Lunar-O-Scope, 17 November 2013


Full Moon in Taurus, 17 November 2013, 10:16am EST

Where Will You Feel Release and Conclusions?

Do you know your Sun Sign? This is all you need to begin to read on and see where the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse are bringing a reflective feel to your life. Remember if you know your Rising Sign (Ascendant), read that passage too for a deeper look, for it typically will apply to your personal charts’ advice from the natal perspective. However, it is wise to consult a professional astrologer to read the accurate analysis of your individual natal chart for the precise area of life where 25 degrees Taurus affects your personal zodiac pie.

Those in full awareness of their natal birth chart will wish to check any planetary placements that are placed near the 25 degree points, for these areas of the life will equally receive a channel as well from our 25 degree Taurus Full Moon, asking to connect more clues as to how letting go will call loud and clear.

Both your sun sign and rising sign (ASC) perspectives are the two areas of your life that call for you to welcome release and conclusions within the next two weeks to follow. Properly embracing letting go until the next New Moon upon 03 December will make the appropriate space for the new to be planted later.

Aries: You’ll be in the mood to direct yourself to a change within your sense of values as you take stock of your personal possessions with what I Have. How you earn your dollars may change. A worn-out sense of security is ready to say adios, so feel free to release here now- tossing out the unnecessary material in the home is ideal- shop now for bargains.

Taurus: It’s your month steady Bull to release an old worn out mask you wear showing who I Am. Tired and weary approaches ask for you to let go of your roots to them. We know you like slower changes, and the silent listen that is wise here will require your innate patience. Avoid surgery over this lunation, and take true time to focus upon you and re-activate the self.

Gemini: The logic now for both sides of you is to unite the energies within those unseen places and deeper ideas in your life where I Process. The spiritual, subconscious realms, and the psychological make-ups of life call to quiet your chatty self, and take some cherished time in solitude. Your nighttime dreams are primed to relate intuitive clues about your waking world.

Cancer: Where I Socialize captures this lunar focus, so what needs to be cleared out, go with your gut here. Hopes and wishes are equally in need of re-examination. If a group, friends or cause no longer works -don’t remain in your shell- release what no longer needs your nurturing. Accept that possible unexpected invitation to socialize, but listen and observe others.

Leo: Redefine what harvest, stability, and reward really mean to you within your career where I Structure. Completion is ready to emerge within that public life you reign so well Lion. Equally, it is a prominent time to reflect upon promoting or starting-up a new business. A nice recognition comes your way if your proper legwork was done to receive it. Views on authority shift.

Virgo: Inspiration fuels where you reflect upon your philosophies and where I Believe. Feel that urge to travel and take a trip Virgin? You may now reflect upon ones you’ve had, or how you can make plans for more perfect ones in the future- all broadening your view of the world at large. Revisit adventures that engage your expansion and renew educational pursuits.

Libra: While you always weigh the pros and cons, now these focus upon your securities and investments where I Transform. Now is the ideal time to reflect upon future decisions for changes here. The doors are open to review the core parts of you desiring to regenerate- feelings embark intensely that urge a rebirth. Enjoy the passion from those sexy feelings.

Scorpio: Your partnerships- romantic or business, ask your probing abilities to research the truth of the matter where I Relate. You’ve been already wondering who should stay or go here, and now is the time to consider your options. People you reflect upon over this waning period make or break future successes, so become the observer here and use your innate knowing.

Sagittarius: Aim your arrows towards your health Dear Archer, and feel improvements where I Serve. Let go of old habits and bring in some renewed feelings of honesty for yourself. Your service others is also in the process of naturally reworking itself- toss out worn-out routines and seek to let go of old patterns where you are employed. Listen carefully to your co-workers.

Capricorn: While an ambitious pursuit is always welcomed, your creative nature now desires your full attention that requests release Old Goat where I Create. Perfection prefers that whatever your current project involves, you properly discern your inspired ideas. Playful feelings surround you- share time with kids or “brain children.” Let an old love affair exit your stage.

Aquarius: Ready to re-invent in the home and any environment Water Bearer where I Nurture? Reflect upon reinventing this area of the life allows your individual way of doing things to flourish all the more later. Family time is rewarding, but you are wise to play the listener role here. Your prophetic nature loves those déjà vu experiences, whose intuitive messages speak strongly now.

Pisces: The waters your mentality swims in Dear Fishes now find reflection time, as they are ready to absorb some silent review like a sponge where I Communicate. Short trips come to mind, and you easily find writing to be a source of healing here. Your intuition logically reveals what should be released within your thinking. Siblings or neighbors also can call upon you.

Other Need To Knows About What The Full Moon Means For You

Moon enters Taurus How Our Feelings Find Contentment
15 November, 9:49am EST to 17 November, 7:10pm EST
Engage: conservation, resourcefulness, sensuality, endurance, meditation, intuition, persistence
Avoid: materialism, lethargy, obstinacy, possessiveness, stubbornness, stagnation, impatience

Full Moon When Our Feelings Find Release
17 November, 10:16am EST, 25 degrees Taurus
Consciously Aim For: Security
Waning Phase: 25 degrees Taurus to 10 degrees Sagittarius
Energy completes and releases within this half of your Zodiac Pie throughout 02 December.

Moon Void of Course Time To Remain in Reflection
10:16am EST 17 to 7:07pm EST 17 November
Moon VOC: When the Moon makes its’ last major aspect to a planet before entering the next sign, it is a recognized time that strongly advises us to not be in forward motion nor make any important decisions for the future. As we welcome our second waning moon of autumn, as our Full Taurus Moon opposes our Sun at 25 degrees Scorpio, we will be asked to hold off and remain in pure reflection and review until it enters Gemini.

25 Discrimination –Analysis A Karmic Mystery To Unravel
Allowing Chaldean Numerology to assist us further in knowing more ways to guide our energy properly, tells us this is indeed a lunation that asks for our careful observation and discern for what we see. While any Full Moon casts the energy off for a completely reflective feel, at this degree point -once more as it was upon October’s Full Moon- it will be time in solitude and working within our inner processes that will be of extreme benefit where 25 degrees Taurus personally affects our lives.  Here, in our SILENT LISTEN, what we can examine will lead us to the answers that guide us to innately know what we must release.

Rejoicing in Regeneration: 03 Nov 2013 Solar Eclipse In Scorpio

Some astrological details on this Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Scorpio, for those who enjoy the investigation. I have been leaving this out of the Lunar-O-Scopes as we really like them to be as clear and “jargon free” as possible to relate to everyone instead of being intimidating. But this Solar Eclipse calls for some deep thought, so if you are a lover of going there and learning how astrology is such a profound tool for increasing the results in your everyday life, keep reading.

If you are going to tap into grasping astrology for yourself and have a little more fun with looking at the chart above, you’ve got to learn your glyphs.  Check out the guide to the glyphs under Explore –or click on your right up there on our nav bar – and play on our Star Secrets Wheel, (grab a free intro reading too if you want!).  Glyphs are the symbols used in astrology that represent each planet or sign, which is the decoding system you are actually seeing in any birth chart or current forecast, which is the Solar Eclipse EST chart above.

Looking today’s Solar Eclipse EST capture, our planet glyphs are in color, and the glyph of the sign they are in is in black. Astrology measures our zodiac from the 360 degree wheel, divided into the 12 different signs, each occupying 30 degrees of space, depicted from 0 to 29 degrees. Each piece of the pie is called a house (or room of your life when looking to the natal birth chart), and thus gains its’ characteristics and qualities it governs from the natural order of the zodiac.  As any current forecast chart is seen, the energy flowing through it is determined from the earth’s perspective of what sign is rising on the horizon at any given moment in time.

At the time of 03 November 2013’s Solar Eclipse in EST, the Sun, (circle glyph with a center dot) had recently risen from the darkness of night. Solar Eclipses only can happen upon a New Moon, when the Moon is right at the very same degree point (conjunction) as our Sun, (which is why, on a New Moon, you don’t see it for a few days).  Today this is at 11 degrees Scorpio, in perfect alignment with our Sun.

Notice the “planet party” going on in house number 12. Here is why this Solar Eclipse is “so intense.” The brown “h” looking glyph of Saturn is right next to it at 13 degrees Scorpio, again another close conjunction, which basically can also be related as having “too many cooks in the kitchen.” More than two conjunct planets are a complete concentration of energy within one sign at any given time, which casts off an extremely strong channel to handle. With Saturn involved here, we are always looking to a slow process evolving, which in Scorpio right now is asking for ultimate responsibility to learn from the experience and allow this to bring a level of stability to our lives. Patience is Saturn’s “m.o.” and when we do not listen to his current call for it, he absolutely will -just like a father figure- toss you another lesson to understand how to utilize this practice until you “get it.”

Having Saturn conjunct a New Moon and Solar Eclipse will slow down the new beginnings it promises to bring, which also will appear in our lives as rather karmic in their experiences as they emerge. Yet, if we listen closely to this area of our life, we also will find plenty of reward with what comes along with them. As we see this in the transforming energy of Scorpio, action is occurring associated with a process of death going on- a true presence of a powerful regenerative force that undeniably will display a rebirth. Those in resistance to what is leaving the life to make room for the new here, will certainly find that age old expression of being futile to be all the more true.

In the same 12th house on our EST chart,  Mercury Retrograde, is also here only 4 degrees away at 07 degrees Scorpio, who is in an exact conjunct from the North Node (blue upside down horseshoe glyph). At present, Mercury is in his backwards review and redo show, so while a trigger of new energy is beckoning at our doors, there is another warning to not make important decisions for the future until he starts moving forward again after 10 November. As our New Moon and Solar Eclipse occurred, Mercury and the North Node -in their planetary recipe- are asking for a true emotion and feeling review session from this area of the life involving how our communications are being received and expressed. Our North Node asks for extra work and effort in order to see the progress within this area of the life to unfold, which will allow the energy unfolding in the opposing South Node (lucky horseshoe glyph across the way in house 6 in Taurus) to be able to flourish much easier. Typically, the work the North Node asks us to do is the processing of what is blocking us emotionally here to be able to allow that extra effort to heal us. Wherever our current North Node is, there is healing to be done- and if we do our soul homework- this compliments us with rewards seemingly effortlessly with strokes of “luck” where the South Node is bringing in a completion in life.

This is the second New Moon in Scorpio (which only happens once a year) that has a Solar Eclipse attached to it. Solar Eclipses are the powerful punch that not only promise new beginnings with a New Moon, but will continue to bring them into our now for up to one years time from this same area of the life. 13 November 2012 brought one, and Saturn had just entered Scorpio at this time. Once again the way they are coming persists and calls for our ultimate patience as they come in. Life in Scorpio is slow for these two years, and seemingly extremely so. For those expecting the fast and furious, typical high paced “insta now” pace here, don’t kid yourself. Saturn doesn’t move on to Sagittarius until the start of 2015.

What is occurring within Scorpio right now is nothing short of profound. This sign of secrets, mystery, the esoteric, death/rebirth, that “eagle eye” scope of seeing the entire picture, and powerfully forcing us to feel the depths of the core of our beings- will not back down for a while in calling us from above to step into our truth and live it down here below. 03 November 2013’s Solar Eclipse is here to trigger not only to stop being irresponsible to what needs to change, but recognize that change is always what brings more truth to our lives.

Other planetary conversation that we see motivating this second Solar Eclipse in Scorpio to instigate change comes from the sextile (harmonious, easeful energy) from Mars, (take a look at the red circle glyph with the arrow pointing out of it from house 10). Also at the 11 degree point but in Virgo, Mars sextiling this New Moon and Solar Eclipse lets us know there is an even more stimulating force in how these changes will take place. What’s coming will be more than straightforward, asking that we “stop beating around the bush” to recognize what does need to shift and improve to that ultimately freeing level of rebirth within our lives. As Mars equally sextiles the entire current planet party going on in Scorpio, it will bring intense conclusions to be communicated to us from Virgo, equally coupled by logic, a touch of purity, and really getting these details totally in place. As Mars penetrates in the mutability and earthen nature of Virgo -he currently at this moment in time- brings to all that is progressing within Scorpio’s depth of perception and rebirthing from it’s fixed watery darkness, the promise to unfold the TRUTH. For some, this may HURT, but these realizations will be the key to what moving forward upon this earth in freedom is really all about.

As we all have one more week under Mercury’s Retrograde until 10 November, let us all take our time to really feel what’s happening from the Scorpio area of our lives. There’s no need to react to it, but as we honor this requested time of reflection in response- what will undoubtedly be coming forward in stunning new beginnings here soon enough will be all the more well-received and understood. Remember, you always have your collective view from knowing your Sun Sign, but there’s nothing like the precise road map and blueprint for life that you were given from the time your first took breath upon this earth (your natal birth chart) to really see how this Solar Eclipse is calling like one has not done in quite some time to be ultimately responsible to the changes that are underway, and will continue to patiently rebirth here.

It’s time to rejoice in regeneration within The Eagle! Happy Soaring to your new beginnings, with the pleasure of AN ANCIENT PEACE PACE of PATIENCE to be able to ENJOY YOUR JOY along the JOURNEY.



Lunar-O-Scope, 18 October 2013

Full Moon in Aries, 18 October 2013, 7:38pm EDT
Lunar Eclipse, 25 degrees Aries, 7:50pm EDT

Where Will You Feel Release and Conclusions?

Do you know your Sun Sign? This is all you need to begin to read on and see where the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse are bringing a reflective feel to your life. Remember if you know your Rising Sign (Ascendant), read that passage too for a deeper look, for it typically will apply to your personal charts’ advice from the natal perspective. However, it is wise to consult a professional astrologer to read the accurate analysis of your individual natal chart for the precise area of life where 25 degrees Aries affects your personal zodiac pie.

Those in full awareness of their natal birth chart will wish to check any planetary placements that are placed near the 25 degree points, for these areas of the life will equally receive a channel as well from our 25 degree Aries Full Moon & Eclipse, asking to connect more clues as to how letting go will call loud and clear.

Both your sun sign and rising sign (ASC) perspectives are the two areas of your life that call for you to welcome release and conclusions within the next two weeks to follow. Properly embracing letting go until the next New Moon upon 03 November will make the appropriate space for the new to be planted later.

Aries: The Lunar spotlight shines upon you Mighty Rams to put it all in perspective on how the world sees you as I Am. As feelings release from your normal pioneering approach, it’s time to listen carefully to the self. It’s no time to dive in head-first, so please pause and re-activate, observing before acting. And if this feels different, keep going, and let those old impressions go.

Taurus: The Bull can find contentment diving into the inner places of life where I Process. Yet, the deepest plummet brings forth the realization of what must be let go of from within. The spiritual, subconscious realms, and the psychological make-ups of life ask you to divert from the material world. Channeling your natural virtue of patience, serves you to sort it all out peacefully.

Gemini: Friendships and organizations wish to capture your ever-active thoughts where I Socialize, Mini Gem. Groups or causes request your reassessment and review of your part in the bigger humanitarian picture. Recognize what dreams and hopes no longer work for you. Accept that unexpected invitation to socialize, for it will lead you to observe what you need to see most.

Cancer: Harvest, stability, and reward shine brightly upon you where I Structure in the career and public life. Cast away worries and shift to concern, allowing this finalizing energy to freely clean up and reflect within business and work affairs. Expect a nice recognition to unfold if you’ve done your proper legwork to receive it, which equally changes your view upon authority.

Leo: Inspiration fuels your philosophical path and ability to grow where I Believe. Reflection surrounds a recent trip or plans brew for a future one. Bask in the light of idealism- it helps you find ways to broaden your view of the world. An educational process completes, which now has you totally ready to express yourself, but the time spent in observation is what holds the keys.

Virgo: Securities and investments require reorganizing where I Transform. Decisions made with careful time in research assists with manifesting wealth, and reaps success. Core transformations and renewals call. Don’t be shy about urges that may surround your sexual nature, as reflection is equally well spent here. It’s time to let go of logic and let spirit and mystery guide you.

Libra: While your partnerships where I Relate always may be on your mind- make the decision to soak up the reflective light here, from your romantic ties to business contacts. Weigh the pros and cons about what is just and fair with others, which actually requires solitude to do so. What you observe may surprise you, but it unveils answers you now are ready to receive.

Scorpio: Your regenerative powers are feeling ready to bring improvements to your health and where you find deep satisfaction where I Serve. Old routines and habits say adios, and maybe even some co-workers. Spend solitary time to release your hold on perfection being a destination and remember it’s a journey. Pets look for extra attention from you now, and help ease the way.

Sagittarius: All sorts of illumination arrives to where I Create, as a current project completes. You’re urged to entertain. Be playful like a child, or simply observe them in action. “Brain children” or your offspring equally captivate your attention now, as you reflect upon and revise your aims here. A love affair sees important decisions made in regards to where it is going.

Capricorn: Stop that work and get to cleaning your house where I Nurture Dear Goat! Your home and family desire your toil and perfection. Look around your intimate environment and observe discriminately what is in need of release. Those déjà vu experiences, yes these are for real, and their channels are wide open for you to receive their intuitive messages now.

Aquarius: You may find where I Communicate is swirling intensely with thoughts Water Bearer, as this is a fabulous time to let go and improve upon your mental capacity. Siblings and neighbors may call. Writing is a form of healing, and as you examine old worn out patterns of thinking, it’s a true blessing to make solitary time for yourself that will help to liberate them.

Pisces: As much as you always love this time of the month to reflect upon the past Dear Fishes, there is a different channel that realigns your sense of what I Have. Tread the waters of silence and study your values, for this choice allows you to take stock of personal possessions, and even give some away. Your earning power says let’s review, explore and re-examine our security.

Other Need To Knows About What The Full Moon Means For You

Moon enters Aries How Our Feelings Find Motivation
9:18pm EDT 16 October to 3:27am EDT 19 October
Engage: courage, moderation, patience, forethought, humility, enthusiasm, assertiveness
Avoid: restlessness, disobedience, aggression, conflict, anger, selfishness

Full Moon When Our Feelings Find Release
7:38pm EDT 18 October, 25 deg Aries
Consciously Aim For: Leadership
Waning Phase: 25 degrees Aries to 03 degrees Scorpio
Energy completes and releases within this half of your Zodiac Pie throughout 03 November.

Lunar Eclipse Where Completion Unfolds an Intense Release
7:50p EDT 18 October, 25 deg Aries
When a Lunar Eclipse equally peaks in the driving energies of Aries, you’ll see an extra force of completion in this area of the life, as well as the request for a letting go energy to unfold for a long time after our waning phase will complete.

Moon Void of Course Time To Remain in Reflection
7:38pm EDT 18 October to 3:27am EDT 19 October
Moon VOC: When the Moon makes its’ last major aspect to a planet before entering the next sign, it is a recognized time that strongly advises us to not be in forward motion nor make any important decisions for the future. As we welcome our first waning moon of autumn, as our Full Aries Moon opposes our Sun at 25 degrees Libra, we will be asked to hold off and remain in pure reflection and review until it enters Taurus 19 October.

25 Discrimination –Analysis A Karmic Mystery To Unravel
Allowing Chaldean Numerology to assist us further in knowing more ways to guide our energy properly, tells us this is indeed a lunation that asks for our careful observation and discern for what we see. While any Full Moon casts the energy off for a completely reflective feel, at this degree point, coupled with the Lunar Eclipse request, it will be time in solitude and working within our inner processes that will be of extreme benefit where 25 degrees Aries personally affects our lives.  Here, in our SILENT LISTEN, what we can examine will lead us to the answers that guide us to innately know what we must release.

The USA’s Request for Courage

So in the USA Today….
We as a nation -presently within our 8 Personal Year, guided by Saturn, who offers a slow and patience pace to the life to learn from the experience- are in that 9 Personal Month, where endings, conclusions, aggressive action and conflict are amongst the current energy field of play. Looking to Mars, the ruler of the 9, within our natal birth chart is just finishing up in the 8th house, (the upper right corner of the wheel, see the red circle with the arrow pointing out), where transformation from the core of the country’s being is on going. Death and rebirth is regenerating away within whatever our understanding is of wealth in the nation.

No surprises here about the government shut-down, today’s shooting and the seemingly pivotal state of affairs that are raising their angry heads for attention. As October continues, Mars moves into our area of foreign affairs and beliefs in the 9th house, so much more is to come about getting these details straight, especially as Mars enters Virgo upon the 15th.

The other turn of events point to Saturn, who is guiding this entire 8 Personal Year and what he’s doing to show us what we need to be ultimately responsible to within this country’s hopes, dreams and wishes as it socializes with the world. Currently in our 11th house, on the upper left side of the natal chart, (he’s the “h” looking brown glyph) and combined with Mercury’s Approach to Retrograde, oh the show is going to get rather interesting here in the weeks to come leading us into December.

October shows us a bit of a preview, as will January of 2014, of what true endings and finalizations will mark 2014-15’s 9 Personal Year for the USA, in where much of what we think we know now will leave us, to make space for a very new state of the nation to emerge in full by 2015-16. In any 9 cycle, it is the calling of courage that will counteract the penetrating energy that it can potentially present. Most certainly, within an 8 Personal Year, the practice of patience here is ultimately necessary.

Keep your hats on folks, this ride will definitely require as my dear colleague and friend Astrologer William Stickevers says, “Better buckle your seatbelts.”

The USA, President Obama’s Free-Will and Syria

So it is highly likely, we may see the USA choose not such a happy choice with all going on with Syria. See that red circle with an arrow coming out of it up in the upper right #8 section of the Zodiac Pie in the outer circle? This is the current transit of Mars in Leo, who asks for motivation and action-whenever he is presently traveling in the life. The best outcome here is to respond with courage, rather than the reaction of conflict, penetration or aggression.

In this noted 8th House, this is the USA’s expression of wealth, regeneration and change, and death/rebirth from the core of our country’s being. By 07 October 2013, Mars will be in #9 area of the pie, the one that relates to our foreign affairs and what beliefs we express about ourselves. Couple this with the 9 Personal month the country will be in by October, and whichever way it goes, there are conclusions on the way here. Fighting, could be one of them.

Let us all envision, that the 9 & Mars’s courage is the final outcome, but if you’ve ever heard of Mars being referred to as the fighter planet before, the potential is most certainly here. Mars rules the 9 month, within this 8 Personal Year for the USA that most certainly is asking, that patience is utilized. Knowing what Saturn (the planet behind the 8 year) is doing over in the #11 area in the upper left outer circle, (see the brown “h” looking glyph) this is our socialization, friends, and groups. While it may not be any hope, dream or wish that we fight, there is a responsibility asking to be heard in our “friendly” relations with the world.

On a closing note, our President, 04 August Leo Barack Obama, has this very presence of Mars up close and personal in his life right now being he is a Leo. He is also in a 9 Personal Year guided by the very same planet. His tendency to want to fight about it definitely is able to flare, and if his heart is loyal to believing this is the fight we are meant to have for the preservation of our country’s wealth, then most certainly, the choice may become obvious.

Let’s us all hold in our thought intentions, once again, that the Universal Laws innately channeling through Mars allows the deciding free-wills to prefer the choice of COURAGE -in where we can CURE OUR EGO, CAGE OUR RAGE and CURE OUR CORE- is the one that is made for the resolve and finalizing force that is coming, one way or the other. When we realize the “real” REVOLUTION, is all about the UNITE IN ONE TRUE LOVE ROUTINE OVER EVIL TO LIVE IT RITE, there may be peace prevailing upon our planet all around.

Lastly, could Syria, those in power positions and the President especially sign up for not only a Telsa sit down and get in touch with reality class but as well in a Law of Attraction course already please? May this be the motivation that Mars is bringing to our nations’s 9th house of foreign affairs, beliefs and higher learning in October. One could only hope, that the insightful perspective below, is what anyone in power can walk away with inspired awareness from.

“If you want to see wars end, you are going to have to quit manufacturing the perception of lack on this planet. Decades ago, people like Nikola Tesla gave us what we needed to have abundance. Unfortunately though, the Earth is still a nursery school for souls that can not seem to evolve beyond the age of 3. Let current events be a wake up call and not another consequence of living in fear and scarcity.” ~Sentient Tim