A Grand Trine in Nine

A Grand Gift in Earth

A very cool cast from our planets above down here below…

At 9pm EDT, we see an intense Grand Trine in our Earth Signs.

Venus and Jupiter at 09 degrees Taurus (House 7, right side of chart)

Mars Retrograde at 09 degrees Virgo (House 11, upper left of chart)

Pluto at 09 degrees Capricorn (House 3, lower center of chart)

At the 9th degree, this more than optimistic communication between our Earth Signs is requesting a true alignment in the practicality, solidarity, efficiency, stability and true worth of our lives down here below. Take a good patient look around your world. What can you be truly grateful for, even amidst any  apparent flux that Mercury Retrograde may be causing? There is a half full glass for you to grab somewhere.
Venus and Jupiter undoubtedly have called forth the harmonies we are seeing for an extra early Spring, as the signs are everywhere about it’s bursting even as we are still within the last licks of Winter with our present Sun at 23 degrees Pisces. Taurus is the sign to “fix” us into Spring, and here, we have the very two planets transiting with these realms. Who isn’t feeling the fever from The Idealist and The Optimist? 
Mars is cleaning up big time in the realms of The Virgin, where life here is motivated to be reviewed in fairly intense ways. Driving energies seek to spin out what is no longer necessary within the areas of health, being of service and how pets are handled. Known as the sign of the auditor, Virgo is finding those details to be raked over and it’s mutable ground is getting a true fertilization. By the time 13 April comes along, The Pioneer will return to making sure proper direction and action returns to this area of the life.
Pluto, slowly but surely, is capturing all the scope from the wisdom of Capricorn. The Transformer is bringing everything back to being tried and true, and will not tolerate that which is not being done with the utmost integrity. Those trying to cut corners and make short cuts to the long term goal, will be taught serious lessons from this grave mistake. This planet is about power, and power comes from the slow and steady choice in this day and age.
So at 9pm EDT 13 March 2012 on the East Cost, we have another interesting capture as we cast the here and now chart. With an 18 degree Libra Rising in on the horizon, we have another understanding of the 9 here. The 18 as we have been seeing from the last 6 Full Moons at the 18th degree of the sign, is requesting once more we take a closer look at the balance of Spiritual-Material Conflict within our lives. The material no longer matters, at least the obsession of it as it has been created to appear within this disposable and fast paced greedy world. Getting “Spiritual” and truly in touch with the nature of relating, now, that is what the 18th degree of Libra wishes for us to unite our innate dependency with.
With Libra in the lead and all Cardinal Signs in charge of this 9pm EDT 13 March “As Above,” Pluto is transforming the thinking, Venus and Jupiter are thrilled to be creating harmony in relationships, and Mars says rethink all hopes dreams and wishes in what society really is doing for us all down here below. This Trine in Nine is asking for conclusions to how these 3 areas relate and work in ease with one another. Conclusions are being asked to formulate, or simply, they will fall into place without question.
Also of interest to note is the Medium Coeli (Mid Heaven) in the area of how structure is formed for the collective, and where the individuality stems from, ideally. This point is at  21 degree of Cancer, that of The Crown of the Magi. This number is also happy to report that the soul testing is over and some higher learning is upon us that must be nurtured. New philosophies and beliefs are ready to grow within humanity’s outward expressions. Now, does that precisely mean no more heartache?
No. In fact, there may be more heartache ahead than we have ever seen in quite some time. But, if we are not consumed with the material, our spiritual soul will know how to handle it, and the conflict will cease. The only soul testing we have had is not recognizing enough spirit within our lives. With all of this 18 and 9 going on, it is truly time. Time to let go of what we thought we knew. What we thought we already understood. It’s final. It’s over. The world we all were so damn comfortable in. It doesn’t exist anymore, and it doesn’t work.
Get practical. Get real. Get rooted. Return to tradition. Be efficient. Be happy. Exercise patience. Get healthy. Educate yourself. Think for yourself. Live in Spiritual and Universal Laws. Be silent. Listen. Turn on the deep love in your heart to evolve on this earth. This is our future. It is time to say, “WE are NEW.”

The Grand Trine in Nine has spoken.  Namaste.

On a personal note….

This alignment means everything to you from the collective perspective, as well as from your natal birth chart. A quick handy guide is below that points to the collective’s vantage point of how these 4 planets from above are able to work with you down here below. Depending upon the exact mathematical cast of the natal birth chart chart, you can also gain further insight on a more personal level by seeing how 09 degree points of the Earth Signs align for you.

Your Collective Alignment in A Grand Trine in NineThe connection of how 09 degrees Venus/Jupiter in Taurus, 09 degrees Mars Rx in Virgo,
09 degrees Pluto in Capricorn works from the collective horoscope.

Harmony/Wisdom of what “I Have” Values/Earning Power
Motivating review and Drive of how “I Serve” Service/Health
Transforming Power in how “I Structure” Career/Public Life

Harmony/Wisdom of how “I Am” First Impressions/Approaches
Motivating review and Drive of how “I Create” Creativity/Children
Transforming Power in how “I Believe” Higher Education/Philosophy

Harmony/Wisdom of how “I Process” Subconscious Process/Inner World
Motivating review and Drive of how “I Nurture” Home/Family/Environment
Transforming Power of how “I Regenerate” Wealth/Sexuality/Core Change

Harmony/Wisdom of how “I Socialize” Friendships/Groups/Hopes/Dreams
Motivating review and Drive of how “I Communicate” Thinking/Mentality
Transforming Power of how “I Relate” Partnerships/Marriage

Harmony/Wisdom of how “I Structure” Career/Public Life
Motivating review and Drive of what “I Have” Values/Earning Power
Transforming Power of how ““I Serve” Service/Health

Harmony/Wisdom of how “I Believe” Higher Education/Philosophy
Motivating review and Drive of how “I Am” First Impressions/Approaches
Transforming Power of how “I Create” Creativity/Children

Harmony/Wisdom of how “I Regenerate” Wealth/Sexuality/Core Change
Motivating review and Drive of how “I Process” Subconscious Process/Inner World
Transforming Power of how “I Nurture” Home/Family/Environment

Harmony/Wisdom of how “I Relate” Partnerships/Marriage
Motivating review and Drive of how “I Socialize” Friendships/Groups/Hopes/Dreams
Transforming Power of how “I Communicate” Thinking/Mentality

Harmony/Wisdom of how “I Serve” Service/Health
Motivating review and Drive of how “I Structure” Career/Public Life
Transforming Power in what “I Have” Values/Earning Power


Harmony/Wisdom of how “I Create” Creativity/Children
Motivating review and Drive of what “I Believe” Higher Education/Philosophy
Transforming Power of how “I Am” First Impressions/Approaches

Harmony/Wisdom of how “I Nurture” Home/Family/Environment
Motivating review and Drive of how “I Regenerate” Wealth/Sexuality/Core Change
Transforming Power of how “I Process” Subconscious Process/Inner World

Harmony/Wisdom of how “I Communicate” Thinking/Mentality
Motivating review and Drive of how “I Relate” Partnerships/Marriage
Transforming Power of how “I Socialize” Friendships/Groups/Hopes/Dream

Remaining Positive: Mercury Retrograde, 12 Mar to 04 Apr

Sooooo… If you’ve done your astrological homework and did your ‘Preparing for Mercury Retrograde’ you are truly going to be at the head of the class for the next few weeks ahead. And noooooo, the end of the world is not coming quite yet just because The Messenger is taking time to offer us all some necessary reflection within our lives. But, rest assured, this passage is going to change up a lot things for the collective.

Remaining positive couldn’t be more important to grab on to with both hands, and hold on tight. Let’s just think of Mercury for a second. Envision our quicksilver planet who ever-so enjoys delivering his messages and information, making sure travel and movement is happily happening wherever he goes. Now, picture him blindfolded in a sense, in where, he can not see where he is going to do all of these things he typically keeps himself quite busy with.  What would you do if you had to literally only physically move backwards to function down here below?

This is why, we are not “doomed” under Mercury Retrograde at all. It is all how our free-will chooses to perceive the changes that will naturally unfold during this passage from above. Knowing our Messenger’s channel from above is going to make things flux- possibly leaning towards the chaotic- it is definitely a smart move to honor his request for retreat, relax, review, and redo. Those who are not willing to adapt to a reflective, relaxed and resolute state, are the ones who make mountains out of molehills over this time.

Trying to move forward in life when the planet that directly governs movement, thinking, and communications of all kinds upon this planet is moving backwards is just plain silly. Logically, like Mercury always is, it makes perfect sense. This passage definitely gives him the name of ‘The Trickster’ as he does a sleepwalk of sorts. Over the course of a years time, he travels backwards about as much as we actually sleep. Becoming any clearer why the Universe sets it up perfectly every 4 months that we naturally take a mental rest?

Being in the know to take our time, expect delays, exercise patience, don’t sign nor initiate anything of importance, and have Plan B, C or even D ready if A changes- is critical to staying within the power of your positive energy over this time. Even in the face of apparent tragedy that can arise due to those unaware of how this Universal request from above works down here below- it is always up to you. Respond or react. You decide, as you are the captain of your own ship. And if you are letting anyone else sail it for you, perhaps you should truly take up with reflecting upon that under this upcoming passage.

Rejoicing can be yours under Mercury Retrograde by remembering all those RE’s. Literally, most any word that begins with RE, is the finest way to reap reward from this passage, which absolutely can occur. But if you want to move forward in life and plan for the future while the Messenger is backtracking, you’ll just end up wasting your time. Human error and mindlessness is the highest under MRx than any other time of the year.

So what should you do from 12 March to 04 April? Returning to old projects is highly favored. Reconnecting with old friends/contacts. Reviewing what just happened in the life since the last MRx back in Sagittarius in November and December 2011. Revise current work. Dive into some research. Go on a retreat. Reclaim something lost. Go for a release.  Revisit your life. Repair what is broken. Redo, Rest, Relax. Reflect.

For each and every sign in the Zodiac, while Mercury will “do this thing” from 06 degrees Aries to 23 degrees Pisces, there are 2 areas of the life from the collective perspective that this will ultimately require reassessment and revision within. Looking to the natal chart, you will wish to precisely see how these degree points fall, and what area of the life they are asking you to take a chill pill within for this period of time.  

We’ve got the quick collective scoop for where you’ll find reward in reflection by discovering the power of your own positive energy in the response verses the react. The first area listed starts you off where as well, Mercury will meet up with Uranus in Aries who has been already displaying the unexpected to you within this area of the life. The second listed is the area of focus for review when Mercury re-enters Pisces 23 March.

1st Approaches/Mask to the World/Motivations
12th Inner Psyche/Clearing of the Past

12th Inner Psyche/Clearing of the Past
11th Innovations/Friendships/Organizations

11th Innovations/Friendships/Organizations
10th Career/Public Life/Opportunities

10th Career/Public Life/Opportunities 
9th Philosophies/Foreign Travel/Education

9th Philosophies/Foreign Travel/Education 
8th Transformations/Sexuality/Wealth

8th Transformations/Sexuality/Wealth
7th Partnerships/Marriage/Balance with Others

7th Partnerships/Marriage/Balance with Others
6th Health/Being of Service/Employees

6th Health/Being of Service/Employees
5th Creativity/Children/Love Affairs

5th Creativity/Children/Love Affairs
4th Home/Family/Emotions

4th Home/Family/Emotions
3rd Thinking/Mentality/Communications

3rd Thinking/Mentality/Communications
2nd Values/Earning Power/Possessions

2nd Values/Earning Power/Possessions
1st Approaches/Mask to the World/Motivations

So let’s Dear Stars, have some FUN for a change with our Trickster, and listen to what he wishes to help us with down here below, ourselves. And whatever CHALLENGES may come your way to test your soul, know too, ALL CHANGES LEAN AN ANGEL ANGLE HEAL AS A SAGE CLEANSE.  Off we go to become friends with change.  Namaste.

More on the Lexigrams of MERCURY RETROGRADE!

A Quick Word on The Idealist….

   Venus enters Taurus

05 March 

5:25am EST

Our planet that enjoys balancing it all out within your life takes up journeying with The Bull through 03 April. Knowing Taurus is the sign that consciously aims for security, as Venus visits this piece of the Zodiac Pie, values come into the collective focus to be established and grounded.

This Venus passage prefers to seek harmony through art, music, obedience and contact with what material pleasures can bring to us. Time spent absorbing the sensual can ideally be reached through things like nature, foods and our possessions.

Venus loves her affections, which will find themselves to be strong and steadfast within the slow and patient process Taurus innately knows. Dispositions find sociable, generous, conservative, and placid means to be expressed. Taking note of physical beauty lets in the natural channel she wishes to bestow upon us with plenty of magnetism and charm to back it up.

Just as Mercury begins to offer us reflection as it Retrogrades in Aries upon 12 March, by 13 March, Venus is cozied up next to Jupiter at 09 degrees Taurus. As enthusiasm and optimism intensifies here, a devotion to contemplate deeply surfaces for us to firmly expand what values are wishing to educate to us here. Solid roots are more than ready to be placed within this area of the life, but don’t get too carried away with extravagance as Jupiter will bring plenty of excitability to Venus’s pleasures.

Taurus appreciates stability and endurance, which will the highlight of this transit when determination is recognized. So, in the midst of how Mercury will be creating his tricks for you to honor reassessments within Aries and Pisces, look to The Bull for a gentle place to find some kindly energies to be still emerging within the life.


“The goal of any esoteric work must be that of objectivity, first in our understanding of ourselves, and then, as out filters and programs are dislodged, of the world. A true esoteric teaching will, there fore, not only focus on “Know Thyself,” but will also provide knowledge about the reality of our reality. If one or the other of these aspects are missing from a teaching, then you can be certain that it is incomplete, and in an incomplete teaching, even if through ignorance of the teacher, even if unconscious, is dangerous.” ~Henry See

Are you tired of hearing the word OCCUPY yet?

Seems humanity, as usual is on the wrong course to find a true and genuine peace of mind. Here we go again with the seeking to improve from the outside.

In the buzzing world we all exist within, with the instant now this and can’t update it fast enough that, (you know the one where you never feel like you can even keep up anymore?), now we have the epidemic of further occupying what is outside of ourselves in some bizarre attempt to amend and make things right.

But really, what is being accomplished by all the “occupy overload“ people are drumming up these days? Do we really feel any kind of satisfaction or sense of resolution from any of them? Aside from more than likely a rise in blood pressure for most, is this some kind of change we can really believe in?

Going back to the concept of “As Above, So Below,” and how this leads to “Know Thyself,” there couldn’t be more truth and validity within these phrases than ever before. Those powerful planets above always have a wise channel for us to learn from down here below. From your astrological, numerological to the wonders awaiting within your Lexigrams, taking a good look inside is the only way change will happen optimally.

Looking to the Name Expression (the numerological vibration that guides it by calculating the value of its’ letters) of ‘Occupy Within,’ as always, there is valuable insight for us to listen to. When one may stop occupying everything outside of themselves and go within, there is definitely some magic that can unfold. When you have a Name Expression of the 23’s ‘The Royal Star of the Lion,’ not only is there is plenty of protection around, but the ability to achieve success is more often than not the welcomed outcome.

Said the Chaldean’s of the 23: “This is a karmic reward number. 23 bestows, not only a promise of success in personal and career endeavors, it guarantees help from superiors and protection from those in high places. It’s a most fortunate number, and greatly blesses with abundant grace the person or entity represented by it. Other numbers don’t have much of a chance to bring about serious trouble when the Royal Star of the Lion is present during difficult times. No number can challenge the Lion’s strength and win.”

So, forget about occupying Wall Street, and every other place in the world to start making change. With the 23, you’ve also got the singular energy of the 5 to aide in presenting Mercury’s gift of movement and change amongst the masses. When you ‘Occupy Within’ you’ll create the personal platform so you can ideally handle any outside alteration that wishes to come your way. As we equally take in the wisdom of Lexigrams -the poetic phrasing of the anagrams found from any name, word or in this case, title- how interesting that we learn: the process all does start with YOU.