LunarOScopes, 27 September 2015, Let’s Really Release

Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Aries, 27 September 2015 | Where Will You Feel Release & Conclusions?

How Does Your Sun Sign Feel? Know Your Point of Attraction
The Law of Attraction promises that our feelings guide our thinking as we create our lives. Lunar energy is astrologically in charge of how our human emotions play out down here below. Each month, a New Moon marks a waxing cycle promoting start up energy while a Full Moon unfolds a waning cycle allowing completion, reflection and release. LunarOScopes capture this natural rhythm with specific forecasting advice, timing when your Sun Sign naturally benefits from initiation or letting go.

Being our Moon changes Zodiac Signs every couple of days, so too do our feelings down here below mirror these precise patterns that ultimately change our moods and sensations. Keeping our emotions healthy allows us to properly manifest our individual lives, as these cycles flavor us all uniquely.

Full Moons start Waning Phases, Let’s Release
This two-week cycle favors to let go, review, redo, reflect and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie until the next New Moon of 2015 arrives in Libra 12 October. Beyond the normal waning phase requests, as this Full Moon is coupled with a Total Lunar Eclipse, the releasing and conclusive energy can be felt for up to a years time.

Moon Void of Courses (Moon VOC) Time Out Periods
Especially under our monthly waning phases, Moon VOCs promote a “double layer cake of reflection” to be adhered to, and as Mercury Retrograde is in full progress, call for a “triple layer cake” whenever they occur to exercise mindfulness. You will not wish to plan, plant, purchase or initiate anything of importance is when the Moon is Void of Course. This astrological passage occurs every couple days during our business and workweek, marking the critical request to take up in more reflective acts in solitude and engaging in quieter soul activities. Check in weekly with Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for all Moon Void of Course times.

In Progress: Mercury Retrograde 17 September to 09 October
The request to review, reflect and redo since 11 June’s actions.
Mercury Retrograde passages specifically favor engaging in reflection, review and renew over its’ 3 week passage. Careful planning must be met so we -to the best of our free wills’ ability- do not start new things that we wish to have long-term success with. Mercury guides all forms of communication, thinking, mentality, movement & travel of any kind. During a Retrograde cycle, his backtracking through the Zodiac creates natural interruptions, rerouting and flux concerning these areas and within our schedules. Having our back-up plans ready to go is recommended as we anticipate change and honor the value of this natural offering to rest, reconnect, recharge and release.
Approach Began:  28 August
Shadow Ends: 24 October

What’s Your Sun Sign?
The simplicity of your natal sun sign is a marvelous focal point to align peace of mind about what is naturally releasing and healing within your life for this lunar month.

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon release with who I Am.
Energy stirs up your originality about the mask you wear to the world, your first impressions of it and your appearance. Pesky parts of your personality and worn out approaches to life exit, as your genuine beliefs ask to take time to pause and thoroughly explore what you still need to learn about.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Process.
Honor your solitude to work within is where your intuition benefits now, as private time is required to process it all. Be sure to note messages from your dreams to tell you exactly how. Connections requiring your core source energy to be involved will have your wealth feeling completely reborn.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon release where I Socialize.
This opportunity to refresh and release finds your focus shining upon friends, groups and your future hopes and wishes, and absolutely say yes to that unexpected invitation to get out in the world. As your relationships are brought into this picture, you’ll need to have a good one on one conversation.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon release where I Structure.
Your career and public life is poised to reset its’ recognition and rewards, as your responsibilities across the board shift. Step into the space of feeling completion, and ways you are about to change how you serve the world and yourself through habits and routines will find their truth to work for you.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Believe.
Philosophies, beliefs, spiritual values, or any higher education you hold dear all have the opportunity now to reboot their synthesis and break through old patterns. Long journeys or travel call to you, and these are meant to start to involve your creative nature to work with your synthesis and growth.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Transform.
Rebirth allows you to recognize true wealth is not only your individual financial picture, as conclusions arrive from the depths of your core. Look to your home and family life where you nurture for the real clues that have more answers to provide, letting go of any doubts your source energy is in charge.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon release where I Relate.
Let go and reconsider who is for real where your partnerships are concerned, whether business or personal, as there are plenty of surprises that will shake up what you might have been thinking. It’s your mind now that requires patience and diligence within your communications for harmony to reign.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Serve.
Awareness shines releasing light upon your habits, routines and service to physical health and others in this world. This reflection calls for retreat so you can connect as well to what you have, taking the time to ask, what it is that holds your truth concerning how and what you earn? Ponder here deeply.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Create.
Look to completing current projects as powerful creative changes are upon you, whether these be with children, brain-children or old love affairs. Your entire approaches to life reset in a patient and responsible fashion for these next couple years, so it is the time to put down your arrows and listen.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon release where I Nurture.
The right time is now to honor letting go for a recharge and renewal to be seen within your home and family life, which may involve some literal cleaning. This reflection makes space for blessed changes in how you honor your private time, as a required calling to sharpen your inner saw now carries on.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release with how I Communicate.
Let go of any resistant thinking preventing you from owning your peace of mind. Honor reflection for your mindset, and you’ll find you can truly believe like never before. What this speaks to the most is what is asking for your patient hand concerning your future goals and how you socialize in this world.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Have.
The time is now to focus and fully let go of possessions and material things you no longer need to value, which may also be a source of how you bring in your daily dollars. As you now are asked to be ultimately responsible about the truth within your career, allow these changes for your growth.

Other Need To Knows About What September’s Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon Mean For You

Moon enters Aries How Our Feelings Find Motivation
27 September, 3:29pm EDT to 29 September, 2:57pm EDT
Engage: courage, moderation, patience, forethought, humility, enthusiasm, assertiveness
Avoid: restlessness, disobedience, aggression, conflict, anger, selfishness

Lunar Eclipse Where Intense Letting Go & Completions Unfold
27 September, 10:47pm EDT, 04 degrees Aries
When a Total Lunar Eclipse equally peaks in the pioneering energies of Aries you’ll see an extra force calling for careful listening to know how to guide patience and courage for what is releasing and asking to be healed from this area of the life. This completing energy unfolds for an extended period of time after the waning phase ends 12 October, where the effects of letting go can last as long as 6 months for up to a year.

Full Moon When Our Feelings Find Release
27 September, 10:51pm EDT, 04 degrees Aries
Consciously Aim For: Leadership
Waning Phase: 04 degrees Aries to 19 degrees Libra
Energy releases and is under review within this half of your Zodiac Pie throughout 12 October.
Moon Void of Course: 3:45am EDT to 2:57pm EDT 29 September, Moon enters Taurus

This Total Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon lunation calling at 04 degrees Aries resonates the strongest with positive communications for release to Saturn at 0 degrees Sagittarius, who is just at the beginning of his journey within The Archer.  We will find there is an undeniable responsibility concerning what will be letting go from our Aries area of life, as it connects to what is starting to change about our truth where Sagittarius affects our lives.

Ideally, this Eclipse & Full Moon contain tremendous opportunities for us to experience profound growth as we bear witness to how Aries and Sagittarius relate within our life. Deep feelings will be felt through serious and practical means. This is a powerful time to embrace our feelings as our teacher so we can learn from them. Being gentle and patient towards how self-acceptance flows within our lives allows this calling for reinvention and transformation to balance any energy out of sync within Aries.

Chaldean Numerology Karmic Mysteries to Unravel
At 04 degrees -while no karmic mystery guides the singular 4- we must honor the channel of Uranus, the planet that casts off original flavors as well as surprises us from time to time with the unexpected so radical change can occur. This lunation’s degree point equally asks us to deeply understand the difference of what we are no longer meant to tolerate, but rather, allow from this area of our lives. Within Aries, there is a strong calling to see what needs to be reinvented here so individuality can shine with progress for the future, that have never been attempted before.

Star Meditations Utilizing Mantras for Mindfulness

Affirmation for 4:
Power | “Middle age is the age of reason when everything is possible.” ~Nostradamus

Divination for 4:
There are no boundaries in your life, only horizons. You are on a mission, seeking originality and change. Linda Goodman once said the Four is “a time of mystical happiness in the ethers.” Continue to follow this path of transformation; it is refreshing. Visualize a lawn with its vegetation dry and sun-parched, then how it looks and feels after a heavy shower of rain. There may be a few broken branches, but smell the freshness and re-birthing that is taking place. New life is all around. For you, opportunities abound. Expected the unexpected.

Reflection for 4:
Should you face the challenge of this vibration, you may be feeling restricted and impatient for action, displaying a low tolerance level and acting peculiar. This high-strung energy should be kept in check. Keep negativity at arm’s length. You have been surprised by recent events which took you unawares,  and you have retreated into your world by the force of this change that has been imposed on you- let go! When we say goodbye to the old, it is usually with some fear and trepidation in welcoming the new order of things. Smile with gladness, don’t cry with sadness; for it’s off with the drab rags and on with the new.

Divination & Reflections: Crystal Bush, Linda Goodman’s Star Cards

What’s Your Birthchart Say? Reading for Your Rising Sign/Ascendant
~Consult a professional astrologer to receive an accurate analysis of your natal chart.
~Your natal chart points to where more intimate conclusions unfold this month.
~Look to your natal planetary placements: do any aspect this lunation’s degree point?
~Your natal chart’s view always works directly with your Sun Sign’s LunarOScopes read.

Wishing You Aligned Emotions and Happy Attracting Dear Stars! Namaste.

LunarOScopes 29 August 2015, Let’s Release

SharitaStar.LunaroscopesFull Moon in Pisces, 29 August 2015 Where Will You Feel Release & Conclusions?

How Does Your Sun Sign Feel? Know Your Point of Attraction
The Law of Attraction promises that our feelings guide our thinking as we create our lives. Lunar energy is astrologically in charge of how our human emotions play out down here below. Each month, a New Moon marks a waxing cycle promoting start up energy while a Full Moon unfolds a waning cycle allowing completion, reflection and release. LunarOScopes capture this natural rhythm with specific forecasting advice, timing when your Sun Sign naturally benefits from initiation or letting go.

Being our Moon changes Zodiac Signs every couple of days, so too do our feelings down here below mirror these precise patterns that ultimately change our moods and sensations. Keeping our emotions healthy allows us to properly manifest our individual lives, as these cycles flavor us all uniquely.

Full Moons start Waning Phases, Let’s Release
This two-week cycle favors to let go, review, redo, reflect and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie until the next New Moon of 2015 arrives in Virgo 13 September.

Moon Void of Courses (Moon VOC) Time Out Periods
Especially under our monthly Waning phases, Moon VOCs promote a “double layer cake of reflection” to be adhered to. You will not wish to plan, plant, purchase or initiate anything of importance is when the Moon is Void of Course. This astrological passage occurs every couple days during our business and workweek, marking the critical request to take up in more reflective acts in solitude and engaging in quieter soul activities. Check in weekly with Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for all Moon Void of Course times.

In Progress: Venus Retrograde in Leo 25 July to 06 September
The request to review, reflect and redo concerning values, money, beauty & relationships.
Venus Retrograde passages specifically favor to carefully plan ahead for its’ 6 week passage. Venus is our planet who guides over our values, money, securities, beauty and relationships of any kind. During a Retrograde cycle, her backtracking through the Zodiac asks for us to not make important moves for the future concerning these areas of our lives. Reconsidering values across the board within our relationships, holding off on any beauty enhancement (personal or material), reviewing our financial securities through research, looking out for bargains, and remembering to seek to understand make for great practices during this cycle of reflection.
Approach Began:  21 June | Shadow Ends:  08 October

What’s Your Sun Sign?
The simplicity of your natal sun sign is a marvelous focal point to align peace of mind about what is naturally releasing and healing within your life for this lunar month.

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon release where I Process.
Honor your solitude and working within is where you’ll find your intuition is needed now. As shifts and change concerning your service to the world as well as your own routines pursue, time in solitude is required to process it all, and be sure to note messages from your dreams to tell you exactly how.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Socialize.
This opportunity to refresh and release finds your focus shining upon friends, groups and your future hopes and wishes. You are balanced when you honor new information for your creative adventures, with brain children or physical ones. Say yes to that unexpected invitation to get out in the world.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon release where I Structure.
Your career and public life are ready to accept recognition and rewards, if the previous work here has been done, as your responsibilities may shift. If distractions from home try to reroute you, all is part of how you are learning more about the ways your home life is there to nurture you for the better.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Believe.
Philosophies, beliefs, spiritual values, or any higher education you hold dear all have the opportunity now to reset their synthesis and break through old patterns. As a powerful mind asks that you choose not to doubt it.  Writing is a marvelous healing tool that keeps you on point to think well to feel good.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Transform.
Rebirth allows you to recognize true wealth is not only your individual financial picture, as conclusions are draw from the depths of your core. Learning and growth surrounds your values and earning potential, calling for you to make sure your heart is genuinely listening to bring balance into fair play.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Relate.
Let go and reconsider who is for real where your partnerships are concerned, whether business or personal. As your approaches to life see more abundant movement and change, allow your appearances to the world to shift as well with who is polite enough to be able to stand next to you.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon release where I Serve.
Bring awareness to your habits, routines and service to physical health and others in this world that now ask for release. This reflective passage equally calls for retreat to reset your inner process, as your dreams and meditations can tell you plenty of things you need to know about your waking world.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Create.
Wrap up current projects as powerful creative changes are upon you, whether these be with children, brain-children or old love affairs. Discern the information coming in to support your future hopes and goals, as there are certain friends and groups you should listen carefully to that wish for you to thrive.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Nurture.
The right time is now to honor letting go for a recharge and renewal to be seen within your home and family life, which may involve some literal cleaning. This reflection makes space for blessed changes in your career, as there is beneficial movement in play here that asks for you to be silent to hear it.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon release with how I Communicate.
Let go of any resistant thinking preventing you from owning your peace of mind. Honor reflection for your mindset, and you’ll find you can truly believe like never before. There is nothing you won’t do to keep aiming at the truth, which has you learning more to powerfully share through your philosophies.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Have.
Focus your responsible nature upon purging and fully letting go of possessions and material things you no longer need to value. As your overall wealth makes it’s own potent changes, this shoots a reboot to your core source energy as well, as gratitude can be felt for how much everything is worth.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon release with who I Am.
Energy stirs your originality up about the mask you wear to the world, your first impressions of it and your appearance. Old parts of your personality and worn out approaches to life exit, while your relationships seek pleasing ways to relate. See what you can learn from them for your own growth.

Other Need To Knows About What August’s Full Moon Means For You

Moon enters Pisces How Our Feelings Find Powerful Instinct
29 August, 4:51am EDT to 31 August, 4:33am EDT
Element: Water | Moon transits in water signs attract sensitivity, receptivity & intuition
Engage: inspiration, clairvoyance, mystery, spirituality, sentimentality, sympathy, dream study
Avoid: deceptions, weak-wills, over-indulgences, discouragement, aloofness

Full Moon When Our Feelings Find Release
29 August, 2:35pm EDT, 06 degrees Pisces
Consciously Aim For: Understanding
Waning Phase: 06 degrees Pisces to 20 degrees Virgo
Energy releases and is under review within this half of your Zodiac Pie throughout 13 September.
Moon Void of Course: 2:53am EDT to 4:33am EDT 31 August, Moon enters Aries

This Pisces Full Moon lunation calling at 06 degrees resonates strongly with two outer planets that will not be shy about letting their presence be known. A tug of war may persist between Pisces and Virgo, which wants to toy between the logic of life, and the unseen and unknown that equally exists within it.

As it makes a close conjunct to Neptune Retrograde at 08 degrees Pisces, truly being still and listening to what we are releasing and healing is extremely important in order to avoid confusion and illusion to occur. This is an extremely intuitive and psychic Full Moon that brings forward rewards from the activities of meditation, listening, spiritual pursuits, and seeking the truth. Avoiding deception, addictive tendencies and worry allows for the gifts of this last Full Moon of Summer 2015 to bestow themselves upon us.

Across the way, as our Sun is in a close conjunction to Jupiter at 03 degrees Virgo, the feeling and enthusiasm to “throw caution to the wind” about spending money will be high- however we must monitor our Venus Retrograde requests when it comes to finances. Spend money on charities and bargains, not on excess luxuries. Asking the simple questions, “Do I really need this, and does this new possession or spending option serve my truth?”  are wise ones to ask to avoid regrets later.

At 06 degrees we also must honor the channel of Venus, who is trying to sort out what truly needs to be understood about what is ultimately coming to conclusions from the Pisces area of our lives, and with as much peace as possible. Concerning all that will be able to be accessed intuitively, we are asked to look at the balance and the harmony that our releasing and healing opens up for us.

Star Meditations for 29 August 06 degree Pisces Full Moon:

Affirmation for 6:
Understanding | “Peace is obtained by winning the favor of loved ones again.” ~Nostradamus

Divination for 6:
You are in harmony with your world. The Universe offers you a pink-ribboned basket of treasures. People around you are magnetically attracted to you, for you are sending out energy waves of love, romance, peace, and beauty. Your idealism and affection are statements for all to hear. The musical chords of love that you have heard in the distance are now in the basket of treasures at your feet. Open each gift and give thanks to the “One,” and give thanks for Love.

Reflection for 6:
Should you face the challenge of this vibration, you may be involved in settling disputes between family and friends. You dislike discord, so find a quiet place and inhale your peace. Problems cannot be solved by a spending spree, so don’t be tempted. Spend time in the country beside a singing stream or take a walk in the woods. Tranquility is what you need at this time to get balance and harmony back into your life.  Love is all.

Divination & Reflections: Crystal Bush, Linda Goodman’s Star Cards

What’s Your Birthchart Say? Reading for Your Rising Sign/Ascendant
~Consult a professional astrologer to receive an accurate analysis of your natal chart.
~Your natal chart points to where more intimate conclusions unfold this month.
~Look to your natal planetary placements: do any aspect this lunation’s degree point?
~Your natal chart’s view always works directly with your Sun Sign’s LunarOScopes read.

Wishing You Aligned Emotions and Happy Attracting Dear Stars! Namaste.

LunarOScopes, 31 July 2015, Let’s Release

SharitaStar.LunaroscopesFull Moon in Aquarius, 31 July Where Will You Feel Release & Conclusions?

How Does Your Sun Sign Feel? Know Your Point of Attraction
The Law of Attraction promises that our feelings guide our thinking as we create our lives. Lunar energy is astrologically in charge of how our human emotions play out down here below. Each month, a New Moon marks a waxing cycle promoting start up energy while a Full Moon unfolds a waning cycle allowing completion, reflection and release. LunarOScopes capture this natural rhythm with specific forecasting advice, timing when your Sun Sign naturally benefits from initiation or letting go.

Being our Moon changes Zodiac Signs every couple of days, so too do our feelings down here below mirror these precise patterns that ultimately change our moods and sensations. Keeping our emotions healthy allows us to properly manifest our individual lives, as these cycles flavor us all uniquely.

Full Moons start Waning Phases, Let’s Release
This two-week cycle favors to let go, review, redo, reflect and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie until the next New Moon of 2015 arrives in Leo 14 August.

Moon Void of Courses (Moon VOC) Time Out Periods
Especially under our monthly Waning phases, Moon VOCs promote a “double layer cake of reflection” to be adhered to. You will not wish to plan, plant, purchase or initiate anything of importance is when the Moon is Void of Course. This astrological passage occurs every couple days during our business and workweek, marking the critical request to take up in more reflective acts in solitude and engaging in quieter soul activities. Check in weekly with Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for all Moon Void of Course times.

In Progress: Venus Retrograde in Leo 25 July to 06 September
The request to review, reflect and redo concerning values, money, beauty & relationships.
Venus Retrograde passages specifically favor to carefully plan ahead for its’ 6 week passage. Venus is our planet who guides over our values, money, securities, beauty and relationships of any kind. During a Retrograde cycle, her backtracking through the Zodiac asks for us to not make important moves for the future concerning these areas of our lives. Reconsidering values across the board within our relationships, holding off on any beauty enhancement (personal or material), reviewing our financial securities through research, looking out for bargains, and remembering to seek to understand make for great practices during this cycle of reflection.
Approach Began:  21 June | Shadow Ends:  08 October

What’s Your Sun Sign?
The simplicity of your natal sun sign is a marvelous focal point to align peace of mind about what is naturally releasing and healing within your life for this lunar month.

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon release where I Socialize.
This opportunity to refresh and release finds your focus shining upon friends, groups and your future hopes and wishes. You are balanced when you honor new information for your creative adventures, with brain children or physical ones. Say yes to that unexpected invitation to get out in the world.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Structure.
Your career and public life are ready to accept recognition and rewards, if the previous work here has been done, as your responsibilities may shift. If distractions from home try to reroute you, all is part of how you are learning more about the ways your home life is there to nurture you for the better.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Believe.
Philosophies, beliefs, spiritual values, or any higher education you hold dear all have the opportunity now to reset their synthesis and break through old patterns. As a powerful mind calls for you to be loyal to it, journaling is a marvelous healing tool that keeps you on point to think well to feel good.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon release where I Transform.
Rebirth allows you to recognize true wealth is not only your individual financial picture, as you draw upon conclusions from the depths of your core. Information circulates surrounding your values and earning potential, calling for you to get your heart into genuine listening that brings balance into play.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Relate.
Let go and reconsider who is for real where your partnerships are concerned, whether business or personal. As your approaches to life continue to experience fast movement and change, allow your appearances to the world to shift as well with who is loyal enough to be able to stand next to you.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Serve.
Bring awareness to your habits, routines and service to physical health and others in this world that now ask for release. This reflective passage equally calls for retreat to reset your inner process, as your dreams can tell you a many splendid things you need to know about your waking world.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon release where I Create.
Wrap up current projects as powerful creative changes are upon you, whether these be with children, brain-children or old love affairs. Discern the information coming in to support your future hopes and goals, as there are certain friends and groups you should listen carefully to that want you to thrive.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Nurture.
The right time is now to honor letting go for a recharge and renewal to be seen within your home and family life, which may involve some literal cleaning. This reflection makes space for more changes in your career, as there is beneficial movement in play here that asks for you to be silent to hear it.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release with how I Communicate.
Let go of any resistance in your thinking preventing you from owning your peace of mind. Once you honor reflection upon your communications, you will find you can believe like never before, and there is nothing you won’t do to keep aiming at the truth, which has you eager to tell the whole world about it.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Have.
Focus your responsible nature upon purging and fully letting go of possessions and material things you no longer need to value. As your overall wealth makes it’s own powerful changes, this shoots the reboot to your core source energy as well, and you can feel gratitude for all that everything is worth.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release with who I Am.
Energy stirs your originality up about the mask you wear to the world, your first impressions of it and your appearance. Old parts of your personality and worn out approaches to life exit, as relationships ask you to listen to them carefully, and may certainly require you to be extra patient with them.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon release where I Process.
Honor your solitude and working within is where you’ll find your intuition is needed now. As shifts and change concerning your service to the world as well as your own routines pursue, time in solitude is required to process it all, and be sure to note messages from your dreams to tell you exactly how.

Other Need To Knows About What July’s 2nd Full Moon Means For You

Moon enters Aquarius How Our Feelings Become Humane
30 July, 5:40pm EDT to 01 August, 6:36pm EDT
Element: Air | Moon Transits in air signs attract intellectual stimulation, socialization & conversation
Engage: sincerity, logic, independence, genius, progress, friendliness, altruism
Avoid: reservation, obstinacy, inefficiency, erratic behavior, indifference, detachment

Full Moon When Our Feelings Find Release
31 July, 6:43am EDT, 07 degrees Aquarius
Consciously Aim For: Truth & Knowledge
Waning Phase: 07 degrees Aquarius to 21 degrees Leo
Energy releases and is under review within this half of your Zodiac Pie throughout 14 August.
Moon Void of Course: 6:02pmEDT to 6:36mEDT 01 August, Moon enters Pisces

This Full Moon lunation calling at 07 degrees resonates strongly with the presence of Venus Retrograde in Virgo who is still on the station calling to reflect upon our relationships and our innate abilities to bring value and beauty to any situation. While they are not making any kind of direct aspect, reconsideration is intense within the Universal skies for these next couple weeks til 14 August New Moon. A lunation at 07 degrees asks us to dig even further into our emotions from this area of life and take a good look at what time in a silent listen here can do to flavor our reflections so we can heal. As our Full Moon favors release, this one is asking us to truly go within to be able to let go, allowing a subconscious journey to assist us.

At 07 degrees we also must honor the channel of Neptune, which is why we have to take our privacy to access what calls to be healed, spiritually acknowledged, so our inner process assists future progress later on in our lives. While the Full Moon itself is in a weak opposition to Mercury in Leo at 16 degrees, by 10:26pm, the Waning Aquarius Moon will directly oppose Mercury at 17 degrees Leo. 

A tug of war may persist between Aquarius and Leo, which potentially may unfold confusion, irritation, nervousness, emotional excitability and excess worry. The antidote here will be stepping into the space of listening, engaging in some form of meditation, slowing down, to not allow your fast moving mind to get the best of you. Honoring our solitude and enjoying our own company are favored.

Star Meditations for 31 July’s 07 degree Aquarius Full Moon:

Affirmation for 7:
Progress | “To be able to proceed, thoughts and actions must be quick.” ~Nostradamus

Divination for 7:
People would be fascinated in they could learn the secrets of your deep watery Neptunian world. Your intuition and clairvoyance have great influence over your friends and family. You really know when help is needed and have an incredible calming effect on those around you. Have you heard the saying “pour oil on troubled waters?” Your very presence is the oil, the tranquility, the love, which soothes those who are troubled.

Reflection for 7:
Should you be experiencing the challenging face of the 7’s energetic vibration, you may feel that you want to sail off into the far distant yonder, to feel as free as a bird. You may also be anxious about your finances at the moment, or you may be suffering form a loss- a lost love, a lost project. You have a great need for security, to know the future is well taken care of. Be still, do not be fearful. Fear is the negative faith. Lift your heart up to the heavens and expect a miracle. Miracles do happen.

Divination & Reflections: Crystal Bush, Linda Goodman’s Star Cards

What’s Your Birthchart Say? Reading for Your Rising Sign/Ascendant
~Consult a professional astrologer to receive an accurate analysis of your natal chart.
~Your natal chart points to where more intimate conclusions unfold this month.
~Look to your natal planetary placements: do any aspect this lunation’s degree point?
~Your natal chart’s view always works directly with your Sun Sign’s LunarOScopes read.

Wishing You Aligned Emotions and Happy Attracting Dear Stars! Namaste.

LunarOScopes, 01 July 2015, Let’s Release


Full Moon in Capricorn, 01 July 2015 | Where Will You Feel Release & Conclusions?

How Does Your Sun Sign Feel? Know Your Point of Attraction
The Law of Attraction promises that our feelings guide our thinking as we create our lives. Lunar energy is astrologically in charge of how our human emotions play out down here below. Each month, a New Moon marks a waxing cycle promoting start up energy while a Full Moon unfolds a waning cycle allowing completion, reflection and release. LunarOScopes capture this natural rhythm with specific forecasting advice, timing when your Sun Sign naturally benefits from initiation or letting go.

Being our Moon changes Zodiac Signs every couple of days, so too do our feelings down here below mirror these precise patterns that ultimately change our moods and sensations. Keeping our emotions healthy allows us to properly manifest our individual lives, as these cycles flavor us all uniquely.

Full Moons start Waning Phases, Let’s Release
This two-week cycle favors to let go, review, redo, reflect and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie until the next New Moon of 2015 arrives in Cancer 15 July.

Moon Void of Courses (Moon VOC) Time Out Periods
Especially under our monthly Waning phases, Moon VOCs promote a “double layer cake of reflection” to be adhered to. You will not wish to plan, plant, purchase or initiate anything of importance is when the Moon is Void of Course. This astrological passage occurs every couple days during our business and workweek, marking the critical request to take up in more reflective acts in solitude and engaging in quieter soul activities. Check in weekly with Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for all Moon Void of Course times.

Looking Ahead: Venus Retrograde in Leo 25 July to 06 September
The request to review, reflect and redo concerning values, money, beauty & relationships. Venus Retrograde passages specifically favor to carefully plan ahead for its’ 6 week passage. Venus is our planet who guides over our values, money, securities, beauty and relationships of any kind. During a Retrograde cycle, her backtracking through the Zodiac asks for us to not make important moves for the future concerning these areas of our lives. Reconsidering values across the board within our relationships, holding off on any beauty enhancement (personal or material), reviewing our financial securities through research, looking out for bargains, and remembering to seek to understand make for great practices during this cycle of reflection.
Approach Began:  21 June | Shadow Ends: 08 October

What’s Your Sun Sign?
The simplicity of your natal sun sign is a marvelous focal point to align peace of mind about what is naturally releasing and healing within your life for this lunar month.

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon release where I Structure.
Your career and public life arrive at conclusions to accept and reflect upon recognition and rewards, if the previous work has been done. Time alone brings you intuitive answers you’ve been waiting for to help promote peace and honor the courageous healing in progress within your home and family life.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Believe.
Philosophies, beliefs, spiritual values, or any higher education you hold dear all have the opportunity now to reset their synthesis and unite what stands divided. Keep up with patient thinking, as the abilities to work smoothly with future goals and wishes asks for you to listen carefully here in silence.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon release where I Transform.
Rebirth allows you to recognize true wealth is far beyond what finances represent, as conclusions turn up from your true source. Driving energy surrounds your earning power with changes as well, and it will reflect the most within your career how you must strongly work with your intuition even more.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon release where I Relate.
Listen carefully about what’s coming and going concerning your partnerships, whether business or personal. As the rebirth button has been truly pressed for your entire take on life, what comes to you now is a fuller awareness of how your beliefs are healing, it order to truly embrace what has changed.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Serve.
You are well aware about the releasing changes that surround your habits, routines and service to your health and the world. As you equally gain perspective from solitary time to process it all, some powerful ah ha moments keep you in the true know that your intuition & wealth is completely reborn.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Create.
Powerful creative changes are upon your stage, whether with children or brain-children, as current projects and activities wrap up. With the rapid energy moving your hopes and future goals forward, see what support your partnerships provide, but only focus on those who are actually listening to you.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon release where I Nurture.
It’s the right time to honor letting go and recharging so renewal unfolds within your home and family life. This will compliment and reflect balance back to your career, as you will equally find by resetting your routines, you’ll hear and witness the healing you are doing to serve the world all the better.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon release with how I Communicate.
Let go of resistance in your thinking that prevents you from owning your peace of mind. It’s time as well to honor what is moving forward to allow growth and education to work with you. As equal rewards reflect within your creative nature, turn up your listening and intuition for genuine results.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Have.
It’s time to fully purge possessions and material things you no longer need to value, and if this lets go of an income source, it’s all part of the healing process. While rapid changes are addressing your overall state of wealth, the ones to carefully listen to affect your home and family life the most.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon release with who I Am.
With the lunar spotlight on the mask you wear to the world, your first impressions, as well as your appearance- all shine in the realms of change. Exercise your innate patience with your relationships, who will test you to truly understand how grounded and centered your intuitive thinking really is.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Process.
Honor your solitude to work within is where you will reap rewards and benefit now. While exciting changes surround how you are of service to the world and your own routines, see how much these also suggest how much the value of your earning power is meant to be included in the conversation.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon release where I Socialize.
Opportunities are abound to refresh and readjust your focus as it relates to friends, groups and your future hopes and wishes. As your creative nature equally asks for proper attention, when you get silent, you’ll hear all the ways your approaches to life are healing to fully support necessary changes.

Other Need To Knows About What July’s 1st Full Moon Means For You

Moon enters Capricorn How Our Feelings Become Serious
01 July, 5:11am EDT to 03 July, 8:21am EDT
Element: Earth | Moon Transits in earth signs attract practicality, grounding and sensibility
Engage: reliability, prudence, steadfastness, patience, ambition, stability
Avoid: brooding, gloominess, suspicion, heartlessness, repression, stagnation

Full Moon When Our Feelings Find Release
01 July, 10:20pm EDT, 09 degrees Capricorn
Consciously Aim For: Integrity
Waxing Phase: 09 degrees Capricorn to 23 degrees Cancer
Energy releases and reviews within this half of your Zodiac Pie throughout 15 July.
Moon Void of Course: 6:38amEDT to 8:21amEDT 03 July, Moon enters Aquarius

This Full Moon lunation calling at the 09th degree resonates strongly with the theme of promoting intense release. 9 energy asks us to dig even further into our emotions from this area of life and recognize, once and for all, what really needs to conclude and finalize about them. As our Full Moon favors release, this one packs a pure punch of there is no going back after we make the commitment to fully let go.

The 9 is viewed by the Chaldean’s as the pure energy of Mars, who is in charge of aggressive action, penetration, conflict & more importantly, courage. Known as The Finalizer, this planetary channel flavoring up our Full Moon in Capricorn will not joke around with what must leave our life, and the means for us to take responsibility and rise up in our courage in order to do so.

Not only is this Full Moon in Capricorn nestled in a strong opposition to Mars and our Sun in Cancer, it also is in a fairly close conjunction to Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn. While the 9th degree of the lunation is closely guide by Mars, the actual current transit of Mars is equally involved with motivating changes and driving us to conclusive understandings between Capricorn and Cancer within our lives.

Tie in the presence of transformative Pluto with this offering to release emotions surrounding the 9th Capricorn degree, and you have one more “pah-pow” that brings ultimate rebirth to the endings as they will need to be experienced from wherever one’s Capricorn energy sits within the life. If you are following along with your weekly Empowerscopes, you already know about the intensity opportunities channeling from our fire sign energies of Aries & Leo. What releases upon this Full Moon, allows for that inspiring energy to have all the more room for growth.

What we also love about this Full Moon is how it speaks with plenty of intuitive guidance to bring understanding to the Pisces areas of our lives, as Neptune Retrograde is directly involved in the releasing conversation. Telepathy is completely favored to flow effortlessly upon this lunation, as unconscious promptings that store loads of past information, brings some fairly unusual information out into the reflective light for us to empathize along with it. Visualizing the power of Universal Love makes for a great meditative practice.

Star Meditations for 01 July’s 09 degree Capricorn Full Moon:

Affirmation for 9:
“Spirituality | Suffering of the soul leads to the road of perfection.” ~Nostradamus

Divination for 9:
Hear Mars’s battle cry in the distance. As you forge ahead in your determination to achieve your goals, you clear every obstacle in your way and keep your eye continually focused on your objective. You penetrate to the heart of the situation, with your straightforwardness and trust, using your powerful energy in a most positive way. Long ago, you learned the lesson contained in one of Linda Goodman’s favorite quotes: “Stubbornness reacts, determination initiates.” A good lesson to learn, and one that now declares the battle won.

Reflection for 9:
Should you face the challenge of this vibration, you may be displaying a direct and tactless side, which sometimes shocks people. Try to be less aggressive and domineering, as indulging in such qualities  may result in reckless behavior. Remember that every action has a consequence. Use up your hostile energy by taking a walk in the park, a cycle ride, or better still, go sit by the ocean and pour a little water on all that fire- but don’t put it out. Just pour a little, to create steam to get you up and going again in the right direction. You have the power! Use it!

Divination & Reflections: Crystal Bush, Linda Goodman’s Star Cards

What’s Your Birthchart Say? Reading for Your Rising Sign/Ascendant
~Consult a professional astrologer to receive an accurate analysis of your natal chart.
~Your natal chart points to where more intimate conclusions unfold this month.
~Look to your natal planetary placements: do any aspect this lunation’s degree point?
~Your natal chart’s view always works directly with your Sun Sign’s LunarOScopes read.

Wishing You Aligned Emotions and Happy Attracting Dear Stars! Namaste.

Did you receive value from your #LunarOScopes? Know some else that will too?
Be Social & Share on your favored social media below!

We Strongly Support & Endorse:

LunarOScopes, 02 June 2015, Let’s Really Release


Full Moon in Sagittarius, 02 June 2015
Where Will You Feel Release & Conclusions?

How Does Your Sun Sign Feel? Know Your Point of Attraction
The Law of Attraction promises that our feelings guide our thinking as we create our lives. Lunar energy is astrologically in charge of how our human emotions play out down here below. Each month, a New Moon marks a waxing cycle promoting start up energy while a Full Moon unfolds a waning cycle allowing completion, reflection and release. LunarOScopes capture this natural rhythm with specific forecasting advice, timing when your Sun Sign naturally benefits from initiation or letting go.

Being our Moon changes Zodiac Signs every couple of days, so too do our feelings down here below mirror these precise patterns that ultimately change our moods and sensations. Keeping our emotions healthy allows us to properly manifest our individual lives, as these cycles flavor us all uniquely.

Full Moons start Waning Phases, Let’s Release
This two-week cycle favors to let go, review, redo, reflect and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie until the next New Moon of 2015 arrives in Gemini 16 June.

Moon Void of Courses (Moon VOC) Time Out Periods
Especially under our monthly Waning phases, Moon VOCs promote a “double layer cake of reflection” to be adhered to. You will not wish to plan, plant, purchase or initiate anything of importance is when the Moon is Void of Course. This astrological passage occurs every couple days during our business and workweek, marking the critical request to take up in more reflective acts in solitude and engaging in quieter soul activities. Check in weekly with Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for all Moon Void of Course times.

In Progress: Mercury Retrograde 18 May to 11 June
The request to review, reflect and redo since 11 February’s actions.
Mercury Retrograde passages specifically favor engaging in reflection, recharge and renew over its’ 3 week passage. To the best of our free wills’ ability, careful planning must be met so we do not start new things that we wish to have long-term success with. Mercury guides all forms of communication, thinking, mentality, movement & travel of any kind. During a Retrograde cycle, his backtracking through the Zodiac creates natural interruptions, rerouting and flux concerning these areas and within our schedules. Having our back-up plans ready to go is recommended as we anticipate change and honor the value of this natural offering to rest, reconnect, review and release.
Approach Began:  04 May | Shadow Ends: 27 June

What’s Your Sun Sign?
The simplicity of your natal sun sign is a marvelous focal point to align peace of mind about what is naturally releasing and healing within your life for this lunar month.

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Believe.
Philosophies, beliefs, spiritual values, or any higher education you hold dear all have the opportunity now to reset their synthesis and unite what stands divided. As you engage in a powerful mind reset, it is your time in solitude to process it all that is necessary, while journaling is a marvelous healing tool.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Transform.
Rebirth allows you to recognize true wealth is far beyond what finances represent, as this union brings conclusions up from the depths of your core. Reflection has already been on with what you value and earn, finding time now to align strength within the dreams, wishes and hopes you have for the future.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon release where I Relate.
You’ve been well aware of what needs to be let go of concerning your partnerships, whether business or personal. As your approaches to life continue to experience their recharge, what you unite into one understanding equally is poised to pop up true power to solidify intuition for growth in your career.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon release where I Serve.
You are already well aware about the habits, routines and service to your health and the world that now ask for release. This reflective passage calls you to retreat to reset your inner process, granting pure strength for a genuine spiritual journey inspiring expansion to express nothing else but the truth.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Create.
Wrap up current projects as powerful creative changes are upon you, whether these be with children or brain-children. Let go of old love affairs, old hopes & future goals to allow the channel of spirit to regenerate your soul from it’s source. This one has potent power for you to feel absolutely reborn.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Nurture.
It’s all in the right time to honor letting go and recharging so renewal can be seen within your home and family life, doing your favorite task, cleaning! This strongly reflects to make space for more changes in your career, while listening carefully is the key to unlock success within your partnerships.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon release with how I Communicate.
Let go of resistance in your thinking that is preventing you from owning your peace of mind. Once you unite your communications, you will find you can believe like never before, which will lend great strength to allow natural ways you are meant to serve others, your habits & routines all the better.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Have.
It’s time to purge and fully let go of possessions and material things you no longer need to value. As your overall wealth reflects further for powerful change, this synthesis shoots the reboot to your core source energy as well, unlocking instinct within your creative nature to use your intuition even more.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release with who I Am.
Energy stirs your fires up about the mask you wear to the world, your first impressions of it as well as your appearance. Old parts of your personality and worn out approaches to life burn away, as relationships ask you to listen on the home front to strengthen where you nurture in life the most.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon release where I Process.
Honoring your solitude and working within is where you’ll find your toil is needed now. There is still much altering and change concerning your service to the world and your own routines, which can be calmed when you take time to write things down, and do what you can to quiet your own mind.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Socialize.
This opportunity to refresh and release finds your focus shining upon friends, groups and your future hopes and wishes. Keep honoring the alterations as you revisit your creative courses, for these grant the strength to bring true intuition into your earning power that you’ll value moving forward.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon release where I Structure.
Your career and public life swim in the seas of conclusions to accept recognition and rewards, if the previous work has been done. Distractions from home may try to reroute you, yet all is part of how you are learning to become more centered as the world sees you in a much stronger and clear light.

Other Need To Knows About What June’s Full Moon Means For You

Moon enters Sagittarius How Our Feelings Become Enthusiastic
01 June, 2:39pm EDT to 03 June, 8:50pm EDT
Element: Fire | Moon transits in fire signs attract inspiration, spiritedness, creativity & aggression
Engage: exploration, education, philosophy, inquiry, honesty, independence, joy
Avoid: restlessness, outspokenness, argumentativeness, superficiality, tactlessness

Full Moon, When Our Feelings Find Release
02 June, 12:19pm EDT, 11 degrees Sagittarius
Consciously Aim For: Wisdom
Waning Phase: 11 degrees Sagittarius to 25 degrees Gemini
Energy completes and releases within this half of your Zodiac Pie throughout 16 June.
Moon Void of Course: 1:59amEDT to 8:50pmEDT 03 June, Moon enters Capricorn

This Full Moon lunation calling at the 11th degree resonates strongly with the presence of Mercury Retrograde in Gemini who is calling to reflect upon our duality and our innate abilities to bring synthesis to it. A lunation at the 11th degree asks us to dig even further into our emotions from this area of life and take a good look at what resistance may be standing in our way. As our Full Moon favors release, this one is fueled with letting go so that we can ultimately heal and nurture, allowing us to move forward with freedom.

One of the Master Numbers, the 11 is viewed by the Chaldean’s as ‘The Lion Muzzled – A Clenched Fist.’ They deeply perceived it to be filled with healing potentials, which are not always easily reached. “This is a number of hidden trials and treachery from others. It represents two members of the same or opposite sex- or two opposed situations. In either case, compatibility of interest is lacking, and interference from a third force must be conquered. Difficulties may also arise from the illusion of separation.  It’s necessary to unite divided goals to avoid a sense of frustrated incompletion. The third interfering force can be a person or an idea; and it can take the form of a refusal to see the other side as an obstacle to harmony. The origin of the separating force must be identified, an attempt made to seek compromise. Occasionally, conflicting desires within one’s own self are seen as in a reflecting mirror. Two forces or two desires stand apart and must ultimately unite for happiness. Yet, each must remain individual, even after being joined, for each possesses its own worth.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs

Not only is this Full Moon in Sagittarius nestled in a strong opposition between Mars and Mercury Retrograde in Gemini, it also closely squares Neptune in Pisces at 09 degrees. With our Sun in direct opposition to the Moon, it, along with Mars & Mercury also closely square off to Neptune. Beyond the tendency of lack of concentration in airy Gemini, the tensions will elevate even further with the multitude of planets squaring off in the mutable signs of the Zodiac representing air, fire and water as we begin another waning phase.  Meditation, yoga or any form of quieting the mind, is extremely favored to combat the restless, scattered and unfocused potentials it will undoubtedly bring.

Certainly this marks a time offering us the opportunities to ponder what needs to strengthen the structure between our communication quadrants of life where we experience changes the most. If one is not willing to do so, oh what resistance this lunation potentially can lock down to experience complete feelings of stagnation, delusion, deception and emotional overwhelm instead.

Taking a good look at what no longer works between the Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces areas of our lives is what now asks to clear and cleanse.

What’s Your Birthchart Say? Reading for Your Rising Sign/Ascendant
~Consult a professional astrologer to receive an accurate analysis of your natal chart.
~Your natal chart points to where more intimate conclusions unfold this month.
~Look to your natal planetary placements: do any aspect this lunation’s degree point?
~Your natal chart’s view always works directly with your Sun Sign’s LunarOScopes read.

Wishing You Aligned Emotions and Happy Attracting Dear Stars! Namaste.

Did you receive value from your  LunarOScopes? Know some else that will too? Please Be Social & Share on your favored social media below!

We Strongly Support & Endorse:

LunarOScopes, 04 April 2015, Let’s Release


Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Libra, 04 April 2015
Where Will You Feel Release & Conclusions?

How Does Your Sun Sign Feel? Know Your Point of Attraction
The Law of Attraction promises that our feelings guide our thinking as we create our lives. Lunar energy is astrologically in charge of how our human emotions play out down here below. Each month, a New Moon marks a waxing cycle of beginnings while a Full Moon unfolds a waning cycle allowing release. LunarOScopes capture this natural rhythm, offering specific forecasting advice that times when it is best for your Sun Sign to initiate or reflect.

Being our Moon changes Zodiac Signs every couple of days, so too do our feelings down here below mirror these precise patterns from above. Keeping our emotions healthy is what allows us to properly manifest our individual lives, depending upon where these cycles unfold within them.

Full Moons start Waning Phases, Let’s Release
This two-week cycle favors letting go, review, redo, reflecting and healing energy to be seen throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie until the next New Moon of 2015 arrives in Aries. This Zodiac Month, we have an extra special Total Lunar Eclipse that will extend this month’s normal waning phrases effects for six months up to a year’s time.

Moon Void of Courses (Moon VOC) Time Out Periods
Especially under our monthly Waning phases, Moon VOCs promote a “double layer cake of reflection” to be adhered to. You will not wish to plan, plant, purchase or initiate anything of importance is when the Moon is Void of Course. This astrological passage occurs every couple days during our business and workweek, marking the critical request to take up in more reflective acts in solitude and engaging in quieter soul activities. Check in weekly with Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for all Moon Void of Course times.

What’s Your Sun Sign?
The simplicity of your natal sun sign is a marvelous focal point to align peace of mind about what is naturally releasing and healing within your life for this lunar month.

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon release where I Relate.
You’ve been well aware of what is letting go concerning your partnerships, whether business or personal. Make careful decisions with changes connecting to your career. Ideally, who sticks around are people who support your creative nature, and value that you are approaching your life differently.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Serve.
Plenty of heads up has already come your way about the habits, routines and service to your health and the world that are all intensely leaving your space. Know your beliefs play the most important part of restructuring here. Rely on those who understand you the most in your home and family life.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon release where I Create.
Wrap up current projects and get ready to see powerful creative changes as well with any children.
Transformation finds you and may arrive from other people’s financial means, but carefully examine the details. Plenty is channeling into your mind and communications, so write down what you need.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon release where I Nurture.
It’s all in time right now to honor what must now be let go of so renewal can be seen within your home and family life. There is a calling to your partnerships, which require your understanding. Still, there are valuable ways what you are parting with is bringing in some support to your earning power.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon release with how I Communicate.
There’s no need to hold on to worn out ways of thinking and expressing your mind any longer. A refreshing restructure arrives to your habits & routines equally asking for your attention. Yes, life on the approach really does look different for you, and the world is happy to see your new appearance.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Have.
You have been very aware of this time arriving to be able to let go of possessions and material things you no longer need. Energetically, you will be freer to create- if you listen carefully to that time you are asked to spend alone to hear the right messages. Pay attention to what your dreams may tell you.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon release with who I Am.
That balance you’ve been longing for now says it’s time to even out your scales, but you must relinquish control of old approaches to your life. Connect to the matters that bring strength to your home and family life. Equally, your hopes, wishes & future goals will also get involved if you socialize.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Process.
There is a huge calling to take time to honor your solitude, so make sure you schedule it- and bring a journal with you- there will probably be plenty you’ll be inspired to write down. Oddly enough, this soul homework opens up energy that speaks the most to your career and public life about change.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Socialize.
Should friends, hopes, wishes and future goals that just do not resonate with you any longer leave now, don’t be surprised. Your role in groups and organizations speaks of changes concerning your earning power, so see what value this has for you. Remember, your beliefs are all part of this shift.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon release where I Structure.
Now is the time to captivate what you must understand about changes concerning your career and public life. Let go, and honor that your life is not meant to have the same approaches that it used to. Hold on to the faith there is a new wealth coming into play for you that will fully regenerate you.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Believe.
Whatever you used to philosophically hold dear, know it’s time to grow in a different direction. It is your time alone that allows you to hear what you need to in a silent listen. When you have those answers, it will be your partnerships that open your doors to understanding these changes the most.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon release where I Transform.
You already have felt the rebirth, but a deeper sense surrounds this lunation that energetically casts off a regeneration to make you recognize wealth is far beyond what finances represent. Seeing now that your future goals are attainable, keep learning more to serve your habits, health and routines.

Other Need To Knows About What April’s Full Moon Means For You

Moon enters Libra How Our Feelings Become Refined
03 April, 3:07am EST to 05 April, 3:04pm EDT
Engage: intuition, comparison, peace, sensitivity, harmony, co-operation, understanding
Avoid: Co-dependency, laziness, evasiveness, judgment, eagerness to please

Lunar Eclipse Where Intense Letting Go & Completions Unfold
04 April, 8am EDT, 14 degrees Libra
When a Total Lunar Eclipse equally peaks in the intuitive energies of Libra you’ll see an extra force calling for careful listening to know how to guide understanding in what is releasing and asking to be healed from in this area of the life. This completing energy unfolds for an extended period of time after the waning phase ends 18 April, where the effects of letting go can last as long as from 6 months up to a year.

Full Moon, When Our Feelings Find Release
04 April, 8:06am EDT, 14 degrees Libra
Consciously Aim For: Harmony
Waning Phase: 14 degrees Libra to 28 degrees Aries
Energy completes, releasing healing and reflection within this half of your Zodiac Pie throughout 18 April.

If you’ve been following the Full Moon’s since 06 November’s peak at 14 degrees Taurus, you’ll notice they all have continued at the same 14 degree point of their sign. Once again this month, we are at the 14 degree mark of Libra- and this now will be the last Full Moon at the 14th degree of the sign for quite a long time.

As the full definition of the 14 was given in 06 November 2014’s LunarOScope, it represents the Chaldean’s understanding of Movement – Challenge.  As the 14 reduces to the singular vibration of the 5 through the guidance of Mercury, all of our Full Moon’s since November have intensely called for us to recognize what not only needs to emotionally release every month, but the tremendous request for true permanent change accompanying every challenge keeps knocking at our Full Moon doors in every sign since from Taurus. For the 6th month in a row movement is tremendously doing the same from Libra, completing the 14’s requests.

This Full Moon in Libra speaks with ease to Jupiter Retrograde on it’s station to go Direct 08 April in Leo. Once again we are still brought face to face with our ultimatums from 2014’s Grand Cardinal Cross, and last month’s finishing pass of the Uranus Pluto Square Dance in motion since June 2012. We find this Libra Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon squares Pluto at 15 degrees Capricorn- opening the conversation up to see what emotionally is left to transform and finally release between these two leadership signs so our foundations can continue to be built for the future. As always with a Full Moon our Sun is in natural opposition to it, and equally is involved as well with shedding light squarely over to Pluto, as the Grand Cardinal Cross is revisited once more.

As Jupiter Retrograde at 12 degrees Leo still holds a loose trine to Uranus at 16 degrees Aries, it picks up light as well from our 14 degrees Aries Sun. The enthusiasm emerging between these fire energies, speaks with great understanding to Libra’s Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse to bring in an intellectual flavor to assist in seeing both sides of the issues and make necessary changes accordingly as peacefully as possible. As Leo and Aries have created a recent optimism about change, perhaps the real peace of mind we have all been looking for -to truly be able let go within the Libra area of our lives- will gracefully find it can now fall into place.

What’s Your Birthchart Say? Reading for Your Rising Sign/Ascendant
~Consult a professional astrologer to receive an accurate analysis of your natal chart.
~Your natal chart points to where more intimate conclusions unfold this month.
~Look to your natal planetary placements: do any aspect this lunation’s degree point?
~Your natal chart’s view always works directly with your Sun Sign’s LunarOScopes read.

Wishing You Aligned Emotions and Happy Attracting Dear Stars! Namaste.

LunarOScopes, 04 January 2015, Let’s Release


Full Moon in Cancer, 04 January 2015
Where Will You Feel Release & Conclusions?

What You Are Feeling? Know Your Point of Attraction
The Law of Attraction promises if you are not feeling good, you won’t think all too well either to be able to manifest the life you wish to see through belief.  Our Lunar Lady is astrologically in charge from up above of the possibilities our human emotions and feelings will channel down here below, providing us with the perfect advice to follow.

Being our Moon changes Zodiac Signs every couple of days, so too do our feelings down here below reflect these precise patterns from above. We are able to find proper emotional focus to manifest from, depending upon where these cycles unfold within our individual lives.

Full Moons start Waning Phases, Let’s Release
This two-week cycle favors letting go, review and redo as reflecting energy is seen throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie until the next New Moon in Aquarius.

Moon Void of Courses (Moon VOC) Time Out Periods
Especially under our monthly Waning phases, Moon VOCs promote a “double layer cake of reflection” to be adhered to. You will not wish to plan, plant, purchase or initiate anything of importance is when the Moon is Void of Course. This astrological passage occurs every couple days during our business and workweek, marking the critical request to take up in more reflective acts in solitude and engaging in quieter soul activities. Check in weekly with Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for all Moon Void of Course times.

Reminder: Mercury Retrograde 21 January to 11 February
Approach Starts: 05 January
Mercury, our planet of communications, thinking, movement, mindset & mentality takes his first reflective passage of 2015 in Aquarius. 20 January’s New Moon well advises to carefully monitor courses of action taken for long-term success under the normal waxing phase that typically favors all things anew. As the Approach begins 05 January, what will need required review, redo and reworking will begin to speak until the retrograde officially begins 21 January, pointing to the expected changes that will naturally unfold under the retrograde cycle.

What’s Your Sun Sign?
The simplicity of your natal sun sign is a marvelous starting point to align peace of mind about what is naturally attracting and releasing within your life lunar month to lunar month.

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon release where I Nurture.
Your home and family life require your emotional patience, as plenty of transformations equally call from your career and public life. When you surrender to the responsibility you must take now in your relationships, only then, will your approaches to life feel reborn and originally reinvent themselves.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Communicate.
Toss out those old ways of thinking your no longer need, and you’ll find your beliefs educate you with intense rebirth you can rely upon. There is more ways you can also recognize it is time to align your abilities to serve your self and others better, surprising the ways you are able to spend time alone.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Have.
What’s no longer necessary to hold on to via your values, earning power and possessions is ready to fly, and this unfolds a core regenerative sensation to power up your wealth. Placing focus upon your creative nature makes sure the doors open wide to surprise your social scenes so you can thrive.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon release with who I Am.
Your old ways to approach your life as well as the way the world looks at you are asking to wash away with the tide, which, allowing the influence of your relationships to work in your favor. There is work to be done in your home and family life, so that new life can begin to open within your career.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Process.
True healing calls from your subconscious realms, so allow the past into your space, and grieve what you must, which brings more command over your service to physical self and others. As you align more positive thoughts to assure you are truly believing, know that absolutely yes, you can achieve.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Socialize.
You already logically know certain friends, groups or old hopes and wishes no longer serve you- and when these are acknowledged, you will create more than you ever have before. You are also wise to not doubt the gratitude for the value of what you have, so your wealth can unexpectedly transform.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon release where I Structure.
Your career is up for some reconsideration, and equal rewards if you’ve done the previous legwork to deserve them, as rebirth in your home and family life calls from across the way to also nurture. You can no longer resist changes to your approaches to life, in order to reinvent your relationships.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Believe.
You know it’s time to surrender those worn our ways that your philosophies no longer work, as a refreshed mindset seeks to transform you. Again, it is that time in solitude where your answers align the most, as ways to serve yourself and others have surprises equally awaiting for you to hear them.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Transform.
Change is your most valued quality to respect in life and now you can expect it from the depths of your core, bringing forth a powerful rebirth with the value of what you have. Honor the request to work harder where you socialize, and your creative journey continues to unveil originality to rely on.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon release where I Relate.
Whatever partnerships simply drain you with too much work, it’s time to let them go, unleashing a intense approach to your life that has you feeling reborn. Your career and public life still asks for your focus to balance it, which grants surprising ways for you to feel regenerated at home with family.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Serve.
Resistance is futile concerning your habits, health and routines, and if you spend time in solitude, the answers are yours in what needs to be let go of the most. You already know educating your beliefs to achieve more is what makes those inventive thoughts spark with new life that even surprises you.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon release where I Create.
Finish up old projects from your creative stage so your social scenes can hope, dream, and wish all the more powerfully, allowing friends to help express your mission. If you look to your wealth and the possibilities of how others finances can assist you, you’ll have shocking value with what you have.

Other Need To Knows About What January’s Full Moon Means For You

Moon enters Cancer How Our Feelings Find Sensitivity
03 January, 8:08pm EST to 06 January, 6:03am EST
Engage: sympathy, social ability, domestication, sensitivity, nurturing, reliving experiences
Avoid: indolence, moodiness, apprehension, being timid, emotional attachments

Full Moon, When Our Feelings Find Release
04 January, 11:53pm EST, 14 degrees Cancer
Consciously Aim For: Emotional unfoldment
Waning Phase: 14 degrees Cancer to 00 degrees Aquarius New Moon.
Energy completes and releases within this half of your Zodiac Pie throughout 20 January 2014.

14 degree point lunation’s bring along with them the energy that favors movement that will challenge us, and plenty of information to logically point us to know permanent change is undeniably here. As we experience the 1st Full Moon of 2015, we are profoundly reminded of 2014’s Grand Cardinal Cross alignment from April, which called for us all to recognize a new foundation that is forming within our lives. As this Full Moon in Cancer speaks with tense tones to Uranus and our South Node in Aries, North Node in Libra, and Pluto in Capricorn, the request to no longer resist change and surrender to what must finally release is heard very loud and clear.

What’s Your Birthchart Say? Reading for Your Rising Sign/Ascendant
~Consult a professional astrologer to receive an accurate analysis of your natal chart.
~Your natal chart points to where more intimate conclusions unfold this month.
~Look to your natal planetary placements: do any aspect this lunation’s degree point?
~Your natal chart’s view always works directly with your Sun Sign’s LunarOScopes read.

Wishing You Aligned Emotions and Happy Attracting Dear Stars! Namaste.

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For those who enjoy the charts of astrology, our “Photograph of Time” upon 04 January’s Full Moon in Cancer, as it relates to all our other celestial bodies. FullMoon04Jan15