LunarOScopes, 02 June 2015, Let’s Really Release


Full Moon in Sagittarius, 02 June 2015
Where Will You Feel Release & Conclusions?

How Does Your Sun Sign Feel? Know Your Point of Attraction
The Law of Attraction promises that our feelings guide our thinking as we create our lives. Lunar energy is astrologically in charge of how our human emotions play out down here below. Each month, a New Moon marks a waxing cycle promoting start up energy while a Full Moon unfolds a waning cycle allowing completion, reflection and release. LunarOScopes capture this natural rhythm with specific forecasting advice, timing when your Sun Sign naturally benefits from initiation or letting go.

Being our Moon changes Zodiac Signs every couple of days, so too do our feelings down here below mirror these precise patterns that ultimately change our moods and sensations. Keeping our emotions healthy allows us to properly manifest our individual lives, as these cycles flavor us all uniquely.

Full Moons start Waning Phases, Let’s Release
This two-week cycle favors to let go, review, redo, reflect and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie until the next New Moon of 2015 arrives in Gemini 16 June.

Moon Void of Courses (Moon VOC) Time Out Periods
Especially under our monthly Waning phases, Moon VOCs promote a “double layer cake of reflection” to be adhered to. You will not wish to plan, plant, purchase or initiate anything of importance is when the Moon is Void of Course. This astrological passage occurs every couple days during our business and workweek, marking the critical request to take up in more reflective acts in solitude and engaging in quieter soul activities. Check in weekly with Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for all Moon Void of Course times.

In Progress: Mercury Retrograde 18 May to 11 June
The request to review, reflect and redo since 11 February’s actions.
Mercury Retrograde passages specifically favor engaging in reflection, recharge and renew over its’ 3 week passage. To the best of our free wills’ ability, careful planning must be met so we do not start new things that we wish to have long-term success with. Mercury guides all forms of communication, thinking, mentality, movement & travel of any kind. During a Retrograde cycle, his backtracking through the Zodiac creates natural interruptions, rerouting and flux concerning these areas and within our schedules. Having our back-up plans ready to go is recommended as we anticipate change and honor the value of this natural offering to rest, reconnect, review and release.
Approach Began:  04 May | Shadow Ends: 27 June

What’s Your Sun Sign?
The simplicity of your natal sun sign is a marvelous focal point to align peace of mind about what is naturally releasing and healing within your life for this lunar month.

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Believe.
Philosophies, beliefs, spiritual values, or any higher education you hold dear all have the opportunity now to reset their synthesis and unite what stands divided. As you engage in a powerful mind reset, it is your time in solitude to process it all that is necessary, while journaling is a marvelous healing tool.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Transform.
Rebirth allows you to recognize true wealth is far beyond what finances represent, as this union brings conclusions up from the depths of your core. Reflection has already been on with what you value and earn, finding time now to align strength within the dreams, wishes and hopes you have for the future.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon release where I Relate.
You’ve been well aware of what needs to be let go of concerning your partnerships, whether business or personal. As your approaches to life continue to experience their recharge, what you unite into one understanding equally is poised to pop up true power to solidify intuition for growth in your career.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon release where I Serve.
You are already well aware about the habits, routines and service to your health and the world that now ask for release. This reflective passage calls you to retreat to reset your inner process, granting pure strength for a genuine spiritual journey inspiring expansion to express nothing else but the truth.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Create.
Wrap up current projects as powerful creative changes are upon you, whether these be with children or brain-children. Let go of old love affairs, old hopes & future goals to allow the channel of spirit to regenerate your soul from it’s source. This one has potent power for you to feel absolutely reborn.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Nurture.
It’s all in the right time to honor letting go and recharging so renewal can be seen within your home and family life, doing your favorite task, cleaning! This strongly reflects to make space for more changes in your career, while listening carefully is the key to unlock success within your partnerships.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon release with how I Communicate.
Let go of resistance in your thinking that is preventing you from owning your peace of mind. Once you unite your communications, you will find you can believe like never before, which will lend great strength to allow natural ways you are meant to serve others, your habits & routines all the better.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Have.
It’s time to purge and fully let go of possessions and material things you no longer need to value. As your overall wealth reflects further for powerful change, this synthesis shoots the reboot to your core source energy as well, unlocking instinct within your creative nature to use your intuition even more.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release with who I Am.
Energy stirs your fires up about the mask you wear to the world, your first impressions of it as well as your appearance. Old parts of your personality and worn out approaches to life burn away, as relationships ask you to listen on the home front to strengthen where you nurture in life the most.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon release where I Process.
Honoring your solitude and working within is where you’ll find your toil is needed now. There is still much altering and change concerning your service to the world and your own routines, which can be calmed when you take time to write things down, and do what you can to quiet your own mind.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Socialize.
This opportunity to refresh and release finds your focus shining upon friends, groups and your future hopes and wishes. Keep honoring the alterations as you revisit your creative courses, for these grant the strength to bring true intuition into your earning power that you’ll value moving forward.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon release where I Structure.
Your career and public life swim in the seas of conclusions to accept recognition and rewards, if the previous work has been done. Distractions from home may try to reroute you, yet all is part of how you are learning to become more centered as the world sees you in a much stronger and clear light.

Other Need To Knows About What June’s Full Moon Means For You

Moon enters Sagittarius How Our Feelings Become Enthusiastic
01 June, 2:39pm EDT to 03 June, 8:50pm EDT
Element: Fire | Moon transits in fire signs attract inspiration, spiritedness, creativity & aggression
Engage: exploration, education, philosophy, inquiry, honesty, independence, joy
Avoid: restlessness, outspokenness, argumentativeness, superficiality, tactlessness

Full Moon, When Our Feelings Find Release
02 June, 12:19pm EDT, 11 degrees Sagittarius
Consciously Aim For: Wisdom
Waning Phase: 11 degrees Sagittarius to 25 degrees Gemini
Energy completes and releases within this half of your Zodiac Pie throughout 16 June.
Moon Void of Course: 1:59amEDT to 8:50pmEDT 03 June, Moon enters Capricorn

This Full Moon lunation calling at the 11th degree resonates strongly with the presence of Mercury Retrograde in Gemini who is calling to reflect upon our duality and our innate abilities to bring synthesis to it. A lunation at the 11th degree asks us to dig even further into our emotions from this area of life and take a good look at what resistance may be standing in our way. As our Full Moon favors release, this one is fueled with letting go so that we can ultimately heal and nurture, allowing us to move forward with freedom.

One of the Master Numbers, the 11 is viewed by the Chaldean’s as ‘The Lion Muzzled – A Clenched Fist.’ They deeply perceived it to be filled with healing potentials, which are not always easily reached. “This is a number of hidden trials and treachery from others. It represents two members of the same or opposite sex- or two opposed situations. In either case, compatibility of interest is lacking, and interference from a third force must be conquered. Difficulties may also arise from the illusion of separation.  It’s necessary to unite divided goals to avoid a sense of frustrated incompletion. The third interfering force can be a person or an idea; and it can take the form of a refusal to see the other side as an obstacle to harmony. The origin of the separating force must be identified, an attempt made to seek compromise. Occasionally, conflicting desires within one’s own self are seen as in a reflecting mirror. Two forces or two desires stand apart and must ultimately unite for happiness. Yet, each must remain individual, even after being joined, for each possesses its own worth.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs

Not only is this Full Moon in Sagittarius nestled in a strong opposition between Mars and Mercury Retrograde in Gemini, it also closely squares Neptune in Pisces at 09 degrees. With our Sun in direct opposition to the Moon, it, along with Mars & Mercury also closely square off to Neptune. Beyond the tendency of lack of concentration in airy Gemini, the tensions will elevate even further with the multitude of planets squaring off in the mutable signs of the Zodiac representing air, fire and water as we begin another waning phase.  Meditation, yoga or any form of quieting the mind, is extremely favored to combat the restless, scattered and unfocused potentials it will undoubtedly bring.

Certainly this marks a time offering us the opportunities to ponder what needs to strengthen the structure between our communication quadrants of life where we experience changes the most. If one is not willing to do so, oh what resistance this lunation potentially can lock down to experience complete feelings of stagnation, delusion, deception and emotional overwhelm instead.

Taking a good look at what no longer works between the Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces areas of our lives is what now asks to clear and cleanse.

What’s Your Birthchart Say? Reading for Your Rising Sign/Ascendant
~Consult a professional astrologer to receive an accurate analysis of your natal chart.
~Your natal chart points to where more intimate conclusions unfold this month.
~Look to your natal planetary placements: do any aspect this lunation’s degree point?
~Your natal chart’s view always works directly with your Sun Sign’s LunarOScopes read.

Wishing You Aligned Emotions and Happy Attracting Dear Stars! Namaste.

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