Saturn enters Scorpio: The Truth Transforms

Saturn enters Scorpio

4:34pm EDT

05 October

Everyone’s Scorpio slice of life is about to get intense to say the least, but if you have done your soul’s homework up til now, what blessings The Eagle can bring you will be connecting you to soar far more than you could ever imagine. As Mars has just prepared the stage here since 23 August- as our Messenger Mercury simultaneously arrives along with our Karmic Adjustor dear old Saturn- not only is this a most interesting time, but an exciting one.

Those who love to be responsible to the depths of life, the mysterious, the esoteric, allowing regeneration and change, embracing death and rebirth- will find themselves relishing in the next couple of years. This most certainly is a passage of truth. As Saturn enters Sagittarius in a couple more years, it will have come out and those who hate the truth, will be the ones who live in the lower energy of the Scorpion’s sting. Those that choose to embody The Eagle, will see their higher self rise to levels never imagined before- that will emerge from the depths of the unknown.

Allow your free-will to choose to not subscribe to the typical “gloom and doom” astrology forecast when it comes to Saturn. Yes, times ahead are gonna shake things up a bit, but some of the most marvelous times in history amongst such energies promise to produce some equally marvelous results when you know how to handle it all in response and not the react. Our response to the mysterious truth that exists within Scorpio is what is required now.

Scorpio energy is so precious but it cannot -above any other sign in the Zodiac- be abused, for the ill power that results is tormented beyond belief. When the presence of such a planet as Saturn is here, the accountability to this area of the life should not be ignored. It will be natural to see the slowing down of energies here, so that the patience pace of Saturn can help you learn from whatever experiences are meant to shape and mold the life into the stability that it is meant to grow into. Resistance to this, as they say is all the more futile. You’ve got to LISTEN to Saturn and be SILENT as you would hearing sound advice from a Father or authority figure.

As any individual will witness on a personal level what slow process of change Saturn will present while visiting with The Eagle- the collective will equally see this to be a time of profound transformation, regeneration and change. As Saturn transits through Scorpio, this simultaneously occurs as our already ongoing Uranus Pluto Square Dance plays out into 2015. Saturn -even though he will move forward into Sagittarius in early 2015, due to his Retrograde- will not officially be done with Scorpio completely for another 28 years until the summertime of 2015.

What becomes another point of interest to mention is how Saturn and Pluto’s current transits within Scorpio and Capricorn are playing out in this time in history.  There is a reversal in their journeys, as Saturn, who governs Capricorn, is in the very sign that Pluto -currently in Capricorn- governs of Scorpio. Saturn and Pluto are our most karmic planets within our planetary sky. As they both now mirror one another in the two most karmic signs on our Zodiac Wheel- well, let’s just repeat as we did in the beginning of this blog post, how very very interesting and exciting times we are most certainly amongst in history.

One of the two times we see these two planets give and take with one another will be as Pisces comes to pass in 2013. On 08 March 2013, Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio will sextile Pluto in Capricorn at the 11th degree. Even though a sextile is typically a pleasing energy, the 11 here denotes the Chaldeans innate knowing of the duality of this master number representing ‘A Lion Muzzled –A Clenched Fist.’  This will unfold an incredibly sensitive time as not only will this degree point ask for a emotional response verses reaction, but the concentration of other planetary energy in Pisces at this time unfolds a empathic calling that will start the true message of what humanity is meant to begin within it’s adaptations to seek understanding on immense levels. The presence of two will stand, and some how, a co-operative force not easily met, beckons to be heard.

Looking ahead to 21 September 2013, we see another sextile as Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn touch at 09 degrees above us all. Down here below, this will unfold in the last moments of Virgo at 29 degrees requesting ‘Grace Under Pressure‘ before Autumn 2013 arrives. At the 09 degree, there will be quite a shift in energy as a penetrating energy promises to unfold conclusions, finalizations and endings to how things are progressing. Conflict and aggressive action are on high alert to occur, but it will be the ultimate response of courage that will win any battle that may present itself to be fought.  Old traditions will be asked to responsibly transform and regenerate for long-term success and survival, making sure what you are seemingly comfortable with will not exactly remain the same. And don’t forget about Uranus always just a slightly squaring off this whole deal over in Aries- who will without question, make sure the realms of the rebellious and unexpected will continue to originate from The Ram. While we really have no idea how it will exactly be told, a whole new chapter of Huxley’s ‘A Brave New World’ will be written.

So ARE YOU READY FOR CHANGE Dear Stars? This time in our Zodiac lesson, it is best you raise your hand with a solid YES! For those -as Saturn in Scorpio patiently unfolds- willing to adapt and understand what death and rebirth truly means in life, will be the victors. Those choosing stagnation and closing their mind to the movement about to begin, will not be amongst those that find the glory in the years to come.

Where will you see Saturn’s affects call upon you the most? We have, as always, a little quick guide for you to be in the know of how and where to expect a slower, more responsible pace within this area of the life throughout 2015. Remember if you know your Rising Sign, read for that as well, but make sure you are in the know of the mathematical accuracy of your chart by consulting a professional astrologer. 

Aries: “I TRANSFORM” Transformations/Sexuality/Wealth 

Taurus: “I RELATE” Partnerships/Marriage/Balance with Others

Gemini: “I SERVE” Health/Being of Service/Employees/Pets

Cancer: “I CREATE” Creativity/Children/Love Affairs 

Leo: “I NURTURE” Home/Family/Emotions/Environments

Virgo: “I COMMUNICATE” Thinking/Mentality/Communications 

Libra: “I HAVE” Values/Earning Power/Possessions 

Scorpio: “I AM” Approaches/Mask to the World/Motivations 

Sagittarius: “I PROCESS” Inner Psyche/Clearing of the Past 

Capricorn: “I SOCIALIZE” Innovations/Friendships/Organizations 

Aquarius: “I STRUCTURE” Career/Public Life/Opportunities  

Pisces: “I BELIEVE” Philosophies/Foreign Travel/Education 

As Saturn will journey with Scorpio throughout December 2014, and then once more revisits here in the Summer of 2015, you’ll undeniably notice a slower pace coming from this piece of the Zodiac Pie. By honoring this request- true stability, wisdom and learning from the experience is all part of what unfolds. Collectively, striving to develop more emotional control, power of investigation, self-discipline, and independence lets in the forgiving spirit that is part of this period of intense transformation as the search for truth prevails in our earth’s history.

May You ‘Fly Like An Eagle’ Dear Stars til you’re FREE! 
The Truth: It sets you up to do just that!
Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’
Into the future
Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’
Into the future

I want to fly like an eagle
To the sea
Fly like an eagle
Let my spirit carry me
I want to fly like an eagle
Till I’m free
Oh, Lord, through the revolution

Feed the babies
Who don’t have enough to eat
Shoe the children
With no shoes on their feet
House the people
Livin’ in the street
Oh, oh, there’s a solution

I want to fly like an eagle
To the sea
Fly like an eagle
Let my spirit carry me
I want to fly like an eagle
Till I’m free
Fly through the revolution

Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’
Into the future
Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’
Into the future
Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’
Into the future
Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’
Into the future

I want to fly like an eagle
To the sea
Fly like an eagle
Let my spirit carry me
I want to fly like an eagle
Till I’m free
Fly through the revolution

Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’
Into the future
Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’
Into the future
~Steve Miller Band

Photo: Craig Yoshioka


A Quick Word on The Messenger….

Mercury enters Scorpio

6:35am EDT

05 October

Our Messenger is right in time with our Karmic Adjustor Saturn as they both enter Scorpio upon 05 October. As our communications Guru spends time with The Eagle, it will be smart to make sure you are not engaging in any kinds of ruthless or skeptical mentalities. This choice of free-will only results in the lower energy of how Scorpio can operate within the deadly sting of The Scorpion.

Check in where Scorpio sits in your Zodiac Pie to know what area of life you can anticipate some movement and resourceful ideas coupled by penetrating and acute perceptions for this pass. The lack of detachment and variety along with a limited adaptability are to be avoided. Bitter, trenchant and intolerant methods of expressions will not bring out the truth. Rather, diplomacy is always The Eagles’ preferred way to soar into the mysteries and catch all the scope that wishes to be captured.

Mercury starts preparations for his upcoming Retrograde as his shadow begins 18 October. Communications and movement will be alive and well in this area of the life, and should unresolved issues be lingering here, probing and secretive mentalities are prominent for this pass. Not much will remain in the darkness that is meant come into awareness. Couple The Messengers’ presence with that of Saturn, and if you restrict your compliance to being responsible to what is being said within this area of the life, be prepared for sharp and piercing reactions to reign. Lessons needing to be learned will not be avoided.

Mercury moves ahead into Sagittarius 29 October before Retrograding upon the USA’s Election day 06 November, and returns to Scorpio once again upon 14 November, where he will remain in review until the 26 November. More to come on Mercury Retrograde, and what this last reflection offering in 2012 from our communications planet will have us wrapped up in redos and all those RE’s a bit later. Our Messenger, once in forward motion, will conclude his journey in Scorpio by 10 December.

Stay tuned Dear Stars. Life as we know it is really about to get extremely interesting….