A Quick Word on The Messenger…

Mercury enters Aries

16 April

6:42pm EDT

We move ever-closer to the Shadow passage of our 1st Mercury Retrograde being over as our Messenger re-enters Aries today. Our Messenger was last here upon 02 March moving forward under the Approach.  Whatever unfinished business still in need of ironing out the kinks, will come to pass as the Shadow concludes when Mercury reaches 06 degrees Aries again upon 22 April.As Mercury journeys once more with The Ram, communications in this area of the Zodiac Pie are directed to take the lead; engaging in alert, clever and spirited methods of expression. Remember under this transit, going with your very first thoughts brings the best outcomes- second guessing things ends up with unfavored results. Spontaneous thoughts are sure to find the collective requesting adaptation to be utilized.

As these early Aries degrees in your personal piece of the Zodiac Pie finish up the recent MRx Shadow, anticipate some communication stirs and changes to still find you. Energies after 22 April will then be in full speed ahead to exhibit alert, quick, and inspired perceptions about what ideally is meant to shift and alter in this area of the life. As with any Aries transit, cultivating concentration, patience, repose, and restraint to the excitability unfolding here, makes for all the more successful outcomes.

Where will you get word about what should be moving, talking and altering in the life?
From the collective perspective, take a peak! If you know your rising sign, and it falls in the early degrees of it, then read that too for another glance at how your natal birth chart is calling for The Messenger to grace you with plenty of conversation throughout 09 May.

1st Approaches & Impressions/Mask to the World/Motivations


12th Inner Psyche/Clearing of the Past

11th Innovations/Friendships/Organizations

10th Career/Public Life/Opportunities

9th Philosophies/Foreign Travel/Education

8th Transformations/Sexuality/Wealth

7th Partnerships/Marriage/Balance with Others

6th Health/Being of Service/Employees

5th Creativity/Children/Love Affairs

4th Home/Family/Emotions/Environments

3rd Thinking/Mentality/Communications

2nd Values/Earning Power/Possessions

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