge that will assist in bringing forth the proper review. 01 June marks the alignment of these two planets, as one is going backwards and the other forward at 18 degrees Gemini. The collective will find this degree point to stir up some true release and conclusions that wish to reveal themselves. A close square forms from Mars over at 15 degrees Virgo which ideally looks for these two areas of life within your Zodiac Pie to be motivated to develop a stronger structure, rather than be reacted to by feeling cornered and blocked.

Mercury while journeying with The Twins overall brings speedy, inquisitive and ever-active mentalities. As Venus asks us to revisit what is of true value within this area of the life, see how some different ways of looking at things can replace worn-out patterns of thinking. The collective can expect plenty of double-sided coins to ponder, in where a true uniting of divided goals will be the grace that brings in genius results to any relationship-oriented understandings.

Take this opportunity to truly channel what Gemini wishes to say about not only how we value our information here, but how we equally bring forth the union of divided goals to allow the ideas wishing to be heard. As this mutable air sign can be challenging to quiet the mind under, when you take that time in a SILENT LISTEN, you’ll be in the space to receive all the wonders from above down here below.



A Quick Word on The Messenger…

Mercury enters Taurus

09 May 

1:14am EDT 


After all the excitement our Messenger pioneered within Aries, now it is time to slow the mental pace down and get serious into conventional, diplomatic and constructive methods of expression. Ideas come in limited capacities, in where, they are more pleased by deliberate and well-drilled concentration verses inspiration and spontaneity. Again, honing in on intuition grants the patient voice of Taurus to speak with the innate wisdom necessary to let the collective think for this pass in stability.

Even as our Lunar Lady still wanes through 20 May, Mercury practically opens the lines of conversation up easily with Mars at 08 deg Virgo as he reaches 08 deg Taurus 13 May. As Mars is taking all of his recent Retrograde review in forward motion, look to the connection between these two areas of the life to bring forth shrewd, resourceful and confident ideas. Much quick-wit is able to be attained as this stimulation to the collective’s mentality offers up a fast pace that will make those thoughts all the more forthright in their messages.

Mercury’s energy at 09 deg Taurus meets up with ease to chat with how Pluto at 09 deg Capricorn is offering review under Retrograde in the life on 14 May . As the turns of transformation are unfolding where The Goat works hard in your Zodiac Pie, working with this trine allows for sharpening of the intellect in intense ways. Make note of what comes into play from these two areas of the life, as they find agreeable avenues to make changes occur under.

Right after our upcoming Solar Eclipse in Gemini 20 May, Mercury connects upon 22 May with the abundance of Jupiter at 25 deg Taurus. Where The Bull is patient, this now receives expansive and philosophical communications that wish to change up beliefs here. Reap the rewards that the fertile mind is able to enjoy and be easily educated by, as hope is happily part of the mental picture that can be made.

Enjoy all the steady conversation our Messenger wishes to share with you within The Bull throughout 24 May! 

A Quick Word on The Messenger…

Mercury enters Aries

16 April

6:42pm EDT

We move ever-closer to the Shadow passage of our 1st Mercury Retrograde being over as our Messenger re-enters Aries today. Our Messenger was last here upon 02 March moving forward under the Approach.  Whatever unfinished business still in need of ironing out the kinks, will come to pass as the Shadow concludes when Mercury reaches 06 degrees Aries again upon 22 April.As Mercury journeys once more with The Ram, communications in this area of the Zodiac Pie are directed to take the lead; engaging in alert, clever and spirited methods of expression. Remember under this transit, going with your very first thoughts brings the best outcomes- second guessing things ends up with unfavored results. Spontaneous thoughts are sure to find the collective requesting adaptation to be utilized.

As these early Aries degrees in your personal piece of the Zodiac Pie finish up the recent MRx Shadow, anticipate some communication stirs and changes to still find you. Energies after 22 April will then be in full speed ahead to exhibit alert, quick, and inspired perceptions about what ideally is meant to shift and alter in this area of the life. As with any Aries transit, cultivating concentration, patience, repose, and restraint to the excitability unfolding here, makes for all the more successful outcomes.

Where will you get word about what should be moving, talking and altering in the life?
From the collective perspective, take a peak! If you know your rising sign, and it falls in the early degrees of it, then read that too for another glance at how your natal birth chart is calling for The Messenger to grace you with plenty of conversation throughout 09 May.

1st Approaches & Impressions/Mask to the World/Motivations


12th Inner Psyche/Clearing of the Past

11th Innovations/Friendships/Organizations

10th Career/Public Life/Opportunities

9th Philosophies/Foreign Travel/Education

8th Transformations/Sexuality/Wealth

7th Partnerships/Marriage/Balance with Others

6th Health/Being of Service/Employees

5th Creativity/Children/Love Affairs

4th Home/Family/Emotions/Environments

3rd Thinking/Mentality/Communications

2nd Values/Earning Power/Possessions

A Quick Word on The Messenger….

Mercury enters Aries

02 March

6:41am EST

We move ever-closer to the 1st Mercury Retrograde passage of 2012 as our Messenger entered Aries today. While Mercury will only reach 06 degrees within The Ram by 12 March as the backwards dance initiates, the approach has been on since 26 February, ensuring all present communications and movement will be associated with this reflective time from our Zodiac Skies.

As Aries journeys with The Ram, mentalities are directed to take the lead; engaging in alert, clever and spirited methods of expression. Remember under this transit, going with your very first thoughts brings the best outcomes- second guessing things ends up with unfavored results. Spontaneous thoughts are sure to find the collective requesting adaptation to be utilized. Once Retrograde begins 12 March, just make sure when acting upon those first thoughts, the I’s are dotted and T’s crossed when making any kinds of important decisions, which truly should not be made until 04 April comes to pass.

Once Retrograde begins, Mercury will take until 23 March to trace his steps back to re-enter Pisces. In Preparing for Mercury’s Reflection, there are some further tips and information here on what we can all expect from what could truly be some “March Madness” that is not referring to basketball season.

As you look to the early Aries degrees in your personal piece of the Zodiac Pie, anticipate some communication stirs to find you. Energies here now are in full speed to exhibit alert, quick, and inspired perceptions. As with any Aries transit, cultivating concentration, patience, repose, and restraint to the excitability unfolding here, makes for all the more successful outcomes.

A Quick Word on The Messenger….

Mercury enters Capricorn
08 Jan

1:34am EST

Now that we are one week past the Shadow completing of the recent Holiday Season’s Retrograde passage, Mercury has brought all of his communications through within The Archer until October 2012. Time now to get back to some serious business when it comes to our thinking and mentality as he takes up with the ambitions of The Goat.

For the collective, communications can find a passage of reliable, conventional and careful means of expression for the next couple of weeks. This is an absolutely fabulous time to hone in on clear, methodical, and resourceful methods of collecting thoughts and grounding them.

Energies from our thoughts may seem dry and at times rigid, yet as our Messenger journeys with The Goat, you can not ask for a better time of year to truly sit with slow and patient perceptions. Quick decisions should be avoided. Rather, taking up with some profound pause and caution is highly recommended.

Look out for secrets to be unveiled and intense transformation to stir as Mercury conjuncts Pluto on Friday the 13th January. Viewed as an unlucky date by some, The Chaldeans honored this vibration to represent ‘Regeneration and Change.’ Couple this with where 07 degrees Capricorn lives in the life, and you’ll find some kind of shift is ready to unfold right before your eyes. Remember, it is the letting of what is no longer necessary here that sets up the perfect alignment for the lines of communication to be wide open to receive a rebirth.

Check your personal Zodiac Pie to see where Mercury is presently requesting this adaptability within your life. You’ll find, in this specific area of the life throughout 27 January, that you have some innate conservation to tap into to make smart decisions here. By listening to the stability and tradition that Capricorn is presenting for anyone to embrace, we will be all the more prepared for the inventions and new life that Aquarius will be eagerly awaiting to bestow upon us as Winter’s wisdom continues.