SATURN REtrogrades 13 Jan – 30 May

04 deg LIBRA to 27 deg VIRGO
13 JAN 10:56amEST to 30 MAY 2:09pmEDT

Don’t be alarmed! Unlike our inner planet Mercury in REtrograde, when Karmic and Fatherly Saturn takes some time for reflection, it is a much more subtle and personal time for inner work.

Find out how to reap the very best from your self-reliance:
YES… Advice is here for EVERY SIGN!

Once again, our karmic Saturn is putting on the brakes for the winter and spring. Now the collective finds itself in the norms of REtrograde reflective mode not only in all Libra matters, but Virgo as well gets a revisit to tie up any unfinished responsibilities. This transit especially affects the 04 deg Libra to 27 deg Virgo piece of anyone’s Zodiac Pie, where any natal planets may be placed within these degrees, and Libra and Virgo sun sign natives.

OH NO… WHAT does this mean?!? As always, this is no time to panic. Rather, you more than likely have already been adhering to the valuable lessons and ultimate fatherly wisdom Saturn has been casting upon the Virgo/Libra area of your life. If ever there was one planet to listen to and not question, it is this one.

Saturn entered the sign of service and health in September of 2007. Virgo’s energy, although typically polite, shy, and impeccably neat, can also be incredibly discriminating, doubtful, and fussy. When a planet such a Saturn is visiting such a sign, the tendencies for the collective to see outcomes on the not so happy side of the Virgo energy is generally high. We’ve mentioned before that since Saturn has entered the sign that loves to be of service to the world and discriminates the most- every thing in question and needing every detail examined has seen a collapse in the past couple of years.

Saturn has taken a short introduction into how the collective will see balance coming back into play when he entered Libra 29 September, 2009. But there are still some last lessons in Virgo to be learned, which will unfold from 07 April until 21 July, 2010.

Your self-reliance is being asked to step-up and take care of business. Remember Virgo is the sign that also represents purity innocence, how we serve, and deals with matters of health. The couple years ahead in Libra urge diplomacy and justice to prevail, and urges stability in our partnerships.

Saturn demands, just like a father, that these qualities are utilized not only for the collective, but in where these Zodiac energies personally affect you. And what if you don’t follow the rules here? Be prepared to watch restriction find you in this area of the life.

The collective horoscope always sheds some needed wisdom to how the present Universe is affecting us. Should you know your Rising Sign (Ascendant), read that passage as well, as this will typically pinpoint where Saturn is currently affecting you in your natal chart.

Aries: You’ve been paying some needed attention to your house of health in the past couple of years, and you can expect some last adjustments to your new routines. What’s ahead shifts attention to those relationships, which you’ve already had a taste of in the past few months. It will be time Aries to truly take stock of what’s important to you in all your partnerships. You can be certain, if there’s anyone who has been wasting your time, Saturn is ready to clean–up this nuisance.

Taurus: It’s been a rewarding time in your creative nature since the Fall of 2007, and some spectacular achievements have blossomed. Experiences have shown themselves that have altered your attitude towards children. However, there are still things in this area that need further adjustments. You’ve been feeling the urge already to place some focus upon your health, habits, and routine. The way you provide service to the world is about to be under Saturn’s responsible eye, so be sure in the couple years ahead, you are applying your innate patience when those lessons needing to be learned come your way.

Gemini: The home and family has seen quite a bit of sensitivity in the past couple of years hasn’t it? These occurrences have only strengthened your resolve, even if emotionally they have shaken things up a bit. Be prepared to revisit some lingering issues before you can move forward and embark on some new creative adventures. Your ties to children will see a new light in the next couple of years, while your affairs in love will be tested. All lessons to emerge will teach you in the end, to avoid what you ultimately don’t want, and be wise to adhering to stability as you create your clever world around you.

Cancer: Mentally, these years since the Fall of 2007 have challenged you, but isn’t it refreshing to see the rewards that have unfolded by taming that sensitive imagination of yours to be channeled in healthy directions? There’s some more work to be done here this spring and early summer, so if you didn’t write that book yet, Saturn’s giving you one last chance! You’ll be seeing major changes on the home front in the couple of years ahead, so when family issues come into play, don’t give into your habitual emotional reaction. Try Saturn’s request instead to look at the pros and cons of it all.

Leo: There has been some welcomed new values in your life over the past couple of years, and undoubtedly, your earning power has seen some variances. As extravagant as you like to be, you’ve had to adhere to restraint- and this is not quite over yet. What’s been stirring in your royal thoughts lately may be seemingly weighing you down, but you are not meant to give into negative thinking now. If you embark on a wise intellectual pursuit as the next couple of years unfold, your self-reliance will be stronger than ever for years and years to come.

Virgo: Don’t expect Saturn to apologize for all that has come your way in since the Fall of 2007, because he won’t give you one. We know you’d appreciate better manners here, yet all was necessary for your soul’s proper evolution. These last few lessons that will come in the spring and early summer will bring it all into full scope, and the way people see you is going to be better than ever. It’s all prepared you to be ready for the next step of altering those values and realizing what does worth really mean to you. Your virtues of purity and logic will be needed in the next couple years when it comes to applying practical means to how your hard earned dollars are made.

Libra: You’ve been letting go of a lot of the past since the fall of 2007, and this should have made those Scales feel pretty even. There’s a bit more balancing to be done in the depths of your psychological realms. This last clearing out over the spring and summer gets you totally ready to allow all those new beginnings to unfold over the next couple of years. What’s about to transpire will set-up new habits that can remain with you for a lifetime, so plant each and every seed with a careful hand.

Scorpio: Friends and groups you no longer need left the big picture since the Fall of 2007, and there are still some loose ends to tie up once Saturn goes back into Virgo. Equally, you’ve felt a renewed sense of responsibility in how this area of life teaches you what you need to know. Your probing mind will fair well in the next couple year to follow as you dive into your subconscious realms. It’ll be time to solve the mysteries of your own life Scorpio, so you’ll be soaring higher that ever when your new approaches arrive further down the road.

Sagittarius: All has altered in the career since the Fall of 2007, and you’re all the more stable for it. Even though some wild changes have come your way that will be revisited this spring and summer, this really doesn’t bother your mutable self too much. You’ve already been aiming ahead for some leadership you need to take on in your organizations, while taking a deeper look at whom you truly wish to spend your time with. You’ll see in the next couple of years, just who your true friends really are, and what groups are ultimately deserving of your time and energy.

Capricorn: Your core belief system has been shaken down to its’ roots. Even though those feelings of hopelessness have found you since the fall of 2007, your ruling planet only wanted you to define what holds true in your life. You’ve got some final philosophical outcomes to emerge after the winter, then get back into your favorite thing, work mode. The next couple of years find your focus shifting to the career, and the responsible role you are playing in it. If you been thinking you need a serious change Dear Goat, there is a new mountain that is just waiting for you to climb it.

Aquarius: It’s been more challenging than ever to be intimate since the Fall of 2007. The tremendous transformation going on within you Water Bearer has been really preparing you for a new philosophical outlook that is about to come to you in the next couple of years. What has died and been reborn around you recently, whether it be physically or financially, was part of your soul’s regeneration. There’s an educational pursuit that you are wise to embark upon in the next couple of years. Rest assured it will teach you new ways to do what you do best: bring that new life to everything you touch and bring benefit to the future of humanity that you typically see so well.

Pisces: You’ve seen your fair share of relationship woes in since the Fall of 2007, but who left wasn’t serving you, and who has remained will be strongly swimming along side you for years to come. There are a few more lessons in the partnership department to iron out over the spring and summer, and intuitively you should know who’s next to exit. Saturn has given you a taste in the recent months of your souls’ transformation that is about to unfold in the next couple of years. Your focus shifts to financial responsibilities, and the mysteries surrounding death and rebirth. Be ready o’ Wise Fish, to swim in the deepest waters now.

To conclude with a last bit of advice on how to handle Saturn’s lessons in self-reliance, the uncanny wisdom of Lexigrams have plenty to share. One again, each and every one of us can gain understanding from the messages that flow from the very letters composing:



Trust in your self-reliance Stars, and watch the rewards Saturn will bring to you for adhering to the soul’s process of learning through experience.


Year of the Earth Ox, 26th January 2009

EARTH OX YEAR, January 26th, 2009 to 13 February, 2010

Always upon an Aquarian New Moon here in the West, our friends in the East ring in their lunar New Year. In the legend of how the Chinese Zodiac Wheel came to be, Buddha asked the animals to come to him and the Ox was the second in line. And so we find this Universal New Year of 2009 to be the continuance of the new beginnings instilled over 2008’s cycle of the Earth Rat. The Year of the Ox, Earth Year- coupled with 2009’s singular Two vibration only means all kinds of sensitivity, nurturing and reflection are on the agenda for the year ahead.

Integrity and conservation will be rewarded in 2009, as the collective can expect this to be a time of consolidation, consistency and one where the value of money and industry will be revisited. Material prosperity is highly protected when it is acquired through the means of hard work and loyalty. Now as the collective experiences the 2nd year within a 9 and 12-year cycle, the seeds planted in the previous one will reap intense harvest further on down the road, but the 2009 Year ahead marks the time for a return to paternal instincts.

All is set to grow tranquil and steady in an Earth Ox Year as we build upon another new cycle, encouraging us to continue to embrace the new beginnings we were introduced to in 2008. Even though we are amidst not so happy financial times on multitudes of levels- remember we are meant to be re-evaluating our value towards money in this reflective year. The Ox represents a Yin Water energy, one that offers opportunities to find rewards in solid markets, backed by intelligence. Risky investments are cast off in such a year where return to tradition and a sense of classicism thrive.

Those who will turn the ages of 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 82, 94, 106- (and so on!) this year, are native Ox’s and will experience from their Chinese Zodiac perspective, an “Ox Return.” Every 12 years our Chinese animals are represented by 5 different elements, pointing to where auspicious occasions will arise over a complete 60 year cycle. This same animal return year also links up with Jupiter’s cycles here in the West, where the planet of luck simultaneously blesses one with luck and optimism over the year. Your animal year typically will match-up with your Jupiter Return in the West’s birth chart.

Be on the look-out for the Ox in 2009 whenever you see an enduring and resolute spirit. These natives are strong, enjoy efficiency, take responsibility, have determination, love fighting for the status quo, find common sense solutions, and prefer secure pursuits to obtain familiar and safe results. Their external character is seen in the Yin, the feminine energy representing the passive force that naturally understands the emptiness and negativity of life. Even more emotional ability is granted to this Water animal in which the inner process is equally the feminine perspective that nurtures through quiet restraint and diplomacy.

Depending upon that element that guides any animals’ year of birth, more insight is available to add to the depth of character that makes up their innate nature. Par example of an Ox we are all too familiar with these days, is the USA’s 44th President Barack Obama, born in a Metal Year of the Ox. Any metal born animal strengthens their element, therefore a Water Ox is all the more hardworking, self-sufficient, resourceful and intuitive.

Let’s tune into more reasons why reflection is upon us, with this Universal 2009 reducing to the singular Two. The numerical guidance of the 2 + 9 =11, which numerically the Chaldeans understood to be, ‘A Lion Muzzled – A Clenched Fist,’ lends some of the following ancient advice: “It represents two opposed situations where compatibility of interest is lacking, and interference from a third force must be conquered. Difficulties may also arise from the illusion of separation. It’s necessary to unite divided goals to avoid a sense of frustrated incompletion. The origin of the separating force must be identified, an attempt made to seek compromise. Occasionally, conflicting desires within one’s own self are seen as in a reflecting mirror. Yet, each must remain individual, even after being joined, for each possesses its own worth.”

Thus we are in the perfect numerical match for Earth Year of the Ox. When we hone in on hard work and reliability while honoring the home and family, one is bound to redeem security-oriented rewards. This Earth Year coupled with a 11/2 Universal Year requests the same traditional values, co-operation, practical energy, and foresight within the 9 to 12 yr cycles, be adhered to.

Look to more signs of adhering common sense to the progress of the job and housing markets throughout 2009. As Saturn currently Retrogrades in discriminating Virgo until 16 May, expect further restructuring in both of these sectors. As Saturn goes Direct, the peak of the “bottoming out” will have occurred. Expect around the time when Saturn enters co-operative and balancing Libra upon the 29 October, these will be the first markets to be on the slow up swing once again.

Your own Western Astrological current transits and Numerological cycles are where you can find the necessary formula to take in the abundance within this Earth Ox Two year. Being aware of the lucky link of Jupiter to the East’s animal years -where Aquarius is currently transiting in your natal Western Chart- tells where to be on the look out for positive change this year. Couple this with your current Personal Year’s guidance and you’ll know exactly where to optimally bring the energy guiding your soul to a place of calm, allowing resolve and co-operation with others to bloom.

In as much as we do belong to a period in history that is speeding up faster and faster, bear in mind that the planets move no quicker today that they did 10,000 years ago. Check history and you’ll certainly find validation that the planets have always offered our ancestors the knowledge to unlock the magical wisdom they possess. It remains here for all of us to benefit from. May we never forget to take the planets into account to not only better understand ourselves, but to innately affirm and filter what we hear surrounds us from the world at large.

May your Earth Ox Year and 2009 bless you with a plenty of cherished re-evaluations, persistence, and steady growth resulting in classic moments that only can be measured in your heart.