Venus enters Aries
08 February
1:05am EST
Collectively, affections are urged to the impetuous, non-restraint and easy arousals as a smooth harmony can be found through mental activities, devotion to ideals, and concentrating upon the essentials. A straight forward motion happily wishes to display itself as we all can find the means to be just a little more playful within our Winter’s retreat.
While the ongoing Mars Retrograde in Virgo asks for you to stand in your courage, look to Venus in Aries for the outlets to see both sides of the issues at hand. Even though Virgo and Aries are not ideal Zodiac pals, she’ll not wish to argue as these meet up on 22 February in an quincunx (a 150-degree aspect that can cause tensions to arise). When independence is granted, she will do her best to gracefully bring forth some peace that can aide in remembering to back away from any conflict, as it is much more fun to find herself flirting with The Ram than confronting Mars as he toys with logic at present.
True to remaining in her ideal world, Venus does wish to bring forth ease and good times where The Ram takes charge in your Zodiac Pie as she’ll transit here until 05 March. She faces Saturn in Retrograde head on 04 March at 28 degrees, close to the tipping point of Aries and Libra. What you are presently being patient about where The Scales seek to be responsibly balanced as they ponder in review, will have a definite opportunity to find a steady channel for some realizations here to unfold.