The USA’s Request for Courage

So in the USA Today….
We as a nation -presently within our 8 Personal Year, guided by Saturn, who offers a slow and patience pace to the life to learn from the experience- are in that 9 Personal Month, where endings, conclusions, aggressive action and conflict are amongst the current energy field of play. Looking to Mars, the ruler of the 9, within our natal birth chart is just finishing up in the 8th house, (the upper right corner of the wheel, see the red circle with the arrow pointing out), where transformation from the core of the country’s being is on going. Death and rebirth is regenerating away within whatever our understanding is of wealth in the nation.

No surprises here about the government shut-down, today’s shooting and the seemingly pivotal state of affairs that are raising their angry heads for attention. As October continues, Mars moves into our area of foreign affairs and beliefs in the 9th house, so much more is to come about getting these details straight, especially as Mars enters Virgo upon the 15th.

The other turn of events point to Saturn, who is guiding this entire 8 Personal Year and what he’s doing to show us what we need to be ultimately responsible to within this country’s hopes, dreams and wishes as it socializes with the world. Currently in our 11th house, on the upper left side of the natal chart, (he’s the “h” looking brown glyph) and combined with Mercury’s Approach to Retrograde, oh the show is going to get rather interesting here in the weeks to come leading us into December.

October shows us a bit of a preview, as will January of 2014, of what true endings and finalizations will mark 2014-15’s 9 Personal Year for the USA, in where much of what we think we know now will leave us, to make space for a very new state of the nation to emerge in full by 2015-16. In any 9 cycle, it is the calling of courage that will counteract the penetrating energy that it can potentially present. Most certainly, within an 8 Personal Year, the practice of patience here is ultimately necessary.

Keep your hats on folks, this ride will definitely require as my dear colleague and friend Astrologer William Stickevers says, “Better buckle your seatbelts.”

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