LunarOScopes, 21 June Solar Eclipse & New Moon, Let’s Carefully Begin

Humanity’s Awaited Awakening to Rebirth

Solar Eclipse & New Moon in Cancer

2:41amEDT, 21 June, Let’s Carefully Begin & Initiate

Waxing Phases favor actions involving planting anew and moving forward, as energy increases throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie from 0 degrees Cancer, and waxes through Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius until the next Full Moon at 13 degrees Capricorn -paired up with a Lunar Eclipse- arrives 05 July 2020. This first New Moon of Summer, sixth for 2020 and our new decade falls within the sign that consciously aims for emotional unfoldment, with plenty of accountability for humanity to accept as more of the year’s awakening doors to the unexpected truth are revealed. As Venus Retrograde in Gemini has already been in play since 13 May, Mercury Retrograde in Cancer also just engaged upon 18 June. While we will notice information channeling in concerning what’s new, our ability to immediately take action upon it asks us to carefully watch our moves and important decisions. We are absolutely and undeniably heralded to honor sincere reflection to allow the reframing of the energies that have previously existed. 

Our Solar Eclipse at 0 degrees Cancer is the most intense emotional activation of 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected, now seeking our humanitarian response to surrender to rebirth. The collective calling becomes undeniably informed that the catalyst of the not going away anytime soon coronavirus is here as our absolute teacher. As we remain reachable, a potent reset button is fully pressed for our world economy, collapsing healthcare systems, lifestyle shifts, employment sectors, education matters, entertainment luxuries, law enforcement, political arenas or any entity across the globe that has previously stood with no viable solution being presented in order to genuinely resolve the existing issues within it. 

We find via astrology’s wisdom, that metamorphosis is absolutely necessary right now, and especially as we conclude 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected ride, to sort out all the myriad of confusion and grief as unprecedented and uncertain times continue to harrow the entire world across the board. We are absolutely beckoned to remain open to transforming our emotional bank accounts to connect fully with our feelings and above all else, intuition within the Cancer area of our life to engage it with a well-developed and active imagination. As our free will embraces concern versus the hamster wheel of worry, our responses while avoiding apprehensive, timid and indolent reactions, we can navigate more of our mothering, domesticated and awakening beginnings with success versus getting caught up in moodiness and overwhelming outcomes. 

Our Cancer slice of life seeks for us to grab on to sympathetic, shrewd, sensitive and cherishing energy to work through what needs source energy attention to now engage in strength to protect the promise of Becoming Friends With Simplification. While Venus Retrograde in Gemini’s extreme calling to unite in Heart Intelligence will end its’ reflective calling by 25 June, Mercury Retrograde in Cancer will continue to seek our important practice of taking a SILENT LISTEN until 12 July. Especially as well for the majority of America, remaining Sheltered in Place becomes all the more critical to do, as it was absolutely astrologically promised places like America would be in critical shape with cases rising far out of control at this time. Check out valuable Elearning to embrace for calming Venus Rx, Mercury Rx and the Eclipse Season’s intense energies! 

This Cancer Solar Eclipse and New Moon is deeply involved with our planet of responsibility and accountability, Saturn, whom is also Retrograde at 0 degrees Aquarius. This 150 degree apart alignment is certainly an extremely tricky one in astrology known as the inconjunct or quincunx. It is due to the fact that Cancer and Aquarius have absolutely nothing in common to find amicable agreement upon. Cancer leads while Aquarius organizes, and the water and air elemental guidance respectively are also on two separate plains of life, equally not able to fully understand where the other is coming from. The emotions within Cancer triggering from a New Moon and Solar Eclipse do not know exactly what to do with the intellectual and scientific Aquarius energy where Saturn is demanding that humanity wakes up to learn their lesson now or his fatherly presence will bellow. 

A secondary influence that also makes this Cancer Solar Eclipse and New Moon so intense is the wider inconjunct/quincunx it makes to both Jupiter Retrograde and Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn, whom are at 25 and 24 degrees, respectively. Once again while most New Moons and especially Solar Eclipses promise good tidings and powerful change -under all the other inner planet Retrograde activity, as it aspects two other outer planets also in Retrograde- we have the biggest story of reflection upon our human hands to read before all can amicably move forward. We must deeply accept there is no going back to what once was, for we now officially enter the other side of how 2020’s Awakening the Unexpected experience will bring down the EARTH HEART Shift house for the remainder of the year. The out of alignment energy forming between Cancer and Capricorn presents all the more disturbances to sort out between economic securities and all power systems across the globe, which are forever changing into a new norm, which we still do not fully understand what that exactly looks like, quite yet. 

Humanity’s Awaited Awakening to Rebirth

Soul Homework for 21 June’s Cancer Solar Eclipse & New Moon 

This waxing phase through 05 July 2020 (and through the remainder of 2020) asks us to tune in to a genuine silent listen to properly perceive and become the nurturer of rebirth wherever The Crab consciously aims for emotional unfoldment within our lives. Taking time to write down our intentions especially in the tense of “I NURTURE” allows us to properly ground our energy and proclaim it accordingly. Many new moon rituals favor taking a red pen to write things down, roll up the paper, tie it up with a red string, and place it in a metal box. You can place appropriate gemstones that will assist your intentions in the box. Working with moonstones, emeralds and pearls are wonderful that resonate and open the doors for our emotional and nurturing space to be embraced, for this waxing phase concerning 2020’s calling to simplify across the board. Remember New Moons are a time to call in energy into our lives -and coupled with the Solar Eclipse- it is intensified tenfold throughout the close of this year. Remaining open to what is new, albeit, this one is undeniably colored with the equal callings for careful consideration until both Venus Retrograde in Gemini and Mercury Retrograde have both completed their reflection requests.

Please Join Between the Worlds’ Adam Bernstein for a Zoom Complimentary Solar Eclipse & New Moon Meditation on ZOOM 7pmEDT/4pmPDT 19 June

Our Summer Season’s first New Moon. 2020’s 1st Solar Eclipse. Where will you be prepared to honor Humanity’s Awaited Awakening to Rebirth, Dear Star?

ARIES: It is time to carefully focus upon the new equally honoring reflection with how I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. Everything concerning your future goals and directions concerning friends, groups and social scenes are deeply involved in intense responsibilities. You are powerfully awakening to nourish your life more intuitively, starting right at home concerning those you love and care for the most, as you balance out your career matters simultaneously.

TAURUS: It is time to carefully focus upon the new equally honoring reflection with how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, short trips, siblings and neighbors. You are resetting the bar as well within your vocational life, which requires your ultimate accountability as you are seen in the public eye and where you are most recognized and respected. Awakening to what the truth really means to you must be honored as you remain reachable and teachable to work with stabler belief systems. 

GEMINI: It is time to carefully focus upon the new equally honoring reflection with what I Have, relating to your income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. Listen for intuitive ways your philosophies and willingness to be educated wish to engage with you to stand in a more responsible sense of your truth. Make sure you do thorough research before making important decisions concerning your overall state of wealth, as you are experiencing a rebirth that regenerates you from the very core of who you are.

CANCER: It is time to carefully focus upon the new equally honoring reflection with who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. Your self-confidence seeks to work with your core source energy so that you can allow a complete transformation to unfold for the entire scope upon your life. Welcoming new approaches to your life equally allows you to experience your partnerships in a more stable way, as well as establish after further reflection, which legal agreements to move forward with.

LEO: It is time to carefully focus upon the new equally honoring reflection where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work, your subconscious and dream state. Addressing inner self-work unlocks what direct responsibilities you need to make surrounding your closest relationships and any legalities at your midst. This time to retreat connects further dots to how very much your lifestyle must make it’s most accountable changes now to not only serve your habits better, but serve yourself and others like never before. 

VIRGO: It is time to carefully focus upon the new equally honoring reflection where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. As a distinct calling also is transforming your abilities to be of service, how you once thought you were meant to serve others now reveals different directions. Your children and creative manifestations must be a part of these important decisions that ask you to be reachable and teachable to be able to work in full dedication with your heart space.

LIBRA: It is time to carefully focus upon the new equally honoring reflection where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. Trust you are in the midst of finding more accountability and especially wisdom in how you creatively engage upon the stage of your life and any connections you have to children. Your home and family life also calls to add to your current responsibilities which command you continue to patiently learn from the experiences they are teaching you.

SCORPIO: It is time to carefully focus upon the new equally honoring reflection with what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. As your beliefs carefully step into new arenas, your home front is not left out of the conversation that asks you serious questions about how to nurture it all for the better. This takes more than a patient mindset to work through the changes in play, yet as you think more responsibly than you ever have before, you find resolve.

SAGITTARIUS: It is time to carefully focus upon the new equally honoring reflection where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. Be certain that you will not return to former ways of outdated living as rebirth is equally working to reframe your entire mindset and communications across the board. As you understand more about the value of your earning power which is in equal strong grips of change, it is only your accountability that will plant the most secure new seeds.

CAPRICORN: It is time to carefully focus upon the new equally honoring reflection where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. While you may be feeling this new paradigm is undeniably affecting your income and value system overall, be resilient that your innate patience is the only way through to align in new ways of sounder security. There is no question the world is looking to you to take the lead as you do so by example, emerging the new responsible you. 

AQUARIUS: It is time to carefully focus upon the new equally honoring reflection where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical health. Remember you are experiencing profound lifestyle shifts which will never return you again to the same routines you once had before. You will find rewards when you choose to spend diligent time just being with yourself, and honoring the value that a SILENT LISTEN holds so that you can process your past, and move forward with accountability to serve.

PISCES: It is time to carefully focus upon the new equally honoring reflection where I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Your innate ability of intuition asks you to retreat away from the world to take important time to release old karmic energies you no longer need to carry forward. This assists you to work more wisely with your future goals, choose your friends and social scenes the very same, as you recognize your hopes and wishes have become simplified.

Let’s talk! What does your Personal Forecast say for this Cancer Solar Eclipse & New Moon from your natal chart? LEARN MORE & SCHEDULE YOUR VENUS & MERCURY RETROGRADE READING!

BOOK NOW. Schedule your private session with Sharita! Equally learn about a new service Simply Spirit & Star Sessions.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly empowerment and timing tips. Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance, especially when you choose to shop under Shelter in Place.

Wishing You and Yours Continued Safety & Protection Always, Dear Star.

Let’s Spell Out the Truth via Lexigrams of SOLAR ECLIPSE