A Quick Word on The Messenger…


Mercury enters Cancer
07 June, 7:16am EDT

Even adaptable Mercury can not seem to take all the heat going on at present within the Twins! As he moves on to journey with The Crab, look for nurturing ways to say what you feel- as receptive, instinctive, and emotionally swayed energies now wish to emerge upon the collective’s perceptions. Our Messenger now prepares us to get ready for the sensational action that will soon start to emerge as our Summer opens up later this month.

Mentally, Mercury’s visit within Cancer until 25 June will bring forth clear, emotionally swayed, and reflecting thoughts for the ponder wherever The Crab cozies up within your Zodiac Pie. Look forward to some colorful and imaginative methods of expression. Instinct is strong within the collective mindset under this passage. So too, can you adapt to a SILENT LISTEN to hear what is meant to be communicated here now within your life.

Our Messenger tends to throw off his logic and precision while in this transit, so be aware of getting retained in too many dreamy or loquacious channels, as the imagination can get a little carried away if reactions to those thoughts are the free will’s choice verses that of response. With Cancer being the very sign that aligns our emotion and feeling, it is highly advised to check-in with the goodness that is mean to be felt here. Mercury loves to change, so let him stir up these as the chicken soup for your soul.

The Crab is well-known to take up with worry when there is not a healthy channel for that imagination to flow with. As Mercury visits here, it is keen to be aware of how communications are showing up from this area of life- and carefully examine what they are wishing to say. With Cancer also being a sign that loves to cherish past memories, you’ll equally find some old perceptions may come to the surface to visit as well.

As Jupiter enters Gemini upon 11 June, The Messenger takes up with some structure as he will square Uranus in Aries and then later in the day, offer up ideal completion to Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn at 08 degrees Cancer. Thoughts will be in request of letting go of emotional blockages and take up with more originality and innovation as he and Uranus converse. While opposing Pluto, the next step to releasing worn out patterns of thinking has the opportunity to flourish, but just make sure those pincher claws are good and relaxed to let the energy from our Transformer planet be able to regenerate you.

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