LunarOScopes, 29 May Sagittarius Full Moon, Let’s Release

SharitaStar.LunaroscopesBWYour Feelings Are Powerful Allies

We intentionally create our lives through what we feel, which in turn, directly affects our thoughts as The Law of Attraction promises. Lunar energy from above is astrologically in charge of how the messages of our human emotions play out in precise timing, always offering us the chance to evolve down here below. As we honor our emotions, we can make them powerful allies in our lives- verses ignoring the truth, missing our opportunities, and neglecting to heal whatever they ask us to focus on.

Each month, a New Moon opens a waxing phase of initiating energy favoring creation until we reach the Full Moon, then opening up a waning phase allowing for natural correction, reflection and release. LunarOScopes capture these cycles’ forecasts, noting when beginnings or conclusions are favored, pointing to the specific area of life our Sun Sign benefits as we place our mindful intentions upon them.

Heartfelt Truths
Full Moon in Sagittarius, 10:20amEDT 29 May, Let’s Release & Reflect
Waning Phases favor to let go, review, redo, and heal energetically throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie from 08 degrees Sagittarius through Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini until the last New Moon of Spring 2018 arrives 13 June at 22 degrees Gemini. This last Full Moon of Spring is filled with wisdom that wishes to assist us to honor the continuing responsibility of healing our heart center and what remains in need of emotional repair and attention for our spiritual growth.

Equally, our patience will once again be necessary to diligently work with our experiences so that we can take away what it is we are meant to gain from them to discover more about attaining balance, versus remaining in the divide that only continues to bring repeated lessons our way we could otherwise avoid. We are connected back once again to the overall theme of 2018’s Feeling the Feminine 11/2 Universal Year that continues to ask us to dig into the heart of the matters that need proper care and absolute honesty: allowing us all to evolve to stand further in our truth.
ARIES: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Believe.
Philosophies, beliefs, spiritual values, or learning you hold dear- ask you to seize this intense opportunity to reboot their synthesis. As long journeys or travel call, remaining focused on what you can do to involve your creative nature or children, provides you with wisdom to implement into this calling for healing.

TAURUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Transform.
Rebirth generates strong feelings to allow you to recognize genuine wealth is not only the luxury of your overall financial picture. As the depths of your core completely regenerate, listen carefully to what your home and family life equally has to say, for your patience will be necessary for you to nurture them better.

GEMINI: It’s time to focus upon release where I Relate.
Let go and reconsider who is the real deal concerning your partnerships -business or personal- as plenty of decisions surrounding them will now be revealed. Utilize calm and clarity to sort out unresolved issues within your mind, for you are meant to work peacefully with it, alongside all of your communication abilities.

CANCER: It’s time to focus upon release where I Serve.
Reflective and renewing light shines upon your routines and service to self as well as others in this world. It is well advised this is not a time to throw caution to the wind, but feel accomplished as you achieve the goal of letting go of old habits. This holds an undeniable value that begins to unfold more security for you.

LEO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Create.
Completing current projects are favored as creative changes are upon you, whether they be with children, brain-children or old love affairs. Reflective responsibilities now surrounds them, which requires intent focus upon how you distinctly view your appearance to the world and your entire sense of self emerging within it.

VIRGO: It’s time to focus upon release where I Nurture.
Let go and move with the flow within your home and family life, involving some literal cleaning up around the house or significant things in need of repair. Equally note any sensations of déjà vu which will assist you in processing what you need to from within. You will discover that time alone will be necessary to nourish your soul.

LIBRA: It’s time to focus upon release with how I Communicate.
Refreshed thinking to look at the bright side of your peace of mind is beneficial focus for your healing. Honor complete reflection for your mindset and take time to write things down to explore them for their truth. Especially if these ideas concern your future goals, they are absolutely meant to be considered and require a silent listen.

SCORPIO: It’s time to focus upon release with what I Have.
Relinquish possessions and material things you no longer need to value, which may also be a source of how you bring in your daily dollars. This is not the time to give into frustrated feelings about what is changing, as you are favored to involve the structure of your professional life into this picture and focus upon improvements.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release with who I Am.
Be prepared to toss away the old mask you have been wearing to the world, your first impressions of it and alter your appearance. As tired approaches to life exit -taking your time and being extra mindful will secure your success concerning what it is that you no longer need to believe, as you re-examine your truth and philosophies.

CAPRICORN: It’s time to focus upon release where I Process.
Honor your solitude and deeply working within allows your intuition to benefit now, so retreat away from it all. Important messages can arrive from a very activated dream state. This is a time to have plenty of your patience on hand to listen carefully to how rebirth is seeking to work with you, so it is no time to choose to resist it.

AQUARIUS: It’s time to focus upon release where I Socialize.
Opportunities to refresh and recharge find you placing attention upon friends, groups as well as your future hopes and wishes. Say yes to unexpected invitations to get out in the world, yet exercise caution and common sense. As you take the equal time to listen to what your partnerships have to say, they offer you sound advice.

PISCES: It’s time to focus upon release where I Structure.
Your career and public life resets its’ recognition and rewards, as your responsibilities here now find powerful and absolute conclusions to arrive at across the board. As you go about re-examining the structure of your life, what is also in healing play for your habits and routines seeks for you to ultimately serve them for the better.

Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.

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