Approaching Mercury Retrograde: 5 Things You Need To Know

SharitaStarPsychicofthePlanetsYou’ll be so happy you have now gotten the heads up into this awareness so that you too can reap the very rewards of it over the next few weeks, so we advise it best you keep on reading. If you have already signed up under that purple button to the right of your screen, you already know that the approach to another “infamous” Mercury Retrograde is upon us! Even if you are just joining our keeping our eyes on the stars tribe here, you needn’t worry if you think you don’t know anything about Astrology.

Whether you are a believer or not, your HEART and soul walks, breathes, and lives upon this very EARTH. If you consider yourself a human being, then you will not be excused from the infamous “as above, so below” that will accompany Mercury’s time for review as he naturally brings forward situations asking for us all to change to over the next few weeks. So exactly what does this “Mercury Retrograde” mean?

Mercury Retrogrades (in a nutshell, he is going to start retracing the measured degrees within his current zodiac transit from above. Think of a person, or in this case a mass of a planet in our Universal energy field, placing a blindfold on. See how things then become ultimately disarrayed as a result down here below?) officially at 4:43pm EST/1:43pm PST, Thursday 06 February. This planet also is well known as The Messenger –who guides our communications, thinking, mentality, movement, transportation, electricity, and any transference of information down here below- will be up close and personal creating all sorts of “fun” interruptions and flux for us to handle within our normal routines of everyday life until 9am EST/6am PST, Friday 28 February.

The Approach begins 22 January, as Mercury up there above -still moving forward- crosses over the Zodiac degree point that he will return back to by 28 February at 18 degrees Aquarius. He will start his Retrograde at 03 degrees Pisces upon 06 February. While still safe to put some initiations out there, you are going to personally start to see from the Pisces/Aquarius areas of the life, things that will ask for your demanding attention for review and redo during the Retrograde passage itself starting 06 February; along with all the normal communication and movement breakdowns per the “MRx norm.”

We soon be covering all the real deal and intimate astrological details on this passage within the very theme of it, Returning to Humanity’s Requests, Mercury’s Reflection in Pisces/Aquarius. So again, it is best if you haven’t yet, go over there to your right and click on that purple sign up button so you’ll be ensured to receive even more specific and important information very personal to your soul shortly.

In the meantime…

5 Things You Need to Know About Mercury Retrograde

1.    We are being asked now to prepare under the Approach, from above, to take up in reflection mode for a few weeks. We haven’t had a period like this since 21 October – 10 November, when it was our last Mercury Rx in Scorpio.  Look as well to 26 June to 20 July 2013, Mercury Rx in Cancer. Think back for a moment. Do you remember now what kinds of interruptions, changes and seemingly “interesting” energies where going on in your life at these times?

2.    Mercury Retrogrades in one years time about as often as we sleep. This passage is here once more to ask us, down here below, to slow down, take a pause, and rest up. Our favorite rule of Mercury Retrograde is to take up in action with any word that begins with RE. Such as…

Reconnect, Review, Reflect, Rework, Revise, Revisit, Reset, Reboot, Rewire, Replace, Repair, Relate, Reaffirm, Redo, Retreat, Reassess, Relax, Relocate, Relive, Redirect, Regroup, Remind, Remember, Release….. and our favorite RESPOND.

Backing up, upgrading and updating what you already have placed in motion previously is completely safe to do under this passage. So, if you need a new computer, phone or haven’t saved your files in a long while, these are perfect activities to take advantage of doing for success.

3.    While our actions under the Approach are meant to be carefully dealt with, it is the during Retrograde passage itself that is not a favored time to move forward in life, surrounding any initiation you truly wish to have successful long-term results with. So, if you are about to get married, sign important legal documents, buy a car, start a business, purchase a house, partner-up, or put anything out there you want fabulous and fantastic success with for a long time to come- you might want to REthink those choices of your free will. Whatever is put into initiation and motion under Mercury Rx, typically doesn’t have the longevity for the future, for it is riddled upon it’s birth with a shaky ground of unstable communications and mistakes intertwining it’s being.

4.    Human error is highest under this passage. Therefore, this is the very key to deeply understand how not to get wrapped up in those “tricks” that do find themselves right at your doorstep. We have to take the extra time to make sure we catch the mistakes we tend to make. The carpenter rule of thumb here will save you every time if you “measure twice, and cut once.” We’ll even add, you might want to measure three or 4 times- just to be safe. You’ll want to apply this to your communications -i.e. emails, speaking, writing- repairs, cooking, and anything involving movement that you are doing.

5.    The practice of PATIENCE, so you CAN TAP IN AN ANCIENT PEACE PACE, is how you ride through the MRx passage with victory. Leave another ten to fifteen minutes every day to get where you are going. Stop the normal rushing that’s become society’s norm to get places. When those changes show up in your plans, don’t REact, REspond. Have back-up plans ready to go you can enjoy the response from. Otherwise the result of reaction will create a domino affect you’d rather avoid under this transit, so be sure your free will chooses cautiously here.

Being flexible and adaptable will allow you to have such REward as the next few weeks ask for our pause within our lives. And for heaven’s sake, it is the safest thing really to just RElax and REst without guilt! Try on those RE’s and dive in to what you know already needs REviewing and you’ll sail through this passage all the more.

We’ll begin the first Mercury Retrograde of 2014 in a waxing phase from the New Moon in Aquarius on 30 January -which will also be under the Shadow of Venus Retrograde in Capricorn and the Approach to Mars Retrograde in Libra- asking us to take extreme caution within the normal initiation time of our lunar month until 14 February. This “criss-cross” of inner planet retrograde action, shadows and approaches, will be a sight to behold.  Check in now where Pisces/Aquarius lives in your Zodiac Pie. Here’s where the specific calling for re-examination awaits for your review in the particular area of life it affects, from both your collective and natal birth chart perspectives. Remember with all the renewal being requested, you also more than likely are more than deserving of the downtime on the way.

As we all look back now to our lives to what has happened since 10 November, see what progress you’ve made, what needs reworking, and have fun with your RE’s of life. Your soul under Retrograde will be all the happier, and much more at peace for it.

Happy Returning to Humanity’s Requests My Dear Stars! Namaste.
Learn more about the intense calling for reflection of 2014!

Activating Compassion in the Midnight Hour

Acing Mercury Retrograde: 5 Things You Need to Know


Image: Unification Family

Yes, it’s another “infamous” Mercury Retrograde. Even if you don’t know anything about Astrology, you will benefit from continuing to read on. You’ll be so happy you got tapped into this awareness so that you too can reap the very rewards of it over the next few weeks.

It’s officially here at 9:08am EDT/6:08am PDT, Wednesday 26 June as the planet Mercury from above -that guides our communications, thinking, mentality, movement, transportation, electricity, and any transferring information down here below- will be up close and personal creating all sorts of “fun” interruptions and flux for us to deal within our normal routines of everyday life until 2:22pm EDT/11:22am PDT 20 July.

Whether you are a believer or not, your HEART and soul walks, breathes, and lives upon the very EARTH. If you consider yourself a human being, then you will be one of the receivers that Mercury will naturally bring forward changes and opportunities for shift to over the next few weeks.

We cover all the real deal and intimate details on this passage within the very theme of it, ‘Returning to Nurturing, Mercury’s Reflection in Cancer.’ Equally when you go to the link, you will learn what area of the life this affects by just knowing your Sun Sign.

5 Things You Need to Know About Mercury Retrograde

1.    We are being asked, from above, to take up in reflection mode for a few weeks. We haven’t had a period like this since 23 February – 17 March, when it was our last Mercury Rx in Pisces.  Look as well to 06 – 27 November 2012, Mercury Rx in Scorpio/Sagittarius. Think back for a moment. Do you remember now what kinds of interruptions, changes and seemingly “interesting” energies where going on in your life at these times?

2.    Mercury Retrogrades in one years time about as often as we sleep. This passage is here once more to ask us, down here below, to slow down, take a pause, and rest up. Our favorite rule of Mercury Retrograde is take up in action with any word that begins with RE. Such as…

Reconnect, Review, Reflect, Rework, Revise, Revisit, Reset, Rewire, Replace, Repair, Relate, Reaffirm, Redo, Retreat, Reassess, Relax, Relocate, Relive, Redirect, Regroup, Remind, Remember, Release….. and our favorite RESPOND.

3.    This is not a favored time to move forward in life, surrounding any initiation you truly wish to have long-term results with. So, if you are about to get married, sign important legal documents, buy a car, start a business, purchase a house, partner-up, or put anything out there you want fabulous and fantastic success with for a long time to come- you might want to REthink those choices of your free will. Whatever is put in motion under Mercury Rx, typically doesn’t have the longevity for the future, for it is riddled upon it’s birth with a shaking ground of unstable communications and mistakes intertwining all within it.

4.    Human error is highest under this passage. Therefore, this is the very key of understanding how not to getting wrapped up in those “tricks” that do find themselves right at your doorstep. We have to take the extra time to make sure we catch the mistakes we tend to make. The carpenter rule of thumb here will save you every time if you “measure twice, and cut once.” We’ll even add, you might want to measure three or 4 times- just to be safe. You’ll want to apply this to your communications -i.e. emails, speaking, writing- repairs, cooking, whatever it is truly that you are doing.

5.    The practice of PATIENCE, so you can TAP IN AN ANCIENT PEACE PACE, is how you ride through the MRx passage with victory. Leave another ten to fifteen minutes every day to get where you are going. Stop the normal rushing that’s become society’s norm to get places. When those changes show up in your plans, don’t REact, REspond. Have back-up plans ready to go you can enjoy the response with. Otherwise reaction will create a domino affect you’d rather avoid under this transit, so be sure your free will chooses wisely here.

Being flexible and adaptable will allow you to have such REward as the next few weeks ask for our pause within our lives. Especially now, as we are also in a waning phase since the Full Moon on 23 June, you have another request here from above for reflection and the reassessment until 08 July. Remember, you more than likely deserve the downtime.

As we all look back now to our lives to what has happened since 17 March, see what progress you’ve made, what needs reworking, and have fun with your RE’s of life. Your soul will be all the happier, and much more at peace for it.

Happy Returning to Nurturing My Dear Stars!

Listen to Sharita talk more about this important passage!

The Allie Cheslick Show 17 June

Empower Readings 20 June

Returning to Nurturing: Mercury’s Reflection in Cancer

Image: Rob Schouten, Liberation

Mercury Retrograde in Cancer, 26 June to 20 July

Welcome to another Mercury Retrograde, and have no fear! The approach to the second Mercury Retrograde passage of 2013 begins 09 June, as our Messenger planet is spending time at home within the sensitivities of The Crab, where he now resides since 31 May in our Zodiac skies until 08 August. This will be a long-term opportunity to find nurturing ways to communicate our feelings well into summer as the second Mercury Retrograde (MRx) request for reflection of 2013 begins 26 June.

What is Mercury Retrograde?
Retrograde: Any planet’s reverse movement which results in an opposite direction to that of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, or of the Moon around the Earth.

“Now Mercury really isn’t going backwards. It’s just an optical illusion based on the relative speeds and orbits of the Earth and Mercury around the Sun.

Here’s an easy example. Think of riding in a fast car on an expressway, which is passing a slower-moving car. The slower moving car appears to be moving backward, but it isn’t really. It’s just the relative speed and direction of the two cars gives that illusion. Retrograde Mercury is similar to that.

The apparent backward motion of Mercury is called retrograde, and it has been known and studied in western astrology for thousands of years.”

Retrograde planets are times in our Zodiac skies when reassessments verses forward motion become highly favored. In such a case as Mercury, because it is the closest planet to the earth, its’ affects as it goes “backwards” from above are well-known to cause flux, change, confusion in anything that thinks, moves or communicates. The best choice our free-will can do at times like these is embrace this offering for pause and reflection to find resolve.

This upcoming passage marks a susceptible time when it will be all the more critical to be in full awareness of choosing emotional responses verses emotional reactions pertaining to the changes it presents to handle. Being Mercury will back-track through the very sign that relates to emotion –(who is governed by our Lunar Lady herself) when those typical MRx rerouting of plans arise- these will relate to how much we can learn about the ways our free-will chooses to feel in the NOW. Many profound lessons ask for us to take a SILENT LISTEN, requesting the recognition of being in the moment to OWN our NOW, will allow us to see how much we will have WON.

Messages of a Cancer Retrograde
The collective’s perceptions are wise to find channels of thought through open, inherent, and reflective energies; offering up colorful expressions when worry is avoided. Tying into the first calling of 2013 for review with MRx in Pisces back in February and March- this second Mercury request of the year equally has a powerful punch to allow any soul to tap into the difference between what our imagination can run away with. Shifting this non-serving energy to healthy concern, engages a calmer, more peaceful outcome for successful results.

Cancer energy enjoys whatever can be “chicken soup for the soul.” A maternal force surrounds The Crab, and the theme of this MRx unveils some serious review of what The Mother figure represents for all mankind, and what nurturing choices are we all are called to return to, which result in optimizing our lives. With our Sun, Venus and Jupiter all in Cancer as the passage begins 26 June, the means to find inspiring, harmonizing, and optimistic forms of finding our way here will be available, as Mercury carries these messages with extreme depths of perception to be able to reach them.

When Mercury stations to return to Direct Motion 20 July, our Sun, Jupiter, and Mars are all nearby journeying with The Crab as well. We find by this time, an intensity surrounds how we associate with all the water energy Cancer governs over in our lives, connecting further to how we do this within our natal charts. From our collective history, homes, families, food, abilities to nurture, intimate environments, and yes, those emotions: the calling to tap into our gut instinct demands our attention.

On the trining frequency the planets can channel, Neptune in Pisces and Saturn in Scorpio also come into play to grant advice from our other water signs. Currently from above, our mystical and spiritual planet is reviewing and redoing in the early degrees of Pisces, in the constant asking for us to take that SILENT LISTEN and do not be caught in delusions. The final seal the deal for all outer planets having a major say is of course from our karmic Saturn, who -while in his current Rx- hangs to a close trine to Neptune at 05 degrees Scorpio, sternly sending home the message: stay ever responsible to knowing permanent change is imperative, and do not become deceived by the transformations you see.

The USA and Mercury Retrograde in Cancer
As our Messenger takes a rest and review in Cancer, this has a profound affect upon what the world witnesses occurring within the United States, who is under the MRx microscope for this passage. Stationing close to the USA’s natal Mercury at 24-degrees Cancer to start the Retrograde 26 June -by 20 July- guess where Mercury stations before going Direct? Right on top of America’s natal 13-degree Cancer Sun, which is karmically guided by the Chaldeans numerological understanding of Regeneration – Change. This 13 mathematical degree point strongly advises the digging up of the old dirt to make room for the new and more innovative seeds soon to be planted, in the most unexpected of ways.

By the time this MRx completes 20 July, Mars will have joined in Cancer to motivate the genuine fight to truly change the approaches of America like never before. The shadow passage that ends upon 03 August, has the Moon back in Cancer to stir up emotions here all the more. From the country’s natal chart perspective, the potent regeneration this MRx transit creates allows death and rebirth to dynamically emerge on multitude of levels. Make sure you always take care of you, for the return to nurturing for especially for Americans will become an amazing mantra this summer and beyond.  As the changes unfold, remembering what you wish to stand for verses fighting against will equally bring reward as Putting Power in Perspective wishes to prevail.

Mind you, the USA’s 24-degree Mercury is Retrograde in the natal chart from 04 July 1776. Typically, those born under a natal Mercury Rx have an easier time with the regular routine of MRx than others, but when this sits in the 8th house of transformation: you can bet your bottom dollar something heavy is going to regenerate and change within the USA from the depths of its core. The weighty surge this Mercury Retrograde unfolds will probably go down in history, as changes for the entire nation are powerfully witnessed. Miscommunications continue to fly like never before within the fights against the food industry, especially those relating to the FDA and Monsanto. All information that transfers around the upcoming the MRx in the USA will be interesting to observe- watch what you choose to believe from those “they sayers” and the media’s chatter.

For the true history buffs, if you are in Gettysburg over the 4th of July holiday, there will be an appropriate MRx “RE” reenactment of the very battle that marks 150 years since it occurred. The United States also celebrates the entrance into their 17/8 Personal Year of the harvest, recognition and reward of what has transpired in the previous 7 since 2004 upon 04 July- bringing forth a year that will be fueled with learning from the experience, as adaptation to patience practices will aide to achieve stability. When anyone rings in a birthday under the transit of Mercury Rx, that entire year is marked with tremendous permanent change ahead. As Saturn guides this collective 8 year for the USA, the toughest lessons taught will be seen by those resisting the choice of responsibility.

Furthering on the USA scene, one will find they truly can no longer remain in confrontation to what the ongoing Pluto-Uranus Square Dance is looking to recreate and reinvent within the life. While it may seem painful to face the changes within existing structures- the old and tired foundation is asking to be rebuild here- especially the collective USA one that is crumbling. Toss in MRx in Cancer and the square/opposition it will be in strong conversation with. Mercury’s movement will closely aspect this current outer planet square three times: under the approach, during retrograde, and once more under the shadow within these 09 to 12 degree points- as Pluto currently retrogrades back to 9 degrees and Uranus reaching 12 degrees before he joins in the outer planet Rx reflection in mid July. The rebuilding passage undoubtedly will be on in full.

Mercury Retrograde and YOU!
Where Cancer affects your life up close and personal in your natal chart will be of special importance to note, to prepare now for the review here that is requested 26 June to 20 July. As the approach begins at 13 degrees Cancer 09 June, you’ll want to examine what area of the life these points rest in until 23 degrees Cancer in your natal chart. As the shadow completes 03 August, the reassessing work here will be complete, and you’ll know change has come. From the collective perspective, as it can be seen from the simplicity of knowing your natal sun sign, you can also take a glimpse at what you can equally expect to be strongly associated with action requesting reflection. Those who know the true math of their specific ASC/Rising Sign, can also take a peak at what else will call upon your review.

Aries:  I Nurture Home/Family/Environments

Taurus: I Communicate Thinking/Mentality/Communications

Gemini: I Have Values/Earning Power/Possessions

Cancer: I Am Approaches/Mask to the World/First Impressions

Leo: I Process Inner Psyche/Clearing of the Past

Virgo: I Socialize Friendships/Organizations/Hopes/Dreams/Wishes

Libra: I Structure Career/Public Life/Authority

Scorpio: I Believe Philosophies/Foreign Travel/Education

Sagittarius: I Transform Death & Rebirth/Sexuality/Wealth

Capricorn: I Relate Partnerships/Marriage/Balance with Others

Aquarius: I Serve Health/Being of Service/Employees/Pets

Pisces: I Create Creativity/Children/Love Affairs

The Approach and The Shadow
Mercury Retrograde passages advise we are wisest within our free-will to hold off on moving forward in our lives as the normal RE’s of the Rx apply. You’ll find the approach and shadow of this transit to equally be weeks where those changes and things associated with what directly wishes to be under reflection and review will emerge to say hello.

The Approach sets up the stage for us all to have a bit of a preview for what kinds of things will ask for their natural period of renew and redo. The Shadow will then finish up those things that, if you had to make decisions of any kind of importance under the Retrograde for ultimate forward motion, you’ll have these weeks to iron out the kinks that will have been ironed into the fabric.

To Do and Not To Do Under MRx
Remain in the eye of any possible storm around you. These handy tips assist in bringing ease to any soul over this upcoming period to allow you to reap personal success!

*Expect CHANGE: in travel, routines, communications, environments & schedules to occur suddenly
*Give yourself extra time to get where you’re going
*Spend time in any word starting with RE: Relax, Revisit, Reflect, Redo, Recharge, Release…
*Recognize things already in motion can be Reviewed, Replaced, Reorganized & Redone
*Remember human error is highest under this transit, cross T’s & dot all I’s accordingly
*Have Plan B (and Plan C, D or E if necessary) ready to go
*Choose to Respond vs. React!

*“Freak out” when changes come up
*Rush: speaking, driving, doing anything!
*Sign important documents
*Initiate or buy anything new that you wish to have long-term success with.

Keep in Mind…

Avoid questioning the changes at this time.  If you do, reflect in the actions and thoughts leading up to your DOUBT, and tell it please DO BUT OUT BUD. Because Mercury is our thinking and communicating planet, the “tricks” he can play most certainly will be on your mind, when the collective human error is highest than any other time the year. Remaining in the response verses the reaction will always manifest the positive energy to attract back to your free-will at any time. The more we are flexible, the better results we see. Taking that pause for a SILENT LISTEN can completely save us from getting caught up in the domino affect.

Lexigrams and Mercury Retrograde
You just can’t leave out the wisdom of Lexigrams at a time like this to know how to sail through your upcoming Mercury Retrograde. From this very title –as seen in Chapter Three of It’s All in the Name– as Lexigrams reveal the hidden truth about it from the poetic phrasing of the anagrams it derives- see how you will find you move more smoothly under MRx by taking up action in the very words below.




Sooooooo are NOW you REady to OWN your REtrograde and have WON?!?!
Happy Returning to Nurturing, Dear Stars.
Namaste, Sharita

Mercury Retrograde in Pisces: 23 Feb to 17 March 2013

Image: Unification Family

Now let’s get something straight right away. You’ll notice FEAR cannot be spelled at all from MERCURY RETROGRADE. This passage is one of the most misrepresented in astrology, in where people are generally taught to expect “gloom and doom.”  Allow the wisdoms of Numerology and Lexigrams to ease your mind about this astrological phenomena, and how to shift any fear of it to that of knowing your free will has the same amount of control under it as it does at any other time of the year.

If one really understands that our ‘As Above, So Below’ is completely set up in such a divine order -when our Messenger planet takes a little rewind about 3 times per year for an approximate 3 week duration- this is the equivalent to the same amount of time we spend restoring our bodies every night. As one innately opens the mind to associate this period with as much importance as it is to sleep daily, they can embrace the opportunity it offers us to reset our souls in all the REDO and GREAT CORE CURE it can profoundly provide.

The first Mercury Retrograde of 2013 begins 23 February, and we are asked to apply the “rules of retrograde” until the 17 March. Yes, there are definitely guidelines that are wise to follow during this transit, and words that begin with RE are a huge part of them. Adhere to them, and anyone can reap rich rewards over the time that “MRx” brings into all of our personal and collective experiences. Knowing Mercury is our planet guiding our communication, movement, thinking, mentality and all exchanges of information -and the celestial vessel who is closest to us here on earth- when he isn’t looking where he is going, we all get a little off beat to say the least. So how are we best to REadjust it all with REsponse verses REaction?

Mercury Retrograde and Numerology
The very word RETROGRADE (any planet’s reverse movement which results in an opposite direction to that of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, or of the Moon around the Earth) itself carries a Name Expression of the 35’s Partnerships. Said the Chaldeans of the 35: “This compound number vibrates, in a strange way, to a unique kind of power, based on compassion and unselfishness, with the ability to help others, but not always the Self. 35 is full of contradictions. It warns of dangers, disappointments, and failure, especially regarding the ambitions, brought about through bad advice, and association.” Interesting comparison to what any planet’s retrograde passage is expected to bring to our lives. As any planet offers up their backwards time -if we carefully recognize that which not meant be in forward motion but rather in true examination of what has already recently transpired-  one will find they tap into that compassion and unselfishness more, and will avoid the contradictions, dangers and failure.

The singular 8 also casts it’s wise light of advice under retrograde: slow down, regain your stability, utilize patience, learn from the experiences, and be ultimately responsible. Guess what planet numerologically is in charge of retrograde through the 8 here? Our Karmic Adjustor Saturn. This is certainly why any retrograde is so important to note- for if you do not listen to its’ call, Saturn is all too good at tossing out another lesson for anyone to pay attention to until they get it. Ever not heed what a paternal figure (especially the fatherly one) asks? This is the deep clue as to why “MRx” is given the complete “bad rap” to those unawares, and will create restrictions and limitations.

When you add MERCURY to the RETROGRADE mix, we have a total Name Expression of the 13’s Regeneration – Change. Again, this is not a number to be feared nor underestimate. What amazing results are able to be anyone’s reality when the 13 is fully comprehended: “13 is not an unlucky number, as many people believe. The ancients claimed that he who understands how to use the number 13 will be given power and dominion. The symbol of the 13 is a skeleton, or death, with a scythe, reaping down men in a field of new-grown grass, where young faces and heads appear to be thrusting through the ground and emerging on all sides. 13 is a number of upheaval, so that new ground may be broken. It’s associated with power, which, if used for selfish purposes, will bring destruction upon itself. There is a warning of the unknown and the unexpected. Adapting to change gracefully will bring out the strength of the 13 vibration, and decrease any potential for the negative. 13 is associated with genius- also with explorers, breaking the orthodox and new discoveries of all kinds.”

Sound like the energy we are used to when we are hanging out in our “RE rules” of MERCURY RETROGRADE?  Aside from REgeneration, take any word that begins with RE and one can be sure to find courses of action under this passage that relate to them. REview, REdo, REfresh, REpair, REset, REflect, REorganize, REtreat, REvisit…. The list goes on and on, of which the most important is to always REst and RElax under “MRx.” One fantastic way to absorb the energy of MRx is to reach back into old, unfinished business and creative projects wherein this time spent is always known to produce powerful results that are nothing short of pure genius with the break-throughs and innovations when time spent in the REstructuring works for you.

The Chaldeans were spot-on in knowing the Name Expression of MRx is not only about the 13’s REgeneration, but that of CHANGE. How many times do you need Plans B, C, D or even E in order when those unexpected things show up under MRx? REmember under any MRx we are digging up our old earth, which always is in need of a bit of TLC attention in the first place. It is wonderful to know that upheaval is supposed to happen, so that we can get better in touch with our lives. We are preparing under any MRx passage, to break new ground once it has concluded. But the new can never be planted for success in a garden full of weeds.

Weeding our gardens means change must be accepted as a part of the process. As Charles Darwin, once said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” So too, is this statement ever so true to better grasp how to have REsolve under MRx. When one expects change, and does not resist it, no matter what kind of challenge it may test one with, therein lies the key to surviving MRx with ease and grace. If we choose to view MRx as a gift, it most certainly will REflect that outcome for anyone.

Mercury Retrograde and Lexigrams
The ever-fascinating wonders of Lexigrams –the poetic phrasing of the anagrams that can be derived from any word, name or title to spell out the truth- on MERCURY RETROGRADE are amazing at helping us better understand what to do under this transit. More clues are right in front of us as to how this vital request from above wishes to be viewed, actually enjoyed, and no longer feared.



Mercury Retrograde and YOU!

How will this review and redo passage affect your life? If you know your natal chart, check out where the 19 to 05 degree Pisces slice of life falls. This will be the area that requests reassessment and where your energy is best place to anticipate where the MRx changes will unfold the most. Equally via the collective perspective, the relationship of Pisces to your Sun Sign will also offer up loads of wisdom that can aid in the affirmation of your planetary picture.

The Approach to our first MRx of 2013 began 09 February, when Mercury was last at 05 degrees Pisces, the very degree he will return to. Under the Approach, we always see the things associated with what will be further re-examined under the Retrograde passage itself start to surface. The Shadow will conclude 06 April, when Mercury, while moving forward once more will return to the 19 degree Pisces mark. Under the Shadow, anything you might have had to initiate by default under the MRx will see the opportunity to correct and iron out the details that were overlooked. As human error is the highest under this passage, it is critical the decisions we choose to make under it.

REmember the DO’s and DON’TS!
REmain in the eye of any apparent storm around you…
These handy tips can help bring ease over this upcoming period to allow personal success to be reaped!

*Expect CHANGE: in travel, routines, communications & schedules to occur suddenly
*Give yourself extra time to get where you’re going
*Spend time in the RE’s: Relax, Revisit, Reflect, Redo, REcharge!
*Have Plan B (and Plan C, D or E if necessary) ready to go
*Gravitate to REsponding vs. REacting!

*“Freak out” when changes come up
*Rush: speaking, driving, doing anything!
*Sign important documents
*Initiate or buy anything new that you wish to have long-term success with.

Want to know more?
It’s the perfect time to take up in REview of You!
Hop on a Star Chat Session with Sharita and handle MRx with ease!

Happy Mercury Retrograde RE time Dear Stars. And don’t forget to send our Messenger some LOVE from your HEART over this passage, for he will, most certainly REflect the EVOLVE back down to EARTH.