A Quick Word on The Mystic at Home in Pisces

SharitaStarPsychicofthePlanNeptune enters Pisces

03 February 2012
2:03pm EST

One of the most significant outer planetary shifts since Uranus entered Aries in 2011, Neptune now returns to its’ comfort zone at home with The Fishes. Aside from the little “taste” of this energy from April to August in 2011, the collective has not seen Neptune at 0 degrees Pisces since 07 December 1848, where it transited until 14 February 1862.

This passage -marking the next 14 years until Neptune enters Aries in 2025- promises that humanity gets syrupy sweet in spiritual realms, as beliefs in the unknown and what we can not physically “see” become all the more respected, as well as in the healing arts. Get ready for true telepathic ties and genuine compassion to bring our entire consciousness to the next level.

The collective can expect this to be time when the unknown -yes all of those things that we ideally can not tangibly see nor touch- will become all the more “real.” Being The Mystic rules over all things psychic and spiritual, these realms truly will come into their glory, emitting their fullest light and being recognized for absolute validity like never before.

So, if you are in the “spirit business” expect to see quite an upswing in your work. For those who are merely interested in what rewards can be reaped by paying attention to one’s dreams and the extent of whatever form of self-knowledge you may seek has to offer: be ready to embark upon an exciting journey in getting to know your soul better.

One thing to be in the know of as we collectively enter Neptune returning home. Both our Mystic planet and the sign of Pisces (and while we are at it, the Number 7 vibrations too) all are known to have to be cautious when it comes to illusion and delusion within the life. Albeit Neptune will be happy as any fish in the sea schooling around where it is most comfortable; it is a word to the wise that the potential to get carried away within the vast seas and depths of escapism is strong, obvious making the real truth appear not to be so clear at times.

While Neptune & Pisces energies love the unknown, only the unknown that is arrived at through the calm of a silent listen will be valid to understand and value. As Rumi once said, “Be silent, like the fish.” This is how anyone will gain the gifts of this rare and mysterious time in history. Should one get caught up in the storm of denial, beware of the vicious waves that can come crashing. Running from facing the truth, no matter how horrid it may be, sadly will inhibit the innate ability to see to become all the more blocked. Remember that sympathy for humanity is about to hit an all time high.

Undoubtedly you may have already noticed the energy of Neptune in Pisces finding you. People have seen telepathy start to happen more and more, and this is just the beginning of truly tapping into how powerful this form of communication can be amongst the human race. Have you been thinking of someone you know as of late and “oddly” they have called or contacted you, “seemingly” out of the blue? That’s no coincidence, by the way. Get used to it happening more and more.

Aside from what we will see expand within our personal connections, people have been equally gravitating to getting in touch with their true sense of self. So many people tend to look outside for the answers they seek, or to find whatever they may believe is “enlightenment.” But spend a bit more time as the years of Neptune in Pisces go on, and you’ll become more assured: the only answers that you really are seeking, simply come from within. Remember what Rumi said about being still.

As we really take in a true LISTEN:

As always from the collective horoscope glance, a quick guide is provided that will let you see what area of life calls for your deepest sense of stillness for years to come. Here is where to guard against being fooled by things wishing to hide the truth of the matter, and more than likely, where an awakening within your sense of self will undoubtedly occur on a gradual level.

Aries: Inner Psyche/Clearing of the Past

Taurus: Innovations/Friendships/Organizations

Gemini: Career/Public Life/Opportunities

Cancer: Philosophies/Foreign Travel/Education

Leo: Transformations/Sexuality/Wealth

Virgo: Partnerships/Marriage/Balance with Others

Libra: Health/Being of Service/Employees/Pets

Scorpio: Creativity/Children/Love Affairs

Sagittarius: Home/Family/Emotions/Environments

Capricorn: Thinking/Mentality/Communications

Aquarius: Values/Earning Power/Possessions

Pisces: Approaches/Mask to the World/Motivations

Happy Neptune entering Pisces! As our dear friend Albert Einstein once said on both counts relating to Neptune, “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” “The only real valuable thing is intuition.”

Dream on where The Fishes swim in your life, and by all means, dream well.

Namaste Dear Stars.

A Quick Word on The Mystic….

Neptune goes Direct in Aquarius, 28degrees
1:54pm EST, 09 November

The Mystic now completes its’ last Retrograde period in Aquarius that will be seen within any living beings’ lifetime. As we all have collectively adhered to reflecting upon our love of independence since early June, we’ve equally seen more than a fair share of social, political, and philosophical stimuli within our humanitarian ideals. We’ve got a few months left to tap into the power to truly theorize what has been available to the collective since late November 1998. As Neptune has journeyed with The Water Bearer, the strength to invent innovative improvements for society has been available to us. Surely no one can deny that some of the greatest and fastest developments in technology have been seen over these years. What has become the standard of the internet alone speaks for itself, as well as the multitudes of gadgets that make our lives seemingly more connected than ever before.

Yet, true to Aquarius fashion, in as much as we have magically developed the ability to outsmart ourselves with the latest technological advancement, all of them have allowed people to sway to becoming more detached from being personally present. From the endless list involving things like emails, self retail check-outs, on-line banking, text messages, computerized everything to the phenomena of Facebook -that personal touch life once used to have- has certainly lost its’ luster.

Some may argue that we are blessed to have such fancy abilities that allow man to be all the more ground-breaking. While it is a marvel the ways we exist and relate in our modern day world, so much has gone astray in genuine originality within the methods we can be friendly to society at large. Knowing Neptune is the planet that represents delusion, one might also argue that we are quite off course from even knowing ourselves anymore because of the myriad of sophisticated ways our current society operates on a routine basis.

So we have until February 2012 to move forward in the last moments of Neptune in Aquarius. How can we take a closer look and conclude how the last 13 yrs have changed us? What do you appreciate about it and what do you believe shouldn’t continue for the survival of what humanity ideally represents? Remember, Neptune in Aquarius urges everyone to call upon your love of individualism. We may just have to put down our cell phones and sign off of Facebook to figure it out.

With a returning home to Pisces in early February 2012, our planet of dreams and all that is unseen will not return to Aquarius again until 2162. Before The Mystic joins up for a long swim with the Fishes, we are wise to take this remaining time to draw upon our love of independence. By recognizing what is of value within these past years that we can take with us, we will be ultimately ready to become responsive to the call of mass emotions and the suffering of humanity that Neptune in Pisces will present to us all.