A Quick Word on The Messenger…

Mercury enters Taurus

09 May 

1:14am EDT 


After all the excitement our Messenger pioneered within Aries, now it is time to slow the mental pace down and get serious into conventional, diplomatic and constructive methods of expression. Ideas come in limited capacities, in where, they are more pleased by deliberate and well-drilled concentration verses inspiration and spontaneity. Again, honing in on intuition grants the patient voice of Taurus to speak with the innate wisdom necessary to let the collective think for this pass in stability.

Even as our Lunar Lady still wanes through 20 May, Mercury practically opens the lines of conversation up easily with Mars at 08 deg Virgo as he reaches 08 deg Taurus 13 May. As Mars is taking all of his recent Retrograde review in forward motion, look to the connection between these two areas of the life to bring forth shrewd, resourceful and confident ideas. Much quick-wit is able to be attained as this stimulation to the collective’s mentality offers up a fast pace that will make those thoughts all the more forthright in their messages.

Mercury’s energy at 09 deg Taurus meets up with ease to chat with how Pluto at 09 deg Capricorn is offering review under Retrograde in the life on 14 May . As the turns of transformation are unfolding where The Goat works hard in your Zodiac Pie, working with this trine allows for sharpening of the intellect in intense ways. Make note of what comes into play from these two areas of the life, as they find agreeable avenues to make changes occur under.

Right after our upcoming Solar Eclipse in Gemini 20 May, Mercury connects upon 22 May with the abundance of Jupiter at 25 deg Taurus. Where The Bull is patient, this now receives expansive and philosophical communications that wish to change up beliefs here. Reap the rewards that the fertile mind is able to enjoy and be easily educated by, as hope is happily part of the mental picture that can be made.

Enjoy all the steady conversation our Messenger wishes to share with you within The Bull throughout 24 May! 

Lunar-O-Scope, New Moon in Taurus

21 April 
3:18am EDT

Rooting in Security

Oh are we really able to truly welcome in the NEW as this 2nd Lunar Renewal of Spring in Taurus brings forth deep, intuitive, and sensuous feelings that are truly free to be now that Mars Retrograde is over and Mercury’s Shadow becomes complete.

Moon enters Taurus
Saturday 21 April, 12:05am EDT til Monday, 23 April at 1:05am EDT

Taurus energy must beware of dogged, materialistic, lethargic, and obstinate behaviors that may arise. When any possessive energies are around, it is easy to gravitate to unimaginative and reactionary tendencies. While a strong sense of values and patience mark any Taurus passage, the cultivation of enterprise, adaptability, and vision are equally wise to adhere to.

New Moon, 21 April, 3:18am EDT, 01 degrees Taurus
When our New Moon embarks in the practical and preserving energies of Taurus -the sign that consciously aims for security- we are now ready to really take on an enduring and resourceful spirit. Earth is Taurus’s elemental influence, so look to this passage to allow feelings to take root, and “fix” into a grounding force.

Be sure to check your 01 degree Taurus spot in thee natal birth chart as well to see how this point is ready with some fresh energy. Coupled with the collective perspective, this is the area of life that requests initiation over the next two weeks. Seeds planted in this section of your Zodiac pie until the Full Moon 05 May are bound to reap a rich harvest further down the road.

For the Collective
All is finally able to move forward in the world for dramatic change as our two inner planets that make things move and motivate are finally aligning with the blessings from our Lunar Lady. By the time our next Full Moon in Scorpio comes to pass, you’ll certainly notice that some transformations are intensely unfolding from the Taurus to Scorpio piece of the personal and collective viewpoints of your Zodiac Pie.

Mars at 03 degrees Virgo makes a fine trine to our New Moon, and his recent return to action in The Virgin equally is eager to make some flowing connections with The Bull. As Mars now works to align those details of how The Virgin provides us with impeccable service and the ability to purify within our lives; taking note of how this can find a body, mind, and spirit connection to what new roots Taurus is wishing to plant with patient yet passionate emotions behind them is soul time well-spent.

LUNAR-O-SCOPE, NEW Moon in Taurus 2012
For the collective horoscope, again we offer some simple advice for every sign from the outer vantage point. Remember, if you know your Rising Sign (Ascendant), read that passage too, for it typically will apply to your personal charts’ advice.  Keep in mind, it is full mathematical analysis of the individual birth chart that truly indicates how the current planetary energies are uniquely affecting you. 

Aries: You’ll be in the mood to lead yourself in the direction to a renewed sense of values while taking stock of your personal possessions, all of what “I Have.” How you earn your dollars seeks to find a new source to flow from, backed by the motivation that relates to how “I Serve,” both the world and your state of health. Be cautious about impulsive purchases- best to choose ones that serve a practical purpose to ground your fire a bit- making sure you save for rainy days.

Taurus: Dear Bull it is time to write a new list of all that “I Am.” Be ready for exciting and stirring feelings that secure new roots in your approaches and first impressions. The focus is now upon you, and the re-activation of self. You’ll find you are equally seeing plenty of action to aide in harmonizing it all from where “I Create” as these two areas of the life now learn from one another. The world is anxious to see the new masks you are now ready to wear with optimism.

Gemini: Time to spend some time in solitude, that place of how “I Process.” The spiritual, subconscious realms, and the psychological make-ups of life call to you to really get away from your chatty self, so don’t be in a disconnect. The value in the inner security you’ll discover carries on in your communications for the long term. Dreams cast light into the future, while your waking deja-vus bring comfort to how “I Nurture” as home life is now making you happy again.

Cancer: Fresh friendships are able to fly Dear Crab, as the “I Socialize” area of your life is ready for new seeds. A group or cause awaits for you to join it, so don’t remain in your shell, it’s time to allow an original energy to flow. Accept that forthcoming invitation get out of the house. You’ll gain a renewed sense of patience, contentment, and familiarity from attending- which motivates how “I Communicate” to innovative, generous and humane forms of expressions.

Leo: There is a definite harvest, stability, and reward bestowing itself upon the career and public life, all of how “I Structure.” Equally, this is a fantastic time to promote or start a new business, or, expect a nice recognition if you’ve done your homework already to receive it. Consider a new view on authority that you haven’t been responsible to up till now. All connects fantastically to the return of action within all that “I Have” and what is of real value to you, not just money itself.

Virgo: Inspiration is fueling where you express your philosophies, all of how “I Believe.” Thinking about a trip Virgin? Go ahead: plan one, take one, or find ways to broaden your view of the world at large. Opportunities ignite your urge to grow, as exciting educational pursuits emerge. Eliminate any doubt with these birthing beliefs, as they are happily learning from your entire new action in the way “I Am.” Don’t be shy to take on the new roles that you’ll soon be teaching.

Libra: Let go of wishy-washy feelings concerning your securities and investments, and do take the lead to arrive at decisions about any changes where “I Transform.” Other people’s money is of assistance to you now. The doors to ultimate regeneration unravel and are intensely talking with what is purging where “I Process.”  Be friendly to those sexy feelings that seduce and stir in the air- just be patient when taking action, as all undoes the past and lets in a balanced new you.

Scorpio: Your partnerships: romantic, business, or otherwise are where you feel passionate right now, wherever “I Relate.” Fresh people you connect with over this waxing period are of special importance to future endeavors. Wise, diplomatic choices here engages true forward motion- so no rush is necessary. Lingering legalities should tie up peacefully and be prosperous ones. There is fast action in motion from where “I Socialize” so dream, hope, and wish well as you join in.

Sagittarius: Aim your arrows towards your health and all sense of how “I Serve” Dear Archer, for this Lunar light has you feeling the time is now to bring on improvements! What you do for others and for your physical self look for new routines and habits in detail. A new pet can be promising. Now that you feel motivation is moving where “I Structure,” let these two areas of the life align in the understanding that your limitless energy truly has generously returned in full.

Capricorn: While you always enjoy the ambitious pursuit, it is how “I Create” that desires your full attention Old Goat. Enthusiasm watches over your current project. Playful feelings surround love affairs and contacts with children. “Brain children” or your offspring captivate, offering inspiration. Take note of how all this fresh fun relates to the surge of activity where “I Believe” and see what all is able to teach you, as you are ideally ready to be in joyous growth again.

Aquarius: Invention wishes to find you in the home life Water Bearer, where “I Nurture.” Improvement to family relations run smooth and welcome your innovative ideas for change. Your prophetic nature should be on the look-out for those déjà vu experiences. Their messages hold importance to you now- ideally these are in deep conversation with the way “I Transform” and the energy that is turning you anew from the core here presently- all teaching you to feel more.

Pisces: Find fresh waters for your mentality and thinking to swim in Dear Fishes, your entire sense of how “I Communicate.” Your intellect absorbs the anew like a sponge, and your ideas are aides. Plan that short trip or take one. The new direction your intuitive mind takes root with reveals in joyous conversation with how “I Relate,” where a plenty of new one-on-one activity is in your ocean at present. Look for peace with siblings and friendly fun with your neighbors.

A Quick Word on The Idealist….

   Venus enters Taurus

05 March 

5:25am EST

Our planet that enjoys balancing it all out within your life takes up journeying with The Bull through 03 April. Knowing Taurus is the sign that consciously aims for security, as Venus visits this piece of the Zodiac Pie, values come into the collective focus to be established and grounded.

This Venus passage prefers to seek harmony through art, music, obedience and contact with what material pleasures can bring to us. Time spent absorbing the sensual can ideally be reached through things like nature, foods and our possessions.

Venus loves her affections, which will find themselves to be strong and steadfast within the slow and patient process Taurus innately knows. Dispositions find sociable, generous, conservative, and placid means to be expressed. Taking note of physical beauty lets in the natural channel she wishes to bestow upon us with plenty of magnetism and charm to back it up.

Just as Mercury begins to offer us reflection as it Retrogrades in Aries upon 12 March, by 13 March, Venus is cozied up next to Jupiter at 09 degrees Taurus. As enthusiasm and optimism intensifies here, a devotion to contemplate deeply surfaces for us to firmly expand what values are wishing to educate to us here. Solid roots are more than ready to be placed within this area of the life, but don’t get too carried away with extravagance as Jupiter will bring plenty of excitability to Venus’s pleasures.

Taurus appreciates stability and endurance, which will the highlight of this transit when determination is recognized. So, in the midst of how Mercury will be creating his tricks for you to honor reassessments within Aries and Pisces, look to The Bull for a gentle place to find some kindly energies to be still emerging within the life.