Capturing the Magic of Mercury’s Reflection in Aquarius


5 Questions To Ask During Mercury Retrograde, 21 Jan to 11 Feb 2015

We know you’ve already been feeling the coming attractions of another Mercury Retrograde (MRx) cycle of reflection since the Approach began 05 January. If you are already in awareness about Mercury Retrograde & Your Timing in 2015: 5 Things You Need To Know, are you now ready for some necessary review, renew and release?

1. Why the Request to Reflect Upon Humanity’s Loyalty?
Mercury backtracks for the first time in 2015 within Aquarius, starting upon 21 January as he offers up his review and redo passage until 11 February. This is the sign which loves it’s inventions, breaking through with originality that can serve all of humanity. As our Sun is equally transiting within this sign simultaneously, the question is raised, what is our heartfelt loyalty to humanity all about right now?

2. Where Is Review, Rerouting and Retreat Favored For Me?
While Mercury Retrograde affects just about anything that moves in life, looking at the simplicity of your Sun Sign points to one specific area of life you’ll be personally asked to honor our Messenger’s reflective requests. Your natal birth chart, which is cast from the full date of birth, time and place you are born, determines the other.

3. How Can I Reap those “RE” Rewards?
Remember, this is the true time to get your dictionary out and revel in the “re” action words, for Mercury’s backwards motion from 17 degrees back to 01 degrees Aquarius will only cause resistance if we do not heed this mighty call.

As our Messenger backtracks within The Water Bearer -the sign of friendships, socialization and groups, along with our hopes, dreams and wishes that is guided by the fixed organization of air- we are asked to recognize the stirs of information circulating around these ideas and energies.

We may become tricked into being superficial, vague, cold and forget what imagination and warmth is meant to do for us. Time spent to ponder the question, what is the importance of my part in heart when it comes to the whole of humanity right now?

Double Layer Cake of Reflection Begins 03 February
It will be equally wise to check in with your LunarOScopes for 03 February on the Full Moon in Leo, which will also ask we bask in further reflection in optimistic ways where The Lion casts off completion and release, as another waning moon phase begins. The Moon Void of Course periods over any week should always be noted, but the ones from 03 to 11 February will cast off the “triple layer cake” request for reflection.

4. Do I Foolishly Think Mercury Retrograde Doesn’t Affect Me?
Those wishing to react and remain in resistance to the normal flux of changes that Mercury’s “vacation mode” causes involving our schedules, routines, communications, information exchanges and any mechanism that moves –and not having fun with flexibility, nor embracing the rewards of reflection- will find themselves facing lessons that explore what rejection really means within their life.

Bonus Soul Homework! Ask Yourself:
What old projects are not done where Aquarius affects my life?
What can I recreate in this area of my life?
How can research benefit me?
Who haven’t I spoken to from this area of my life in a while?
What responsibilities here have I forgotten about?

5. What Will I Do and Not Do for Success Under Mercury Retrograde?

*Expect CHANGE: in travel, routines, communications & schedules to occur suddenly
*Give yourself extra time to get where you’re going
*Back-up information, replace or upgrade technology already in place
*Spend time in the RE’s: Release, Relax, Rest, Reread, Rewrite, Revisit, Reconnect, Reflect, Redo, Repair, Recharge, Review!
*Have Plan B (and Plan C, D or even E if necessary) always ready to go
*Gravitate to Responding vs. Reacting!

*“Freak out” when changes come up
*Rush: speaking, driving, whatever involves movement in your life.
A great practice is to take pause & count to 10 before doing anything!
*Sign important documents
If you absolutely have to, use the Carpenter’s Rule & Remember: NO Moon VOC signings!
*Initiate or buy anything NEW that you wish to have long-term success with.
ie: Get married, start just about anything- especially a relationship, business, adventure.

Want to Know More About Your “MRx” Story?
Your birthday holds all the personal keys to manage Mercury Retrograde with complete success! Check-in with Sharita Today!

To Aligning Your Peace of Mind within Mercury’s first offering in 2015 for capturing the magic of rewards from reflection!
Namaste, Dear Stars.

Did You Miss Our Mastering Mercury Retrograde Workshop
on 11 January? Look forward to the next one in May 2015!
Mastering Mercury Retrograde Global Teleseminar
Aligning Astrology with Meditation for Achieving Results
Master Every Mercury Retrograde with Mindfulness
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