LunarOScopes, 11 April Full Moon, Let’s Intensely Reflect

SharitaStar.LunaroscopesBWYour Feelings Are Powerful Allies

We intentionally create our lives through what we feel, which in turn, directly affects our thoughts as The Law of Attraction promises. Lunar energy from above is astrologically in charge of how the messages of our human emotions play out in precise timing, always offering us the chance to evolve down here below. As we honor our emotions, we can make them powerful allies in our lives- verses ignoring the truth, missing our opportunities, and neglecting to heal whatever they ask us to focus on.

Each month, a New Moon opens a waxing phase of initiating energy favoring creation until we reach the Full Moon, opening up a waning phase allowing for natural correction, reflection and release. LunarOScopes capture the forecast of these cycles indicating what is meant to begin or conclude, timing when and what specific area of life our Sun Sign benefits by applying our focus through feeling.

Full Moon in Libra 2:08amEDT, 11 April, Let’s Intensely Release & Reflect
Waning Phases favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie from 21 degrees Libra moving through Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Aries until the second New Moon of Spring 2017 arrives 26 April at 06 degrees Taurus. This first Full Moon of Spring opens more doors to intensely expose more of the raw truth, which will be resisted at first. Yet when surrendered to, we can find the means to properly respect the power of transformation and rebirth as an old foundation continues to be taken away so future harmony will be able to reign. This lunation equally advised we are best prepared to expect the unexpected.

*This waning phases aligns in a triple layer of ongoing reflection requests from Venus Retrograde 04 March to 15 April, as well as from Mercury Retrograde 09 April to 03 May.* Venus Retrograde asks us to take pause within matters associated with values, money, finances, relationships, beauty, and luxuries. We are highly advised to be well aware of our intended actions for long-term success concerning them. Mercury Retrograde equally asks us to take pause within matters associated with communications, transferring of information, thinking, movement, travel, future plans, along with any new initiations intended for long term success.
ARIES: It’s time to focus upon release where I Relate.
Let go and utilize your wisdom with who is the real deal concerning your partnerships -business or personal- as amazing truth surrounds your decisions here. Recognizing the foundation your career seeks to align with them, still is in individual play with radically changing up your approaches to life.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Serve.
Reflective light significantly shines upon embracing education for your habits, routines and service to self as well as others in this world. You’ll receive a potent rebirth from this energy to strengthen your beliefs. Taking time in solitude and dream study helps you process from within in surprising ways.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon release where I Create.
Time now to finish current projects as creative changes surround children, brain-children or old love affairs, providing powerful ways to lend support to your view upon your wealth. Know the callings of unusual changes concerning your future goals, are meant to have you wishing outside of the box.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon release where I Nurture.
It is critical your imagination flows within your home and family life, including literal cleaning up around the house, as you listen carefully to those you are partnered with. As more radical changes occur for your career and public life, you have to remember there is no comfort zone in reinvention.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon release with how I Communicate.
Refreshed thinking opens the brighter side of your peace of mind when you honor reflection for your mindset. Great benefits await you from writing things down, and see what it allows you to structure to serve up more changes for your habits and routines. You’ll learn something different in this process.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Have.
Possessions and material things you no longer need to value seek your surrender of them, including the assessment of your income. This resonates the strongest with what needs to be honored connecting to your creative nature or children. Your wealth has plenty of surprises for you to consider.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon release with who I Am.
Your appearance and ways the world looks at you seeks change, as you now let old tired approaches go. What releases equally is meant to help solidify what needs to be nurtured concerning your home and family life. Your partnerships require patience to properly discern their erratic behavior.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Process.
Honoring solitude and working within allows your intuition to benefit in healing now, and listen carefully to your night time dreams. This inner work is marvelous for your peace of mind, which is so ready for a complete reset. You’ll be even more shocked about how you can reroute your routines.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Socialize.
Opportunities to refresh and release find you placing attention upon friends, groups and your future hopes and wishes. Say yes to unexpected invitations to get out in the world, for you’ll find ways to support your earning power, seeking to involve reinvention with your children or what you can create.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon release where I Structure.
Your career and public life resets its’ recognition and rewards, as your responsibilities here now conclude, continuing to allow rebirth for your appearance and overall approaches to life. Plenty of surprises still await for you to find more ways to reinvent how you nurture your home and family.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Believe.
Philosophies, beliefs, and spiritual values you hold dear- ask you to seize this opportunity to reboot their synthesis. Long journeys and learning ask to honor some time in solitude to work from within to clear some karmic cobwebs. Don’t resist how this is meant to offer you a renovated peace of mind.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon release where I Transform.
The luxury of your overall financial picture is not the only thing your wealth represents. As conclusions arrive from the depths of your core to confidently let go, keep working with the power of your future goals, as unexpected structure and strength seek to align value for your earning power to receive.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.

LunarOScopes, 12 March Virgo Full Moon, Let’s Release

SharitaStar.LunaroscopesBWYour Feelings Are Powerful Allies

We intentionally create our lives through what we feel, which in turn, directly affects our thoughts as The Law of Attraction promises. Lunar energy from above is astrologically in charge of how the messages of our human emotions play out in precise timing, always offering us the chance to evolve down here below. As we honor our emotions, we can make them powerful allies in our lives- verses ignoring the truth, missing our opportunities, and neglecting to heal whatever they ask us to focus on.

Each month, a New Moon opens a waxing phase of initiating energy favoring creation until we reach the Full Moon, opening up a waning phase allowing for natural correction, reflection and release. LunarOScopes capture the forecast of these cycles indicating what is meant to begin or conclude, timing when and what specific area of life our Sun Sign benefits by applying our focus through feeling.

Full Moon in Virgo, 10:54amEDT 12 March, Let’s Release & Reflect
Waning Phases favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie from 22 degrees Virgo (the final of 5 Full Moon’s to fall at this degree point since November 2016) until the first New Moon of Spring 2017 arrives 27 March at 07 degrees Aries. This lunation is grounded in transformation to allow us to powerfully work with surrendering to what we must change, in order to serve our lives for the better as our Universal 1 Year of 2017 continues to reveal its’ theme of embracing the new.

*This waning phases aligns in a double layer of reflection requests from Venus Retrograde in Aries/Pisces that transits 04 March to 15 April.* This passage asks for us to take pause within matters associated with values, money, finances, relationships, beauty, and luxuries. We are highly advised to be well aware of our intended actions for long-term success concerning them.
ARIES: It’s time to focus upon release where I Serve.
Reflection calls you to look at your habits, routines and service to self as well as others in this world. You’ll find your career and place in the public eye is happily involved, but if you cannot recognize that your service to self is what must change, you are resisting the value of taking on your life differently.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Create.
Completing creative current projects are favored, whether these be with children, brain-children or old love affairs. As long as you understand that these conclusions are in a deeper connection to help your belief systems regenerate in a new truth, your time to process it all in solitude will make more sense.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon release where I Nurture.
Allow your imagination to flow within your home life, involving some literal cleaning up around the house, or resolving any family matters. You find this allows for a positive space or you to feel a potent rebirth, as you currently are redefining what the future holds and the value of what you wish for.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon release with how I Communicate.
Throwing out tired old ideas allows you to look at the brighter side of your peace of mind. Honor reflection for your mindset- great benefits are received from writing things down. Recognizing the ways your partnerships are involved in this, brings in further understanding to value your home life.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Have.
Surrender to let go of possessions and material things you no longer need to value, possibly including a source of how your income is earned. This connects to the continuing transformation involving your habits and routines, as you learn more about revisiting the truth concerning what it is you truly believe.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon release with who I Am.
Time to let go of your old emerging self and the worn out ways you have been taking on the world. As changes speak to alter your appearance -when you do not doubt what you are creating or doing with children is your place of power- the rebirth awaiting for you in the wings is all the more valuable.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon release where I Process.
Honoring your solitude and working within serves your intuition now, so be committed to private time to heal in the purest of ways. Important messages arrive from your dreams. Recognizing the nurturing ways your home life is transforming, equally involves you honor reflection with those you relate to.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Socialize.
Refreshing and recharging opportunities find you placing attention to reflect upon friends, groups and your future hopes and wishes. Say yes to unexpected invitations to get out in the world, as you find there is powerful peace of mind for you to align, so don’t miss the value of altering your routines.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Structure.
Your career and public life resets its’ recognition and rewards, as your responsibilities here find conclusions to arrive at as you prepare to let them go. As you look to see how much your earning power is positively involved in supporting a rebirth, revisiting old creative projects reveals even more.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Believe.
Philosophies, beliefs, spiritual values, or learning you hold dear- ask to seize the opportunity to reboot their synthesis. As any long journeys or travel call, connecting the dots to further transform your immediate approaches to life continues- as you see more about the value of nurturing more at home.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Transform.
Recognizing genuine wealth is not only the luxury of your overall financial picture, allows you to embrace a powerful rebirth. As conclusions arrive from the depths of your core to let go and never look back, your solitude is necessary, which will take you back to old ideas you can still value.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon release where I Relate.
Let go and reconsider who is the real deal concerning your partnerships -business or personal- for your responsibility to the future depends upon it. As agreements arrive at conclusions, be in careful consideration of any negotiations concerning your security or earning power, as it is under review.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance

Venus Retrograde in 2017: Redefining Humanity’s Personal Values


Venus at her Mirror, VELÁZQUEZ, Diego Rodriguez de Silva y

As our Winter becomes Spring in 2017, it will be a powerful time that will have us in the ultimate request to honor reflection.

Unlike her neighbor Mercury, it’s been awhile since our Idealist planet took some necessary time off. The last Venus Retrograde cycled 25 July to 06 September 2015 in the signs of Virgo and Leo.

Upon 04 March in Aries, the next cycle of review and redo commences for Venus that will conclude upon 15 April, moving back into Pisces by 02 April. If you are familiar with Mercury Retrograde, you already understand all too well the kinds of things that can happen under an inner planet retrograde.

What makes a Venus Retrograde different from Mercury?
All of our planets from above guide over different themes and concepts as their movement affects our lives down here below.

Mercury makes things move, communicate, permanently change, blossom, think and energetically circulate.

Venus allows us to relate one on one, be compassionate, find understanding, secure our values, intake our money, enjoy our pleasures, find our beauty and cherish our peace.

Both Venus and Mercury are inner planets, so when their Retrograde passages occur (Mercury every 3 months; Venus every 18 months; approximately) we are highly advised to take note about our future plans -personal or business wise- concerning what they are ultimately in charge of.

Venus Retrograde in Aries 04 March to 02 April
It is more than fair to say Winter ends as Spring begins with quite a demonstrative calling to take heed of the earlier Aries area of life, starting at 13 degrees. Venus on a normal journey through Aries enjoys impetuous, unrestrained and easily aroused energy, yet we’ll find, these qualities are not so readily available as she’ll be under review.

Being reflection, research and review are in order, initiating plans during retrograde for future harmony and balance are best to be avoided. The energetic pace will be inconstant and short-lived, where mental focus upon devotion to ideals will be extremely hard to reach. Being able to concentrate on the essentials equally will not be attained without difficulty.

Romantic adventure is also typically favored during Venus’s time in Aries. Whatever plans one may have to engage in it over late winter into early spring, they will find will also not work out as originally intended.

Venus Retrograde in Pisces 02 to 15 April
The final stretch of Venus’s cycle of reflection brings her to recharge what needs to be reset concerning emotion, compassion and understanding within the very last degrees of Pisces until she goes Direct at 26 degrees.

Energies will sway to becoming indiscriminate, abject and inert verses the norm of tender, devoted, yielding and peaceful. People will be compelled to re-examine the theme of self-sacrifice to better understand what is the genuine value of this very area of our lives.

How to Successfully Work with Venus Retrograde
This next cycle of review and redo from Venus is quintessential in such a universal new year as 2017 represents. As we are all asked to remember the value of Being the Light at this pivotal time in history, Venus offering her reflection from the regenerative 13 degree point at start of the zodiac in Aries back to the end at a connective 26 degree point in Pisces wheel indicates a profound and very powerful time of rebirth as well as healing and tremendous learning experiences for humanity at large.

This specific retrograde passage opens us to embrace a true redefinition of the value we place upon human life and our united view of being here. Coupled with the independent path we are personally on to be a greater part of the entire whole, March and April energetically reset us from the core.

The “RE Rules” Under Venus Retrograde: What To Reflect Upon
One of the Zodiac’s benefic and inner planets, Venus’s influence grants gentleness, ease, and strength wherever her graceful energy is currently visiting within the Zodiac Pie. Venus affects the collective’s values- as well as our earning potential, money, approaches to romance, and our abilities to tap into the feminine. As she decides to not “look where she is going,” the collective can expect the natural benefits of her energies to be up for review.

1. Beauty
All beauty improvements are off limits, for Venus while backtracking will, for example, probably turn original brown intended hair color into orange, you hate your new hair cut, or the house renovation color intended to be red might just turn out hot pink, by “accident.” Plastic surgery is a huge no-no during this cycle. Simply AVOID buying luxurious items, renovating the home, or any kind of beauty enhancement.

2. Money/Finances
You’ll equally notice a definite “drop in value” concerning financial affairs and money matters across the board. Venus Retrograde prefers instead of trying to “make money” under her reflective journey, we choose instead to reassess our situations and get ready for major moves later. Avoid any kind of luxury purchases is highly favored, as well as watching over-spending. Money investments with the intention of significantly increasing its’ value, can be complete future failures.

Venus Retrogrades essentially become buyer’s markets, as the victors are the ones walking away with the bargain from the seller who practically gave it away. However, the buyer may not have received the value they actually thought they were getting if the purchase involves those luxurious items. Past debts may equally surface, and these should be absolutely addressed. So, if you’ve got a money situation or a lingering legality that needs clearing up, this is a perfect cycle to focus upon solutions requiring your research.

3. Relating to Others
Relationships, especially brand new ones, should be carefully monitored over this time. Beginning a new romance or a marriage are not particularly favored courses of action. However, this a prominent time when old love affairs and people you once knew return: so have fun remembering, or realize why they aren’t an active part of your life anymore!

4. Your Personal Forecast
Wherever 13 degrees Aries to 26 degrees Pisces rests in your natal birth chart is the precise are of life that you’ll see an ultimate renovation going on 04 March to 15 April. Equally, potential natal planets that will aspect Venus’s Retrograde journey are important to understand to know how to make proper choices avoiding critical mistakes over this sensitive cycle. An ounce of prevention, is a sure pound of cure. And as Ben Franklin used to say, “Those that fail to prepare, prepare to fail.”

5. Appreciating Venus Retrograde Rewards
BE charitable with money, i.e. hold a fund-raiser for a great cause
DO scoop up any bargains! These are totally Venus Rx approved!
GIVE GRATITUDE for what you already own and who you already know.
REASSESS what’s worth appreciating: keep it or toss it!
REFLECT upon all your present relationships, business or personal.
EMBRACE falling in love all over again- or let it go!
ENJOY NATURAL BEAUTY by spending time outdoors.
TAKE IN ART & MUSIC Whether at a museum, gallery, performance, or through nature, Venus enhances our appreciation and understanding of it at this time.
REVISIT creative adventures already in existence, examine their progress and reflect upon ways to improve them.

The Approach and Shadow of Venus Retrograde
Every Retrograde passage has a “preview of coming attractions” as the planet crosses over moving forward, the exact degree point it will backtrack to called the Approach. We’ll start to notice what’s going to be in full reflection by 04 March as Venus crosses over 26 degrees Pisces on 30 January.

Every Retrograde passage has a “ironing out the retrograde wrinkles” time until the planet crosses over, moving Direct, the exact degree point is starts retrograding upon, called the Shadow. Whatever decision may have had to happen by no other choice under Venus Retrograde will have the opportunity to smooth out the fabric wrinkles through 18 May.

What’s Really in a Word? Venus Retrograde
Whenever a planet is actively in RETROGRADE within our Zodiac skies, it’s that necessary time when we are best to surrender, and know we’ve GOT TO REDO, and GO TO A GREAT REORDER. As our romantic and value-loving planet attaches herself to the retrograde title, how apropos the anagrams we can derive are able to spell out the truth through lexigrams of how we can reap personal rewards.



Honoring A Cycle of Reflection
This time for reassessment within The Ram & The Fishes allows your understanding of the value of humanity to become redefined on a personal and collective level. Once 15 April comes to pass, the activity within these degrees points (13 degrees Aries to 26 degrees Pisces) of the life will start to stir and reap goodness- restoring personal harmony unlike any other in quite some time.

Remember, what is deserving of being healed here comes from the acts of review under the retrograde. So rest and reset 04 March to 15 April, then happily gather up your rewards later! Know, the grandeur may not be what you had originally anticipated, but what is ultimately meant to become simpler here, is the real value you’ll discover that is a genuine gift you’ve been patiently waiting for.

LISTEN to Sharita discuss Venus Retrograde on The Jimmy Mack Healing Show 07 March! 12NoonEST & Podcast post live show

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