LunarOScopes, 15 April Aries New Moon, Let’s Carefully Begin

SharitaStar.LunaroscopesYour Feelings Are Powerful Allies

We intentionally create our lives through what we feel, which in turn, directly affects our thoughts as The Law of Attraction promises. Lunar energy from above is astrologically in charge of how the messages of our human emotions play out in precise timing, always offering us the chance to evolve down here below. As we honor our emotions, we can make them powerful allies in our lives- verses ignoring the truth, missing our opportunities, and neglecting to heal whatever they ask us to focus on.

Each month, a New Moon opens a waxing phase of initiating energy favoring creation until we reach the Full Moon, then opening up a waning phase allowing for natural correction, reflection and release. LunarOScopes capture these cycles’ forecasts, noting when beginnings or conclusions are favored, pointing to the specific area of life our Sun Sign benefits as we place our mindful intentions upon them.

New Moon in Aries, 9:57pmEDT 15 April, Let’s Carefully Begin & Initiate
Waxing Phases favor actions involving planting anew and moving forward, as energy increases throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie from 26 degrees Aries (the final New Moon of a series of 6 since October 2017 –excluding 15 February’s Solar Eclipse- that falls at this patient degree point), through Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra until the next Full Moon arrives at 10 degrees Scorpio 29 April 2018. This first New Moon of Spring is wrapped up in the world of the unexpected along with it, so taking our time and being extra cautious with any of our new choices is absolutely key. Even as highly imaginative, impressionable and magnetic feelings will be abound, the tendency for edgy, abrupt and accidental outcomes is equally possible.

We are advised under this New Moon once again -as we have with them all since the Autumn- to continue work hand in hand with patience, recognize that stability comes only through taking our time. As we utilize our intuition to the fullest, we can absolutely avoid negative situations by simply preventing them. Now that Mercury’s energy is also moving forward again within Aries, this New Moon is equally right on time to help us do so as we gather back up in the light, and iron out any wrinkles worked into our recent Retrograde fabrics.

*This waxing phases aligns with the Shadow of Mercury Retrograde -recently in transit 22 March to 15 April- in affect until 03 May.* As we move through the correction phase of our cycle of reflection that has just concluded, we have one more angle of strong advice to cross our T’s and dot our I’s concerning what it is we are starting up anew. Even as forward motion is favored within our lives which will speak to us eagerly, it is equally a time where we are meant to be extra mindful and utilize our awareness to the fullest to avoid errors as we respect our timing is everything scope.
ARIES: It’s time to focus upon the new with who I Am.
It’s definitely time to reveal a new appearance, personality, and emerge entirely differently to the world. As you have just reconsidered your approaches to life, concentrate now on what is essential to make self-change possible in the most unusual and unexpected ways. Know your self love is not selfish.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Process.
If your dreams have been distinctly focusing upon the past, now you find breakthrough energy invites you to apply what it has to say into your now. Subconscious realms and inner work favor healing karmic ties and previous experiences. Remain intuitive and be open to solving the unknown mysteries in your life.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Socialize.
Whatever unexpected invitation arrives to get out with new groups or friends, take it and witness the ways it is meant to shed important light upon your hopes, wishes and future goals. You’ll discover this is a beneficial time to see what friends and peers can share with you, especially through offbeat ideas.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Structure.
Your career and public life has just reeled in reinvention, so the more it all feels uncomfortable, the better. Moving forward, there is still plenty more of the unexpected coming your way, which is meant to change the structure of your professional life and allow you to be recognized for your originality.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon the new with what I Believe.
Did you take time lately to look back at old training, long journeys and review whether your philosophies really were standing in your truth? As new educational paths await to be embraced, prepare yourself to get further outside of the box you have thrown away, as reinvention here is a must.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Transform.
As you recently intensely incubated in soulwork, your most regenerative new moon of the year provokes a deep core energetic reset involving shocking surrender. Matters concerning your wealth, prosperity, and other people’s money are now ready to go, so it is time to make important moves ever so carefully.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Relate.
Your partnerships -whether business or personal- found as of late how those old connections that came back to find you, now are prepared to make agreements. What you decide to do with them moving forward doles out the unusual, so make sure you align in union with whomever offers the most originality.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Serve.
As you have just reinvestigated the ways you can serve yourself along with others in the world better, you are now all set to welcome refreshed habits and routines. As complete surprises unfold here, remember even the wildest things your intuition is channeling are more than likely telling you the absolute truth.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon the new where I Create.
As your creative fires recently asked you to return to your unfinished projects, be properly prepared for invigorating ways you can now expect to be taking unexpected bows upon your stage. Equally with children and brainchildren, it is time for witnessing radical changes that have been a long time in the making.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon the new with how I Nurture.
If your life at home and with family has been responsible to reflective changes, be ready now to receive your rewards. Any aesthetic projects around the house can move forward, especially ones favoring improvements, so be open to change. Should any déjà vu show up, listen carefully to it for guidance.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon the new with what I Communicate.
Prior brainstorms and ideas have just refueled innovation within your mindset, as focusing upon past was just favored. Whatever old writing was also revisited, now you find it wants completely new twists placed upon them. Overall, your peace of mind is open to brilliant and unusual thoughts to carry you forward.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon the new with what I Have.
As reflection just reigned concerning your income and possessions, you have redefined the value of your sense of security. Carefully consider any seemingly outlandish ideas being presented to you, for these wish to take you farther into the future, shaking up the sources of your earning power for the better.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.

LunarOScope, 30 March 2014


New Moon in Aries, 30 March 2014, 2:45pm EDT

Where Will You Gather Up New Feelings?

New Moons & Waxing Phases Time To Plant and Begin
Do you know your Sun Sign?
Read on where you can expect something to initiate from this area of your life. Remember with all New Moons as they start another Waxing Phase, this two-week time frame until our next Full Moon 15 April favors actions involving anything new. As we arrive at a Full Moon in the same sign within 6 months, what starts now will have grown, developed and manifested accordingly in direct result to our intentions and efforts behind it.

Do you know your Rising Sign (Ascendant)?
This typically will apply to your natal charts’ advice for an even more intimate perspective. Do consult a professional astrologer to read the accurate analysis of your individual natal chart for the precise area of life where 10 degrees Aries affects your personal zodiac pie.

Check in with Your Birthchart.
What natal planets are placed near any 10 degree points?
These areas of the life will equally receive a direct line of communication from our 10 degrees Aries New Moon, and depending upon the harmony or tension it can bring, connect you to more clues as to how your new beginnings will call loud and clear.

Reminder of Mars Retrograde in Libra
While we are favored for the new, we are not incredibly warned as we are under a Mercury or Venus Retrograde to remain in reflection and review mode with a heavy list of what not to do – Mars still casts an affect of watching the energy circulating around our movements and ability to summon up our desires and motivations. Handling Mars Retrograde requires patience, so be sure to check-in where Libra affects your life personally to obtain a better perspective of where caution and accountability are most required throughout 19 May.

Aries: It’s electrifying the stirring feelings igniting your normal pioneering approach, and all that I Am finds some unexpected turns. Your head is strong to re-activate the self. Keep transforming with the career and public life, and let a nurturing force guide you at home with the family.

Taurus: New self-discoveries are abound where I Process with breakthrough subconscious messages speaking deeply from within as you continue your ongoing solitary journey. The spiritual and psychological make-ups of life call to you to really get away. Such profound learning is at your fingertips, and this has your thoughts flowing happily and so you can write it all down.

Gemini: Game on MINI GEM, where I Socialize within friendships and groups, and now new team mates are to be found here. Score with that unexpected invitation to get out in the world, as it will open up original ways to break through how you are watching your wealth transform, and ponder where’s that stroke of luck about to emerge from your earning power. Stay alert.

Cancer: Have fun reaping the harvest, stability, and reward within your career and public life. Discover more in regards to promoting or starting a new business, or, for a nice recognition to come your way in regards to how I Structure. Yes the changes with your partnerships keep coming, but remember the support here grants you new ways to approach your life as well.

Leo: Inspiration fuels the path your philosophies and educational pursuits are growing where I Believe. Travel, or find more ways to broaden your view of the world at large. This is able to give strength to what you are doing to transform the way you serve the world, and make sure you have recently gained all sorts of fortunate ways to learn your solitude is worth its’ weight in gold.

Virgo: Don’t be shy about your wealth, securities and investments, as an intense metamorphosis purifies you from the very core, as regenerating discoveries are on where I Transform. Other people’s money easily assists, whispering how change beckons beautifully. It’s always been about your creativity and the genuine groups and friendships you have to make wishes come true.

Libra: Whether your romantic ties or business contacts, the new and the old connections over this waxing period are of special importance to your future. Originality express the means of how I Relate, awakening a unique understanding you weren’t anticipating. The nurturing is important to apply in family matters, but be optimistic things turn around within your career.

Scorpio: Regenerative powers, are ready to bring improvements to your health where I Serve. New routines, habits and fresh ideas about what you give the world show up in out of the blue ways. It’s a powerful time to take full control of your mind to captivate it’s best, and believe that learning takes you places where it be on your passport or the philosophical places, that aim high.

Sagittarius: You have been sensing magical illumination at your fingertips when it comes to your creativity. Intense and unexpected eccentric energy surging where I Create, has you in incredible breakthroughs. Children or “brain children” feel playful. Take these flashes and know you can earn with them, and these will, by a seemingly stroke of luck, improve your wealth.

Capricorn: Work hard and clean your house Dear Goat. The home environment calls for your perfectionism. Focus equally upon your family life, and what I Nurture. When you have the déjà vu experiences, listen carefully. Life’s been a river of regeneration, but you really now how to bring in the understanding to make the long-term changes necessary to move forward.

Aquarius: Make sure you are writing down those out of this world ideas streaming from your thinking Water Bearer, for they are not to be missed! Inventions and original ways enjoy improving your sense of how I Communicate. Plan a short trip now if you are not already on one. It’s a powerful inner world for you right now, and you’ll find you’ll fortunately serve others with it.

Pisces: A new sense of values, personal possessions and the solidarity of what I Have, Dear Fishes, you are in the mood to earn more with your dollars. Fresh and seemingly unexpected energy is ready make some new changes. When you find power in what you hope and wish for, you’ll discover what you can create will be in the right place at the right time to make it all so.

Other Need To Knows About What The New Moon Means For You

Moon enters Aries How Our Feelings Find Motivation
29 March, 9:54pm EDT to 01 April, 1:20am EDT
Engage: courage, moderation, patience, forethought, humility, enthusiasm, assertiveness
Avoid: restlessness, disobedience, aggression, conflict, anger, selfishness

New Moon When Our Feelings Find Initiation
30 March, 2:45pm EST, 10 degrees Aries
Consciously Aim For: Leadership
Waning Phase: 10 degrees Aries to 25 degrees Libra
Energy initiates and builds within this half of your Zodiac Pie throughout 15 April.

Moon Void of Course Time To Remain in Reflection
4:07pm EDT 31 March to 1:20am EDT 01 April
Moon VOC: When the Moon makes its’ last major aspect to a planet before entering the next sign, it is a recognized time that strongly advises us to not be in forward motion nor make any important decisions for the future. Remember, these are extremely important to note all month long. Whatever transpires under any Moon VOC, even from the simple items we may purchase, is well known to have “nothing become of it.” As we welcome our first waxing moon of Spring, as our New Aries Moon sextiles Venus in Aquarius at 24 degrees, we will be asked to hold off and remain in reflection and review until it enters Taurus later that same day. Moon Void of Courses always favor inner work.

10 The Wheel of Fortune A Karmic Mystery To Unravel
This Waxing Moon is the fifth and final calling than began upon the last New Moon in Sagittarius in 2013 (02 December) to really tap into your talent to imagine and then ordain what it is that you truly want within your new beginnings. Now it is an interesting reflection to look at the Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, and now Aries entire block within your personal Zodiac wheel. As this theme has continued month to month -from where the mutable fire of The Archer aims now to where the cardinal fire energy of The Ram leads- all these areas of your life are now activated in stellar energies within well-imagined initiations. However, as the Chaldeans so profoundly understood about the energy of the 10, if discipline was not part of the imagining picture here, then dominion simply cannot occur. As our ancient ones saw the very symbols of this combination of numbers, to be that “of LOve and LIght, which create all that can be imagined, and also contains the code: Image 10 Ordain. Image it and it shall be. Ordain it and it will materialize.”  Wisdom must accompany the plans that are envisioned at this time, because otherwise, the wheels of fortune just might pass you by.

This lunar energy grants us a bit of a “preview” of coming attractions associated with the Grand Cardinal Cross that will align in our Leadership signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn upon the dates 20 to 22 April. Minus Mars, our New Moon in Aries conjunct Uranus, connects in close squaring off energies to Jupiter in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn. These three separate areas of life may naturally experience some unexpected tensions between them. This will be a time when you will want to avoid the resistance, and start to understand the true structure that is being asked to form between these areas of your life wherein, you naturally exhibit leadership skills. The old ways of life are meant to crumble down the tired ways of being, so that as we conclude April, we start to see a entirely new foundation build back up.

Lunar-O-Scope, 10 April 2013

NEW Moon in Aries, 10 April, 5:35am EDT

The Power of Peace

As this first New Moon of Spring in Aries kicks off, it is the divine time to welcome a NEW energy where The Ram takes charge of your life! The collective’s emotions receive dynamic and poised direction in the sign that pioneers and sparks true beginnings with the assistance of motivating Mars and the gracious joys of Venus. An absolutely active and keen instinct in the next two weeks strikes up to bring profound balance back into our lives.

Moon enters Aries,
3:02pm EDT 08 April to 11:22pm EDT 10 March

As the “planet party” has now been pleasing this area of the Zodiac skies, Aries lunar energy is wise to beware of restless, challenging, militant, and disobedient forces that may arise. When self-willed energies are around, it is easy to gravitate to unbalanced, aggressive, and hasty tendencies. While a strong sense of individuality and assertiveness mark any passage within The Ram, the cultivation of moderation, patience, forethought, and humility brings success.

Moon Void of Course
12:25pm EDT to 11:22pm EDT 10 April

Moon VOC is the passage in where the Moon makes its’ last major aspect to a planet before entering the next sign. In essence, it is a time that is well advised to not take up in forward motion nor important decisions for the future. As our Aries Moon conjuncts Venus at 24 degrees Aries, spending time in reflection and review is favored until it enters Taurus.

New Moon, 10 April, 5:35am EDT, 20 degrees
This lunation in Aries brings forth a pure awakening presence as easily aroused feelings take charge with The Ram, coupled with the ability to see both sides of the issues at hand. The first New Moon since our Messenger went Direct back in March- we can now embrace this time as our emotions welcome a fresh feeling, propelling us ever forward within our Springs. With these initiations embarking in the driving energies of Aries -the sign that consciously aims for leadership- the collective is really ready to take on a fearless approach. Gravitating to a true understanding of motivating peace from this powerful lunation will be vital under this first waxing period of Spring.

For the Collective
We have a most precious alignment upon this lunation from many directions to reap our emotional rewards. Looking to the 20 degree initiation point, we find the Chaldeans’ promise of The Awakening, which was also viewed as ‘The Judgment.’ “It has a peculiar interpretation, and is symbolized as “a winged angel, sounding a trumpet, while from below, a man, woman, and child are seen arising from a tomb, with their hands clasped in prayer.” At some time in the experience of the person or entity represented by the number 20, there is a powerful awakening, bringing in a new purpose, new plans, new ambitions- the call to action for some great cause or ideal. “

This New Moon is equally guided by the close conjunction of Mars and Venus, who are both at 22 and 23 degrees Aries respectively. As we take the time to place out intentions properly until the Moon VOC kicks off, we can not ask for a more exciting alignment form our planetary skies above down here below. The motivation to find peaceful means to understand what our new beginning are mean to be speaks loud and clear as not only energized but harmonious feelings will be bursting out shouting the joys of Spring wherever The Ram affects our lives.

Lunar-O-Scope, New Moon in Aries, 10 April 2013

For the collective horoscope, again we offer some simple advice for every sign from the outer vantage point. Remember if you know your Rising Sign (Ascendant), read that passage too, for it typically will apply to your personal charts’ advice. However, it is the awareness and mathematical analysis of the individual birth chart that will point to the accuracy of how the current planetary landscape affects you.

For the true astrology buffs, be sure to check the Aries House, in particular where the 20-degree Aries spot in your natal birth chart lives. (A natal birth chart is determined from the time of birth, which allows a more in-depth look to equally see where some pondering is ideally meant to unfold in how the planets uniquely affect you.) Whether the collective or individual vantage point, these are the areas of life that call for you to bring forth initiation and beginnings within the next two weeks to follow. Properly embracing the new and gathering up in these areas until the next Full Moon upon 25 April will plant energies in place for future use.

Aries: Mighty Rams, when was the last time you actually sat still? Be ready for some more stirring feelings to ignite your normal pioneering approach, and all that “I Am” to continue at a rapid pace. You’ll find you are more than headstrong to activate the self anew. The birth that you are feeling can not be denied, so be sure to take the courageous route to allow the world to see you differently, as it anticipates the completed new mask you are getting ready to unveil.

Taurus: New self-discoveries are abound where “I Process” which now unfolds even more deeply from within as you continue your ongoing solitary journey. The spiritual, subconscious realms, and the psychological make-ups of life call to you to really get away from what you normally like to touch and feel, so don’t be stubborn. Dream analysis is marvelous at this time to bridge the gap to your waking world, and it has marvelous motivating harmony to share.

Gemini: You’ve been fueled recently where “I Socialize” within friendships and groups, and now there are more new connections to be made here. Fresh beginnings within organizations await to find you so don’t remain in the split. Do not deny that unexpected invitation to get out in the world, as it will open up an original way to break through any apparent barriers that, in the end, propel your hopes, dreams and wishes to heights you can genuinely depend upon.

Cancer: Are you having fun reaping the harvest, stability, and reward within your career and public life? Tap into your intuition all little bit more to continue to discover more in regards to promoting or starting a new business, or, for a nice recognition to come your way in regards to how “I Structure” in the life. Remember your view upon authority also looks for new avenues to be better understood, and is completely able respond to this with wisdom, patience and calm.

Leo: Inspiration has already been fueling the path to how your philosophies and educational pursuits are expanding where “I Believe.” Taking a trip outside of the forest, Lion? You are about to find more ways to broaden your view of the world at large. With all of this excitement stirring your spiritual expressions and ability to teach the world what you innately know, you best be ready to continue to shine in the light upon that stage that you are so comfortable upon.

Virgo: If you are still shy about your wealth, securities and investments, do tell that DOUBT please DO BUT OUT BUD. The planet power here at present promises you are undergoing an intense metamorphosis that is purifying you from the very core. Feeling sexy continues to welcome the regenerating discoveries where “I Transform.” Other people’s money is also easily able to assist you, as well as possessing the innate know change has beckoned beautifully.

Libra: Your partnerships have more than been on your mind lately, from your romantic ties to business contacts. The new and the old connections over this waxing period are of special importance to your future. Let in the friendly spark that is igniting as you tip those scales and bring balance back to what you love to do best: express the means of how “I Relate,” awakening a insightful understanding you weren’t ready nor allowed to see fully until now.

Scorpio: Keep tapping into those regenerative powers, because they are right on in feeling they are ready to bring forth more improvements to your health and all the ways you find that deep satisfaction in the area of where “I Serve.” New routines and habits come your way, and fresh ideas about how to bring your service to the world keep on perpetuating and driving you to make awakening changes. It is the perfect time for new pets, or get happy with the ones you have.

Sagittarius: Fire is always alive and well for you in all of its’ forms, and you surely have been sensing magical illumination at your fingertips when it comes to your creativity. As you are experiencing the intense energy surging where “I Create,” you see more incredible breakthroughs. Your playful feelings equally love contact with children. “Brain children” or offspring equally wish to be on your stage, and these bring peaceful feelings you can rely upon.

Capricorn: Have you already stopped working to shift to clean your house Dear Goat? Your home environment calls for more of your toil and perfectionism. More than likely you have been choosing to ponder here with equal focus upon your family life, all of what “I Nurture.” Not to get too psychic, but do not ignore those déjà vu experiences. There is a sense of calm that enters to align you in a way you have not be able to relate to in quite some time, so enjoy the harmony.

Aquarius: Enjoying the ongoing channel streaming from your thinking Water Bearer? Be ready for more inventions and original ways you always enjoy improving your sense of how “I Communicate.” Take time to plan a short trip now if you are not already on one. Experiences with neighbors and siblings grant fresh perspectives. The dynamic development of your mentality is so super charged, you best be prepared to write an entire book about it for the world to read.

Pisces: The Fishes currently swim in the waters to a new sense of values while also taking stock of personal possessions- the solidarity of what “I Have.” You are in the mood to ponder deeply about how you earn your dollars. A new channel to flow from begins to show its face, granting security you can rely upon. With all of this excitement stirring your sea of possibilities, it will be best to take time in that SILENT LISTEN so you do not miss any of the intuition speaking here.

Lunar-O-Scope, New Moon in Aries

22 March
10:37am EDT

Wielding the Warrior

As Mercury Retrogrades at 0 degrees Aries, it is still time to welcome a NEW energy where The Ram takes charge of your life! The collective’s emotions receive direction in the sign that pioneers and sparks true beginnings as we simultaneously engage in what’s moving in our lives with communicative reflection. An active and keen instinct in the next two weeks strikes up, but it will be best to proceed with caution.

Moon enters Aries,
Thursday 22 March at 5:57am EDT until Saturday, 24 March at 5:43pm EDT
Especially as our Messenger Retrogrades here at 0 degrees Aries on the tipping point of the entire Zodiac, Aries energy is wise to beware of restless, challenging, militant, and disobedient forces that may arise. When self-willed energies are around, it is easy to gravitate to unbalanced, aggressive, and hasty tendencies. While a strong sense of individuality and assertiveness mark any Aries passage, the cultivation of moderation, patience, forethought, and humility brings success.

New Moon, 22 March, 10:37am EDT, 02 degrees
This lunation in Aries brings forth independence as easily aroused feelings take charge with The Ram. As our mentalities here recharge further, we still can embrace this time of the month as our emotions welcome a fresh feel. When our New Moon embarks in the driving energies of Aries -the sign that consciously aims for leadership- the collective is really ready to take on a fearless approach. Gravitating to a true Warrior understanding will be vital under this first waxing period of Spring.

For the Collective
Expect the unexpected Uranus is also in the mix of The Ram’s energies just over at 04 degrees, so full attention to remaining in the response verses the reaction brings further understanding to our outcomes here. Spring has also officially begun as Venus and Jupiter bring harmony to Taurus under Mercury Retrograde- which may see its’ fair share of delays to feeling like it is truly bursting until our Messenger goes Direct in April. This New Moon also is not easily met as it- along with the Sun and Uranus all inconjunct both Mars Rx at 06 degrees Virgo and Saturn Rx at 27 degrees Libra. Look to these areas of the life for possible resistance.

Be sure to check the 02 degrees Aries House, in your personal birth chart to see where a new energy is urging to unfold. An initiation in the next two weeks to follow will sow the seeds that you plant in this section of your Zodiac pie until the next Full Moon upon 06 April. Remember, however, what is new here really gets it’s optimal chance to shine once Mercury returns to Direct Motion 04 April. Under the Shadow, Mercury will come forward over 02 degrees Aries upon 19 April, so note how movement and communication speaks here by this time.

Lunar-O-Scope, New Moon in Aries, 22 March 2012
For the collective horoscope, again we offer some simple advice for every sign from the outer vantage point. Remember, if you know your Rising Sign (Ascendant), read that passage too, for it typically will apply to your personal charts’ advice.  Always remember, it is the full mathematical analysis of the individual birth chart that truly indicates how the current planetary energies are uniquely affecting you. 

Aries: Mighty Rams, heads up. Get ready for some exciting and stirring feelings to ignite your normal pioneering approach, and all that “I am” already under review. Now don’t be headstrong- truly take this time to re-activate the self. You may see tension from intimate relationships, co-workers and your sense of serving others. Rise up above it all, and the world will wait to see you differently, as it anticipates the completed new mask you are getting ready to unveil.

Taurus: Prepare for a new self-discovery within how “I process” to unfold deep from within as you continue upon your ongoing solitary journey. The spiritual, subconscious realms, and the psychological make-ups of life call to you to really get away from what you normally like to touch and feel, so don’t be stubborn. Resistance may try to emerge from co-workers, your sense of routine and the creative nature. Dream analysis is marvelous at this time to bridge your worlds.

Gemini: In the realms of how “I socialize” within friendships and groups, there are new connections to be made here. You are already in review of your part within organizations so don’t remain in the split. Things feel in a divide with what you can create and on the home front somehow. Accept that possible unexpected invitation to get out in the world, and it will open up an unexpected way to break through the barriers that, in the end, are only within your mind.

Cancer: So are you having fun reassessing the harvest, stability, and reward within your career and public life? Tap into your intuition about what can be rediscovered in regards to promoting or starting a new business, or, for a nice recognition to come your way in regards to how “I structure” in the life. The home, family life and your ways of thinking seem to cause some unrest. Remember your view to authority also looks for cleansing, and can respond to this responsibly.

Leo: Inspiration has already been refueling the path to how your philosophies and educational pursuits are expanding. Taking a trip outside of the forest, Lion? Though wise to proceed with caution under Mercury Rx- take one, or at least find ways to broaden your view of the world at large. Your thinking/mentalities and earning power may not see as eye to eye as you’d prefer, and here in lies the challenge, to remain positive and optimistic about changing what “I believe.”

Virgo: Don’t be shy about your securities and investments, for it has been the time to reflect here, but don’t make ultimate decisions in this area until Mercury is Direct again. With all the planet power here at present you are undergoing an intense metamorphosis that may find some resistance from how your approaches are changing while having to be patient with your earning power. Feeling sexy continues to welcome the discoveries that show you how “I transform.”

Libra: Your partnerships are more than on your mind lately, from your romantic ties to business contacts. You’ll find the new and the old connections over this waxing period are of special importance to your future. Avoid signing anything legally binding until after 04 April. You may find you toy between your inner world and your first impressions. However, a friendly spark ignites as you reflect upon ways to bring balance to what you love to do best in how “I relate.”

Scorpio: Keep tapping into those regenerative powers, because they are right on in feeling they are ready to bring forth more improvement to your health and all the ways you find that deep satisfaction in the area of “I serve.” There are new routines and habits coming your way. Somehow, your world of solitude may seem a little “off” but pay extra close attention to those dreams. Should tensions fly with a friend, don’t give the deadly sting, choose to soar above it.

Sagittarius: Fire is alive for you in all of its’ forms, and you surely have been sensing magical illumination at your fingertips when it comes to your creativity. As you are reviewing the intense energy surging where “I create” -you see a break-though. Your playful feelings equally love contact with children. “Brain children” or offspring equally wish to be on your stage. You may sense tension in aligning it all with your public image and groups, so choose one focus at a time.

Capricorn: Have you stopped working already to shift to cleaning your house Dear Goat? Your home environment has been calling for your toil and perfectionism. More than likely you have been choosing to ponder here, especially reassessments, with equal focus upon your family life, all of what “I nurture.” Not to get too psychic, but do not ignore any déjà vu experiences. These may communicate something expected about your career and requirement of higher learning.

Aquarius: Enjoying the ongoing review in your thinking Water Bearer? Be ready for more inventions and original ways you always enjoy improving your sense of how “I communicate.” If you take time to plan a short trip now or if you are already on one, just keep Mercury’s current changes in mind. Neighbors and siblings draw to you now. Don’t resist what you should not believe in anymore, as well as the regenerative request that is purging within you from the core.

Pisces: The Fishes currently swim in the waters of review to a renewed sense of values while taking stock of personal possessions- the solidarity of what “I have.” You are in the mood to redo and reorganize in how you earn your dollars. A new channel to flow from begins to show its face, granting security to lock in later. Still thinking you shouldn’t be seeing all the transformation around you? Go with the course of change, and remember to be peaceful in your relationships.

LUNAR-O-SCOPE, NEW Moon in Aries, 2010

NEW Moon in Aries
14 April, 8:29am EDT

Our Moon now catches up with the enthusiasm of our Sun! A NEW Moon in Aries brings forth independent and easily aroused feelings as our Lunar Light takes charge with The Ram, Monday 12 April at 9:31am EDT until Wednesday, 14 April at 6:55pmEDT.

Embrace this time of the month as our emotions welcome all anew. When our New Moon embarks in the driving energies of Aries -the sign that consciously aims for leadership- the collective is ready to really take on a fearless approach. Fire is Aries elemental influence, so something igniting is definitely meant to spark- as our Moon starts once more at the very beginning of the Zodiac wheel in alignment with our Sun.

Aries energy must beware of restless, challenging, militant, and disobedient forces that may arise. When self-willed energies are around, it is easy to gravitate to unbalanced, aggressive, and hasty tendencies. While a strong sense of individuality and assertiveness mark any Aries passage, it is the cultivation of moderation, patience, forethought, and humility are wise to adhere to.

Be sure to check the Aries House, in particular the 24-degree Aries spot, in your personal birth chart to see where a new energy is ideally meant to unfold. This is the area of life that requests an initiation in the next two weeks to follow. Seeds that you plant in this section of your Zodiac pie until the next Full Moon upon 28 April are bound to reap a rich harvest further down the road.

However, keep the following in the back of your astrological thinking cap. This New Moon period no sooner starts as we enter the second Mercury Retrograde Period of 2010 upon 18 April. So, amidst those RE’s during Mercury’s offering for REflection, be in the awareness of what may begin anew will see a regrouping after Mercury return to Direct Motion upon 11 May. More to come on Mercury’s backward “tricks” by the 18th!

For the collective horoscope, again we offer some simple advice for every sign from the outer vantage point. Remember, if you know your Rising Sign (Ascendant), read that passage too, for it typically will apply to your personal charts’ advice. Always remember, it is full mathematical analysis of the individual birth chart that truly indicates how the current planetary energies are uniquely affecting you.

LUNAR-O-SCOPE, New Moon in Aries, 2010

Aries: It’s your month Mighty Rams to put on a fresh new face. Get ready for some exciting and stirring feelings that take on your normal pioneering approach. Just make sure your not too headstrong! (Remember any time the Moon is in our Sun Sign we should be extra cautious in matters of health) We all know you tend to dive in without thinking at times, so take this time to re-activate the self. The world is ready for those changes you’ve been working on recently, and is anxious to see the complete new mask you are now ready to unveil.

Taurus: It’s not the easiest place for the Bull to go, on that dive into those inner places in your life. Yet, there is a new self-discovery you are about to unfold. The spiritual, subconscious realms, and the psychological make-ups of life call to you to really get away from what you normally like to touch and feel, so don’t be stubborn. There is an inner beauty you are meant to touch base with, and it will help you channel your innate virtue of patience all the more if you let it.

Gemini: You might think you already have enough friendships, but there are more people you are meant to discover a connection with Mini Gem. If there is a group or cause you’ve been thinking about joining, don’t remain split, the time is now to fit it into your mutable schedule. You always love conversation, but you’ve been especially friendly since Spring opened its’ doors. Accept that possible unexpected invitation to socialize, for there is equal mental satisfaction you’ll gain from attending.

Cancer: There is some harvest, stability, and reward finding you in the career and public life, so this is no time to be crabby! In fact, it’s a fantastic time to promote or start a new business, or, expect a nice recognition to come your way if you’ve done your proper legwork to receive it. How you view your relationship to authority may also take on a new direction you’ve not been responsible to up till now.

Leo: Inspiration is fueling that new path you’ve already been taking your philosophies since Spring began. Need to take a trip outside of the forest Lion? This is a prime time to plan one, take one, or find ways to broaden your view of the world at large. Take this opportunity to keep igniting your urges to expand, but be sure you are taking the lead as you find some new educational pursuits that whole-heartedly serve you.

Virgo: Don’t be shy about your securities and investments, now is the time to make decisions about any changes, but make sure your choices are made with all those details at hand, and before the 18 April! There is a surge of transformation that finds completion, and there’s no doubt you’re renewed in ways like never before. You’ve been feeling sexy oh innocent Virgin all Spring, so welcome this excitement and see what discoveries still await you.

Libra: Your partnerships have been on your mind more than usual lately, from your romantic ties to business contacts. You’ll find the people you connect with over this waxing period are of special importance to your future endeavors. Be aware of the upcoming Mercury Retrograde if you should be signing anything legally binding with anyone. There is definitely a friendly spark you ignite as you now encounter new ways to find balance in doing what you love to do best: relating to others.

Scorpio: Tap into those regenerative powers, because you know you’ve been feeling they are now ready to bring improvement to your health and all the ways you find that deep satisfaction when being of service. There’s a new routine you should strive to implement now. Should there be any urges to expand your relationships with a pet, you may find yourself looking for that perfect match.

Sagittarius: You love fire in all of its’ forms, and now you’ll find you have all sorts of illumination at your fingertips when it comes your creativity. There is an intense leading energy behind whatever your current project involves. You’ve already been feeling playful, especially loving any contacts with children. “Brain children” or your offspring equally want to captivate your attention now. Your arrows find a true direction to be aimed, as you take a creative adventure to the next level.

Capricorn: Stop working and get to cleaning your house Dear Goat! Your home environment desires your toil and perfectionism. Since Spring got here you have been thinking about what needs to be worked on, and now is the time to get them done, with equal focus upon your family life. It’s not like you to get too psychic, yet you are meant to take note of any déjà vu experiences, whose channels are open and ready for you to receive their important messages now.

Aquarius: You got a whole new way of thinking going on Water Bearer. This is a fabulous time to further those inventions and original ways you always enjoy improving your mental capacity. Take time to plan a short trip now if you aren’t already on one. There is a total new direction your prophetic mind takes, and it’s meant to show a vision probably only you will understand. This fresh way of thinking has been looking forward to finding you, so it can be brought to life.

Pisces: As much as you love the past Dear Fishes, there is a different course you’re in the mood for now to bring a renewed sense of values while take stock of your personal possessions. How you earn your dollars may find a new channel to flow from. Your sense of security has been in your mind’s eye as of late, and now you truly take the time to explore these waters. You may find yourself making an impulsive purchase- but this will open up an important outlet for change.