2016: Choosing Our Courage

COURAGE.SharitaStar“The Warrior of the Light is a believer. Because he believes in miracles, miracles begin to happen. Because he is sure that his thoughts can change his life, his life begins to change. Because he is certain that he will find love, love appears.” ~Paulo Coelho, Warrior of the Light

Welcome in the Universal Year 2016!

A New Year. A New Cycle.
2015 leaves it’s persevering mark on many across the globe as our responsibilities to learn from our human experiences surfaced in more than karmic ways during the past 12 months.

Our human experiences now shift during 2016, into new cycle that co-exists with our spiritual beings.

No matter what the energy of the world at large is, remember your life is always your individual human experience, via your own personal forecast.

2016’s Global Forecast
It’s time to activate courage and compassion into our practices. In the 12 months of 2016, these are our preferred choices to make sure our motivations, desires, and abilities are responsive verses reactive- even when conflicts beyond our personal control arise. Our unique goals and aspirations still belong to us amongst all that will be trying to distract us that will need to be carefully filtered.

What was initiated and began with full intention since 2008, now witnesses the greatest cycle of clearing out what is no longer necessary to properly evolve as 2016 unfolds. Overall, this years’ cycle now calls for our bravery, a warrior presence, and inevitable conclusions.

Equally requested is the deeper understanding of how to not allow the worlds’ problems and fears to conquer us when we choose to focus upon conquering our personal fears. This is quintessential to comprehend during 2016, as the year will leave an aggressive mark upon humanity in seemingly conflicting ways.

Individually Aligning with 2016
You do not need to be in an actual 9 Personal Year within your own forecast to see 2016’s collective energy unfold within your human experience. By following the spiritual guidance that your personal forecast precisely provides, 2016’s Universal energy seeks to compliment your own changing cycles.

The year ahead is ever powerful to align you in a true sense of shifting from feeding fear to rising up in courageous responses wherever you are within your own personal forecast. It’s warrior time to make the most of the collective energy that we co-exist within and are individually a part of as we evolve.

Let’s Look Back to Look Ahead
Over the past 8 years, on a collective level, we are all -while still honoring our own light- part of the larger whole that witnessed the bigger picture plant seeds in 2008 (1), the source of new beginnings and initiations amongst humanity.

Since then….

2009 (2) nurtured those seeds within it’s emotional and sensitive energy. The home, family & sense of co-operation called across the board.

2010 (3) burst open those seeds, aligning in new knowledge and education. Beliefs, philosophies & growth were stimulated on a global level.

2011 (4) formulated roots that secured the initiations of 2008 within a foundation. The unexpected, breakthroughs & over coming obstacles called to all.

2012 (5) brought forth blossoming, fast movement and permanent changes. Communications, mass changes & no going back unfolded for humanity.

2013 (6) called for understanding, compassion, adjustment, and balance. Justice, judgment & harmony asked to be aligned and embraced.

2014 (7) asked for the “soul homework” the inner work, the reflection in order to heal. Solitude, listening & remaining in the eye of the storms called to be heard.

2015 (8) asked us to reap the harvest, find the recognition & accept the reward. Only practicing responsibility, patience & honor allowed this stabilizing energy to flourish.

2016 (9) is now here to motivate us to drawn upon conclusions, dramatic endings and release. Penetration, aggressive action will persist, but a warriors’ courage will be the cure.

The Planetary Channel for 2016’s Cycle: Mars
Numerology, like astrology, is directly guided by the archetypes of our planets from above. As we translate what planetary movement means for us down here below, energetic patterns are always seen to unfold. It is now time to shift into the understanding of Mars from the more steadfast, overworked, school of hard knocks and rather serious space that Saturn’s archetype indicated would be symbolized within 2015 during our 8 Universal Year.

Mars as it influences the 9 energy unfolds into situations that ask us to take action, deepened into our guts, find our bravery, and decide what drives us to arrive at conclusions  resulting in powerful changes as we move forward thereafter. It is because of the affects of Mars during 2016, that the practice of courage will become anyone’s friend.

More keys for our success are opened as we understand the astrological signs Mars will journey through during 2016 for their overall energetic affects. Equally, where Mars reflects these same transits within one’s natal birth chart grants another valuable forecast of how the energy creates individual changes.

Being Perceptive: Mars in Scorpio 03 Jan to 05 Mar; 27 May to 02 Aug
The power to relax is not easy to come by when Mars journeys in Scorpio. While desires are more than powerful and passionate, the energy from this transit is unflagging and rigidly disciplined.

Motivations become probing, dissecting, persistent and shrewd. Authoritative issues will be at an all time high, and as Retrograde in this sign (27 May to 29 June) occurs, they will not be shy in displaying superior, domineering, callous and unsociable attitudes to be witnessed within our human experiences.

Finding Enthusiasm: Mars in Sagittarius 05 Mar to 27 May; 02 Aug to 27 Sept
Endurance and stability are not easy to come by when Mars journeys in Sagittarius. While desires are more than impulsive, the energy from this transit is spontaneously mobilized and fitful.

Motivations become speculative, exploratory, swift, discontinuous, and superficial. Independent leaning to defiant issues will be at an all time high, and as Retrograde in this sign (17 April to 27 May) occurs, they will not be shy in displaying frank, sporting, self-righteous and supercilious attitudes to be witnessed within our human experiences.

The Request for Reflection: Mars Retrograde 17 April to 29 June
One of the more “turbulent” times during 2016 will be when the pioneering planet in charge of our Universal Year will take time to do some sharpening of its’ own saw. Being Mars is still an inner planet -like Mercury and Venus Retrograde passages- when in retrograde, its’ request for reflection is more than intensely felt throughout our human experiences.

Humanity across the board can be sure to expect the unexpected as April arrives, and as Mars Retrograde moves through May, the calling for permanent, irreversible changes will be amazingly profound to watch unfold. What will magnify this affect is the added influence of 2016’s second Mercury Retrograde period that will pursue 28 April to 22 May within Taurus.

Most will find whatever intentions they may have to launch, initiate or begin anything brand new with long-term success in mind surrounding May 2016, will be like trying to build a house upon a sand foundation. Once again -like our Mercury Retrograde periods- knowing how to properly embrace reflection, review, reassessment and rework what already exists is where the benefits can be found to utilize the Mars Retrograde cycle to its full advantage.

Enjoying Ambition: Mars in Capricorn 27 Sept to 09 Nov
Humility, humor, warmth and consideration are not easy to come by when Mars journeys in Capricorn. While desires are more than persistent, the energy from this transit is efficiently controlled and sustained.

Motivations become practical, well-rehearsed, orthodox, vigorous, and prudent. Conscientious and organizational issues will be at an all time high as responsible, self-reliant, and traditional attitudes are witnessed within our human experiences.

Allowing Originality: Mars in Aquarius 09 Nov to 19 Dec
Personal touch and feeling are not easy to come by when Mars journeys in Aquarius. While desires are more than unusual, the energy from this transit is undeniably dynamic. Motivations become scientific, experimental, impersonal, abrupt and revolutionary.

Independence and theoretical understanding for humanitarian issues will be at an all time high as detached, friendly, blunt, nervy and unruly attitudes are witnessed within our human experiences.

Igniting Imagination: Mars in Pisces 19 Dec to 28 Jan 2017
Focus, direction and self-reliance are not easy to come by when Mars journeys in Pisces. While desires are more than sensual, the energy from this transit is unstable, diffused and easily exhausted.

Motivations become intuitive, involved, infiltrating, reconciliatory, devious and obscure. Receptive and charitable issues will be at an all time high as unassuming, diplomatic, self-sacrificing, dishonest and discontented attitudes are witnessed within our human experiences.

Forget the Anger, Lose the Fears & Choose Courage
Those choosing conflict in belief they are saving the day will not be well supported in 2016. Those exercising moves made in anger, fear and penetrating action will be entering into a storm they could otherwise avoid.

Looking back to action in play since 2008, this is the “cleaning house” year where aggressive action simply will no longer be tolerated. Aggressive action will attract intensities resulting in extremely painful outcomes.

Cleansing, clearing, releasing and letting go will be felt across the board in 2016. The positive or negative of whatever humanity has sown in deepest connections to 2008, it now shall conclude.

Becoming the Warrior
Choosing to stand in our warrior presence will be a wise choice to make in 2016 to be able to move throughout the year with ultimate success. However, it will be sensible to also monitor the “save the day” mentality.

No matter what the world will choose to do to resolve it’s conflicts, remembering who we personally are and standing up for what is right without the fight allows the win-win.

Focusing upon work backed by philanthropic intentions will be all the more rewarded and supported by the 9 energy by honoring the helpfulness that the 9 also symbolizes when it is treated with respect.  Adapting the age old mantra “kill ‘em with kindness” can reflect amazing personal rewards to anyone throughout 2016 when we activate our mindful choice of the response verses reaction should conflict come our way.

Shine Bright Warrior Star & Believe in the Miracle of You!

Wishing You an Amazing & Stellar 2016 Cycle of Choosing the Courageous in your individual human experience, Dear Star.

Happy New Year.  Namaste.

Listen back to the archive. Code Connection: A Look At 2016

Approaching Mercury Retrograde: 5 Things You Need To Know

SharitaStarPsychicofthePlanetsYou’ll be so happy you have now gotten the heads up into this awareness so that you too can reap the very rewards of it over the next few weeks, so we advise it best you keep on reading. If you have already signed up under that purple button to the right of your screen, you already know that the approach to another “infamous” Mercury Retrograde is upon us! Even if you are just joining our keeping our eyes on the stars tribe here, you needn’t worry if you think you don’t know anything about Astrology.

Whether you are a believer or not, your HEART and soul walks, breathes, and lives upon this very EARTH. If you consider yourself a human being, then you will not be excused from the infamous “as above, so below” that will accompany Mercury’s time for review as he naturally brings forward situations asking for us all to change to over the next few weeks. So exactly what does this “Mercury Retrograde” mean?

Mercury Retrogrades (in a nutshell, he is going to start retracing the measured degrees within his current zodiac transit from above. Think of a person, or in this case a mass of a planet in our Universal energy field, placing a blindfold on. See how things then become ultimately disarrayed as a result down here below?) officially at 4:43pm EST/1:43pm PST, Thursday 06 February. This planet also is well known as The Messenger –who guides our communications, thinking, mentality, movement, transportation, electricity, and any transference of information down here below- will be up close and personal creating all sorts of “fun” interruptions and flux for us to handle within our normal routines of everyday life until 9am EST/6am PST, Friday 28 February.

The Approach begins 22 January, as Mercury up there above -still moving forward- crosses over the Zodiac degree point that he will return back to by 28 February at 18 degrees Aquarius. He will start his Retrograde at 03 degrees Pisces upon 06 February. While still safe to put some initiations out there, you are going to personally start to see from the Pisces/Aquarius areas of the life, things that will ask for your demanding attention for review and redo during the Retrograde passage itself starting 06 February; along with all the normal communication and movement breakdowns per the “MRx norm.”

We soon be covering all the real deal and intimate astrological details on this passage within the very theme of it, Returning to Humanity’s Requests, Mercury’s Reflection in Pisces/Aquarius. So again, it is best if you haven’t yet, go over there to your right and click on that purple sign up button so you’ll be ensured to receive even more specific and important information very personal to your soul shortly.

In the meantime…

5 Things You Need to Know About Mercury Retrograde

1.    We are being asked now to prepare under the Approach, from above, to take up in reflection mode for a few weeks. We haven’t had a period like this since 21 October – 10 November, when it was our last Mercury Rx in Scorpio.  Look as well to 26 June to 20 July 2013, Mercury Rx in Cancer. Think back for a moment. Do you remember now what kinds of interruptions, changes and seemingly “interesting” energies where going on in your life at these times?

2.    Mercury Retrogrades in one years time about as often as we sleep. This passage is here once more to ask us, down here below, to slow down, take a pause, and rest up. Our favorite rule of Mercury Retrograde is to take up in action with any word that begins with RE. Such as…

Reconnect, Review, Reflect, Rework, Revise, Revisit, Reset, Reboot, Rewire, Replace, Repair, Relate, Reaffirm, Redo, Retreat, Reassess, Relax, Relocate, Relive, Redirect, Regroup, Remind, Remember, Release….. and our favorite RESPOND.

Backing up, upgrading and updating what you already have placed in motion previously is completely safe to do under this passage. So, if you need a new computer, phone or haven’t saved your files in a long while, these are perfect activities to take advantage of doing for success.

3.    While our actions under the Approach are meant to be carefully dealt with, it is the during Retrograde passage itself that is not a favored time to move forward in life, surrounding any initiation you truly wish to have successful long-term results with. So, if you are about to get married, sign important legal documents, buy a car, start a business, purchase a house, partner-up, or put anything out there you want fabulous and fantastic success with for a long time to come- you might want to REthink those choices of your free will. Whatever is put into initiation and motion under Mercury Rx, typically doesn’t have the longevity for the future, for it is riddled upon it’s birth with a shaky ground of unstable communications and mistakes intertwining it’s being.

4.    Human error is highest under this passage. Therefore, this is the very key to deeply understand how not to get wrapped up in those “tricks” that do find themselves right at your doorstep. We have to take the extra time to make sure we catch the mistakes we tend to make. The carpenter rule of thumb here will save you every time if you “measure twice, and cut once.” We’ll even add, you might want to measure three or 4 times- just to be safe. You’ll want to apply this to your communications -i.e. emails, speaking, writing- repairs, cooking, and anything involving movement that you are doing.

5.    The practice of PATIENCE, so you CAN TAP IN AN ANCIENT PEACE PACE, is how you ride through the MRx passage with victory. Leave another ten to fifteen minutes every day to get where you are going. Stop the normal rushing that’s become society’s norm to get places. When those changes show up in your plans, don’t REact, REspond. Have back-up plans ready to go you can enjoy the response from. Otherwise the result of reaction will create a domino affect you’d rather avoid under this transit, so be sure your free will chooses cautiously here.

Being flexible and adaptable will allow you to have such REward as the next few weeks ask for our pause within our lives. And for heaven’s sake, it is the safest thing really to just RElax and REst without guilt! Try on those RE’s and dive in to what you know already needs REviewing and you’ll sail through this passage all the more.

We’ll begin the first Mercury Retrograde of 2014 in a waxing phase from the New Moon in Aquarius on 30 January -which will also be under the Shadow of Venus Retrograde in Capricorn and the Approach to Mars Retrograde in Libra- asking us to take extreme caution within the normal initiation time of our lunar month until 14 February. This “criss-cross” of inner planet retrograde action, shadows and approaches, will be a sight to behold.  Check in now where Pisces/Aquarius lives in your Zodiac Pie. Here’s where the specific calling for re-examination awaits for your review in the particular area of life it affects, from both your collective and natal birth chart perspectives. Remember with all the renewal being requested, you also more than likely are more than deserving of the downtime on the way.

As we all look back now to our lives to what has happened since 10 November, see what progress you’ve made, what needs reworking, and have fun with your RE’s of life. Your soul under Retrograde will be all the happier, and much more at peace for it.

Happy Returning to Humanity’s Requests My Dear Stars! Namaste.
Learn more about the intense calling for reflection of 2014!

Activating Compassion in the Midnight Hour