LunarOScope, 06 November, Let’s Release


Full Moon in Taurus, 06 November, 5:23pm EST
Where Will You Feel Release and Conclusions?

What Are You Feeling? Know Your Point of Attraction
The Law of Attraction promises if you are not feeling good, you won’t think all too well either to be able to manifest the life you wish to see through belief. As we look to our Lunar Lady -who is astrologically in charge from up above of the possibilities our human emotions and feelings will channel down here below- she provides us with the perfect advice. Our Moon changes Zodiac Signs every couple of days, and so too do our changing feelings match these precise patterns. Lunar energy peaks through what begins or releases every New and Full Moon, and as we focus upon where these cycles unfold in our individual lives, a natural rhythm is ours to align in.

Full Moons & Waning Phases Time To Reflect and Relax
Do you know your Sun Sign?
Read on where you are favored to naturally allow the space to let go from this area of your life. Remember with all Full Moons as they start another Waning Phase, this two-week time frame until our next New Moon 22 November extremely favors review and redo while we equally conclude the shadow of our recent Mercury Retrograde passage. As we arrive at a New Moon in Taurus within 6 months, what is concluding now will make the ultimate space for new seeds to be planted here later on.

What’s Your Birthchart Say? Reading for Your Rising Sign/Ascendant
Always consult a professional astrologer to determine the accurate analysis of your individual natal chart, determined from your time and place of birth. Knowing the specific area of life where 14 degrees Taurus is placed in your personal zodiac pie, precisely points to a deeper view of where further reflection and conclusions are calling to you. Do you have any natal planets placed near 14 degree points that are activated by this lunation? Your natal charts’ advice provides the intimate perspective, which works directly with your Sun Sign’s LunarOScope read.

Waning Moons and Moon Void of Courses
Favored “timeouts” within our regular routines
The number one rule of thumb under a waning moon cycle is to carefully monitor anything beginning in the life -and as the natural Moon Void of Course passages occur- the request to remain in review of our lives is even more heightened, as a “double layer cake” of reflection is favored. Be mindful of when the Moon goes Void of Course every couple days during our business and work week especially- as these times mark the request of taking up in our solitude and engaging in quieter soul activities. Check in with Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for all Moon Void of Course times.

Reminder: Shadow of Mercury Retrograde 04 to 25 October
The request to review, reflect and redo since 01 July’s actions.
Mercury is our planet who guides over our communications, thinking, mentality and movement of any kind. During his most recent Retrograde cycle, his backtracking through the Zodiac created those natural interruptions, rerouting and flux within our schedules- where having our back-up plans ready to go was always recommended as we anticipated change.  The Shadow passage from 25 October to 10 November offers us the opportunity to remedy and correct anything that might have been made in error under the retrograde passage. As our focus shifts from the request to review, redo and reflect -the green light to take action once again says go, albeit under our natural waning phase through 22 November, we are wise to still proceed with caution.
Approach Began:  14 Sept
Shadow Ends: 10 Nov

ARIES: It’s time to release what I Have.
Direct yourself to changes within your values, taking stock of your personal possessions and how you earn your dollars. A worn-out sense of security is free to release here now- clearing out clutter in the home is ideal- but do shop now for bargains. All in all, this activity is pleased you recognize it is time for equal and necessary changes to arrive in your career and public life.

TAURUS: It’s time to release who I Am.
Release tired and weary approaches to your life, and allow the world to see a revised you. There is a silent listen here that requires your innate patience. Avoid surgery over this lunation, and take true time to focus upon you to re-activate the self. If an educational or travel pursuit finds you, pay close attention, for this is an important part of altering what you believe for the better.

GEMINI: It’s time to release where I Process.
Unite the energies within those unseen places and deeper ideas where the spiritual, subconscious realms, and the psychological make-ups of life call.  Quiet your chatty self, and take some cherished time in solitude. Your nighttime dreams are primed to relate intuitive clues about your waking world, which completes another transformation process involving your state of wealth.

CANCER: It’s time to release where I Socialize.
Go with your gut and focus upon reexamining your hopes and wishes. If a group, friends or cause no longer works -don’t remain in your shell- release what no longer needs your charity or nurturing. Accept the unexpected invitation to socialize, yet still listen intently, observing others. There is a key one on one relationship here that will peak your interest to become familiar with.

LEO: It’s time to release where I Structure.
Redefine what harvest, stability, and reward really mean to your career. Completion emerges within that public life you reign so well Lion. Reflect upon promoting or starting-up a new business. If your proper legwork is in place, be ready to be recognized. Your views shift on authority, as you now dynamically rebirth how you are of service to self and the world at large.

VIRGO: It’s time to release what I Believe.
Inspiration fuels you to ponder upon your philosophies. The urge to travel and take a trip may have you looking back upon ones you’ve had, or make plans for more perfect ones in the future- all broadens your views of the world. Revisit adventures that engage your expansion and renew educational pursuits- this stimulates creativity within you are meant to explore and complete.

LIBRA: It’s time to release where I Transform.
You’ll weigh the pros and cons, focusing upon your securities, investments, other people’s money and your wealth.  Consider future decisions for changes here. Enjoy any passionate, sexy feelings. Review your core desiring to regenerate- these emotions intensely urge rebirth. There are ways you’ll instinctively sense what needs more immediate nurturing at home with the family.

SCORPIO: It’s time to release where I Relate.
Your partnerships -romantic or business- are revealing the truth of the matter. Consider your options of who should stay or go, as this waning period makes or breaks future successes, so become the observer here and use your innate knowing. Whoever really connects the best to the ideas you are pioneering right now, are those that will move forward with you in your power.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to release where I Serve.
Your arrows aim towards your health Dear Archer, feeling improvements as you let go of old habits and find renewed and honest feelings for yourself. Your service to others also sees a natural reworking- so let go of worn-out routines and old patterns. Listen carefully to co-workers. All in all if this cleansing allows you to increase your earning power, this is value you can rely on.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to release where I Create.
Welcome the request to focus upon what your creative nature desires in full attention to complete. Whatever your current project involves, properly discern inspired ideas. Playful feelings surround you- share time with kids or “brain children.” Let an old love affair exit your stage. This is a potent time to positively change your approaches to life, and know rebirth is meant for you.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to release where I Nurture.
Re-invent the home and your environments Water Bearer, rejuvenating these areas of the life to allow your individual way of doing things to flourish all the more. Family time is rewarding when you listen. Déjà vu experiences speak strongly with prophecy. This is a stunning time to refine your entire solitary schedule, benefiting from the joys of the soul in retreat and inner work.

PISCES: It’s time to release where I Communicate.
Your mentality swims in reflective waters, ready to absorb time in review like a sponge concerning your ideas. Short trips come to mind. Writing easily offers a source of healing here. Use your intuition to release old thinking. Siblings or neighbors may call upon you. You arrive at equal conclusions about friends and groups, which share clues about your hopes and wishes.

Other Need To Knows About What The Full Moon Means For You

Moon enters Taurus How Our Feelings Find Contentment
4:33pm EST 05 November to 8:45pm EST 07 November
Engage: conservation, resourcefulness, sensuality, endurance, meditation, intuition, persistence
Avoid: materialism, lethargy, obstinacy, possessiveness, stubbornness, stagnation, impatience

Full Moon, When Our Feelings Find Release
5:23pmm EST 06 November, 14 deg Taurus
Consciously Aim For: Security
Waning Phase: 14 degrees Taurus to 0 degrees Sagittarius
Energy completes and releases within this half of your Zodiac Pie throughout 22 November.

Moon Void of Course Time To Remain in Reflection
07 November, 11:17am to 8:45pm EST
Moon VOC: When the Moon makes its’ last major aspect to a planet before entering the next sign, it is a recognized astrological time that strongly advises us to not be in forward motion nor make any important decisions for the future. As we welcome our second waning moon of Autumn, when our Waning Taurus Moon opposes Saturn at 24 degrees Scorpio we will be asked to hold off and remain in pure reflection and review until it enters Gemini.

14 Movement – Challenge A Karmic Mystery to Unravel
Allowing Chaldean Numerology to assist us further in knowing more ways to guide our energy properly, this Full Moon request at the 14th degree point indicates there is plenty of energy circulating within our communications to absorb as we experience what must emotionally release. The 14 is a number the Chaldeans coined as ‘Movement – Challenge’: “Magnetic communication with the public through writing, publishing and all media-related matters is associated with the 14. Periodic changes in business and partnerships of all kinds are usually beneficial. Dealing with speculative matters brings luck, likewise movement and travel associated with combinations of people and nations can be fortunate. However, both gains and losses are sometimes temporary, due to the strong currents of change, which are ever present. 14 warns of danger from accidents related to natural elements, i.e.: fire, flood, earth-quakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tempests, and so forth. (This is not an absolute, merely a warning to be cautious.) There is a risk involved in depending on the word of those who misrepresent a situation. It’s a mistake to rely on others. Rely on the intuition, the self, the voice within. The luck of the 14 includes money dealings and speculative projects, or betting, but there’s always danger of loss due to wrong advice from others, or over confidence.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs

Every Full Moon casts the energy off for a completely reflective feel to be fully examined and exposed from the specific area of life it peaks within. At this 14 degree point, upon the 6th day of the month, it may be very, very interesting to monitor situations where finances and all agreements are involved. While the 14 is associated with a pure moving of the masses potential, it is with careful listening and more reliance on the self to receive the answers necessary to properly do so. Upon the 6th, there will be understanding required to align our energy properly.

Be Ready to Allow Change to Motivate Transformation
The real key to navigating this Full Moon is to remain adaptable from the Taurus area of life so release can unfold, which requires the innate quality this sign posses of patience. Our robust Lunar Lady will trine Pluto and Mars in Capricorn, easily opening up the channel to motivate grounding changes to unfold speaking with rebirth between The Bull and The Goat’s presence within our lives. The collective intuition will be deep and solid, as practical emotions will be felt, calling for an earthen awareness to get back to nature to listen to our truth.

Wishing you aligned emotions & freedom with your feelings, Dear Stars. Namaste.

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