LunarOScopes, 04 January 2015, Let’s Release


Full Moon in Cancer, 04 January 2015
Where Will You Feel Release & Conclusions?

What You Are Feeling? Know Your Point of Attraction
The Law of Attraction promises if you are not feeling good, you won’t think all too well either to be able to manifest the life you wish to see through belief.  Our Lunar Lady is astrologically in charge from up above of the possibilities our human emotions and feelings will channel down here below, providing us with the perfect advice to follow.

Being our Moon changes Zodiac Signs every couple of days, so too do our feelings down here below reflect these precise patterns from above. We are able to find proper emotional focus to manifest from, depending upon where these cycles unfold within our individual lives.

Full Moons start Waning Phases, Let’s Release
This two-week cycle favors letting go, review and redo as reflecting energy is seen throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie until the next New Moon in Aquarius.

Moon Void of Courses (Moon VOC) Time Out Periods
Especially under our monthly Waning phases, Moon VOCs promote a “double layer cake of reflection” to be adhered to. You will not wish to plan, plant, purchase or initiate anything of importance is when the Moon is Void of Course. This astrological passage occurs every couple days during our business and workweek, marking the critical request to take up in more reflective acts in solitude and engaging in quieter soul activities. Check in weekly with Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for all Moon Void of Course times.

Reminder: Mercury Retrograde 21 January to 11 February
Approach Starts: 05 January
Mercury, our planet of communications, thinking, movement, mindset & mentality takes his first reflective passage of 2015 in Aquarius. 20 January’s New Moon well advises to carefully monitor courses of action taken for long-term success under the normal waxing phase that typically favors all things anew. As the Approach begins 05 January, what will need required review, redo and reworking will begin to speak until the retrograde officially begins 21 January, pointing to the expected changes that will naturally unfold under the retrograde cycle.

What’s Your Sun Sign?
The simplicity of your natal sun sign is a marvelous starting point to align peace of mind about what is naturally attracting and releasing within your life lunar month to lunar month.

ARIES: It’s time to focus upon release where I Nurture.
Your home and family life require your emotional patience, as plenty of transformations equally call from your career and public life. When you surrender to the responsibility you must take now in your relationships, only then, will your approaches to life feel reborn and originally reinvent themselves.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Communicate.
Toss out those old ways of thinking your no longer need, and you’ll find your beliefs educate you with intense rebirth you can rely upon. There is more ways you can also recognize it is time to align your abilities to serve your self and others better, surprising the ways you are able to spend time alone.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Have.
What’s no longer necessary to hold on to via your values, earning power and possessions is ready to fly, and this unfolds a core regenerative sensation to power up your wealth. Placing focus upon your creative nature makes sure the doors open wide to surprise your social scenes so you can thrive.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon release with who I Am.
Your old ways to approach your life as well as the way the world looks at you are asking to wash away with the tide, which, allowing the influence of your relationships to work in your favor. There is work to be done in your home and family life, so that new life can begin to open within your career.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Process.
True healing calls from your subconscious realms, so allow the past into your space, and grieve what you must, which brings more command over your service to physical self and others. As you align more positive thoughts to assure you are truly believing, know that absolutely yes, you can achieve.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Socialize.
You already logically know certain friends, groups or old hopes and wishes no longer serve you- and when these are acknowledged, you will create more than you ever have before. You are also wise to not doubt the gratitude for the value of what you have, so your wealth can unexpectedly transform.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon release where I Structure.
Your career is up for some reconsideration, and equal rewards if you’ve done the previous legwork to deserve them, as rebirth in your home and family life calls from across the way to also nurture. You can no longer resist changes to your approaches to life, in order to reinvent your relationships.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Believe.
You know it’s time to surrender those worn our ways that your philosophies no longer work, as a refreshed mindset seeks to transform you. Again, it is that time in solitude where your answers align the most, as ways to serve yourself and others have surprises equally awaiting for you to hear them.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Transform.
Change is your most valued quality to respect in life and now you can expect it from the depths of your core, bringing forth a powerful rebirth with the value of what you have. Honor the request to work harder where you socialize, and your creative journey continues to unveil originality to rely on.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon release where I Relate.
Whatever partnerships simply drain you with too much work, it’s time to let them go, unleashing a intense approach to your life that has you feeling reborn. Your career and public life still asks for your focus to balance it, which grants surprising ways for you to feel regenerated at home with family.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Serve.
Resistance is futile concerning your habits, health and routines, and if you spend time in solitude, the answers are yours in what needs to be let go of the most. You already know educating your beliefs to achieve more is what makes those inventive thoughts spark with new life that even surprises you.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon release where I Create.
Finish up old projects from your creative stage so your social scenes can hope, dream, and wish all the more powerfully, allowing friends to help express your mission. If you look to your wealth and the possibilities of how others finances can assist you, you’ll have shocking value with what you have.

Other Need To Knows About What January’s Full Moon Means For You

Moon enters Cancer How Our Feelings Find Sensitivity
03 January, 8:08pm EST to 06 January, 6:03am EST
Engage: sympathy, social ability, domestication, sensitivity, nurturing, reliving experiences
Avoid: indolence, moodiness, apprehension, being timid, emotional attachments

Full Moon, When Our Feelings Find Release
04 January, 11:53pm EST, 14 degrees Cancer
Consciously Aim For: Emotional unfoldment
Waning Phase: 14 degrees Cancer to 00 degrees Aquarius New Moon.
Energy completes and releases within this half of your Zodiac Pie throughout 20 January 2014.

14 degree point lunation’s bring along with them the energy that favors movement that will challenge us, and plenty of information to logically point us to know permanent change is undeniably here. As we experience the 1st Full Moon of 2015, we are profoundly reminded of 2014’s Grand Cardinal Cross alignment from April, which called for us all to recognize a new foundation that is forming within our lives. As this Full Moon in Cancer speaks with tense tones to Uranus and our South Node in Aries, North Node in Libra, and Pluto in Capricorn, the request to no longer resist change and surrender to what must finally release is heard very loud and clear.

What’s Your Birthchart Say? Reading for Your Rising Sign/Ascendant
~Consult a professional astrologer to receive an accurate analysis of your natal chart.
~Your natal chart points to where more intimate conclusions unfold this month.
~Look to your natal planetary placements: do any aspect this lunation’s degree point?
~Your natal chart’s view always works directly with your Sun Sign’s LunarOScopes read.

Wishing You Aligned Emotions and Happy Attracting Dear Stars! Namaste.

Know Someone Who Likes to Feel Good? Share #LunarOScopes with your favorite Social Media!

For those who enjoy the charts of astrology, our “Photograph of Time” upon 04 January’s Full Moon in Cancer, as it relates to all our other celestial bodies. FullMoon04Jan15

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