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Venus enters Libra
28 October
9:04am EDT
Venus now finishes her visit with The Virgin, where she has been offering up pleasantries here in Virgo since 03 October. As she moves forward into Libra, she is more than right at home where The Scales balance it all out in your Zodiac Pie. Until 21 November, it’s time to enjoy the harmony that ideally should display itself within this area of the life.
Remember all the new beginnings that formed from the last New Moon in Libra 15 October? You’ll find there will be even more beneficial ways to weigh the pros and cons of situations being freshly planted. With all the intensities arising from other areas of the Zodiac, look to Libra for your serenity and peace of mind. What is truly meant to be given that GREAT TRUE ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE for the genuine value already here? See what kinds of reflective energies come through 09 November as Venus trines Retrograding Jupiter in Gemini at 14 degrees- who seeks to provide some channels of review and redo between these two areas of the life. Be ready for permanent changes to unfold.
Changes will be ongoing for this entire pass as Mercury Retrograde will be taking up in backwards motion 06 November, but this will be no time to remain in indecisive energies from The Scales perspective. By 15 November, just past our next New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, our Idealist will have reached the 22 degree Libra New Moon 2012 mark, ultimately shedding some layers of light into what initiations have been springing up here. As always, make sure you do not legally sign or decide upon situations of true importance for long term success until after Mercury has gone Direct 26 November. (more to come on all those MRx details in our next entry.)
As Scorpio continues to deeply transform us all, this pass of Venus in Libra still allows the collective’s affections to easily engage in sociable, charming, and dignified energies- encouraging peaceful outcomes. As we must surrender to the transformative and healing power of truth that this year’s pass of Scorpio is bringing into our awareness so dynamically; Venus now asks us all to remind ourselves to see the incredible value that results from seeking to understand, then be understood.