“Emotion is the indicator of how much power you’ve got.” ~Abraham
Transforming Intuitive Truth for Humanity’s Protection
New Moon in Pisces
5:21amEST, 13 March, Let’s Begin & Initiate
Waxing Phases favor actions involving planting anew and moving forward, as energy increases throughout one half of your Zodiac Pie from 23 degrees Pisces, and waxes through Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo until the next Full Moon at 08 degrees Libra arrives 28 March 2021. This third and final New Moon of Winter and 2021 is the 15th of our decade, falling within the sign that consciously aims for understanding and sympathy.
Our New Moon at 23 degrees Pisces is the third truthful moment of the entire year that strives to continue the emotional activation of 2021’s Changing Global Truth human experience. The sixth and final of an eye-opening series of six that began last October 2020: all New Moons have aligned at the same 23 degree point of the sign, since 16 October’s 23 degrees Libra New Moon. Every monthly waxing phase since leading up this month’s 23 degrees Pisces New Moon in 2021 have all started at this same conjunction point of the Sun and Moon offering up our initiation moments to embrace.
No matter what we may think or witness being spread in fear, the permanent changes that have unfolded within this 6 month space of 23 degrees aligning New Moons, are ones that are extremely protected, if one knows precisely what to do with the energy itself.
23’s vibration and frequency is a more than positive as a karmic reward number that the ancients deeply understood it to be. In its’ Chaldean Karmic Mystery of ‘The Royal Star of the Lion’ we are hereby completely blessed whenever this number is present.
As it clearly states: “23 bestows, not only a promise of success in personal and career endeavors, it guarantees help from superiors and protection from those in high places. It’s a most fortunate number, and greatly blesses with abundant grace the person or entity represented by it. Other numbers don’t have much of a chance to bring about serious trouble when the Royal Star of the Lion is present during difficult times. No number can challenge the Lion’s strength and win.” ~Linda Goodman’s Star Signs
The absolutely accelerated mental plane promise of 2021 continues in the dynamic pulse of our EARTH HEART Shift, where the need to remain grounded and always focus back upon the BREATH to BATHE THE HEARTH RATE, BEAT THE HEATE and BE THE EARTH EAR, is quintessential for thriving in these uncertain times. This month’s protective 23 degrees Pisces New Moon pulls in initiating energies within The Fishes, the sign of healing, intuition, permeability, and inner processing. The collective focus has already been well aware of Piscean energy as Venus, Neptune and The Sun are all already in transit within Listening to Winter’s Truth for Humanity.
The collective will be called to be remain open to slowing down once again, in order to seek to understand what our abilities to receive impressions are able to rightfully tell us. There is plenty of psychic energies surrounding this point of starting anew in Pisces, as well as the opportunities to work with absolutely grounding ones that will allow transformation, regeneration, and a certainty that the button for rebirth is being pressed as far as what 2021’s promise of Changing Global Truth holds.
Where Are You Transforming Intuitive Truth for Humanity’s Protection?
Soul Homework for 13 March’s Pisces New Moon
This waxing phase through 28 March, asks us to become reachable and teachable in our abilities to plant new seeds of initiation with intuitive knowing, as we intently recognize where our dedication to trusting what we cannot see genuinely lies, not allowing ourselves to become further broken by the fears that the world outside of us will continue to deliver. 2021’s Changing Global Truth unlocks this third waxing phase of our year, asking for our feeling attention that gathers up in new light from Pisces until our next Libra Full Moon.
Pisces New Moon Rituals Favor:
~Welcoming What is New. The Fishes affect our lives personally. We are favored to begin now, with deep and ever-active feelings, specifically triggering from 23 degrees Pisces, sitting in one area of our lives. This initiating point may potentially wish to have other conversations with other areas of our lives within our natal charts overall, as we dive deeper into our Personal Forecast.
~Setting Clear Intentions. Our willingness to place proper focus, especially in the tense of “Welcoming the New concerning How I PROCESS….” allows us to full acknowledge what we can now freely begin on a personal level.
~Working with Gemstones. The New Moon in Pisces favors excellent channeling with Amethyst and Emerald as powerful gemstones that it specifically resonates with, to collectively allow emotions to flow with feeling, engaging our imaginations to remain open to new possibilities in order to thrive.
~Working with Color. White, lavender, pastels and sea greens are wonderful choices that specifically resonate and bring out the positivity of Pisces energy.
~Cleansing the Body. Pisces guides our feet. Being mindful and attentive to them surrounding our New Moon helps with energetically purifying the physical body. Reflexology, foot baths, and self massage via the Alexander Technique may resonate to help open our Chi and meridians lines during this waxing phase as we gather back up in the Moon’s initiating light.
As we always honor the value of taking pause for a SILENT LISTEN, we rightfully acknowledge what we are feeling, so we can always flow with The Law of Attraction. New Moons are our perfect timing to pull in rightful energy that is able to attract within our lives. As we distinctly are supported via natural cycles to be tuning into our personal rhythm, we are able to witness manifestation in our own individual ways.

This is the first time in 2021 where the green light is sincerely on to move forward being out from under Mercury Retrograde preparation, reflection and correction, Dear Star. How will you honor Transforming Intuitive Truth for Humanity’s Protection in your experience?
ARIES: It is time to embrace the new concerning where I Process, relating to your solitude, retreat, inner work, your subconscious and dream state. This is a tremendous calling now to connect deeper than you ever have before, from the discerning space of taking a SILENT LISTEN, to clearly see the power of working from within, is the most truthful process. Inner peace is absolutely yours when you decide to use your instinct, embracing the beauty of STILLNESS, and all the healing answers that are also favored to be seamlessly pulled into your professional life.
TAURUS: It is time to embrace the new concerning where I Socialize, relating to your future goals, aspirations, friends, groups, peers and ultimate hopes and wishes. Distinctly level up to rise up in trusting the truth connecting to fresh energies surrounding your friendships, peers, groups and social scenes. The entire direction of what your future holds to ASPIRE and wish from AS I PRAISE I REAP A ESP RISE says forget the lower energy of what merely “hoping” never brings to fruition. Only stand in the Force of Faith, and watch what else is regenerating your beliefs and willingness to be educated.
GEMINI: It is time to embrace the new concerning where I Structure, relating to your career, public and professional life and views upon authority. All is positioned here now to support you taking the lead in what you are meant to be recognized for. Trust in the process advancing your position and your view upon authority. In order to thrive, OWN your integrity and honor it NOW, as this accountability to your vocational life allows you to see you have WON, opening up a favorable transformation that rebirths you and your wealth from your very core.
CANCER: It is time to embrace the new concerning what I Believe, relating to your willingness to be educated, abilities to grow, stand in your truth and express your philosophies. Inspiration for a permanent upgrade for your belief systems says remaining reachable and teachable is how you allow a progressive new TRUTH to enter your life for you to intuitively stand in. Be open to what may HURT in release as a reeducation process will require full removal of what no longer serves its’ highest good, as you connect now only with new partnerships that are doing the very same by standing in theirs.
LEO: It is time to embrace the new concerning where I Transform, relating to your wealth, sexuality, abilities to transform, regenerate and change. This lunation ultimately needs you to honor complete surrender to the past in an intense and potent energetic rebirth. Your ability to work from the very CORE of your being in CURES, absolutely calls to reroot your very SOURCE that powers up the entire scope upon your life in the most spiritual ways, resetting your lifestyle to be all the more dedicated to the 5D world via your habits and routines.
VIRGO: It is time to embrace the new concerning where I Relate, connecting to your partnerships, legal agreements, business and personal relationships. You are asked to genuinely seek to UNDERSTAND before being understood as you see the US as you READ the TRUE NATURE of both side of any issues needing your TURN in ultimate discernment. Those who stand their own truth and accountability, are the only agreements which are only meant to now be formed, which amicably open doors to allow the power of your creative nature and connects to children to thrive.
LIBRA: It is time to embrace the new concerning where I Serve, relating to your habits, routines, service to self and others, and your physical HEALTH. Your ways of habitual living are in a powerful time to LET THE HATE HEAL and HEAL THE HATE as trust you are in an extremely intense cycle allowing your lifestyle to reset itself in ultimate honoring of Spirit. As you listen to the wisdom of your intuition, ultimate sovereignty and feeling good about responsibilities at home reigns in further support to nurture them instinctively.
SCORPIO: It is time to embrace the new concerning what I Create, relating to your brain children, manifestations, physical children, love affairs and pleasures. Not only to your children themselves, but your HEART space is deeply connected to the energetic pulse of potent EARTH changes that you must be loyal to now as you work with only the truth of what creative fires now ignite with total spark that inspire you. Trust moving forward that manifestation magic is alive upon your stage, and when you communicate it all via a grounded mentality and accountable mindset, you are guaranteed to thrive.
SAGITTARIUS: It is time to embrace the new concerning how I Nurture, relating to your home, family, closest environments, psyche and paternal energies. Life at home is ready now for nourishing it in less complicated ways promising to sustain you moving forward. As you gently hone in on honoring PATIENCE and allow simplicity to support your new home life, you will find ease and contentment to move forward with in soul certainty as you TAP IN AN ANCIENT PEACE PACE. This is an undeniable value you can feel secure in, so be sure to give gratitude for what you already have.
CAPRICORN: It is time to embrace the new concerning how I Communicate, relating to your thinking, mentality, mindset, short trips, siblings and neighbors. As you trust that you are completely upgrading to a more intuitive frame of mind, this reigns in all the more truth in every capacity of your MENTALITY and thought processes ANYTIME you need A TAME TIME. Your communication skills equally accelerate with budding new ideas, and the more they arrive from a meditative state, you can trust this approach to take on your life helping you to remain grounded all the time.
AQUARIUS: It is time to embrace the new concerning what I Have, relating to your income, values, possessions and overall sense of security. As you now establish a more vital sense of security, it is still a powerful time to remember to give GRATITUDE for the simpler things, and trust in the GREAT TRUE ATTITUDE I GUIDE, I GUARD in your own in certainty when your 3D energies are aligned in the truth. You are formulating comfort zones you can value the most that are more supported in a 5D perception, as you find the more time you have alone in your solitude, you are ever grateful for what is being simplified as well.
PISCES: It is time to embrace the new concerning who I Am, relating to your appearance, emerging self, and the mask you wear to the world. This is all about you and your emerging self, and the new you who owns their personal RESILIENCE only in the SINCERE truth I LICENSE IN. Trust and know you are wearing a changed face of who you are to the world, and your approaches to it. How you OWN your NOW to see you have WON is in powerful play, which allows you to see the present changes arriving for your future goals, friends and social scenes in the process.
Attain Your Soul Certainty in these Uncertain Times. What does your Personal Forecast say for this Pisces New Moon from YOUR natal chart? Explore continuing Special Priced Forecasting Packages.
Follow Sharita’s Empowerscopes on Empower Radio for weekly timing is everything tips! Anytime of the month, always be aware when our frequent Moon Void of Course “time outs” are in play when scheduling your matters of importance.