LUNAR-O-SCOPE, New Moon in Cancer, 19 July


NEW Moon in Cancer
19 July
12:24am EDT

Emotional Sensation

We’ve let it all go from the last Full Moon in Capricorn upon the 03 July to now move forward in our emotions that wish to sensationally leap within the delicate energies of The Crab. While any given New Moon typically brings a fresh start to our feelings, bear in mind we are within the second request from our Messenger Mercury, who is not looking where he is going right now while retrograding in Leo. Be cautious of signing important legal documents with any new beginning under this Waxing Phase. However, this lunation will still request the initiation and seed planting where Cancer domesticates and sympathizes within your Zodiac Pie.

Moon enters Cancer, 16 July 8:31pm EDT to 19 July 6:13am EDT  
The virtues of imagination, parenthood, and sensitivity are natural gifts of a Moon in Cancer. Instincts are well developed and active- as strong influences from our environments shape our feelings during this passage. The collective gravitates to a nurturing quality -urged to take care of whatever home and family needs are about- as time in the kitchen is equally favored. Romantic idealizations, reliving experiences and cherishing moments can all cozy up together as our Lunar Lady feels absolutely protected when visiting with the familiarity of The Crab.

New Moon, 19 July, 12:24am EDT, 26 degrees Cancer
As souls we can take this opportunity to bring forth what needs to now initiate in our lives- with emotion and spirit marking our moves. Take the next 2 weeks to plant those seeds that will, with proper intention, reap a fantastic harvest in the life further down the road. Visualize a gathering force as the Moon will travel from 26 degrees Cancer to where 10 degrees Aquarius’s energy falls within the birth chart. Even as Mercury is offering up review in Leo, this half of your Zodiac Pie is ready for a fresh emotional feel to come into play throughout 01 August.

For the Collective
While the new ideally wants to pour out from the Cancer area of our lives, we are also seeing an interesting request for structure from Saturn who, is currently finishing up his journey at 23 degrees Libra which presents a “squaring off” energy of our lives. As Saturn has brought forth his karmic changes in his slow moving process here since the fall of 2010, the dynamic of this close square between our New Moon/Sun and Saturn grants an important request. Rather than choosing to feel cornered as a square can create, these initiating energies here are able to work to bring a new foundation to all our Karmic Adjustor has asked for you to be ultimately responsible to in the last two years.

One more point of Saturn’s influence to note is the 26 degree point upon which this months’ New Moon falls, which is also guided by this planet through its’ singular 8 energy. The 26 represents the Chaldean’s understanding via numerology of Partnerships which powerfully requests to adhere to compassion and unselfishness when dealing with any one-on-one relationship. As this New Moon begins in the sign of emotion and pure sensation, the 26 also requires the presence of patience in dealing with them, and the others we are learning through our experiences from. We can find the wisdom that wishes to be shown to us here when we take a little pause in solitude under this lunation, opening up the channel of stability to unfold.

LUNAR-O-SCOPE Solar Eclipse & New Moon in Cancer, 2012
For the collective horoscope, again we offer some simple advice for every sign from the outer vantage point. Remember, if you know your Rising Sign (Ascendant), read that passage too, for it typically will apply to your personal charts’ advice when it is placed in the earlier degree points.  Always remember, it is full mathematical analysis of the individual birth chart that truly indicates how the current planetary energies are uniquely affecting you.

Aries: Time for the new within the home, where “I Nurture.” While it may be where “I Relate” is trying to cause a rub- there is a new understanding that you can gain from the relationships within your family life. Once you allow this energy to emerge, solidarity between these two areas magically unfolds. Devote your curiosities to the family life and nest egg in the next two weeks, and watch doors open wide. Those flashes of déjà vu experiences speak wisdom to you now.

Taurus: Bring on those new ideas and ways of how “I Communicate.” Your energies from where “I Serve” have been in a slow process of change, and this now offers the opportunity to improve upon healthy channels of routine for the mental state to flow from. Siblings and neighbors may request your attention. Get those feelers out there if you haven’t sought to publish what is churning from your mind, for it’s time to teach everyone now what you know about patience.

Gemini: This lunation will bring some new possessions into your sense of what “I Have.” Time to change up the values to ones you will cherish, allowing a fresh sense of security to find you. Your earning power sees some stimulation, which is urging to be formed from where “I Create.” Don’t fret nor worry in your logical mind about why it seemingly has taken so long- go with the gut here. Remember who won the race, it was the tortoise in gratitude not the unaware hare.

Cancer: The spotlight of the new shines on you this month Dear Crab! It’s time for those approaches and the mask you wear to the world to look very different, all of your sense of “I Am.” Place plenty of focus on you before you naturally go out to where “I Nurture.” Should any distractions surface from the home and family life, keep in mind that all of the adaptation you’ve been through here since 2010, now formulates a true foundation that you can cozy up to.

Leo: Examining the deepest layers within your subconscious as these reveal new mysteries to you now where “I Process.” The truest sense of your soul is ready to bloom. Dreams will have a plenty to say, so be sure to write them down. A lovely change is initiating within your inner world, which takes you off the stage for a pass. Yet, this is merely looking to see how very much the ways where “I Communicate” have grown into a real stability upon which you now can rely.

Virgo: New friends and groups are to be of service to where “I Socialize.” Accept that invitation you will receive, as this is meant to start a very beneficial initiation. Hopes, wishes and dreams flourish now -keep these in the best intentions- as the Universe is completely ready to aid you in manifesting your requests. The new here is ready to work with all the learning from experience in the past two years with the entire value of what “I Have” and how you now intelligently earn it.

Libra: The career and public life sees a new path where “I Structure.” If your Scales have seemed tipped too much in your soul’s sense of “I Am,” you will be feeling your balance back. It’s been some hard work since 2010, but the world now sees you take in greater understanding in your first impressions that you ever did before. As you have more care and concern about what you do- go now and promote your work, as you equally note a fresh attitude towards authority.

Scorpio: New philosophies and spiritual quests are now here where “I Believe.” You’re no stranger to surrendering to regeneration, so rest assured this exciting energy will serve you in mysterious ways if you let in the solitude request from where “I Process.” Educational pursuits are favored to find new ways to learn. Embark upon those foreign travel adventures as well. Even if you cannot get the stamp on your passport, where you can travel to telepathically is fun.

Sagittarius: Investments aim to a more open place, but watch Mercury’s request to not sign important documents. Word about other people’s money benefits and flows towards you easily, which looks to communicate to you from where “I Socialize” creating structure where “I Transform.” Gain scope of everything surrounding you as a regenerative force intensely unfolds. A friend may wish to get intimate, but listen to the sensible one who speaks from experience.

Capricorn: It’s a journey not a destination in how your partnerships exist in your life where “I Relate.” Whatever communications misunderstandings our Messenger may be throwing your way, there is a new sense now that asks to feel good about them. You are in such a wonderful place of regeneration in your life, and while you have had to be patient in your career where “I Structure” for what seems like forever, recognize how much knowledge you’ve still gained.

Aquarius: You surely love to bring new life to things, so freshen up your health, personal habits, and routines where “I Serve.” Adaptation is in order within your working environment so don’t remain in resistance. Been thinking about a new pet? Someone at the shelter may be waiting for you. A lot has felt restricted since 2010 where “I Believe” if you weren’t responsible to it, but now, it is time to let in a fixed feel that your more patience philosophies really do serve you best.

Pisces: Your intuition senses it: unleash that vivid imagination upon a project that will keep you swimming in ultimately expressing yourself where “I Create.” Initiations flow from your lovely sensitivity, and your children may also require your immediate focus. A love affair may get spicy. Taking your own or other people’s wealth to invest in what is streaming creatively, for this can enable a true bond to where “I Transform.” Just don’t sign the papers under Mercury’s review.


SOLAR Eclipse,

NEW Moon

in Cancer

1 July

Emotional Leaps

We’ve let it all go from the last Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius upon the 15 June to now move forward in our emotions that wish to leap within the delicate energies of The Crab. While any given New Moon typically brings a fresh start to our feelings, watch out for some real new beginnings to emerge on the collective. Coupled with another Solar Eclipse, the request for initiation and seed planting is requested now where Cancer domesticates and sympathizes within your Zodiac Pie.

Moon enters Cancer 30 June 12:13pm EDT to 2 July 5:43pm EDT

The virtues of imagination, parenthood, and sensitivity are natural gifts of a Moon in Cancer. Instincts are well developed and active- as strong influences from our environments shape our feelings during this passage. The collective gravitates to a nurturing quality -urged to take care of whatever home and family needs are about- as time in the kitchen is equally favored. Romantic idealizations, reliving experiences and cherishing moments can all cozy up together as our Lunar Lady feels absolutely protected when visiting with the familiarity of The Crab.

Solar Eclipse, 1 July, 4:38am EDT 9 degrees Cancer

For the second year in a row, we have another momentous passage for new beginnings to unfold in the Cancer piece of your Zodiac Pie over the coming months. Look back and see what has blossomed from the 19th degree of Cancer as a Solar Eclipse triggered here one year ago upon 11 July. Now, back up 10 degrees and get ready for more energy that wishes to unfold from this area of your life.

New Moon, 1 July, 4:54pm EDT 9 degrees Cancer

As souls we can take this opportunity to bring forth what needs to now initiate in our lives- with emotion and spirit marking our moves. Take the next 2 weeks to plant those seeds that will, with proper intention, reap a fantastic harvest in the life further down the road. Visualize a gathering force as the Moon will travel from 9 degrees Cancer to where 22 degrees Capricorn’s energy opposes within the birth chart. This half of your Zodiac Pie is ready for a fresh feel to come into play through 15 July.

For the Collective

While the new ideally wants to pour out from the Cancer area of our lives, we are also seeing an interesting pull from Pluto who, is currently retrograding at 6 degrees Capricorn in the opposite area of our lives. As Pluto’s changes are deep and slow moving, the dynamic of this close opposition from the Solar Eclipse/New Moon/Sun and Pluto grants true transformational abilities to bestow themselves upon us. The ability to tap into an unusually clear insight of our emotional depths is profound under this passage. Go with those gut feelings. Recognize that apparent limitations within the Cancer/Capricorn energy can be overcome. These challenges are ready to find a new sense of security that will offer completion by knowing one area of life compliments the other, and does not need to be resisted any longer.

LUNAR-O-SCOPE Solar Eclipse & New Moon in Cancer, 2011

For the collective horoscope, again we offer advice for every sign from the outer vantage point. If you know your Rising Sign (Ascendant), read that passage too, for it typically will apply to your personal charts’ advice. Remember it is the awareness and mathematical analysis of the individual birth chart that will point to the accuracy of how the current planetary landscape affects you.

Aries: It’s time to bring on the new within the home – and while it may be that your career is pressing you hard at present- once you allow this energy to emerge, your balancing act of these two areas will magically unfold. Place your attention and devote your curiosities to the family life and nest egg in the next two weeks, and watch doors open wide. Don’t ignore the déjà vu you may experience, for the messages here are equally important for what is being renewed.

Taurus: Bring on those new ideas and ways of thinking! Your philosophies and beliefs are indeed in a process of transformation, and this now reflects the chance to embrace improved and healthy channels for the mental state to flow from. Siblings and neighbors may request your attention. Time to get the feelers out there if you haven’t yet published what wishes to be released from your mind that the world is ready to receive your wisdom about.

Gemini: This lunar and solar light show will not distract you from bringing some new possessions into your life. Time to change up the values to ones you will cherish, allowing a new sense of security to find you. Your earning power is about to also see some stimulation, which stems from those new approaches from your Solar Eclipse last month. Don’t worry about the wealth, this is seeing it’s eventual increase as steady and patient changes are at work here.

Cancer: The spotlight is on you this month Dear Crab! It’s time for new approaches and the mask you wear to the world to look very different. Place plenty of focus on you before you naturally go out to nurture others, keeping in mind that all of your relationships are in a separate kind of rejuvenation at present. This is more than a second chance to bring forth the new- but remember as well in this process what has gotten out of your way since the Winter Solstice 2010.

Leo: Do not miss this time to examine a deep issue within, as your subconscious wishes to reveal new mysteries to you now. The truest sense of your spirit is ready to bloom. Noting your dreams will have a plenty to talk to you about- be sure to write them down. There is a lovely change initiating within your inner world, so if you don’t feel like being on stage for a bit, now you know why. Tie it all in with how you serve others, and you’ll make entire sense of it all.

Virgo: Get ready for some new friends and groups to be of service to. There is a social invitation you should take someone up on, as this is meant to start a very beneficial initiation. Whatever you are hoping, wishing, and dreaming about now, keep these thoughts in the best intentions, for the Universe is completely ready to aid you in manifesting your requests. Keep being patient with the creative transformation happening as well, for it is getting better here all the time.

Libra: Your career and public life is going to get another boost! If those Scales have seemed tipped too much, you will be feeling your balance back. There is a new care and concern about what you do- it is a fine time to promote your work, as a different level of responsibility is about to find you. Take in a fresh attitude towards authority in your life. Plenty of changes are occurring within the home life, but allows these to mature in their preferred slow pace.

Scorpio: New philosophies and spiritual quests are now here. You’re no stranger to surrendering to regeneration, so rest assured this exciting energy will serve you in mysterious ways surrounding what you truly believe. Educational pursuits are favored, so, yes it is time to embark upon those foreign travel adventures as well. Your thinking and mentality loves having your ruler Pluto transforming the mind at present, ever slowly going into the unknown like never before.

Sagittarius: Get ready to aim your investments to a more expansive place. Other people’s money is of benefit to you now, and can easily come your way. Your sexual nature is ready for new fun. Gain scope of everything surrounding you right now, as this is an important time that transforms you as a regenerative force unfolds in an intense way. Your values and earning power are going through immense changes, and the power can be yours here when patience is utilized.

Capricorn: It’s a journey not a destination in how your partnerships exist in your life. Yet, now you’ll find them working out for your ultimate benefit, as this balance brings a sense of peace that you have been patiently waiting for. You are in such a wonderful place of regeneration in your life, but pretty much like you prefer it- there is a gradual change in progress of how the world views you. Greatness cannot be rushed, so enjoy the process you are working hard for.

Aquarius: You surely love to bring new life to things, so freshen up your health, personal habits, and service to others. All wishes to change within your working environment and routine, so don’t remain in resistance. Been thinking about a new pet? Someone at the shelter may be waiting for you. The power that exists within your subconscious realms equally can serve you for years to come if you truly make one new routine to take more time in those silent listens.

Pisces: Your intuition senses it, so unleash that vivid imagination upon a creative project that will keep you swimming in ultimately expressing yourself. There is a nurturing way your lovely sensitivity is encouraged to initiate at present, and your children may also require your immediate focus. Expect plenty of socializing and entertaining ahead. So much power lies within your groups, friends, hopes and wishes for years ahead in reflection of what you decide to create now.

Lexigrams and a SOLAR ECLIPSE

Lexigrams, the very phrasing of the anagrams that can be derived from a word, name or title, casts the last full light upon what we are best to do under one. This insightful way of seeing the truth of any matter, lends us further guidance on how to best approach this Universal request for initiation.



Questions? Sharita loves them! E:


19 January 2011
Full Moon,
29 degrees Cancer,
4:21PM EST

We celebrate our first Lunar Lady light show of 2011 under a Full Moon in Cancer. Our planet of emotion joins up with The Crab 2:29pm EST 17 January through 5:16pm 19 January. Less than an hour before moving into Leo, our Moon and Sun officially peak in their opposition from Cancer to Capricorn at 29 degrees, respectively. Then, the collective is offered the appropriate rhythm for contemplation, reorganization, and review as the Moon will begin to lose its’ fullness, thus the waning phase.

The requested release in the two weeks ahead gears up for the upcoming New Moon 02 February, where the opportunities for new beginnings and fresh starts will once more be at our fingertips. But first, reassessments of our recent completions and considerations are absolutely fantastic to gravitate to, as a cleansing period is now upon us.

The next two weeks until the New Moon in Aquarius grants us Earthlings the necessary time to make adjustments to the activities within our lives since 04 January. Remember, we also had a Solar Eclipse occur upon this day, which triggered some auspicious new beginnings in how Capricorn works for you in the Zodiac Pie. As the old Goat prefers it, you’ll see a patient process of these initiations to unfold within your life for the next few months.

Taking things now to reflection mode, where 29 degrees Cancer falls in the piece of your Zodiac Pie indicates the area of life you ideally should focus to see where this month’s release desires to occur. Naturally, your Cancer ruled house will bring pull to the opposite house the Sun is current transiting through in Capricorn. Be sure to note this other area of life that is equally part of your star advice- pointing how to manifest personal balance, and where those new beginnings are in their ambitious stages right now.

Our first Full Moon of 2011 within Cancer casts a sympathetic, sensitive, and passive mood upon the collective -wherever The Crab is domesticated in your Zodiac Pie. The capacity to cherish and relive experiences is strong under any Cancer Moon, but beware of that typical Crab tendency to hold on too tight to the past with those clinging and pinching claws.

We can be quite influenced by our environments under a Cancer Moon passage, as the Moon is right at home in it’s native sign. Steering clear of reacting with moodiness but responding with a well-developed and active instinct will allow your imagination to let go of what is no longer necessary in this area of the life.

While it is still wise to consult your own personal chart, the collective horoscope equally has some interesting advice to share. Aside from your natal Sun Sign, if you know your rising sign (ascendant), read that passage as well, for it typically will pinpoint where in life the point of 29 degrees Cancer ultimately requests for you to release. Always remember, it is full mathematical analysis of the natal birth chart that truly indicates how the current planetary energies are uniquely affecting you.

19 January 2011, Full Moon in Cancer, 29 degrees

Aries: It’s time to let go of an issue in the home -it may be that your career is pressing you hard at present- but there is attention outside of yourself that you are wise to devote to the nest egg in the next two weeks. Focusing upon realigning your sense of comfort and security in life is time well spent. Anything within the home that you’ve been procrastinating about cleaning, now is your perfect opportunity! Don’t ignore those senses of deja-vu that may come up, these contain important messages that wish to nurture you.

Taurus: Stop clinging to a worn out idea. Learn from the past, and find some healthy channels for your imagination to regroup. Take these next two weeks to gear-up for some new career sparks that will need the room to unfold by the next new moon. Siblings and neighbors may call to you now, and if things are unsettled in these areas, work them out in your patient way. This is a great time for journal writing, as you may feel that some day, you’ll want to look back again and remember it.

Gemini: There is a possession in your life you should logically throw out, or better yet, give away to charity. Time to let in reflection in the next two weeks on what you hold dear -for what you think is absolutely secure may not be- release that old worn out value. You’ll be making room for some better philosophies to come into play. Won’t you be all the happier, having more room to put new things in the mind to believe anyway?

Cancer: It’s your month Dear Crab to be in the Lunar spotlight of reflection. There’s an entirely different emotional standpoint you’re meant to nurture from. These next two weeks request co-operation with yourself! Check those approaches, for the room you make now allows a pretty intense rebirth to initiate by the next new moon. While steering clear of being selfish, focus on you before others. People are tired of seeing this worn-out mask you wear to the world, as there isn’t any more safety behind it.

Leo: Carefully examine a deep issue within your truest sense of transcendence. Your subconscious wishes to purge. If you remember your dreams while sleeping write them down, they have a plenty to say to you about your waking world. Preparing you for some new one-on-one relationships to come by the next new moon, these two weeks will result in a serious alteration within your inner world, but it’s up to you to recognize what no longer needs to be in your own royal court.

Virgo: What’s the worry about friends or a group? If you’re holding on to someone or something that doesn’t serve you, you’re just going to get more and more nit-picky about why you don’t like it. Possibly there may be a hope or a wish unfulfilled here, so perhaps it is time to move on. Use that Mercurial logic of yours and make the right choice, and by the next new moon, you’ll be ready to serve others better than ever before. Should a spontaneous social invitation present itself, don’t shy away from it.

Libra: One thing you’ll no longer find yourself relating to is what doesn’t belong in your career and public life anymore. If not now, Saturn will make sure you listen to reason later, and that just might tip your Scales a little too much for your taste. Take some time in the next two weeks and revisit how you care about what you do- what needs refreshing? This ultimately allows the room for some new innovations to be able to emerge within your creative nature by the next new moon.

Scorpio: There’s a worn out philosophy you need to relinquish. While you are well adapted to surrendering to regeneration, rest assured over these two weeks by the next new moon there will be some invigorating energy stirring within your home and sense of security, so make the necessary room now. Try on an educational review; reflect upon a recent trip, spiritual quest, or how you’ve recently expanded within your life. These kinds of probes unravel another mystery you’ve been waiting to solve.

Sagittarius: As always, nothing is too calm within your stirring fire. It is time however to let some rebirth find you. If you would put down your arrow for a second you’d realize your aim should focus upon reflection within your wealth, other people’s money, and how you ultimately transform. Gain scope of everything surrounding you right now, for what you regenerate now and dispose of has your thinking and mentality ready to take on some of your best ideas yet by the next new moon.

Capricorn: You are always looking for excellence in those relationships. If there is a partnership or a memory of one that no longer works that is weighing you down emotionally-let it wash away with the tide. Yes, old Goat, it is tough that a tradition seems to be broken but that’s the point. Those new approaches that the recent Solar Eclipse brought you now ask to let go of past relations that aren’t meant to remain along your journey of perfection. By the next new moon, you’ll see exactly what this makes room for within all that you value in life.

Aquarius: There’s always a way you are looking to bring new life to things- best now take this to your health, habits, and that friendly way you enjoy helping others. Didn’t stick to your original resolutions? Well, here’s the opportunity to revamp your regimes and routines, which you are more than likely bored with somehow. Examine how you really bring service to others, and what can be improved upon here. By next month’s new moon in your sign, you’ll be taking on some innovative and fresh approaches, so reflect well upon your daily life now.

Pisces: You know your psychic powers do not deceive you, so what’s not been working for you creatively lately? If your imagination is feeling stuck in the past, you are wise to revisit the ways you nurture your lovely sensitivity and all it wants to initiate. There is improvement to be brought to your channels of creation. Children may also desire you to stop swimming in your vast ocean and tread some water with them for a while. And for you romantically involved Fishes, that love affair that you haven’t known exactly what to do about, may be over now.

Questions? Comments? Let’s Hear them!
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LUNAR-O-SCOPE, NEW Moon & SOLAR Eclipse in Cancer, 2010

11 July 2010
SOLAR Eclipse, 3:33pm EDT

NEW Moon 3:40pm EDT

19 degrees Cancer

Moon enters Cancer:
7:38am 10 July

It’s that time of the month when our Moon is in total alignment with our Sun! As all is once again anew, we are extra blessed to celebrate one of the more significant events of Summer 2010- the rarer occasion of a Solar Eclipse.

We find our Sun eclipsing at precisely 19 degrees Cancer for this auspicious planetary gift, which is directly working with the triggered energies from the recent Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn upon the 26 June. Undoubtedly this momentous passage is most auspicious for new beginnings. But these seeds will only flourish if the necessary clearing of the past has been honored, which our recent Lunar Eclipse set up perfectly for us.

As souls we can take this opportunity to bring forth what needs to now initiate in our lives- with emotion and spirit marking our moves. The individual focus should be placed upon the area of life that the Cancer house within the birth chart rules over, and in particular the astrological house that 19 degrees Cancer falls within.

Remember the Crab’s virtues of imagination, leadership, parenthood, and sensitivity are those the Universe is requesting to be utilized now in this area of the life. Do expect to see a fresh start emerge where the 19th degree of Cancer is placed in your Zodiac Pie. Take the next 2 weeks to plant those seeds that will, with proper intention, reap a fantastic harvest in the life further down the road.

What we have working in total co-operation with this Solar Eclipse is the likes of Mars, who also will be at the 19th degree while finishing up his purifying and sharpening up of routines during his stay in Virgo. So, take note of how this too is working in your world, for as it will personally play out for you, it is these two energies that wish to manifest and motivate some fresh starts in how these areas of your life relate to one another.

Be in the recognition that what has cleansed within the past two weeks under the waning passage since the last Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, brought proper cleansing and the necessary release that now has the room to allow these fresh initiations from the Universe to happily unfold.

Now you didn’t think we’d be leaving out the mighty advise of Lexigrams did you? We share a deeper message meant for all of us to capture from within the letters of:












While it is still wise to consult your own personal chart, the collective horoscope equally has some interesting advice to share. Aside from your natal Sun Sign, if you know your rising sign (ascendant), read that passage as well, for it typically will pinpoint to how the current Moon’s energy is transiting within your natal birth chart and what uniquely is meant to initiate for you.

for the NEW Moon/SOLAR Eclipse in Cancer, 19 degrees

Aries: It’s time to bring on the new within the home – and while it may be that your career is pressing you hard at present- once you allow this energy to emerge, your balancing act of these two areas will magically unfold. Placing your attention upon devoting your curiosities to the nest egg in the next two weeks, will open doors. You’ve been thinking about a new routine haven’t you? The time to bring on a renewed sense of how you are of service to the world is ready to lead you where you need to go.

Taurus: Bring on those new ideas and ways of thinking! Your philosophies are indeed changing, so rest assured you have learned from the past, and can now embrace improved and healthy channels for your imagination. What creative adventure is asking for your determination to get it done? Children are also on the stage of your life, whether these be younger souls or possible brainchildren of yours. Get out there and shine Dear Bull, as there is no reason to take a stance other than upon the stage of your life now!

Gemini: This lunar and solar light show will not distract you from bringing some new possessions in your life. Time to let in some values that are ones you will cherish and allow a new sense of security to find you. You did invest in some silver already as the Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn requested of you, right? There is a dynamic energy that is motivating your home and family life right now, so too, will your values decide upon how to possibly spend more time here.

Cancer: The spotlight is on you this month Dear Crab! It’s time for your new approaches and mask you wear to the world to look very different. Place plenty of focus on you before you naturally go out to nurture others, keeping in mind that all of your relationships are in a separate kind of rejuvenation at present. Your thinking is really getting super charged as of late, so let those pioneering ideas flow, these are so very important to this updated sense of security you need to adapt to.

Leo: Do not miss this time to examine a deep issue within, as your subconscious wishes to reveal new mysteries to you now. The truest sense of your spirit is ready to bloom. If you remember your dreams while sleeping write them down, they will have a plenty to talk to you about. There is a lovely change occurring within your inner world, so if you don’t feel like being on stage for a bit, now you know why. Equally you are motivated to alter your values and bring order to what you know you already have.

Virgo: Get ready for some new friends and groups to be of service to. There is a social invitation you should take someone up on, as this is meant to start a very beneficial initiation. Whatever you are hoping, wishing, and dreaming about now, keep these thoughts in the best intentions, for the Universe is completely ready to aid you in manifesting your requests. Your drives are taking you to new approaches in the ways the world sees you, as the mask you wear is looking more and more perfect all the time, just the way you like it.

Libra: Your career and public life is going to get a real boost! If those Scales have seemed tipped too much, you will be feeling quite balanced here now. There is a new care and concern about what you do- perhaps you need to promote your work or a new level of responsibility is about to find you? Take some time to weigh those pros and cons that allow you to take on a fresh attitude towards authority in your life. You equally urged to spend some time within, so don’t be afraid to hang out by yourself and maybe study those daring dreams you’ve been probably having lately. These are symbolically telling you how to apply motivation to your awakening world.

Scorpio: There’s a new philosophy and spiritual quest you are meant to take on. You’re no stranger to surrendering to regeneration, so rest assured this new energy will serve you in mysterious ways. Embarking on an engaging educational pursuit is also favored, as well as planning any foreign travel adventures. These may be in sync with something that involves new friends or a group you’re seeing plenty of drive and courage to formulate now. All your hopes, wishes, and dreams are super-charged to motivate you more than ever before.

Sagittarius: If you did your homework from the Lunar Eclipse’s request to adjust some of those values, now get ready to aim your investments to a more expansive place. Your sexual nature also is on high alert. Gain scope of everything surrounding you right now, as this is an important time that transforms you as a regenerative force unfolds in an intense way. This equally is in sync with your career and public life, which is super-charged right now with a driving force that takes you to a whole different level.

Capricorn: You are always looking for perfection in how all of your partnerships exist in your life. Now, you’ll see plenty of them working out for your ultimate benefit in new ways, and the balance that will occur should bring a sense of peace that you have been patiently waiting for. While there is a simultaneous spark that is inspiring you to adapt to a new philosophy, this new learning you are taking on urges you to be excited about feeling positive in all of the refreshed ways you can feel stable once again with what you believe.

Aquarius: There’s always a way you are looking to bring new life to things, and now you will bear your water to refresh your health, personal habits, and how you serve others. All is wishing to change within your regimes and routines, which you are probably bored with anyway. Welcome this innovative energy without resistance. As you are feeling the force of transformation from what needs to ultimately regenerate in your life, take a look at your investments and don’t be too detached to explore a new side of your sexual nature.

Pisces: You’ll already been intuitively sensing it, and now you will unleash your vivid imagination upon a creative project that will keep you swimming in expressing yourself. There is a nurturing way your lovely sensitivity is encouraged to initiate at present, and your children may also take your focus here. Expect plenty of socializing and entertaining to be equally going on, as the relationships you have will motivate you to take center stage. Should anyone come at you with aggression right now, turn on that innate compassion you have, and put a stop to it by returning an act of your kindness.

May the Universes’ blessings be upon each and every sign, showering all the soul’s pleasures to intuitively open in your 19 degree Cancer area of life which is awaiting to bring you a new sense of feeling and joy.

Lunar Eclipse in CANCER, 31 December 2009

10 Degrees Cancer *FULL MOON: 2:13PM *LUNAR ECLIPSE: 2:22 PM

We bid farewell to 2009 under a Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Cancer. This offers the appropriate rhythm for contemplation, reorganization, and review as the Moon now begins to lose its’ fullness, thus the waning phase.

The requested release in the two weeks ahead gears up for the upcoming Solar Eclipse on the New Moon 15 January, where the opportunities for new beginnings and fresh starts will be at our fingertips. But first- as Mercury continues to REtrograde until 15 January, along with Mars doing the same until 10 March, reassessments and cleansing are smart to gravitate to.

The next two weeks until the New Moon in Capricorn grants us Earthlings the necessary time to make assessments of the activities within our lives of the previous two since 16 December. Looking to our natal birth charts will tell us on an individual level what areas of life we should apply focus and energy.

Where 10 degrees Cancer falls in the piece of your Zodiac Pie indicates the area of life you ideally should look to find reflection within. Naturally, a release in your Cancer ruled house will bring pull to the opposite house the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto are currently transiting through in Capricorn. Be sure to note this other area of life that is equally part of your star advice- pointing how to manifest personal balance, and where new beginnings wish to emerge in two weeks time.

We’ve tried a little something different to help each and every sign gain the most from this Universal request for letting go of 2009, while peaking around at the beginnings of 2010. While it is still wise to consult your own personal chart, the collective horoscope equally has some interesting advice to share. Aside from your natal Sun Sign, if you know your rising sign (ascendant), read that passage as well, for it will pinpoint how the current Moon’s energy within your natal birth chart uniquely works for you.

Lunar-o-scope *31 Dec 2009*
for the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Cancer

Aries It’s time to let go of an issue in the home -it may be that your career is pressing you hard at present- (please pardon Mercury’s mishaps and communication errors here, he can’t see where he’s going right now) but there is attention you need to devote to the nest egg in the next two weeks. Try on some different ways to express your creativity, and be responsible in any partnership.

Taurus Stop clinging to a worn out idea. Learn from the past, and find some healthy channels for your imagination. Take these next two weeks to gear-up for that new philosophy that will need room to unfold. Family and the home may cause tension, remember to hone in on your patience to handle any friction.

Gemini There is a possession in your life you need to throw out. Time to let in reflection in the next two weeks on what you hold dear -for what you think is secure may not be- release that old worn out value. You’ll be making room for some new earnings to come into play. Down the road, this investment will reap a pleasant return.

Cancer There’s an entirely different emotional standpoint you’re meant to operate from. These next two weeks request co-operation with yourself! Check those approaches, and surely watch your communications with your partnerships, which you may be clinging to right now. Focus on you before others. People are about to see you with a new mask to the world. It’s best you feel safe behind it.

Leo Carefully examine a deep issue within. Your subconscious wishes to purge. If you remember your dreams while sleeping write them down, they have a plenty to talk to you about. Watch Mars’ feisty eruptions on the surface, as it is essential you guard the Lions’ roar carefully. These next two weeks will result in a serious change of your inner world, but it’s up to you to recognize what no longer needs to be in your royal court.

Virgo Why the worry about friends or a group? If you’re holding on to someone or something that doesn’t serve you, you’re just going to get more and more nit-picky about why you don’t like it. Possibly there may be a hope or a wish unfulfilled, so perhaps it is time to move on. Use that Mercurial logic of yours and make the right choice. Focus on reinventing your creative nature over the next two weeks, and you’ll find some pleasant surprises.

Libra There are tired and over-played desires to release in the career and how your public life views you. If not now, Saturn will make sure you listen to reason later, and that just might tip your Scales too much. Take some time in the next two weeks and revisit how you care about what you do- what needs refreshing? You’ve been equally quite comfortable at home as of late- just watch Mercury’s possible upsets- and please don’t run in the house.

Scorpio There’s a worn out philosophy you need to relinquish. You’re no stranger to surrendering to regeneration, so rest assured over these two weeks by the solar eclipse there will be new ideas cropping up again, so make the necessary room. Try on a way to re-educate yourself. Watch out for conflict in the work place and channel some new energy into a project that needs reassessment.

Sagittarius As always, nothing is too calm within your stirring fire. It is time to truly let some old and lingering habits die. If you would put down your arrow for a second to peer into the future at the long-term perspective, you’d realize there is abundance of new values that are waiting for you to aim for. Gain scope of everything surrounding you right now, then figure out where to expand next after these next two weeks of consideration.

Capricorn You are always looking for perfection in those relationships. If there is a partnership or a memory of one that no longer works and is weighing you down emotionally-let it wash away with the tide. It will be tough that a tradition seems to be broken but that’s the point. There’s a new approach ready to unfold for you, but it can’t come out and say hi until you let go of the past. With Pluto now in your sign for a number of years, this is just the first of many deep transformations you will see.

Aquarius There’s always a way you are looking to bring new life to things- best now to focus upon your health and how you serve others. Resolutions are wise to adhere to within regimes and routines, which you are probably bored with. Welcome a reinvention that serves you. Be careful with conflict coming at you from partnerships, for this isn’t the time to become more detached, but react with understanding.

Pisces Oh Wise One, what’s not been working for you creatively lately? If your imagination is feeling stuck, move on to a fresh sheet of paper. You need to revisit the ways you nurture your lovely sensitivity and all it wants to initiate. How can you improve your channels of creation? Your friends and social circles are a buzz right now, just don’t let those miscommunications get out of hand. Jupiter is about to shine upon you for 2010, so get ready to feel lucky this year.

As we conclude, the mighty wisdom of Lexigrams grants us all the final messages to go within to find the truth. The inner workings of LUNAR ECLIPSE share some uncanny insight to get there. As we apply these attributes to our personal signs, we can then reap the best rewards as we enter the brand new Universal Year of 2010. Happy Reflecting Stars…


