OWN Your NOW! All Planets Direct Motion, 30 Jan to 18 Feb

Not since 25 December 2011 to 23 January 2012 have we had a passage of all planets in forward motion: one of those exceptional times when our most affluent celestial bodies in astrology are not offering us the opportunity for review. Even as we begin under a waning Moon in Virgo and wane through 10 February- there are plenty of benefits to reap. Aside from the reflective emotional requests of our Lunar Lady till our next New Moon, all other planets transiting in our Zodiac skies say let’s put the foot on the gas for a bit where they all currently reside.

This promises to be a prominent seed planting time in where the intentions you focus upon now will produce some fairly optimal results later on down the road with continual proper nurturing and attention to them. The prime time to truly set ideas into exact place will be as we enter another Waxing Phase 10 February. In addition to all planets looking where they are going, our Lunar Lady equally will be gathering back in her light from Aquarius to aide in manifesting timely and dynamic initiations in our lives.

Saturn breaks the all planets direction motion passage as he begins retrograding upon 18 February in Scorpio. We will be waxing under a Gemini Moon, who will be thrilled to be able to conjunct Jupiter every month now moving forward for the remainder of its’ transit here. Looking at your Zodiac Pie in reflection from Virgo to Aquarius, and then gathering through Gemini will be the three-quarters of it feeling and imagination will flow over this 20 day period.

While we will give perspective to all individual signs on how to make the most from this passage to concentrate upon generating progress within your life- the collective consciousness standpoint shows us powerful understanding that can be gained from how we all work together in the larger universal picture.  You’ll notice of course our outer planets barely seem to move, but as our inner ones journey, this passage begins and ends within neighboring areas of the life. Check in where these degree points precisely fall in your personal Zodiac Pie and see where you can expect boosts of forward motion for this pass coupled with the true energy to plant seeds for the future.

Forward Motion Transits 30 January to 18 February

Jupiter Goes Direct, 6:37am EST 30 Jan to 12:05pm EST 18 February, Saturn Retrogrades

Sun: 10 degrees Aquarius to 0 degrees Pisces
(30 Jan to 18 Feb AQU; 7:05am EST to 12:05pm EST 18 Feb PIS)
Light, creation, initiation, benevolence and protection within The Water Bearer.

Mercury: 19 degrees Aquarius to 18 degrees Pisces  (30 Jan to 05 Feb AQU)
Communication, movement, versatility within The Water Bear and Pisces.

Venus: 26 degrees Capricorn to 20 degrees Aquarius  (30 Jan to 01 Feb CAP)
Balance, peace, understanding, value and compassion within The Goat and The Water Bearer.

Mars: 27 degrees Aquarius to 13 degrees Pisces (30 Jan to 01 Feb AQU)
Motivation, conclusions, decisions, courage and adventure within The Water Bearer and The Fishes.

Jupiter: 06 degrees, 20 minutes to 06 degrees 57 minutes Gemini
Idealism, beliefs, education, philosophies, growth, optimism and fortune within The Twins.

Saturn: 11 degrees 12 minutes to 11 degrees 32 minutes Scorpio
Responsibility, patience, learning from experience, work, efficiency within The Eagle.

05 degrees, 34 minutes to 06 degrees 24 minutes Aries
Originality, innovation, the unexpected, reform, and breakthroughs within The Ram.

Neptune: 02 degrees, 01 minutes to 02 degrees, 44 minutes Pisces
Spirituality, sympathy, clairvoyance, seclusion, meditation and inspiration within The Fishes.

Pluto: 10 degrees, 19 minutes to 10 degrees, 53 minutes Capricorn
Transformation, regeneration, power sources, death/rebirth and wealth within The Goat.

What does it mean for you?
From the collective horoscope read, we’ve laid out the guideline for how your sun sign can take full advantage of the next few weeks and allow your free will to make the most of this extraordinary occasion of all planets in forward motion. Key points of the varying energies of life and what specific areas they affect are listed. Remember, if you do know your natal chart, look into the mathematical details and see where the planet degree points precisely fall for your rising sign (ascendant) and will move around your personal star map for even more in-depth understanding.

Innovations/Breakthroughs in First Impressions/Approaches
Optimism/Growth in Communications/Mentality
Structure/Responsibility in Core Transformation/Wealth/Sexuality
Regeneration/Power in Career/Public Life
Balance/Understanding in Career/Public Life & Groups/Friends/Hopes/Wishes
Initiation/Creativity in Groups/Friends/Hopes/Wishes & Inner Work/Subconscious Process
Communication/Movement in Groups/Friends/Hopes/Wishes & Inner Work/Subconscious Process
Motivation/Drive in Groups/Friends/Hopes/Wishes & Inner Work/Subconscious Process
Sympathy/Intuition in Inner Work/Subconscious Process

Optimism/Growth in Earning Power/Values
Structure/Responsibility in Partnerships/One on One Relations
Regeneration/Power in Beliefs/Education/Philosophies
Balance/Understanding in Beliefs/Education/Philosophies & Career/Public Life
Initiation/Creativity in Career/Public Life & Groups/Friends/Hopes/Wishes
Communication/Movement in Career/Public Life & Groups/Friends/Hopes/Wishes
Motivation/Drive in Career/Public Life & Groups/Friends/Hopes/Wishes
Sympathy/Intuition in Groups/Friends/Hopes/Wishes
Innovations/Breakthroughs in Inner Work/Subconscious Process

Optimism/Growth in First Impressions/Approaches
Structure/Responsibility in Health/Being of Service
Regeneration/Power in Core Transformation/Wealth/Sexuality
Balance/Understanding in Core Transformation/Wealth/Sexuality & Beliefs/Education/Philosophies
Initiation/Creativity in Beliefs/Education/Philosophies & Career/Public Life
Communication/Movement in Beliefs/Education/Philosophies & Career/Public Life
Motivation/Drive in Beliefs/Education/Philosophies & Career/Public Life
Sympathy/Intuition in Career/Public Life
Innovations/Breakthroughs in Groups/Friends/Hopes/Wishes

Structure/Responsibility in Creativity/Children/Love Affairs
Regeneration/Power in Partnerships/One on One Relations
Balance/Understanding in Partnerships/One on One Relations & Core Transformation/Wealth/Sexuality
Initiation/Creativity in Core Transformation/Wealth/Sexuality & Beliefs/Education/Philosophies Communication/Movement in Core Transformation/Wealth/Sexuality & Beliefs/Education/Philosophies
Motivation/Drive in Core Transformation/Wealth/Sexuality & Beliefs/Education/Philosophies
Sympathy/Intuition in Beliefs/Education/Philosophies
Innovations/Breakthroughs in Career/Public Life
Optimism/Growth in Inner Work/Subconscious Process

Structure/Responsibility in Home/Environments/Family
Regeneration/Power in Health/Being of Service
Balance/Understanding in Health/Being of Service & Partnerships/One on One Relations
Initiation/Creativity in Partnerships/One on One Relations & CoreTransformation/Wealth/Sexuality 
Communication/Movement in Partnerships/One on One Relations & Core Transformation/Wealth/Sexuality

Motivation/Drive in Partnerships/One on One Relations & Core Transformation/Wealth/Sexuality
Sympathy/Intuition in Core Transformation/Wealth/Sexuality
Innovations/Breakthroughs in Beliefs/Education/Philosophies
Optimism/Growth in Groups/Friends/Hopes/Wishes

Structure/Responsibility in Communications/Mentality
Regeneration/Power in Creativity/Children/Love Affairs
Balance/Understanding in Creativity/Children/Love Affairs & Health/Being of Service
Initiation/Creativity in Health/Being of Service & Partnerships/One on One Relations Communication/Movement in Health/Being of Service & Partnerships/One on One Relations
Motivation/Drive in Health/Being of Service & Partnerships/One on One Relations
Sympathy/Intuition in Partnerships/One on One Relations
Innovations/Breakthroughs in Core Transformation/Wealth/Sexuality
Optimism/Growth in Career/Public Life


Structure/Responsibility in Earning Power/Values
Regeneration/Power in Home/Environments/Family
Balance/Understanding in Home/Environments/Family & Creativity/Children/Love Affairs
Initiation/Creativity in Creativity/Children/Love Affairs & Health/Being of Service 
Communication/Movement in Creativity/Children/Love Affairs & Health/Being of Service
Motivation/Drive in Creativity/Children/Love Affairs & Health/Being of Service
Sympathy/Intuition in Health/Being of Service
Innovations/Breakthroughs in Partnerships/One on One Relations
Optimism/Growth in Beliefs/Education/Philosophies

Structure/Responsibility in First Impressions/Approaches
Regeneration/Power in Communications/Mentality
Balance/Understanding in Communications/Mentality & Home/Environments/Family
Initiation/Creativity in Home/Environments/Family & Creativity/Children/Love Affairs Communication/Movement in Home/Environments/Family & Creativity/Children/Love Affairs
Motivation/Drive in Home/Environments/Family & Creativity/Children/Love Affairs
Sympathy/Intuition in Creativity/Children/Love Affairs
Innovations/Breakthroughs in Health/Being of Service
Optimism/Growth in Core Transformation/Wealth/Sexuality

Regeneration/Power in Earning Power/Values
Balance/Understanding in Earning Power/Values & Communications/Mentality
Initiation/Creativity in Communications/Mentality & Home/Environments/Family Communication/Movement in Communications/Mentality & Home/Environments/Family
Motivation/Drive in Communications/Mentality & Home/Environments/Family
Sympathy/Intuition in Home/Environments/Family
Innovations/Breakthroughs in Creativity/Children/Love Affairs
Optimism/Growth in Partnerships/One on One Relations
Structure/Responsibility in Inner Work/Subconscious Process

Regeneration/Power in First Impressions/Approaches
Balance/Understanding in First Impressions/Approaches & Earning Power/Values
Initiation/Creativity in Earning Power/Values & Communications/Mentality
Communication/Movement in Earning Power/Values & Communications/Mentality
Motivation/Drive in Earning Power/Values & Communications/Mentality
Sympathy/Intuition in Communications/Mentality
Innovations/Breakthroughs in Home/Environments/Family
Optimism/Growth in Health/Being of Service
Structure/Responsibility in Groups/Friends/Hopes/Wishes

Initiation/Creativity in First Impressions/Approaches & Earning Power/Values
Communication/Movement in First Impressions/Approaches & Earning Power/Values
Motivation/Drive in First Impressions/Approaches & Earning Power/Values
Sympathy/Intuition in Earning Power/Values
Innovations/Breakthroughs in Communications/Mentality
Optimism/Growth in Creativity/Children/Love Affairs
Structure/Responsibility in Career/Public Life
Regeneration/Power in Inner Work/Subconscious Process
Balance/Understanding in Inner Work/Subconscious Process & First Impressions/Approaches

Sympathy/Intuition in First Impressions/Approaches
Innovations/Breakthroughs in Earning Power/Values
Optimism/Growth in Home/Environments/Family
Structure/Responsibility in Career/Public Life
Regeneration/Power in Beliefs/Education/Philosophies
Balance/Understanding in Beliefs/Education/Philosophies & Inner Work/Subconscious Process
Initiation/Creativity Inner Work/Subconscious Process & First Impressions/Approaches
Communication/Movement in Inner Work/Subconscious Process & First Impressions/Approaches
Motivation/Drive in Inner Work/Subconscious Process & First Impressions/Approaches

More Soul Healing Under All Planets Direct Motion
Another added bonus is the observation of Chiron, who represents the Wounded Healer and Childhood Impressions wherever he is natally placed within our astrological birth charts. At present, he too will not engage in retrograde movement and will journey from 07 degrees, 35 minutes to 08 degrees, 46 minutes Pisces. The area of life you will experience the positive flow for sympathy and intuition due to Neptune’s presence, equally is accompanied by the healing power of Chiron. Old patterns are asked to be removed and resolved, as well as feeling like a more painful journey has concluded, and that a rebirth is awakening where The Fishes swim in the life like never before.“Astrology is a system of ideas which attempts to discern, analyze, and use correlations between human and celestial affairs. There are two things that are equally important in astrology: First of all, it is the day-to-day observational experience that the Universe is not dead, and life on Earth is not meaningless.  Second, closely related to that is the day-to-day experience that I and the Universe are one.” ~Astrologer Robert Hand

May you find all the mystical wonders from above that await in your meaningful coincidences day to day down here below which are ready to ignite within the all planets direct motion period that begins NOW! OWN it, and find out later how very much you have WON, in the ONE Universal EON.

What’s your Current Numerological Forecast add to your planetary picture?
Email Sharita: sharita@sharitastar.com

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