A Quick Word on The Messenger….

Mercury enters Aries

02 March

6:41am EST

We move ever-closer to the 1st Mercury Retrograde passage of 2012 as our Messenger entered Aries today. While Mercury will only reach 06 degrees within The Ram by 12 March as the backwards dance initiates, the approach has been on since 26 February, ensuring all present communications and movement will be associated with this reflective time from our Zodiac Skies.

As Aries journeys with The Ram, mentalities are directed to take the lead; engaging in alert, clever and spirited methods of expression. Remember under this transit, going with your very first thoughts brings the best outcomes- second guessing things ends up with unfavored results. Spontaneous thoughts are sure to find the collective requesting adaptation to be utilized. Once Retrograde begins 12 March, just make sure when acting upon those first thoughts, the I’s are dotted and T’s crossed when making any kinds of important decisions, which truly should not be made until 04 April comes to pass.

Once Retrograde begins, Mercury will take until 23 March to trace his steps back to re-enter Pisces. In Preparing for Mercury’s Reflection, there are some further tips and information here on what we can all expect from what could truly be some “March Madness” that is not referring to basketball season.

As you look to the early Aries degrees in your personal piece of the Zodiac Pie, anticipate some communication stirs to find you. Energies here now are in full speed to exhibit alert, quick, and inspired perceptions. As with any Aries transit, cultivating concentration, patience, repose, and restraint to the excitability unfolding here, makes for all the more successful outcomes.

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