A Quick Word on The Messenger…

Mercury enters Libra

16 September
8:55am EDT

As Mercury journeys within The Scales throughout 05 October, balanced thinking is readily available as both sides of any issue are more easily seen in fair judgments. It will be key to make sure indecisiveness isn’t part of the well-polished methods of expression that equally will wish to grace our comparative communications.

Check in with your Libra piece of the Zodiac Pie to equally find where messages and information is easily channeled to you over this passage. Much knowledge surrounds the last degrees of Saturn in Libra, who will also move forward into Scorpio the very same day as our Messenger does.  04 October certainly will bring into our soul’s light all the lessons we have been asked to understand and process while our Karmic Adjustor Saturn has been here since October 2010.  This tipping point degree of the 29 within Libra will ask that we apply tremendous ‘Grace Under Pressure’ as the completion of energy here makes it’s way unto the collective landscape. Emotions, should they flare up under the intensity of this Mercury/Saturn conjunct, are meant to as always, be responded verses reacted to.

Before Mercury and Saturn meet up to make their dramatic entrance into transformational Scorpio upon 05 October, Mercury is able to provide us with well-ordered perceptions with intuitive flashes as he transits through The Scales. However, make sure to not take up in the distractions, which are so easy to come under this passage as well. When precision is sought through rational and well-balanced mental planes, expediency is no longer lacking.

Our Messenger is keen at this time to ask you to first seek to understand, then be understood, especially from your personal and collective charts vantage points. So, once again, check in where The Scales guide your piece of the Zodiac Pie to make sure you will judicially study this area of the life. Come to your own gentle perception in the next couple of weeks of how much you have learned from the slow, patient process that has been unraveling from Saturn’s persistent presence here that is now coming to a close for another 28 years. The knowledge you have gained now can be applied as wisdom for the future.